Page Seventy-two CHRISTMAS AND .NEW YEAR EDITION THE RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending December 22, 1956 .11111116

rc.atz7)ce7)c.ace:Plteactc::::tce9V,e7bc.eate7,w7)wlf.caecacc7o451THEATRE,STRAND,W.C.2 - TEM. 7611 s s ADELPHI Twice Nightly 6.15 & 8.45 AMERICAN REFLECTIONS § JACK HYLTON presents §

cards was that 2,000 cards sent air- mailwouldcostas much as a 5 FIFTY-SEVEN I return air -trip to in dollars, VARIETIES which like many another Britisher I1* IIIIPYI,R*PATAro,*§ a. just haven't got. My stockingswon'tbe emptyi ASA in I/ AS WE SAY GOODBYE nomatterwhereIgobecause UNITED NOTIONS § friends are already sending those S A New International Revue to tothisold year the intriguing parcels marked "Not Act:71c.e%hcOeccit I.01Ics:71CAtstOlt.,::=14:::Ite7accts:17)c.e:7t te7st.e."cePstOst.e7s, obvious questionis" What be opened until Christmas Day." The appeals made by the stores will be the 57 Varieties of and various groups make it certain Show Business ? ".Firstly it that no child has empty stockings VICTORIA PALACE LONDON will have a television look. and the Hungarians in our midst are VIC 1317:Twice Nightly6.15 & 8.45 to be gin en everything they want SMALLS PA LADIUM TV will supply the names. with extra helpings of gratitude and JACK HYLTON PRESE. Dec. 22 & 24. 7.30 In Americathe theatre, love. Subsequently except for New York and in 2/-perline (averagefivewords TWICE prepaidforward copytoSMALL /41-r4)f' THE 2.30 DAILY 7.0 colleges, is dead. ADS DEPT., RECORD MIRROR, 116 Telephone:GER. 7373 The Night Club Floor Shows Shaftesbury Avenue London W.I. III LATIN AMERICAN are dying. Details o/ display and heavy type Val Parnell Presents His GEORGIEWOOD ads from same address CIR-1:1347 Eighth Magnificent Pantomime Quiz shows and personalities DRUM BEATS will oust the " spectaculars." NOTEPAPER, Membership Last week Victor Borge came to NO DEFINITE NEWS Cards, Postcards, Tickets, etc., NORMAN oftalent -finding shows which are speciallyprintedfor Fan Clubs. r-. the American TV screens for one yetavailableabout OAtta hour of sheer joy.Those who sawnot difficult to get on. SA.E. with your enquiries to Ian The two old pros who wrote methe p,rospects of a British visit BUD 461 WISDOM him at hone know justwhatI Whittaker, 14, ThornsettRoad, flANAGAN as haven'tthechance mean. ofthepro-by the Xavier Cugat show. Sheffield 7. 4v-,11,07` verbial snowball. * SI ALADDIN Situation comedies will continue Don't worry about not having an " THE ASHLEYMARRIAGE IN THEIR NEW REVUE butonlyafewwillholdtheir A MALIA RODRIGUEZ, A BUREAU," 10 Corporation n "THE act.Don't be too concerned about sponsors-which is much more im- E.M.I.'s best-selling Portu-Street,Manchester.Successfulin- THESE FOOLISH portant than holding your publicskill.If you have personality and Wonderful Lamp" intelligence,k's worth taking theguese vocalist,is reported totroductionsarrangedfor those over here. chance. have become engagedtoaseeking happy marriage.A highly KINGS VALENTINE DYALL The best " salesmen" will con- Brazilian millionaire.Appar-confidential reliable service, SON NIE tinue to be Groucho Marx. Arthur V/07.7k7e.t. EDDIE GRAY Godfrey and . In Schrafft's restaurant, oppositeently she's contemplating givingVAN CLUB ANNOUNCE- RockefellerPlaza, I met MENTS'. can be inserted at 2s. RECORD MIRRORwill expand twoup therecording game, but HALE The Scottishlassies girl alineprepaid.Sendcopyand Fisher as an international journal. And to and a fromE.M.I. hope she doesn't mean Stephanie Beckenham,Kent, who wereall remittance to Fan Club " Smalls ", MORGAN VOSS quote Walter Winchell, the disease it. RecordMirror, 116 ofisbiding their time for the great day Shaftesbury LONDON: for show folktogetrid when Arthur Godfrey, Steve Allen Avenue, London, W. WHITEHALL THEATRE enemeasles": or some other show might discover ROBERTO INGLEZ, whose (WHI 6692) HIPPODROME pRITISH FRIENDSIIIP SO- Evenings 7.30. them.And they love being here. sudden departurefor" CIETY, 231 BakerStreet. Sat., 5.15 & 8.15.Thurs., 2.30. AgainstthatImet 68 -year -oldSouth America in 1954 createdLondonN W.1 (Founded 19401 BRIAN BASIL LEO LOOKING I 6.15 Harry Cowan, who once workeda sensation, is now reported toMemberseverywhere.Writefor RIX LORD FRANKLYN NZZ 8.45 'with Joe Petennan. Harry says he's Telephone: be in Madrid and to be doingparticulars GER. 3272 BACKWARD never got used toit. He's been here twenty years and never evenvery nicely, thank you. ChancesMEW PUBLICATIONS DRY ROT of him ever returning to Britain 1 ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF JAZZ THIRD YEAR WORLD changedingotto seeing atelecast perform- 200 PHOTOS 63/-. Dictionary of " Riotous farce - screamingly DAVE KINGMYMarch when I lost Dollyance, but still hopes to ge a quizseem to be exceedingly remote.Jazz 26/3.Post Free.H. R. M funny."-News of the World. In programme-inspired by the Belfast Snell Ltd.. Booksellers. Wembley. George & Alfred Black's Harmer. New York cabby who won the ANN LANCASTER hasre-FRIENDSHIPS - Pen, Personal, Big New Revue It has been such a blessing to l-kceived a variety of offers since rr $64,000 Question. LifePartners.Everydistrict. "TheDaveKingShow havesuchalongtimein Finally-a north country dialectshe took over from Beryl Reid inAll ages. Photo Service. Write forTHRILLTO THE MUSICAND with America. inAmerica means Gracie Fieldsthe show,Brochure of actual photographs.-SPECTACLE OF I miss the Water Rats. (You can't" singing Cockney ".Don't try to"Rocking The Town." When thisEdna Hanson, Denton, Manchester. SHANI WALLIS just slice a quarter of a century outtalk or sing American.You helpfinishedonthe15th,shewent THE TOP TEN CLUB. Have you and Great Supporting Company of your life). your chance by being different. into the "Famous Five " matinee joinedthe CLUB thatwill CINERAMA 1 miss the Savage Club. season at the London Hippodrome.rapidly becomeBritain's Greatest

For A Christmas Season Fan Club ?Send S.A.E. for full I miss having a cup of tea with On January 7 Ann will appear indetailsofmembership,etc.Box MATINEES ONLY 2.0P.M. Mrs.Isidore Green when I a "Mid -dayMusic Hall "radio EMPTY I No, 123, RecordMirror, 116, HOLIDAY brought my column to her each " Workers' Playtime." Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.I. Enid Blyton's Monday. STOCKINGS JOINTHE SOUTHLANDERS

Imiss the chocolate biscuits that ROD McKUEN,who was Fan Club.For details writeI LONDON CASINO Harry Seltzer's six -year -old ShelleyTHIS will be my last opportunity " signed to a long-term con-President-Brenda Cudmore, Ash- FAMOUS FIVE always provided for me. A to send my Christmas greetings.tract by Universal -Internationaldene,HighStreetNorth,West I miss callingin the Plaza and Ididn't send any cards because Iafterhisoutstanding performanceMersea, Essex. seeing Max Gayton. didn't know where I might be onin the studio's gay teen-age rock 'n' BOONE FAN CLUB.For FOR PRINCE °MALES 1 miss "Canasta" in MiriamChristmas Day. roll musical "Rock, Pretty Baby,"PATdetails-s.a.e.,Marie Nolan, EVERY THING EATRE Warner's flat. Various choices are before me.will appearwithGogiGrant,15, TotterdownStreet,London, IN ENTERTAINMENT COM. DECEMBER 24th Imiss theDAILY EXPRESS. Miami with Sam Downing and hisBuddy Bregman and the King Sis-S.W.17. TWICE Imiss so many dear friends. wonderfulwifeFrances;Holly-tersin "Golden Ladder," a U -IDON FOX ROCK 'N' ROLLL CONSULT 6.115 NIGHTLY 8.50 But most of all-I miss Dolly. wood with the MoGiveneys, Barrymusical featurette, which is being CLUB sends Christmas Greet- MATINEES. BOXING DAY Bernard and Sybil Vane; Dallas,producedanddirectedbyWillings toall Fans.-Gerry Murphy, December 27th & 29th2.40 Texas, with Tish Lee; New YorkCowan. 8. Mordaunt Street. Oldham. JOEEntertainments LOSS Ltd. Telephone:WHI. 8681 withthegreatnegrocomposer PEOPLE * PRIVATE Typing undertaken, Langham MORLEY HOUSE, James W. Owens and his delight-BACK IN TOWN after their hit evenings and weekends.Resi- Val Parnell and fulwife Josephine,orCincinatti season at Glasgow Pavilion are 1212/3 REGENT ST., Present WE KNOW dent Edgware.-Box 334. 2323/4 LONDON, W.1. THE where Olsen and Johnson are play-the Southlanders, West Indian vocalDON FOX Rock-Skiffle Club.- BILLY ARCHIE LETTEFt FROM SWITZER-ing a swank gambling point. group who have scored with rock Details, Gerry Murphy, 8, Mor- MI Aid 1 COTTON & ANDREWS LAND1-.1 tells me the Vev-y people Wherever I am the address to'n' roll items. Wonder if Parlo-daunt St.. Oldham. Lanes. XMAS SHOW find me is Norton Hotel, Detroit,phone will find them a successor to MAESTRO MARIO (" Maker of a don'tlikeMr.Chaplin'sconde- their " Wedding of the Lucky Black WAKEY' WAKEYI charmalternatingwithMichigan, U.S.A. Stars").The greatest teacher FOR YOUR NEXT DANCE PETER scending Another reason for not sending BOOK BILLY gibberishand " garboish ". The Cat" disc...? of them all. -101. New Bond Street. BROUGH Chaplins will probably go to live W.I. MAY 5160 AL FELD COTTON in France and England. WANTED: Copies of The AND HIS & ARCHIE Los Angeles and the Hollywood ;111888818V. Weekly Sporting Review, espe- SWINGTETTE ANDREWS tugimiiiimilE SURE .YOU CAN ciallyChristmasEditions.ONLY HISAND BAND crowd have made Hermione Gin - WITH COLUMBIA RECORDING MARQUIS & FAMILY gold the reigning Queen as a result THOSE EDITED BY ISIDORE STAR of her big success in "The Sleeping IFYOU BECOME A SUBSCRIBER TO GREEN.-Write Box 333, Record TONY REID Princess". Mirror,116, ShaftesburyAvenue. AllComm,.:RECORD MIRROR Look out for Paul Whiteman's London, W.1. Or 4:1= DYNAMIC 10 in. x 8 in. PHOTO- AL FELD, 60ASTRA HOUSE, new record album commemorating KINGS ROAD, BRIGHTON 24173 COLISEUM his Golden Jubilee of Music. GRAPHS of Winifred Atwell Harry Richman made asensa- available. price 216 from J. Austin, THE tional come -back.The swank cafe Record1 13, Roberts Road, Aldershot, trade loves the old-timers. Look Hants. PAJAMA GAME PER SIX attheleaders;Jimmy Durante, ANNUM VOUNG LADY, 24, with sound NOM, to Fria 7.30 p.m. Sophie Tucker, Carl Brisson.The MONTHS 1 knowledge of records, seeks postEMPRESS Saturdays s5.30 & 8.30. Great Dane is the one Ike likes. selling them.-Box No. 112. BRIXTON BR I.2201 Matinee iWed.2.30. OPENS CHRISTMAS EVE 7 o'c Mirror ' From Dec. 26 - 2, 5 & 8 o'c ,,Shr, DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED Sal


YOUR REMITTANCE, POST AT ONCE TO:- NORTH LONDON SUTTON WOOLWICH Tolstoy's VIG. 4002 WOO. 4755 SEVERAL READERS have CIRCULATION MANAGER, WAR AND writtenasking what chances JAN,7 WEEK JAN.14 WEEK they have of breaking into Ameri- THE RECORD MIRROR, 5 ot tswAliT8 oc 5 o't TDWAIILYE 8 o'c can TV. 116, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, London, W.I. eeOrCIS 3 Shows Sal -2,5 5 II 3 Shot. Set, -2. 5 PEACE (u) It'sabout the same chance as -17 LEW & LESLIE GRADE present You willreceive your copy of"THE RECORD MIRROR" cars 65 CROSS ST., AUDREY HEPBURN taking a winning ticket in the Irish ISLINGTON, Sweep.Ifyouareyoungand every Thursday morning Canonbury 5332 LONDON, Ni. ( VistaVision Technicolor) talented itis still a lottery, but you ALMA COGAN

have a much better chance. r AS GUEST STAR IN One thingisessential and that I (name) GLASGOW is you come to America on the quota which establishes you are an JAZZ CLUB

FOR YOUR DANCE "BOOK THE immigrant. This enables you to BAND YOU'VE SEEN ON YOUR take a job while you wait for your (address) 1 RECORD SHOP ,7:th- "WISFIEEINASHEE TV SCREEN" chance.There are plenty of jobs Numiantniti enclose remittance for15/-(6 months) Ii/111111111M 195TOLLCROSS ROAD

going for young people willing to 30/- (12 months) : BILLMAYNARD: JOHNNY FRANKS work. PARKHEAD CROSS IN 1 (Strike out which not applicable) I & HIS ORCHESTRA But you must have somebody in Opp. Parkhead Bus&Tram LONDON'S BIGGEST & MOST America to sponsor your admittance as aSubscription to THE RECORD MIRROR Depot SPECTACULAR PANTOMIME ALL COMMS.: 8, Windsor Court, to the country before you can get and wish this paper to be delivered by postI

Golden GreenRd., N.W.11. Phone: BRldgeton 3108 WORTHTRAVELLING TO SEE Phones Headway 3633 on theQuota ". to reach me everyevery Thursday morning. I

Having gothere,there are plent omm MM OINIM .11