In the matter of:. •tOi!}Ft3-3 Kri|i;3l

Andrew Heaney 2 Bontecou Rd. Millbrook, NY 12545

Heaney for Congress and Patrick Gosselin, TreasWer o r=3rso 154 Church St. 3 ^ Millbrook. NY 12545 S3 Heaney Energy Corp. MURNo.: Wk :l ' P •jimm 7 Stage Stop Way ooo Bangall, NY 12506 . » 12:—1 t— ro ro Little Deep, LLC 2608 Route 44 Millbrook, NY 12545

Submarine Rock, LLC 2608 Route 44 Millbrook, NY 12545

New York Jobs Council and Elizabeth B. White, Treasurer 601 Ave. NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004


1. Campaign for Accountability ("CfA") brings this complaint before the Federal

Election Commission ("Commission") seeking an immediate investigation and enforcement

action against Andrew Heaney, Heaney for Congress, Patrick Gosselin, Heaney Energy Corp.,

Little Deep, LLC, Submarine Rock, LLC, Jobs Council and Elizabeth B. White for

direct and serious violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act ("FECA") and Commission

regulations. Complainants

2. Complainant CfA is a § SO1 (c)(3) project dedicated to ensuring accountability in public officials and compliance with federal laws. Toward that end, CfA seeks to protect and advance the right of citizens to be informed about the activities of government officials and to ensure the integrity of government officials and the government decision-making process by exposing unethical and illegal conduct of those involved in government. CfA uses research, litigation, and cbnununicatiOns to advance its mission.

3. In furtherance of its mission, CfA also monitors the campaign finance activities of those who finance federal elections and publicizes information regarding those who violate federal campaiign finance laws. In order to assess whether an individual or entity is complying with federal campaign finance law, CfA needs the information contained in disclosure reports political committees must file pursuant to the FECAi 2 U;S.C. §§ 434(a);, (b); 11 C.F.R. §§

104.1,104.3. CfA is hindered in its programmatic activity wheti an individual or entity fails to disclose campaign fmance information in reports required by the FECA.

4. CfA relies on the FEC's proper administration of the FECA's reporting requirements because the FECA-mandated disclosure reports are the only source of information

CfA can use to determine if an individual or entity is complying with the FECA. The proper adiiiinistration of the FECA's reporting requirements includes mandating that all disclosure reports required by the FECA are properly and timely filed with the FEC. CfA is hindered in its programmatic activity when the FEC fails to properly administer the FECA's reporting requirements.

5. Complainant Anne Weismann is the executive director of Campaign for

Accountability, a citizen of the United States, and a registered voter and resident of the state of Maryland. As a registered voterj Ms. Weismann is entitled to receive information contained in disclosure reports required by the FECA, 2 U.S.C. § 434; 11 C.F.R. §§ 104.1,104.3. Ms.

Weismann is harmed when an individual, candidate, political committee, or other entity fails to report campaign finance activity as required by the FECA. See FEC v. Akins, 524 U.S. 11,19 il99B)y quoting Buckiey v. Vdleo, 424 U.S. 1,66-67 (1976) (political committees must disclose contributors and disbursements to help voters understand who provides which candidates with financial support). Ms. Weismann is further harmed when the FEC fails to properly administer the FECA's reporting requirements, limiting her ability to review campaign finance information.


6. Andrew Heaney is a candidate for Congress running in the 19"* congressional district of the State of New York; Heaney for Congress is his principal campaign committee;

Patrick Gosselin is the treasurer of Heaney for Congress; Heaney Energy Corp., Little Deep,

LLC.i and Submarine Rock, LLC are established, owned, or controlled by candidate Andrew

Heaney (collectively, the "Andrew Heaney Companies"); New York Jobs Council ("NY Jobs

Council") is a super PAC supporting Andrew Heaney's campaign for Congress, and Elizabeth B.

White is the treasurer of NY Jobs Council.

Factual Allegations

7. According to government filings, Andrew Heaney is the owner and chief executive officer of Heaney Energy Corporation,^ a New York fuel oil dealer, and the owner and

' Heaney Energy Corp. Entity Information, New York State Department of State, as of Sept. IS, 2015 (listing "Andrew Heaney" as "Chief Executive Officer") (attached as Exhibit A); see also Obama for America, FEC Form :3R. .26071 Year-EndRenoit... Amended. August 29, 2008. (listing $2,300 contribution from "Andrew Heaney" identifying "employer" as "Heaney Energy Corp" and "occupation" as "owner") (attached as Exhibit B); 'Terms & (continued...) founder of Submarine Rock, IXC, a propane company.^ On August S, ^15, Andrew Heaney filed a Statement of Candidacy with the Conunission stating that he was seeking the Republican nomination for Congress in New York's 19th Congressional District.^ Only weeks before, at a time when Mr, Heaney had presumably already decided he would run for Congress, Mr. Heaney, as the apparent principal owner of these corporate entities, almost certainly directed his companies to funnel at least $20,000 dollars to a recently-created Washington, D.C.-based independent expenditure-only political committee called NY Jobs Council. Specifically:

• On June 17^ 2015, Subiharine Rock^ LLC contributed $5,000 to NY Jobs Council.^

• On June 23,2015, Heaney Energy Corp. contributed $10,000 to NY Jobs Council.®

• On June 23,2015, Little Deep LLC, which shares an address with Submarine Rock

and appears to be an affiliate of Heaney Energy Coip., contributed $5,000 to NY Jobs Council.®

8. In addition to these contributions, on June 25,2015, Skaggs-Walsh, Inc., a

company led by Mr; Heaney's sister, Allison Heaney, made two contributions to NY Jobs

Conditions," www.pTopwe;pro (as of Sopt. 16,201S) (stating that Subinarine Rock does business as ''Propane.pFo")

27,2014 (identifying Andrew.Heaney as the company's "founder") (auached as Exhibit D). ^ NY Republican Federal Campaign Committee HBG Porm 3X. 26i S-Jul v Monthly Report; Amended. December 15, 2015 (listing contribution from "Andrew Heaney" and identifying "Submarine Rock" as "employer" and "owner" as "occupation") (attached as Exhibit E). ^ Andrew Hie^ey, FEC Porm it;Statement of. Qreanization. August 5,:2d !5 (attached, as Exhibit P). * New Yoik Jabs Coiificil, PEG Foriti 3X..20:15 Mid^Year RepbtL Julv 31.2015 dwatfflhle at hitn:Y/iiQcaacT^,Aac.eowMmmtiym

ril25,2012 EnergyChoiceMatters.coin (describing Little Deep, LLC as "affiliate" of Heaney Energy Corp) (attached as Exhibit Q)- Council totaling $35,000.^ In total, at least $55,000 of the $60,000 reportedly received by NY

Jobs Council in its first month of existence, were made by the Andrew He^ey Companies or companies controlled by his family, with at least $20,000 coming from companies apparently controlled by Mr. Heaney personally.

9. In the ensuing months, NY Jobs Council used those funds to attack Mr. Heaney's

Republican piimary opponent John Faso. NY Jobs Council, for example, has produced and posted 33 tweets under the twitter handle © JobsCouncil, 21 of which have attacked John Faso;

Many of those tweets have expressly called for Mr. Faso's defeat, using the twitter hashtags

"#saynotofaso" and "#notofaso".®

10. At the same time NY Jobs Council was expressly advocating for Mr: Faso's

defeat, the Heaney campaign was working with the same two vendors who bad consulted for the

super PAC and, presumably, were continuing to do so. The campaign, for example, reported

paying the Jackson-Alvarez Group $3,000 on August 14,2015 aod an additional $1Q,000 on

November 4,2015 for "research."' According to NY Jobs Council's FEC report, the Jackson-

Alvaiez Group also provided "research consulting" services to the super PAC.'°

11. James "Jake" Menges and Rob Cole are two New York Republican political

operatives. The two men appear to have at least two businesses together: In the Field, LLC, and

' New York Jobs Council. Foim 3X. 2difeMid^YearlteDort. July 31,2015; Skaggs-Walsh, Inc. Enti^ Information, New York .State Department of State, as of Sept. IS, 2015 (attached as Exhibit H). ' See hitp:tftWuter:eontf"iot^ouncii (attached as Exhibit I). ' Heaney for Congress I^ ^brmli 2015 October Duaiteffiv RBna^^ October 15,2015 availabU at http^/^dQcq;uerY.fcc.g6.v/pdf/299ygblM^^^^^ Heaney for Congress, FEC Form 3'.-2015 YaaFrEnd'ReporL January 31,.2016 aVai/aihle at KHtf://di^QUL^Jec.gbv/iMf/Q2.1/20160.13 "• New York Jobs Council, FEC F0rm:3X. SOlS MidyYearl^ort: July 31,2015. Crimson Public Affairs. LLC." Simultaneously, Mr. Cole also serves as the executive director of NY Jobs Council.'^ The Heaney campaign reported paying Mr. Menges a $5,000 "consulting fee" on August 28i 2015.'^ It also paid Crimson Public Affairs $31,016.50 over the course of

2015, largely for "legal" and "consulting" fees.'^ New York Jobs Council paid In the Field

$18,000 for "communications consulting services" in the first half of 2015, and an additional

$46,230.50 for "general campaign consulting" in the second half of the year.'^

12. In his role as executive director of the super PAC, Mr. Cole disingenuously (to say the least) claimed in October that NY Jobs Council hadn't decided which candidate to back in the 19"* District, but said "We know Mr. Paso is not going to be our chosen candidate."" This is unsurprising given that Mr. Cole and Mr. Menges' firm apparently established NY Jobs

Council using corporate money from Andrew Heaney and his family, and eight out of the ten individual donors to the super PAC are associated with the Heaney campaign.'^


13. The FECA provides that "a candidate ... or an entity directly or indirectly established, Hnanced, mamtained or controlled by or acting on behalf of [a] candidate[i... shall

" Ben Smith. A me'r^ferin Giiiliaiii; Bataki-lahd. Politico. Mav 18,2011 ("Rob Cole and Jake Menges ... are joining up to form a new venture, In The Field Consulting") (attached as Exhibit J); Florida Department of State, Division of GotpbraiidnSi D^ail by^Entity Name; last visited: oh Febi^ 1,2016 (atlatehCil as Exhibit^K). " The Frav: 6QP Scramble for Conetessional Seat Heats Up. Times Tiknitd-Retord. Octob^ 17, 2015 (attached as Exhibit L). " Heaney for Congress, FEC Fbnh 3.20j;5'Cltetiaber Quarterly October 15,2015. " Id. \ Heaney for Congress, FECForm l 2015 Year^fend! Report: January 31,2016. ".New York Jobs Council. FEG Fbiro 3X..26l:S-Mid-Ybar ReipOrt. July 31,2015; New York Jobs Council, FEC •Fonn:3X. 1013 Year-EHd Report. January 29,2016 available at hUP;//docQucry.fcc.e6v/bdfiftri2^Qi.ffl^^^^^^^ " Times Herald-Record, Oct. 17,2015. " Heaney for Congress, FECPbrm..t 20)5 Cfctobe^^©uarterlv Report. October 15,2015; Heaney for Congress, FEC Ebfiha. 2015 Year-End Renbrt. January 31,2016; New York Jobs Council, EEC Form-SX-lOlS Year-End Report. January 29,2016.

6 not [] soUcit, receive, direct, transfer, or spend funds in connection with tui election for Federal office, including funds for any Federal Section activity, unless the funds are subject to the limitations, prohibitions, and reporting requirements" of FECA. 52U.S.C. § 30125(e)(1). FEC regulations :repea:t this prohibition, making it illegal for "federal candidates" and "entities that are directly or indirectly established, financed, maintained, or controlled by, or acting on behalf of federal, candidates to "solicit, receive, direct, transfer, spend, or disburse funds in connection with an election for Federal ofEce ... unless the amouiits consist of Federal funds that are subject tp the limitations, prohibitions, and reporting requirements of the Act." 11 C.F.R. §§ 300.60,61. /• 14. Here, Andrew Heaihey, a candidate for federal office, almost certainly "directed" three companies he owns or controls to make contributions totaling $20,000 to the super PAC attacking his opponent. Because those funds came from at least one corporate entity (Heaney '€

Energy Corporation) and exceeded $5,000, Mr. Heaney's apparent decision to direct or solicit his companies to make these contributions violated the Act. See FEC Adv. Op'n 2011-12 (Majority

PAC) (soft money ban applies to corporate contributions and contributions in excess of $5,000).

15. Similarly, the Andrew Heaney Companies appear to have violated the Act's bans

on certain candidate-affiliated entities "transferring" and "spending" corporate funds and funds

in excess of $5,000 to super PACs. As noted above, these restrictions apply not just to the

candidate himself but also to any "entity directly or indirectly established, financed, maintained

or controlled by or acting on behalf of [a] candidate[]." Because Mr. Heaney appears to be the

owner and Chief Executive Officer of the Heaney Energy Corp., the Heaney Energy Corp. is an

entity fmanced, maintained, and controlled by a candidate. Similarly, because Andrew Heaney

appears to be the owner and founder of Submarine Rock, LLC, that company is also

"established, financed, maintained, or controlled" by a candidate. The same is likely true for

7 Little Deep, LLC, which shares an address with Submarine Rock, and is reportedly an "affiliate" of Heaney Energy Corp.

16. There is rQso reason to believe thjat NY Jobs Council violated the "isoft money"

ban by "receiving" these contributions. Because at least $55,000 of the initial $60,000 of the

super PAC'is reported receipts was contributed by companies related to Mr. Heaney or a family

member, NY Jobs Council is likely a super PAG "financed" by a candidate, Mr. Heaney. See 11

C.F.R. § 3004c)(vii) (in deterniimng whether an entity is "financed" by a candidate, the.

Commission lookis at whether the candidate "directly or through its agent, causes or arranges for

funds, in a signiiicant amount, or on an ongoing basis to be provided to the entity"). Moreover,

the timing of the creation of NY Jobs Council - only weeks before Mr. Heaney filed his

Statement of Candidacy with the Commission - suggests he may have played a role in

"establishing" the super PAC.

17. Respondents carmpt escape these soft money prohibitions by claiming Mr.

Heaney was not a "candidate" at the time NY Jobs Council was established and received these

contributions. Although the super PAC was created and received its funding from the Heaney

Companies several weeks before Mr. Heaney filed a Statement of Cahdidacy with the FEC in

early August 2015, the filing of a Statement of Ciandidacy is not determinative of when an

individual becomes a "candidate." Under FEC regulations, a."candidate" includes an individual

'who seeks nonninalion for election for federal office and consents to another person receiving

contributions or making expenditures on behalf of the individual in excess of $5,000. 11 C.F.R.

§ 100.3(a)(2). Accordingly, by directing ^d consenting to the Andrew Heaney Companies'

expenditures in excess of $5,000 to a super PAC that would attack his opponent, Mr. Heaney

became a "candidate " If he consented to NY Jobs Council's receipt of the contributions, he

8 would have become a "candidate" for that reason, too. Put another way, Mr. Heaney's decision to direct the transfer of tens of thousands of dollars of corporate funds to a super FAC that would assist his candidacy evidences his status as a "candidate" at the time of the transfer. See 11

C.F.R. § 100.72 (an individual becomes a "candidate" if theiiidividual raises "funds in excess of what could reasonably be expected to be psed for exploratory activities or undertakes activities designed to amass campaign funds that would be spent after he or she becomes a candidate").

Thus, in June 20IS, Mr. Heahey would have been a "candidate" and his activities and those of entities he established, financed, maintained, or controlled would have been subject to the "soft money" bans in the Act.

18. Even if Mr. Heaney did not meet the technical definition of "candidate" in June

2015, the "soft money" ban would still make the contributions from the Heaney Companies unlawful. PEG advisory opinions, for example, have concluded that an entity is "established" by a federal candidate even if the person created the entity before becoming a candidate. See EEC

Adv. Op'n 2007-1 (McCaskill) (a state campaign committee wais "directly established, financed, maintained, and controlled" by a candidate even though it was established years before the person became a federal candidate); EEC Adv. Op'n 2009-6 (Risch) (same). To prevent circumvention of the soft money ban, the Act also imposes a two-year time-out for entities created by a candidate before the entity can raise and spend money. 11 C.E.R. § 300.2(c)(4)(ii).

These advisory opinions and regulations make clear that a super PAG established by a future candidate cannot avoid application of the soft money ban merely by claiming that it was established shortly before, rather than after, the individual filed a Statement of Candidacy.

COUNT II 19. At the eiid of the June ;2015, NY Jobs Council had approximately $34,410 in cash-oh-hand available to pay for mailers, digital advertising, social media advertising, and television and radio advertising, among other things. At the end of the year, the figure was

$72,287.52;^° Presumably, NY Jobs Council will use at least some of these funds, together with other funds that it raises, for communications., there is a strong likelihood, however, that by paying for these mailers and advertisements, the super PAC will have made, and the Heaney campaign will have received, excessive and illegal inrkind .contributions. Because there is reason to believe that these violations have already occurred or are "about to occur," federal regulations require the CoromissiOn to open an investigation. See 11 C.F.p. § 111.4(a) ("any person who believes that a violation of any statute or regulation over which the Commission has

.jurisdiction has occurred or is about: to occur may file a complaint"); id. § ("an investigation shall be conducted in any case in which the Commission finds reason to believe that a violation of statute or regulation oyer which the Commission has jurisdiction has occurred

Or is about, to occu/') (emphases added).

20. The Act limits the amounts,that any person may contribute to a Federal candidate.

52 U.S.C. § 301.16(a)(l.)(A). For the 2015-2016 election cycle, the making and receipt of contributions in excess of $2,700 per election is prohibited. Id. FECA treats coordinated expenditures by any federal PAC (including a super PAC) as in-kind contributions to the candidate with Whom they were, coordinated. See id. § 30116(a)(7)(B.)(i) ("expenditures made by any person in cooperation, consultation, or concert, with, or at the request or suggestion of, a candidate^ his authorized pQlitical. cdrnmittees, or their agents, shall be considered to be a

New Yprk Jobs Council, FEGPbrtiv33{.^6feKtid.i^ July 31,2015,

IQ contribution to such candidate"). To the extent those in-kind contributions exceed $2,700 per election, or involve corporate funds, they are prohibited.

21. Pursuant to FEC refulatiotis, a communication is coordinated with a campaign—

I and therefore amounts to a potentially unlawful in-kind contribution:—^if the communication (i) is paid for by a person other than the candidate, authorized committee, or political party committee;

(2) satisfies at least one of the FEC's "content standards"; and (3) satisfies at least one of the

FEC's "conduct standards." 11 C.F.R. § 109.21(a), (b). The first two prongs of this test are met when a super PAC pays for a public communication that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly-identified candidate or references a candidate for House 90 days or fewer before the primary or general election. Id. § 109.21(c)(3), (4)(i).

22. The "conduct standards" can be met in one of several wa.ys, one of which involves the retention of a "common vendor" by the campaign and the super PAC. Under the

FEC's "common vendor" test, three conditions must be satisfied. First, the super PAC must contract with a commercial vendor to create, produce^ or distribute a communication. Second, the commercial vendor, "including any owner, officer, or employee of the commercial vendor" must have provided certain services to the candidate during the previous 120 days, including development of media strategy, developing the content of a public communication, producing a

public communication, or "consulting or otherwise providing political or media advice." 11

C.F.R. § 109.2 l(d)(iii) (emphasis added). Third, the vendor must "use" or "convey" to the super

PAG material non-public (i) "information about the campaign plans, projects, activities, or needs

of the" candidate or (ii) "information used previously by the commercial vendor in providing

services" to the candidate.

11 23. In this case, when NY Jobs Council begins to pay for public communications expressly advocating the defeat of Mr. Heaney's opponent in the New York Republican Primary for the 19th Congressional District—as is likely —^those communications will likely he prohibited "coordinated cOmmuilicatiOns" under the Commission's "common vendor" regulations. Each of the three elements of the coimnon vendor test likely will be satisfied with respect to the Jackson-Alvarez Group and In the Field LLC, the only two vendors reportedly retained by the Super PAC.

24. The Jackson-Alvarez Group was paid by NY Jobs Council for "research conisulting" services. Presumably, those services will inform the content, production, and

distribution of public communications made by the super PAC. At the same time, NY Jobs

Council relied on the consulting services of the Jackson-Alvarez Group, so did Mr. Heaney's

campaign committee. In providing its consulting services to NY Jobs Council, it strains

credulity to believe the Jackson-Alvarez Group would not "use" or "convey" to the super PAC

information about the Heaney campaign's "plans, projects, activities. Or needs" or information

that it used previously when providing services to the Heaney campaign. Accordingly, any

future public communications by NY Jobs Council in connection with the Republican primary in

New York's 19th Cbngressionrd District likely will involve prohibited in-kind contributions from

the super PAC to the campaign.

25. NY Jobs Council's retention of In the Field results in the same conclusion. In the

Field, LLC has remained on the super PAC's payroll, and paid for "general campaign

consulting," likely related to advertisements and other public communications. These activities,

however, presumably are informed by the "consulting" services provided to the Heaney

canipaign by Jake Menges and Rob Coles, partners in Crimson Public Affairs, which has been

12 paid by the: Heaiiey campaign for consulting services. These facts Create a strong inference that

Mr., Menges and Mr. Cole will ''use" or "cotivey" or have used and conveyed to the super PAC - run by Mr. Cole - information about the Heaney campaign's "plans, projects, activities, or needs" or information that they used previously when providing services to the Hbaney campaign. The notion that somehow Mssrs. Menges and Cole, apparent partners in the same consulting businesses, are not sharing confidential information about campaign strategies, needs, plans, projects, or activities with each other defies logic and common sense and represents a shocking and blatant disregard of campaign finance rules.

16. In light of the retention of common vendors, future public communications in the

New York 19th District Congressional primary likely will result in prohibited in-kind contributions from the corporate-funded super PAC to the Heaiiey campaign. Because such a violation is "about to occur," the EEC should immediately open an investigation,

27. Finally, even if NY Jobs Council makes no further expenditures, the super PAC s activities may have already amounted to an in-;kind contribution to the Heaney campaign. As described above, NY Jobs Council has drafted and posted many tweets that have expressly called for the defeat of Mr. Heaney's opponent. If the super PAC paid Jackson-Alvarez Group or In the

Field to help create the content for, produce, or disseminate those tweels/those payments would be prohibited in-kind contributions, to the campaign. Regardless of whether those expenditures satisfy the regulatory definition of a "coordinated communication," they would satisfy the statutory definition of a "contribution" because they would have been made with the

"cooperation, consultation, or concert" of the Heaney campaign and its agents, Jake Menges,

Rob Cole, and/or the JacksohrAlvarez Group.

13 Conclusion

WHEREFORE, Campaign for Accountability and Anne Weisman request that the

PEC investigate whether respondents have violated the FECA and Commission regulations by directing, soliciting, transferring, spending, and receiving funds in excess of the source and amount limitations, and whether NY Jobs Council is unlawfully coordinating with the Heaney campaign and its agents, declare the respondents to have violated the FECA and applicable FEC regulations, impose sanctions to these violations and take such further action as may be appropriate. i. u ON'BEHALF OF COMPLAINANTS

Anne Weismann Executive Director Campaign for Accountability ' 1201 New York Avenue, NW, Ste 300 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 780-5750 (phone) ^

14 Verification

Campaign for Accountability and Anne Weismann hereby verify that the statements

made in the attached Complaint are, upon information and belief, true.

Sworn pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1001.


Anne Weismann

1'+ *1' ^ ^ SUBSCRffiED AND SWORN to before me this 2nd day of February, 2016.

Notary Public

My Commission Expires:

litiifll sV.I/,

15 A «18a015 EMitylafomidion.

NfS iUite

Division of Cor^rations

Entity Information

The information contained in this database is current through September 17,2015.

Selected Entity Name: HEANEV ENERGY, CORP. Selected Enti^ Status Information Current Entity Name: HEANEY ENERGY CORP. DOS ID#: 1825538 Initial DOS FiUng Date: JUNE 01.1994 Coimty: NEW YORK Jurisdiction: NEW YORK Entity Type: DOMESTIC BUSINESS CORPORATION Current Entity Status: ACTIVE

Selected Entity Address Information DOS Process (Address to trhich DOS wtU mail process if accepted on behalf of the entity) HEANEY ENERGY CORP. 154 CHURCH STREET MILLBROOK. NEW YORK. 12545 Chief Executive Officer ANDREW HEANEY 154 CHURCH STREET MILLBROOK. NEW YORK, 12545 Principal Executive Office HEANEY ENERGY CORP. 154 CHURCH STREET MILLBROOK. NEW YORK, 12545 Registered Agent ^ NONE

This cfTice does not record information regaiding the names and addresses of officers, shareholders ltfipi;eqqw»ndos.iV4CV/e«pjttM!effX)iUVmR(».EKrnYJiffORMATIO»n|Uiaiii^ia8M20&i^ lA WIMDIS EmlgplnraimaUoa or diiiB(:tors of rtonprofessional corporations except the chief executive officer, if provided, which would be listed above. Prafeaslonal corpoiations must inciude the name(s) and addiessfes) of the initial (tificers, directors, and shareholders in the initial certificate of incorporation, however this information is not recorded and only available 1^ vlewihatheceiitificafe.

*Stock Information

# of Shares Type of Sfoek $ Valne per Share 200 No Par Value

*Stock information is applicable to domestic business corporations.


Filing Date NameTfpe Entity Name AUG 02,2005 Actual HEANEY ENERGY CORP. JUN01,19W Actual HEAT. NEW YORK, INC.

New York State. NOTE: New York-State does not issue organizational identification numbers. NewiSieaieh

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TOTAL THo PorioiittaicipaflBBiloinB number Diirt. FEoanoMsA iF«m8F) EXHIBIT e WI8/201S PRi|Miie.PM-OetTheB«lDeilionPnpmg filfig Contact About Home PropaneJPro - Terms & Conditions PropanePro is the country's leading online propane marketplace helping consumers and businesses negotiate superior rates and terms for their prc^rane purchases. RELEASE I hereby release, waive, discharge, absolve, agree to hold harmless and covenant not to sue Submarine Rock d/b/a Propane.pro (Company), and/or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers and directors, from any and all liairility, loss, harm, damage, injury, cost or expense whatsoever, including without linutation, property damage, personal injury and/or death, which I, my hdrs, executors, administrators and assigns, had, now have or hereafter may have, 1^ reason of any matter connected in any way with my access of this Website and/or the services 1 receive in connection with my access of this Website, including, but not limited te, any action, claim or suit for personal iiyury or loss or damage to property. TERMS OF USE Welcome to www.pmpane.pro (the "Website"). By visiting and/or accessing this Website, you agree to abide by these terms of use (the "Terms of Use"). If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, you are not authorized 1^ Submarine Rock d/b/a Propane.pro ("we", "us", "our") to access and/or use any portion of the Website. These Terms of Use shall remain in full force arid effect while you use or access the Website and/or any of our services. We iiiay> in onr sob discretion, modify or revise these Tenns of Use and althon^ we mpy attempt to notify you when material chimges are made to thme Terms of Use, it is yonr responsibility to periodicaify review the most up-to-date version located at

The Content (defined below in Paragraph 3) diat we make available to you is to assist you in obtaining better rates on your home heating services, but nothing contmned herein should be deemed to be a guarantee by us of any deal, discount or other price arrangement. I. AUTHORIZED AND UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THE WEBSITE This Website is not intended for, and we have no intention of collecting personally identifiable information from, children under the age cf 18. If you are 18 years old or younger, you are not authorized to submit any information to us without the explicit consent of your parent or legal guardian. By accessing and using the Website, you represent and warrant that you are 18 years of age or older; and your use of the Website does not violate any applicable law or regulation. The Website arid all Content contained herein are provided for your personal, non-commercial use. 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You hereby acknowledp and consent that such notices will be effective upon our posting them on the Website or (if we choose to do so in our sole discretion) delivering them to you through email if you have provided us with your accurate email address. These Terms of Use are effective and were last updated on November 1712013 ®2014PiopaneJho All Rights Reserved. TermftifServifjo PrivaGv Step 1: Your Info . Your Delivery Zip Code*|Your Deliv^iy gpiilode| Whait Do You Use Propane For?» LHome Heating L lAir Conditioning I^Hot Water Heater i. Generator LCooking/Grilling LFireplaee I Other Your Current Propane SuppHeiiYour Current Prepare Si i Get Started | What are The Benefits Get up to four competitive quotes for propne or equipment absolutely free. Only bUp:/A»ww.piopane.pmAenni/ 3/4 W18MIS RtaiiamAQ-attTheBHlDedioanivine well-kiioini, iestabltshiBd and reputable dealers are permitted to (nrticipate. Free Propauef ro cusionier aervioe to answer questions, about quotes, or resolve problems if they arise. O 2014 Propanefto I Tems and CahditiitU^ /

i ©

tatMm -I Emmm ;]3

I { I i i i i \ rii*p.iiii*.|MO CMt\ itir CiiMiioii III Niiiiiiii.il .Siniicjsic rtii|t:iiic KcAvnc I PrH|M!ic.Piii

Cnin:icl Ahma l-Umic

• A ' . 1 '{

Propane.pri) Calls t-'ur Creation of National Strategic Propane Reserve by Prt^pane.pni As the nation's largest online propane marketplace, Propane.pro. has seen lirst hanil the personal and economic damage wrought by the recent propane shortage. The company's founder, Andrew Hcancy. is calling on the Federal Government to fund the creiilion of a Strategic Propane Reserve to ensure a dangerous shortage never happens again. "In 2(300, the Northca.st US experienced a similar shortage of heating oil due to extreme temperatures and frozen waterways ih.at prevented the delivery of pioduct to the region," Heaney remarked today, "the Clinton administration and Congress responded with the creation of a Strategic Heating Oil Reserve that continues to provide consumers with reliable supply to this day," he continued, "|)ropanc consumers demand and deserve the same level of safety that !\ .Strategic Piopane Reserve would provide." Propane is a flexible fuel that consumers and busine.s.ses u.sc for everything from space heating to grilliitg and cooking. Roughly 8.000,000 US households rely on it for home heating making the recent combination of frigid weather and a supply disruption a potential public health emeigcncy. In addition, with wholesale prices surging in the Midwest and elsewhere, propane delivery companies and consumers arc being hammered with outrageous ccvsts for their fuel. "A Strategic Propane Re.servc would not only protect health and property, but would be a boon to the economy long term by providing more stable fuel prices for consumers and businesses," Heaney says. Hcancy also points out that the United States exported a record amount of propane this year us producers sought higher prices for their product abrotid. 'The tragedy of this situation is the United States has never produced as much propane as it docs now with all the natural gas exploration that we have in the US," Heaney remarked, "this didn't need to happen, and it should never be allowed to happen again." Categories: piopaiu- demand, propane legislation. Uiiaiicg»t i/.ed Po.slcdon Jan 27 2014 Suhscrihc •Scroll it up 1

I'1 i f 9 EXHIBIT E 07aiV201515:20

lmaaB« 2O1S0I720M00301T1B PAGE 1/82 r REPORT OF RECEIPTS n FEC AND DISBURSEMENTS FORM 3X For Other Than An Authorized Committee

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, NY Republican Federal Campaign Committee I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

L I I I I 1 I J_L J. J—L. I I I I I I I I I

ATORESS (number and strsei) I 1 I I I I j_a.

' I' 'I ' Ctieck if diflerent I I 1 than prevlouely /Ubany I I NY , , 12210-20011 I rapoitad. (ACO I I I I 1 ' ' ' J LU I I I I I rl-L



4. TYPE OF REPORT (b) Monthly Nov 20 (Mil) Feb 20 (M2) May 20(MS) Aug 20(MB) (NueiMlon (Choose One) Report VbuOnV) Due On: Mar 20 (M3) Jim 20(MS) Sep 20(MB) Dae 20 (M12) (a) Ouaitarly Reports: ISwoSl'" Apr 20 (M4) X JU120(M7) Oct 20(M10) Jan 31 (YE) April 15 Ouatterty Report (Oi) (e) 12-Day Primary (12P) General (12G) Runofl (12R) July 15 PRE-Etodlon Cuarterty Report (02) Report lor the: Convention (12C) Special (12S} October IS Ouaiteriy Report (03) In the January 31 Vbar-End Report (VE) Etaelion on Stale of

July 31 MId-Ybar (d) 30-Day Report (Non-sleoUon Ysar Only) (MY) POST-Eieclion Genaral (30G) RunoH (30R) Special (30S) Report lor the: Tamilnallon Report (TEH) In the Ebetlon on Stale of

5. Covering Period 01 201S through 06 30 201S

I cetUly mat I hawa examined this Report and to the liesi oi my toiowledge and tiellet It b inie, correct and complete. Type or Print Name of Treasurer JohnReMman

Signature of Treasurer tEUeMHkalfy FUeil Date 07 20 2015

NOTE: Submbshw ol lahe, enonaous. or Incompfata Womiaaon way subject the person signing thb Report to the panaMes at 2 U.S.C. §437g. Cfflca FEC FORM 3X Use Rev. 120004 I L Only., PESANNB ImagB# 201807^000301738

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LME NUMBER: I PAOE 18 " OF Use eeparalB Edteduto(s) (Cheek only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS lor each cat^iy of the Detailed Sutnmaiy Page 11a Hub lie 12 13 "114 15 16 .Any Intormation oopieri torn such IfMporle and Btatemanta may nd be sold or used by any pereom tor the purpose d soliciting contributions or fd.epmmeiclal punmsee, other ttain using the name and addieea d any pelllcal committee to soDcIt contributtonB frem such oommittee. NAME OF CbhniHTTEE (In Full) ) NY Republican PedeFai Campaign Committaa

Full Name (Uiav. Rtal, Middle biWal) Dale 01 Receipt Mailing Address .785 Parie Avenue FteerdB. 08 26 2016 City State apCdte NewVoric NY 10P21-4271 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 1000 ledsrat poUticat oommltlee. P" .. fhtmeoiEnipaiyer oooupanon BnKhmarm Rosaer.Shenill 6 Co Aggregate Year^Date • ~ Q Qeneral t.f-S-'- •"••^(apedW^ 1000 jj -i. ... r <

Full Name (Unt, Rret, Middle Initial)' Dale of Receipt

MalBhg Address 6837100th Stcaet •Y V It Aocdk 06 26 2015 GIty State Zip: Code FoiestHills NY 113766382 Amount of Each Receipt this Period d t - FEC ID number d oontiftHilIng federal, poillleai committee. c 1000

.Natim.d Eng^ New CIV Consul CEO

" i^ (epecliy)T

Full Name i , Fbst Mlddia InWal) C. And Dated ReoMpt MaBing Address sSOSRowadd 06 26 2015 City State Zip Code mUbfook NY 12546 Amount d Each Reoalpt tMs Period FEC ID number d contributing 1000 Towroi pouucBi comnuiiBo. . . : I I. IShri»«Einpioyd ocoupauon submarine ioek owner Aggregate Yhar^Data iPriiii^ • General rc^er (apscuy) T 1000 : .. .:V

StlBTOTAL d Reoelda Thia Page (optlonel). 3000JOO

TOTAL This Period (teat page this line number ont^..

FEC A (Farm 3]QRM 02(2003 EXHIBIT F 08/05001812:32

Image# 201508059000801434 PAGE 1/1 FEC FORM 2 STATEMaNT OF CANDIDACY

1. (a)NanieorCatidldala(lnrull) Andrew Heaney (b) Address (number and sireet). a Chech it address changed 2. Candidate's FEC Idenllllcatian Number ZBontecouRd H6NY19193 (c) City, State, end ZIP Code MHIbriMk NY 12545 Statement X (N) OR (A) 4. Party AffitiaUon S.Oftioe Sought S.SlBle 8 Disirlet of Candidate REPUBLICAN PARTY House NY 19 DESIGNATION OF PRINCIPAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 7. I hereby dealgnate the roHowIno named potlllcal commlltee ee my Prtndpet Cefnpaign CommlUae for the M16 .electlon(s). (year of election) NOTE: TTils designation should be filed with the appnpitate office listed In the Instructions. (8) Name olCommittee (InlUll) Heaney for Congress (b)AiMn randebeet) 154 Church St

(c) City, State, and ZIP Code Mnibreok NY 12545

DESIGNATION OF OTHER AUTHORIZED COMMITTEES (Including Joint FundralslngRepresentatives) 8. Ihereby authorize the following neined oommltiae, which Is NOT my principal campaign committee, to receive and expend funds onbehalf of my eendldeey. NOTE: TWe designetlon shoutd be filed with theprincipal campaign oommltlee. (a) Nemo of CemmUtae (In fuD)

(b) Address (niimber and street)

(c)CllK State, end ZIP Code

f owfeyinarf have mamftiedirds scstsme/irandlotftaPaslofrnyJirnewtMigeandbeaef d/s ims: eomsef andoontptolft Signature of Candidete Andrew Peter Hcanty lEketronkd^yFUeH 08/050015

NOTE: Submission of fslsa,erroneous, or ineompteta bilkmnatlonmay subject the peraon signing this Statement to penalties of 2 US.C 5437g.

FECFORMa(REV.0iaa09) SICillBlT G WIWZOI.^ •Home Energy Choice Matters

Largest U.S. Consumer Energy Buying Group Expanding to Electric, Gas Brokering

April 25, 2012 Email Tula Siprv Copyrlghi 2010-12 Enoigy Cheico Manors

An alliliaie ol Heoiiey Ensrgv Cerp, (Kaai USA), wtiich descnbes iHeV as iho liirgcil conuiniar cneigy luiying contonmni in the Uniled Stales;is enlering the leinii eleclrbjly ano naiural gas Bioyeiing bus^itass,

Thu ariii-jiiii. Liille Oucp LLC dfti/a Power. USA, nasrded iiggiegalar, broker, aniilor morkoier appiaullaiis n Now Jersey, Ohio, andPonnsylvanlo, Lnils Oesp LLC also plans to piovido skiiJar sonriecs in Ibinnls,

Heat USA currcnily SKIVUS BO,000 incmbcis In New VniL, New Jersey, Pennsyk/ania, CennL-eilciil, Massachusetts, and nhoile Island, piovUine relenals 10 heeling oil and propons suppliers

Heal USA in piinieiiLlr oilers attiniiy progrants lor vsrSoui unions, and Llllle Deep LLC soM inal II, 'plans la use ks reMiionships -Aitti IIIIIOK'S and oiher censunwi gioups to provido leterrals to discounted energy suppher," Op«rttef • Awuwwttd • W»b1PV In Ohio, for nniiirolgas, Ulllo Deep LLC SOIIQIII aulhortiy lo senie residenUal customors In all san/ico oreas.

In Pennsylvania, lot elacnicily. Llllle Deep LLC sotigni aiith'orily to senre all customer classes, and said thai it would iclcr cusiomers to Constalaiion NewEnergy,

Eiin-nhMSiofr UQUE

cop^ighl 2010-12 Energy Choice Mailers, li yauwish lo slure this siciy. pisass email or post ine wobsile link; unauthorized copying, reiransmission, or lepublicallon piohibilcd.

.JAEC#• AniHaled Ensrgr Croup metitri m^i^untilamJlAhia^ j IpttltUllmi IR HiltM lii'g^r MdrtEli.

hllp:iAvivH-j:iicip>Tlinicciii,ilicis.ruinMiiiies/2IIIZI>4Z.1Ii,lilinl I/J EXHIKT M W1«20I5 BdhylafamiaUon

Division of CoFponi0ons

Entity Informatidn

The information cohtained in this database is current through September 17,2015.

Selected Entity Name: SKAGO$-WALSH INC. Selected Entity Status Information Cnmnt Entity Name: SKAGGS-WALSH INC. DQSID#: 48668 Initial DOS Filing Date: AUGUST 10.1935 Connty: Jnrisdiction: NEW YORK Entftyiype: DOMESTIC BUSINESS C(»IP0RAT10N Cnrrent Entity Statns: ACTIVE

Selected Entity Address Information DOS Process (Addi^ to which DOS will mail process if accepted oh behalf of the entity) SKAGGS-WALSH INC. 1194)2 23RD AVE COLLEGE POINT, NEW YORK, 11356 Chief Execntiye Officer ALLISON HEANEY i 5909 NORTHERN BLVD MUTTONTOWN, NEW YORK, 11771 Principal Execntive Office ALLISON HEANEY 5909 NORTHERN BLVD MUTTONTOWN, NEW YORK, 11771 RegiBtered Agent NONE

This office does not record information regmding the names and addresses of officers, shareholders tiips/AppMi2i)LSotJV4Svten|LPttUkAX)IUSEARCH£NmYJNraRMATK)N7pji8iiiddB5»lSa|LjMipUij«aSa|Lf^ lO mmiS Entity Woiintloa or directors of nonprofessional corporations except the chief executive ofTic^r, if provided, which would be listed above; Professional corporations must include the name(s) and addressees) of the initial officers, directors, and shareholders in the initial certificate of Incorporation, however this information is not recorded and only avaiiable by vieWihelhfex^i^ficate.

*Stock Information

# of Shares Type of Stock Value per Share 600 No Par Value

*StockinifoiTiiatiOn is applicable to domestic business corporations^ I NameHlstory 4 I Filing Date Name Type Entity Name 4 MAR 04.1937 Actual SKAGGS^WALSH INC. i AUG 10.1935 Actual THE GOULD OIL BURNER SALES INC. ' A Pirtitiom ha used whim. riife Actiiai nam of a foii^'gn entity is unavaiiable for use in New York Sti^^Tliie^^^ must use;i^ fictitious name when Conducting its activities or business in New York State. NOTE; New York State does not issue organizational identification numbers.

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p.#^PP^*..,yi,«.i.^j.Mirimai«BAarH iart'iTV imoRMATlOW?. tontidoiagtsaauBMavjiiaine^ Hi ! i

EXHIBIT I 10/22/2015 NY Jobs. Council (@JobsCauncil) | Twitler

Tweets Tweets & replies Photos & videos NY Jobs Council A'li.lobsC'Hi'lil.il NY Jobs Council Nni>oi;!iMMFIinl.

ifl IS

.bliis H Mike Durant Ml'i;j,iiia.iii • ('x.i ii> Someone should buy/gift/loan Hillary a map..

Reid J. Epstein Hillary on CNN calls upslate New York *a big. vast, rural area with some towns.' cc: @JlmmyVielkind

Ray Walter •• i i;. "I proudly endorse Ray Waiter for Erie County Executive.] SiiRobAslorino

hupsd/twilterjcom/jobiscouncll 1/B 10/220015 NY Jobs Council (©JolMCouncii) | TwIUer

10 c

BJ KV Ja!>3 Coij-icil National Review MRO Oci iti .fiHeezeldin speaks softly and carries a big stick

and plans to defeat the /-'IranDeal.


in 0

4 GD (JY Jiilw Cduiicil Hi!i'.voeii»d BIIIO'Rellly v.fiiM Dri IR i Good lord: Trump blames Bush for 9/11: Twin towers 'came down I during his reign' dailym.ai/ILxSnJL via 'iVMailOnline •J -y View summary

Q k'V .l/jhs (Vrjii 111 ^ Rep. Ellse Stefanik •{Hpr.iri/niiik Oi i n; Keep up with my work on behaif of 'VNY21 by signing up for my weekly emaii updates here -> 1.usa.gov/i PnySrO

7 1

Q NY Julia Cui:.v.|l Kulwucli.-il Chris Gibson Kr'i'ir.liri&UibYcn • Ocl in Encouraging developments for those w/ intellectual & developmental disabilities In Broome Cty. luiSprifigbrookNY '-i f!^5- I II1 • 1 ^ 1 L * 1 » my!"*•

S NY .lol>!> Ojuiual UulwimletJ Chris Gibson UdiiClinsGibson o-.l 1-1 Thank you Navy Saiior Ralph Avery of Hudson who served on LCT 571 carrying the Big Red One to Omaha Beach on D-Dayl

I.-' ' ?? iTsn http67/twitter.com/job8Council 2/8 lOQZOOIS NY Jobs Council (@JobsCounCil) | IVMitter

NY Jobs Council ij/;i i>> "•"w Nice work! .,c!;leezeldln

Lee Zeldin : i=!.!i Big news - Team Zeldin raised over $600k in Third Quarter, has more lhan $1.2 miilion on hand. Read more here; ow.iyH'rcpW

' NY Jobs Councii I; ICYMI: @JohnFasoNy paid the single highest Fine in NY history /^NoToFaso NY19 m.nydailynews.com/new-york/new-y

« a* s

. Vlow suniriiary

NY Jobs Councii ' On! I.< It's really sad that i i JohnFasoNy is making untrue claims against our group. We only state the facts. He doesn't. ;-hioToFaso./mylB

NY .Idlis tiiiiiu il luitivi'iiliYi Nina Easton v')!.i i? :V/)EliseSteranik .03 pt of members of congress have been women. Hard work fearlessness needed for more women to.run .;-'fortunemptAr

13 NY Jobs Council fcllowed Elizabeth Harrington. Ray Waller Mike Duratil and 49 OIIIGIS

•.£. Follow i. Follow Elizabeth Harrington Ray Walter gjLizVJFB (gR.iyinondWWaller 'Faux journalist' @FrecBeacon. Ari Husband, father, allnrncy. Serving the 'impoiianl person' goo.gl/ZeABXX Einail: l>Gopie of the 14l>lli District rn the NYS ([email protected])iit Assembly - Candidate for Erie County Exucullva

hUp5-J/twiUer.com4dbsc6uncii 3/8 10/22/2015 NY Jobs Council (@JobsCouncii) | TwiUer

hv Julia Council riiihvKcit:') iV.; v Congress must continue to govern despite DC uncertainty ~ read more re: legislation to avoid govt shutdown 1.usa.gov/1Nvmsfl

Rep. Ellse Stefanik Today I signed a "DischargePelilion to allow a vole on /lExImBcink. We need to reauthorize this Important program for our ."NY21 economy.

(i'i .I.-Ilii iJ.allf.il Chris Gibson Or: i< Congrats to Roosevelt Fire District, Company 1t3 in Hyde Park as they celebrate the opening of their new Fire House.

II Tfl J

••i!i '"iiiMii il i'ii-:-.-.'I • ii--; i."" '•'LetsGoMets Take care of business tonight guys!

WT JfiiiS: Owi!-l'l 'MWi-!:!/;!!. JoeLhota Jo-!! ii-y.f! O.-u i:' NYC lost a great friend, today - - former councilmember and Minority Leader Tom Ognibene. May he rest in peace.


NY Jobs Council .i..h • f..c: i/ Looks like { i JohnFasoNy can go and lobby NYS Comptroller again htlps://iwillerjxin/job5Council 4/8 10«22Q015. NY Jobs Council (@JabsCouncll) | Twillsr after 5 year "Pay to Play" ban. -'ny 19 '-SayNoToFaso m.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypol... View suniin.iry

NY Jobs Council JobsCouncil • Os 1 ! """• Ex-poi's firm settles in pay-to-play probe nydailynews.com/new- york/new-y... Viow suniiiiaiy

NY Jobs Council .Job-.Ccmnc ii - o 11> Anyone want to guess liow many Insider PAC donations iiiJohnFasoNy will file this 1/4? I'm sure It's huge. -i^JImmyVielkind (..s'NickRelsman

NY Jobs Council - u-i :i Anyone want to guess, how many lobbyists will be donating to .v-'JohnFasoNy campaign this 1/4? i..';NickRelsman !iv/JimmyVlelkind .•iGannettAlbany

NY Jobs. Council :i O -.i;. We don't need another .rinsider establishment candidate like. .-i.JohnFasoNy in congress. We need Real jobs, not talk. nystaleorpolitics.com/2015/10/faso-g...

NY Jobs Council Should we let Insider lobbyists like @JohnFasoNy represent us in Washington? Voters say no. #voteNOtoFASO #NY19

NY Jobs Council «< Before John Faso formed his campaign for congress he terminated his fSuperPac and paid himself 58k. rii/JonCampbellGAN m.poststar.com/blogs/alljpoli... view s'linimnry

NY Jobs Council i.,)..-..i:.'<.i!i, a r i

ldtps;//twitter.coiTi/jobsccuncll 5/8 10/22C015 NY Jobs Council (©JobsCaundl) | TwIUer Haso's law firm settles In pay-to-play probe I Grain's New York Business cralnsnewyork.com/article/201010... , View summary

NY Jobs Council J'itJiCi-iJil-.il SH|I irj NiwYen popnner Gubernatorial Hopeful John Faso's Law Firm To Settle Pay-To- Play Scandal - The facts don't lie, politicians do m.nydailynews.com/b.logs/dailypol....

NY'.l.slts Coinii'.il TnuiRi'iuii'Jimijf, Congress has 2 weeks, until the final deadline for the "IranOeal. SIGN NOW if you agree this is a dangerous dealt


B3 J"!'"' '•'! '."'"I iii.-iw;'.!'.'!. Catholle Charities .V.;! :<• .(crRepTomReed shares his '^WeicomeThePope message to fjJPonlifex. Watch his video here: buff.iy/IVrPwWl

Q NY J'.'bs C.'ji;ii':il Kitl'.vamrii Chris Gibson neuChrisUii.!,r.ii SCJH i htlps://N/iner.com4ol]scounlOil 6/B 1CV22/2015 NY Jobs Council (@JobsCouncil) | Twiller

» 'i 3vehls interview w/ Brian Jones of i{'C-929WBPM in to hear Sunday morning 13 SEP

'• • «} K."..• •! »•-• ., • 1


J jifjiub-t I tfif Home About rcc ttiat the Iran Deal is dangerous for our national

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O NY Joijs Council (ollou'ad Jay Falson. ore, Inside HY Politics and 163 otheis

Follow Jay Faison ore {^layF.iisonl @OieJ.icinlo CieatPaili Founiler and Managiny Cubano from MIAMI. Mets enlhusinsl. Partner, Chairman SnnpAV NYGOP Finance Director.

NY Jobs Council .Ji:t;-,Coiim.il Any IS NUVTM. York Jobs Council is supporting candidates for Congress who are dedicated to public policies that create jobs for our great state. r/Jobs

htlpsJAwitterMm^obscoircil 7/a \6l22mi NY Jota Council (igJolsCauncii) | TwIUer

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wnSmHIifBlog Foliticaliyrewsand Analysis il^'Mtowwrel

i I >j : i;

: I

i i i I = I

By BEN SMITH 105/18/1109:49 AM EDT

Maggie Haberman reports:

1/3 100212015 A merger InQlunarf,P8laiiMand-POLITICO

Rob Cole and Jake Menges, altunni oiP George Pataki's Uworld uid Rudy GiuRani's world, respectively, m joining up to form a new venture, In The Field Consulting.

They both come firom a blue state where their bosses were among the few Republicans to win and New York State in the last 30 years. Pataki won his last race by 18 points and Giuliani won by 15 points, margins that the NY GOP has been losing by in its latest statewide races.

Cole also worked on the Scott Brown race when he was with the Shawmut Group, and Menges was involved in steering Rep. Michael Grimm to victory in Staten Island last year. Cole was a political director/Advisor to Mitt Romney's Free and Strong PAC. 2008 to January 2011, though it's unclear whether he will continue with Romney or work for another campaign this cycle (like a Giuliani or a Pataki, both of whom still flirt with running). Menges was the City Council liaison for Mayor Giuliani and worked on his 2008 presidential run.

Giuliani: "Jake and Rob are two of the brightest stars out of today's GQP consultants. I can't think of anyone I would rather have advising me in a tough race."

Paitaki: "Rob and Jake have experience skillfully guiding winning candidates in some of the toughest political environments in America. I am sure they will make a terrific and successful team."

MIp!Mraw^leftninMoBS/tan«ndlM2O11JQSto4nergBr-livg|ull8nl-p0UkMancUaSKS 20 f EXHIfidiT K 2/2/2016 Detail by EnUty Name

Detail by Entity Name

Florida Limited Liability Company CRIMSON PUBLIC AFFAIRS. LLC Filing Information Document Number LI5000145012 FEI/EIN Number NONE Date Filed 08/24/2015 State FL Status ACTIVE Principal Address 224 DATURA ST.. STE 401 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33401 Mailing Address 224 DATURA ST.. STE 401 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33401 Registered Aaent Name & Address MENGES. JAMES 224 DATURA ST.. STE 401 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33401 Authorized Person(s) Detail Name & Address

Title AMBR


Title AMBR


Annual Reports No Annual Reports piled

Htp7/searcli.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CarporationSearch/SearchResUUDetail?inivilrytypeBEntilyName&dlreeUonType=Previau5Ust&searchNameOrdef=CRIMSON... 1/2 2«V2016 Detail by Entity Name Document Images 08/24/2015 - Florida Limited Liability View image in PDF format


littp7/search.sunbiz.orgflnquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDelail7inqulrytype=EntityName8directionType=PrevioiJsUst&searchNameOrder=CRili/ISON... 2/2 I EXHIBIT L ^0!wa^s The Fray: GOP scramble for congressional seal lieals up • Gale House


I Pitiil Page • Oi'liilii:!' 17. 2()ir,ri::!.|rM

The Fray: GOP scramble for congressional seat heats up

'I'lic PIKIII rni'NL-n'Ycirk's iglli CiiiiKrcssiuiiiil Dislrict isiilru.iily KL-ttiiif; ugly.

T'lii: r:iin|in!gii fur COP ninlcndcr .luhn Fn.sii .suy.'; a "scriiuLs li-gal uxplanatlun " is IICCIIL'II rriiiii rclliiw l(v|iiilillriiri (.-unlLMidcr Andrew I Ipanry after accii.siiiK liiin uf eiiKiiKiiiK in "inidprliandcd politics' .slciiiiiiiiig from a .super I'AC.

1 lu.'iiicy and ISLSII arc Ivilii cfiiii|icling to take uvcr llic di.strii-1 rriiin Itcp. Cliri.s Cili.siiii, a rctircil Ariiiy iiiliiiicl wlii) .siiy.s he wiiiiT rniiiiKain iicxtycar nslir voiisidurs whelhi-r tii run fur statewide office in so 18. k l-asu's i-auipaii'ii, in a press release, qiieslioiicd Heaiiuy's euuiieiliun to a WasliitiKlon D.C.-based sii|ier I'AC. called "N'ew Yiirk .liiivs Council." According lu a inid-ycar report Tiled uilli the Federal FJectinn Ciinmn.s.sii>n iliiciiineiits, the .super I'.AC ha.s received $60,000 tln.s year. Super I'ACS arc nlliiwcd'lo spend iinliiiiitcd aiiiiiiinl.s of luoiiey hut they're nut iilluwed to euniimMilcaleor cuiii-diiiatc with spcclfiecaiiilidaleK.

Uul h'aiiu'.s eainpaiKii sny.s tlie super I'AC is ciiinplctcly funded liy lleancy's family. FJIC filings iliat were examined 1>y tlie Kecord xliuw that lleancy Eucr)Q> Ciiinii., Ilcaiiey's eimipany, gave llic super I'AC Sut.ood in .Iiinc. Skaggs Walsh, Caslucoiic I Icniicy'.s father's healing oil eompnny, gave S:t.<;,uua. Suhmariiic Kiiek LLC, a company Mcaiiey lia.s used tii cuiUrihiilc money to polilieal campaign.s in the past, gave over Ss.uno.

"Mr. rieaiiey seems In be engaged in a lyjie uf uiiderlianded politics tlinl even New Ynrkers would fiinl uye-opening," said Rill O'Keilly, a l-'a.so .s|)uke.snian. "Forget cthies: Iniwtliis is even dose to legal is anyhmly's guess. Maylie Mr. Meancy eaii explain.'

David Calalfamo, lleaney's spokesman, said his liiis.s lia.siTl dune anything wrong. "Andrew lias iiliviinisly eiinlrlbiited In the super PAC liofurc lie was a eandldnle." lie said. "He's mil involved in riiimiiig llie PAC in nny way, slinpe iir form.'

Calalfaiiio also look a siiiit at Fa.sii, saying lie's a loliliylst wiiij has run .several PACs ITniiself. "He knows llie rules, and it's just .sad ilial lie hies giine so negative in a eainpaigii dial lias jii.sl slarlud." he said.

•(oil Cide, cxeciilivc director of llic New York .lolis Coiiiieil, also denied any wruiigdiiing. Cole erilici'/ed Fasii .snverni lime.s, i-dling liiiii a loliliyisi and pniiiliiig to a S.'k'jo.iiuii line llial was given to Fasu's law firm, Maiiiill Plieltis (k I'liillips, in an 10 after aseltlenieiU ivilli the stale Attorney General's uffiee over a |iiiy-to- play pnilic. I'a.so was a liihliyist and partner at the. firm liiit never udmilled wroiigdtiing.

"tVc've done cverylliiiig liy the law," Cole said. "Tliere is no quid pm quri."

Cole .said Ids super PAC is uiincd at elceliiig a "cuiiiiiiun-sensc Repiihlieaii eniididiile' in tlic njlli Cnngrc.ssiiiiia! Di.sli'iet, and tliougli lie's mel and siiukc lu Heaiiey liefiire, he .said he liadn't .spoken to liiiii'iii a long liiiie." I le siiid tliey linvciTl chiiscii wliu llie>-'ll support in llie dislrict yet, Imt liina: alre.ailykiniwwliii theydoiTtsiippiiil.

'We knowMr. I''asu is nut going to hu our cliu.seii ciindidale," Cole said.

Jiiiiies Nani Two lleindiliciiiis .sliirt riiii.s fur Mnlitiiey's .sent

A fiirnier Drniigc Cnuiily legislalnr and a fiirincr I'ouglikccpsie scliiiid lioard president cueli have registered us lleiiiiidicnii caiidiilatcs for llie iuiigre.ssii>iial seat lield liy Di'iniicratie Kcp. .Sean I'alrick Maloiiey for tlie ati 16 eleetiiiii.

Tiesedii resident and fiiriiier isiiinty lawmaker Dan Ciislricone filed lii.s stiilciiieiils of eaiididney iiiid iirgiini/alion on Tue-sduy. Cistrinme, wlin served a single leKishiliire lerin from 211111 lu aoiq, ran unsiievessfully for s1.ste Assenddy last year hut was siqi|iorlvd l>y the United Munruu citizens group and won nearly q.liKi volc.s (III il.s tliii'il-iialint hallut line alniie. Karl llr.diciiei;, tlie Republican who heat Ciestriiiiiic in a CtOP primary for Unit .scat, won a lliree-way race against Castrii-oiii: and Dcmocral EILsaTuliiii in llie geiieri-delectiiiii.

Sakiina llrnwii, wiiii led llie Pouglikcep.sie schuni biiaril fonn 211111 lu am;} and Inst a race for .s dlffereiil /Vs.se.mliiy .seal — l-'rnnk .Skarlndo.s' — last year, registered as a raiulidale for New York's 18th Coiigressiiiiial Dislrict on .Sept. 230111! already Tiled her Tirsl campaign TiiiancG rC|)orl, .showing Si,(i7g.ii2 in her coffers.

.Mnliiiiey, a Cold Spring DcinocRil, is serving his seciiiid term in Congress after unsealing fiiriiier Kepiildiuiii Rep. Nan Hayivurlh In anta and defeating her again in aaui.i reiiialeh. Ilis eanipaign reporlcil Thiir.sihiy that it Insil ranseil S.|28,nnn in the lliird i|narler iifaiii.'innd had S1.2 million on hand as i>fSepl.;}n.

Ilaytwirtli recently ruled out a third race against Mukiiiey in 211ifi.

Cliris MeKeiina

hiip://wwwjocofdonlino.com/arllcieaoi5lOl7/NEWS/1510'iJM467lemplate=print3rl 1/2 VSWismS Thef^'GOPBcramU^ seat.r^ QateHioiise


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