The 1985 AISC Architectural Awards of Excellence Jury (Slanding Left to Hight) R. Bruce Plilly, FAIA Principal Patt~· Berkebile Nelson Associates A reh ilccts Inc. KansasCily. ~I O and 1985 President American Insti lutcof Architects J mn es C. Alle n Senior Vice PresidenL and General Manager Per ki ns & Will Chica)':"o. IL Charles H. T hornton, Ph.D .. P.E. President and Principal Lev Zetlin Assoc iates. Inc. New York. NY Albe r! C. Martin, FA IA Partner Alber! C. ~ lartin Associates Los Angeles. C A (Scated) George W. Qualls. FA IA Principal Geddes Brecher Qualls Cunnin),:"h:ull Phi ladelphia. PA

On Winning. This brochure is a salute to the winners of our 1985 Archi tectural Awards of Excellence competition. The archi tects who too k to p honors in this competition have demonstrated a uniq ue abil ity to meet creative challenges with creative designs. At the same time. they have vividly demonstrated the design possibili ties inherent in the fl exibility of structural steel. On your next project, if you'd li ke to design around a frame that's versatile. economical and easily changed to meet future needs, consider structural steel. T H E LONG REACH The flex ibil ity of steel is many things to many people. . .. the front cover dis plays Bu t it's one thi ng to all. a silhouette o f the si ngle­ edit ion bronze by sc ulptor A winner. Joe Kinkel. The sculpture has been adapted to a bas relief form· ing the centerpiece for aU Architectural Awards of Excellence and Pri ze Bridge E@ Awards to be given by A1 SC. AMERICAN IRON & STEEL INSTITUTE • AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC .

~ 1bis /Jtlge by AISC 1I 0t ill original Archllectur:1I Record arllck Design awards/competitions: American Instirute of Steel Construction 1985 Architectural Awards of Excellence

• 1. Z. Johr A. Sibley Hortkulural Ln:l exterior floral;~~0~~~ 3. lI~ks tOl lIouse, Home ..... ood, 4. Ad ult Training Center. Maple Center. PiN: Mountain. Georgia; klo:-square clear illinOIS; David Hovey, Architect; Heights, Ohio; William A. Blunden Craig, Gau.d~n and Da .. iJ, <.n:l a roof membrane of siliccne­ Rittw~ger & Tokay, Structural Robert A. Barclay Associates, Arehitec'.s; :-:orst Berg~r Partners, coated fiberglass on white steel Engireers (RECORD, mid·Ap rill9S5, Architects; Chacos & Associates, Structural BDgin~rs. Tltl! dlallenge I:.n:hes permit natural illumination pages 78-81). A 2,4()().square-foot Structural Engineers. Simplicity, was to cksifD an indOQrhu·.door 1::1 ~nte r the facility. (The roof is saie resid€nce in a Chicago suburb was suitability, durability, and crono!.. } horticult"lral education ~nttl r a,d \:) yield a visible light translucency conee ved.lS a prototype for a low· were the primary considerations :'(]!" that would d 45 pe r cent.) The jurors o~en'ec budg{t factory·made house that can a new 43,()(M)..square-foot vocatior.a, accommoc.ak elabora:.e t.C!dmichl Ol'.t the latticework steel col m ms be e~ted or. a building site in just training center near Cleveland. equipme.: f)(eded to creUe six !Eemed especially appropriate for a one day. 'I'1e three-bedroom house Designed for 230 physically and separate wm:>eraturefhlJlli:tity totanical building, and they called comprises 11 welded·steel boxes­ mentally handicapped adults and '1 environrrt:n~-all with)Lt t'E structure "clean, each neaslrmg 10 feet wide by 24 staff of 33, the facility is clad in intruding ::m.l. picture3quc felting sinightforwaro, and elegant, .•. the fcct lcng I:y nine feet high-that splil·face concrete block and in GeorgI;.'s Callaway Gard~:lS. perfect matCh of architectural step down a steep hills ide and rest aluminum storefront curtain walls. Toward t.-.atend the archit.e::ts elements and natural open spll.ce. on slim re<:.·painte

u II. Transco Tower. , 12. e lGNA South Office Building, It Seeley G. Mudd Chemistry 14. New Bogardus Uuildire, Texas; John Burgee Architects wit. Bloomfield, Connecticut; The Building. Vassar College. New York City; Beyer Blir.der , in association with Architects Collaborative, P'}Ughkeepsie, New York; Perry, Belle, Architects; Stanley H. Morris! Aubry Architects; CB~ Architects; LeMessurier Associates, Dean, Rogers & Partners, Goldstein, Structural Enlineer Engineers, Structural Engineers. StrJctural Engineers (RECORD, Architects; Zaldastani Associates, (RECORD, January 1984, plges "A building of great class and Marth 1985, pages 136-143). The Structural Engineers. Situated near 102·103). Designed as the focal quality," observed the jury. "Of th~ clien:', need for extensive blocks of tt e center of an existing college poin t of the restored South Street tall buildings we saw, this one was column·free office space and the CLmpus, this three-level academic Seaport area in lower Ma.:hattan, certainly in the first rank." Locatoc possibility of future modifications aod research building fonns the this four-story commerci:.J building in Houston's Galleria area, TraJlSC(, dictated the use of structural steel f(·urth leg of a science quadrangle. is essentially an updated neel Tower is, at 901 feet, the tallest for a 5OO,OO().square-(oot corporate r1e architects took advantage of \'ersion of a structure der.;gned in building outside of a central expansion project outside Hartford. ti,e structure's south·facing site by 1849 by James Bogardus. Since the business district in the United The granite-sheathed building specifying solar collectors on the exterior facades form a steel States. Its setback profile and centers on a four-story, 33,()()(). roo f and by designing the main bearing.wall structure, nere are no faceted aluminum·and·glass curtaiD square-foot atrium that permits ft.cade as a trombe wall that works interior columns to break up two wall are meant to evoke the nalural illumination of nearly every with the building'S mechanical floors of restaurant spacE: and two character of earl y·2Oth-.:entury work stat;':)O. "The buildi ng sits s:,"stem. The over-all massin~ is in floors of offices. The juror3 praised American skyscrapers. gracefully in the countryside," k~ping with the scale of eXISting the architects for closely replicating noted the jury, and "it seems to be a college buildings, and brick walls, the cast·iron structures cl the comfortable workplace." granite trim, and a copper roof are 1850s, and they called th( structure :rtended as abstract references to "a good companion to thE: older loft 19th-.:entury academic architecture. buildings that it adjoins-perfect ' Excellent detailing," noted infill." : hejury. CREDITS The Architectural Awards of Excellence competition, sponsored biennially by AISC, atlracled 145 national enlries in 1985. All firms recogni zed and honored by AISC for their contribution 10 the design and construction of the eleven winning structural steel framed buildings are listed:

1.2. John A. Sibley Horticultural C enter - Pine Moumain, GA 9.10. PrimalI' Discm'er), Center­ Architect C!":Iig, G3uldcn ~nd DaV IS , s;l.n Frandsco, CA Architects. Inc., Gr~cm'i1Ic , SC ArcllllC(\. Mlrquis AsSOCllles. San Fr:lncisco. !.lmilicapc Arch,tect Robert E ~'~r\'m (;A (Cuh)' Simon, AlA. Design I'rincipllJ and A.)5OCiOlICS !,lruc1(lr:ll Engmt-er Rutherford & Chekenc. 31ruclUni Engineer, Horst Ikrgcr f>'.,Inners. Sll1 Francl!>Co, CA New York. NY General Contractor Engstrum & Nourse. Gcncr:I! COO'I";I(lor" West Poim COIlS ITuClion ,\tou01l1in V,ew, CA Comp:'n),. \X;':SI 1'01111. GA :'Iecl f~brlClilors and Ereclors, West Bay Steel. SU .."CI Fabricator QUllico Steel Co, Inc.. \\;'t:bb, At. Menlo '''J rk . CA and C.E. Toland and Son. 3\cci EreC lor, Model Cily Erection Co., O~k!and. CA AnniSton, At Owner, San Fr.llldsco 7..oo1ogic:tl SOciety. Owner, Ida Cason ulla"':'!), Found:lIion, S;l.n FrJncJ!>Co, CA Calla",:!), Gardens. Pme Mountllin, GA II . Transco Tower - Houston, TX 3. Residence of Douglas and Barbara Archilect:John Burgee AT("hll('Cls with Phlhp Hoeks l.ra - Homewood, lL Johnson. ~e" York. NY ;I.nd Morris!."ubr~· Architects, Houston. TX Architect: David H()\'q'. Chiogo, II SUlictur.ll Engim:cr CB~ 1 Engml..'ers, Inc.. StruclU1'21 EnglOt;cr Rittweger& Tokoly, Inc.. IIouston. TX i"Jrk Ridge. IL Gellcr:ll Collll';I.Ctor J A JOT'ICS ConStruction Genel'2l Cont~ tor Optimllnc. (David HQ\1..··.. ). ChiC'Jgo, Il . Compan)·. D:llbs. TX ~lecll'~briOlor Mosher Sleel Comp~ny. ~teel flbriotor Smeco Indu.'ltncs. Inc.. Houston. TX \\~illo" Springs. ll 3teel Erector F\:clerson Brothcrs 51eel EreCtIOn Steel EreclOr Adw.ncc Stn,lctul'2l Steel, Com pan),. Houston. TX ElSt Hazel Crc:St. Il Owner GCr:l.ld D HInes Intercsts. Hou5lon, TX Owner. Dougl:as lnd Blrbll'2 Hoeksll'2 12. C IGNA South Office Building - 4. Adult Training Center - Maple Heighu. OH Bloomneld. CT Architect The Archnccts ColbOOr:lll\'e.lnc., Architect Wilhlm A Blunden - Roben A. D;l.rclly·AssocilteS-Archilects, Cle\'Cbnd, OH C~mbrid8e. MA Siructur:ll Engmt'er Lc:~1cssurier ASSOCi;l.!csJSCl. Structural Engineer. ChlCQS & ASSOCiltcs.lnc .. Cambridge, MA liighllnd Heights. OH Construction Mlnager nlrnerCon~lrucllon Gener.ll Contr.lctor, Jlnce & Complny. In c., COIllPlI1Y, . MA Mcntor,OH SII.'e1 F;l.bric:uor :Ind Erector The Berlin Steel S t eel l';I.bri C'~to r lnd Erecto r: CLC Entcrprises, Conslruction Compan),. Berlin. cr Mentor. 011 O wner: CIGNA CorporJtion. Hartford. CT Owner: CuY'lhog;! COUIll)' Board o f ~1cnt:ll Rct:mialion :lOd Dcvclopmcnt:ll Disabilities. 13. Seele)' G, Mudd C hemistry Building, Clel'eland, 01 I Vassar Coll ege - Poughhepsie. NY 5 , HunlinglOn Center - Columbus.OH Architect l't:rry-Dcan-Rogers& P:irtners. Architect lnd Structural EnglOeer: Skidmore. Architects, BQ.Ston. MA OWIOgs& ~krrill. Chic:lgo. [l Structur:l.l Engint'er Zald.asWll Associlte~. Gener:l.l COntl'2ctor Dug:m & Mqers Inc, IJoston ..\IA Construcuon. Cincinnali, OH General COO\r:lCtor \X'J . B;Jrne~ <;:orpol"llilon. <;,,:<:1 F:lbrtc;1I0r SOuthern OhIO Flbn(';l.tors. [nc.. l\'ew \brk. NY CIOClOn;l.II.OII "I<:cl Flbncator Poughkeepsie Iron & Met:ll 'itcel Erector John I' Bclsley Construction Co. Company, PoUghkttp:.IC, NY Columbus,OH ,:,ted Erector Ol';l.nge Sleet Erector;. loc , Owner GerJld D t imes Interests, MI;l.mi. FL Slh,bur)' MiLls. l\'Y Owner \'lIssar College. l'oughkcepsie, l\'¥ 6. LTV C ente r - Dallas. TX Archnect lnd Siructul'21 Engineer Skidmon:. 14. New Bogardus Building - New York, NY Owmgs & Mcrnll. Houslon. TX Architcct Berer Blinder Belle, l\'t">.. York. l\'Y Genel';l.[ Contr:lctor A'l.:rv ~I;I. \'S ConsHuCi101l StTUCtunl Engillccr St:lnler H Gold5tcm. PC Comploy, D:l1l2S. TX' . New York :\,y Stc:t'll'abric-Jtor Flint Steel Corpol';I.lIon. Genel'2l COIit~ctor Gl';I.merq COnlr:lClor~. Thl~.OI\ Inc. Ncw \brk. 1\Y Steel Erector Amencan Bridge Division. U.s ConStruction Mlnagcr for Canop)' Tbhmln Stt'el Corpor:ltion. Pntsburgh. PA ConSlruct ion Corpol';I.t Ion of N(\>.' York. Owner Tl'2mmell CrO\\' Compan)'. O;l.lb5. TX :-.'ew York, "Y Steel F~bric:llor. Il lrris Structu l';I.l Steel Co. 7,8. C rocker Cenler - San Frandsco. CA Inc.. South f>1~Ulfield. NJ Sted Erector· MeadowlandS Iron \X'orks. ArchiteCt ~nd SlfUCIUI"lI! Engineer. Skidmore. O " 'jngs & Merrill, San I'rnncisco. CA ScClIlCUS. NJ Genernl Contf"Jctor: Dinwiddie ConstruCtion Owner Soulh Sl reel Se~pof[ Corpor:luon. Com pan)'. San Frnncisco, CA New Yor]." NY Steel F3bric~lor ~nd Ereclor: The Herrick CorporJtion. HaY"-Md. CA OWllCr Crockt'f PropcnieS. Inc, S:m CA

Tbis page by AISC 1101 in original Architectural Record (lrlicle American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. 400 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, Jlfinois 60611-4185