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1938-10-14 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege -

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Volume IV. Walnut Hills, Cin'Cinnati, , October 14, 1938 Number 1 Students Alumnae Of 1942 We And They Hope Ambjtious Delegates To Lectures' Milwaukee Planned Here

Catholic Press Meet Famous Clerg.y and Laity Held This Weekend Being Invited

Of special interest to 0 . L . C. The internationally celebrated s tudents, is the Catholic Educa­ British lecturer, the Rev. Owen tional 1Press Congress scheduled Francis Dudley, superior general for this week-end at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis., be­ of the Catholic Missionary So­ cause Robert L . Otto, journalism ciety, unofficial movie censor for instructor, has been chosen as all England and novelist of note one of the speakers. Mr. Otto is has been asked to speak here a member of The Cincinnati Post. this year in connection with an ·editorial staff and also teaches in ambitious program planned for 's evening di­ assemblies. vision. Father Audley is a columnist Purpose of the congress is to for the London Daily Mirror and emphasize the importance of the author of five best sellers: th e Catholic Press in ~ringing trutl;l Shadow On The Earth, the Mas­ fo a public laden - with propa­ terful Monk, P ageant of Life, the ganda. It further aims to direct Coming of the Monster, and Will youthful Catholic journalists in Men Be Like Gods. He is ac­ fundamental principles of writ­ claimed by non-Catholics as well ing, . thereby improving student as C'atholics and is a convert . publications. An invitation has also been The Cincinnati delegation is to extended other noted speak ers, comprise representatives froµi such as the Rev. P eter Baptiste Mt. St. Joseph College, Xavier Duffee, 0 . F. M., lecturer and --Sargent Mareh Ph<>t<> writer, who is known especially University, and Our Lady of First official . picture of this Walters, Eileen Craig, Betty Dorothy Meader, Betty Lou Cincinnati College. Delegates for the authentic evidence he year's frosh shows the extent to Monnett, Alice To Pm o e le r, Young, Alma Witte, Jean Lowry i gives for his startling statements from 0. L . C. will be Miss Rita and Mary Lee Feldkamp. Fifth Riesenberg, editor of The Edge­ which Our Lady of Cincinnati treasurer; Pe&" Kiernan, presi- in regard to subversive move­ dent; Irma Roettker, secretary; row: Jane Overbeck, Mary M. cliff, apd Miss Jeanne Hehman, ments in the United S tates. College has grown in four years. Mary Lou Schmitz, Elizabeth Hughes, Inez Linehan, Virginia a ·member of the staff. The class is the largest numer­ Disken and Roberta C\tllen. Sec­ Martin, Marie Kelley and Peggy News Of Spain Famous Speakers Chosen ically to enroll and historically Gbd row: Helen M. Ph1lip!1e, La­ Louis. Miss Aileen O'.§rien, "Th e Such nationally known speak­ will be distinguished, among oth­ verne Meyer, Noreen Hughes, Sixth row: Dorothy Wetter­ Sweetheart of Spain," is said to ers as the Rev. Daniel A . Lord, er things, for being the first to Jean Geers, Shirley Mae Han­ stroem, Virginia Bick, Betty be the only woman to receive s: J ., editor of The Queen's occupy the . new Administration kins, ~ary Ellen Nutini, Betty Kloecker, Elizabeth Ann Gaskill, personally from General Franco Work, and the- Rev. James P . .Building. 'While most of the stu­ Muehlenkamp and Ethel · Gard- and Jane Ann Dunn. Last row: the p ermission to tr~vel from Gillis, C. S. P ., editor of The dents are from Greater Cincin- ner. Ruth Weller, Mildred Slacke, front to front. Aft~r a whirl­ Catholic World, are on the p ro- 1nati,' there are representatives of Third row: Audrey Schlosser, Rita Feldman, Janet Kemme, wind lecture tour in this country gram. ·other Ohio cities and of Iowa, J~anette Meyer, Betty Lou Hude­ Mary Jane Lamping and Eliza­ during the spring of 1938, Miss. Other notable sp eakers in­ , Tennessee and Mich­ pohl, Lucille Walsh, Mary D. beth Rottenburger. Rose Pfeif­ O'Brien returned to Spain for igan. clude the Rev. J ohn F . McCor­ Steinbrugge, Beverly Haley and fer was absent when this picture first-hand knowledge of the re­ mick, S. J ., head of Loyola Uni­ Front row, left to right: Jane Mary Ellen Holgate. Fourth row: was taken. construction activities, and has versity (Chicago) philosophy de­ exclusive moving pictures not partment, who will discuss the only of the many points of inter­ importance of faith, and the R ev. ,COLL.EGE MOVES FORWARD est in Spain, but also of the Gerald B . 'Phelan, Ph. D., presi­ leading personalities .of Spain, dent of the Institute of Medieval knows General Franco and his · , Studies, Toronto, who will talk WITH FIRST NEW BUILDING family, the Cardinal Primate and on the sanctification of the intel- other outstanding figures of the Sister Mary Madeleva, presi­ BY R. VALENTINER Auditorium Seats 350 1 tains and will be equipped with civil war. dent of St. Mary's College, Notre When classes opened this year, · The right wing contains an modern theater seats. The Rev. Leonard Feeney, au­ Dame, Ind., and one of the b est thor, poet and writer of distinc­ returning students as well as auditorium seating 350. The The chapel in the left wing is known Catholic poets; the R ev. stage is roomy to facilitate the furnished in liturgical style with tion, is termed by the press the frosh marveled at the new Ad­ Donald F . Miller, C. SS. R., editor production of large-scale presen- a color scheme of blue and gold "Catholic Poet Laureate of the of the Ligourian, Oconmnowoc, ministration Building. Facing tations. The auditorium is to be and is dedicated to Our Lady of United States." Father F eeney Wis., and Dr. John Orth-Reidl, Victory Parkway, it is surround­ embellished with royal red cur- P erpetual Help. A new electric particularly stresses the import­ assistant professor of philosophy ed by a large expanse of campus organ has b een installed. Statues ance of humor in life. at Marquette and former presi­ recently landscaped. A white 0n the altars are handsomely Michael Williams, special edit­ dent of the American Catholic sculptured. or of the Commonweal, conducts statue of Our Lady of Grace Protection Philosophical Society, will also Classrooms, s up p 1 y quarters a weekly column entitled "Views faces the entrance on the south speak. Rating Is and accommodations for sisters and Reviews," on which h e also side of the grounds. take up the third floor while on lectures. The ground floor contains locker II the fourth are located all science Enrollment rooms for students and storage Excellent laboratories. In the near future space. A student dining hall is it will be possible to view Eden Glee Club Soars To located on the first floor which Park and the from a also contains a faculty dining 1 Fire Department Agent roof garden now partially com­ Slated For New High room and lounge. Compliments School pleted. All administrative offices are I When offices and classrooms situated on the second floor. The were moved from the present Broadcasting Enrollment soared to new front entrance of the building A rating of "excellent" has Emery Hall to the new building, heights this term with a remark­ meets a double flight of stairs to been given Our Lady of Cincin­ the former library building was able increase over last year's the foyer which is furnished with nati College in fire protection, transformed into an art studio The college Glee Club will registration. The student body, white and crystal lighting fix­ according to Supervisor Charles and the library was established make its first formal appearance includi.ng special students, late tures. At the foot of the steps F. Benner of the Fire Depart­ in Emery Hall. Residence Hall in an Armistice Day program, afternoon and evening classes, stands a life-size bronze statue ment who visited this school remains the home of the board­ Nov. 11, over Station WSAI. totals 160. The 1937-38 enroll­ of the Sacred Heart. One of the early this week. ers and McAuley Hall is used for Professor John J . Fehring, di­ ment was 110. outstanding features on the first In an informal fire drill con­ the music department and social rector, has outlined a schedule Though the registration report floor is an open lounge or recep­ ducted shortly after classes be­ functions. The magnificent mar­ for the year. shows a large increase among tion room furnished in baronial gan this year, it took the stu­ ble Emery ballroom, formerly The club boasts of more than the upperclassmen, the freshmen English and rust drapes. Adja­ dents almost four minutes to housing the chapel, will be re­ 100 members and made its first class sets the record with more cent is a dosed lounge with clear the new Administration stored for dances. private appearance at the Mass than 50 students answering the stone fireplace and crystal wall Building. With Mr. Benner pul­ It is planned to unveil and of the Holy Ghost, Sept. 23. The call of the campus. Of the total fixtures. Artistically c a r v e d ling the fire gong every one of dedicate a specially sculptured annual Christmas Carol program 17 are resident students hailing furniture and drapes of dusky the more than 130 students "es­ state of Our Lady of Cincinnati will be given in December and from Ohio, Iowa, G eorgia, Ten­ blue make this a cozy rendez­ caped" in one minute and 50 to be placed at an appropriate a formal Concert has been sched­ nessee, Kentucky and Minnesota. vous. seconds. place on the campus soon. uled for the early spring. 2 THE EDGECLIFF

week-end. Delegates from all parts of the •-·-·-·- ·- - · - -- -·• stowed on Col. Charles A . Lind­ THE EDGECLIFF United States and from some of Canada's bergh by officials in Moscomedy Tm: EDGECLIFF is the official publication of Our provinces will hear topflight clerical and lay if he had lauded instead of criti­ Lady of Cincinnati College, Edgecliff, Cincinnati, ELSIE'S cized the Soviet air force? Now Ohio conducted by the Religious . speakers expound the principles of Catholic It appears periodically throughout the school year. journalism. he is a "fascist" stooge; other­ COMPACT wise he would have been decor­ ADDRESS: Tm: EooEC~F, l· CAROLINE McKEE JANE HOWARD unless it pays homage to the monumental starting off with something like work Bishop-elect Thill inaugurated in the this . ... Circulation Manager Catholic Students' Mission Crusade which MARTHA LESAINT he conceived while studying at Mt. St. Mary • • • Assistants Major Seminary 20 years ago. Isn't there going to be an ROTC DOG BEVERLY HALEY RUTH WETTERER Bishop-elect Thill started a youth move­ tea prett7 soon, or are upper­ ment before most moderns, who believe they classwomen maintaininl' they've Advertising Manager staked out their claims and are DAZE PEGGY KIERNAN are promoting youth movements, began to think seriously about youth's problems. The rotnr to stick to them? The BY LAURA J. BOWARD Business Manager C. S. M. C. has grown to be a shining monu­ frosh DO look anxious. MARGARET MIDDENDORF ment to Bishop-elect Thill. Its drama, sac­ • • • Now that school has resumed, rifices, its whole character revolve around For class summons, first we those pleasant days at Ft>rt Scott BENEATH THE SURFACE Christ. No matter matter how brilliant a had a fire gong until counsel for are only fond memories. We record Bishop-elect Thill writes in Concordia, the school uncovered a city or- think of those hours we spent TO new students at Our Lady of Cincinnati he must go far to surpass his achievements dinance that was being broken. lying in the sun literally smear-· 1 College, The Edgecliff extends a cordial here. For him Our Lady of Cincinnati Col­ Then came an eerie gong we ed with mutton-tallow, olive oil,. welcome, bidding them enter into every· lege :Prays a long and blessed life in Christ's wouldn't want to hear o' nights vinegar, cocoa-butter, and won­ phase of a vigorous Catholic scholastic life. service. when the building is darkened. der if it was worth while. A Wide-eyed wonder of freshmen, overawed To avoid confusion, to assure few weeks back in civilization despite themselves upon becoming college THE DEVIi CAN QUOTE regular, prompt attendance, we'd certainly can ruin a tan. students, is being matched by that of upper ~ · suggest a long, sweet whistle of Speaking of tans, Frances Han­ class members who see countless reasons for ,...-.0 the floor at Geneva stepped pudgy the kind that brings Monica non had the worst luck of all;· i I admiring the new Administration Building. 1 Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet diplomatist, to Drucker to the front door these hers washed off. She was a nice Older, yet none the less brilliant facets in b ewa1·1 t h e scrappmg· o f " mora l"t1 Y" m· m· t er- autumn eves., or a horn of the golden brown until she prepared the gem that is Our Lady of Cincinnati Col­ national contracts by England, France, Ger- magnetic type used to make Eu- to return to school, and with her· lege are also attracting last year's sophisti­ many and Italy. Now Russia is officially genia Craig powder her nose, first real washing, presto, no tan. grab a coat and rush outside. cated high school and academy seniors who atheistic, b oasts a b ou t 1"t , f os t ers the God.I ess However, acquiring a tan was. are this year's ingenuous frosh. The modern League to stamp out that which cannot be • • • only a sideline with Frances, her· beauty that has been woven harmoniously erased from people's minds . . . God. It is There's nothing like getting main project having been "pump- into the handsome new building has a magic like the new Communism, of course, to cant into a scrape, either, thinks the priming." It was at this that. all its own. To oldsters at Our Lady of Cin­ about something it detests, to make the end lay prof. who has been contem- she spent most of her time. cinnati, the historic buildings on other spots justify the means in the sense such an indict- plating bringmg a shaving kit so Ugh! Squaw Brink of the campus still possess an ancient charm ment is libelously applied to the Society of his black beard will not frighten Bea Brink made herself fam-· and magnificence the freshmen too will learn Jesus by bigots with pin-striped minds. the frosh. For your info., there to love. Litvl.noff and moral i"ndignation, Russia and f h · ous not only as director of the are accommodations or s aving Nature Department, but by being. V'.ET to all students The Edgecliff would righteousness, Communism and democracy. in the smoggery. chosen squaw for Mokko, the I recall that at Our Lady of Cincinnati Shall we not have more synonyms for Com- • • • Indian Chief from Iowa. I do there must be paramount always that su­ rade Litvinoff's use: black and white, good A sure way to arouse Miss V. not know whether I should say preme attraction, the beauty of their Catholic and bad, sweet and sour, left and right, up Beck's danda, "chosen" because it was more of" Faith. Apparently quiescent yet forceful, and down, in and out, forward and backward, Is to tell her about the Reds' a case of first come, first served,. that faith must motivate every action of justice and injustice, love and hate, hot and propaganda. and for once in her life, Bea was. every student. It is a faith of beauty far cold, virtue and vice. They are all the same • • • 'way out in front. She held the surpassing any that could be incorporated to Sovietisrn. America is getting a taste of h all summer until it came the same thing. Reds and their sympathizers A campus wag thinks oop- pace into bricks, mortar, tile and marble. b skirts have staged a comeback to time for the wedding, and Bea It is THE faith, the one which flows un­ are genuine lovers of democracy, we aret. e- keep the ladies attuned to mud- very secretly took her day-off,. ceasingly toward the Almighty God Who ing told. Say we "Hitler is not persecu mg . . · d b. b and left Mokko waiting at the Jews, that is not a Communist knife in your dled think~ng disp 1aye Y a~- church. made all beautiful things. It is THE faith . " Ask a rel-head diplomats across the big which brings from Him an unending fl.ow of b ack . W ord s, t erms are re1 a tive. d Many of you probably saw the grace to soothe the wounds suffered by man Marxist; he says so · except when his ox ' pon · • • • Water Show directed by Erny in the war he must fight on earth. Beneath is being gored. I Just a few now-and-thens: Lou Harig, with Helen designer- all the boisterousness and characteristic glee What girl driving what blue of costumes, and Fran Hannon of college girls must be the realization that car is a reason for what two "X" head of properties. It was call­ they are part of an institution dedicated to MEN ARE LIKE BABIES LL-MANNERED children usuaily do not boys having served the opening ed "The Mermaid's Plight." The train them to be Catholic women. Mass? campers and counselors partici-· Even carefree college students cannot es­ I thank parents for favors, are rude to those cape facing their destiny ... that they are who are kind to them. How like such nasty Our first visitors from the other pated, but Mm-y Jo Schroder,. end of the Parkwa for the 1938_ camp director, walked off W:ith on the road toward becoming full-fl.edged children many of us must have seemed these . Y all the honors as a stunrung men and women. The Catholic college girl weeks to God the Father as He listened in 39 season arrived Wednesday, the K " N "th h h " k 27th, at approximately 1 p. m .,- mg eptune Wl er w is er• even more so has to realize her obligation vain for prayers of thanksgiving after a world catastrophe had been averted at Mun­ headed by Dick Dooley so nat- made. from a floor mop, a~d to take full advantage of scholastic days to urally Topsy Topmoeller was on wearmg ow: shower cur~m. weld her character in the living fire of the ich. Frantic appeals had been sent out to ask e L g . Fran had a little trouble makmg th o . . c . rece1vm· · 1me. h h h " h Faith of faiths. Almighty God as a last resort after puny . t e w a 1e w ic was a 1arge men had failed to stop the rumble of Mars' . Betty Shipley ha~ a unique part of the show, but the Boy's. chariot wheels. diary-the only ~us1cal ~ne on Camp came to the rescue and DESIGN FOR WRITING Only the alleged "liberals" wh? had b.~n the campus. We re told it con- the whole thing was a whale of ORDS marshaled in proper formation purling pacifists until recently failed to JOm tains quite a number of Victor a success. recordings. Boy, if we only had W and enlivened with the writer's spirit the chorus beseeching the Heavenly Throne. a needle! Jeanne Martin and Peg Kier- mean something. In whatever language they The Big Four adjourned at Munich to re­ R"t (H . nan didn't have a chance after appear they are a force more powerful than ceive congratulations, adulation, exhausted I a oney Pie) Seddon and the 0 . L. C. girls discovered they deeds. For think . . . heroic and base deeds whispers of relief from the hearts of the her. "Honey. C u ddles " are d omg· were interested in coming this their httle share to keep the air Th dull whose actors are shrouded in dust on the people who would have b~en butch~red . - b . . . year. ere never was a highway of fast-moving time, live only be­ Benes Chamberlain, Daladier, President mai1 usmess fi ounshmg. moment thanks to our wonderful cause someone put those deeds into words. Roose~elt are being talked of as likely re­ Now we ask you, J eanne, does tales of dances, cokes-at-the­ Words properly marshaled and in.fused cipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. They did Frank's coat look good with pink Alms, not mentioning visitors with the principles proclaimed by Christ on it all, God did nothing. When Christ recom­ angora? from the other end of the Park- the Mount are going to be the subject matter mended our becoming as little children, He • • • way. We did everything but of the Catholic Educational Press Congress did not have in mind the kind described What, we wonder, would have sign them on the dotted line, and at Marquette University, Milwaukee, this above. Have YOU thought to thank Him? been the type of blessing be- we left that to Sister Mary Grace_ THE EDGECLIFF 3 Officers Elected By Freshmen _a_.._..._a-~ TAKING STOCK BY CAROLINE McKEE

The crisis in Europe has sub­ "All color and noise with the sided into a low rumble of voices new green grass, green ivy, red and wild speculation. Once brick, blue sky and golden trees more the world heaves a sigh -yes, these shades will play an and goes on with life. Some important part in your fa ward­ will remember to thank the God robe," says Helen Uchtman, 0. L . of Peace that the horror of war C.'s only professional model in has been averted and will on­ one of Cincinnati's most popular tinue to beg for safei' and life­ department stores. long security for their children. "You'll want more poise and Some will begin to search fur­ self-assurance, and one of the ther for causes and so!utions and best ways to attain this is see under the veil of hysteria through your clothes. You'll find and propaganda certain facts. too, if you don't realize it al- One thing is clear to the dip­ Alice Topmoeller ready, that the 'college girl tra­ lomatic world . . . Alsace Lor­ dition' is broken." raine belongs to France. Herr ;;;ms:;;::;;;s77;s:;j ''On campus, you should see Hitler stemmed the tide of pub­ lots more imagination used. lic opinion in France while he There'll be, not your sweaters averted open conflict with that and tweed skirts which have, for country, and most likely with years, been your safe guess, but England also, by quietly donat­ the modified dirndl or a Norfolk ing the Alsatian provinces in re­ jacket, or a giddy little accessory turn for the region of the Saar. all your own." Why, we wonder, does he not Plan Your Clothes have pity on the Germans sub­ "Off campus, you'll want to be jected to French rule? Certain­ the sophisticate with no suspicion ly the politics of Europe have of brick and ivy about you. Your suffered a great change since hair will not be a brush but a the last convocation in Ver­ coiffure, and you'll be the pret­ sailles! tier for it. Your make-up will Looking still further into re­ be more like the work of an Marpret (Per) Kleman cent events there appear to be artist, not a paint job; your two kinds of support in foreign These three Cincinnati girls later. Miss Kiernan is the daugh- clothes will be planned, not ac- politics . . . Goebbels pledged have been chosen by the fresh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. i.2:!2:::.22.,:J cidental. the whole-hearted support of the men as their officers during the Kiernan of Walnut Hills and was Be the first with a Neapol- German people to Hitler when 1938-39 scholastic year. Miss graduated last June from Mt. lrma Roettker itan sailor's cap, a calf skin vest, he advocated war ... Several Kiernan is officially class repre­ Notre Dame Academy, Reading, Ursuline Academy at Oak street (like a cow-·boy's) a bracelet hours later the Prime Minister sentative on the College Club, Ohio. and Reading road, Cincinnati. A dangling wooden signs, a cat-o'- of England received thousands of student governing group. The Miss Topmoeller has been ·graduate of Mother of Mercy nine-tails belt or a black velvet letters asking him to avoid war frosh president customarily is named treasurer and is the Academy, Werk road, Westwood, band dripping imitation ame­ with the Czechs at any price. elected at the beginning of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miss Roettker is the daughter of thysts for your white throat. Just what do you make of the second semester and election as C. Topmoeller of Avondale. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Roettker, Anyway, the path is wide open whole thing? class representative is tanta­ Topmoeller is an attorney. Miss Colonial drive. She has been for you so use your imagination mount to election as president Topmoeller is an alumna of the · named secretary. I and have some fun." ~easants Pay ~ Hitler's tirade at Berlin re- planes. The observer sees ' a life-long security of their off- vealed one thing destined to les- small black cloud of hate which spring. Frosh Wear Stripes sen popularity in the Third Reich may sweep up and engulf Hitler The fears of the Catholics who of its own founder. Five bil- some not too distant day: hate of looked for Fascism in Spain and lion marks have been forced his own people. It seems that the fears of the liberals who During Hazing Week from the peasants during the last· those who witnessed the last war foresaw an autocracy have been five years to aid the unemployed are willing to sacrifice national killed by one clause of the Mun­ BY EILEEN CRAIG lines and general hilarity of the only to roll out in gas, guns and expansion if it will mean the ich four-power treaty. Though A scavenger hunt, wiener roast impromptu production had even the columns of Generalissimo staid faculty members gasping. Franco advance slowly they ad­ and the traditional capping cere­ mony climaxed the freshman in­ Caps were bestowed by Rose­ Famous Newsman Ma.y vance nevertheless steadily. mary Ebertz, College Club pres­ There can be expected a swell­ itiation. Theme of this year's ident, who explained their sig­ ing flood of propaganda on the Visit Edgecliff Soon week of discomfort for incomers nificance. Mary Lucille Solomon part of the Communists and was the prisoner's song to the aided Miss Ebertz in directing hopes for a rising chant of sup­ Thomas Morgan, former f,ar- the week's ceremonies. friend of His Holiness, Pope iPius plication from the Catholics for plaintive notes of which the eign correspondent for the United XI, and the only reporter ever victory. True it is that the yearlings had to bow and scrape In a traditional ceremony, the Press and the Associated Press, granted a private interview. He powers have been changed but 'before upper class members, eat skull caps, decorated with the was also the only newsman pres­ college's blue and white and the will arrive in Cincinnati to ad­ the cause and the scene remain ent at the funeral of Pope Bene­ bread and water and wear peni­ official seal, had been placed at dress the Medievalists in the the same. Will the diminished tentiary garb to class. dict XV. It is expected that Mr. fo rces result in an unfavorable the base of the Blessed Virgin's Hotel Alms next Tuesday. Morgan will recount some of his result for the Christians? The frosh forebore nobly, even statue in the chapel the night Mr. Morgan is the author of experiences while Vatican cor­ to the extent of repaying their preceding initiation climax. Thus Neutrality Revision ·~ Reporter at the Papal Court," respondent for 16 years. "torturers" by presenting a top­ is carried out the rite used by and has received enthusiastic Final arrangements for his Many and learned have been notch minstrel show in which medieval knights who consecrat­ the discussions concerning the commendation for numerous visit at Edegcliff have not been P eg Kiernan's versatility was ed their armor to Our :t.ady in magazine articles. He is a close completed . neutra1ity laws of the world. featured. Flat notes, missed this manner. Prominent among the participa- tors have been representatives of our own country. In view of CAPS AND GOWNS FOR GRADUATION I the recent international struggle HOTEL ALMS and other purposes the action of Senator Logan of I K entucky is unworthy. An ad­ CINCINNATI'S MODERN HOME-LIKE HOTEL Made t~ Order and Rental ' vo::ate of the r epeal of the neu- 1 t rality laws of this count~y seems / Ten Minutes Walk from Our Lady of Cincinnati College UNIFORMS FOR COLLEGES, BANDS, ETC. to lean toward one desire alone­ war and a boom in American I munitions markets. It has al- I Catering to Weddings, Banquets - from 4 to 400 ways bPen the policy of the THE PETTIBONE BROS. MFG. CO. 1 500 Rooms 400 Car Garage Cincinnati, . . . Ohio United States to guard the r ights of h umanity; we upheld our for- Dan M. Myers, Manager I eign policy in 1914, but 191 8 1 .------=------..1 / found us signing peace treaties .;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..~ How, we would like to know, I can this country remain neutral I THE ALMS PHARMACY I when the foreign news fl ashes I so form public opinion as to lead Compliments East McMillan Street and Victory Parkway I a representative of the people to make such a statement and get Cincinnati, . . . Ohio I away with it? Why, really, does 0 I Senator Logan want our Neu- f Phones . . WOodburn 1603 - 7600 trality Law revised? 1 Those driving to school with A Friend "Walnut Hills Finest Drug Store" \ guests in inclement weather ap- preciate the archway leading to 1 1 ..._------! a wing of the new building. ------....: 4 THE E D GECLIFF Grads Busy Liturgical Art Perfected Peace Meet Teaching And Scheduled Studyi~g For Nov. 19

Elementary and High Delegates To Meet At School Pedagogues Mt. St. Joseph

Most 0 . L. C. alumnae are To form an International Re­ busily engaged teaching or striv­ lations Club, an organization ing toward pedagogy, a survey • meeting of Catholic colleges in reveals. the Ohio Valley will be held No­ Jean Wingerter, '37, is instruc­ vember 19 at Mt. So. Joseph Col­ tor of the third grade at SS. Peter lege, Delhi. and Paul School, Norwood, while It is being held in connection. Bea Brink, '38, has the same with a student peace movement grade at St. Margaret of Cortona, in which .the Catholic colleges of Madisonville. Rosemary Slacke, the Ohio V•alley will take p art. '37, is in charge of the first p ri­ The Club, which will be or­ mary at the Convent of the ganized in affiliation with the Sacred Heart in Clifton. Cath olic Association for Interna­ Margaret Brinker '37, is now tional Peace, will be known as Sister Mary Dolora of the Mercy the Ohio Valley Student Peace Novitiate, Dubuque. D orothy Federation of the Catholic Asso­ Santen is teaching general sci­ ciation for International Peace. ence and English to Our Lady Each college is to have its own of Mercy High Students. D or­ faculty advisor and officers. othy Cahill and Rosemary Mey­ er,

GROCERIES, MEATS, FISH AND POULTRY Sincerely yours, James Garfield Stewart, A Friend FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON Mayor. •