WEEKLY $3.00 $2.80 plus .20 GST Volume 53 No. 20 April 20, 1991

. MORETHAN WORDS '.' Extreme ': .' · ...... 'THE'POWER'...... : ' . '., Alias : .. · .. .. . MORE'THA'NE'iER...... Nelson

· (c~~ici'~~'Sa'id)i i'O'LD YOU ·SO· ~ Kon-Kan : · .... i DONTWANNA CRY' .... MariahCarey ...... s'ooMERAN'G...... · ... 'ALWAys'ON'THE'RUN'.... Spunkadelic LennyKravitz · .. CALLiT'ROCK' 'NROLL ... · ... 'LOVE'AT'FIR'STsiGHT' ... GreatWhite. Styx I'VE BEEN THINKING MARIAH CAREY ABOUT YOU - Londonbeat · .. NOTLiKE'KI'SSING YOU'.. ... 'DON"T'MAKE' rv1EDR'EAM' .. Mariah Carey RCA West End Girls ABOUTYOU Columbia - CK-45202-H · ..... REDCLAY H'II~LS' ..... Chris Isaak MaeMoore • ... ; ~ YOUDON'T' HA'iE' TO' GO HOME : , . BLAMEIT ON TEXAS TONIGHT ': .' ~ GLASSTIGER Mark Chestnutt The Triplets . " .~ SimpleMission ...... RESTLESS · 'TOUCHME(Ail'Ni~'h't'Lo~g)' . • AMYGRANT MarcO'Connor CathyDennis HeartIn Motion 'WO'RDOFMOUTH' . SH'EDON'T' KNOW' THAT' SHE',s · ...... ROLLiNG'STONE's ...... PERFECT Mike& The Mechanics Flashpoint The BellamyBrothers • · ..... NEIG'HBOiiRHOOD LOND.ONBEAT l'wo'NDER'HoVi'FAR 'ri"'ls 'OVER GregoryHoskins Internationally, Rita MacNeil is : : In The Blood • recognized as a Canadian "s uper­ YOU c6ME'IN' FRO'M T'HE c'OLD' · .. . · ...... 'CELjNEDiaN' ...... star", back home in Canada, she AaronTippin Joni Mitchell Unison has sold more than 300,000 al­ ... .. ·A·NEWWAy·OUT······ CALLiTPOISON · ..... ' ..... · ..... 'QUEEN'sRYCH'E...... bums, but she hasn't as yet kicked AnneMurray The EscapeClub in with Canada's programmers. Empire 'I;VEGOi' 'THAT' OLD' FEELiNG' - Page 7 · ..... SENSls'LESHOeS' .... : · ...... CHRisR'E'A ...... AlisonKrauss DavidLee Roth · ...... , .... . Auberge HEAT · .... 'THE'REMBRANTs ...... LeslieSpit Treeo The Rembrants

THE LAW Highway 5 The Law MCA Atlantic - 82915-P 2 - RPM - April 20, 1991 The end of an era, A&B's Fred Steiner dead at 64 Justin Entertainment The record industry mourns the loss of Fred the operation. He was however, actively in­ to larger office complex Steiner, owner and founder of A&B Sound volved in the corporate structure of the Justin Entertainment has moved to a larger who died in Vancouver after suffering a mas~company up until his death. office complex to accommodate an anticipated sive heart attack in his home Thursday April 4 Stan Kulin, President of Warner Music expansion program. (RPM - April 13/91). Mr. Steiner was 64 years Canada fondly remembers the many years that Jeff Burns, President of the burgeoning of age. he did business with NIr. Steiner. "I was deeply young organization, is confident that with new Mr. Steiner founded A&B Sound Ltd., saddened at the passing of Fred Steiner. It is signings to the label plus important interna­ now Western Canada's largest consumer elec­ indeed the end of an era. Over the last 25 years tional contacts made over the past few months, tronics speciality store, in 1955. There was I had numerous dealings with Fred and, while an expansion program of this magnitude is only one store at the time, which initially sold he was a tough negotiator, he was an extremely timely. stereos, but there was an obvious need for a fair, honest and straightforward individual. The new offices are located at 2145 major record outlet in Vancouver and, in 1959, The testimony as to just how good he was is the Avenue Road in north central Toronto tele- a record department was added. The Hastings current status of A&B, which in my mind, when phone 416-482-2969. ' Street store was closed when the operation you think of the music and retail in Western moved to a larger location on Granville Street, Canada, you think of A&B. Certainly, the or­ which subsequently was moved to an even ganization that he has left will continue to carry larger location, its present flagship store on on the great performance A&B has given our Seymour Street. In March oflast year, the head industry in that marketplace because Fred had a office and central warehouse moved to new knack of picking the right people." premises on Cornett Road to allow further Mr. Kulin recalls his last meeting with Mr. expansion of the Seymour store. Steiner, which took place over the Juno week­ A second location was opened in Victoria end. "Fred was looking back over his years in in 1977 and seven years later, Southwest the music business and we talked for about an Marine Drive became the third outlet, followed hour and it was fascinating to me to see that he in 1987 by a store in Surrey. In 1988 the Metro­ was still the same individual he was in the town Shopping Centre in Burnaby was opened, earlier years and still looking for ways to pro­ followed in 1990 by a downtown store in mote and push more music product through his Nanaimo. The newest location in East stores. Fred is going to be missed, and he will Diamond Award (1 million units) to Alannah be fondly remembered by a good many of us, Myles and her manager Christopher Ward, who Vancouver on Hastings Street will be opened in also wrote her big hit, Black Velvet, following the May. including myself.". Vancouver Juno Awards, presented by Warner Mr. Steiner built his business on an eco­ Ross Reynolds, President of MCA Music's Stan Kulln and Garry Newman. nomically-sound foundation. His customer re­ Records Canada, remembers that Mr. Steiner lations were paramount, which made his "was tough, but fair. He was a true pioneer. I Sony Music Publishing Seymour store, the mecca of the West Coast don't know of any other market in North signs bright, new talent America so dominated by one retailer." record buying public. He knew the territory, Sony Music Publishing, which signs artists to Mr. Steiner is survived by his wife Marie, perhaps better than most in the business. He publishing deals and is independent from Sony two children, Michael and Barbara Eslake and was known as a tough negotiator, and he prided Music, has some bright, new talent on it's grandchild, Stephanie. himself on giving his customers the best prices roster. Funeral services were held in Vancouver available, much to the chagrin of a growing list Recently RPM spoke with Michael Roth on April 9th. In lieu of flowers, the family of competitors, who, unlike Mr. Steiner, didn't at S.M.P. who is quite excited about their requested that donations be made to the Heart know the territory. Over the years, more than a artists, Toronto dance/pop artist LisaLougheed Foundation in memory of Mr. Steiner. few U.S. rack and retail operations had zeroed being one. Currently in the process of signing in on Vancouver with hopes of taking a chunk New single release with Warner Music and already in a publishing of the market. Extensive research however deal with Sony, Roth admits it will be constantly revealed that Fred Steiner's A&B for Roch Voisine interesting to see how she does with two major Sound was in total com~andof the market and Roch Voisine, who recently attracted a huge companies behind her. the risk of competing was too great. ' crowd in Paris for his birthday party, makes Another act, hailing from Halifax, is Mr. Steiner retired in December of 1987 another bid for the charts with a new single, On Black Pool. Their debut We The Living, and his son Michael assumed the presidency of The Outside, the follow-up to A Fishing Day. released on Justin Entertainment (distributed Both tracks are on his self-titled Star album. by MCA), is gathering rave reviews, in part due Regarding the Paris concert, publicist to "very intelligent lyrics." They're currently Gino Empry, who was in the French city for the shopping in the states and, with singles like big date, was overwhelmed by the crowd this Days And Days, they should do well. young Canadian attracted. "It was the most Roth also raved about Mae Moore, whose exciting concert I've been to in a long time, third single, Red Clay Hills, is climbing up the "says Empry. "The age demographics ranged RPM 100 Hit Tracks chart. Look for her album from 13 to over 60. Roch is certainly a super­ Oceanview Motel released on Epic (Sony star in Europe, a mega-superstar in France." Music) and a tour across Canada with the The new track was written by Voisine and Northern Pikes. John Campbell and reflects their feelings for Keven Jordan is another newcomer whose the stars of the screen, who have passed on, the Columbia album, and single, No Sign Of Rain stars from the '40s and '50s; Marilyn Monroe, is climbing the charts. The track was produced Rita Hayworth, Greta Garbo and Jane by Tim McCauley. Mansfield. Others to watch for are the Bel-Vistas, Voisine recalls the day On The Outside Lori Yates, and Henry Small, formerly of was written. "It was truly a day of great loss, it Prism. INXS, recently. In Toronto, received Warner was the day Greta Garbo died." Sony Music Publishing is very involved double platinum for X, their tenth album, Andrew in bringing artists to the attention of record Farrlss, Garry Gary Beers, Michael Hutchen E, A video of On The Outside displaying Jon Farrlss, Kirk Pengilly and Tim Farrlss show many of the world's famous stars as backdrops, labels and that makes the future of Canadian off their awards. is being readied for release. music look very exciting.

4 - RPM - April 20, 1991

hour, the case will probably never go to trial. shirts, hats, etc. etc. etc. American retailers But there is a winner, in fact there are a couple, were a go, but their Canadian counterparts said maybe three or four winners ... you guessed it, no, with the exception of Jerry Wipf, who was the lawyers. (EC: There's a drive on to raise an effective mover at Pindoff at that time. The money for an old lawyers home, but no one Eaton Centre's Musicworld gave the package wants to contribute to the TRUST fund . . .for deal a nod, and, according to Brian, sold obvious reasons!) through 85%. That's better than records, and I Down with yuppies!!!! Watch the record hear the markup ain't bad either. (EC: J' ve said business change its direction, now that the all along, we should have opened a record yuppie dollars are vanishing. Downsca1ing will store years ago . . . !) mean that more music will be aimed at the over Watch for a disgruntled ... very disgruntled with Elvira Capreese 50 crowd. The ones who have some money left FORMER record company employee to stir up The day the music stopped ... ! Tell me and are starting to notice that music on CD is a a very nasty, and I mean NASTY bit on his about it! (EC: 1 guess that just about says it all. bargain. (EC: It doesn't mean that rock and roll former company. (EC: First he has to establish 1 couldn't have put it better!) THINK about it! is dead, but that catalogue usually sellsfor full himself as being credible . . . !) price. The hits are most often discounted.) What will they think of next???? So, there's Hold the phone ... ! I hear there are some this guy who sends his record hype out on a fax The Blue Jays are back ... ! What a great very serious discussions going on in the indus­ and gets to all the fax owners. Now, if he can place to have lunch ... on the outfield of try about a major racker that's in trouble. (EC: only think of a way to include stories, charts Toronto's Skydome. Not too many people will 1 thought they were all in trouble . . . !) ever have the opportunity to tread the same turf and photos ... he may have something. Mean­ More trouble in music city ... ! Those guys as Mookie Wilson or Dave Stieb, or even Kelly while, I hope the day will come when fax ma­ with the very deep pockets might be experienc­ chines start to buy his records. (EC: Don't Gruber, but for the mere price of a Variety Club ing a little pressure from the boss, or Board. Ap­ waste my expensivefax paper on your unsolic­ Luncheon ticket, more than 3,000 of us did just parently, it's time to MAKE money. The three that. The whole luncheon was a really uplifting ited advertising!) Can I interest you in a cheap years is up ... actually, it's closer to four, and hotel in the Dominican Republic??? event. Even Big Al Dubin and his cabbage the boss, or Board, whichever you prefer is/are loving partner Reg Bouvaird had a spring in More lawyers stuff . . . ! Get ready, the getting nervous. It happened in New York City their steps. (EC: That was the turf and half a first. (EC: Is this another of your riddles . . . ? lawyers are jockeying for position in the latest dozen scotches!) Of course, when it came to huff-and-puff, self-destruct case that will soon playing the National Anthem, it was the Ameri­ become public. While their clients and the' can one first, followed by our own. Maybe ... clients of their adversaries are throwing legal someday, we'll have enough Canadians in the spitballs at each other, at humongous bucks an lineup to be first. I wonder if anyone would be interested in introducing a Cancon quota? (EC: The JUNO AWARDS were If you thought the broadcasters were tough, originated by Walt Grealis don' t hang your chin out on this one!) and Stan Klees on Who's renting CDs these days ? If I February 23, 1970. ... were a record manufacturer, which I'm not, before I opened a new client, or one who is fl •• the prophets of doom, the messengers of medioc­ rity, will be overwhelmed by the new generation of thinly disguised as a new client, I'd make sure competent, creative, confident artisans, and by all the operation was squeaky clean. I'd hate to those preceding generations who have already dem­ find my product being sold where CDs are ollStrated their freshness of mind, their talent, and their capacity for inspired leadership." rented out. Kind of like playing Russian rou­ - Pierre Juneau lette. (EC: Why not rent the CDs to the retailers Kenny Hollis, amIable host of Lulu's, North with no return privileges . .. !) America's largest roadhouse, Is among the grow~ Ing number of people who read RPM." ~~:; l'j And then there were four . . . ! Could there published weekly since be another major merge and buyout and an­ Well, at least the hypers made it, but it February 24th, 1964, by other merge on the horizon? That bunch who rained and it was golfing weather and the RPM MUSIC PUBliCATIONS LTD. phones went on the blink and ... what else can 6 Brentcliffe Road tried to buy up the world could be in trouble .. Toronto, Ontario . BIG trouble this time. What was once a fa­ I tell you. (EC: All kidding aside ... I think the M4G3Y2 mous name .. . a very long time ago, just might music is about to stop.) Not alphabetically: 416-425-0257 FAX: 416-425-8629 wander down the path to oblivion, along with LIsa GlennIe - Q1 07 - The "HOG" the scuttlers. Check out some of the retailers Dale Kotyk - Warner MusIc Walt Grealis - Editor & Publisher DavId L1ndores - EpIc Records and find who their top five suppliers are . and Sean LaRose - News/Research .. Don PrIns - CTV's Shirley Show also ask who the worst supplier is. I've already Roger Bartel - Capitol Records Tim Evans - Radio/Charts Falsel Durranl - A&IM Records Roy Windhager - Country/General News done my research, which will make another Stan Klees - Special Projects interesting addendum to my book. (EC: You better hurry up and publish THAT book, there The MAPL logo was created by Stan Klees for RPM won't be too many of your favourite subjects in 1970 and is used extensively by Canadian record left!) companies to identify the quantity of Can con on label copy. In Toronto, Toronto .... ! I saw a lawyer dancing with himself. (EC: I saw one in Vancouver, Winnipeg, Edmonton, and even M - Music was composed by a Canadian A - Artist who is featured is a Canadian citizen Halifax ... so what's the big deal ... ?) P - Production was wholly recorded in Canada L - Lyrics were wrinen by a Canadian How's this for losing out ... ! Brian Stutz, Marketing Manager for Brockum ... you know, Call now for your free catalogue of all Advertising rates supplied on request. Second the company that has the corner on the market World Records services. class postage paid in Toronto. Registration No. mm1 Wo rld Record s for merchandising rock clothing and parapher­ 1712 Baseline Rd. W. P.O. Box 2000, 1351. nalia, had a golden opportunity forretailers that PRINTED IN CANADA ~ ~~~~;3~~~I;oo;~~L1;6_~;~_1868 almost everyone turned down. He offered them Give us a try on your next project. We are a line of the BIG EVENT items? Jackets, T- sure you'/I be SlnQing our Praises! RPM - April 20, 1991 - 5 Sam The Record Man continues setting the pace tain amount of leverage when petitioning for "changes" and re-thinking" of laws and pro­ When asked how he remains so successful in cent decline in business is reflected in lost posals that directly aff(fct him and, in some the record retail business in view of the fact that cassette sales, which is in line with the recent cases, the industry generally. His most recent one of his major competitors has tumbled while CRIA stats for the month of February. foray into a government inner circle was a letter another is making impressive gains, Sam The Sniderman operation is still a 50/50 to Ontario Premier Bob Rae, asking that gov­ Sniderman answers, "It's like asking the jockey proposition, as far as locations are concerned ernment remove the retail sales tax on recorded on the winning horse how he had won the race (65 franchise stores), the last franchise store music and in short, treat the record industry as ... I got there before the other guys." being opened ten years ago. "When Jason came it does the book industry. Not surprisingly, the There's much more to it however, than in," says Sniderman, "he said 'no more fran­ Premier got back to Sniderman, advising him being there first. Sniderman, at 71, continues to chises'." The last company store was opened in that the government has set up the Fair Tax keep abreast of what's happening on the street Hamilton, another work of design art by Jason Commission "to help design a more equitable and in the industry generally. He has also loos­ and Jay Smith and obviously Sniderman's tax system," and that he was pleased that ened the reins considerably, allowing son Jason pride and joy. "Hamilton is the only record Sniderman had brought this matter to his atten­ more and more responsibility in running the store in the world," he boasts "that has oriental tion. Sniderman's next move, of course, was to day-to-day business of the Sam The Record carpets in the classical section and chandeliers harness the assistance of the record manufac­ Man stores and Roblan Distribution in the rock section." turers. "I'm hopeful the industry, through Operating as a family unit obviously has The Snidermans aren't going to be doing CRIA, will now write to the Premier, support­ its advantages. "It's uppermost," says much expanding this year, their last project for ing this concept," says Sniderman;, who obvi­ Sniderman, "when you're spending your own the time being will be in London, Ontario, ously enjoys having one foot in the door of money, there's a helluva lot of difference as to where they will be moving a few doors up from government and the other firmly planted on the how you approach a situation." He has publicly their present downtown location to a property door of the record industry. expressed his concerns over the financial prob­ they bought a few years ago. The interior of this lems of the A&A chain. "After all it's nice new store has also been designed by Jason and knowing who your competition is. It's better Smith, and is expected to open "on my birth­ having them in place than these guys from day," says Sniderman, "June 15th." England," obviously referring to his now, ma­ Since Jason joined his dad, to run Roblan jor competitor. "They were much better compe­ with his cousin Lana (daughter of Sam's tition, much easier to relate to and much easier brother Sid) and the Sam's chain, he has to get along with ... and they were Canadian, streamlined the operation and its general ap­ and they're not the new kids on the block with proach to buying, displaying and marketing, an endless amount of money in their pocket." not without some internal difficulty. His father Sniderman continues with another broad­ is often reluctant to make changes, and there side aimed at his competition, suggesting that are, quite often, some very stormy confronta­ "They have . a concept, which I imagine is tions between Jason and his dad, but an obvious wonderful in Europe and in England, because mutual respect exists. "Jason has a wonderful there is very little discounting over there ... and feeling about what customers want, says Snid­ there is very little of what you call 'believe in erman, "and I think a lot of it has to come, not merchandise'. So, they get quite a good markup only from his own activity in retail, but from from the public and, if you've been reading having been out on the road with a rock band some of the comments, they believe that the (Blue Peter). He understands the business ... he public will be willing to pay the extra for gets involved .. " service and for goods. Well, I'm not quite sure When it comes to lobbying governments, Darby Mills, recently signed to Warner Music Canada, seen here with her manager Brian if they're right." Sam Sniderman has no match. He continues to Wadsworth (I) and Warner Music's Dave In spite of the recessionary woes plaguing maintain a high profile with politicians at at all TolHngton, Stan KuHn, Greg Torrington, Karen most industries, Sniderman prefers to maintain levels of government which allows him a cer- Shook and Randy stark. that the record industry is "recession proof', admitting only that "business, since January Gallo production touch to kids' safety songs 1st, on an overall basis, is off just about the same amount as the GST we're collecting." He Veteran producer, Bob Gallo, has directed his rectly addresses some of the concerns that we does, however, believe that most of the 7 per- production skills into the growing children's as parents have for the safety of our children. market. His tact, however, is not from a record­ Government statistics show that over 250,000 Billy Newton-Davis ing artist perspective, but more in keeping with children each year are injured in accidents in welcomed to Nylons the commercial, safety/message world of and around the home, and of these 1,000 will Billy Newton-Davis has been invited to join the youngsters. die." He concludes with, "Government itself is now beginning to take a very active part in what Nylons, replacing Marc Connors who died Gallo and Executive Director David they see as the responsibility of society on the tragically of viral pneumonia on March 25th. Haggarty ofL TM Productions, are marketing a whole; child safety." Mr. Connors had been ill for some time booklet/cassette package carrying the message and had wanted the Nylons to continue without Keep Kids Safe. Haggarty explains that the All the material on the ten-song cassette him. He had last performed with them in mid­ colourful package, illustrated by Marisa Gallo, was written by Gallo and published through December, the event captured in their new live has been designed as "an educational tool, or Warner/Chappell Music. Included are Buckle album Four On The Floor. Billy Newton-Davis, teaching aid for children," between the ages of Up Your Safety Belt, Call Emergency 911, Run, Scream, The Anti-Safety Demon and a popular performer on his own, will surely 3 and 8 years, ''to help teach some basic safety." complement this exciting a cappela group When You're Riding Your Bike and more. known the world over. Haggarty goes on to point out that the Vocals, synthesizer programming and key­ With the Nylons' new live album in stores package has been reviewed by the Ministry of boards were handled by Dan Madisol) with and the single I Love It When You Call My Education, various Boards of Education, Louis Socci on guitars. The session was Name due out this week, the boys are busy Metropolitan Toronto Police, York Regional recorded at Toronto's Phase One Studios. rehearsing for an upcoming tour in Marc's Police, Walt Disney Productions (Canada and The Keep Kids Safe package js being honour, which kicks off at Toronto's Massey U.S.), various levels of government and others, marketed through Unity Corporation, 168 Hall on April 25th and winds down in Madison, "all to rave reviews." Mallard St. Unit 2, Hyde Park, Ontario, . Wisconsin on November 24th. He further explains that the release, "di- telephone: 519-472-0592. Record-distribuior code ·BMG -N ·1 • .., , " HIT TRACKS CAPITOL - F r. MCA T. -J POLYGRAM - Q ~~ If ~j l,~ & where to find them SONY MUSIC - H Canaqa's Only National 100 Hit Track Survey WARNER MUSIC - P TW LW 'NO - APRIL 20, 1991 .. 4 8 I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOU m 42 5 I GOTIAGO 68 56 12 CRY OF LOVE Londonbeat - In The Blood Barney Bentall- Lonely Avenue Gino Vannelli - Inconsolable Man Anxious Records-0608 (BMG Pop compo# 13)-N Epic-80148 (Sony compo# 26)-H Polydor-843 639 (Polygram compoJan/91 )-0 .57 JOYRIDE 36 31 15 HOW LONG CAN A MAN BE STRONG 69 45 13 Roxette - Joyride Capitol-94435 (Capitol compo# 31) -F rri;~~~~(~~~~~~~;~~~)-N$ ~~k~~~::r-3~~~I(~~Acompo# 3/91)-J

3 12 YOU'RE IN LOVE 37 41 4 SEE THE LIGHTS :J7tn&i&i:i:::l::lr~EPOWER Simple Minds - Real Ufe Alias - Alias

~K°R:~i~~~93'ij~(~:~;~F~mp.# 27)-F Virgin-2660-O Capitol-93908 (Capitol compo# 34)-F 4 13 COMING OUT OF THE DARK 38 16 12 ONLY THE LONELY 71 73 3 YOUTH OF 1000 SUMMERS Gloria Estefan - Into The Ught World On Edge - World On Edge Van Morrison - Enlightenment Epic-46988 (Sony compo# 23)-H Virgin-3106 (Promo CD single)-O ,. Polydor-847100 (Polygram compoMarch/91)-O 10 5 RHYTHM OF MY HEART 39 43 6 I'LL BE BY YOUR SIDE :rng:,d;Jim:::t: MORE THAN EVER Rod Stewart - Vagabond Heart Stevie B - Love & Emotion Nelson - After The Rain Wamer Bros-26300 (Wamer compo# 85)-P A&M-70301 9165 (A&MNirgin compo# 1/91)-0 Geffen-24290 (MCA compo# 5I91)-J 73 49 10 RIDE THE WIND 1'1 12 CRY FOR HELP E!1 52 4 CALL IT ROCK 'N ROLL Rick Astley - Free Great White - Hooked Poison - Flesh And Blood RCA-3004 (BMG Pop Comp. # 13)-N Capitol-95330 (Capitol compo# 29)-F .,...... Capitol-91813 (Capitol compo# 27)-F & 11 7 MERCY MERCY MElI WANT YOU 41 47 10 SILENT LUCIDITY ::Z'4It:il?WmH(Could've Said ) I TOLD YOU SO Robert Palmer - Don't Explain Oueensryche - Empire Kon-Kan - Syntonic CapitoVEMI-93935(Capitol compo# 33)-F Capitol-92806 (Capitol compo# 29)-F {7.~~:N.i#W:::::I:I Atlantic-82163 (Wamercomp. # 81)-P 8 15 SOMEDAY 42 48 8 THIS HOUSE "" DON'T WANNA CRY Mariah Carey - Mariah Carey Tracie Spencer - Make The Difference Mariah Carey - Mariah Carey Columbia-45202 (Sony compo# 23)-H Capitol-92153 (Capitol compo# 30)-F Columbia-4502 (Sony compo1/27)-H 9 9 ONE MORE TRY m 58 4 NOT LIKE KISSING YOU 76 80 4 IF YOU LEAN ON ME Timmy T - Time After Time West End Girls - West End Girls Colin James - Sudden Stop Ouality-15103 (Wamer compo# 82)-P A&M-70301 9169 (Promo CD single)-O Virgin-3107 (A&MNirgin compo# 2191)-0 22 5 BABY BABY m 62 3 RED CLAY HILLS n 63 7 ALWAYS TWENTY-ONE - Heart In Motion Mae Moore - Oceanview Motel A&M-75021 5321 (A&WVirgin compo# 2191)-0 ,Epic-80155 (Sony compo# 26)-H r:r!~7~~e[A&N~~gin~~~.# 1/91)-0 11 10 SADENESS a 843 YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO HOME TONIGHT 78 72 8 HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH Enigma - MCMXC a.D. The Triplets - ... Thicker Than Water The Rxx -Ink Virgin-3046 (A&WVirgin compo# 1/91)-0 ...... Mercury-848 290 (Polygram compoMa.rch/91)-O Impact-10205 (MCA compo# 4191)-J m 19 5 ANIMAL HEART ::Hf.ij:MWb :r MORE THAN WORDS moo 2 HEAT Glass Tiger - Simple Mission Extre.me - Pomograffitti Leslie Spit Treeo - Don't Cry Too Hard Capitol-92922 (Capitol compo# 33)-F A&M-5313 (A&WVirgin compo# 2)-0 Capitol-94856 (Capitol compo# 33)-F 55 80 75 11 ROCKET 0' LOVE m 21 5 HIGHWIRE 1m 3 TEMPLE OF LOVE Rolling Stones - Flashpoint Harriet- To Man The Knack - Serious Fun Rolling Stones Records-47456 (Sony compo# 26)-H east west-72110 (Wamer compo# 84)-P Virgin-3003 (A&MNirgin compo# 1/91)-0 14 17 7 LlTILE BONES 48 51 6 DREAM AWAY 81 76 9 I LOVE HER NOW The Tragically Hip - Road Apples Northern Pikes - Snow In June The Jiners - Louder Than Words ~ MCA-10173 (MCAcomp. # 5-1/91)-J Virgin-3084 '(A&MNirgin compo# 2191)-0 Capitol-94353 (Capitol compo# 29)-F QY m 26 7 STATE OF THE WORLD 65 4 THE SOUL ,CAGES 82 82 8 ,THAT'S THE WAY Janet Jackson - Rhythm N.ation- 1814 Sting - The Soul Cages Jack De Keyser - Hard Working Man ~ A&M-3920 (A&WVlrgin # 2191)-0 A&M-75021 6405-0 WEA-71801 (Wamer compo# 76)-P • 16 14 9 BITIER TEARS m 64 3 TOUCH ME (All Night Long) 83 37 14 GONNA MAKE YOU SWEAT INXS -X Cathy Dennis - Move To This C ;. C Music Factory/Freedom Williams - Gonna . Polydor-847 267 (Polygram compoMarch/91)-O Columbia-47093 (CBS compo# 21)-H m 30 6 L'gSlt~~2~~(~~~~Gc;'O~# 80)-P m 68 4 WORD OF MOUTH 84 88 8 NIGHT AND DAY R.E.M. - Out Of Time Mike & The Mechanics - Word Of Mouth Bette Midler - Some People's Lives Wamer Bros-26496 (Wamer compo# 85)-P Atlantic-82233-P Atlantic-82129 (Wamer compo# 80)-P 18 18 7 TRUSTYOURSELF m 79 2 NEIGHBOURHOOD liD 94 2 CONSPIRACY Blue Rodeo - Casino Gregory Hoskins - Moon Come Up Paris Black - Paris Black WEA-72770 (Wamer compo# 82)-P True North-74 (Sony compo# 26)-H .,""" Isba-2019 (Sony compo# 24)-H

19 20 12 MAYBE THE NEXT TIME 53 57 5 HEARTBREAK STATION l:(?§::ti~,::j: :A LWAYS ON THE RUN Cinderella - Heartbreak Station Sue Medley ~Sue Medley Lenny Kravitz - Mama Said Mercury-842 962 (Polygram compoJan/91)-O Mercury-848 018 (Promo CD single)-O Virgin - 3007-0 20 14 ALL THIS TIME 54 35 12 CRYING IN THE RAIN 87 50 13 CHASIN' THE WIND Sting - The Soul Cages A-Ha - East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon Chicago - Twenty 1 A&M-75021 6405 (A&MNirgin compo# 1/91)-0 Wamer Bros-26314 (Wamercomp. # 77)-P Reprise-26392 (Wamercomp. # 78)-P 21 24 9 EVERYONE'S A WINNER 55 53 13 GET HERE 88 89 3 AUBERGE Bootsauce - The Brown Album ~ Oleta Adams - Circle Of One Chris Rea - Auberge Vertigo-846 247 (Promo CD Single)-O QY Fontana-842 744 (Polygram compoJan/91)-O . eastwest-73580 (Wamercomp. # 83)-P

22 12 RESCUE ME 56 59 11 SIGNS ::a~:Ngw:I:LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Madonna - The Immaculate Collection Tesla - Five Man Acoustical Jam Styx - Edge Of The Century Sire-64404 (Wamer compo# 86)-P Geffen-24311 (MCA compo# 4191)-J A&M-75021 5327 (A&MNirgin compo# 3/91)-0 23 25 8 JUST THE WAY IT IS BABY 67 6 COME IN FROM THE COLD 90 61 7 EASIERTOWALKAWAY The Rembrandts - The Rembrandts Elton John - To Be Continued Atco-91412 (Wamercomp. # 79)-P MCA-10110 (MCA compo#3/91)-J 24 27 11 NEVER CHANGE MY MIND 91 93 2 DON'T TREAT ME BAD Acosta-Russell- Acosta-Russell Celine Dion - Unison Rrehouse - Firehouse Eureka Records-70002 (Capitol compo# 31)-F Columbia-80151 (Sony compo# 26)-H Epic-46186 (Sony compo# 24)-H 83 6 CALL IT POISON 92 99 2 DECISION OR COLLISION ID 71 3 HEREWE GO C + C Music Factory - Gonna Make You Sweat The Escape Club - Dollars And Sex ll. Top - Recycler Columbia-47093(Promo CD single)-H Atlantic-82198 (Warner compo# 85)-P Wamer Bros-26265-P 33 5 THAT'S FREEDOM 60 46 15 DON'T HOLD BACK YOUR LOVE 93 70 7 TAKE IT ALL John Famham - Chain Reaction Daryl Hall & John Oates - Change Of Season The Outfield - Diamond Days RCA-10830 (BMG Popcomp. # 14)-N Arista-8614 (BMG Pop compo# 11)-N MCA-10111 (MCA compo#3/91)-J 27 15 15 WAITING FOR LOVE 61 29 18 WICKED GAME 94 36 17 SHOW METHE WAY Alias-Alias Styx - Edge Of The Century Capitol-93908 (Capitol compo# 26)-F ~~!~B~~_~~~7~~t1d:r:;~d# 64)-P A&M-75021 5327 (A&MNirgin compo# 20/90)-0 28 23 13 WAITING FOR THAT DAY m 77 3 SENSIBLE SHOES 95 87 12 HEADLONG George Michael - Listen Without Prejudice Vol. I David Lee Roth - A Little Ain't Enough Oueen -Innuendo Columbia-46898 (Sony compo# 23)-H Wamer Bros-26477-P HoJlywood-61020(Wamer compo# 84)-P 34 6 HOLD YOU TIGHT 63 39 15 ALL THE MAN THAT I NEED 96 86 6 HABITS OF THE HEART Tara Kemp - Tara Kemp Whitney Houston - I'm Your Baby Tonight Diamond Ute Arista-8616 (BMG Pop compo# 11)-N Wamer Bros-24408 (Wamer compo# 81 )-P ..,." .. ,.",.,.,.,.,.,."',,.,.,', .,..... x ..., . .,',',',' A&M (A&WVirgin compo# 1/91)-0 40 9 BOOMERANG 64 44 10 FRIENDS FOREVER II!I @gl::iiliNl'LniDC~~'I:~~~~~a~~~~~ABOUT YOU Spunkadellic - Spunk Junk Candi & The Backbeat - World Keeps On Tuming Capitol-95826 (Capitol compo# 27)-F I.R.S.-13045 (Promo CD single)-F Reprise-25837 (Wamer compo# 87)-P 31 32 9 GOOD TOGETHER 65 69 5 RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW 98 78 13 IF YOU NEEDED SOMEBODY ~ Jesus Jones - Doubt - Holy Water PR~~f~~~:r~t:X;:O~d 2~~rOn Tuming qt) FoocJ..95715(Capitol compo# 27)-F Atco-91371 (WEA compo# 70)-P 32 28 9 SHE TALKS TO ANGELS .m74 2 ROUND AND ROUND 99 81 4 CALL ME AND I'LL BE THERE Black Crowes - Shake Your Moneymaker Tevin Campbell- Graffiti Bridge Rita MacNeil- Home I'll Be DGC-24278-P Paisley Park-27493 (Wamer compo# 81 )-P Virgin-5001 (A&MNirgin compo# 1/91)-0 33 38 9 NO SIGN OF RAIN 67 66 5 VALENTINE 100 54 12 KING OF THE HILL Keven Jordan - No Sign Of Rain Roger McGuinn - Back From Rio _Columbia-80163 (Sony compo# 26)-H Arista-8648 (BMG Pop compo# 12)-N 34 13 11 MY SIDE OF THE BED Susanna Haffs - When You're A Boy Ccilumbia-46076(Sony compo# 23)-H RPM - April 20, 1991 - 7

COVER STORY - by Walt Grealis release, Home I'll Be,. is the fastest selling album in her career having already chalked up Rita MacNeil - the tip of the iceberg sales of 200,000 (double platinum). During her recent tour Australia, Rita best known folk clubs of that era, it was of Not feeling too comfortable in the difficult to make ends meet. Her Toronto, and MacNeil became the darling of the press where r:ecording studio, Rita recorded all the vocals later, Ottawa years were her "bleakest." she knocked Madonna off the top of the charts. for the new album, Home I'll Be, at her home. Returning home to Big Pond in 1979, One Daily Mail writer described the Virgin star "It was great," she says "I didn't have to travel Rita's luck changed dramatically. She met as "A Heavyweight challenger for the title of outside of Cape Breton and, of course, that's pop queen," kicking off the review with, "Rita Brookes Diamond, a Halifax-based manager/ always wonderful for me. We had it all set up in promoter, who was fascinated with Rita's MacNeil is 46 years old, fat and painfully shy," the basement. He (producer Declan charm and energies and her natural ability to continuing with, "She has a double chin and a O'Doherty) brought in all kinds of crazy look­ cleft palate and is so short and overweight she communicate. "I was overwhelmed," recalls ing stuff and away we went. We even did some sometimes overbalances." The native of Big Brookes, "I had worked with some major tal­ of the backup singers there as well. It was Pond (Cape Breton) Nova Scotia was also de­ ents but Rita was mighty with the power and ... certainly an atmosphere I was more comfort­ scribed as "The Canadian superstar. "The press the gift of the great ... better than the best." He able in as opposed to the studio." was able to get away with this type of rudeness, became Rita's manager in 1985 and the wheels but when Eric Malling of CBC-TV's Fifth to set the MacNeil machine moving toward Rita included two songs on hernew album Estate, touched on these very personal subjects, stardom began to roll. that recall her early days: Does It Ever Change, including her divorce, the switchboard lit up. Instrumental backing not only served to one of the first songs she performed in concert, Rita MacNeil obviously has a lot of very vocal giveRitaan extra measure of confidence, itwas but was never recorded, and South East Wind, fans across Canada, and they were angry at a major factor in recording and concert work. written about a very painful experience in her Malling's intrusion into her private life. Fortunately she met bassist Al Bennett and life. The latter was included on her Part Of A At 46, Rita MacNeil's rising popularity keyboardist Ralph Dillon and the machine Mystery album, which is not available now. "I has, not only been through her recordings and became even more powerful. Dates at Legion thought it might be kind of neat to get these concert dates, but her frankness in talking to halls and pubs and clubs, the release of an both songs on record. Things have changed anyone and everyone. She is unique in that album, the high-powered promotion campaign over the years and it's interesting to look back stardom has come her way when she is halfway mounted by the Brookes Diamond organiza- and sing those songs that I was doing back then through her life. She is quick to admit to being . tion, and everything began to fall into place. and see what kind of perspectives they have around the hom and gored quite a few times by One of the first radio programmers to air Rita's now for people. When I first wrote the song and fate and the system. record, Prince Edward Islander Eric MacEwen, I was singing South East Wind, it was painful Born with a cleft palate, Rita "overcame recalls "I first heard Rita's Working Man song because it was happening then, and now when the impossible," she went through several at a Glace Bay show full of miners ... a burly I sing it, it's over and it's a great way to painful operations on her mouth, but after nine bunch of men ... and all were reduced to tears." remember. It's a song that was written with alot times under the knife, called it quits. It was through MacEwen's syndicated radio of sentiment to both parties involved and it's only 17 at the time. She was a born a natural show that Rita MacNeil's recording talent kind of interesting to sing it now and remem ber singer and , and although she can't gained importance throughout the Maritimes. back and know how times do change, how you write a note of music, she had a unique talent of "The lady in the hat" hasn't exactly feel much better and that you ' get through . seemingl y picking song material out of the air. soared to great popularity in her homeland, things. " She married young and, six years and two Canadian programmers are mostly guided by Getting "through things" has obviously children (Laura and Wade) later, she divorced, foreign or foreign-influenced consultants who taken its toll on this very unique talent. The which opened a whole new and completely have yet to realize or even talee the .time to memories, which she still clings to, are perhaps different life for her. recognize this "sta,r" from the east. However, the necessary ingredients that give her the Rita didn't lose sight of her song writing this "unknown" has sold over 700,000 strength to conquer new heights. and singing talents however, which did much to in Canada alone. Her Christmas Album now Parts of the above were taken from a console her, Laura and Wade, but little else. boasts sales of 313 ,000 units, her Rita album is Radio Special Interview produced for Virgin She had to resort to work as a janitor, sales up over the 255,000 mark and her current Records by Interviews Incorporated. clerk, waitress and cleaning lady, "simple domestic chores," to keep alive. Rita and her Rush's Neil Pert headlines Buddy Rich memorial children were living in Toronto at that time, and although she played dates at the Mariposa Folk Neil Peart, a member of Anthem recording trio IS-year old boy from Harlem, who couldn't Festival and at The Riverboat, one of Toronto 's Rush, headlined the Buddy Rich Memorial afford his own drums to pursue his ambition of Scholarship Concert (April 8) at the Ritz The­ becoming a drummer. Wright earned money, atre in New York City. drumming on empty paint cannisters in New The show, which was sold out, featured York's Time Square. The story came to the guest drummers who accompanied the Buddy attention of Cathy Rich, daughter of Buddy Rich Orchestra, including Will Calhoun from Rich, an organizer of the annual event, and it Living Colour, Weather Report's Omar Hakim, was felt that the young man deserved this Steve Smith from Journey and Marvin "Smitty" prestigious award. Smith, an old time jazz drummer. Peart performed three Rich classics, in­ Daley exits Cinram cluding One O'Clock Jump. He also teamed with Calhoun to perform a duet. The show was for Shorewood post videotaped and will be made available Brian Daley has been appointed Account worldwide through DCI Music Video. The Executive at Shorewood Packaging. His new video will be sold primarily through music position becomes effective April 15. equipment stores. Daley gained much knowledge of the The scholarship was founded to assist record industry and allied industries through I.R.S. platinum to Concrete Blonde for their young drummers further their musical educa­ his association with Cinram, a major manufac­ Bloodletting album, presented during Toronto tion in the name of the famed drummer. For the turing plant servicing the record industry. Skydome date (I to r) I.R.S. National Publicity last two years a national competition was held Daley is highly regarded for his expertise in the Christina Scazlghlno (I.R.S.) Mike Gormley (band manager), Johnette Napolitano, I.R.S. President through Modem Drummer Magazine, which field of vinyl, compact disc and cassette manu­ Paul Orescan, Paul Thompson, I.R.S. National determined the recipient of the award. facturing. He headed up Cinram 's independent Sales Coordinator Steve Kane, and Jim Mankey. This year's award went to Larry Wright, a label manufacturing division. 8 - RPM - April 20, 1991

PAT COIL -Jazz SAWYER BROWN .country which has a Spanish feel to it and util­ Steps Buick izes an excellent four piece horn sec­ Sheffield Lab - CD-31 Capitol C24-94260-F tion. Thisalbum is amustforalljazzand new age listeners and could be a big Much has been written about the Santa Wonder of wonders, why this incred­ seller if it could render a little more hype Barbara-based Sheffield Lab, and the ible, all-round dynamite band hasn't from radio. (CD reviewed) - RW proof of all the positive writings, is here captured the top end of the charts. This with this release by freeform keyboard­ is an incredibly superb album, perhaps ist Pat Coil, which was performed live to a little too rock-edged for some, but two-track. With all the technological ad­ that's the growing trend. They have vances ie: twenty-four, thirty-two and criss-crossed both Canada and the even individual separate tape tracks, all U.S. and packed houses In small and of which are mixed down to a final two­ large markets. It was thought that One track master tape, the sound that we Pony Less, taken as a single, would do have here, on two-track, is, to say the it, but there has to be an opening here. least, spectacular. Coil and his session Perhaps with Still Water or maybe The people, some of the best on the U.S. Walk. Excellent vocal control and bang West Coast, recorded Steps live to two­ on instrumental enhancement. AARON TIPPIN -country track. All the musicians were in the (CD reviewed) - WG You've Got To Stand For same room at the same time, and each Something song was mixed as it was played. Con­ RCA - 2374-2-R-N sequently, nothing can be changed af­ terwards. There's some impressive As unusual and, at times, grating, as scatting by Michael Ruff on The Way It Lenny Kravitz -Pop/Rock Tippin's vocals are, he has managed to Looks From Here, Trail Of Angels, and Mama Said gain a foothold with the neo-traditional­ Roads Less Travelled, where he is Virgin - CDV3073 ists of country. Tippin hasns't captured joined by Collen Coil, all three of which that market in Canada as yet, but there are key. Also key are Show Your Chil­ Dedicated to his estranged wife, Lisa appears to be a growing movement in dren Love with Phil Perry on lead vocal Bonet, this self-produced album sus­ that direction . He did not too bad with and A Son's Remembrance. This pack­ tains Kravitz's 60's style in an innova­ the title track, and his next release, I age is an exceptional fusion of jazz, tive fashion. Key tracks include Stop Wonder How Far It Is Over You, could R&B, rock, pop and yes, even funk. Draggin' Around which is musically do even better, if given the same type of Produced by Clair Marlo. For more in­ uplifting and funky along with the title promotion he's been getting in the U.S. formation on the label and studio call track, Mama Said. This follow up is not Also key are She Made A Memory Out 805-969-4744. (CD reviewed) -WG quite as rock oriented as his first outing Of Me, Ain't That A Hell Of A Note and which may disappoint some fans who DIVINYLS - Pop In My Wildest Dreams. Produced by enjoyrd that element of his debut al­ dlVlnyls Emory Gordy Jr. (CD reviewed) -WG bum. However, the song It Ain't Over Virgin - CDV 3013 'Til It's Over, which was written for This is the fourth outing for Australian Smokey Robinson and then kept at the band the diVinyls and it looks promis­ last minute, is intimately soulful and ing. You may remember front person shows the diversity of Kravitz's talent. Christina Amphlett for her school-girl (CD reviewed) - RW attire, garters and cheese-cake poses in the past but this release shows rock solid grooves and punky vocals with an alternative flavour. Produced by the diVinyls and David Tickle, songs like I Touch Myself, Lay Your Body Down and Bless My Soul (It's Rock-N-RolI) don't really break any new ground but they are fun. (CD reviewed) -PF Sheila E. -Dance/Pop Sex Cymbal CRASH TEST DUMMIES -Folk/Rock Warner Bros. - CD 26255 The Ghosts That Haunt Me Heavily computer programmed, this Arlsta - ARCD 8677 offering may be appealing to club goers Rich with an east-coast flavour, this but will be difficult for radio to access. foursome from Winnipeg shows much Production by Sheila E. and Peter promise with their eclectic blend of Michael leaves much to be desired as ROD STEWART -Pop/Rock celtic folk rock exhibited on their debut vocal tracks seem to be obscured by Vagabond Heart album. Brad Roberts' deep, haunting the sampled instruments. The lead off Warner - CD 26300-P single is the title track while another vocals and thoughtful, picturesque writ­ It looks like Rod Stewart has produced track, 808 Kate, is simply a drum solo ing are complemented by Ellen Reid's a real winner with his latest release. (why bother?). If there is a highlight on backups and excellent musicianship by Produced by Stewart and Bernard this album, it's got to be the re-make of all.Producer Steve Berlin of Los Lobos Edwards, wLth help from Trevor Horn, Lady Marmalade, the 1974 Pointer has created a fine piece of work. The Patrick Leonard, Richard Perry and Sister hit which is the only track that first single, Superman's Song is a slow, Lenny Waronker, this album has plenty Grant Gelssman -Jazz rich gem. Also quite notable is the title Miss E. or Peter Michael didn't have a of chart potential with Rhythm Of My Flying Colors track, Winter Song and Androgynous. hand in writing. Recorded at 14 different Heart, written by Canadians Marc Jor­ Bluemoon - R2 79165 (CD reviewed) -PF studios this disc should pass quickly. dan and John Capek, already climbing Next! (CD reviewed) - RW This California born guitarist got his big to the top. This is Stewart's eighteenth break while playing in Chuck album and is interwoven with pop, Mangione's band back in the 70's and it Motown 'and straight ahead rock. sounds like the gig did well by him. Robbie Robertson's Broken Arrow and Melodic tones run throughout this al­ Van Morrison's Have I Told You Lately bum highlighting Geissman's skill on are well done. ItTakes Two, a duet with the nylon string guitar. Produced by Tina Turner, is a real kicker and is a Geissman and Paul Stilwell, this re­ sure success. Stewart co-writes six of cording should appeal to a wide variety the twelve tracks, Go Out Dancing and of audiences. The title track sets the Rebel Heart being very noteworthy. pace with a positive energy and upbeat Vagabond Heart is dedicated to Ste­ melody. Hang Time is a funky track that wart's father Robert Joseph, who died really stretches the limits of what can be last fall, and is a must for Stewart fans done on a nylon string guitar. Another and should pick up a few more along the notable track is EI Cabong Rides Again way. (CD reviewed) -PF RPM - April 20, 1991 - 9 Stale copyright act leads to lost royalties tioned channels is being performed without a licence and therefore without full compensa­ The year is 1991 - most of us are aware of this Cable Television Association (CCTA) argues tion to composers and their publishers. fact so why won't the government of this that, based on the Copyright Act definition, SOCAN, Canada's performing rights country wake up and smell the cappuccino. they do not communicate musical works. society, has never been able to collect royalties When it comes to paying the composers and Therefore, are we to believe that non-broadcast from cable systems for this type of program­ publishers, they are about 65 years behind the services such as MuchMusic, Musiqueplus, ming,although they have tried for many years. times. The Canadian Copyright Act, which First Choice, Premier Choix, YTV, Le Canal In 1988, when the 63 year old mechanical dates back to 1925, still defines a musical work Famille, Super Channel, Super Ecran, and The royalty rate was finally increased, SOCAN as those which are "printed, reduced to writing Nashville Network, do not contain music? believed the problem would be eliminated by a or otherwise graphically produced or repro­ (Their ratings must be terrible). The Act, as it series of amendments to the Copyright Act duced." Amazing. I haven't read agood song in stands, also discriminates on the basis of how a through Bill C-60. Unfortunately, due to un­ ages. musical work is transmitted. If musical works clear wording in the Act, this is costing copy­ The implications of this situation are fur­ (as we know them) are transmitted by broadcast right owners millions of dollars a year - not ther satirized by the Canadian cable industry in signals then performance royalties are paid; if only in lost royalties but in lengthy legal pro­ an attempt to avoid paying performance royal­ music in distant signals is re-transmitted by ceedings as well. ties for the use of musical works transmitted by cable, performance royalties are paid but if "Bill C-130, the free trade agreement, non-broadcast services. Non-broadcast serv­ musical works are transmitted by non-broad­ provided the word 'telecommunications'," ices are television signals that are not available cast services delivered by cable systems, no explains Paul Spurgeon, SOCAN's Executive over the air but are delivered to subscribers performance royalties are paid. As a result, the Legal Counsel, "that was a new word (to the through cable systems only. The Canadian music (or lack of it) used on the above men- Copyright Act) which opened up the liability to include cable distribution of both re-transmit­ Conestoga College toasts students and professionals ted signals and non-broadcast services." Once this liability was created, it prompted SOCAN to propose a tariff that applies to non-broadcast The Kitchener, Ontario-based Conestoga Col­ President of the Ontario Advisory Council on services delivered by cable systems which lege recently honoured graduates of its Broad­ Multiculturalism. would amount to 20 cents per subscriber per casting - Radio and Television program, plus Elliott, a 1973 Conestoga broadcasting month. However, since the CCTA has chal­ broadcasting professionals at its 17th Annual graduate, was the recipient of the Alumni lenged the wording contained in the Copyright awards evening. Award [or Career Achievement. Act, the proposed tariff has been put on ice by Twelve students and recent graduates of There were two students who won in more the program received nearly $3,000 in awards than one category: Karen McCall-McLaughlin the Copyright Board. There are separate but (Dip!. A.A., '90) won the CKSL Broadcast related legal issues which have cropped up Management Award, the Central Canada from this which also keeps SOCAN's legal Broadcasters Association A ward, and the counsel tied up in Ottawa. The government has Mastercraft A ward; and Cliff Rawnsley (Dip!. promised that this wording will be changed in A.A., '90) was honoured with the ClCS/Tele­ the next round of copyright amendments but no media Creative Award, the Broadcaster of the one is sure when that will be. "Ottawa has told Year A ward and the Mastercraft A ward. us to wait until the next stage of copyright reform comes down", adds Spurgeon, "a and the winners are: speech from The Throne has indicated that at Carl A. Pollock Memorial Award: Steven some pointin the next year there will be activity Cottrell - sponsored by CAP Communications in this area but we don't want to wait our turn, of Kitchener we feel our issue is of sufficient importance to CKSL Broadcast Management Award: get it through first." Karen McCall-McLaughlin In order to create some action for the Newsperson Award: Christine Rodway - changes, SOCAN has introduced a number of sponsored by ClOY and CKLA-FM Guelph catalysts. They have obtained a resolution from CHYM Awards for Broadcasting: Bruce the International Confederation of Societies of Gray (Year 1), Caroline Innes (Year II), Valerie Authors and Composers which "urges the Cole (Year III and Announcer of the Year) Government of Canada to make the necessary Central Canada Broadcasters Associa­ changes without delay, in order to secure for tion Awards: Ellen Fraser (Radio), Karen musical works the same copyright protection McCall-McLaughlin (Television), Valerie that now exists for all other types of works Cole (Broadcast Journalism). when transmitted by Canadian cable televi­ K.A. MacKenzie Memorial Award: Sean sion." The president of SOCAN, Louis Minnick Applebaum, has written to the Prime Minister CJCS/Telemedia Creative Awards: Greg and other federal Cabinet ministers and re­ Dietrich (Writing), Cliff Rawnsley (Produc­ quested the rapid enactment of their legislative tion) amendment. SOCAN has also launched a con­ TV London/Neil Stevens Memorial Award: certed effort in Ottawa to persuade the Govern­ Bert Allen (I) with Contestoga's most award Caroline Innes - sponsored by CFPL-TV ment that they cannot afford to wait for the next winners: Karen McCall, McLaughlin and Cliff London round of Copyright Act amendments. Rawnsley. John Larke Memorial Award: Sandie If Ottawa refuses to correct the inequity and two broadcasting professionals were hon­ Ballantyne - sponsored by KEY Radio of quickly, SOCAN has vowed to apply more oured for their dedication to the broadcast in­ Kitchener pressure to the politicians by mobilizing the dustry. Broadaster Award: Cliff Rawnsley - spon­ media and their membership with tactics such Professionals honoured were H.J. (Bert) sored by CAP Communications as press conferences and letter-writing cam­ Allen, Manager of Ontario Region Community Mastercraft Award: Maureen Berry Kroetsch, paigns. The of this country have Affairs with CBC, and William G. Elliott, Sen­ Karen McCall-McLaughlin, Cliff Rawnsley enough outside competition already without. ior Producer/Director with Global Television. The Alumni Award for Career having to battle with their own government to Allen, who was guest speaker, received Achievement: William G. Elliott make a living. Hopefully justice will be served the Award for Excellence. He is currently Vice The Award For Excellence: H.J. "Bert" Allen promptly. -RW Record distributor code BMG -N .1 • .., , ' r T ALBUMS CAPITOL - F MCA -J POLYGRAM -Q ... ~ ~~ 1... 1 .. , ..... (CD & Cassettes) SONY MUSIC - H Canada ~(.lnly National 100 Album Survey WARNER Ml:JSIC - P TW LW wo - APRIL 20, 1991

36 MARIAH CAREY 35 35 13 HARRY CONNICK JR. 68 63 26 DEEE·LlTE .. Mariah Carey (Columbia) We Are In Love (Columbia) (CA) CT-46146 (CD) CK-46146-H (CA) CT-45202 (90) CK-45202-H ~~1d~~~~Ei6'g)~D-60957_P THE TRAGICALLY HIP 36 32 22 VAN MORRISON 69 64 27 BARNEY BENTALL Road Apples (MCA) ~gr~~~~~(rg~~g27100-2-0 (CA) MCAC-10173 (CD) MCAD-10173.J f~A)I~f;'~~\~))EK-80148-H 37 34 6 THE DREAM WARRIORS lEI 8 8 ENIGMA 70 66 17 PHANTOM OF THE OPERA MCMXC a.D. (Virgin) And Now The Legacy Begins (Island) ~ Canadian Cast (Polydor) (CA) CDV-3046 (CD) VL4-3046-H (CA) 391310-4 (CD) 391310-2-0 (CA) 847689-4 (CD) 847 689-2-0 4 4 42 BLACK CROWES 38 38 8 TIMMY T 71 73 6 WORLD ON EDGE Shake Your Moneymaker (DGC) Time After Time (Ouality) World On Edge (Virgin) (CA) 92-42784 (CD) CD-24278-P (CA) TC0-15103 (CD) CDO-15103-P (CA) VL4-3106 (CD) CDV-3106-0 55 41 CELINE DION 5 12 C + C MUSIC FACTORY II!I 72 69 35 JON BON JOVI Genna Make You Sweat (Columbia) Unision (Columbia) Blaze Of GlorylYoung Guns II (Mercury) (CA) CT-47093 (CD) CK-47093-H (CA) I?CT-80151 (CD) BCK-80151-H (CA) 846 473-4 (CD) 846 473-2-0 41 39 20 STEVE WINWOOD 6 12 STING 73 62 8 SUSANNA HOFFS

~e~\Tct-fsl~(~~)Cb~~i~ ~~)~~2~ag:~~~~b)75021 6405-2-0 ~i'bt~;;~M~6ig~~~g~-H 7 23 VANILLA ICE 42 41 22 TRAVELING WILBURYS 74 80 25 WARRANT Volume Three (Warner Bros) Cherry Pie (Columbia) (gAjh~l9~~(b~~~~~~F (CA) 92-63244 (CD) CD-26324-P (CA) CT -46929 (CA) CK-46929-H 43 40 35 BLACK BOX 8 10 4 R.E.M. 75 71 14 ROCH VOISINE Dreamland (RCA) Out Of Time (Warner Bros) Roch Voisine (Star Records/Select) (CA) 2221-4-R (CD) 2221-2-R-N (CA) 92-64964 (CD) CD-26496-P ...... (CA) STR-4-8026 (CD) STR-CD-8026 44 44 18 NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK 9 5 THE DOORS ;:::z~H;fW :r@:AMYGRANT Soundtrack (Elektra) No More Games (Columbia) Heart In Motion (A&M) (CA) 96-10474 (CD) CD-61047-P (CA) CT-46959 (CD) CK-46959-H

51 :)17I :~~:::E :ijg'~~~~:~~~~D)75032-5321-2-0 10 18 CHRIS ISAAK 45 4 CATHY DENNIS Heart Shaped World (Reprise) Chain Reaction (RCA) (CA) 92-58374 (CD) CD-25837-P ~AtJ~~~1;~bt'~17 267-2-0 (CA) KKKH)607 (CD) KCDH)60 7-N 46 42 17 CINDERELLA m 28 3 ROD STEWART 78 74 38 POISON Heartbreak Station (Mercury) Flesh And Blood (Capitol) ~2m~~:7d~~cf!~~-p (CA) 848 018-4 (CD) 848 018-2-0 (CA) C4-91813 (CD) C2-91813-F 45 29 12 12 16 THE SIMPSONS 47 GEORGE MICHAEL 79 81 3 SOUP DRAGONS Sing The Blues (Geffen) Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1 (Columbia) Love God (Polydor) (CA) GEFC-24308 (CD) GEFD-24308.J (CA) CT-46898 (CD) CK-46898-H (CA) 842 985-4 (CD) 842 985-2-0 43 25 13 13 30 INXS 48 THE VAUGHAN BROTHERS 80 78 19 ELTON JOHN X (Atlantic) Family Style (Epic) To Be Continued (MCA) (CA) 78-21404 (CD) CD-82140-P (CA) ET-46225 (CD) EK-46225-H (CA) MCAC4-1011 0 (CD) MCAD4-1011 O.J 49 47 5 BOOTSAUCE 14 14 23 PAUL SIMON 81 85 6 OLETA ADAMS The Rhythm Of The Saints (Wamer Bros) Circle Of One (Fontana) (CA) 92-60984 (CD) CD-26098-P ~~)~:~~~rgbj~~~Od47-2-O~V (CA) 842 744-4 (CD) 842 744-2-0 15 15 47 WILSON PHILLIPS m 65 12 QUEENSRYCHE 82 79 10 KATE & ANNA McGARRIGLE Wilson Phillips (SBK Records) Empire (CapitoVEMI) Heartbeats Accelerating (Private Music) (CA) K4-93745 (CD K2-93745-F (CA) E4-92806 (CD) E2-92806-F (CA) 2070-4-P (CD) 2070-2-P-N 24 6 LONDON BEAT 50 46 22 DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES 83 76 28 NELSON In The Blood (Anxious Records) ~hA)~~~~(CD)~~~~~8554-N (CA) KKKH)608 (CD) KCDH)608-N t~~)~Gtc~~4~?dD) DGCD-24290.J 51 53 5 MORRISSEY 17 17 9 QUEEN 84 86 17 INDIGO GIRLS Innuendo (Hollywood) Nomads - Indians - Saints (Epic) (CA) 96H-1 0204 (CD) CD-61 020-P ~1V~~~~~~~/~8)ri~~-26514-P(CA) ET-46820 (CD) EK-46820 -H 75 33 RIK EMMETT 18 18 18 BLUE RODEO 52 48 9 A·HA 85 Casino rNEA) East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon (Wamer Bros) Absolute~(Duke Street) (CA) 17-27704 (CD) CD-72770-P (CA) 92-63144 (CD) CD-26314-P 49 n;ij~BN§wim::::;~~[~~g~~J~C~~ DSRD-31068.J 19 11 19 MADONNA 53 THE FIXX

r~~)h8~~t7T~Ii(~D~tgK~~456_H ~~)I~~a~6~t(CCD!lcJ~~~~~~~Ic~~I~~'!\2-10205 (CD) MCAD-10205.J 87 84 13 STYX 20 16 27 AC/DC 54 54 10 FIGGY DUFF The Razors Edge (Atco) Weather Out The Storm (Hypnotic) Edge Of The Century (A&M) (CA) 79-14134 (CD) CD-91413-P (CA) 71356 1000-4 (CD) 71356 1000-2-N (CA) 75021 5327-4 (CD) 75021 5327-2-0 77 12 21 21 12 DAVID LEE ROTH 55 50 40 COLIN JAMES 88 MERMAIDS A Little Ain't Enough (Warner Bros) Sudden Stop (Virgin) Soundtrack (Geffen) (CA) 92-64774 (CD) CD-26477-P (CA) VL4-3107 (CD) CDV-3107-O (CA) GEFC-24310 (CD) GEFD-2431O.J 60 89 83 7 CHICAGO 22 22 11 ROGER McGUINN 56 4 THE KNACK Back From Rio (Arista) Serious Fun (Virgin) Twenty 1 (Reprise) (CA) AC-8648 (CD) ARCD-8648-N (CA) VL4-3003 (CD) CDV-3OO3.Q (CA) 92-63924 (CD) CD-26392-P 23 23 25 BETTE MIDLER 57 59 23 ZZ TOP 90 82 24 THE ROBERT CRAY BAND Some People's Lives (Atlantic) Midnight Stroll (Mercury) (CA) 78-21294 (CD) CD-82129-P ~ez~I~~m:r;g8)~6-26265-P (CA) 846 652-4 (CD) 846 652-2-0 52 14 91 89 8 YANKEES - 24 20 56 MC HAMMER 58 THE OUTFIELD DAMN Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em (Capitol) Diamond Days (MCA) Damn Yankees (Wamer Bros) (CA) C4-92857 (CD) C2-92857-F (CA) MCAC-10111 (CD) 10111.J (CA) 92-61594 (CD) CD-26159-P 25 25 14 PETER GABRIEL 59 56 18 RED HOT + BLUE 92 88 78 JANET JACKSON Shaking The T rea - Sixteen Golden Greats (Geffen) Red Hot + BlueNarious Artists (Chrysalis) Rhythm Nation - 1814 (A&M) (CA) GEFC-24326 (CD) GEFD-24326.J (CA) CHSC-41799 (CD) VKS-41799.J (CA) CS-3920 (CD) CD-3920-O 93 91 53 PRETTY WOMAN 26 26 5 RICK ASTLEY m 67 3 CHRIS REA Soundtrack (Capitol) (CA) C4-93492 (CD) C2-93492-F r~~~~~~04 (CD) ARCD-3004-N tcm~~~~(~~ICD-73580 - P 94 90 22 LED ZEPPELIN 27 27 11 GLORIA ESTEFAN 61 61 46 SUE MEDLEY Into The Light (Epic) Sue Medley (Mercury) Led Zeppelin (Atlantic) (CA) ET-46051 (CD) EK-46051-H (CA) 842 962-4 (CD) 842 962-2-0 (CA) 78-21444 (CD) CD-82 144-P 95 92 27 TWIN PEAKS 28 19 19 PHIL COLLINS m 72 2 THE REMBRANDTS Serious Hits . . . Live (Atlantic) The Rembrandts (Atco) Soundtrack (Wamer Bros) (CA) 78-21574 (CD) CD-82157-P ...... (CA) 79-14124 (CD) CD-91412-P (CA) 92-63164 (CD) CD-26316-P 93 64 29 29 19 ROBERT PALMER tQ~t&gw:::tt GLASS TIGER 96 MICHAEL BOLTON Don·t Explain (CapitoVEMI) Simple Mission (Capitol) I~ Soul Provider (Columbia) (CA) E4-93935 (CD) E2-93935-F (CA) C4-92922 (CD) C2-92922-F (CA) FCT-45012 (CD) CID-45012-H 95 52 30 30 43 NORTHERN PIKES 64 70 7 ASHLEY CLEVELAND 97 HEART Snow In June (Virgin) Big Town (Atlantic) Brigade (Capitol) (CA) VL4-3084 (CD) CDV-3084-O (CA) 78-21854 (CD) CD-82185-P (CA) C4-9 1820 (CD) C2-91820-F 94 68 31 31 6 GREAT WHITE 65 57 40 ALIAS 98 PHIL COLLINS Hooked (Capitol) (CA) C4-95330 (CD) C2-95330-F t~~)&~~t~(CD) C2-93908-F (CA~~~~~~Slt~tlCo~~050_P 32 36 5 GEORGE THOROGOOD 66 68 20 RITA MacNEIL 99 96 45 THE JEFF HEALEY BAND Boogie People (EMI) Home I'll Be (Virgin) Hell To Pay (Arista) (CA) E4-92514 (CD) E2-92514-F (CA) RMC-5001 (CD) RMCD-5001-O (CA) AC-8632 (CD) ARCD-8632-N 100 97 18 SCORPIONS 33 33 21 WHITNEY HOUSTON 67 58 44 CONCRETE BLONDE I'm Your Baby Tonight (Arista) Bloodletting (I.R.S.) Crazy World (Elektra) (CA) AC-8616 (CD) ARCD-8616-N (CA) IRSC-82037 (CD) IRSWD-82037-F (CA) ~9784 (CD) CD-60978-P 34 37 4 JONI MITCHELL £ill:I ~y ~~~tg~%~~g~~~gi~EFD-24302.J RPM - April 20, 1991 - 11

ing the pilot billing with Alabama, Steve Earl, of patience." The song was first written in 1983 Restless Heart, Lome Morgan, Dan Seals and as a male vocal. and signed to a mid-size inde­ George Fox's latest Warner Music album, Keith Whitley. The video will be aired on the pendent label in Nashville in November of Spice Of Life, will be released the latter part of u.K.'s lTV National Television Network. 1983. When the three-year contract was up, the May. The album was produced by Garth Donovan is now working on more material, to song reverted back to the writer in 1986. Fundiss, who has produced for several country be included on a future CD/cassette release. Hoogenband made a few changes, and in 1987 acts including Don Williams. A cross-Canada CHOO Radio in Ajax, Ontario, is set for the cut a new demo, still as a male vocal. In July of tour will follow his album release. 1991 Bud Country Talent Search. The contest 1988 he signed the song to Roto Noto, whose Lynne Donovan makes a return bid for the will consist of six competition nights at the owner, Randall Cousins, felt he could get the charts with her latest DMT release, a CD single Oshawa Corral, May I, 8, 25, 22, 29 and June 5. song placed. In July of 1989 Jenny Lee West titled Never Comin' Back. The CD also in­ One winner from each competition night will took the song into the studio to record it for her cludes two of Donovan's previously released compete in the finals to be held at the Corral on Braving The Elements CD project, converting tracks, Don't Make Me Lie and Weekend June 12. The winner of the finals will go to the it from a male to a female vocal. In January Sinner, both of which did well for her. The Nationals, September 13 and 14, which will be 1990, the Braving The Elements CD was re­ video of Don't Make Me Lie was released held in Hamilton during Canadian Country leased, which also contained Can't Shake worldwide and was also shown in Cannes, Music Week '91. Loose, a song that was also co-written by France as part of a country music video network Hoogenband. Takin' A Heart Break was re­ pilot show. Donovan as in good company, shar- Ben Van Den Hoogengband, who wrote leased as a single in January of this year, and is Jenny Lee West's current chart happener, now charting. Hoogenband points out that Takin' A Heart Break, supplies a little back­ "Friends of mine, who hear the song, often ask ground on the song, which he tags "an example 'when did you write Takin' A Heart Break ... last summer? The answer, which I usually don't Oja and Ostanek firm bother to tell them, as it would take all day to Polka Spectacular explain, is 'no, not last summer ... but the summer of 1983'. Yes, a songwriter needs to Bill Oja, well-known country writer, and Wal­ have faith and lots of patience." . ter Ostanek, Canada's Polka King, have sched­ uled May 19 for A Polka Spectacular. The show Star Country's John Marshall gives the will be held at Lulu's in Kitchener. nod to Clint Black's Loving Blind, which tops Included on the bill are Ostanek, a three­ the Star Country Top 30 this week. New to the time Grarnmy nominee, America's Polka King chart are Rockin' Years, the duet by Dolly Frankie Yankovic, worldclass accordionist Parton and Ricky Van Shelton (#26), That Was Myron Floren and four-time Grammy winner A Long TimeAgo, by Terry Carisse (#27), Glen Jimmy Sturr and his orchestra. Campbell's Unconditional Love (#28), and MWC recording artist Dyanne Halliday with John The program also includes Kitchener's Joan Kennedy's Just Can't Let Go (#29). Arpin, who supplied keyboards on two tracks (Quite By Chance and It's Official) on Halliday's own Black Forest Band and, from Chicago, upcoming album. Roman Possedi.

,... •• •• ••.... ••• ..... ••• ..... ••• ..... ••• ..... /·S~ \., :: DYANNE HALLIDAY - DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY /!i3m.i'1:: EARLY U.S. REACTION ~7 I KEAS FORT WORTH TEXAS - SHAUN ELLIOT "Dyanne really takes the worry out of I country music" • KRIL MIDLAND TEXAS - CLYDE BUTLER • "Good" KJBC MIDLAND TEXAS - KEITH WARD "You're beautiful & sing good too!" KTAE WACO TEX AS - ED LEE "Good song!" I KGKL-FM SAN ANGELO TEXAS - EDDY SMITH • "Stood out. Works very good" • • "Has won Make It Or Break It" • KULM AUSTIN TEXAS - CARL GEISLER "Production good" "Good song" I WLQH CHIEFLAND FLORIDA - BOB MOODY • "Sounds very personal, from the heart" I • "Real good rendition" • KULP-AM EL CAMPO TEXAS - CLINT ROBINSON • "We'll definitely squeeze it in" KSTC-AM STERLING COLORADO - DON GILBERT "Good cover, I like this gal" I "Way to go Canada"! • WJRI LENOIR NORTH CAROLINA - ROD ALLEN I• • "Will play in extra rotation" • WCJM WE ST POINT GEORGIA - DEBBY McLURG "Great - catchy, I like the new version"

I Thank you to all programmers ~~.,~"~:,:I • TORONTO. Oi'o'TARIO • L.•••••• ~ 4.16-.8.41.'6.828.;;.E.41.6'.36.7-.20.70•••••• ~5~). CI.CA.NA.IlA•••••• _ •••• _ •• •• •• ..1 Record distributor code BMG -N .1.',I, riTe COUNTRY TRACKS CAPITOL - F MCA -J ~~ ~ ~j l & where to find them POLYGRAM -0 ~ SONY MUSIC - H

Canatj~'sOnly National 100 Country Track Survey WARN ER MUSIC - P TW LW wo - APRIL 20, 1991 .. 3 11 HEROES AND FRIENDS 35 40 6 MARY & WILLIE m 81 4 JUST CAN'T LET GO Randy Travis - Heroes And Friends K.T. Oslin - Love In A Smalltown Warner Bros (CA) 92-63104 (CD) CD-26310-P RCA (CA) 52365-4 (CD) 52365-2-R-N ~~~r~~}~6Ag~~~~(~) ~1d~~0277-J 10 TWO OF A KIND, WORKIN' ON A ... 36 41 12 TIME m 82 4 TEN WITH A TWO Garth Brooks - No Fences Michael Terry Willie Nelson - Bom For Trouble Capitol (CA) C4-93866 (CD) C2-93886-F Rota Nato (Sky's The Limit compo CD) Columbia (CA) CT-45492 (CD) CK-45492-H lEI 7 14 ONLY HERE FOR A LITTLE WHILE 37 37 9 MILES ACROSS THE BEDROOM 70 56 14 WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE Billy Dean - Young Man Gary Morris - Capitol These Days Dan Seals - On Arrival Capitol (CA) C4-94302 (CD) C2-94302-F Capitol (CA) C4-94103 (CD) C2-94103-F Capitol (CA) C4-91782 (CD) C2-91782-F 4 13 I GOT YOU m 44 10 IF WISHES WERE HORSES 71 72 8 LET THE COWBOY DANCE Shenandoah - Extra Mile Undsay Thomas Morgan - Undsay Thomas Morgan Michael Martin Murphey - Cowboy Songs Columbia (CA) FCT-45490 (CD) CK-45490-H Spider (CA) SPR270 (CD) N/A 5 10 LOVING BLIND 054 4 TIME PASSES BY m 80 5 H~~~~~~~) ~~~:~6%~O -263OS-P Clint Black - Put Yourself In My Shoes Kathy Mattea - Time Passes By Tommy Rogers - Class Of 72 RCA (CA) 2372-4-R (CD) 2372-2-R-N Mercury (CA) 846 975-4 (CD) 846 975-2-0 Royalty (CA) RRl-400-8915 (CD) N/A 13 13 TRUE LOVE 40 33 12 I GOT IT BAD 83 3 IN A DIFFERENT LIGHT Don Williams - True Love Matraca Berg - Lying To The Moon Doug Stone - Doug Stone RCA (CA) 2407-4-R (CD) 2407-2-R-N RCA (CD) 2066-4-R (CD) 2066-2-R-N .... Epic (CA) BET-45303 (CD) BEK-45303-H 7 13 I'D LOVE YOU ALL OVER AGAIN 1m 53 4 ARE YOU LOVIN' ME LIKE I'M LOVIN' YOU ::14'JJiEMII::BLAME IT ON TEXAS Alan Jackson - Here In The Real World Ronnie Milsap - Back To The Grindstone Mark Chestnutt - Arista (CA) AC-8623 (CD) ARCD-8623-N RCA (CA) 2375-4-R (CD) 2375-2-R-N MCA-10032 (MCA compo # 1)-J 8 13 TAKE ME WITH YOU 42 30 25 WITH ALL MY MIGHT 92 2 OH WHAT IT DID TO ME Patricia Conroy - Blue Angel George Fox - With All My Might Tanya Tucker - Tennessee WEA (CA) 17-20644 (CD) CD-72064-P WEA (CA) 25-69274 (CD) CO-56927-P .. Capitol-91821 (Capitol comp # 28)-F 9 14 I COULDN'T SEE YOU LEAVING 43 47 8 WE DON'T ALWAYS SEE EYE TO EYE m 88 3 FEED JAKE Conway Twitty - Crazy In Love Good Brothers - Live Fast Love Hard Pirates Of The Mississippi - Pirates Of The Mississippi MCA (CA) MCAC-10027 (CD) MCAD-10027-J Savannah (CA) SRL4-9836 (CD) CO-9836-P ~ Capitol (CA) C4-94389 (CD) C2-94389-F 26 5 DOWN HOME 44 48 7 UNDER YOUR COVER 1iJ96 2 LUCKY MOON Alabama - Pass It On The Oak Ridge Boys - Unstoppable ~~~~I~a(~A~N~td[jl)~7ACountry Sampler CD) • RCA (CA) 2108-4-R (CD) 2108-2-R-N RCA-3023 (BMG Lassoes 'n Spurs comp, # 12)-N m 22 7 DRIFT OFF TO DREAM 45 46 5 JUST LIKE ME 78 78 6 I NEED A MIRACLE Travis Tritt - Country Club Lee Greenwood - Holdin' A Good Hand Larry Boone - Larry Boone Wamer Bros (CA) 92-60944 (CD) CD-26094-P Capitol (CA) C4-94531 (CD) C2-94531-F ~ Columbia (CA) CT -47050 (CD) CK-47050-H 12 15 IS IT RAINING AT YOUR HOUSE 46 49 9 WILL MY HEART SURVIVE IB:.I 89 3 I SHOULD HAVE PUT A HOLD ON LOVE Vern Gosdin - This Ain't My First Rodeo Oebenham Bros - Oebenham Bros Carroll Baker - Her Finest Collection ~ Columbia (CA) CT -45409 (CD) CK-45049-H Spark (CA) N/A (CD) C09 Tembo (CA) TMK-4395 (CD) MPCD-4395-N W 17 9 SOMETHING TO REMEMBER YOU BY m 55 6 TRUE LOVE NEVER DIES m 97 2 WE BOTH WALK Prairie Oyster - Different Kind Of Fire Kevin Welch - Kevin Welch Lorrie Morgan - Something In Red RCA (CA) 2049-4-R (CD) 2049-2-R-N Reprise (CA) 92-61714 (CD) CO-26171-P RCA-3021 (BMG Lassoes 'n Spurs compo# 12)-N 14 11 20 BLUEBIRD Ell 58 4 WILL THIS BE THE DAY 90 3 TILL YOU WERE GONE Anne Murray - You Will Chris Hillman/Desert Rose Band - A Dozen Roses Mike Reid - Turning For Home Capitol (CA) C4-94102 (CD) C2-94102-F MCA (CA) MCAC-10018 (CD) MCAO-10018-J Columbia (CA) CT-46141 (CD) CK-46141-H 15 10 14 LONG LOST FRIEND m 59 11 UNCONDITIONAL LOVE 82 87 3 IF THE DEVIL DANCED (In Empty Pockets) Restless Heart - Fast Movin' Train Glen Campbell- Unconditional Love Joe Diffie - A Thousand Winding Roads RCA (CA) 9961-4-R (CD) 9961-2-R-N Capitol (CA) C4-90992 (CD) C2-90992-F Epic (CA) ET-46047 (CD) EK-46047-H 35 8 YOU'RE THE ONE 50 51 7 HOLED UP IN SOME HONKY TONK 83 86 3 SCARS Dwight Yoakam - If There Was A Way Dean Dillon - Out Of Your Lovin Mind Ray Kennedy - What A Way To Go Reprise (CA) 92-63444 (CD) CD-26344-P Atlantic (CA) 78-21834 (CD) CD_82183-P Atlantic (CA) 76-21094 (CD) CO-82109-P m 27 8 ROCKIN' YEARS 51 32 20 DANCE WITH THIS OLD COWBOY 84 85 5 ALL FALL DOWN Dolly Parton wI Ricky Van Shelton - Eagle ... Gary Fjellgaard - Heart Of A Dream George Jones/Emmylou Harris - Friends In High Places Columbia (CA) CT-46882 (CD) CK-46882-H Savannah (CA) SRL4-9833 (CD) CO-9833-P Epic (CA) ET-45014 (CD) EK-45014-H 28 9 RIGHT NOW m 69 4 IF I KNOW ME m 94 3 COUNTRY GOLD Mary-Chapin Carpenter - Shooting Straight In The Dark Rena Gaile Columbia (CA) CT -46077 (CD) CK-46077-H 3r;1~i't~~A~~~~(l~)rl~~~6-10204-JRDR (Countrypak C02) m34 7 POCKET FULL OF GOLD 53 39 17 WALK ON FAITH 95 3 DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY - When I Call Your Name Mike Reid - Tuming For Home m • ~h MCA (CA) MCAC-42321 (CD) MCAD-42321-J Columbia (CA) CT-46141 (CD) CK-46141-H ~~~n(~~r~1~~c61~tgle9101) Q;,J 20 20 10 THE EAGLE m 62 4 HEROES 87 52 18 Waylon Jennings - The Eagle Paul Overstreet - Heroes Mark Chestnutt - Too Cold At Home Epic (CA) CT-46104 (CD) CK-46104-H RCA (CA) 2459-4-R (CD) 2459-2-R-N ...... MCA (CA) MCAC-10032 (CD) MCAD-10032-J 21 21 9 A HEARTBEAT AWAY 55 57 8 HOLD IN' ON FOR DEAR LIFE :::~~}:NiiWt:t:RESTLESS Michelle Wright - Michelle Wright Jack Diamond (Sky's The Limit compoCD) QY~h Marc O'Connor/New Nashville Cats - New Nashville Arista (CA) AC-8627 (CD) ARCD-8627-N Roto Nota (CA) N/A (CD) N/A Wamer Bros-605094 (Wamer comp, # 89)-P 22 14 7 MEN ID64 6 GET RHYTHM 89 91 3 ROCK ME IN THE RHYTHM OF YOUR LOVE The Forester Sisters - Come Hold Me Martin Delray - Get Rhythm Warner Bros (CA) NlA (CD) NlA-P Atlantic (CA) 78-21764 (CD) CO-82176-P . ~:ho~(~~)c~~§~~~~r(6ti51~~~~258-F 23 15 15 IF YOU WANT ME TO 67 4 THE SWEETEST THING m l~9NRN~"SHEDON'T KNOW THAT SHE'S PERFECT Joe Diffie - A Thousand Winding Roads Carlene Carter - I Fellin Love The Bellamy Brothers - The Bellamy Brothers Epic (CA) ET-46047 (CD) EK-46047-H Warner Bros (CA) 92-61394 (CD) CD-26139-P Atlantic 22324 (Warner compo # 85)-P 24 12 14 HEART FULL OF LOVE m 66 5 YOU'RE STILL IN THESE CRAZY ARMS 91 93 3 IT AIN'T GONNA WORRY MY MIND Holly Dunn - Heart Full Of Love Larry Mercey - Full Speed Ahead A Crystal Gayle - Ain't Gonna Worry Warner Bros (CA) 92-61734 (CD) CD-26173-P MBS (CA) MRSC-2011 (CD) NlA \tlJ

'a:~tKigw;::;:,:I Capitol (CA) C4-94301 (CD) C2-94301-F 25 16 12 TREAT ME LIKE A STRANGER 59 42 11 STILL THE ONE ~.. r WONDER HOW FAR IT IS OVER YOU Baillie And The Boys - Ughts Of Home Errol Ranville - I Want To Fly W Aaron Tippin - You've Got To Stand For Something RCA (CA) 2114-4-R (CD) 2114-2-R-N Thunder (CA) TH90-CS-1001 (CD) TH90-CD-1001 .'. RCA-2394 (BMG Lassoes 'n sours compo # 13)-N 26 19 18 WHILE YOU JUST PRETEND 60 60 6 AT LAST :~~~~iNgy:'INEWWAY OUT Tim Taylor - Fairwell Avenue Gene Watson - At Last Anne Murray - You Will Tailspin (CA) RDRC-126 (CD) N/A Wamer Bros (CA) 92-63294 (CD) CO-26329-P ..... Capitol 941 02 (COPRa compo # 32) 27 29 13 HIS OWN FREE WILL 61 45 21 WATCH LOVE GROW STRONG i~4:NiiW~~:t I'VE GOT THAT OLD FEELING Morris P. Rainville Rita MacNeil - Home I'll Be Virgin (CA) RMC-5001 (CD) RMCO-5001-Q RareRabit (7" RB promo single) • ~~~~;~~~~~ls161;(W~~~~~ ;~~;~~ 28 31 10 WILD HORSES 62 65 8 TAKIN' A HEART BREAK '::~:~~IN~h:TENNESSEEBORN AND BRED Dick Damron - The Legend And The Legacy Jenny Lee West (Sky's The Limit compo CD) Eddie Rabbitt - Jersey Boy RCA (CA) KKK1'{)509 (CD) NlA-N Roto Nota (CA) N/A (CD) N/A .•...• Capitol (CA) C4-93882 (CD) C2-93882-F 29 24 13 IF THE JUKEBOX TOOK TEARDROPS 63 43 17 LOVE CAN BUILD A BRIDGE '~~ljgy./'FORCRYING OUT LOUD Billy Joe Royal - Out Of The Shadows The Judds - Love Can Build A Bridge Kelita RCA (CA) 2070-4-R (CD) 2070-2-R-N Atlantic (CA) 78-21044 (CD) CD-82104-P ...... Bookshop (CD compo BSOR-822) 30 23 15 LITTLE THINGS TWO MORE ON THE DANCE FLOOR m71 ::gr ::m&f :: CAN I COUNT ON YOU Marty Stuart - Hillbilly Rock Cindi Cain - A Place Where Memories Live McBride & The Ride - Bumin' Up The Road MCA (CA) MCAC-42312 (CD) MCAD-42312-J Epic (CA) ZT-8016 1-H (COZ) N/A MCA - 42343 (MCAD compo# 1) 31 18 14 DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO OJ 73 5 BIG FOOL FOR LOVING YOU 98 63 14 YOU'VE GOT TO STAND FOR ... Pam Tillis - Put Yourself In My Place Eddie Eastman (Book Shop CD Sampler)

Arista (CA) (CA) N/A (CD) N/A-N Book Shop (CA) N/A (CD) N/A ~C'A(Jtf~~7r~~~(c'B)tJ~7~:~~_~or Somethi ng 32 36 9 LET HER GO m 75 6 I WON'T BE THERE 99 74 18 THESE LIPS DON'T KNOW HOW TO .. . Mark Collie - Hardin County Une Ronnie Prophet - (Bookshop CD Sampler) Doug Stone - Doug Stone MCA (CA) MCAC-42333 (CD) MCAD-42333-J Bookshop (CA) N/A (CD) N/A Epic (CA) BET-45303 (CD) BEK-45303-H 33 38 6 FANCY 67 50 15 WHAT A WAY TO GO 100 68 12 I MEAN I LOVE YOU Reba McEntire - Rumour Has It Ray Kennedy - What A Way To Go Hank Williarns Jr. - America, The Way I See It MCA (CA) MCAC-10016 (CD) MCAD-10016-J Atlantic (CA) 76-21094 (CD) CD-82109-P Warner Bros (CA) 92-64534 (CD) CD-26453-P 34 25 14 A FISHING DAY Roch Voisine - Roch Voisine Star RecordslSelect (CA) STR4-8026 (CD) STR-CD-8026

Record distributor code BMG -N 40AC CAPITOL -F MeA -J (Adult Contempo.rary) POLYGRAM - 0 SONY MUSIC - H WP.RNER MUSIC - P TIN LW WO - APRIL 20, 1991 Lynne t])onovan 4 11 YOU'RE IN LOVE 21 22 7 THE MODERN AGE .. Wilson Phillips Wilson Phillips - Munay Mclauchlan - The Modem Age SBK Records (CA) K4-93745 (CD) K2-93745-F Capitol (CA) C4-95523 (CD) C2-95523-F B 9 10 CRY FOR HELP 1m 31 3 I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOU Rick Astley - Free Londonbeat - In The Blood RCA (CA) 3004-4-R (CD) 3004-2-R-N Anxious Records-0608 (BMG Pop compo# 13)-N 3 12 COMING OUT OF THE DARK 23 18 11 NIGHT AND DAY Gloria Estefan -Into The Light Bette Midler - Some People's Lives co'lJ.9t£PRY Epic (CA) ET-46051 (CD) EK-46051-H Atlantic (CA) 78-21294 (CD) CD-82129-P 4 12 ALL THIS TIME 24 26 3 CALL ME AND I'LL BE THERE S~[(j9-IT~PRJ)MPJfi ~rr Sting - The Soul Cages Rita MacNeil- Home I'll Be A&M (CA) 75021 6405-4 (CD) 75021 6405-2-0 Virgin (CA) RMC-5001 (CD) RMCD-5001-O 13 5 MERCY MERCY MElI WANT YOU 25 27 4 COME IN FROM THE COLD Robert Palmer- Don't Explain Joni Mitchell - Night Ride Home • Capitol/EMI (CA) E4-93935 (CD) E2-93935-F Geffen (CA) GEFC-24302 (CD) GEFD-24302-J D 10 5 RHYTHM OF MY HEART 1m 33 2 TEMPLE OF LOVE Rod Stewart - Vagabond Heart Harriet- Woman To Man Wamer Bros-263oo (Wamer compo# 85)-P ~ east west-72110 (Wamer compo# 84)-P 7 10 NO SIGN OF RAIN 27 30 3 RED CLAY HILLS Keven Jordan - No Sign Of Rain Mae Moore - Ooeanview Metel Columbia (CA) CT-80 163 (CD) CK-80163-H .- ,,.., Epic (CA) BET-80155 (CD) BEK-80155-H ,"',::::MIRACLE 8 12 SOMEDAY ::::gml::i.liIB Mariah Carey - Mariah Carey Whitney Houston -I'm Your Baby Tonight Columbia (CA) CT-45202 (CD) CK-45202-H Arista-8616 (BMG Pop compo# 15)-N 9 10 HOW LONG CAN A MAN BE STRONG 29 32 3 LOSING MY RELIGON The Jeff Healey Band - Hell To Pay R.E.M. - Out Of TIme Arista (CA) AC-8632 (CD) ARCD-8632-N ~ Wamer Bros (CA) 92-64964 (CD) CD-26496-P 10 11 ONE MORE TRY 30 23 13 GET HERE TImmy T - TIme After Time OIeta Adams - Circle Of One OJaiity (CA) TC2-15103 (CD) CD2-15103-P Fontana (CA) 842 744-4 (CD) 842 744-2-0 11 11 DON'T HOLD BACK YOUR LOVE 1m 37 2 WHAT DID I DO TO YOU Daryl Hall & John Oates - Change Of Season Lisa Stansfield - Affection Arista (CA) AC-8614 (CD) ARCD-8614-N Arista-8554 (BMG Pop compo# 13)-N m 19 4 BABY BABY 32 24 9 CHASIN' THE WIND Amy Grant- Heart In Motion Chicago - Twenty 1 A&M (CA) 75032-5321-4 (CD) 75032-5321-2-0 Reprise (CA) 92-26931 (CD) CD-26391-P 13 14 WICKED GAME 33 35 2 JUST THE WAY IT IS, BABY Chris Isaak - Heart Shaped World The Rembrancfts- The Rembrandts ~ver Reprise-25837 (Wamer compo# 64)-P Atco-91412 (Wameroomp # 79)-P 14 14 8 MAYBE THE NEXT TIME 34 36 7 UNDER YOUR COVER Sue Medley - Sue Medley Greg Paul Mercury (CA) 842 962-4 (CD) 842 962-2-0 ~ Royalty (Sometimes New Country CD Sampler) ILl 21 5 THE LAST TO KNOW 35 34 5 AUBERGE Celine Dion - Unison Chris Rea - Auberge Columbia (CA) BCT-80151 (CD) BCK-80151-H east west- 17-35804 (Wamer compo # 84)-P Comin , 16 17 10 SWEAR TO YOUR HEART 36 39 3 SHE'S NOT BETIER THAN ME Russell Hitchoock - Arachnophobia Soundtrack Hollywood (CA) 96-09744 (CD) CD-60974-P ~I~~rc?A)t~~iz~)s~JR e) 17 12 14 'ALL THE MAN THAT I NEED 37 38 4 TIME Whitney Houston -I'm Your Baby Tonight MichaeJTerry Arista (CA) AC-8616 (CD) ARCD-8616-N ,...... Roto Noto (Sky's The Limit compoCD)

18 20 5 HOLDING ME TONIGHT {~N~ { WALKING IN MEMPHIS Carly Simon - Have You Seen Me Lately Marc Cohn - Walking In Memphis Arista (CA) AC-865O,(CD) ARCD-8650-N ,.,.,.,.,.,.'.Atlantic -2178 (Wamer compo# 81) -P

19 15 15 SHOW ME THE WAY l:$~:Wi!Wnr WALK MY WAY Styx - Edge Of The Century Beth Nielsen Chapman - Beth Nielsen Chapman A&M (CA) 75021 5327-4 (CD) 75021 5327-2-0 Repnse-81724 (Wamer oomp. # 81 )-P 20 16 11 ALWAYS COME BACK TO YOU 40 29 4 MY SIDE OF THE BED Natasha's Brother - AWoiaysCome Back To You Susanna Hoffs - When You're A Boy Atlantic (CA) 78-20524 (CD) CD-82052-P ~ Columbia (CA) CT-46076 (CD) CK-46076-H

.1 • ., l'~CANCON ~~ ~ ~'j 10 DANCE ~~ ~ a A TO WATCH

TIN LW WO APRIL 20, 1991 TIN LW WO APRIL 20, 1991

3 HEREWEGO 5 ONE KISS C + C Music Factory - Gonna Make You Sweat Betty Moon - Betty Meon Columbia-47093 (Promo CD single)-H A&M-70301 9170 (A&MlVirgin compo# 2191)-0 2 4 TOUCH ME (All Night Long) 5 DAYS AND DAYS Cathy Dennis - Move To This Polydor-847 267 (Polygram compoMarchl91)-O ~~~~~~~~;:nem~';:;~1~~CA oomp. # 3I91)-J 3 7 I'VE BEEN THINKING OF YOU 3 3 I RHYME THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS Londonbeat - In The Blood Kish - Order From Chaos Anxious Records-0608 (BMG Pop compo# 13)-N A&M-70301 9172 (A&MlVirgin oomp. #3/91)-0 4 10 SADENESS 4 LOVE CRAZY Enigma - MCMXC a.D. Virgin-3046 (A&MlVirgin oomp. # 1/91)-0 ~~~~2~7~~~-e~~~~r~)_p 5 6 GOOD TOGETHER 5 4 PLAY THE MUSIC D.J . Candi & The Backbeat - World Keeps On Tuming qy~ Simply Majestic featuring Frank Morell I.R.S.-13045 (Capitol oomp. # 27)-F CapitoVEMI (Promo CD single)-F COPYRIOKTC wttOlEL.O'T'm_ l •• 6 13 MARY HAD A LlTILE BOY D 8 3 BARKEEPER WDII08 AND "-:IIYAUlON_ Snap - World Power John Bottomley - Library Of The Sun Arista-8536 (BMG Pop oomp. # 10)-N Latex-008 (BMG Pop Promo # 14)-N 7 9 SOMEDAY 7 SUPERMAN'S SONG Mariah Carey - Mariah Carey Crash Test Dummies - The Ghosts That Haunt Me Columbia-45202 (Sony compo# 23)-H Arista-8677-N 8 3 ANOTHER SLEEPLESS NIGHT 8 SO IN LOVE Glenco Music Shawn Christopher - Another Sleepless Night k.d. Lang - Red Hot + Blue 16908-82AA(4fuc AB. TSR 3S7 ...... ~ Jive-7172 (SMG Pop oomp. # 13)-N Chrysalis-41799 (MCA comp. # 5-2191)-J

9 NEW HOW TO DANCE :::~:;:Nw{::tt: DON'T LET IT GET TO YOU Bingoboys - N/A Jane Child - Welcome To The Real World Atlantic (Warner Dance compo# 81 )-P Wamer Bros-25858 (Wamer compo# 88)-P 10 10 15 I RHYME THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS 10 7 MIGHT AS WELL BE ON MARS Kish - Order From Chaos The - Ringing Down The Years _MECORDS A&M-70301 9172 (A&MlVirgin compo# 3/91)-0 Virgin-3031-O RPM - April 20, 1991 - 15 _ ; J.:., • ] [ • Country 59 easing in new on-air personalities .. set to get back into music. He will host the Bill Anderson, Program Director of Toronto's C-FAX Christmas Charity has helped launch weekend afternoon shows and swing shifts. Lifeline, the new Variety Club program in new Country 59, announces the addition of five new on-air personalities. Anderson, a seasoned As previously reported morning show British Columbia. C-FAX President and host John Donabie is now in place and Al General Manager Mel Cooper recently pre­ veteran of country music is obviously taking a long hard look at available talent for the new Kingdon will go to air shortly as host of the sented a cheque for $25,000 to the Variety Club afternoon drive-home show. to get the new program started. The money was operation. raised through the station's Santa Anonymous Stew Hill joins. the station as host of the charity. Lifeline will be available to fund spe­ mid-day show, Monday through Friday, begin­ cial needs of seriously-ill children and their ning later this month. Hill is a 24-year broad­ The charge for classified ads in RPM is $1.00 per word, $2.00 families. The C-FAX $25,000 donation has cast veteran with experience in a variety of for­ p~rword for upper case body copy, $3.00 per headline word. mats, the most current as morning personality Minimum charge for an ad is $20.00. There is a $1 0.00 service been designated for use by the David Foster charge for reserving a box number. Please add 7% GST to the Foundation, the Victoria-based group that at Toronto's CJEZ-FM. He also spent ten years total. Ads containing more than 50 words will be run as display helps families of children who require trans­ as mid-day host at CHFI-FM. ads. Send ad copy to RPM Weekly, 6 Brentcliffe Road, plant surgery. Malcolm Sinclair will shortly begin his Toronto, Ontario M4G 3Y2. FAX: 416-425·8629. regular duties as host of the 7 to midnight show, 990 HITS rap with Ice. After his sold-out con­ Monday to Friday. He previously worked JUNIOR COPYWRITER WANTED cert at the Verdun Auditorium (March 20), country music at CHYM/CKGL Kitchener. rapper Vanilla Ice took time out to talk to Medium market AMlFM combo requires junior Bob Van Dyke will take over the host copywriter immediately. 2 years experience several on-air personalities from Montreal's duties of the Saturday and Sunday morning necessary. Salary negotiable. Resume and taped 990 HITS. Prior to the concert, Ice dropped by sample of your work included to: RPM, Box 8028, 6 shows and will also provide back-up for the the station for a Ii ve interview. The station Brentcliffe Road, Toronto, Ontario, M4G 3Y2. awarded tickets and backsrage passes for the station's weekday hosts. Van Dyke's first radio concert via the Robojock contest. job was at a country station in B.C. in 1973. WE'RE LOOKING Since that time he has worked various formats Sunset country radio is building its talent bank and I'd and joined KEY 590 in 1986. like to hear from you. Send tape and resume to John Jerry Archer will look after the chores of LoRegio, CFOB Radio, Box 489, Fort Frances, Ontario, P9A 3M8. the overnight show from Midnight to 5:30 am, Monday through Friday. PROGRAM DIRECTOR - KINGSTON Terry McPhail, who has been announcing CFFX . Is looking for a highly motivated team player traffic reports during the station's transition, is who is looking for a rewarding challenge. Send resume and tape to: Executive Vice-President, CFFX-AM, 479 Anne Murray off on Counter Street, Kingston, Ontario, K7M 7J3. 50-date US/Canada tour Anne Murray has launched one of the most THERE'S A FORMAT FOR YOU extensive l).S. tours in her career, a tour that IN THE CHUM GROUP includes six dates at the Trump Plaza in As CHUM National Talent Coordinator, I'll make Vanilla Ice backstage with 990 HITS announcers (from left) Major Tom, morning personality Gary Atlantic City, three in May (17,18,19) and three sure your tape is heard by all CHUM Group James, The Hltman and Janet From Another in September (27,28,29). Program Directors from coast to coast. If your Planet. The tour began at the Salem (Virginia) specialty is CHR,Adult Rock, Oldies-based AIC, Civic Centre on April 4, followed by dates in Contemporary Country, Adult CHR, All Oldies, C-FAX and Red Cr'oss renew partnership .. SottA/C, AOR or News & Information, send your . A program to test the impact qf radio publicity Nashville, Chattanooga, Seattle, Trail, B.C., tape in complete confidence to: on blood donor response in 1989 has proven to ,Denver, Sioux City, Indianapolis, Chicago, Brad Jones be so successful, it has been renewed for a third Pittsburgh, Hamilton for the CCMA Awards, CHUM Group Talent Coordinator the Toronto 0 'Keefe Centre (Oct. 22 through 1331 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4T 1Y1 year. C-FAX 1070 of Victoria, B.c., has under­ I guarantee a prompt reply. taken to co-sponsor all Blood Donor Clinics, 26), and closes at the Star Plaza Theatre in held at Victoria's Red Cross House in the Merrillville, Indiana on December 1. coming months of 1991, as well as all those to Murray is currently descending the charts be held at two major clinics in the Hillside with Bluebird, written by Vancouver song-. LIMOS TO THE STARS Prestigious, super-stretch limos with all the Shopping Centre. C-FAX President Terry writer Ron Irving, and moves back up the charts luxurious touches: Bar, TV, VCR, Stereo, CD Spence says that the station's donation of with her latest release, New Way Out. Both player, FAX machine and telephone. airtime will amount to over $15,000 worth tracks are included on her Capitol album You 24 HOUR SERVICE bringing the three-year total to $40,000. Will. Celebrities or VIPs - Elegance on wheels Serving the Toronto area STAR LIMOUSINE Call collect "THE FACE BEHIND 1-416·436-8720 THOSE BOTTLES" HOW TO SUBSCRIBE b/w TO RPM WEEKLY WHISKEY Send us your name, address (with postal code) and a cheque or credh card Information (Visa or MC). The rates for Canada and the U.S. are as follows: JOE LONSDALE FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS $209.00 (One Year) $160.00 (One Year) ... $375.00 (Two Year) $290.00 ('Two Years) -.. .A $432.00 (Three Years) $327.00 (Three Years) NOTE: These prices INCLUDE 7% GST PICK HIT CASHBOX ~A'E~ RPM Subscription Service (fx~_~6 Brentcliffe Road FEB.2/91 C.I\ECOl\DS· Toronto, Ontario Tel: 604-535-3129 M4G3Y2 ~ VarietyClub ~ salute to the


.1 ." , ~~"'lj presents


SUNDAY MAY 26th, 1991


Watch for details in RPM