NEW-YORK DAILY TETBUNE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 11. ltoS 11 (OrctraJ ttrancfc* Financial. fRA&EiJ& & \u25a0» Financial Tn/s* Companies. Trust Companies. drean Steamer*. - " V - ,•* • hh - 2, «ltaa .< allBa ° Mr eT . 118 f Ktrr \u25a0 the T°talT tal Issuo of *3.««>.«00 Bond, -— r liaving bcen ?f? Fast express service. Investors, we offer, subject to sale, the unsold pltm-jutu—cnr.Hßrivj.ry—Br.Tiynn. balance of mem NKVV Pii.K. fOtiT OF 3l> ST.. H'jBOJCEX.. of mile. _, «*« (s 74!:r3T-> *3.4«>.3«4z K. Wm. II Dec. 1 Pl] Mar. U•AM Knwoar >"» '" 15. KfaantM KontSs ef VT«tni^r... M jj;•-*SS3 17.221.*al«er F*b. », JO AM Kronpriia Mar. 3i 1Fa** TAIOO «*^ q \u0084OTO THE*NET/ fm \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 EXPP.E33 JtWßber of =•*..-•\u25a0• p«.;;« J7*V.W $600,000 § S. S, j#ili3£l«in.aB «* ito iem. cn.NTrr.Ai. TB7 RA!J^ •- qjYnir COMPANY FEET— 15.&0J TONi- t iIOR.SS POWBL TRUST JA.V. 2* MAP.. SAILS DEC. 13. 13. Mcr.tfc of -.--**"-* 4e* 4.34 4.383 Of »J $4.0*4.»0« $8,732,331 PERE Twin-screw passenger service. •.•ur.Mr J4SST.SJ3 One* >«!»-.-• Sl~«>:3 2 6.-6 507 2.464.147 MARQUETTE R. R. CO. i.;cii::N c-ip.ect. OF rP.OM NET" ram. ioot ok slj ,T hOBOSb* . MUM *1.258.1»4 Main t>ec. » 1 t-ii Rne.n K«b. 14 10 AM .fIAM *•; r.eia Jan. 12. !PM X Uii*r...Feb. 3. JO AM j££»"juH 1 23 STREET Hannover — «•<*",. \u0084-» fI4.SSB.WS $1».T5«.540 Lake Erie & NASSAU . J^n 2.. 11 AM r.reulau Mar 3. <« AM rrtt Detroit Mala Ffco :. !0 Ail Com ;i.i;S ««W lu.OCI.iUI ••**»•>** River Division M*..T. JCar ft 10 AM T£i'mm—aaa »\u25a0— ,—,— \u0084-:«•. ex? TRU TTEH3» 92; tS,**573 »4.2«.».2»e First Lien - TRUSTEE3I MeJilerraneaa service. S3.e*o 4* Per .:.: H H>de, Alvin J. W. Ai»naier, <:i;;::\<.: ;; < fj— N** riveil Cent. Gold Bonds. V.Krcch. i ::\ .r.\ n \iLi=;s—ceno*. "*^Sjo"aNl> MISSI^iFPi * H.C Demii«, Pre*id«». V P. MirMr. rrtOM SEW PIER. Ir «..T OF 3D sT.. KOBOICW*. * 05 e( ual amount (total E. H Otto H.Kuha. Hnheiioliern.Jui. i.11 MM Lahr> t -o &>. IIAM **£? i.m 1.182 up l issue) of First Mortgage Gold Bonds H. JamaH Hyc'e. J m-»H ary P Irene Jan 23 12 AM P I.e^e ?"»b. 11 AM \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 IT C. Frtck. <> • ;i 9attfc 2T. «c-jwber >."' ... $7So.3*> JTiO. «64 $ft6<'.4*4 of Lake Eric C. B Vicft-Prasidant, a aq \u25a0». N»---lcai J -. H :: v.\ N^-riiar Mar. 5. II AJJ .... and Detroit River R. R. Co. AieT«-vl«r. r --» •"'Jjjj: iax«a--. BUM 46u.567 SM.SBI Mrlntrrw, BB ±!i«a J'hg'\u25a0. •" f.?;".\D'.V.\T N. T. - $250.053 T.H Hubbard. L.vi5 H V»y»r. IM IOMB 529!».0*7 Tarbeil, Vice President a:- i W X c.. 4S South TMrd St.. PhUi. ——— Issued at S Ga^e E. M Har-1- D > :il iit,«ra..a. ;^- l^ AJa, FaaaagrlT— Jafl "* LXPLNSLS. 61r Wilt n C V a Horn*, H.M. J ha M HalL . U \u25a0 ta ». i>-JU AM -»_,_-*• IB D«: f-" *23 757 Ir. $j>"2 Cnaunc*y Dejww. Walixr. •Has sril! nwm ar.d Ts'T>nssiua> on boant. • LMU« 025162 :72.imi officially reported M Ami.Treasure*. Edwar :M-K-icuav As year Id jsb^: iTr>^ for ending 31, 1903: W. B.Ran Lr :.-\u25a0 r Mt-DiltlKKA itrtVlU£. BOVTHEax IXOIAXA. October — — Ntiv; XOJUC .v.n'ii.3 uu.N I vn.^jfN^nntw.. HJUQ *7fi7«4 lac.s*S.7O9 Cross Earnings By »up«-rb se* Twin-Strt* SLe4iawra> -•" &44.J-"* 898.M0 1ac.1fe6.546 $11,251,521.47 Pr „ *"«&t 4. 10 A* 1 »<"• SO •\u25a0•• Solicits Deposits of Corporations O.K«r ir. '. :\u25a0> A-u f. .i:aib«rt... MIDLAND. Operating Individuals and tu«uu-. Jan ::•. 4 »^: I'xuitU Teo. t«. ISAM eTATEN BLOND Lxpenses and Taxes _ Kea. 10 r 7,943,140.82 •*. Vlaaarta .-. t»*M \u0084,ar S3. AM ,- IMjM 717 «•\u25a0>) jt, srmlrur. •"Si.S'6 Inc. BjW»« Interest on Daily Balances UA^I.N. fJ»J $To *»-•. L"P.VAiU<. fllertt.^ exr*a*aa \u25a0» 075 2i.12* Inc. Net Earnings A ...r..r.« t^ sir-ittaer. — --"- $3,308,380.65 •VU Gibraltar a... A.^.e. *. Ftixul roooi eat feaasVsV »•,. «a_-i:'a«» $;'5.r!C3 $33. r>*c.Jl7.:r;i CAPITAL, $3,000,000 SURPLUS, $8,500,000 2.08* Inc. :."»-. Interest on Bonds cii-— te-oinT 1,767,960.77 S. S. DEUTSCriLAND to ITALY. - LAlj THAN S Tl> *. taoons Pi.*'* *33..V.7 SIS 14« LII3o UMI rJ«J cfcaJT=» ? tt.UI IS.MI D*C 7T4 SurPlus $1,540,419.88 Bankers and AROUND THE WORLD luijitisi $5,222 HP Cl 6Psi tilMl A*Ml af -he Ml A Brokers. Reports. • MntfßH Lake Detroit River DivUion for the four month. endlß.- October Slat were By tr Pr.INZ.::.-. D( . TUKUI . L3SV iB exeeeiof the Interest charr« f.-r the entire year the i« , (closed 4^» mor:M ;--.; on of |!,. o.)0,0CO bonds mortage), ar.i in LJNE. SAN FRANCISCO STOCKS. aC..-. m .1 the boris are a direct obliration of the P^re , ERLY ItKt'OltT OF THE MOUNT HAMC: KC-amEP.IC AN Marqaette Railroad Co.. WbteH 1. paytn, d TI O2sc»*. 33 sad 17 !'.- i Ters. Tliilwissssl. It X «er:d§ at rate of 4 psr cent, . QUAR business .»a> taa en Its sr.Ure capital cf J. 4 \u25a0COOTS BANK at the cios« of oa the Sm Francisco. Dec 10— Th« oSeial clostne; q'.io- stock 05T TOO 6th (U-y of Itcem^er. M| for tslnias stocks 10-tiay artn as fo.lows: TTTE TEKF. MARQCETTE RArLROAD IS AN N.W.HALSEY&GO. REiOUECES. taticns IMPORTANT SYSTEM. SERVING NEARLY EVERY I/>an.<» $1 LARGE Tin i> TUt STATF OF MICHIGAN. AND ar..l discount* 990.«4rt 13 /\u25a0- 4 n faacaaa to * THROI Gil TRACKAGE AGREEMENTS RECENT! V OrmHtmttm « 0* Ccr "1 Kenta'-tty .03 SIATIE WITH THE LAKE SMOMM MICHIGAN sOCTKERN AM) BANKERS. I>ue from trust rnpar.t-s. bavnics. £*.'£* C0n...... MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROADS barkers ,_-» ....:"_'.. ... 03 IS A -RrVK LTNE FROM CHICAGO TO BCFTALO. THE a.nt:e from approved reserve agent* 331 o>>3 48 Bes: *Selcher. .~. 1: \u25a0! ataj Con 4i . K1.303 40 t>7 Ophlr J.sxt INTEREST ALLOWED ONDEPOST «CCOUXTS. Ear.klnr bouse and tot $»!O.OiOOO :' Oth?r rczl estate 54. 1TuTl U *<\u25a0 CKtr^tc .U irauiLi .. PRICE 101 AGENTS FOR CITIES AND CORPORATIONS. 71 - C~n. fo-.-si il AND INTEREST. FISCAL 354.170 £0 "~ Mortgages „ ORIENTAL TRIPS 2J ;. _-- . owned 3U.300 IJO OUR - C! Etj-lu mi! ends l£>.S&soO HAVI BECOME A CM* «ear r 12S,S3>» MOST PERFECT I'SDEft- '. Va LCO Si«t=. Nevac* 49 43 Wall St., "The Rookery," Fteei* TAKING AFTEB 13 XXABS OF VAI.UABLS -.»;.. •- 04 U. R legal tenders and circulating notes ot rXHEPfK.VCE IT IS VO LO.V ;ER AN EX- NEW YORK. CHIC CO. rational ban a? 01.129 00 TO" TO I 13 nerna, PERIMENT WE TA-CE FUNCHAL Co., Cash vit. Bills and check* \u2666 (Made.rv* sil^ inys la Granada. N. W. Git!li.\l.TAii. * Ooa 4* & Goald Cbxit '£ Laino Harris for day's ei;rhangea. $35.(M3 a; N-.-ctjSs 11 tba r.CTt •« »r.r. tr.e Alhamsra. J4-VLAGA. ALGIERS. lUif tSJUtall C^B items earned aa cash 405 25 GENOA IRiviera. Nlcb. nte San Ma o-» leu.*, j^rjcft ii BANKERS, \u25a0 Carlo. 99.631 11 Kemo. t:e.i. VILLEFRA.NCHE. ." rCACVSB. MALTA.- ALEXANDJ'.iA iCairo. th* Pyra.-r.;.: » Pin© Street. Corner COPPER $3,202.7*0 \u25a0 or UliasX and aa». JAFFA Capita: 0» Jericho, The TBir»r\E.] »to-k Bald la. ia cask 1230.000 'usaletn. Belh.fe.-.em. Jordan. [et TTi.K<:r.Arn to the Chicago. Surplus fund 00.000 00 The Dead sea. etc.». CONaTANTTNOPLT. rh:ca«;o. Dec. 10.— There teas a rCpatttSoo in wheat NEW YORK. boston. STOCKS. Undivided profits, less current excesses and PIRBUS (A'.hena.. rttAMiiri Grescs. o»«r- 43,123 10 Wednesday: taxes paid Un-J trip Ma '/-.nnts llyc-aa, Ar^os. arv< •p-. NA.-PLLV. MESSINA. PAiXsUsO. prices were s«c to T.^c under nignt's clos- I>UfS trust tOaaaMasssß. bar.**, bank- NAPLES. Gii^OA. Hi IOEK. Bat WM. E. NICHOLS & CO. era, brokers ocd savings baa** But the liquJdatiori to-day seemed to com- 226.23S 31 Jc?. Telephone Cort!ard-_ STREET. 2,353. c S. S. AUGUSTE VICTORIA. "^^ pood &3«3 13 WALL Unpaid •ilpte I*—*f. thrre was a recover" from dividends SUB A PALATIALFLOATING HOTEL. FROM !C»W 7 Reserved for taxes eVBTS Baa pttekV To-night's close was Uc to »c 3.<53»3 TORK FEBRUARY J. I*M. .3EP. OF PA£- \u25a0 • EE-N'GZl'.d LIMITED. 1lay. May sold «t R^tc and SO^c. and THE , sc'ler^. Tx-cera^^r was the weak 52.5<>2.7509? 74 DAYS—S43O & UP. dflaed at Mfca State of New T.>rk. C-mn*y of New-Torn, ts : L.-- cer.ts William fretrk f Ularauand \u25a0 to T un^.er and M. SPHWaN. an-i LINTLET H. hill. a. 3 . ttOM dxopfftns l^ Beaver Streets. New York. *&-*-. Pr**t.>nt. Send for Illustrated BooKlets A No. - OItuANIZED 1853. BROAD.STREET. N. V. If-,cf MOUNT MOBRia BANK,a Bank loca'ed ani do- at r LLNE. It c'.t-s^d T?S?. or Vu under ila: The Ing street, HAAißLttti-AAIEUitJAN Ma> __, —..--,.__- WILLIAMA. NASH, President. busineaß a: Xo. S3 K. liStn in the City of Nbw report for Dceeatar made the BARB, % ice- York, in county, being culy morn, for hinuelf, 35-37 Bros>lwsj. X T. Michirao Stau: THOMAS- T.' President WALTER E. FREW. Vloe-Prßßident. STOCKS and BO3STJDS said aacfe compared year. „ MARTIN,Cashier For on margin. na*. » that tne foregoir.s report, with the schedule ac— wheat Q. with h& last \u0084 FREDERICK T investment or OOOflKtaa WILLIAM E WTLLIAMa Assistant Cashier. H. Assistant Cashier. daily companriag same. 13 tru>» and correct is. all respects. reported hea-i-y rains la Argentina. Minne- WILLIAM KETCHTTC Books of statlntlcs, also rhart* giving flurtna- t.> best •' hU lciiowlecl» faported $5,360,992.86 tranaa.-ted a- th«? location r?riuired by the bar.ilas Tctzucr- n^;r output of the BRAN* law (Chap OW, Laws o? 1*02!. ami pal »lse»h"'V» report ir..i'« ir. c-mpiianc* srttij an DATTS Wniwe^t ;.:'\u25a0' compared with Cll.'XiO ASTOR n.A< E BRANCH. HIRAM E DEWING. PAUL D. MILLS. !s part al paa Xmas :ild»y si warm - • Astor Place and Lafayette Place. GRAND CENTKAX BRANCH. ofSi-ia! notice received from th» «u!>«nr,ti'n'!«it at Bank* Bfcaai ac CT'.r.dirg being equal to 7 Kast 4ld Street. BUR.NET R. RUGGLE& the >«th day of the duy weather. 5;..,r. change, including 1.400 UesUfnatinK DaaanfeaCi I'Jtiß. as ooean a Every A-TOTiIABRANCH. GREEN POINT BRANCH. nhich such report be \u25a0Mas travel In n:?h-c^aa ittiaer. ;.S£.C» wheat. o=e bore in mind Fulton Avfr.u" (Borough of Art., DEWING, & MILLS, on shall mac» busbei* QTi«*nß i'rar.kl.n ritreft and Greenpotnt Brooklyn. ETIGGLES U M SCHWAX, President. Our -AFTER XlLr trip la z—crr.rr.rr.t r«-;>ort was corning, and BROVDWAY BKA.NCH. HARLEM BRANCH. MEMBERS LINDLEY H. HILL, <^asiiler. tfce Daoaß r Uroadway and -!T«; ' - Street. l.'.J West 125th Street TORS EXCHANGE, t.1 derer.eata, NEW STOCK Severally and by both :t ma.' - mctiU show a much EAST I>K BRANCH. KIVKR subscrtbed sworn ' " ' HUDSON BRANCH. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE. the lOtii »c. yi. • • ELEVF.NTH « \KH BRANCH. COINTY BRANCH. Notary County •\u25a0; New York. Sails . Stoamsalp Co."» l 555. 53T !.ist QrEKNS Philadelphia. New PuMlc. Tt:..:w. ' Awaue Iiand 10th Street. Borden Avp and Front K_ fßor. of Queen?). York. P ri "Psatoria." Ea e:ythiti» includ«i. $33-» ' sujgcs-ing a winter FIFTH AVENIE BRANCH. TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET BIIANCH. STOCKS, BONDS, Wonderfully cheap. C .T.t ataav' You ii ea— ycii aal Ptftk A'ir.'j':ar. I '•'.: Psreet. INVESTMENTS. REPORT OF THE Joy Sii.'.-r Tcurs Ja-. 14 a.iii&. tjueiitils. Tte speculative Bruadvay and 2St n Street. tM. " Tickets wlieat crop of 4BJM.V.- IOKTI--? « OMi sTia:tT uka>cti. rxni:r;MTY QUARTERLYTORKVILLr: DANK. N<-w Tck the cloae of f r tho-e "Gcir.s It Aione ereryTrtere. every • ' -•• BRANCH.vay. OtR at "- hr>ut every :o; <:d Street. SI - Broad. \u25a0\u25a0 day rj*.^: working day the year. Bjvj.r.. at n itu- business on sti: of December. m ' except r>ION SQr.\KE BRA>(H,' BBBDCmOCM, pjj^^,. rfcet Armour has Square. 34 Union Leans and discounts $1,347,914 *4 — -—j - - (!....>=/«<* _ iAI \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0--' z* t |Bjr tea atpfirnlly made no at- Bank Reports. Overdra: ta 36 4*o T- bank?, 381 & 11