LIFE TOGETHER • Celebrate • Philippians 2:19-30 • July 19

Opening: • When you think of a hero what comes to mind? • How would you describe a spiritual hero? • Would you consider yourself a spiritual hero? Why or why not?

Read Philippians 2:19-24. 1. Restate in your own words. 2. From this passage, what can we discern about Timothy? What was he like? How did he live his faith? Be as specific as possible. Read Philippians 2:25-30. 3. Restate in your own words. 4. From this passage, what can we discern about Epaphroditus? What was he like? How did he live his faith? Be as specific as possible. 5. How is Paul using Timothy and Epaphroditus as examples of what he’s been teaching to this point in Philippians? What familiar words or phrases do you see? 6. What do you think was Paul’s reason for doing this? 7. Share the first name and a story of someone you consider a hero of the faith. Share specifically how they help you see the way of Jesus being lived out in the every day moments of life.

Considering the STEPs to Becoming the Picture of a Spiritual Hero and other resources to help you follow Jesus more faithfully. • Sight for the Journey: Where am I on my spiritual journey? Exploring? Questioning? Growing? Leading? Do I look more like Jesus today than six months ago? Why or why not? • Training for the Soul: Which spiritual practices would be particularly helpful to me during this current season of my faith? • Equipping for Life: What areas of my life do I need resources to help me have the mind of Christ and view from Christ’s Kingdom perspective? Family? Marriage? Work? Finances? Leisure time? • Partners for the Journey: What community connections will help me become more like Jesus at this point in my spiritual journey? Small Group? Mid-size community? Spiritual Director? Serving team?

• Which STEP is most challenging for you to engage in? Why? • Which STEP do you discern is most needed for you at this point in your faith journey? • What can you do this week, to step in the right direction, to live into becoming a spiritual hero? (Pun intended.) • If you have questions or would like help to take STEP’s to becoming the picture of a spiritual hero contact Pastor Eric Haskins: [email protected].

Practice(s) for the Week • Expand your New Testament knowledge by using this great article from Fuller Seminary about Paul and Timothy’s mentoring relationship and history together.