Philippe Druillet | 72 pages | 18 Aug 2015 | Titan Books Ltd | 9781782761051 | English | London, United Kingdom Les Six Voyages de Lone Sloane by Philippe Druillet

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Get A Copy. More Details Original The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane. Lone Sloane 2Histoires Fantastiques. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. I found his journeys to be pretty entertaining. Druillet's intense the weird malcontent known as Lone Sloane travels the galaxy in 6 bizarre adventures full of hallucinatory vistas, mind-boggling transformations, dreadful plot twists, and lovecraftian horror. Druillet's intense style reminded me a lot of various vividly colorful and psychedelic posters and album covers from the s. I'm glad I didn't live through that era; what a headache! I loved the story where Lone Sloane has to battle a villain's champion - a villain that looks like a floating green rag and a champion that looks like multiple circles within circles. Negativity doesn't fight battles - apparently he just blows shit up. View 2 comments. The 6 Voyages reprints stories first published in in the early seventies. First published as a collection in In September we get this oversized hardcover version which is kind of overwhelming or disorienting, in a few ways. It's this trippy sci fi fantasy about a guy, Sloane, who is a space explorer with mystical powers, encountering st The 6 Voyages reprints stories first published in Pilote in the early seventies. It's this trippy sci fi fantasy about a guy, Sloane, who is a space explorer with mystical powers, encountering star dragons, insane robots. The back cover says Lovecraftian, which kind of fits. Won the Grand Prize of Angouleme for way back then. Herge called it"sensational," which I guess could also fit, especially as there wasn't much of anything like it visually at the time. Because of the time, I associate it with the romanticizing of space travel that seemed heightened for the general public around then. David Bowie's Space Oddity, released Stanley Kubrick's A Space Oddity, But not space as scientific The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane. Space as the ultimate imaginative adventure. Cosmic is a word used about space around this time. Applies to this comic and that music, that movie. Lots of dark color. Kind of like a space Ulysses, but more operatic than grounded in any real world. The disorienting part is that he breaks out of the comics panel The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane in a variety of ways: full page images, double page images, no panels at all, op art mixed with classical images. I found the story hard to follow, the least interesting aspect of it, actually. It's just a kind of visual feast. Trippy is the principal word I associate with this project. Like Hawkwindcirca the same time these were originally published, but without Lemmy. The absolutely stunning artwork in this volume more than makes up for flat characterization and the presence of more gods in the machines I mean this literally! Druillet was no storyteller, but, wow, what an artist! The line between organic and mechanical is effectively erased, while the immense scale of the structures, space, and spaceships through which and with whi Like Hawkwindcirca the same time these were originally published, but without Lemmy. The line between organic and mechanical is effectively erased, while the immense scale of the structures, space, and spaceships through which and with which Sloane travels overwhelms the viewer, further adding to the sense of awe that sweeps out from the pages. Not my favorite graphic novel in recent memorybut well worth a gander. I'll be very curious to read the further volumes to see if the storytelling improves or if it retains it's too-short and under-impressive plott dd ing. In any case, I shall absolutely be back for more brain-cracking artwork. View 1 comment. Shelves: comicscomic-reviewsreviewed. However, the art is just so phenomenal it overpowers pretty much everything. Reveling in its immense applications of details, its other-worldly vision is meant to be quaffed as quickly as your third eye can handle it. Absolutely stunning illustrations. Even if you try, you won't find even the tiniest flaw on "the The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane voyages of lone sloane". It's pure art. There is not doubt Druillet truly is the priest of the lovecraftian mythos. Can't imagine anyone else that could transport Lovecraft's nightmarish text into images in such a perfect way. The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane yourself a favor, buy it and read it. Druillet's trippy, baroque art is on full display The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane. I'm glad Titan has chosen to reprint this series for English readers. The whole book has a very 70s European vibe to it. With an The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane story and the sometimes disjointed layout, I didn't find this overly enjoyable. Still impressive. Apr 14, Juho Pohjalainen rated it liked it. Great art, trippy story. I'd be lying if I said I understood even half of what was happening, but I still enjoyed it purely for the sake of the fantasy visions and alien vistas opening to me. The art is trippy and dated in a s LSD future-past, prog rock style that I enjoy. The stories are so thin that they barely qualify as such. Nov 12, Andrew rated it it was ok Shelves: i-own-thiscomicson-order. Ahh, another attempt at enjoying some Druillet gone poorly once more. I'm blown The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane from some of Druillet's artwork, but then some pages are too messy to even understand. And this story wasn't very engaging for me. I'm not really sure what happened I think I'll once more stick to reading Druillet in small doses in the pages of Heavy Metal. I feel like there's The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane so much potential with this guy he just needed some quality control, better coloring and someone to write a goo Ahh, another attempt at enjoying some Druillet gone poorly once more. The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane feel like there's was so much potential with this guy he just needed some quality control, better coloring and someone to write a good script for him to work with. Jun 07, The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane Alpha rated it it was ok. The art is 10 stars worthy anyway. Man, I really wanted to like this. The artwork is incredible, Druillet is a master illustrator. But the story is bonkers and makes no narrative sense, designed simply to link the pages. I found it very tiring and I had to force myself to finish reading this. If you like Lovecraftian horror space fantasy, maybe this will be for you, but for me I just really struggled. I needed more of a story. Lone Sloane is a cardboard cut out of a character. Mind blowingly good art and mind bogglingly strange stories, I love it. Lone Sloane - Wikipedia

Back in I bought a copy of Philippe Druillet's Nosferatua black-and-white one-shot published by Dark Horse in the days when they were still putting out Cheval Noir. In line with the production values of that Euro anthology, it was a piece of crap; square binding and the premium price tag gave the illusion that it was related to the then popular "prestige format" but in reality it was just about the worst way possible to experience Druillet's extravagant work. I was too young to have purchased Heavy Metal in its heyday but I knew that Druillet was a major figure in French comics, and that there was no way the tiny black-and-white panels in Nosferatu could represent him at his best. I'll check him out again later, I thought. Once somebody produces a decent edition. Flash forward a mere twenty-four years and that day has finally arrived, with Titan Comics' recent reissuing of Druillet's seminal work The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane in full-size European album format, which allows Druillet's artwork to glory in all of its berserk early '70s progginess. How berserk? Very berserk. Yes, Moebius was trippy, and Kirby was cosmic, but Druillet's art is trippy and cosmic and more. It combines meticulous detail with an almost manic, visionary force. His vision of the cosmos contains flying black thrones and ancient alien temples and giant space bridges and robot space ships that mutate into beautiful women who declare their passionate love for the hero. It doesn't make The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane lot of sense but that doesn't really matter: Lone Sloane is grandiose and ambitious and preposterous, and it looks fantastic and fresh, more than forty years after it The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane first published. The first story, "The Throne of the Black God", sets the tone for the rest of the book. The splash page depicts Sloane, a sickly yellow solitary space traveler sitting inside the baroque, metallic interior of a space ship, his hand on a giant lever. This was the '70s and spaceships were going to have giant levers. The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane this image Druillet has drawn the ship itself, which looks like a flying cosmic cathedral; however he does not use panel borders to suggest the passage of time or a change of scene, so it is as if we are staring at the interior and exterior simultaneously. Against this already expansive imagery Druillet provides an ultra-compressed set-up, as arch and over the top as anything churned out by a Weird Tales pulp writer:. The year of the new era. After the great scare, men decided to spread their power over the universe. The infinite sea of stars wore the seal of the human empire. Great caravans of iron were launched to conquer the skies. Time passed and few came back. The universe was keeping its secrets. But a terran, a rogue among his kin, a loner sails to the outer reaches of the great cosmic ocean. A swirling blood-red nebula guides the eye through these images towards the bottom of the page, where in three quick panels everything goes horribly wrong. At the top of page two the ship explodes in a mix of green, blue, red, and yellow, and within eight panels total Sloane is roaming through the cosmos on a mysterious black throne, which we are helpfully informed is known as "Iotai, he who seeks. The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane does he have much in the way of characterization, for that matter: but what he does have is destiny. Iotai's goal, Druillet tells us, is "to bring the living one to its masters. The rest of the story features sideways panels, tiny panels, and several full- page spreads featuring impossible machines, an alien citadel, colossal mummies, a cosmic dungeon, a three faced god, and an intense psychedelic sequence in which Sloane falls into a delirium and acquires hundreds of bodies, some of which are upside down, each of which Druillet drew individually, as this was long before Photoshop made it easy for artists to pull off these effects. Fortunately our hero manages to utter a cosmic word from his thousand identical mouths, destroying his foes and then returning to space on his magic chair. Eight pages of arch cosmic terror, and you're done. Until the next eight pages of arch cosmic terror, that is. As a The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane reader of AD in its early '80s heyday I grew up with compressed narratives, but this is something else: Druillet achieves almost Book of Genesis levels of symbolic density. Lone Sloane is a tripped-out attempt at creating cosmic myths, psychedelic visions, an assault on the fabric of reality on paper. The pages seethe with depictions of impossible machines, fantastic , cosmic destruction, and ultra-absurd deus ex machina plot interventions. It is the use of layouts in service of disorientation, breaking down the order of page to scramble the senses. And yet at the same time, Druillet "sees" these images with incredible clarity; the precision and meticulous detail of his imagery gives it an intense solidity. The 6 Voyages The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane Lone Sloane is nuts in ways similar to only a handful of cultural products from the same era. It is difficult to think of comparative works in comics. It's demented like the LPs of French jazz-progsters Magma, who made epic, intricate concept albums about an alien civilization sung in the language of that alien civilization. It's out of control like 's Holy Mountain - an onslaught of images and symbolism with little regard for such bourgeois trivialities as plot or character. Operating at the highest level of weirdness from a weird era, Druillet declares: Fuck your bourgeois notions of "sense"- I've got a head full of cosmos and I'm going to rip your eyes open, man. Incredibly gothic and alien. I was looking forward to buying this since that one is old. What kind of shit letterer do they have? The french editions of Nosferatu have shiny foil on the pages. Way better than what we were given. Your email address will not be published. In this interview, Richard Sala discusses his genre influences, style, and pop culture obsession. Skip to content. Against this already expansive imagery Druillet provides an ultra-compressed set-up, as arch and over the The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane as anything churned out by a Weird Tales pulp writer: The year of the new era. In other words: The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane was worth the wait. Fiore says:. Sarah Horrocks says:. You could just get the French edition and use the English edition as a pony. Seed says:. Far too oversaturated…all sense of depth gone…. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane be published. Subscribe to our newsletter Get your weekly dose of comics news, insightful criticism, and colorful diaries! First Name. Last Name. Lone Sloane: The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane @ Titan Comics

The entity transports him to different dimensions, where he faces a myriad of Lovecraftian challenges! When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. The Best Books of So Far. Aug 18, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Hardcover —. Also by Philippe Druillet. See all books by Philippe Druillet. Product The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Peter Milligan. Wonder Woman Vol. Brian Azzarello. Kris Justice. I Am a Hero Omnibus Volume 5. Kengo Hanazawa. The Nikopol Trilogy. Hiro Mashima. The Maxx: Maxxed Out, Vol. Naoki Yamakawa. . Ajin, Volume 2. Gamon Sakurai. Tsutomu Nihei. Batman: Gates of Gotham Deluxe Edition. Kyle Higgins and Scott Snyder. Jiro Matsumoto. Princess Jellyfish 8. Akiko Higashimura. Teen Titans Vol. Scott Lobdell. Green Lantern Vol. King of Crooks featuring The British Spider. Jerry Siegel. Justice League Dark Vol. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! Volume 2. Sumito Oowar. Lady Killer 2. Helvetica Standard Italic. Keiichi Arawi. Harley Quinn Vol. The Art of Dauntless. Phoenix Labs. Christofer Emgard. Tekken Volume 1. Wonder Woman by John Byrne The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane. Batman: Detective Comics Vol. John Higgins. Justice League of America Vol. Steve Orlando. Superman: The Golden Age Vol. JLA Vol. Osamu Takahashi. Related Articles. Looking for More Great Reads? Download Hi Res. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books!