Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 7 (2013) 654-660 D DAVID PUBLISHING

The Past and the Future of the TRIGA Reactor in Vienna

Helmuth Böck, Yuj Hasegawa, Erwin Jericha, Georg Steinhauser and Mario Villa Vienna University of Technology, Vienna 1020, Austria

Received: July 23, 2012 / Accepted: October 16, 2012 / Published: April 30, 2013.

Abstract: During the past five decades, the TRIGA reactor Vienna has reached a top place in utilization among low power research reactors. This paper discussed the highlights of the major physics experiments in the field of neutron interferometry and ultra-small angle as well as in the field of radiochemistry, education and training and research in the field of nuclear safeguards and nuclear security. Potential further directions of research are outlined where the Atominstitut of Vienna might concentrate in future.

Key words: TRIGA reactors, research reactors, neutron and solid state physics, neutron interferometry, ultra small-angle neutron scattering, education and training.

1. Introduction discussed in detail in Section 2.1.

After the “Atoms for Peace” speech of President 2. Major Neutron Physics Experiments Eisenhower in December 1963, many low power 2.1 Interferometer research reactors were built all over the world, this was the boom-time for TRIGA reactors. Totally about 70 In 2011, 37 years have passed since the first perfect TRIGA reactors were built world-wide, later some neutron interferometer was tested by an other research reactors were converted to TRIGA type Austrian-German cooperative group at the 250 kW fuel, today about 35 TRIGA reactors are still in TRIGA reactor in Vienna [1, 2]. Since that time, operation. The contract for the Vienna TRIGA was neutron interferometry became a laboratory for signed in 1958, the foundation was laid in August 27th, quantum mechanical test experiments. The key feature 1959 and the reactor reached first criticality after 2.5 of this technique are two widely separated coherent years on March 7th, 1962, being located only five beams of thermal (λ ~ 1.8 Å, E ~ 0.025 eV) metro stations from the city centre, a fact which would which are produced by dynamical Laue-reflection in a be totally impossible today. Other than the 10 MW properly shaped perfect silicon crystal (Fig. 1). ASTRA reactor in Seibersdorf, the TRIGA reactor was Analogies exist to the Mach-Zehnder type fully devoted to university education in the nuclear interferometers used in light optics and to the field, a mission which was strictly followed throughout Bonse-Hart interferometers developed for X-rays [3]. the last five decades. All technical data of the TRIGA Neutron interferometry has been used for a series of reactor in Vienna were published at many conferences quite spectacular fundamental quantum mechanical and can also be found in the Atominstitute’s webpage experiments, a most complete synopsis of results is [1]. During the past 49 years, the most important and given in Ref. [4]. Recent achievements are the internationally recognized experiment was carried out demonstration of Bell’s inequality with single neutrons in the field of neutron interferometry [2-6] that is [5], measurement of topological phases [6], and of confinement induced quantum-phase [7]. One Corresponding author: Helmuth Böck, Dr., professor, research field: nuclear safety. E-mail: [email protected]. remarkable experiment with the neutron interferometer

The Past and the Future of the TRIGA Reactor in Vienna 655

the non-scattered transmitted incident beam. It relies on the very narrow angular reflection width of perfect single- and is realized as a multi-bounce perfect silicon double crystal diffractometer. While primarily designed for materials characterization in the µm-range—which follows from the use of thermal neutrons and widths of a typical instrument resolution function of the order of µrad—these instruments may also be used for fundamental investigations related to the coherence properties of neutron beams and the

Fig. 1 All neutron interferometers used at the Vienna macroscopic limits of neutron . A beautiful TRIGA reactor or at the high flux reactor of the ILL, example of such measurements was diffraction and Grenoble were manufactured and tested at the Atominstitut. multi-beam interference from artificial lattices [9]. was the determination of the coherent neutron Corresponding experiments were performed at the scattering length of gaseous natural krypton and its USANS facilities of the Atominstitut and of the S18 isotope 86Kr [8]. While the result for natural krypton instrument at the ILL in Grenoble. There, we observed was in excellent agreement with existing literature, the diffraction patterns from samples being periodically result for the isotope represented the first experimental structured in one and two dimensions. These value, and in fact the first experimental value for any of measurements took advantage of the extended the krypton isotopes. During data analysis, it was found coherence function of the setup and the high quality of that the accuracy of the results was mainly determined the manufactured silicon sample lattices. The by the stability of the setup and not by the limited diffraction pattern of a line grating with 32 µm lattice . These results obtained at the small reactor constant was obtained at both instruments in Grenoble proved that competitive neutron interferometric results and Vienna. Due to the much narrower resolution may be obtained also at small neutron sources provided function, resulting from the (331) silicon reflections that a stable setup is used. It may be added that for these employed, the interference orders were completely measurements the reactor was unconventionally resolved with the Viennese instrument while the operated 24 h a day. diffraction pattern recorded at S18 was a superposition Although the majority of these experiments had to be of several interference orders. This showed that, given performed on the high flux reactor of the ILL (Institute the proper experimental context, neutrons may be Laue-Langevin), Grenoble, simply because of intensity coherently diffracted by structures whose size is of the reasons, it was essential to conceive and to prepare order 0.1 mm. It is clear, specifically at the small them at the TRIGA reactor in Vienna as well as to test reactor, that all these phenomena are related to the functionality of the various components of the final multi-beam self-interference of the neutrons. setup. USANS has been extended to the study of magnetic structures by using polarized neutrons in recent years 2.2 USANS (Ultra Small-Angle Neutron Scattering) (USANSPOL). The initial instrument arrangement and USANS (ultra-small-angle neutron scattering) is a first experimental results are closely connected with technique which enables to follow the Vienna TRIGA reactor [10]. The neutrons are to extremely small angles, and when cleverly done, loss-free polarized by permanent magnetic prisms even into the forward direction where it overlaps with located between the monochromator crystal and the

656 The Past and the Future of the TRIGA Reactor in Vienna sample. Neutrons with opposite spin states are 3. Other Major Reactor Applications separated by the diffraction angle of the prisms and 3.1 Radiochemistry their different scattering behavior may be studied in a single measurement without additional manipulation of The radiochemistry group of the Atominstitut has a the neutron spin. In this manner, the authors are able to long tradition in analysis. Some separate the magnetic and nuclear contribution to the highlights of this work illustrate the wide applicability scattering. In Ref. [10], the authors presented first of this method. The geological event at the exemplifying measurements on ferromagnetic rods and Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary had caused global wires, and on soft-magnetic ribbons. Again, these environmental as well as climatic changes. Its traces experiments were performed at the USANS facilities in have been found in geological formations in the Gosau Vienna and at the combined neutron Basin (Austria) and could be characterized by NAA interferometer/USANS instrument S18 at the ILL, (neutron activation analysis). The abundance of Grenoble. With the measurements in Vienna, e.g., the geomarkers such as iridium—an element that can be authors could beautifully demonstrate the birefringent determined by NAA with extreme sensitivity—makes nature of magnetic lens refraction. a “meteorite hypothesis” most likely for this galactic The use of polarized neutrons in neutron optical event [15]. instruments like neutron interferometers and Since many years, the radiochemistry group is USANSPOL diffractometers relies on the practically working in the field of archaeometry. Originally, this loss-free polarization of the incoming neutron beam. work was primarily focused on provenance studies of Spin-dependent birefringence of neutrons upon pumice (a volcanic rock)—more than 500 pumice passage through the air gap of a prism-shaped lumps could be provenance over the past decade, permanent magnet yoke can be used to split a thermal however, the group is constantly expanding the focus neutron beam in two polarized sub-beams with slightly of analytical techniques for archaeometric challenges. different directions. Using then a sequential Recent topics are provenancing of obsidian, ceramics, arrangement of two such prisms, a splitting larger than clay tablets and still pumice. The data obtained by the twice the width of the instrument resolution function is radiochemistry group allow the establishment of achieved and yields a maximum beam polarization of chronologies, trade routes and relative age about 97%-98%. This was first demonstrated at the determination and hence are of great importance for Vienna TRIGA reactor [11]. Such polarizes are now archaeologists and historians [16-19]. routinely employed in the neutron optics instruments in The main future focus will be environmental Vienna and Grenoble. analysis, especially the environmental impact of the Model samples with known parameters, especially Fukushima reactor accident in the environment. In this silicon phase gratings will help to better understand the project, information will be gathered from official basic features of the USANS technique and clarify the statements and measurements to provide a sound performance of the instruments involved [12-14]. chronology and identify the seismic and nuclear Corresponding measurements were performed at the reasons for the accident. The current scientific USANS facility of the Atominstitut. These prognosis of long-term healthy and environmental experiments are of fundamental interest as well since consequences will be explored, focusing on the effects the diffraction patterns result after quantum mechanical attributable to radionuclide release and dispersion. multiple-beam interference of the neutron particle Advice will be provided for implementation of future waves. programs on disaster management and mitigation.

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3.2 Education and Training important to attract the young generation to basic nuclear knowledge which may later lead towards Since the mid-1980s, the Atominstitute is engaged in further academic nuclear education. Due to these training and educational courses not only for national factors, besides its regular academic programs, the ATI students but also for international course participants. has recently established a new program for college The first institution taking advantage of the TRIGA students just before their certificate for university reactor in Vienna was the IAEA (International Atomic studies (17 to 18 years of age). In co-operation with Energy Agency) starting with a Safeguards Traineeship dedicated physics teachers, two full day courses have program carried out in a two years cycle since 1984. been carried out in December 2010 to interest potential Since that year, the Atominstitute has trained over 90 future university students in nuclear physics and junior safeguards inspectors. Parallel to this courses, nuclear technology. the Atominstitute hosted more than 125 IAEA fellows from all over the world being attached to one of the 3.3 Safeguards and Security researchers as coordinator for a period between one to Another important cooperation with the IAEA is twelve months. Since the early 1990s, an increasing Nuclear Safeguards and Nuclear Security research. As number of courses for external participants were closest nuclear facility to IAEA, the ATI has a number organized such as retraining of NPP (nuclear power of SNM (samples of special nuclear material) stored for plant) staff from NPP Bohunice and Mochovce, the IAEA which is regularly used for test retraining for Mol operators and measurements, re-calibration of various safeguard regular courses for the UK NTEC (Nuclear instruments and for IAEA retraining of safeguards Technology Educational Consortium) with two courses inspectors. These samples are also used to test and per year. Another Central European initiative is the improve hand-held RID (radioisotope identifier EERRI (Eastern European Research Reactor Initiative) devices) used as anti-smuggling devices. At the ATI under the coordination of the IAEA where junior about 20 Master Thesis projects and five Ph.D. Thesis technicians and engineers from nuclear emerging projects have been carried out in this field with special countries are trained at several research reactors in this focus on environmental effects on these detectors and region. The duration of the training program is 6 weeks on tests and improvement of the installed software. A and covers about 30 topics ranging from theoretical typical example is the suppression of medical isotope lectures to practical experiments at the reactors signals in hand-held portable gamma spectrometers to grouped into three main areas; organizational matters, avoid unnecessary alarms at ports of entry, in this case research reactor operation & maintenance and radiation trespassing patients with incorporated radionuclides protection. Currently, the following institutes are can be distinguished from malevolent smugglers. involved in this project: Another interesting experiment was the detection of  VUT/Atominstitute (Vienna University of SNM behind several tons of fertilizer on a truck to Technology/Atominstitute), Austria; determine the minimum detectable amount of SNM by  KFKI Budapest, Hungary; hand-held radioisotope identifiers.  Budapest University of Technology, Hungary;  Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 4. Potential Future Use as  Technical University of Prague, Czech Republic; 4.1 Neutron Optic Experiments  Research Centre Rez, Czech Republic. Beyond academic education both education and Quite recently, the station NIS (neutron early information at the college level are very interferometry station) is renovated by modifying and

658 The Past and the Future of the TRIGA Reactor in Vienna re-adjusting a focusing monochromator [20]. Now an for a complete neutron characterization of these optical bench is completely renewed, which is much materials. With increasing magnetic order within the more compacted than the old one and equipped with sample, the domains evolve towards macroscopic new anti-vibration and thermal insulation systems, dimensions which concentrates neutron scattering more intensity with higher stability is expected. This increasingly around the forward direction and interferometer setup is essential for students to directly compresses the scattering signal around the instrument access a matter-wave interference instrument on a resolution function [23]. The very-low scattering macroscopic scale: A number of practical courses as vector limit of our instrument allows to follow the well as Master Theses were carried out recently. It evolution to the largest domain sizes which are possible should also be emphasized that the interferometer setup by this technique. An overlap with imaging techniques has also been used for preparation and test of individual is the ultimate goal which would connect real space optical elements, which were used for measurements at measurements with traditional SANS investigations the high flux interferometer setup S18 at the ILL, and provide for a complete picture from atomic clusters Grenoble in France. Major neutron interferometer to macroscopic sample structure. The development of experiments are performed at the ILL and it is essential an appropriate sample environment for related to develop optical elements “at home” in advance due USANSPOL studies is currently underway [24]. These to limited beam time at the ILL. studies may be complemented by 3D neutron New developments and application is expected in depolarization measurements where a corresponding the field of ultra-small-angle neutron scattering both in experimental setup is also available at the Vienna the unpolarized USANS and the polarized TRIGA reactor. Related studies for an implementation USANSPOL versions. Due to the limited neutron flux, of this scheme are currently carried out by our group. specifically with neutron beams monochromated by The development of new experimental methods in perfect single-crystal reflections, large diffracted or polarized neutron physics and instrumentation has scattered intensities are necessary for application at the always been at the forefront of neutron research Vienna TRIGA reactor. Phenomena related to this activities at the Atominstitut. Such new techniques will include multi-beam interference [21], refraction [10] be of particularly renewed interest in the context of the and strong nuclear/magnetic contrast combined with upcoming European neutron source ESS. A intermediate structure size [22]. The issue of coherence recent project which shows prospects in that direction properties of thermal neutron beams holds still but offers also exciting possibilities at reactor-based potential for a considerable amount of future work and continuous neutron sources is the revival of the concept artificial lattice microstructures in one and two of spatial magnetic spin resonance [25], a concept dimensions represent one of the proper keys to tackle which dates back to the 1960s and was invented by this topic. These structures may be manufactured as Drabkin in Russia. By this method, wavelength phase gratings, partly absorbing entities or from selection of polarized neutrons becomes possible based magnetic materials to produce birefringent phenomena. on the fast electronic switching of magnetic fields. The investigation of domain sizes in novel magnetic When combined with travelling magnetic waves, very materials of technological relevance, often with versatile polarized neutron instruments are feasible that exceptional magnetostriction properties [22], can profit may change their key parameters in an instant. It was from the ultra-high resolution of the Viennese shown recently at the Atominstitut where a prototype instrument. Application of external parameters like resonator was realized and tested experimentally with magnetic field and mechanical stress is indispensable microseconds resolution that this technique actually

The Past and the Future of the TRIGA Reactor in Vienna 659 works [26]. This development has created immediate easily attainable also with a small reactor like a 250 kW interest for triple axis spectroscopy and the beta decay TRIGA reactor. Needless to mention educational use, instrument PERC which is built at the FRM-II in typically for practical courses, the neutron polarimeter Munich. Considering the millisecond long neutron setup for advance studies of quantum mechanical pulses foreseen for the ESS, such a resonator could be phenomena: i.e., a peculiar property of quantum in easily employed for arbitrary pulse shaping at various Physical Review Letters [33]. Quite simple polarized neutron instruments. But this resonator is one configurations and easy access of the setup allow example for the development work which is foreseen in students to develop and improve individual optical the near future at the TRIGA reactor in Vienna. elements by themselves, which is a reason why the setup Following in this respect, there is rapid international is almost ideal for the use of Master and Ph.D. students. development in the field of polarized neutron imaging Recent works cover investigations of an alternative [27, 28]. Since the neutron physics group at the model of with high precision [34] Atominstitut has a long tradition in both polarized and a new form of Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation neutron physics as well as neutron radiography and [35], both give significant insight in the field. tomography imaging, the setup of an polarized neutron Both neutron interferometer and polarimeter setups imaging instrument is an important issue for future at the Atominstitute exploit the dual nature of neutrons, activities at the Vienna TRIGA reactor, especially sometimes a particle and sometimes a wave, this since fundamental methodic work from our group has enables wonderful manifestation of entanglement in contributed to this field in recent years [29]. addition to superposition in quantum physics. Such A particularly attractive addition to the instrument studies—not only on coherent interactions but also suite of the Atominstitut would be the installation of a topological, non-local, gravitational, effects as well as beamline for UCN (ultra-cold neutrons). The contextual models of quantum mechanics—will be successful implementation of a UCN source into a carried out further. TRIGA beam port was demonstrated at the Mainz 100 5. Conclusions kW TRIGA reactor [30]. This UCN source, again at a small reactor, is competitive in ultra-cold neutron As it was shown in the previous chapters, there are phase space density with much larger installations that many interesting projects to further increase the basic and defined the best achievable UCN density values so far. applied research around the TRIGA reactor in Vienna. Such a facility may be used for fundamental International cooperation with powerful neutron sources investigations [31] as well as methodical development and with international organizations are of utmost [32] as demonstrated in Mainz. This methodical work importance. This past five decades have shown the could directly influence the development of new obvious benefits, and this positive symbiosis is expected projects, having again the ESS in mind. to continue beyond the US spent fuel return program.

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