What Is a Community Land Trust?
Land in Common community land trust What is a Community Land Trust? The first Community Land Trust (CLT) was born from the visionary wor! of civil rights organi(ers /hirley /herrod, Charles /herrod, Bob /wann, /later King and others. They founded 1ew Communities, 2nc. in 3eorgia in 4+5+ as a collective farm to empower 'frican 'meri an families and ena t land 6usti e in the /outh. 7rawing on the ideas of politi al e onomist 8enry 3eorge, the 0ibbut( ooperative movement, and the 2ndian 3ramdan (“land gift”) movement, the CLT structure is rooted in balanced values of collective liberation and redistribution, community ownership of land, and individual freedom and responsibility 9a mi: well-suited for %ainers see!ing social change. CLTs are built on the idea of separating the ownership of land from the ownership of buildings and other “improvements.” The land is owned by the member-run, nonprofit trust as part of a shared commons, removing it permanently from the mar!et. This land is then leased to residents via an inheritable, renewable, +9-year, “ground lease.” ,uildings on the land are owned dire tly by the residents themselves and may be sold only at values that assure fair ompensation #not high profits) for owners and long-term a-ordability for future residents. Long-term prote tion of the land for agri ulture, conservation, a-ordable housing, and other ommunity-based purposes is a hieved; while se urity, autonomy, and participation in !ey land-related de isions by land residents is also ensured. Land in Common is governed by two groups of people" those who live on or use the land #$esident %embers& and those from the wider community ('ssociate Members) who support the vision, mission, and values of the organi(ation.
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