Convened in GENERAL ASSEMBLY at Trenton, on Tuefday the 23d Day of OSlober 1792.

Being the first Sittinc of the seventeenth Session.


M. D C C. X C 1 1 1.


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LIST of Pcrfons returned as Msmbf.rs of the LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL

Bergen, Peter Haring, Efex, John Condit, Middle/ex, Samuel Randi Iph, Monmouth, Eliflia Lawrence, V. P. -3 rfet, Frederick Frcltnghuyfen,

Burlington. ( !al« 1) Newbold,

Clottcefter, ii Kllis, Efquircs. Salem, John Mayhew, Cape-May, Jeremiah Eldredge, Hunterdon, John Lambert, Morris, Ellis Cook, Cumberland, Samuel Ogden, Sujex, Charles Beardflee,

LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY.

Henry Berry, Bergen, Jacob Terheun, Peter Ward, Elias Dayton, Efex, Matthias Williamfon, jun. Ifrael lledden, Peter Vredenburgh, Middle/ex, John Runyon, Thomas M'Dowell, Joleph Stillwell, Monmouth, Thomas Little, John Covenhoven, Robert Blair, Somerfet, William Wallace, Henry Southard, George Anderfon, Burlington, John Lacey, Thomas Hollinfhead, Jofeph Cooper,

Gloucejler, John Blackwood, >Efqui res Richard Somcrs, John Sinnickfon, Salem, Eleazer Mayhew, Thomas Clement, Matthew Whilldin, Cape-May, Elijah Townfend, Richard Townfend, Benjamin Van-Cleve,

Hunterdon , Thomas Lowrev, John Taylor, Silas Condict, Speaker, Morris, Hiram Smith, John Wurts, John Burg'm, Cumberland, Joel Fitbian, Ephraim Harris, Aaron Hankinfon, Sujfex, William Helms, Valentine Bidleman,

* . . - + ^lA^^Jt^H^H^tAtoln^^ iAii*,), ll^yi *. ; W^i r.rt^JtAttAjtti^jt.tj,


State of New-Jersey,

Tuefday, OSlober 23, 1792. PRESENT, His Excellency the Governor, Elisha Lawrence, Ellis Cook, John Mayhew, ~J Samuel Ogden, l>Ef rss Efqrs. Samuel Randolph, f ^ " Charles Beardslee, \ John Condit, J Caleb Newbold, ELISHA LAWRENCE, Efquirc, produced a Certificate of his being duly ele&ed a Member of this Houfe from the County of Monmouth, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by Law, before Ellis Cook, Efquire, a Member returned for this Houfe, and took his Seat in Council.

John Mayhew, Samuel Randolph, John Condit, Ellis Cook, Samuel Ogden and Charles Beardflee, Efquires, icverally produced Certificates of their being duly eleded Members of this Houfe, which were read and ap- proved, and they thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by B Law ( 6 )

Law before the Honourable Elifha Lawrence, Efquire, and took their Seats in Council. Caleb Newbold, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly elect- ed a Member of this Houie, which was read and approved, and he there- upon, being one of the People called Quakers, took and fubferibed the Affirmations required by Law, before the Honourable Elilha Lawrence, Efquire, and took his Seat in Council. The Honourable Elifha Lawrence, Efquire, was elected Vice-Prefident of the Council, purfuant to the Constitution ; whereupon he took the Oath of Office, and was feated in the Chair. Bowes Reed was unanimoufly elected Clerk of the Council, and took the Oath of Office accordingly. John Weft was appointed Door-keeper. Mr. Berry, from the Houfe of Affembly, acquainted this Houfe that a Quorum of the Affembly had met, and appointed the Honourable Silas Condict, Efquire, their Speaker, and proceeded to Bufinefs.

Ordered, That Mr. Condit do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them that a fufficient Number of Members of this Houfe have this Day met, elected the Honourable Elifha Lawrence, Efquire, Vice- Prefident, and proceeded to Bufinefs.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Wednefday, Oftober 24, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Condit reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of Yefterday. John Lambert, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly elected a Member of this Houfe, which was read and approved, and he there- upon took and fubferibed the Oaths required by Law, before the Honour- able Elifha Lawrence, Efquire, and took his Seat in Council. A Petition from the Inhabitants of the Townihip of Hardyflon, fetting forth great Inconvenience in attending the publick Bufinefs of the Town, on Account of the Length of the faid Townfhip, and praying that a Law may pafs to divide the faid Townfhip, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Peter Haring, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly elected a Member of this Houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubferibed the Oaths required by Law, before the Honourable Ellis Cook, Efquire, and took his Seat in Council. !Vr. Haring having given his Reafons for Non-Attendance until this Dr.y, Refohed, That they are fatisfactory. :

. ( 7 )

Mr. Lambert having given his Reafons fur Non-Attendance until this Day, Refohed, That they are fatisfaclory.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Thurfc/ay, October 25, 1792.

The Houfe met— Prefent as before.

Jofeph Ellis, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly elected a Member of this Houfe, which was read and gffprovefcli and he thereupon, being one of the People called Quakers, tool: and fubferibed the Affirma- tions required by Law, before the Honourable Elifha Lawrence, Efquire, and took his Seat in Council.

The Petition from Hardyflon, praying a Divifion of tlie Townfhip, read the firfl Time Yefterday, was read a fecond Time, and committed to Melfrs. Beardflee, Cook and Condit.

Jofeph Ellis, Efquire, having given his Reafons for Non-Attendance until this Day, Refolved, That they are fatisfaclory.

Mr. Blackwood, from the Houfe of Affembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of Affembly were ready to go into a Joint-Meeting to appoint a Governor and other Officers of the State, and requefted this Houfe to appoint the Time and Place of Meeting.

A Meffage from the Houfe of Affembly by Mr. Blair, in the Words following

' Ordered^ ' »T^HAT MefTrs. Van-Cleve, Blair, Vredenburgh, Lowrey and Hedden, ' X or any tni'e e of them, be a Committee to join a Committee of the 1 Council to fettle the Accounts of the Treafurer ; and that Mr. Blair do * wait on the Council, and requeft them to appoint a Committee to join the * Committee of this Houfe for that Purpofe.'

Ordered^ That Mr. Newbold and Mr. Lambert, or either of them, be a Committee to join the Committee of the Houfe of Affembly for the Pur- pofe mentioned in the foregoing Meffage ; and that Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them therewith.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Ordered, That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them that this Houfe will be ready to go into a Joint-Meeting on Monday Afternoon next three o'Clock, for the Purpofe mentioned in their Meffage of this Day, at the Affembly Room.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday, ( 8 )

Friday, Ottober 26, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of Yefterday. A MefTage from the Houfe of Affembly by Mr. Burgin, in the Words following : ' Ordered, THAT Meffrs. Taylor, Clement, E. Townfend, Hollinfhead and Sinnickfon, or any three of them, be a Committee to join a Com- mittee of Council to count and burn the cancelled Money in the Treafu-

ry ; and that Mr. Burgin do carry this MeiTage to Council, requefling them to appoint a Committee to join the Committee of this Houfe for that Purpofe.'

Ordered, That Mr. Ellis and Mr. Randolph, or either of them, be a Committee to join the Committee of the Houfe of Affembly for the Purpofe mentioned in the foregoing Meffage ; and that Mr. Mayhew do wait on the Houfe of Aifembly, and acquaint them therewith. Mr. Clement, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe for

Concurrence the following Refolution : ' Refolved, < rTH HAT the Clerk of the Affembly be directed to purchafe, for the ' Ufe of the Affembly, three Copies of Allinfon's Edition of the ' Laws of New-Jerfey.' Council having taken the foregoing Refolution into Confideration, Refolved, That the Houfe agree thereto. Ordered, That Mr. Mayhew do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them therewith. The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met. Mr. Mayhew reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of this Morning.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock Monday Afternoon.

Monday, OSlober 29, 1792.

The Houfe met. PRESENT. The Vice-President, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Beardslee, Mr. Cook, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Haring, Mr. Newbold. The Houfe withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting, and after fome Time the Houfe returned. His ( 9 )

His Excellency the Governor came into Council, and took and fubferib- cd the Oaths of Allegiance and Office, and alio the Oath to fupport the Conftitution of the , before the Honourable the Vicc-Pre- fident.

The Houfe then adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Tuejday, OSiober 30, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as of Yefterday, and Mr. Condit and Mr. Ellis.

Mr. Covenhovcn, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to alter the Place of the Meet- ' ing of the Juftices and Freeholders in the County of Hunterdon,' -which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Cooper, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence Warrants entitling Elizabeth Wardun, Phebc Leonard, Mar- tha Treeleafe, Abigail M'Millen, Sufanna Bowlfby and Abigail Carman, feverally to draw their late Hufbands' Half-pay.

Council having taken the foregoing Warrants into Confideration, Refolved, That the Houle agree thereto. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them therewith.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to alter the Place of the Meeting of the ' Juftices and Freeholders in the County of Hunterdon,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

Mr. Dayton, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to enable the Owners and Poflef- * fors of Meadow and Marlh, lying on Racoon Creek, in the County of * Gloucefter, to make and maintain a Bank and Dam acrofs the fame for * the Purpofe of turning the Waters thereof into a certain Thoroughfare * hereafter defcribed, for the Benefit of the Navigation, and alfo for the * Improvement of a Quantity of Meadow and Marlh lying on faid Creek,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Randolph reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of this Morning.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

JVedncfclay, OSlober 31, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Frederick Frelinghuyfen, F.fquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly elected a Member of this Houfe, which was read and approved, and C he ( io )

he thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by Law, before the Honourable Eliiha Lawrence, Efquire, and took his Seat in Council.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Aft to alter the Place of the Meeting of the ' Juflices and Freeholders in the County of Hunterdon,' was read a third

faid Bill pafs ? It was carried in Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the do the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered^ That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered^ That Mr. Newbold do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is parted by this Houfe without Amend- ment.

Mr. Beardflee, from the Committee to whom was referred the Petition of the Inhabitants of Hardyfton, in the County of SufTex, reported that it was the Opinion of the Committee, that the Petitioners ought to have Leave

to prefent a Bill to anfwer the Prayer of their Petition ; which Report be- ing read, Refolved, That the Houfe approve thereof; and thereupon, Mr. Beardflee prefented a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to divide the Town (hip * of Hardyflon, in the County of Suffex,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Owners and PoffefTors of Mea- ' dow and Marfh, lying on Racoon Creek, in the County of Gloucefler, to ' make and maintain a Bank and Dam acrofs the fame, for the Purpofe of 1 turning the Waters thereof into a certain Thoroughfare hereafter defcrib- 1 ed, for the Benefit of the Navigation, and alfo for the Improvement of ' a Quantity of Meadow and Marfh lying on faid Creek' was read a fe- cond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

Frederick Frelinghuyfen, Efquire, having given his Reafons for Non- Attendance until this Day, Refohed, That they are fatisfactory.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Owners and PoffefTors of Mea- * dow and Marfh, lying on Racoon Creek, in the County of Gloucefter, ' to make and maintain a Bank and Dam acrofs the fame, for the Purpofe * of turning the Waters thereof into a certain Thoroughfare hereafter de- * fcribed, for the Benefit of the Navigation, and alfo for the Improvement * of a Quantity of Meadow and Marfh, lying on faid Creek,' was read a

third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was car- ried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Newbold do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is paifed by this Houfe without Amendment.

Mr. Newbold reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the tloufe of this Day.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Thurjday, ( " )

Thurfday, November r, 1792.

The Houfc met—Prefent as before, except the Governor.

The Bill, intitled, « An Ad to divide the Townfhip of Hardyfton, in the County of SuiTex,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Mr. trehnghuyfen and Mr. Lambert.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Jeremiah Eldredge, Efquire, produced a Certificate of his being duly elected a Member of this Houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubfcribed the Oaths required by Law, before the Ho- nourable the Vice-Prefident, and took his Seat in Council. Mr. Eldredge having given his Reafons for Non-Attendance until this Day, Rcfohed, That they are fatis factory.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to divide the Townfhip of Hardyfton, in the County of * SuiTex,' reported the fame with fundry Amendments, which were read and approved. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engrofTed, with the Amendments.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Ft Way , November 2 , 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen, with Leave of the Houfe, prefented a Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Sale of the Real Eftate of James Hude, the elder, and ' for appropriating the Proceeds thereof according to the Directions of his ' Lail Will,' Avhich was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The engrofTed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to divide the Townfhip of Har-

' dyfton, in the County of SufTex,' was read and compared ; on the

Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vicc-Prefidcnt do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Eldredge do carry the faid Bill to the Houfe of Af- fembly, and requeft their Concurrence therein.

The Houfc adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Saturday, November 3, 1792.

The Houfe met— Prefent as before. Mr. ( '? )

Mr. Fithian, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to oblige and compel the Inhabi- ' tants of the Townfhip of Lower-Alloways Creek, in the County of Sa- ' lem, to build, rebuild, repair, fupport and maintain, a Draw in the * Bridge over Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, known by the

* Name of Hancock's Bridge ; and alfo to oblige and compel the Inhabi- * tants of the Townfhip of Upper-Alloways Creek, in the County of Sa- c lem, to build, rebuild, erect, repair, fupport and maintain, a Draw in " the Bridge over Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, known by the * Name of Quinton's Bridge ;' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Ellis, from the Committee appointed to join the Committee from the Houfe of Affembly to count and burn the cancelled Money in the

Treafury, reported as follows : the Committee of both Houfes, do hereby certify, that James WE,Mott, Efquire, Treafurer, has delivered to us the Sum of Tour Thoufand Four Hundred and Twenty-three Pounds, Eleven Shillings, Loan-Office Money, cancelled in the feveral Counties by their refpective Boards of Juftices and Freeholders, agreeably to the Statement by us ex- hibited, which we have examined, counted and burned. By Order of the Committees,

October 31, 1792. Joseph Ellis, John Taylor. Which Report being read, Refohed, That the Houfe approve thereof.

The Houfe adjotirned until three o'Clock Monday Afternoon.

Monday, November 5, 1792.

The Houfe met. PRESENT, The Vice-President. Mr. Haring, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Cook, Mr. Condit, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Beardslee, Mr. Frelinghuysen. Mr. Hankinfon, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe intitled, ' to incor- for Concurrence the two following Bills : A Bill, An Act :' * porate a Part of the Townfhip of Trenton, in the County of Hunterdon A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to alter the Time of holding the Coiirts of * Quarter Seflions of the Peace, in the Common Pleas and General ^ c County of Cape-May, from the fourth to the laft Tuefday in May :' Which two feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Tuefday, ( '3 )

Tuefday, November 6, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, and the Governor.

The Hoxife went into a Privy-Council.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met,

And withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting ; after fome Time the Houfe returned, and adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Wednesday\ November 7, 1792*

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act to incorporate a Part of the Townfhip of * Trenton, in the County of Hunterdon,' was read a fecond Time, and an Amendment made thereto. Ordered^ That the laid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to oblige and compel the Inhabitants of the- ' Townfhip of Lower-Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, to build, * rebuild, repair, fupport and maintain, a Draw in the Bridge over Al- 1 loways Creek, in the County of Salem, known by the Name of Han- * cock's Bridge ; and alfo to oblige and compel the Inhabitants of the 1 Townfhip of Upper-Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, to build. * rebuild, repair, erect, fupport and maintain, a Draw in the Bridge over * Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, known by the Name of' Quin- * ton's Bridge,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meifrs. FreJing- huyfen, Ellis and Mayhew.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act to alter the Time of holding the Courts of * Common Pleas and General Quarter SefTions of the Peace, in the Coun- * ty of Cape-May, from the fourth to the laft Tuefday in May,' was read a fecond Time, amended, and ordered a third Reading with the Amend- ments. A Petition from the Minifter, Elders and Deacons, of the Reformed Proteftant Dutch Church, at Raritan, in the County of Somerfet, fetting forth that their Houfe, formerly dedicated to the Worfhip of Almighty

God, was, during the late War, deftroyed by the Enemy ; that fince they have at a considerable Expenfe erected another, but find themfelves unable fully to difcharge the Debt accrued thereby ; and praying Leave to prefent a Bill to' raife a Sum of Money by Way of Lottery, was read, and order- ed a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Sale of the Real Eftate of James * Hude, the elder, and for appropriating the Proceeds thereof according to * the Directions of his Laft Will,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

D The ( 14 )

The Houfe met, and went into a Court of Errors.

The Houfe, after fome Time, adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Thurfday, November 8, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Houfe went into a Court of Errors.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Vice-Prefident has Leave of Abfence until Monday next, on fpecial Bufinefs. Mr. Harris, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Adt for reviling and digefting the Laws * of this State ;' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday , November 9, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, except the Vice-Prefident.

The Houfe went into a Court of Errors.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Condit has Leave of Abfence until Tuefday next. Mr. Hollinfhead, from the Houfe of AfTembly, brought to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, * An Ad: for the Relief of Robert Nixon, * George M'Aroy and Richard Hanley ;' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Helms, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to enable the Owners of Swamp * and Meadow Ground to drain the fame, and to repeal a Law heretofore * made for that Purpofe ;' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Saturday, November 10, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Bill, intitled, * An Acl: to alter the Time of holding the Courts of * Common Pleas and General Quarter SefBons of the Peace, in the County 'of ( '5 )

4 of Cape-May, from the fourth to the laft Tuefday in May,' was read a third Time with the Amendments ; on the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pals ? it was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill and Amendments. Oruered, That Mr. Cook do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of Alfembly, and requeft their Concurrence in the faid Amend- ments.

Mr. Lambert has Leave of Abfence until Wednefday Morning next.

Mr. Newbold, from the Committee appointed to fettle the Treafurer's Ac- counts, exhibited the Accounts of the Treafurer, as fettled by the Commit- Certificates to tee, with three the following Purpole : That tVy find a Ba- lance of old State Money in the Hands of the Treafurer of Five Hundred and Forty-three Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Four-pence; and the Sum of One Thoufand and Ninety-two Pounds Eight Shillings and Three-pence Half-penny lawful Money, received at one for three on the finking Fund Tax, due December the ill, 1785, and not yet exchanged, equal to Three Thouland Two Hundred and Seventy-feven Pounds Four Shillings and

Ten-pence Half-penny, old State Money j that they find a Balance of law- ful Money in the Hands of the Treafurer of Three Thoufand Two Hun- and Eight Pounds Four Shillings dred and Ten-pence ; that they find twenty-three Notes of Depreciation, figned by John Stevens, jun. late Treafurer, amounting to Eleven Hundred and Six Pounds Eleven Shillings and Three-pence Half-penny remaining in the Hands of the Treafurer.

The Houfe adjourned until Monday Afternoon, three o'clock.

Monday, November 12, 1792.

The Houfe met. PRESENT, His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Cook, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Haring, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Newbold.

The Bill, intitled, * An A

Amendments ; on the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill and Amendments. Ordered, That Mr. Cook do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of Alfembly, and requeft their Concurrence in the faid Amend- ments.

Mr. Cook reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of Sa- turday and this Day.

Council having taken into Confideration the Report of the Committee on the Treafurer's Accounts, Refolved, That the Houfe approve thereof.

Mr. Mayhew, from the Houfe of Alfembly, brought to this Houfe a, Bond ( >« )

Bond given by James Mott, Efq. Treafurer, with Sureties in the Sum of Twenty Thoufand Pounds, conditioned for the faithful Difcharge of his Office as Treafurer, and acquainted this Houfe the faid Bond was ap- proved of by the Houfe of Affembly. Council having taken the faid Bond into Confideration, Refolved, That the Houfe approve thereof. Ordered, That Mr. Ogden do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them therewith,

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Tuefday> November 13, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

A Petition from fundry Inhabitants of Bridgetown, in the County of Cumberland, fetting forth that they are defirous of completing a Houfe for the Worfhip of Almighty God, already begun, but find thernfelves unable to finifh the fame, and praying a Lottery for that Purpofe ; was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Owners of Swamp or Mea- * dow Ground to drain the fame, and to repeal a Law heretofore made for ' that Purpofe,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. El- dredge, Newbold and Ellis. Mr. Ogden reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of Yef- fcerday.

The Hovife adjourned until three o'clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Vice-Prefident and Mr. Frelinghuyfen came into Council.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl for revifing and digefling the Laws of this * State,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Frelinghuyfen, Cook and Eldredge. The Petition from the Minifler, Elders and Deacons of the Reformed Proteflant Dutch Church at Raritan, and the Petition from fundry Inhabi- tants of Bridgetown, in the County of Cumberland, were read a fecond

Time ; and thereupon Ordered, That the Petitioners have Leave to prefent Bills agreeably to the Prayer of their feveral Petitions.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen, purfuant to Leave, prefented a Bill, intitled, ' An ' Act to authorize and empower the Minifler, Elders and Deacons of * the Reformed Proteflant Dutch Church at Raritan, in the County of So- * merfet, to erect a Lottery for the Purpofe therein mentioned,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Lacey, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe, the re- engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to incorporate a Part- of the Townih ; p of * Trenton, in the County of Hunterdon,' and acquainted this Houfe that the fame was paffed by that Houfe, with the Amendments made thereto by this ( '7 )

this Houfe ; which faid re-engrofled Bill having been read and compared, Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the lame. Mr. M'Dowell, from the Houfe of AfTembly, brought to this Houfe the re-engroifed Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to alter the Time of holding the Courts * of Common Pleas and General Quarter SefTions of the Peace, in the Coun- 1 ty of Cape-May, from the fourth to the lad Tuefday in May,' and in- formed this Houfe that the fame was patted by that Houfe, with the Amend-

ments made by this Houfe ; which re-engroifed Bill having been read and compared, Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Mr. Sinnickfon, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize Samuel Runic, Ad- * miniftrator, &c of William Runic, to carry into Effect a Contract made by the faid William Runk, deceafed,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Smith, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Relief of Jofeph Lewis, of ' the Coxinty of Morris, for the Lofs of fundry Certificates iffued by the ' Authority of the State,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Wednesday, November 14, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, and Mr. Condit.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize Samuel Runk, Adminiftrator, ( &c. of "William Runk, to carry into Effect a Contract made by the faid * William Runk, deceafed,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Frelinghuyfen, Newbold and Lambert.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act for the Relief of Robert Nixon, George ' M'Aroy and Richard Hanley,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Relief of Jofeph Lewis, of the Coun-

« ty of Morris, for the Lofs of fundry Certificates iffued by the Authori-

< ty of the State,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Sale of the Real Eftate of * fames Hude, the elder, and for appropriating the Proceeds thereof ac-

' cording to the Directions of his Lafl Will,' was read and compared ; on

the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirma- tive, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Beardflee do carry the faid Bill to the Houfe of Af- fembly, and recpaeft their Concurrence therein.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act for the Relief of Jofeph Lewis, of the Coun- E ' ty ( '8 )

' ty of Morris, for the Lofs of fundry Certificates iffued by the Authority

' of the State,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid

Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered^ That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Beardflee do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is palled by this Houfe without Amendment.

Mr. Ogden, purfuant to Leave, prefented a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to c authorize and empower the Subfcribers to the building a Prefbyterian * Church, in Bridgetown, in the County of Cumberland, to erect a Lottery ' for the Purpofe therein mentioned,' which was read, and ordered a fe- cond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'clock To-morrow Morning.

Thurfday, November 15, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Eldredge, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, inti- tled, ' An Act to enable the Owners of Swamp or Meadow Ground to ' drain the fame, and to repeal a Law heretofore made for that Purpofe,' re- ported the fame, with fundry Amendments. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad for the Relief of Robert Nixon, George VI'A-

* roy and Richard Hanley,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whe-

ther the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Condit, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Cook, Mr. Haring, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Beardflee. Mr. Eldredge. Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill. Ordered, That Mr. Beardflee do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is palled by this Houfe without Amend- ment.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize and empower the Minifter, El- * ders and Deacons, of the Reformed Proteftant Dutch Church, at Raritan, * in the County of Somerfet, to erect a Lottery for the Purpofe therein * mentioned,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered to be engroffed.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize and empower the Subfcribers to * the building a Prefbyterian Church, in Bridgetown, in the County of * Cumberland, to erect a Lottery for the Purpofe therein mentioned,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered to be engroffed. Mr. Somers, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, * An Act to empower the Governor of this * State to incorporate a Company to build a Toll-Bridge over Rancocus ' Creek,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Beardflee reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of Yeflerday and To-day.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M. The :

( <9 )

The Houfe met.

Ordered, That the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to empower the Governor of 1 this State to incorporate a Company to build a Toll-Bridge over Ranco- ' cus Creek,' be read a fecond Time on Thurfday the 2 2d Inftant, at ten o'Clock in the Morning, and the Parties heard on the fame Day. A Petition from James Parker, on Behalf of the Proprietors of Eafl New- Jerfey, fetting forth, that the General Proprietors purchafed of Doctor Lewis Johnfon and Philip Kearny and Wife a Lot of Land in Perth-Am- boy, and that the Truft is not declared in the Deeds, and praying that a Law may pafs to veft the Fee in Walter Rutherford, Efcp Prefident of the Council of Proprietors, was read, and committed to MefTrs. Frelinghuy- fen, Lawrence and Condit.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday, November 16, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before*

The Bill, intitled, * An Act to enable the Owners of Swamp or Meadow 1 Ground to drain the fame, and to repeal a Law heretofore made for that

* Purpofe,' was read a third Time, with the Amendments ; on the Queftion,

Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident dofign the faid Bill and Amendments. Ordered, That Mr. Haring do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of AfTembly, and requefh their Concurrence in the faid Amendments.

Mr. Newbold, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, inti- tled, ' An Act to authorize Samuel Runk, Adminiftrator of William Runk, ' to carry into Effect a Contract made by the faid William Runk, deceafed,' reported the fame, with an Amendment. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendment.

Mr. Eldredge, with Leave of the Houfe, prefented a Bill, intitled, ' A • Supplement to an Act, intitled, " An Act for the more eafy Partition of " Lands held by Co- Parceners, Joint-Tenants and Tenants in Common," which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize Samuel Runk, Adminiftrator, « &c. of William Runk, to carry into Effect a Contract made by the faid 1 William Runk, deceafed,' was read a third Time, with the Amendment ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill and Amendment. Ordered, That Mr. Haring do carry the faid Bill and Amendment to the Houfe of AfTembly, and requeft their Concurrence in the faid Amendment. A Meffage from the Houfe of AfTembly, in the Words following f T having been fuggefted to the Houfe, that the Commimoners ap- 4 X pointed to fuperintend the Building of the State-Houfe, were defirous ' to produce their Accounts for Settlement,

' Ordered, ( »o )

' Ordered, That Meffrs. Van-Cleve, Burgin and Stillwell, or any two of ' them, be a Committee of this Houfe to join a Committee of Council for ' the Purpofe of fettling the faid Commiffioners' Accounts, and that Mr. c Southard do carry this Meffage to Council, defiring them to appoint a

f Committee to join a Committee of this Houfe for that Purpofe.' Ordered, That Mr. Condit be appointed to join the Committee for the Purpofe mentioned in the foregoing Menage, and that Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them therewith.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize and empower the Mi-

f nifter, Elders and Deacons, of the Reformed Proteftant Dutch Church, at

f Raritan, in the County of Somerfet, to erect a Lottery for the Purpofe

' therein mentioned,' was read and compared ; on the Queftion, Whether

the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Condit, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Beardflee. Mr. Cook. Mr. Lawrence,

The engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize and empower the Sub- * fcribers to the building a Prefbyterian Church in Bridgetown, in the Coun- * ty of Cumberland, to erect a Lottery for the Purpofe therein mentioned,' was read and compared ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Condit, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Beardflee. Mr. Cook. Mr. Lawrence, Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the two foregoing Bills. Ordered, That Mr. Haring do carry the faid Bills to the Houfe of Aflem- bly, and requeft their Concurrence therein. Mr. Mayhew, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, * An Act to oblige and compel the Inhabitants of the Townfhip of Low- * er-Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, to build, rebuild, erect, re- * pair, fupport and maintain, a Draw in the Bridge over Alloways Creek, c in the County of Salem, known by the Name of Hancock's Bridge ; * and alfo to oblige and compel the Inhabitants of the Townfhip of Up- ' per-Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, to build, rebuild, erect, 1 repair, fupport and maintain, a Draw in the Bridge over Alloways Creek, * in the County of Salem, known by the Name of Quinton's Bridge ;' re- ported the fame, with fundry Amendments. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments. A Petition from the Directors of the Society for eftablifhing ufeful Ma- nufactures, praying that a fupplcmental Law may pafs to the Bill, intitled, * An Act to incorporate the Contributors to the Society for eftablifhing ufe- * ful Manufactures, and for the further Encouragement of the faid Socie- ' ty,' was read, and, on Motion, Ordered, That the Prayer of the faid Petition be granted.

Mr. Lawrence, purfuant to Leave, prefented a Bill, intitled, ' A Sup- ' plement to an Ac!:, intitled, " An Act to incorporate the Contributors to " the Society for eftablifhing ufeful Manufactures, and for the further " Encourage- ( 21 )

" Encouragement of the faid Society," which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'clock To-morrow Morning.

Saturday, November 17, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Stillwell, from the Houfe of Aflembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Sale of the Real Eftate of James Hude, ' the elder, and for appropriating the Proceeds thereof according to the Di- ' redions of his Laft Will,' was palled by that Houfe without Amend- ment.

The Bill, intitled, A Supplement to an Ad, intitled, " An Ad for the " more eafy Partition of Lands held by Co-Parceners, Joint-Tenants and " Tenants in Common," was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meflrs. Eldredge, Newbold, and Frelinghuyfen.

Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of Yefterday.

The Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to an Ad, intitled, " An Act to in- " corporate the Contributors to the Society for eftablifliing ufeful Manu- " fadures, and for the further Encouragement of the faid Society," was read a fecond Time, and committed to MeiTrs. Lawrence, Frelinghuyfen and Condit. The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock Monday Morning.

Monday', November 19, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, except the Vice-Prefident.

Mr. Terheun, from the Houfe of Alfembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to authorize James Tallman to re- * cover certain Monies due to the confifcated Eftate of Chriftopher Tallman, * deceafed,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Taylor, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to diflblve the Marriage of John Shinn * with Sarah his Wife,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Van-Cleve, from the Houl'e of Aflembly, informed this Houfe that the Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to divide the Townfhip of Hardyfton, in ' the County of Suflex,' was pafled by that Houfe without Amendment.

Mr. E. Townfend, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houlc for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to raife the Sum of Fifteen ' Thoufand Pounds in the Year One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Ninety- ' three,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Vredenburgh, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prelentcd to this Houfe E for :

( « ) for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to repeal certain Parts of an ' Ad, intitled, " An Ad for the Improvement of the Navigation of the " fouthweft Branch of Ancocus Creek," which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Frelinghuyfen, from the Committee to whom was referred the Peti- tion of James Parker, Regifter of the Council of Proprietors of Eaft New- Jerfey, reported, that the Petitioner ought to have Leave to prefent a Bill according to the Prayer of his Petition •> which Report being read,

Refolved, That the Houfe approve thereof ; Whereupon Mr. Frelinghuyfen prefented a Bill, intitled, * An Ad to veil

»• the Title of a Lot of Land, in Perth-Amboy, in Walter Rutherford, Efq. * Prefident of the Council of Proprietors of Eall New-Jerfey,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. R. Townfend, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Refolution, in the Words following * \\ 7HEREAS feveral of the Commiffioners of the old Loan-Offices, * in the Year and fome W eftablilhed by a Law pafled 1 774, of the * Commiffioners and Agents of forfeited Eftates, have received Certificates * in Payments made to them by Perfons who had a Right to pay the fame, * without having them regularly affigned over to faid Officers agreeably to * Law, and fome Certificates have laid a confiderable Time in faid Officers * as faid Certificates Hands fince they received the fame ; and draw no In- * tereft after the Date of Indorfements, although the faid Officers are * chargeable with Intereft from the Time the Payments became due until

' whereof, they are paid into the Treafury ; for Remedy 1 Refolved, That the Treafurer is hereby avithorized and directed to re- c ceive from the faid Commiffioners of the old Loan-Offices, and from the « Commiffioners and Agents of forfeited Eftates, any Certificates of this 1 State made payable for Debts to fuch Officers, without Affignments, * and allow Intereft thereon to the 24th Day of Odober laft, provided the * Commiffioner or Agent, paying the fame, takes an Oath or Affirmation « before the Treafurer, that the faid Certificates were received by him, bona * fide and without Collufion, from the Perfons who owed the Debts before 4 the 24th Day of Odober 1792; and provided the faid Payments are * made to the Treafurer before the firft Day of April next.' Which Refolution being read, was poftponed for further Confideration.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Tuefday, November 20, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, * An Ad for revifing and digefting the Laws of this State,' report- ed the fame, with Amendments. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments. Mr. Frelinghuyfen, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, * A Supplement to an Ad, intitled, " An Ad to incorporate the " Contributors to the Society for eftablifhing ufeful Manufadures, and for "the ( *3 )

" the further Encouragement of the faid Society," reported the fame, with Amendments. Ordered, That the faid Bill be engrofled, with the Amendments.

Mr. Ward, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfc for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to an Act, intitled, " An Act *' for regulating Roads and Bridges," pafled March i ith, 1774, which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Council refumed the Consideration of the Refolution prefented Yef- terday for Concurrence, and, after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the faid Refolution be referred to MefTrs. Frelinghuyfen, Newbold and Eldredge.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to raife the Sum of Fifteen Thoufand Pounds * in the Year One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Ninety-three,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to diffolve the Marriage of John Shinn with 1 Sarah his Wife,' was read a fecond Time, and, after fome Time fpent thereon, was deferred for further Consideration.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to repeal certain Parts of an Act, intitled, " An Act for the Improvement of the Navigation of the fouthweft Branch " of Ancocus Creek," was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to veil the Title of a Lot of Land, in Perth- * Amboy, in Walter Rutherford, Efq. Prefident of the Council of Propri- * etors of Eafl New-Jerfey,' was read a fecond Time, and thereupon ordered to be engrofTed.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Vice-Prefident came into Council.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to oblige and compel the Inhabitants of the * Townfhip of Lower-Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, to build, * rebuild, erect, repair, fupport and maintain, a Draw in the Bridge over * Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, known by the Name of Han- * cock's Bridge ; and alfo to oblige and compel the Inhabitants of the Town- * fhip of Upper-Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, to build, rebuild, * erect, repair, fupport and maintain, a Draw in the Bridge over Alloways * Creek, in the County of Salem, known by the Name of Quinton's Bridge;* was read a third Time, with the Amendments ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the faid Bill and Amendments. Ordered, That Mr. Condit do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of Alfembly, and requefl their Concurrence in the faid Amendments.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act to raife the Sum of Fifteen Thoufand Pounds 1 in the Year One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Ninety-three,' was read a diird Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carri- ed in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, ( *4 )

Ordered, That Mr. Condit do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

J'Vednefday, November 21, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Wallace, from the Houfe of AfTembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize and empower the Subfcribers to ' the building a Prefbyterian Church, in Bridgetown, in the County of ' Cumberland, to erect a Lottery for the Purpofe therein mentioned ;' and the Bill, intitled, • An Act to authorize and empower the Minifter, Elders * and Deacons, of the Reformed Proteftant Dutch Church, at Raritan, in * the County of Somerfet, to erect a Lottery for the Purpofe therein menti- * oned,' were negatived by that Houfe. Mr. Whilldin, from the Houfe of AfTembly, brought to this Houfe a re-engrofTed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize Samuel Runk, Admini- * flrator, 8cc. of William Runk, to carry into Effect a Contract made by * the faid William Runk, deceafed,' and acquainted this Houfe that the fame was paffed by the Houfe of AfTembly, with the Amendments made thereto by this Houfe ; which re-engroffed Bill having been read and com- pared, Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame.

Mr. Condit reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of Yeflerday.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to vefl the Title of a Lot of Land, * in Perth-Amboy, in Walter Rutherford, Efq. Prefident of the Council of

* Proprietors of Eafl New-Jerfey,' was read and compared ; on the Quefli- on, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do carry the faid Bill to the Houfe of Af- fembly, and requefl their Concurrence therein.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for revifing and digefting the Laws of this

* State,' was read a third Time, with the Amendments ; on the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirma- tive, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill and Amendments. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of AfTembly, and requefl their Concurrence in the faid Amend- ments. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to * diffolve the Marriage of John Shinn with Sarah his Wife,' and, after fome Time fpent thereon, the faid Bill was committed to Meffrs. Newbold and Frelinghuyfen.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to repeal certain Parts' of an Act, intitled, " An Act for the Improvement of the Navigation of the fouthweft Branch « of ( *5 )

1 of Ancocus Creek,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Honfe of Aflembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is pa fled by this Houfe without Amendment.

An Addrefs and Petition of the People called Quakers, fetting forth the opprefled Condition of the African Race in this Government, and the Inef- ficacy of the Laws to afford them Redrefs of their Grievances, and folicit- ing, on their Behalf, the Commiferation of the Legiflatufe, was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, * A Supplement to an Act, intitled, " An Act for re- " gulating Roads and Bridges," paffed March iith, 1774, was read a fe- cond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Lambert) Frelinghuyfen and New- bold.

The Houfe adjourned Until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The engroffed Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Act, intitled, " An " Act to incorporate the Contributors to the Society for eftablifhing ufeful " Manufactures," 8cc. was read and compared ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do carry the faid Bill to the Houfe of Af- fembly, and reqUeft their Concurrence therein.

Mr. Wurts, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Acl: for the further Payment of the Inte- ' reft and a Part of the Principal of the Debts of this State,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Anderfon, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, * An Act directing the Treafurer to iffue a * Certificate to Paul Miller,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Williamfon, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought back to this Houfe the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to oblige and compel the Inhabitants of ' the Townfhip of Lower-Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, to build, * rebuild, erect, fupport and maintain, a Draw in the Bridge over Alloways, * the of Salem, Creek, in County known by the Name of Hancock's Bridge ; * and alfo to oblige and compel the Inhabitants of Upper-Alloways Creek, ' in the County of Salem, to build, rebuild, repair, fupport and maintain, a 4 Draw in the Bridge over Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, known * by the Name of Quinton's Bridge ;' and acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of Aflembly had agreed to all the Amendments made to the faid Bill

by this Houfe, except the firft Amendment in the feventh Section ; on the

Queftion, Whether this Houfe will recede from the faid Amendment ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly with the faid Bill and Amendments, and acquaint them therewith.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen, from the Committee to whom was referred the Refo- lution relative to directing the Treafurer to receive from the Commiffi- oners of the old Loan-Offices, and from the Commiflioners and Agents of G forfeited :

( 26 ) forfeited Eftates, Certificates of this State made payable to Officers without Affignment, and to allow Intereft thereon, &c. reported, that it was the that it ought not to be agreed to Opinion of the Committee, by this Houfe ; on the Queftion, Whether the Houfe approve of faid Report ? Rcfolved in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That Mr. Randolph do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Refolution is difagreed to by this Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Thurfday, November 22, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, except Mr. Randolph. Mr. Randolph being neceffarily called Home, reported, through Mr. Beardflee, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of Yefterday.

Mr. Newbold, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, infi- lled, ' An Act to diffolve the Marriage of John Shinn with Sarah his Wife,' reported the fame, with feveral Amendments ; Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to empower the Governor of this State to ' incorporate a Company to build a Toll- Bridge over Rancocus Creek,' was read a fecond Time, and the Evidence in Favour of the Bridge heard in Part. Mr. Bidleman, from the iHoufe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to divorce Jofeph Scott from Ca- * tharine his Wife,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Berry, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence the following Refolution ' TT7HEREAS feveral of the Commiflioners of the Loan-Offices efta- 4 \\ blifhed by a Law paffed in the Year 1774, and fome of the Com- * miffioners and Agents of forfeited Eftates, have received Certificates in Pay- * ment, in Purfuance of the Laws of this State, without having them en- ' dorfed over, or having them improperly endorfed over, in Confequence of

' which they cannot be received in the Treafury ; ' Refolved, That the Treafurer be and he is hereby authorized and direct- * ed to receive from the faid Commiflioners and Agents all fuch Certifi- * cates as they may have, by Virtue of the Laws of this State, received in * Payment of Debts due to this State, though the fame were not endorfed * over, or were improperly endorfed; provided that each Commiffioner and ' Agent, offering the fame, do firft take an Oath or Affirmation, before the c Treafurer, that the Certificate or Certificates by him offered were by him ' received before the 24th Day of October 1792, from the Perfon or Per- 4 fons owing the Debt to the State, bona fide and without Collufion, in the ' fame Situation they are at the Time of his offering the fame, and that he * allow Intereft on fuch Certificates to the 24th Day of October 1792 ; pro- ' vided alfo, that the faid Certificates be brought to the Treafurer before the

4 firft Day of April next.'

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The ( *7 )

The Houfe rcfumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Acl to * empower the Governor of this State to incorporate a Company to build a * Toll-Bridge over Rancocus Creek,' and proceeded to hear the Petitioners in Favour of the Bridge. The Evidence on the Part of the Petitioners being gone through,

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday, November 23, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Council having taken into Confideration the Refolution from the Houfe of Aflembly, relative to directing the Treafurer to receive from the Com- miflioners and Agents fuch Certificates as they may have received by Vir- tue of the Laws of this State, in Payment of Debts due to this State, Sec. fent tip for Concurrence Yelterday. Refolved, That the Houfe agree thereto. Ordered, That Mr. Newbold do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them therewith.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, * An Acl to ' empower the Governor of this State to incorporate a Company to build a * Toll-Bridge over Rancocus Creek,' and the Opponents to the Bridge pro- ceeded with their Evidences.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled; ' An Acl to * empower the Governor of this State to incorporate a Company to build a * Toll-Bridge over Rancocus Creek,' and the Opponents to the Bill pro- ceeded with their Evidences and went through.

Mr. Blair, from the Houfe of Aflembly, brought to this Houfe the fol-

' lowing re-engrofled Bills : A Bill, intitled, An Acl: to enable the Own- * ers of Swamp or Meadow Ground to drain the fame, and to repeal a Law ' heretofore made for that Purpofe :' A Bill, intitled, ' An Acl for reviling * and digefting the Laws of this State ;' and acquainted this Houfe that the faid two re-engrofled Bills were paffed by that Houfe with the Amend-

ments made by this Houfe : Which re-engrofled Bills having been read and compared, Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid two Bills.

Mr. Blair prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence the two following Bills: A Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to an Acl, intitled, " An Acl to autho- " rize Perfons whole Eilates have been confifcated, or their legal Reprcfen- 11 tatives, to demand and receive all Debts or Sums of Money which are " due to this State in Virtue of fuch Confifcation :" A Bill, intitled, ' A " Supplement to the Acl, intitled, " An Acl: to enable the Owners of Tide " Swamps and Marfhes to improve the fame, and the Owners of Meadow " already banked in, and held by different Perfons, to keep the fame in good " Repair :" Which feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. ( *8 )

Mr. Blair alio brought to this Houfe the Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement ' to the Ac"t, intitled, " An Act to incorporate the Contributors to the Soci- " ety for eflablifhing ufeful Manufactures," with fundry Amendments made thereto, to which Amendments he requefled the Concurrence of this Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Saturday , November 24, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Bill, intitled, \ An Act to divorce Jofeph Scott from Catharine his ' Wife,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

Mr. Blackwood, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe

' for Concurrence the two following Bills : A Bill, intitled, An Act to 1 difcharge Stephen Fleming from the Payment of Two Hundred Pounds, :' * being the Amount of a Recognizance forfeited to the State of New-Jerfey A Bill, intitled, ' An Act directing the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate ' unto Cyrenius Van-Mater:' Which feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Council having taken into Confideration the Amendments made by the Houfe of Affembly to the Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Act, inti- ' tied, " An Act to incorporate the Contributors to the Society for eftabliih- " ing ufeful Manufactures," &c. Refolved, That the Houfe agree to all the faid Amendments except the fixth, and in that Inftance adhere to their Bill. Ordered^ That Mr. Newbold do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of • Affembly, and acquaint them therewith.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act directing the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate 1 to Paul Miller,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Fre- linghuyfen and Condit.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to diffolve the Marriage of John Shinn with

' Sarah his Wife,' was read a third Time, with the Amendments ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill and Amendments. Ordered, That Mr. Newbold do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of Affembly, and requefl their Concurrence in the faid Amend- ments.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to * empower the Governor of this State to incorporate a Company to build a ' Toll-Bridge over Rancocus Creek,' and, after fome Time fpent thereon, the faid Bill was committed to Meffrs. Frelinghuyfen, Condit and Cook.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Aft for the further Payment of the Intereft and 1 a Part of the Principal of the Debts of this State,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

Mr. Blackwood, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe the re-engroffed 2 ( 9 J rc-engrolTecl Bill, intitled, * An Act to oblige and compel the Inhabitants of ' the Town (hip of Lower-Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, to build, * rebuild, erect, repair, fupport and maintain, a Draw in the Bridge over ' Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, known by the Name of Han-

' cock's Bridge ; and alfb to oblige and compel the Inhabitants of the Town- * fhip of Upper-Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem, to build, rebuild, ' erect, repair, fupport and maintain, a Draw in the Bridge over Alloways ' Creek, in the County of Salem, known by the Name of Quinton's Bridge;' and informed this Houie that the lame was palled by that Houfe, with the

Amendments made thereto by this Houfe ; which re-engrollcd Bill having been read and compared, Rij'olicJ, That the fame do pal's. Ordered, That the Prefidcnt do fign the fame.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to divorce Jofeph Scott from Catharine his

' Wife,' was read a third Time ; on the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the further Payment of the Intereft and

1 a Part of the Principal of the Debts of this State,' was read a third Time ; on the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill do pals ? It was carried in the Affir- mative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid Bills. Ordered, That Mr. Newbold do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid two Bills are palled by this Houfe without Amend- ment.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to difcharge Stephen Fleming from the Pay- ' ment of Two Hundred Pounds, being the Amount of a Recognizance * forfeited to the State of New-Jerfey,' was read a fecond Time, and order- ed a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to an Act, intitled, " An Act to au- " thorize Perlbns whofe Eflates have been confifcated, or their legal Repre- " fentatives, to demand and receive all Debts or Sums of Money which are " due to this State in Virtue of fuch Confifcations," was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

Mr. Burgin, from the Houfe of Affembly, prcfented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Inhabitants of the * Townlhips of Cheflerfield, Evefham, and Town of Burlington, in the

' County of Burlington ; the Townlhips of Galloway, Waterford,

' Egg-Harbour, and Town of Gloucefter, in the County of Gloucefler ; the * Town of Salem and the Townfhip of Elfinborough, in the County of Sa-

' lem ; and the Townfhip of Greenwich, in the County of SufTex ; to re- ' pair their Highways by Hire, and to raile Money for that Purpofe;' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Newbold reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of Yeflerday and To-day.

The Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Acl, intitled, " An Act to ena- " ble the Owners of Tide-Swamps and Marines to improve the fame, and " the Owners of Meadow already banked in, and held bv different Perfons, H " to ( 30 )

" to keep the fame in good Repair," was read a fecond Time, and com- mitted to Meffrs. Ellis, Newbold and Ogden.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act directing the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate ' unto Cyrenius Van-Mater,' was read a fecond Time, and the further Confideration thereof poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock Monday Afternoon.

Monday, November 16, 1792.

The Houfe met. PRESENT,

His Excellency the Governor, The Vice-President,

Mr. Haring, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Condit, Mr. Cook, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Beardslee, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Frelinghuysen.

Mr. Clement, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe the: Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Act, intitled, " An Act to incorpo- " rate the Contributors to the Society for eftabliftiing ufeful Manufactures," &c. with the Amendments, and acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of Affembly had receded from their Amendment difagreed to by Council. Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-engroffed with the Amendments agreed upon by both Houfes. Mr. Dayton, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Warrant in Favour of Mrs. Ann Barber, for her late Huf- band's Half-pay, given in Lieu of one on which there was no further Room, for Endorfement. Mr. Cooper, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe for

' Concurrence the three following Bills : A Bill, intitled, An Act for or- * ganizing and training the Militia of this State :' A Bill, intitled, * An * Act to revive, under certain Reftrictions, two certain Acts therein men- * tioned, for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors :' A Bill, intitled, * An Act * for the Support of the Government of the State of New-Jerfey ;' Which feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Council having taken into Confideration the Warrant in Favour of Mrs. Ann Barber, Refolved, That the Houfe agree thereto. Ordered, That Mr. Ellis do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them therewith. Mr. Cooper, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe the re- engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to diffolve the Marriage of John Shinn * with Sarah his Wife,' and acquainted this Houfe that the fame was paffed

by that Houfe, with the Amendments made thereto by this Houfe ; which re-engroffed Bill having been read and compared, Refolvedy ( 3' )

Refolved, That the lame do pais. Ordered, That the Prefident do iign the lame. The Bill, intitled, * An Act to difcharge Stephen Fleming from the ' Payment of Two Hundred Pounds, being the Amount of a Recognizance * forfeited to the State of Ncw-Jcrfey,' was read a third Time ; on the

Queltion, Whether the laid Bill do pais ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Ellis do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them that the (aid Bill is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, • A Supplement to an Acl, intitled, " An Act to au- " thorize Perfons whofe Eflates have been confifcated, or their legal Repre- " fentatives, to demand and receive all Debts or Sums of Money which " are due to this State in Virtue of fuch Confifcations," was read a third

Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in die Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Ellis do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

Mr. Fithian, from the Houfe of Affembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of Affembly were ready to go into a Joint-Meeting, and requeft- ed that this Houfe would appoint the Time and Place of Meeting.

The Bill, intitled, * An Acl to enable the Inhabitants of the Townfhips Cheflerfield, Evefham, and Town of Burlington, in the County of

' "Burlington ; the Townfhips of Galloway, Waterford, Egg-Harbour, and

' Town of Gloucefler, in the County of Gloucefler ; the Town of Salem and 4 the Townfhip of Elfinborough, in the County of Salem ; and the Town-

* ihip of Greenwich, in the County of Suffex ; to repair their Highways * by Hire, and to raife Money for that Purpofe,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meffrs. Newbold, Ellis and Mayhew.

Mr. Hankinfon, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Acl: to repeal an Acl, intitled, " An " Acl relative to the Erecting of Bridges acrofs the Rivers Paffaick and " Hackinfack, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill intitled, ' An Acl to empower the Governor of this State to incorporate a 1 Company to build a Toll-Bridge over Rancocus Creek,' reported the fame with fundry Amendments ; and after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Amendments be poftponed.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'clock To-morrow Morning.

Titefday , November 27, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Houfe renamed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to * empower the Governor of this State to incorporate a Company to build 1 a Toll-Bridge over Rancocus Creek,' with the Amendments. Ordered, 2 ( 3 )

Ordered, That the laid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen, with Leave of the Houfe, prefented a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to eflablifh an uniform Mode of Election in the feveral Coun- 1 ties of this State,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Lambert, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, inti- tled, ' A Supplement to an Act, intitled, " An Act for regulating Roads " and Bridges," paffed March nth, 1774, reported the fame, with fundry Amendments. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amend- ments.

The re-engroffed Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Ad, intitled,, " An Act to incorporate the Contributors to the Society for eftablifhing

" ufeful Manufactures," &c. was read and compared ; on the Queftion,

Whether the fame do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Preiident do fign the faid re-engroffed Bill. Ordered, That Mr. Ellis do carry the faid re-engroffed Bill to the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them that the fame is pafTed by this Houfe, with the Amendments agreed upon by both Houfes.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for organizing and training of the Militia ' of this State,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to MefTrs. Law- rence, Frelinghuyfen and Cook.

Mr. Ellis, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, * An Act to enable the Owners of Tide Swamps and Marihes to improve ' the fame, and the Owners of Meadows already banked in, and held by * different Perfons, to keep the fame in good Repair,' reported the fame with Amendments. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to repeal an Aa, intitled, " An Act rela- " tive to the Erecting of Bridges acrofs the Rivers Paffaick and Hackin- " fack," was read a fecond Time, and committed to MefTrs. Frelinghuyfen and Newbold.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to revive, under certain Reftrictions, two ' certain Acts therein mentioned, for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors,' was read a fecond Time, and the further Confideration thereof poftponed.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act ;' * directing the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate xinto Cyrenius Van-Mater and, after fome Time fpent thereon, Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Bill be referred to the next Sitting.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act to authorize James Tallman to recover cer- 1 tain Monies due to the confifcated Eftate of Chriflopher Tallman, de-

' ceafed,' was read a fecond Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill be read a third Time ? It was carried in the Negative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That Mr. Ellis do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is rejected by this Houfe.

Mr. Ellis reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of Yeflerday and this Day.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M.

The Yea. :

( 34 )

Mr. Helms, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence Warrants entitling Valeria Ivins and Mary Mills, late Mary their late Crane, feverally to receive the Amount of Hufbands' Half-pay ; Refolved, That the Houfe agree to the Warrant in Favour of Mary Mills, late Mary Crane.

Mr. Newbold, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, in- titled, ' An Act to enable the Inhabitants of the Townfhips of Chefterfield,

' Evefham, and Town of Burlington, in the County of Burlington ; the 1 Townfhips of Galloway, Waterford, Egg-Harbour, and Town of Glou-

* cefter, in the County of Gloucefter ; the Town of Salem and the Town-

* fhip of Elfinborough, in the County of Salem ; and the Townfhip of ' Greenwich, in the County of Suffex, to repair their Highways by Hire, * and to raife Money for that Purpofe,' reported the fame, with fundry Amendments, and alfo an Amendment to the Title. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments. Council having taken into Confideration the Refolution relative to au- thorizing the Treafurer to iffue Coppers at the Rate of Twenty-four to the Shilling, Refolved, That the Houfe agree thereto. OrJered, That Mr. Mayhew do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and ac-

quaint them therewith ; and alfo that this Houfe agree to the Warrant in Favour of Mary Mills, late Mary Crane.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

JVed?iefday, November 28, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Mayhew reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of Yefterday.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Inhabitants of the Townfhips ' of Chefterfield, Evefham, and Town of Burlington, in the County of

' Burlington ; the Townfhips of Galloway, Waterford, Egg-Harbour,' &c. Queftion, Whether was read a third Time, with the Amendments ; on the

the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows

Yea. Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Cook, Mr. Frelinghuyfen. Mr. Condit, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Beard/lee. Mr. Newbold,

Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill and Amendments. Ordered, That Mr. Lambert do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of AfTembly, and requeft their Concurrence in the faid Amend- ments. Mr. Frelinghuyfen, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, ' An Act for organizing and training the Militia of this State,'

reported the fame, with fundry Amendments ; Ordered, ; : ; :

( 35 J

Ordered, That the (aid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments.

Mr. M'Dowell, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe the re-engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to empower the Governor or' this State ' to incorporate a Company to build a Toll-Bridge over Rancocus Creek,' and acquainted this Houfe that the fame was palled by that Houfe, with the Amendments made thereto by this Houfe ; which re-engroffed Bill hav- ing been read and compared, Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame.

Mr. Newbold, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, inti- tled, ' An Ad to repeal an Act, intitled, " An Act relative to the Erecting " of Bridges acrofs the Rivers Paflaick and Hackinfack,' reported the fame with Amendments, and alio an Amendment to the Title. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments. Mr. Lambert reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to * revive, under certain Reftrictions, two certain Acts therein mentioned, for * the Relief of Infolvent Debtors,' and feveral Amendments were made thereto Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Relief of Nicaufey Kip,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize Executors and Adminiftrators ' to refer to Arbitrators difputed Demands,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Mclfrs. Frelinghuyfen and Newbold.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to eftablifh an uniform Mode of Election 4 in the feveral Counties of this State,' was read a fecond Time, and com- mitted to Meffrs. Lawrence, Cook and Ellis.

Mr. Condit, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, * An Act directing the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate to Paul Miller,' made the following Report That it doth not appear, from any Papers accompanying faid Bill, that the faid Paul Miller hath ever paid to David Olden, Agent of forfeited Eftates for the County of Middlefex, any Notes or Monies whatfoever in Difcharge of the Bond and Mortgage fuppofed to have been forfeited, as fet forth in his Memorial ; but your Committee, being informed that fbme Papers reflecting this Bulinefs are millaid or loit, are of Opinion that the Bill ought to be referred to the next Sitting

On the Queftion, Whether the Houfe approve of the faid Report ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con.

Mr. Condit, from the Committee appointed to join the Committee of the Houfe of Affembly, for the Purpofe of examining the Accounts of the Co mmiffi oners appointed to provide fuitablc Buildings for the Accom- modation of the Legillature, made the following Report WE, the Committee from the Council and Affembly for the Purpofe of examining the Accounts and Vouchers of the Commiifibners appointed by a Law of this State, paflcd the twenty-fecond Day of No- vember, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Ninety-one, to provide fuita- blc Buildings for the Accommodation of the Legislature, having carefully infpected ( 36 ) infpecled the fame, do report, that the faid Commiffioners have received at fundry Times, out of the Treafury of this State, the Sum of Three

Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds ; and for feveral Articles fold, belonging to the State, Twelve Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Eleven-pence Half-penny; and alfo from the Inhabitants of Trenton and the Vicinity, by Suhfcription, the Sum of Three Hundred and Seven Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Six- pence in Cafh, together with Land and Materials for building to the Va- Shillings lue of Three Hundred and Forty Pounds Nine and Five-pence ; amounting in the Whole, in Cafh, to Three Thoufand Eight Hundred and Twenty Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Five-pence, exclufive of the faid Materials. And it appears to the Committee, by the Accounts of the faid Commiffioners and the Vouchers produced to us, from No. i to 129 and from No. o to 34, that they have expended, in erecting the faid Building, the Sum of Three Thoufand Eight Hundred and Twenty Pounds

Nineteen Shillings and Five-pence Half-penny ; and that there is a Balance due to the faid Commifnoners of Five Shillings. And further it appears to the Committee, that there are Demands againft the faid Commiffioners from fundry Perfons, for Materials for faid Building and Workmanfhip, to the Amount of One Hundred and Seventy Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Seven-pence, Specie. John Condit, Benjamin Van-Cleve, Joseph Stillwell, John Burgin.

Re/blved, That the Houfe approve thereof.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl for organizing and training the Militia of

* this State,' was read a third Time, with the Amendments ; on the

Queflion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows : ( 37 )

Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Coiulit, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ilaring, Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Cook, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Beardllcc. Mr. Ogdcn. Mr. Ellis,

Ordered^ That the Vice-Prefident do fign the faicl Bill and Amendments. Ordered, That Mr. Cook do carry the three foregoing Bills to the Houfe of Allembly, with the Amendments, and requelt their Concurrence in the laid Amendments.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Relief of Nicaufey Kip,' was read a third Time, and the further Consideration thereof poftponcd until the next Sitting. Mr. Cook reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe. Council having taken into Confideration the Warrant in Favour of Va- leria Ivins, Refolved, That the further Confideration thereof be poftponed until next Sitting.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize Executors and Adminiflrators to refer to Ar- * bitratorsdifputed Demands,' reported the fame, with fundry Amendments. Ordered, That the laid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendments.

Mr. Mayhew, from the Houfe of AfTembly, brought back to this Houfe the Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Act, intitled, " An Act to en- ** able the Owners of Tide-Swamps and Marines to improve the fame, and " the Owners of Meadow already banked in, and held by different Perfons " to keep the fame in good Repair,' and acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of AfTembly difagreed to all the Amendments made by this Houfe Bill and adhered to their ; on the Queltion, Whether this Houfe will re-

from their Amendments ? It was carried in the cede Negative, as follows : Nay. Nay. Nay. Yea. Mr. Haring, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Beardilee. Mr. Condit, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Ogdcn. Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Mayhew,

Ordered, That Mr. Ogden do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that this Houfe adhere to their Amendments made to the faid Bill. Mr. M'Dowell, from the Floufe of Aflcmbly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence the following Refblution : Refo/ved, That the Treafurer be and he is hereby directed to pay any Sum not exceeding Fifteen Hundred Pounds, out of the Monies in the Treafury, to the Commiihoners appointed by an Act, intitled ' An Act * to provide fuitable Buildings for the Accommodation of the Legiflature ' to be by them expended in completing the Building by them erected for that Purpofe, and that their Receipt, or the Receipt of any four of them fhall be a fufficient Voucher to the laid Treafurer for fo much Money in the Settlement of his Accounts. The Houfe adjourned until ten o'clock To-morrow Morning.

Thurfday, November 29, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prelent as before.

Mr. Sinnickfon, from the Houfe of Affcmbly, brought back to this Houfe the Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to revive, under certain Reftrictiona, two certain Acts therein mentioned, for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors,' K- with ( 3« )

with the Amendments, and acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of Af- fembly adhere to their Bill ; on the Queftion, Whether the Houfe will re- cede from their faid Amendments ? It was carried in the Affirmative. Ordered, That Mr. Ogden do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them therewith.

Mr. Smith, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe the re-en- groffed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Inhabitants of certain Towns and ' Townlhips, to repair their publick Highways by Hire,' and acquainted this Houfe that the fame was paffed by the Houfe of Affembly, with the Amend- ments made by this Houfe; which re-engroffed Bill having been read and compared, Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the faid re-engroffed Bill.

Mr. Southard, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for

Concurrence the following Refolution : ' Refolved, That the Treafurer of this State be and he is hereby autho- * rized and directed to credit the County of Effex with the Sum of Seven- * ty-five Pounds on any Taxes due from the faid County.'

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize Executors and Adminiftrators ' to refer to Arbitrators difputed Demands,' was read a third Time, with

the Amendments ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do

pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Vrdered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the faid Bill and Amendments. Ordered, That Mr. Ogden do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of Affembly, and requeft their Concurrence in the faid Amendments. Mr. Somers, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe the re- engroffed Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to an Act, intitled, " An Act for *' regulating Roads and Bridges," and acquainted this Houfe that the fame was paffed by the Houfe of Affembly, with the Amendments made by

this Houfe ; which re-engroffed Bill having been read and compared, Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Mr. Ogden reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of Yeflerday and To-day. The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock, P. M. The Houfe met. Mr. Taylor, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe the re-engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Act to repeal certain Acts therein named,' and acquainted this Houfe that the fame was paffed by that Houfe, with the

Amendments made thereto by this Houfe ; which re-engroffed Bill having been read and compared, Refolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Beardflee do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them that this Houfe will be ready to go into a Joint-Meeting To- morrow Morning, nine o'Clock, at the State-Houfe. Council having taken into Confideration the Refolution relative to au- thorizing the Treafurer to credit the Coxmty of Effex with the Sum of Se- venty-five Povmds, Refolved, That the Houfe agree thereto. Ordered, That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- qviaint them therewith. Council ( 39 )

Council having taken into Consideration the Refolution from the Houfe of Aifembly directing the Treafurer to pay any Sum not exceeding Fifteen Hundred Pounds to the Commiffioners appointed to provide fuitable Build- ings for the Legi Mature, &c. Refolved, That the Houfe concur therein. Ordered^ That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of Aifembly, and ac- quaint them therewith.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Support of the Government of the ' State of New-Jerfey,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading. The Houfe adjourned until nine o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday, November 30, 1792.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act for the Support of the Government of the ' State of New-Jerfey,' was read a third Time; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Ncwbold, Mr. Cook, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Condit, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ogden. Mr. Beardflec. Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Lambert,

Ordered, That the Vicc-Prefident do fign the faid Bill. Ordered, That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe. Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of Yeflerday and To-day.

The Houfe withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting ; after fome Time the Houfe returned. Mr. Tcrheun, from the Houfe of AfTembly, brought to this Houfe for

* Concurrence the two following Bills : A Bill, intitled, An Act for build- ' ing a Court-Houfe and Gaol in the County of Middlefex :' A Bill, intitled, 1 An Act for defraying Incidental Charges :' Which feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Terhcun alfo brought to this Houfe the re-engroffed Bill, intitled, * An Act for organizing and training the Militia of this State :' and ac- quainted this Houfe that the fame was paffed by the Houfe of AfTembly,

with the Amendments made by this Houfe ; which re-engroffed Bill having been read and compared, Rcfolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame.

Mr. Cook, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to eflablilh an uniform Mode of Election in the feveral Counties 1 of this State,' reported, that the Committee were of Opinion that the faid Bill ought to be referred to the next Sitting. Refolved, That the Houfe approve of the faid Report.

The Bill, intitled, c An Act for building a Court-Houfe and Gaol in the 1 County of Middlefex,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The faid Bill was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid

Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the x^ffirmative, Nem. Con.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for defraying Incidental Charges,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading. The 1

( 4° )

The fkid Bill was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid

Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid two Bills. Ordered, That Mr. Condit do wait on the Honfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid two Bills are paffed by this Houfe without Amendment. Mr. Van-Cleve, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence the following Refolution : ' Refolved, That the Printer who fhall be appointed to print the Laws which have been or fhall hereafter be paffed during the prefent Seffi- on of the Legiflature, and alfo to print the Journals of the Proceedings of the Council, Affembly and Joint-Meeting, fhall deliver One Thoufand

Copies thereof to the Treafurer of this State : That the Treafurer of this State be directed to forward a Copy of the Laws and of the Journals to each of the following Perfons, viz. the Governor of this State, the Juf- tices of the Supreme Court, the Secretary of State of the United States, the Senators and Reprefentatives of this State in the Congrefs of the United States, the Attorney-General, the Auditor of Accounts, the Se- cretary of this State, the Clerk of the Supreme Court, and of the Coun- cil and Affembly, and alfo to the Clerk of the Council, for the Ufe of the Council, four Copies, and to the Clerk of the Affembly, for the Ufe

of the Affembly, fix Copies ; and the faid Treafurer fhall alfo put up the Laws and Journals intended for the Officers and Inhabitants of each County in four feparate Bundles, and fhall direct and forward a Bundle to each of the Members of the Legiflature, for each County; and the Propor- tion of the Laws and Journals for each County fhall be as follows, viz.

' The County of Hunterdon, 1 1 2 Copies. Burlington, 97 Middlefex and Somerfet, each, 77 Effex and Morris, each, 67 Bergen and Salem, each, 66 Cumberland, 56 Cape-May, 36 Suffex and Gloucefter, each, 8 Monmouth, 87

' and that the Clerk of the Affembly be directed to procure Two Hundred ' Copies of the Militia Law, and fend them forward to the Commiffioners * appointed in each County in Proportion to the Townfhips.' Council having taken the foregoing Refolution into Confideration, Refolved, That the Houfe agree thereto. Ordered, That Mr. Condit do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and ac- quaint them therewith. Mr. Condit reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of this Day.

Refolved, That Ifaac Collins print the Journals of Council. The Honourable Silas Condicl, Efq. Speaker of the Houfe of Affembly, came into Council, and acquainted the Prefident that the Houfe of Affem- bly had adjourned until Wednefday the 15th Day of May next: Whereupon Council adjourned to the fame Time, //' LOU R N A L ^ *<& /ro>>fl^^T *i


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O F TM K" ' j/ry.f ' //c 6/ / v/ LEGISLATIVE- COUNCIL

%p ' * >< i *' OF THE - • v n/i * * , / t

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A -/////. ,c\ls ? £ ; N E JV- J E R SET,,

1 > *' 1 ^r &?*,?j >r,?j /f< i /.' ft/ / / / J" / t / / y / s 7 Convened in GENERAL ASSEMBLY at Trenton, on Tuefday the 23d Day of Oclobfr 1792. 7/ )///>


Being the second Sitting of the seventeenth Session /':••;/ Xicn i 1 itej'C^--

;„ /< ) Z% /O A (/ *S TRENTON: l *»te\ PRINTED BY ISAAC COLLINS.

*} I.DCC. &CIII. —k— -2z Ti '\

i\ S: t\


State of New-Jersey.

t H E Houfe met purfuant to Adjournment. PRESENT,

» The Vice-President, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Frelinghuysen, Mr. Cook, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Haring, Mr. Beardslee. Mr. Randolph, Ordered, That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of AfTcmbly, and acquaint them that a Quorum of the Council have met, and proceeded to Bufinels. Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe.

Mr. Anderfon, from the Houfe of AfTcmbly, acquainted this Houfe that a Quorum of that Houfe had met, and proceeded to Bufmefs.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Thurfchiyi t t J

Thurfday, May 16, 1793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, and Mr. Ellis.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday, May 17, 1793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, and Mr. Eldredge.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Saturday, May 18, ,1 793*

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock Monday Afternoon.

Monday, May 20, 1793.

The Houfe met. PRESENT, The Vice-President, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Frelinghuysen* Mr. Newbold, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Haring, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Cook, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Condit, Mr. Mayhew. A Petition from Nathaniel Holmes, Executor, and Elizabeth Holmes, Execu- trix, of John Holmes, deceafed, late of the County of Cape-May, fetting forth that the faid John Holmes, in his Life-Time, entered into Bond to William

Tomilin, obliging himfelf to make a Title for two Tracls of Land ; and alfo let- ting forth that Doubts arife whether the faid Petitioners can make a Title there- to, and praying the Interference of the Legiflature ; was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Ad direding * the Treafurer to iffuc a Certificate to Paul Millar,' referred from the lafl Sit- ting to this. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. Mr. Bidleman, from the Houfe of Aflembly, preferred to this Houfe for Concurrence, ( 5 )

Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize the Subfcribers to tho * building a Prefbyterian Church in Bridgetown, in the County of Cumberland, * and to authorize the Subfcribers to the building a Prefbyterian Church at Mid" ' dletown Point, in the County of Monmouth, to erect Lotteries for the Purpo- ' fes therein mentioned,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Bidlcman alfo prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence the following Re- folution and Melfage: ' Rcfo/ved, \ 1 HPHAT the Treafurer of this State be directed to proportion the Laws, Jour- 4 X_ n;i ^ s anc^ Proceedings of the Legillature, for the feveral Counties there- * of, agreeably to the Refolution of November 24, 1 791. • The Speaker laid before the Houfe a Letter from James Mott, Treafurer, in- * forming that there is in the Treafury a considerable Sum of cancelled Money, * which lies fubjecl to the Order of the Legislature. 1 Ordered^ That Melfrs. Taylor, Clement, E. Townfend, Hollinfhead and Sin- * nickfon, or any three of them, be a Committee to join a Committee of Coun- 1 cil, to count and burn the cancelled Money in the Treafury ; and that Mr. Bi- * dleman do requeit Council to appoint a Committee to join the Committee of ' this Houfe for that Purpofe.' Council having taken the foregoing MefTage and Refolution into Confideration Ordered^ That Mr. Condit do wait on the Houfe of AiTembly, and acquaint them that this Houfe agree to the faid Refolution, and have appointed Mr. Newbold and Mr. Lambert, or either of them, to be a Committee to join the Com- mittee of the Houfe of Affembly for the Purpofe mentioned in the laid Melfage.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Tuefclay, May 21 , 1793*

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, and Mr. Ellis.

The Bill, intitled, « An Ad directing the Treafurer to ifTue a Certificate tor * Paul Millar,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize the Subfcribers to the building a * Prefbyterian Church in Bridgetown, in the County of Cumberland, and to au- 1 thorize the Subfcribers to the building a Prefbyterian Church at Middletown * Point, in the County of Monmouth, to erect Lotteries for the Purpofes there- ' in mentioned,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading. The Petition from Nathaniel Holmes and Elizabeth Holmes, Executors of John Holmes, late of the County of Cape-May, deceafed, read Yclterday, was read a fecond Time, and the further Confideration thereof poftponed.

Ordered, That Mr. Frelinghuyfen and Mr. Eldredge be a Committee to report on that Part of Governor Paterfon's Letter to the Legiflaturc, wheiein lie recom- mends the Revifion of the Code of Criminal Law.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Adt directing the Treafurer to ilfue a Certificate to 1 Paul Millar,' was read a third Time; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows: / - B Yea, Yea. Mr. Cook, ( 7 )

titled, ' An Aft to veft the Title of a Lot of Land in Perth-Amboy in Walter * Rutherfurd, Efq. Prefident of the Council of Proprietors of Kail New-Jerfey,' and acquainted this Houfe that the fame was palled by that Houfe without A- mendment.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to repeal Part of the Fee-Bill, pafTed the 18th * Day of February 1747-8, fo far as relates to the Speaker and Clerk of the Ai- * fembly and Clerk of Council taking any Fees on private Laws,' was read a third Time; on the Queflion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was car- ried in die Negative, as follows: Yea. Nay. Nay. Nay. Mr. Cook, Mr. Haring, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Eldrcdgc, Mr. Ogdcn, Mr. Condit, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Lambert. Mr. Beardflee. Mr. FrelinghuyCen, Mr. Mayhew,

Ordered, That Mr. Newbold do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is rejected by this Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Randolph reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of Yef- terday.

The Houfe withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting; after fome Time the Houfe returned, and adjourned until To-morrow Morning, ten o'Clock.

Friday, May 24, 1793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, except Mr. Beardflee.

Mr. Burgin, from the Houfe of Affembly, prcfented to this Houfe for Con- currence the five following Bills: A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Inha- * bitants of the Town of Newark to finifh and complete their Academy by Lot- * tery :' A Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Relief of Rachel Cortwright :' A Bill, intitled, * An Act to authorize Perfons whofe Real Estates have been con- * fifcated and remain unfold, or their legal Reprefentatives, to recover the fame:' A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to incorporate into a Townlhip a Part of the Town- ' fhips of Elizabeth and Newark, in the County of Eifex:' A Bill, intitled * An Act to incorporate the Proteftant Epifcopal Church of St. Mary, in the Ci- 1 ty of Burlington, to annul the former Charter thereof, and to repeal an Act * intitled, " An Act to amend and confirm the Charter of the Epifcopal Church " called St. Mary, in the City of Burlington:" Which feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Houfe took into Confideration the Petition of Nathaniel Holmes and Eli- zabeth Holmes, Executors of John Holmes, poltponed on Friday laflj on the

Queltion, Whether the Petitioners have Leave to prefent a Bill ? It was carried in the Negative.

A Petition from Henry Van-Neft, praying Leave to erect a Grift and Saw-Mill in the South Ward of New-Brunfwick, was read, and the further Confideration thereof poflponed.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen, from the Committee to whom was referred that Part of Governor Paterfon's Letter to the Legiflatufe, wherein he recommends the Re- vision

/; ( 3 ) vifion of the Code of Criminal Law, reported a Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement ' to the Act, intitled, " An Ac! for the revifing and digefling the Laws of " this State," which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Newbold reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of Yef- terday. Council having taken into Confideration the Warrant entitling Valeria Ivins, Widow of Abel Ivins, to receive from the Treafurer Twenty-five Shillings per Month, Sec. Refo/ved, That the Houfe agree thereto. Ordered, That Mr. Ellis do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them therewith.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, .' An Act to incorporate the Proteftant Epifcopal Church of * St. Mary, in the City of Burlington, to annul the former Charter thereof, and ' to repeal an Act, intitled, " An Act to amend and confirm the Charter of the " Epifcopal Church called St. Mary, in the City of Burlington," was read a fe- cond Time, and the further Confideration thereof was poftponed.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Relief of Rachel Cortwright,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Mr. Newbold and Mr. Eldredge. Mr. Clement, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence a Bill, intitled, * An Act to divorce Hariot Owen from her Hufband * Henry Owen,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. The Houfe withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting; after fome Time the Houfe returned, and adjourned until To-morrow Morning, ten o'Clock.

Saturday, May 25, 1793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, except Mr. Eldredge.

Mr. Ellis reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of Yefterday.

' " The Bill, intitled, A Supplement to the Act, intitled, An Act for revifing *' and digefling the Laws of this State," was read a fecond Time, and ordered to be engroffed.

c The Bill intitled, An Act to divorce Hariot Owen from her Hufband Hen- read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading. \ ry Owen,' was

c The Bill, intitled, An Act to incorporate into a Townfhip, a Part of the * Townfhips of Elizabeth and Newark, in the County of EfTex,' was read a fe- cond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

' Eftates been The Bill, intitled, An Act to authorize Perfons whofe Real have ' confifcated and remain unfold, or their legal Representatives, to recover the thereof * fame,' was read a fecond Time, and the further Confideration was poftponed.

' of the Town of New- The Bill, intitled, An A& to enable the Inhabitants read a fecond * ark to fhiifh and complete their Academy by Lottery,' was Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Houfe adjourned to three o'Clock on Monday next in the Afternoon. Monday^ ( 9 )

Monday, May 27, 1793.

The Houfe met. PRESENT, The Vice-President, Mr. Newbold, Mr. May hew, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Condit, Mr. Cook, Mr. Haring, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Ogden. Mr. Beardslee,

The engroffed Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Act, intitled, " An Act " for revifing and digefling the Laws of this State," was read and compared; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pais ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Mayhew do carry the faid Bill to the Houfe of AfTembly, and requefl their Concurrence therein.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to divorce Hariot Owen from her Hufband * Henry Owen,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs \ It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Mayhew do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is paifed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to incor- * porate the Proteflant Epifcopal Church of Saint Mary, in the City of Bur- « lington, to annul the former Charter thereof, and to repeal an Act, intitled, " An Act to amend and confirm the Charter of the Epifcopal Church called " Saint Mary, in the City of Burlington j" when the faid Bill was ordered a third Reading.

Mr. Mayhew reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe of this Day.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to incorporate into a Townfhip a Part of the * Townihips of Elizabeth and Newark, in the County of Eflex,' was read a third Time on the Queftion, ; Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Eldredge do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Tuefday, May 28, 1793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Newbold, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, * An for the Ad Relief of Rachel Cortwright,' reported, that it was the. Opi- nion of the Committee that the faid Bill ought to pafs. C Ordered, :

( IQ )

Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a third Time.

Mr. Covenhoven, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for

' Concurrence the three following Bills : A Bill, intitled, An Act to authorize 4 and empower Jacob Parker, his Heirs and Afiigns, to keep up, fupport and 1 maintain, a Dam on the Main Branch of Ancocus Creek, for accommodating 1 a Griit-Mill and other Waterworks :' A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to divorce 4 Mary Bettinger from her Hufband Chriflopher Bettinger :' A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize the Minifter, Elders and Deacons of the Reformed Pro- ' teftant Dutch Church at Raritan, in the County of Somerfet, to erect a Lot- ' tery :' Which feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to incorporate the Proteftant Epifcopal Church ' of St. Mary, in the City of Burlington, to annul the former Charter thereof, ' and to repeal an Ad, intitled, " An Act to amend and confirm the Charter " of the Epifcopal Church called St. Mary, in the City of Burlington," was read It a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? was carried in the Affirmative, Ncm. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Inhabitants of the Town of Newark 1 to finifh and complete their Academy by Lottery,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows

Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Condit, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Haring, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Newbold. Mr. Ellis, Mr. Cook, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ogden.

Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the faid Bill. Ordered, That Mr. Eldredge do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the two foregoing Bills are pafTed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen came into Council.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad for the Relief of Rachel Cortwright,' was read

faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Eldredge do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is paffed by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to au- ' thorize Perfons whofe Real Eflates have been confiicated and remain unfold, or * their legal Reprefentatives, to recover the fame.' Ordered, That the Confideration of it be further poftponed.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to divorce Mary Bettinger from her Hufband 1 Chriflopher Bettinger,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading. Parker, his The Bill, intitled, f An Act to authorize and empower Jacob ' Heirs and Affigns, to keep up, fupport and maintain, a Dam on the Main ' Branch ( " )

• Branch of Ancocus Creek, for accommodating a Grift-Mill and other Water- 1 works,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act to authorize the Minifter, Elders and Deacons, ' of the Reformed Proteftant Dutch Church at Raritan, in the County of So- • merfet, to erect a Lottery,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading. Mr. Eldredge reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of this Day and Yefterday.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'clock To-morrow Morning.

Wednefday, May 29, 1 793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to au- • thorize Perfons whole Eftates have been confifcated and remain unfold, or their • legal Rcprefentatives, to recover the fame ;' on the Qucftion, Whether the faid

Bill be read a third Time ? It was carried in the Negative, as follows :

Yea. Nay. Nay. Mr. Newbold. Mr. Haring, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Condit, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Cook,

Mr. Frelinghuyfen," Mr. Ogden, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Beardflee. Mr. Mayhew,

Ordered, That Mr. Lambert do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is rejected by this Houfe.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to divorce Mary Bettinger from her Hufband ' Chriftopher Bettinger,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Negative, as follows : I« ( )

Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Condit, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Lambert. Mr. Randolph, Mr. Cook, Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Beardflee.

Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the faid Bill. Ordered^ That Mr. Lambert do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the two foregoing Bills are palled by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Fithian, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- ' currence the two following Bills : A Bill, intitled, An Act directing the Trea- * :' Bill, intitled, ' furer to iffue a Certificate to Barnes J. Smock A A Supple- * ment to the Act, intitled, " An Act for organizing and training the Militia of " this State :" Which two feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Hankinfon, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concurrence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to prevent Officers of the United States * holding any Office in this State,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Hankinfon alfo brought to this Houfe the Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement * to the Act, intitled, " An Act for reviling and digefling the Laws of this State," and acquainted this Houfe that the fame was palled by that Houfe without Amendment. Mr. Harris, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence a Bill, intitled, * An Act for building Bridges over Hackinfack River i and the Englifh Creek,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Lambert reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe of this Day.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Thurfdaj, May 30, 1 793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Helmes, from the Houfe of AfTembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of AfTembly were ready to go into a Joint-Meeting to appoint a Gover- nor, and requefted this Houfe to appoint the Time and Place. The Houfe refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act to efta- ' blifh an uniform Mode of Ele&ion in the feveral Counties of this State,' re- the faid Bill be engroff- ferred from the laft Sitting ; on the Queftion, Whether

ed ? It was carried in the Affirmative.

The Bill, intitled, * An Ad for building Bridges over Hackinfack River { and the Englifh Creek,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, « An Act to prevent Officers of the United States holding any Office in this State,' was read a fecond Time, and the further Confi- deration thereof poftponed. The ( '3 )

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act directing the Treasurer to iflue a Certificate to ' was read a iecond Time, and the further Coniideration Barnes J. Smock,' thereof poitponcd. Mr. Hedden, from the Houfe of Afll-mbly, presented to this Houfe for Con- currence the five following Bills: A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Own- era and Poflellbrs of Meadows and Tide Marih on Engliih or Mill Creek, in the County of Gloucelter, to erect and maintain a Bank, Dam and other Waterworks acrofs the laid Creek, in order to prevent the Tide from over- flowing the fame, and to keep the former Watercourfes thereof open and clear,

:' and to make the Dam fuilicient to keep out the Tide A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Inhabitants of fundry Townfhips in this State, the City of Pcrth- Amboy and the Borough of Elizabeth, to repair their publick Highways by Hire :' A Bill, intitled, ' An Acl directing the Treafurer to iflue a Certificate to John N. dimming, Efquire :' A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize James Herbert, jun. to complete a Contract: entered into by his Father Richard Her- bert with James Van-Brocklcr :' A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to authorize and empower William Vanicomb and Theodofia Vanicomb to complete a Contract entered into by Samuel Borough, furviving Executor, &c. of Samuel Lippin- cott, deceafed :' Which feveral Bills were read, and ordered a l'econd Reading.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

Ordered, That Mr. Cook do wait on the Houfe of AlTembly, and acquaint them that this Houfe will be ready to go into a Joint-Meeting, for the Purpofe mentioned in their Meflage of Yelterday, on Monday next, five o'Clock, P. M. at the Statc-Houfe.

The Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Act, intitled, " An Act for organizing " and training the Militia of this State," was read a fecond Time, and committed to Mr. Ellis, Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Cook, Mr. Eldredge and Mr. Condit.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Friday, May 31, 1793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Mr. Cook reported, that he had obeyed the Order of the Houfe of Yeftcrday.

The Houfe refumed the Coniideration of the Bill, intitled, ' An Act directing 1 the Treafurer to iflue a Certificate to Barnes J. Smock,' and, after fome Time fpent thereon, the faid Bill was ordered a third Reading.

The engroflcd Bill, intitled, « An Ad to eftablilh an uniform Mode of Elec- * tion in the feveral Counties of this State,' was read and compared; on the

Qucftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Negative, as follows:

Yea. Nay. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Condit, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Mayhew,. Mr. Beardilce. Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Cook. D The ( H )

The Bill, intitled, * An Act for building Bridges over Hackinfack River and ; the Queftion, Whether the the Englifh Creek,' was read a third Time ; on Con. /aid Bill do pal's ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Ordered, That the Vice-Preiident do fign the fame. Ordered, That Mr. Ogden do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is patted by this Houfe without Amendment.

The Bill, .intitled, ' An Act to enable the Inhabitants of fundry Townfliips 4 in this State, the City of Perth-Amboy and the Borough of Elizabeth, to re- * pair their publick Highways by Hire,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading. Mr. Hollinfhead, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for ' Concurrence the two following Bills : A Bill, intitled, An Act to rcftrain the * Removal of Actions out of the County Courts :' A Bill, intitled, ' An Act to 1 authorize and empower the Church-Wardens and Veftrymen of the Epifcopal * Church of St. James, in the Town of Pifcataway, in the County of Middle- 1 fex, and the Truftees of the Firfl-Day Baptifl Church, in the upper Part of ' the Townlhip of Pifcataway, near Sampton, in faid County, to erect a Lotte- ' ry or Lotteries :' Which feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act directing the Treafurer to ifTue a Certificate to ' John N. dimming, Efq.' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable the Owners and PofTefTors of Meadows ' and Tide Marfh on Englifh or Mill Creek, in the County of Gloucefler, to ' erect and maintain a Dam or other Waterworks acrofs the faid Creek, in Or- ' der to prevent the Tide from overflowing the fame, and to keep the former « Watercourfes thereof open and clear, and to make the Dam fufficient to keep « out the Tide,' was read a fecond Time, and committed to Meflrs. Newbold, Eldredge and Ellis.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to enable James Herbert, jun. to complete a « Contract entered into by his Father Richard Herbert, with James Van-Brock- * ' Confideration thereof poftponed. ler was read a fecomd Time, and the further

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Ellis, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, * A " 1 Supplement to the Act, intitled, An Act for organizing and training the " Militia of this State," reported the fame with fundry Amendments. Ordered That the faid Bill be read a third Time with the Amendments.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'clock To-morrow Morning.

Saturday, June i, 1793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

' Mr. Ellis, from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill, intitled, An Englifh ' Act to enable the Owners and PofTefTors of Meadows and Tide Marfh on 1 or Mill Creek, in the County of Gloucefler, to erect and maintain a Bank, the 1 Dam and other Waterworks acrofs the faid Creek, in Order to prevent Tide * from overflowing the fame, and to keep the former Watercourfes thereof open ' and ( *3 )

• and clear, and to make the faid Dam fufficient to keep out the Tide,* reported the fame with an Amendment. Ordered^ That the fsid Bill be read a third Time, with the Amendment.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act directing the Treafurcr to iflue a Certificate to 1 on the Queltion, faid Barnes J. Smock,' was read a third Time ; Whether the

Bill do pals ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows :

Yen. ( i6 )

Ordered, That Mr. Ogden do wait on the Hotife of Affembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is rejected by this Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock Monday Morning.

Monday, June 3, 1 793.

The Houfe met. PRESENT, The Vice-President, Mr. Haring, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Condit, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Cook, Mr. Frelinghuysen, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Beardslee, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Newbold.

The Bill, intitled, « A Supplement to the Act, intitled, " An Act for organi- " zing and training the Militia of this State," was read a third Time, with the

Amendments ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows : Tea. Tea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Condit, Mr. Cook, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Beard/lee. Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Erelinghuyfen, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Ogden. Ordered, That the Vice-Prefident do fign the faid Bill. Ordered, That Mr. Ogden do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of Affembly, and requefl their Concurrence in the faid Amendments. Mr. Burgin, from the Houfe of Affembly. prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence a Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to an Act, intitled, " An Ad to amend " an Ad, intitled, An Acl for the Relief of poor diflreffed Perfons for Debt," which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Burgin alfo brought to this Houfe for Concurrence Warrants entitling the legal Reprefentatives of Sarah Hathaway and Elizabeth Garrifon, Sarah Wood, Sarah Frazier and Hannah Whitehead, feverally to receive the Amount of their late Hufbands' Half-pay.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Acl: to authorize and empower the Church-Wardens * and Veltrymen of the Epifcopal Church of St. James, in the Town of Pifca- ' taway, in the County of Middlefex, and the Truftees of the Firft-Day Baptift * Church, in the upper Part of the Townfhip of Pifcataway, near Sampton, in

* faid County, to erect a Lottery or Lotteries,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows : Tea. Mr. Haring, Mr. Mr. Condit, Mr. Mr. Randolph, Mr. Erelinghuyfen, Mr. Ellis, Ordered, :

( 17 )

Ordered, That the Vice-Prefider.t do figri the faid Bill. Ordered, That Mr. Beardflee do wait on the Houfe of Aflembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is pallid by this Houfe without Amendment

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

Mr. Little, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Concur- rence the two following Bills Bill, ' : A untitled, An Act to velt the Title of 1 two certain Lots of Land, in the Townlhip of Shrewilmrv, and County of ' Monmouth, in Abigail Bowman, Widow of Henry R. Bowman :' A Bill, in- titled, ' An Act todiilblve the Marriage-Contract between Mary Bcttinger and * Chriilopher Bettinger her Hufband :' Which feveral Bills were read, and or- dered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, « intitled, An Act to enable the Owners and Poffeflors of Meadows c and Tide Mailh on Englifh or Mill Creek, in the County of Gloucefter, to * ered and maintain a Bank, Dam and other Waterworks acrofs the faid Creek, 1 in order to prevent the Tide from overflowing the lame, and to keep the for- mer Watercourfes thereof open and clear, and to make the faid j Dam fullicient 4 to keep out the Tide,' was read a third Time, with the Amendments ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill as amended do pafs ? It was carried in the Affir- mative, as follows

Tea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Ncwbold, Mr. Concht, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Ogden. Mr. Randolph, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Cook, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Beardflee.

Ordered That the Vice-Prefldent do fign the faicl Bill and Amendments. Ordered I hat Mr. Beardflee do carry to the Houfe of Aflembly the faid Bill and Amendments, and requeft their Concurrence in the faid Amendments. T1 I i,] ."?fckd. .' Act to ' A » authorize and empower , William Vanicomb andfnIhcodona; Vanicomb to complete a Contract entered into by Samuel Bo * rough iurviving Executor, &c. of Samuel Lippincott, deceafed,' was read a third ime on the 1 ; Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Negative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That Mr. Beardflee do wait on the Houfe of Aifcmbly, and ac- quaint them that the faid Bill is rejected by this Houfe.

The Houfe withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting ; after fome Time the Houfe returned, and adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

Tuefday, June 4, 1793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before.

Council having taken into Confideration the Warrants entitling the legal Re jTcfentatives of Sarah Hathaway and Elizabeth Camion, Sarah Wood Sarah -razier 1 and Hannah Whitehead, to receive the Amount of their late llulbands Half-pay;

1 Ordered. ( i8 )

Ordered, That they be committed to Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Cook and Mr. Eldredge.

The Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to an Act, intitled, " An Act to amend " an Act, intitled, An Act for the Relief of poor diftreffed Perfons for Debt," was read a fecond Time, and the further Confideration thereof poftponed.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to diffolve the Marriage-Contract between Mary ' Bettinger and Chriftopher Bettinger her Hufband,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Hotife refumed the Confideration of the Bill, intitled, c An Act to pre- ' vent Officers of the United States holding any Office in this State ;' on the

Queftion, Whether the faid Bill be read a third Time ? It was carried in the

Negative, as follows : Yea. Nay. Nay. Mr. Cook. Mr. Haring, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Condit, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Ogden.

Ordered, That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them that the faid Bill is rejected by this Houfe. Mr. Beardflee reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to veil the Title of two certain Lots of Land, in * the Townfhip of Shrewfbury, and County of Monmouth, in Abigail Bowman, 1 Widow of Henry R. Bowman, ' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading. Mr. M'Dowell, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought back to this Houfe the Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Act, intitled, " An Act for organizing " and training the Militia of this State," with the Amendments, and informed this Houfe that the Houfe of Affembly had agreed to the iff, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, nth, 12th, 13th, 14th, 17th in Part, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21ft, 22d, 23d, 24th, and the 25th Amendment in Part, and in other Re-

fpects adhere to their Bill ; on the Queftion, Whether the Houfe will recede from their Amendments difagreed to by the Houfe of Affembly ? It was carried

,in the Affirmative, Nem. Con. Ordered, That Mr. Haring do carry the faid Bill and Amendments to the Houfe of Affembly, and acquaint them therewith. Mr. Rattoon, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act to direct the Mode of Trial of Negroes or ' Mulattoes claiming their Freedom,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading. Mr. Beardflee has Leave of Abfence for the Remainder of the Sitting. Mr. Haring reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned until three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

The Houfe met.

The Governor came into Council, and took the Oath of Allegiance, the Oath of Office, and the Oath to fupport the Conftitution of the United States, and took the Chair as Prefident of the Council, The : :

( 19 )

The Houfe rcfumed the Con fal oration of the Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement 1 " to an Ad, intitled, An Ad to amend an Act, intitled, An Ad for the Rc- " lief of poor diftrelTcd Perfons for Debt." * Ordered, That the laid Bill be read a third Time.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to diflblve the Marriage-Contrad between Mary * Bettingcr and Chriftopher Bettingcr her Hufband,' was read a third Time ; on the Qucftion, "Whether the (aid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, as follows

Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Condit, Mr. Cook, Mr. Haring, Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Kldredge, Mr. Ellis. Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Mayhew.

Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid Bill. Ordered, That Mr. Condit do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that the laid Bill is pafled by this Houfe without Amendment.

Mr. Sinnickfon, from the Houfe of AfTembly, brought to this Houfe the re-engroffed Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to enable the Owners and PofTefTors of * Meadows and Tide-Marlh, on Englifh or Mill Creek, in the County of Glou- * cefler, to ercd and maintain a Bank, Dam and other Waterworks, acrofs the * faid Creek, in Order to prevent the Tide from overflowing the fame, and to c keep the fame Watcrcourfes thereof open and clear, and to make the faid * Dam fufficient to keep out the Tide,' and acquainted this Houfe that the faid Bili was palled by that Houfe with the Amendment made by this Houfe, which re-engroffed Bill having been read and compared, Rcfolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the faid re-engroffed Bill.

Mr. Lowrey, from the Houfe of AfTembly, acquainted this Houfe that the Houfe of Aflembly were ready to go into a Joint-Meeting to appoint Militia Officers and other Officers of Government, and requefled this Houfe to appoint the Time and Place of Meeting.

Mr. Mayhew, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence a Bill, intitled, ' An Ad for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Ordered, That Mr. Condit do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that this Houfe will be ready to go into a Joint-Meeting, for the Purpofe mentioned in their MelTage of this Day, To-morrow at eleven o'Clock in the

Forenoon. '

Mr. Condit reported, that he had obeyed the Orders of the Houfe.

The Houfe adjourned until ten o'Clock To-morrow Morning.

r H ednefday, June 5, 1 793.

The Houfe met—Prefent a3 before.

Mr. Smith, from the Houfe of Aflembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence the three following Resolutions 1 Rcfolved, :

( so )

c Rc/oh.:d, c njP HA T the Treafurer of the State pay to the Secretary the Sum of Fifty « Pounds^ to enable him to pay the Expenfes of printing, filling up and 1 forwarding to the refpedive Brigadier-Generals, the Commiilicns for the Of- ' ficers of the Militia of this State that may be appointed during the prefent ' Sitting of the Legislature, and the Company Officers that have been already ' eleded and appointed agreeably to the Militia Law of this State.' ' Rcfolved, That the Treafurer of the State, for the Time being, be and he * hereby is direded to place to the Credit of the County of Middlefex, on any * Tax or Taxes that now are or hereafter may become due from the laid Coun-

' ty, the Sum of Forty-three Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Nine-pence ; that he * charge the fame to the Account of John Stevens, Efquire, late Treafurer.' ' WHEREAS ]ohn Stevens, Efquire, late Treafurer of thi,; State, hath * refufed to give the Satisfaction wilhed for to the Publick refpeding his Ac- 1 counts as Treafurer, notwithstanding he has frequently been called upon for ' that Purpofe ' Rcfolved, That the Attorney-General of this State be and he hereby* is di- 4 reded to bring an Action againft the laid John Stevens, Efquire, in behalf of ' the State, and that the Treafurer and Auditor of the State be direded to affift ' the faid Attorney-General in arranging the Accounts for the Purpofe of col- * leding the neceffary Vouchers, and that the Attorney-General be authorized * to employ fuch Counfel as he may deem neceffary to affiit him in the Profecu- * tion of the faid Adion, and that the Legiflature will provide for the Expenfe.' Council having taken into Confideration the Refolution from the Houfe of Affembly, relative to direding the Treafurer to pay to the Secretary the Sum of £.50, &c. Refolved, That the Houfe agree thereto. Mr. Cooper, from the Houfe of Affembly, brought to this Houfe the re-en- groffed Bill, intitled, * A Supplement to the Ad, intkled, " An Ad for orga- " nizing and training the Militia of this State," and acquainted this Houie that the fame was paffed by the Houfe of Affembly with the Amendments agreed Bill having been read and compared, to by both Houfes ; which re-engroffed Rcfolved, That the fame do pafs. Ordered, That the Prefident do fign the fame. Mr. Somers, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- intitled, ' currence the two following Bills : A Bill, An Ad for the Relief of 1 Ichabod Grummond :' A Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to empower William Va- ' nicomb and Theodofia his Wife to complete a Contrad entered into by Sa- :' ' muel Borough, furviving Executor, Sec. of Samuel Lippincott, deceafed Which feveral Bills were read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

Mr. Frelinghuyfen, from the Committee to whom was referred the Warrants • for Half-pay in Favour of Elizabeth Garrifon, Hannah Whitehead, Sarah Wood, the legal Reprefentatives of Sarah Flathaway and Sarah Frazier, report- ed, that the Warrant in Favour of Elizabeth Garrifon ought to be paffed by of Hannah Whitehead, Sarah Council ; but that the Warrants in Favour of Wood, of the legal Reprefentatives of Sarah Flathaway and of Sarah Frazier, ought not to be allowed. Rcfolved, That the Houfe approve of the faid Report, and agree to the War- rant in Favour of Elizabeth Garrifon, and difagree to all the Reft. The Houfe withdrew to attend a Joint-Meeting;- after fome Time the rloufe returned, and adjovirned until To-morrow Morning, fix o'Clock. Thurfday, :

( 21 )

Thurfday, June 6, 1793.

The Houfe met—Prefent as before, except the Governor.

Mr. Southard, from the Houfe of AfTembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence the following Refolution ' Refolved, f 1 ' I HAT the Treafurcr of this State be and he is hereby authorized to * X iffue a Certificate to Lazarus Adams, for the Sum of Twelve Pounds and ' Eleven Shillings, with Intereft from the 5th June, 1793.' Mr. Taylor, from the Houfe of Affembly, prefented to this Houfe for Con- currence a Bill, intitled, ' An Act for defraying Incidental Charges,' which was read, and ordered a fecond Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act to empower William Vanicomb and Theodofia * his Wife to complete a Contract entered into by Samuel Borough, furviving * Executor, 8cc. of Samuel Lippincott, deceafed,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Relief of Ichabod Grummond,' was read a fecond Time, and ordered a third Reading.

The Houfe adjourned for one Hour.

The Houfe met.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act to veil the Title of two certain Lots of Land, * in the Townfhip of Shrewfbury, and County of Monmouth, in Abigail * Bowman, Widow of Henry R. Bowman,' was read a third Time ; on the

Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pais ? It was carried in the Affirmative,

as follows :

Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Haring, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Condit, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Ellis. Mr. Randolph, Mr. Cook, Mr. Frelinghuyfert, Mr. Ogden. Mr. Mayhewj

The Bill, intitled, ' An Ad to empower William Vanicomb and Theodofia * his Wife to complete a Contract entered into by Samuel Borough, furviving 4 Executor, &c. of Samuel Lippincott, deceafed,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pals ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con.

The Bill, intitled, ' An Act for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pals ? It was carried iii

the Affirmative, as follows : Yea. Yea. Nay. Mr. Randolph, Mr. Mayhew, Mr. Haring, Mr. Frelinghuyfen, Mr. Eldredge, Mr. Condit, Mr. Newbold, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Ogden. Mr. Ellis, Mr. Cook. F The :

( 22 )

The Bill, intitled, ' A Supplement to the Act, intitled, " An Act to amend

" an A (ft, intitled, An Act for the Relief of poor diftreffed Perfons for Debc," was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the laid Bill do pafs ? It was carried in the Affirmative, Nem. Con.

The Bill, intitled, * An Act for the Relief of Ichabod Grummond,' was read a third Time ; on the Queftion, Whether the faid Bill do pafs ? It was carri- ed in the Affirmative, as follows ( »3 )

~\% J E, the Committees of both Ploufes, do hereby certify, that James Mott, W Efquire, Treafurer, has delivered to us the Sum of Four Thoufand Se- ven Hundred and Thirty-nine Pounds, Nine Shillings, Loan Office Money, cancelled in the feveral Counties by their reipedfcive Boards of fuflices and Free- holders, agreeably to Statement, which we have examined, counted and burned. By Order of the Committees,

May 30, 1 793. Caleb Newbold, John Taylor.

the Committees of both Houfes, do hereby certify, that James Mott, WE,Efquire, Treafurer, has delivered to us the Sum of Two Thoufand Pounds, Loan-Office Money, cancelled by Benjamin Van-Cleve and James Ew- ing, Efquires, on the 18th Day of April, 1793, agreeably to Statement, which we have examined, counted and burned. By Order of the Committees,

May 23, 1793. Caleb Newbold, John Taylor. Refolved, That the Houfe approve thereof. Ordered, That Mr. Newbold do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them that this Houfe agree to the Refolution relative to directing the Treafurer to pay to the Secretary ^.50, &c. the Refolution relative to directing the Treafu- rer to place to the Credit of the County of Middlefex the Sum of ,£.43 15 9 ; the Refolution directing the Attorney-General to bring an Action againfl John Stevens, Efquire, in Behalf of the State; the Warrant of Half-pay to Elizabeth Garrifon: And difagree to the Warrants in Favour of Hannah Whitehead, Sarah Wood, the legal Reprefentatives of Sarah Hathaway and of Sarah Frazicr; and the Refolution authorizing the Treafurer to iffue a Certificate to Lazarus Adams, Mr. Newbold reported, that he had obeyed the feveral Orders of the Houfe. The Honourable Silas Condict, Efq. Speaker of the Houfe of AfTembly, came into Council, and acquainted the Vice-Prefident that the Houfe of AfTembly had gone through their Bufinefs, and rofe fine Die:

Whereupon Council rofe fine Die alfo.

