Cons & Confusion The almost accurate convention listing of the B.T.C.! We try to list every WHO event, and any SF event near Buffalo. updated: May 1, 2019 to add an SF/DW/Trek/Anime/etc. event; send information to:
[email protected] 2019 DATE local EVENT NAME WHERE TYPE WEBSITE LINK MAY 3 Buf AVENGERS: ENDGAME CREATOR North Park Theatre, Buffalo, NY writer Chris Markus MAY 4 Buf AVENGERS: ENDGAME CREATOR North Park Theatre, Buffalo, NY 'Thanos' creator Jim Starlin MAY 3-5 Atla WHOlanta 2019 airport Hilton regional DW/SF event Janet Fielding, Jon Davey, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Cat Smith, Pixel Who MAY 3-5 TX FAN EXPO - DALLAS Dallas (TX) Conv Ctr regional comics/media William Shatner, Keifer Sutherland, Linda Carter, Micheal J Fox, Lea Thompson, Christopher Lloyd, Zachery Levi, Riann Wilson, Pamela Anderson, Sean Astin, Peter Mayhew, Corey Feldman, Jason Patric, Ralph Macchio, Martin Kove, REUNIONS: Back To Future, movie 'It', Boy Meets World; John Barrowman, Rose McIver, Tyler Hoechlin, Mia Farrow, Kristin Kreuk, Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum, Mark Sheppard, Lana Parrilla, Danielle Panabaker MAY 3-5 NYC Creation - Stranger Things Secaucus, NJ tv series tribute MAY 4-5 NYS UNDISCOVERED REALM COMIC CON Westchester Cty Ctr, White Plains, NY media & comics Ernie Hudson, Billy West, Sid Haig, Bill Moseley, Cath. Sutherland, J Y Bosch, Josh Martin, tiffany