CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudayster title style CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teCron teixttle style

Water Services Bill 2003 St rat egic Wat er St udy • Section 36 (2)

– “each water services authority shall, not later than such date as may be prescribed, make a water services strategic plan with regard to the provision of services in it functional area and submit it to the Minister for approval”.

Present at ion t o Engineers Ireland (Cork Region) 17 t h J anuary 2006

1 2 Grellan Mc Gra t h

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudayster title style CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudayster title style

1. Strategy Objectives and Scope

2. Baseline Demand

3. Water Conservation & Demand Management 4. Future Demand Projections St rat egy Objec t ives and Sc ope 5. Source Assessment

6. Strategic Models

7. General Levels of Service and Performance Indicators

8. Regional Water Supply Recommendations

3 4

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teSurm tmitalrye style CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teStru dtyi tAlrea style


Blueprint for the development of the water supply infrastructure in the Greater Cork area over the next 25 years.


Planning - Cork Area Strategic Plan (CASP) 2001 - National Spatial Strategy - County & City Development Plans

Legislative - 2000 Drinking Water Regulations - Water Framework Directive 2 LA’s 5 Admin Areas 370,000 Pop. 5 6

1 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teMra jotri Stlcehe msteys le CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teKery tRietqleuir esmtyenltse

• Robust Supply / Demand Model for 2003, 2013, 2028

• Demand Management Plan (Water Conservation Programme)

• Asset Management Plan (Monitoring & Rehabilitation)

• System Capacity & Upgrading Needs (Capital Programme)

• Operational Management Plan (Standards and Levels of Service) Pop. Public Supplies 287,000 Pop. • Economic Implications (Capex, Opex & Implementation Plan) Group Schemes 23,000 Public Supplies 287,000 Private/None 60,000 Group Schemes 23,000

Private/None 60,0007 8

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudayster title style CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-tWera tetri tBlaela nscteyle

Billed Metered Consumption (including exports) (Metered non domestic Use) Billled Revenue Authorised Water Consumption Billed Unmetered Consumption (Current fixed charge non-domestic use) Authorised Consumption (AFW) Unbillled Unmetered Consumption (Domestic & Operational Use) Unbilled Authorised Consumption Unbillled Metered Consumptiion (Metered domestic, local authority buiildings)

Baseline Dem and Unauthorised Consumption Apparent (Illegal connections/ hydrant use) Losses System Customer Metering IInaccuracies Input Volume Raw Water Maiin Leakage

Non Revenue WTW Leakage Water

Water Losses Trunk Maiins Leakage (UFW) Storage Reservoir Leakage Real Losses Diistribution Mains and Fittings

Distribution System Leakage Service Maiins and Fittings (Communication Pipe, Customer Supplly 9 Pipe, Plumbiing) 10

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teDerm taintdl eD astat ySoluerces CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teScrh etmitel eSu sb-tDyivliseion

Monkstown Reservoir

Mt. Emla Lower M Raffeen • Geo-Directory Reservoir M North Monkstown – Residential Properties Rural Innishannon WTW M Ballinrea Reservoir – Commercial Properties Innishannon - Ballinrea M Innishannon/West of town M M Carrigaline town • Council Meter Billing Records for consumers using > 1,000 m3/year Dunderrow

M M Eli Lily

• CSO Livestock Census – 2000 NETWORK STRUCTURE FOR INNISHANNON WATER West OPERATIONAL AREA Rural Camphill Reservoir Ardbrack WTW • 2000 National Water Study M High

Service reservoir The Rock Reservoir Ardbrack Reservoir • 2002 Census M M M Bulk Meter Reservoir Supply Kinsale Ardbrack Area town Low

Area Demand Area

11 12

2 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teInrni sthiatnlneo ns WtySlSe CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teLarr gtei Mtleete rsetdyle

13 14

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teMred tiuimtl Mee stetreydle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teGero t-Ditirleect osrytyle

15 16

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teExra mtiptlel eC asrrtigyalliene CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teDorm teisttlice D semtyanlde

Domestic Demand = For Carrigaline Town No Households x Occupancy Rate x Per Capita Consumption Number of Households = 2,676 Number of Commercial Properties (From GD) = 239 Occupancy Rate from 2002 Census & Household Count from Number of Large Metered Consumers = 8 Geo-directory. Number of Small Consumers = 231 PCC taken from 2000 National Water Study :- Number of Connections (Buildings from GD) = 2,750 County - 138 l/property/day City - 141.7 l/property/day

17 18

3 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teNorn -tDitolmee sstict yDleemand CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-tePrrim tairtyl Sec hsetmyel Deemand

• Commercial/Industrial • Population 299,650 - Large (>10Ml/yr) Average consumption based on meter readings • Properties 126,800 - Medium (1Ml/yr< & < 10ml/yr) • Domestic 43.74 Ml/d - Small (< 1 Ml/year) = No of Consumers x Base Demand of 580l/con/day • Non – Domestic 58.48 Ml/d

• Agricultural (unmetered allowance) • Accounted for Water (AFW) 103.5 Ml/d - Livestock numbers x base water usage l/head/day Assumption • Estimated Unaccounted for Water (UFW) 65.2 Ml/d Dairy Cows 150 Metered Calves <1yr 20 % UFW 38% Other Cattle 36.5 Unmetered Sheep 4 % UFW excluding large metered consumers 48%

19 20

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teDerm taintdl eC osmtpyonlents CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudayster title style

Operational, 1.32Ml/d, 1% Domestic, Industrial & 43.74Ml/d, 26% Commercial, 58.48Ml/d, 35% Wat er Conservat ion & Dem and Managem ent

UFW, 65.20Ml/d, 38%

21 22

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-tWera tetri tCloen ssertvyatlioen Drivers CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teDerm taintdl eM asntaygelmeent

1. Economic: Water Conservation:

Pressuree Management Marginal Cost Savings (Short Run – SR ELL) Management – Active Leakage Control Economic Level of Real Losses Deferred Capital Savings (Long Run - LR ELL) (Detect & Repair) Unavoidable 2. Sustainable Development: Annual Real – Pressure Management Losses Rising Demand can be Serviced SpeAedc taivned SpeAecdt iavned – Reduce Losses QuLaelaitkya ogfe quality Leakage Repairs 3. EU / National Policy: Control of Creopnatrirosl Potentially Recoverable Real ‘Polluter Pays’ Objective – Asset Management Losses 4. Asset Conditions: (Planned Rehabilitation) Pipeline and PipeA Mssaettesr ials Increasing Age Impacts on Leakage Demand Management: MMaannaaggeement: Current Annual Real Losses :s Seeleleccttioionn,, iInstallatiion,, 5. Environmental: mMaaiinttenance, – Tariff Control , rReenneewwaal,l, Rreeppllaacceement Permits Reduced Abstractions – Awareness & Promotion WRP001/ 2001 6. Climate Change: of Water Saving Ability to cope with Droughts – Demand Reduction

23 24

4 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teInrte rtniattiloen asl Btyenlcekmarking CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teLera ktaigtel eT asrgteyt Sletting

Leakage Comparisons with UK, Scotland, USA and Australia Targets Based on Economic 60 UK Water Only Cork Primary Scheme Leakage Principles UK Water and Sewerage Companies 50 Cork City 300 Cork County Primary Schemes USA Water Companies The Economic Level of Leakage is the Australia Water Companies 250 ) 40 level at which: y Scottish Water a d / All Primary Schemes Value of water lost

m 200 ALC Detection k / 3 ) Total Costs 0 0 m 30 ( 0 '

The PV cost of leakage control (

e V

g 150 P a

Scottish Water N

k Cork Study o a + r u e E L 20 The PV cost of the water lost 100

10 50 is a Minimum BLL ELELL 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 Target Leakage (m3/km/d) 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 L/N (Length between Connections)

25 26

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teEcro ntoimtliec L sevteyl loef Leakage CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teELrL tCiotnlnea sRtWySlSe

Balance between cost of leak detection and repair and variable cost of production Conna Regional WSS SRELL

Inputs to ELL Model - Conna Regional WSS 400 Parameter Value Remark 350 Average Zone Night Pressure 34.6 m. Given 300 Length of mains 28,000 m. Given Value of water lost ) 0

0 250 ALC Detection

Number of connections 660 nr. Given 0 ' ( Total Costs V 200 L/N 42.42 Calculated P N

o BLL % mains poor 62 assumed r ELL

u 150

E Potential Savings % mains average 38 assumed 100

% mains good 0 assumed 3

¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ §©¨

¡ 621 m /day



¡ ¥ §

 #      $ !

Average Cost of detection Varies (increases as UFW reduces) "


¡ ¦ £ §   

Average cost of repair 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

§ ¥ § £ ¡ Power & Chemicals Marginal operational Cost 3 Target Leakage (m 3/km/d)

27 28

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teScrh etmitel eLe asktaygel eTargets CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teAdrm tini tAlreea s Ttayrgleets

L/N Prelim. (N, no. 2003 UFW Study Target SRELL Mains Admin Area Mains L/N 2003 UFW Study Target Study Target properties) Length, L Length, L (N, no. Saving Water Operational Area km Ml/d l/prop/d m3/km/d Ml/d l/prop/d m3/km/d l/prop/d km properties) Mallow WSS 62 16.0 1.63 421 26.5 1.08 280 17.5 136 Ml/d l/prop/d m3/km/d Ml/d Ml/day Conna Regional 28 42.3 0.60 947 21.3 0.26 416 9.4 356 Bandon WSS 58 19.0 1.50 491 25.9 0.86 280 14.8 190

Youghal WSS 38 12.3 1.36 443 36.1 0.86 280 22.8 184 County 1923 27.3 33.90 482 17.6 18.97 14.93 WSS 24 10.1 1.64 691 103.8 0.67 280 42.1 202 -Aghada WSS 65 60.5 1.20 1,131 18.7 0.37 349 5.8 289 WSS 57 23.4 2.42 994 42.5 0.77 317 13.6 257 City 673 11.9 31.30 555 46 17.79 13.51 Whitegate Regional WSS 95 34.8 2.82 1,030 29.6 1.07 390 11.2 330 Primary Cork Harbour & City WSS 640 15.0 13.74 318 23.2 12.10 280 20.5 149 Scheme Innishannon WSS 146 21.1 2.42 349 16.6 1.94 280 13.3 173 Total 2598 20.5 65.2 514 25.1 36.76 28.44 Glanmire Regional WSS 11 12.6 0.59 688 54.5 0.24 280 22.2 142 Macroom WSS 41 25.3 0.35 218 8.6 0.35 218 8.6 126 Glashaboy & Regional Potential Savings Demand Management WSS 161 17.4 8.26 894 51.3 2.59 280 16.1 209 • Cistern Displacement – Hippo’s 1-2Ml/day WSS 571 90.8 2.51 399 4.4 2.51 399 4.4 399 Dunmanway WSS 20 22.3 0.50 572 25.6 0.31 351 15.7 291 • Regulation of Toilets 2-3Ml/day long term Cork City WSS 425 11.0 23.50 610 55.3 10.79 280 25.4 220

29 30

5 - Indicative Resources & Cork Strategic Water Study - Delivering Leakage Targets Cork Strategic Water Study Click to edit Master title style Click to edit MastBeurd gteit le style

Region Leaks Repair Detection Support Staff Support Total Management / Structure: to be Detected/ Budget Budget Requirements Team Cost Costs Repaired Required Required Rest Total Eng. GIS Tech. – Independent Senior Engineer led Organisation ** ** of – Divisional Team for Detection / Repair / Records Primary Area

Infrastructure & Mgt. Systems: Schemes

% % % – 350 DMA’s with Telemetry Reporting (Regional) Nr./annum Nr. Nr. Nr. /annum /annum Nr. Nr. Nr. /annum % /annum

– 16 Teams Equipped & Trained County Western 574 1.28 0.24 2 374,000 178,500 1 0.5 1 100,000 652,500 – CIS Completion – Asset Performance Databases County Northern 315 0.72 4.76 5 193,000 73,000 1 0.5 1 100,000 366,000

• Bursts County Southern 2197 4.97 0.21 5 1,374,000 550,500 1 0.5 1 100,000 2,024,500 • Complaints • Water Quality Total County 3086 7 5.21 12 1,941,000 802,000 3 1.5 3 300,000 3,043,000 • Failures and Shut Downs Cork City 1800 4 - 4 1,000,000 330,000 *** *** - - 1,330,000

– Modelling & Pressure Management Set-up

&('*) +-,.+./ – Mgt. System and Costs Tracking – Link to JD Edwards Totals 4886 11 5 1166 2,941,000 1,132,000 3 1.5 3 300,000 4,373,000 Detection & Repair Teams & Support Staffing Notes: Promote Leak Reporting – Free phone Leak Line *2 man full time leak detection teams with full time leakage foreman for every two crews ** Primary Schemes Only

*** Effective structure in place

31 32

- WC & Demand Cork Strategic Water Study Cork Strategic Water Study Click to edit MasteMra ntaigtelmee sntt Sytrlaetegy Click to edit Master title style Short-Long Term Medium – Long Term Water Conservation: Demand Management: – Active Leakage Control - Targets – Awareness & Promotion of Water Saving – Implement Data & Job Management • Internal – Public Buildings, Systems Depots • Domestic Consumer – Home & – Pursue Consumer Side Leakage garden • Bye-Laws • Non Domestic Consumers – Implement Pressure Management Leaflets, Schools Programme, Future Demand Projections Website and Press – Implement Rehabilitation Schemes – Demand Reduction – Implement Integrated Building Control • Water Saving Devices - Hippo Policy • Large Users – Efficiency • Regulation – Cistern Size, Appliances • Water Butts • Grey Water

33 34

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-tPelarn ntintgl eGu sidteylinlees CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudayst-ePro ptuiltaltieon sPtroyjelcetions Documents consulted:- NSS EGS 2 Opt 1 • Cork Area Strategic Plan (CASP) – October, 2001 • North and West Cork Strategic Plan 2002-2020 • National Spatial Strategy (NSS) • South West Regional Planning Guidelines - May, 2004 • Cork County Development Plans – 2003 and 1996 CASP High • Cork City Development Plan 2004 • LAPs & SLAPs, 2005

35 36

6 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-tePlra ntniintlge Im sptayctle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teGro wtitht lSece snatryiolse

NSS Exceed Zonings ‘Planning Scenario’ Zonings Exceed NSS • upper bound estimate of future demand • consistent with the high population forecast of the NSS • allowance for development of all residential and commercial zoned lands • equivalent proportional growth in the industrial / commercial Glounthaune components

‘Forecast Scenario’

• lower bound estimate of future demand • consistent with the CASP high population forecast • equivalent proportional growth in the industrial / commercial components

37 38

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-tePlra ntniintlge Im sptayctle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teDrom teisttlice P sCtCyle

Per Capita Consumption

Planning Scenario – 0 Typical daily breakdown (UK) NSS (inc. all Zonings) - Toilet Use - 48 litres - Personal washing - 38 litres +13.5 % - Clothes washing - 30 litres - Kitchen & Cleaning - 25 litres - External (car washing etc) 4 litres Total - 145 litres Forecast Scenario

– CASP High 0 Expected Change (138 l/c/d rising to 162 l/c/d by 2028) - Reduction (eco-friendly washers, public awareness, use of grey water) - Increase (Power showers, waste disposal units, washing recyclables)

39 40

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teCorm tmitelrceia ls /t Iyndl e Demand CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teAgrr ictuilttulera l sDteymlaend

Small & Medium Commercial Demand • Future consumption to remain static at present levels Assumed growth is directly proportional to domestic growth. Distribution of Increase:- • For future scheme expansion areas, agriculture 50% in areas of predicted domestic demand growth demand based on: 50% in areas of predicted employment growth (CASP) 1 75% of ‘take-up’ of dairy contribution 1 25% of ‘take-up’ of dry-stock contribution Large Commercial Demand 1 100% uptake assumed for West Cork due to Strategic provision made for zoned areas (e.g. Ringaskiddy & Carrigtwohill) limited resources

41 42

7 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-tePera kt iFtalceto rsstyle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teHera dtirotolme Fsatcytolrse

Typical international figure for headroom:10%, outage: 5-7.5%

Headroom/Outage reduced to 5% for Primary Schemes study because:-

2 inclusion of all available zoned residential lands results in 13.5% increase over projections planning publication projections;

2 high growth NSS’ EGS 2 Option 1 scenario would suggest that an underestimation of growth in the planning period would be most unlikely.

Headroom allowance of 10 % applied to all Secondary Schemes & Un-serviced areas due to greater uncertainty in these areas

Headroom applied to ‘Accounted For Water’ Demand only i.e. not UFW or Strategic Industrial Allowances

43 44

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teDerm taintdl eS usmtmyalrey CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teEfrfe ctti otfl ePa sstiyvel Leeakage

45 46

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teDrem taintdl eB resatkydloewn CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudayster title style

3 2003 - Domestic Demand - 43.7 Ml/d 26% 38% - Non-Domestic Demand - 59.8 Ml/d - Unaccounted for Water - 64.2 Ml/d -Total - 167.8 Ml/d 36%

Resourc e Assessm ent 3 2028 (Planning Scenario) 23% - Domestic Demand - 105.6 Ml/d 45% - Non-Domestic Demand - 75.4 Ml/d - Unaccounted for Water - 53.3 Ml/d 32% -Total - 234.3 Ml/d

47 48

8 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teRers otuitrclee A ssteysslmeent CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teRres toiutrcle A sssteyslsement


Mallow Conna


Innishannon Glanmire Regional

Bridge Inniscarra Lee Road Midleton


Cobh Regional


Innishannon Bandon Catchment Area = 519 km2 DWF = 0.57 m3/s (49.25 Ml/day) Abstraction Order = 12.3 Ml/day (25% of DWF) Clonakilty

49 50

-Supply/Demand Balance Cork Strategic Water Study Cork Strategic Water Study Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Maste20r2 8title style

• Cork Harbour & City – 68 to 227 Ml/day (Significant potential)

• Cork City (Lee Road) – 37 to 80 Ml/day (Local potential)

• East of City (Glanmire, Midleton, Cloyne, Whitegate & Youghal) – Surface Water 31 Ml/day (No potential) – Groundwater 10+ Ml/Day (Unknown potential)

• West of City (Innishannon, Bandon, Macroom) – Surface Water 20 to 23 Ml/d (Limited potential)

• Northern Region (Mallow, Fermoy, Conna) – (Limited potential) – Surface Water 8 to 9 Ml/day (No potential) – Groundwater 6 to 17 Ml/Day (Local potential)

51 Supply/Demand Balance - 205228

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudayster title style CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teCror kt iHtalrebo surt &y Cleity WSS

St rat egic Mains Models

53 54

9 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudayst-eSrtr attietglice M sotdyellse CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudayster title style

Press Test Flow Level TOTAL Scheme ure Cluster No. No. No. No. • 14 Schemes – ( 9 Models) City and Harbour 57 35 10

Curraleigh WSS 15 11 4 1 185 • 1669 Nodes Innishannon (& Kinsale) WSS 30 16 7 Total Cluster No. 1 102 62 21 • 316km of main Glashaboy WSS 16 8 4 Cobh WSS 31 25 11 • 1,500 pipe lengths General Service Criteria, Levels of Service & 2 Cloyne/Aghada WSS 11 3 5 140 • 55 reservoirs or tanks Whitegate WSS 16 8 2 Performance Indicators Total No. 2 74 44 22

Bandon WSS 8 5 2 • 39 pump stations Fermoy WSS 10 6 3 • 500 Site surveys Knockraha WSS 7 6 3

Mallow WSS 7 4 2 3 107 • Calibration of 113 meters, Macroom WSS 3 2 1 Midleton WSS 3 3 1 • Installation of 7 new meters Youghal WSS 15 11 5 Total Cluster No. 3 53 37 17 • 104 Pressure tappings TOTAL 229 143 60 432

55 56

- 5 Key Water Operator Cork Strategic Water Study - Levels of Service Cork Strategic Water Study Click to edit Master title style Click to edit MasteObrj etcittivlees style

• to provide an appropriate level of service to consumers, while complying with national and regional policies and meeting statutory and other obligations; “The achievement of the highest level of consumer satisfaction • to plan, construct, maintain and operate the water operator’s physical assets as and service quality in line with the prevailing regulatory efficiently and effectively as possible.

framework, whilst making best use of available resources” • to make the most efficient use of water resources;

(Faria and Alegre,1996) • to achieve the most efficient use of financial resources;

• to obtain the highest possible productivity from human resources and offer the best employment and career opportunities according to the individuals’ skills and aptitudes;

57 58

- Monitoring & Achieving Cork Strategic Water Study Cork Strategic Water Study - Performance Indicators Click to edit MasteObrj etcittivlees style Click to edit Master title style

For Cork Authorities Consumer Satisfaction • Facilitate Better Management; Set Levels of Service (LOS) Objectives • Allows Monitoring of the effects of Management Decisions; • Provides decision support information; Assess Performance Against LOS • Aids pro-active management – reduce fire fighting • Highlights strengths and weaknesses of schemes and assets; Identify Needs and Plan Investment • Assists with implementation of a Total Quality Management regime; • Facilitates the implementation of benchmarking; Improving Performance For the DoEHLG: Classify Schemes • Supports the formulation of policies for the water sector Identify Performance Indicators • Aids Assessing investment priorities, project selection and follow up.

Benchmark against other Schemes or Authorities For consumers and pro-active stakeholders: Identify Improvement Areas • Easy to understand measure of the quality of service provided.

59 60

10 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-tePro ptoistelde L sevteylsl oef Service CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-tePro ptoistelde L sevteylsl oef Service • Water Quality – EU & National Standards Consumer Service • Security of Supply – Resources – Min15m – Max 50m Pressure • Headroom 5-15% Risk Dependent • Demand Forecasting – Supply Interruptions – Annual Review • 12 hours maximum for 99% properties for 10 year planning – 5 yearly major review – Water Use Restrictions – As required horizon. – Network • Adequate monitoring/recording for 5 year planning horizon. • Storage – 24 hours peak daily demand – risk assessed • WTW Capacity Capable Peak Week requirements + 10% • 24 hours notice of a planned interruption of water supply lasting • Leakage Targets more than 4 hours – Distribution – ELL – Bursts Target 200/1000km of main/annum – Consumer Side – Reduce to 40l/p/d – Monitor – Repair Times – Complaints & Queries – Respond within 10 days • Reported Bursts – 90% 12 hours • Detected Bursts 72 hours – Appointments Policy • Emergency Plan – In Place

61 62

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudayster title style CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teDriv istiotnl oef Ssttuydyl Aerea

Regional Water Supply Recommendations

63 64

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teMre thtoidtloelo gsytyle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teEars teirtnl Ree gsiotyn le

• Complete demand balance

• Identify the available supply options to meet the demand deficits.

• Assess supply options over the short-medium term (2003- 2013) & medium-long term(2013-2028).

• Identify service storage augmentation.

• Identify preferred solutions and programme of recommended works.

65 66

11 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teEars teirtnl Ree gsiotyn le CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teEars teirtnl Ree gsiotyn le

Glanmire Regional WSS Knockraha WTP

Glashaboy & Cobh Regional WSS Glashaboy & Cobh Regional WSS

Tibbotstown WTP

Glashaboy WTP

67 68

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teEars teirtnl Ree gsiotyn le CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teEars teirtnl Ree gsiotyn le

Glanmire Regional WSS Glanmire Regional WSS

Glashaboy & Cobh Regional WSS Glashaboy & Cobh Regional WSS

Broomfield WTP Midleton WSS Midleton WSS

Cloyne/Aghada WSS


69 70

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teEars teirtnl Ree gsiotyn le CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teEars teirtnl Ree gsiotyn le

Boola WTP

Glanmire Regional WSS Glanmire Regional WSS Youghal WSS

Glashaboy & Cobh Regional WSS Glashaboy & Cobh Regional WSS

Midleton WSS Midleton WSS

Dower Spring Whitegate Regional WSS

Whitegate Regional WSS

Cloyne/Aghada WSS Cloyne/Aghada WSS


71 72

12 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teSoru thietrlne R esgtiyonle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teSoru thietrlne R esgtiyonle

Cork Harbour & City WSS

73 74

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teSoru thietrlne R esgtiyonle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teSoru thietrlne R esgtiyonle

Cork Harbour & City WSS Cork Harbour & City WSS

Innishannon WTP

Carhoon WTP Innishannon WSS Innishannon WSS

Bandon WSS

75 76

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teCren triatl lRee gsiotnyle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teCren triatl lRee gsiotnyle

Cork City WSS

Lee Road WTP

77 78

13 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teCren triatl lRee gsiotnyle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teCren triatl lRee gsiotnyle

Cork City WSS Cork City WSS Cork Harbour & City WSS Macroom WSS Cork Harbour & City WSS

Inniscarra WTP Macroom WTP

79 80

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teCren triatl lRee gsiotnyle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teNror tthietrlne R esgtioynle

Monard SLAP

North / East Link

Inniscarra WTP Docklands Lee Road WTP

City Link

Ballincollig Chetwynd

81 82

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teNror tthietrlne R esgtioynle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teNror tthietrlne R esgtioynle

Fermoy WSS Mallow WSS Mallow WSS

Ballyellis WTP Coolroe WTP

83 84

14 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teNror tthietrlne R esgtioynle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teWre sttietrnl eR esgtioynle

Box Cross

Fermoy WSS Mallow WSS

Conna Regional WSS

Killawillin WTP

85 86

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teWre sttietrnl eR esgtioynle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teWre stteitrnl eR esgtioynle

Dunmanway WSS

Clonakilty Regional WSS Clonakilty Regional WSS

Curraghalickey Lake

87 88

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teOrve trailtl lCea psitatyl Plreogramme CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teOvre rtailtl lCeo nscltuysiolen

• Immediate Deficits met from Leakage Reduction

Cost (4 5(6 • Sustainable Growth to 2028 can be served by: Description Med Long – Active Leakage Control and Realistic Demand Management Programme Term Term – Develop CH & C Reserve plus Local Schemes Production Upgrading 42.8 25.8 – Monitor and Maintain Asset Standards Reservoir Storage 28.3 11.3 – Storage & Capacity Standards – matched to supply needs

Distribution 68.6 61.1 • Operation and Maintenance Systems to integrate: – Production & Distribution Asset Renewal (Mains Rehab – Annual) 15.4 – Leakage & Demand Management Leakage Control (Annual) 4.4 – Asset Monitoring & Management of Risk Telemetry & Information Management 0.5 – Customer Services – Costs & Revenues Model

89 90

15 CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudays-teStre etrintgl eG rosutpyle CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedatietr SMtudays-teRPrS t Pitrolejec st Tteyalme

Project Management Cork County Council:- Cork City Council:- DEHLG:- Jerry Grant Project Director Ned Flynn Jack O’Leary Tadhg O’Connor Grellan McGrath Project Manager Michael Lavelle John O’Sullivan Alan Curran Assistant Project Manager Demand Assessment Treatment Sources Kevin Sugrue Pat O’Sullivan RPS CE:- Francis Finnerty David McBratney Kevin Power Pat O’Mahoney Brendan Goggin (Technical) Jerry Grant Andy Werhle Brendan O'Halloran Criona Doyle Frank Cronin Grellan McGrath Joanna Crummie Louise Leahy Gerald Murphy (Technical) Donal Lucey Hydraulic Models Strategy Development Asset Registers Pat Murphy (Technical) Alan Curran Tim Holmes Donal Lucey Peter Noonan Rob Andrews (Technical) Kevin Power James Holinshead Paul O'Riordan Carol O'Riordan Adrian Duggan GIS Paul Rockley Tadhg Hurley

91 92

CoCrkl Sictrkate tgoic Wedateitr SMtudayster title style

Cork St rat egic Wat er St udy

Present at ion t o Engineers Ireland (Cork Region) 17 t h J anuary 2006

93 Grellan Mc Gra t h