under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; that it is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their application

FUNCTIONAL AREA: West Cork, Bandon/, /, /, /Mallow, , , East Cork

FILE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME APP. TYPE DATE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS RECD. PROT STRU IPC LIC. WASTE LIC. 18/00317 Kevin McNally Permission for 05/06/2018 Permission to retain a Kingspan 'Klargester' Waste Water No No No No Retention Treatment System and Percolation Area Dromgarriff Ballinascarthy Co. Cork 18/00318 John Crowley Permission 05/06/2018 To construct a granny flat to the rear of a dwellinghouse, to No No No No connect to existing septic tank and to carry out all associated site works Faha West Beara Co. Cork 18/00319 Seamus McCarthy, Orla Goggin Permission 06/06/2018 A part two storey and part single storey dwelling house; domestic No No No No garage; wastewater treatment unit and associated percolation area; new site entrance; and associated site development works above and below ground Brittas Clonakilty Co. Cork 18/00320 Padraig Desmond Permission for 06/06/2018 Permission for retention of dwelling house (change of design to No No No No Retention that as permitted under development granted under Pl. Reg No. 73/3027 to also include attic conversion and rear extension Ardnageehy Beg

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Bantry Co. Cork

18/00321 Murray Bros. (Painters & Decorators Permission 06/06/2018 (a) t o demolish an existing store, (b) to construct a commercial No No No No ) Ltd. storage shed and all associated site works Ballylicky Co. Cork

18/00322 Kieran Ward Permission 07/06/2018 To construct a detached domestic boat storage building and all No No No No associated site works Inchybegga Bantry Co. Cork

18/00323 Nicola McCarthy Permission 08/06/2018 To demolish single storey extension to rear of dwelling house and No No No No replace same with a 2 storey extension and all associated site works Upper Bridge Street Co. Cork

18/00324 Carbery Food Ingredients Ltd. T/a Permission 08/06/2018 The demolition of an existing 2 -storey detached dwelling and Yes No No Yes Carbery Group ancillary structures, including fencing, gates, and part of the existing front boundary walls; removal of existing signage; extensions to the main plant and warehouse building, to include: part single-storey/part 2-storey tank room/storage area, with upper floor laboratory/MCC room and lobby, to the south-western elevation; new door, part single-storey processing plant area, and 2-storey loading docks/office, to the southern elevation; new first floor processing/plant area to existing internal processing area; and new single-storey extension/infill to the existing internal open loading bay area, including increase in roof height. The proposed development will also consist of a single-storey extension to the existing chill water plant; signage: 5 no. car parking spaces; new doors/fire doors/roller shutter doors; 5 no. new storage vessels and associated pipe bridge; 10 no. existing storage vessels to be replaced and increased in height; additional roof-top plant (AHU's, extract fans, roof access ladders/gantry); all site development works, landscaping, drainage and ancillary development including: elevational treatment; revisions to the existing easternmost vehicular entrance, including erection of new retaining boundary wall and fencing; revisions to the westernmost vehicular access, including replacement and relocation of existing weighbridge and new single-storey weighbridge office and associated works; and the relocation of 3 no. flagpoles. The proposed development is for modifications to an establishment to which the Major Accidents

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Directive applies. This application relates to a development which comprises of an activity for which an Industrial Emmissions License under part IV of the Environment comprising of an activity for which an Industrial Emmissions License under part IV of the Environment Protection Agency 1992 ( as amended) is required. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been prepared in respect of the proposed development. Carbery Group Plant Carrigmore Dromidiclogh West Ballinneen, Co. Cork 18/00325 Patricia Moynihan, Aonghus Permission 08/06/2018 Construction of extension to existing dwelling house, installation of No No No No O'Neachtain new wastewater treatment system and all associated site works Carhoo Clonakilty Co. Cork

18/00326 Andrei and Andrea Honcu Permission 08/06/2018 To construct a dwelling house, to install a wastewater treatment No No No No system and all associated site works Coomanore North Bantry Co. Cork

18/00331 Sean & Annette Gayer Permission 08/06/2018 Change of use of dwelling house, which was permitted for sh ort No No No No term letting occupation under PL. Reg. No. 00/2317, to dwelling house for short term / long term letting and / or permanent occupation use No. 32 Lady's Cross Cloheen Clonakilty, Co. Cork 18/05441 Francis O'Keeffe Permission 05/06/2018 Ext ension and alterations to existing dwelling and all associated No No No No site works which includes the demolition of an existing garage/shed on the site. No. 11 Upper Duhallow Park Ballydahin Mallow Co. Cork 18/05442 Insomnia Coffee Company Permission 05/06/2018 Change of use of permitted off -licence use to coffee shop use with No No No No ancillary take-away facility, the erection of a shop front fascia signage, external lighting and all associated site works. Unit 1, Market Square William O'Brien Street Mallow Co. Cork 18/05443 James O'Leary Permission 05/06/2018 Alterations to an existing dwelling house to include the demolition No No No No

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of a single storey sunroom, construction of front and rear extensions, provision of a ‘granny flat’ to the existing and exte nded ground floor and alterations to elevations and roof, and all associated landscaping and site works. Hadwell House Hadwell Lower Co. Cork 18/05444 Shane and Tadgh Buckley Permission 05/06/2018 The construction of 3 no. two storey dw elling houses with No No No No domestic garages, together with new access road and all associated site works. Chapel Road, Kingwilliamstown Mallow Co. Cork 18/05445 Tony Flavin Permission 05/06/2018 Change to use of existing ground floor bar to new shop store with No No No No new internal stairwell from existing external door to service existing first floor apartment and all associated site works. 1 Grattan St. and O'Rahilly St. Co. Cork

18/05446 Sarah and Michael Saunders Permission 05/06/2018 To convert attic to habitable accommodation and install two no. No No No No Velux windows to front elevation and two no. Velux windows to rear elevation. 12 Firgrove Heronswood Carrigaline Co. Cork 18/05447 Grainne Rigney Permission for 05/06/2018 Retention of existing dwelling and associated works. No No No No Retention Gortacrue Co. Cork

18/05448 Dairygold Agri Business Limited Permission 05/06/2018 Demolition of 2 no. existing storage buildings, the demolition of 2 No No No No no. existing external steel grain storage silos; and all associated site development works. The existing Dairygold Co-OP Store Rathduff Grenagh Co. Cork 18/05449 Colm Murray Permission 05/06/2018 Construction of single storey dwelling house, septic tank and No No No No percolation area, vehicular entrance and all ancillary works. Moydilliga Mallow

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Co. Cork 18/05450 Paul and Patricia Leahy Permission 05/06/2018 To construct a rear 1.5 storey extension to their dwelling, No No No No decommission the existing septic tank and install a new septic tank with percolation area on site with all associated site works at their property. Dunbolg Carrignavar Co. Cork

18/05451 June Turner Permission 05/06/2018 For a single storey domestic extension to side comprisi ng No No No No bedroom and ensuite together with all associated site development works. 81 Tiffany Downs Bishopstown Co. Cork

18/05452 Eugene Sheehan, Hiltop Farms Permission 05/06/2018 To extend the Fattening Houses 1,2 & 3, Farrowing House and Dry No No No No Sow House, with associated siteworks. Turbeigh Co. Cork

18/05453 John Looney Permission 08/06/2018 Reclamation of land for agricultural use by filling low lying area No No No No with improved fill, new agricultural entrance (to facilitate reclamation) & farm roadway. Gortanimill Reananarree Macroom

18/05454 Paul and Teresa O'Leary Permission, 05/06/2018 Retention of existing garage and Permission for an extension with No No No No Permission for mezzanine level to the side of existing dwelling house, new porch, Retention alterations to existing elevations and all ancillary site works. Coolishal Hoddersfield Co. Cork 18/05455 David and Denise Campion Permission 05/06/2018 For Proposed Attic Conversion including installation of dormer No No No No windows to front and rooflights to rear elevations. 17 Ard Na Greine Kilnagurteen Macroom Co. Cork 18/05456 Liam and Elaine Reardon Permission 05/06/2018 (A) Construct an extension to existing dwelling house; (B) Make No No No No some alterations to the existing dwelling house, (C) Install a new septic tank and percolation area and all other associated works. Gortavehy East

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Caherbarnagh Co. Cork 18/05457 Yvonne O'Donovan Permission 05/06/2018 Construction of single st orey porch extension to front, single No No No No storey extension to the rear and alterations to ground floor dwelling house and associated site works. 33 Woodberry Greenfields Ballincollig Co. Cork 18/05458 Ruth Walsh, Stephen Finn Permission 05/06/201 8 To construct dwelling which incorporates existing dwelling on site, No No No No septic tank and percolation area, farm building for the keeping of horses and site entrance. Ballykearney Mitchelstown Co. Cork

18/05459 Elmarie Horan (Nee Hurley) Permissi on 05/06/2018 Construction of dwelling house, associated site works and to No No No No remove existing septic tank and install new sewage treatment unit to serve existing dwelling house. Rathcooney Co. Cork

18/05460 Martin Enright Extension of 05/06/2018 Retention of first floor extension for use as storage area over No No No No Duration existing garage attached to dwelling with matching slated A-roof and incorporating 1no. velux window on the front western elevation. Extension of Duration of Permission granted under planning reference: 13/4553 Ballynascarty Midleton Co. Cork

18/05461 Teagasc Extension of 06/06/2018 Demolition of existing piggery buildings including part demolition No No No No Duration of 1no. building and the construction of new piggery buildings consisting of fattener building, weaner/farrow building with covered links to existing piggery and existing office building and replacement of roof and internal alterations to existing office building, construction of feed tote unit and grain silos and construction of food test/research facility with covered link to adjacent gilt isolation building. Construction of additional car parking facilities, concrete yards and associated site works including gravel tracks and services and undertake all associated site works. Extension of Duration of Permission granted under Planning Reference: 13/4193 Teagasc Moorepark

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Shanacloon Townland Moorepark, Fermoy Co. Cork 18/05462 Elaine Keane Permission 06/06/2018 Construction of a part single storey/ part two storey dwelling, No No No No detached domestic garage, new site entrance, effluent treatment system and percolation area and associated site works. Gearagh Kildinan Co. Cork

18/05463 Daniel Scully Permission 06/06/2018 Construction of an extensi on to an existing agricultural building. No No No No The use of the existing building is for housing cattle, the extension will also be used for housing cattle. Dromsligo Mallow Co. Cork

18/05464 David and Sinead Harte Permission 06/06/2018 Alterations a nd ground floor extensions to front and rear of No No No No existing dwelling and all associated site works. 49 Westcourt Heights Ballincollig Co. Cork

18/05465 Patrick Punch Permission for 06/06/2018 Retain extension as constructed to the rear of existing dwelling No No No No Retention house including all associated siteworks. Dromahoe Dromagh Mallow Co. Cork 18/05466 Jonathan Quinn Permission 06/06/2018 Construction of a new dwelling house and all associated site No No No No works. Kilcolman Old Head of Kinsale Co. Cork 18/05467 James Hegarty Permission 06/06/2018 The extension and renovation of an existing derelict No No No No cottage/dwelling house, along with the provision of a waste water treatment system, a new site entrance and associated site works. Knockanannig Mallow Co. Cork

18/05468 Luke McCarthy Permission 06/06/2018 Demolition of existing domestic garage and erection of larger No No No No domestic garage for storage of vintage cars for personal use. Rockgrove Ballyhennick

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Glounthaune Co. Cork 18/05469 Braham Brennan, Celine Vargas Permission 06/06/2018 Construct a 1 ½ storey dwelling and associated site works. No No No No Raheens Carrigaline Co. Cork

18/05470 Anthony McMahon Permission 06/06/2018 A two -storey dwelling, ent rance and a waste water treatment No No No No system. Ballygrace Churchtown Mallow Co. Cork 18/05471 Shane and Melissa O'Sullivan Permission 06/06/2018 Construction of 2 storey dwellinghouse, waste water treatment No No No No system, access road and associated works. Lysaghtstown Carrigtohill Co. Cork

18/05472 The Board of Management of Scoil Permission 06/06/2018 Construction of; 1) a single storey extension to the north elevation No No No No Freastogail Mhuire of the existing primary school, to accommodate new ASD Unit comprising 1No. classroom, corridor, sensory room and ancillary school accommodation to serve same, 2) to remove and relocate existing playground to the east of the proposed extension and 3) to construct new sensory garden to serve new ASD Unit, to be enclosed by 2m high fencing with a side access gate on east side of the sensory garden, and all associated site works. Scoil Freastogail Mhuire College Road Fermoy Co. Cork 18/05473 The Board of Management of St Mary's Permi ssion 06/06/2018 The construction of prefabricated building consisting of 5 no. No No No No Secondary School classrooms, 2 no. offices, toilets and circulation space, relocation of part of existing carpark together with all other ancillary site works. Saint Mary's Secondary School Fair Street Mallow Co. Cork 18/05474 Conor Ryan, Caroline O'Dwyer Permission, 06/06/2018 a) The retention of the construction of a single storey domestic No No No No Permission for extension to the rear of existing dwelling and b) reduction in side Retention of retained roof and demolition of chimney stack and c) permission for the construction of a single storey domestic extension to the side and rear of property and for two skylights and d) all associated site development works. Lyndale

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Moneygurney Douglas Co. Cork 18/05475 Pamela Deane Permission 06/06/2018 Construction of split level dwelling, waste water treatment system No No No No and ancillary site works with access off existing private roadway. Dundaniel Farm Skevanish Co. Cork 18/05476 Neil and Noreen Finnegan Permission, 06/06/2018 To retain ground floor extension to South Western Front Elevation No No No No Permission for to an existing dwelling, and for Planning Permission to construct a Retention ground floor extension to kitchen/dining area on the South Western Front Elevation with Balcony on North Western Elevation to an existing dwelling and all associated Site Works. Magooly Co. Cork

18/05477 Nigel Baker Permission 06/06/2018 Construction of a single detache d, two storey, 3 bed dwelling, No No No No including all associated works. The Yard Finnamore Mounthovel Rochetsown Rd, Co. Cork 18/05478 John Duncliffe Permission for 06/06/2018 Retention and completion of dwelling house (change of plan form No No No No Retention that permitted under Planning Reg. No. 14/6314 - An Bord Pleanála Ref. PL 04.244855 and Planning Reg. No. 17/4560) and all associated site works. No. 33 Glashaboy Woods Riverstown Glanmire, Co. Cork 18/05479 Jermiah Breen Permission for 06/06/2018 Retention of change of use of 2 no. agricultural stores & No No No No Retention agricultural yard to 2 no. building contractor stores and builders yard. Laharan West Mallow Co. Cork 18/05480 Stuart O'Sullivan Permission 06/06/2018 Construction of dwelling house (change of plan from that No No No No permitted under planning Reg. No. 14/6314 – An Bord Pleanála Ref. PL. 04.244855 and Planning Reg. No. 17/4560 and all associated site works. No. 37 Glashaboy Woods Sallybrook, Riverstwon Glanmire

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Co . Cork 18/05481 Mairead Ennegues Permission 06/06/2018 The construction of new dwellinghouse, domestic garage, new No No No No entrance together with all other ancillary site works. Clontead More Co. Cork

18/05482 Tommy Weste Permi ssion 06/06/2018 For a single storey granny flat to side of existing two storey No No No No dwelling. 8 Short Range Powdermills Ballincollig Co. Cork 18/05483 Fournier Laboratories Ltd Permission 06/06/2018 The installation of two number high level illuminated signs, one on No No No No (AbbVie) the south and one on the west elevation of the production building. The erection of two modular buildings to expend the canteen and the laboratory respectively with associated site works. The development is covered by an existing Industrial Emissions Directive Licence number P1046-01 IDA Industrial Estate Anngrove Carrigtohill Co. Cork 18/05484 Fournier Laboratories Ireland Ltd Permission 06/06/2018 Site development works involving the excavation an d removal of No No No No (AbbVie) existing ground (approximately 36,000m3 of subsoil) from the north end of the site. The development is covered by an existing Industrial Emissions Directive Licence number P1046-01. IDA Industrial Estate Anngrove Carrigtohill Co. Cork 18/05485 Rockspring Properties (Newport) Permission 07/06/2018 The development will consist of 32 No. new dwelling units in the No No No No Limited grounds of Protected Structure 00109 The Former Presentation Convent & Gate Lodge and 01334 Entrance Gate to Church, Convent Hill, Mitchelstown including conversion of the Convent building to 6 no. dwellings as well as existing chapel use. The development comprises of 9 no. new detached dwellings, 6 no. new semi-detached dwellings, 11 no. new terrace dwellings with 4 no. dwellings and 2 no. apartments in the existing convent buildings, 5 no. new garages, provision for internal roads, access from local road, landscaping, car parking, substation kiosk, alterations to site entrance, demolition of ancillary buildings, assoc iated site works and additional alterations, repair, restoration and consolidation of the convent buildings including the demolition of the former convent nursing home wing. The Former Presentation Convent

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Convent Hill Mitchelstown Co. Cork 18 /05486 Cormac O'Donovan Extension of 07/06/2018 Removal of existing outbuildings and sub -division of existing No No No No Duration residential site to provide a new dwelling house and all associated ancillary development works. Extension of Duration of Permission granted under planning ref: 13/4342 and An Bord Pleanála ref: PL04.242177 Model Fram Road Carrigrohane Co. Cork

18/05487 Padraic Slattery, Joanne Chadwick Permission 07/06/2018 Construction of extensions to rear and front of an existing dwelling No No No No with alterations to existing elevations, the demolition of an existing detached outhouse and all associated site works. Mulberry Road Brigown Td Mitchelstown Co. Cork 18/05488 Isobel Abbott, Vincent Brennan Permission 07/06/2018 Construction of single storey extensions to rear and front of an No No No No existing dwelling, alterations include alterations to existing windows, raising the existing roof to provide a first floor storey and all associated site works. An Doire Ballynahina Whites Cross Co. Cork 18/05489 The Board of Management Gaelscoil an Permission, 07/06/2018 Temporary construction of a single storey prefab educational No No No No Chaisleain Permission for building (containing 3no. classrooms with administration and Retention ancillary rooms) and all associated site works including hardcore surfacing (938sq.m) of an existing sand based training pitch to front of proposed building, and retention of existing tarmac playing surface (300sq.m) and perimeter fencing to side of proposed building. Gealscoil an Chaisleain Ballincollig Rugby Club Tanner Park, Coolroe Ballincollig, Co. Cork 18/05490 Damian Murphy Permission for 07/06/2018 Retention for a commercial dog kennels for breeding as built. No No No No Retention Coolnagillagh Upper Millstreet Co. Cork

18/05491 Leanne Murphy Permission 07/06/2018 To construct a Residential single storey bungalow with domestic No No No No garage, a new site entrance, bored well, waste water treatment system, percolation area to serve the proposed bungalow, to

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re move existing septic tank, percolation area and to install a new Waste water treatment system and percolation area to serve existing dwelling, to construct a new timber post and rail boundary fence to sub-divide the existing site and all associated ancillary site development works. Commons Grenagh Co. Cork

18/05492 Kilcraheen Farm Ltd Permission 07/06/2018 A cattle underpass under the pubic road, soil water storage tank No No No No and associated works. Kilcraheen Ballymacoda Co. Cork

18/054 93 Ciaran and Louise McGann Permission 07/06/2018 For dormer style dwelling house to replace existing dwelling and to No No No No use the existing dwelling as a storage building/play area on site. Permission is also required for entrance, treatment system and percolation area in compliance with EPA Code of Practice and all necessary ancillary works. North Fermoy Co. Cork

18/05494 Gerry and Marion Deegan Permission 07/06/2018 New 2 ½ storey dwelling with new vehicular access. The No No No No development will be located within the curtilage of a protected structure. Mount Bernard Ringmeen Cobh Co. Cork 18/05495 Cork Education and Traning Board Permission 07/06/2018 Provision of 4 temporary classrooms in two temporary cabin No No No No blocks to the West of the Existing School Building and Associated Site Works. St. Brogans College Kilbrogan Bandon Co. Cork 18/05497 Patrick and Julianne Aherne Permission 07/06/2018 Construction of a new single storey extension to the side of the No No No No existing dwelling house and the existing detached garage and the conversion of the existing garage to habitable space, and associated site works. Hillview House Dromgurrihy, Raffeen Monkstown Co. Cork

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18/05498 Ruden Homes LTD. Permission 07/06/2018 Construction 28 No. dwelling houses (change of house type and No No No No layout to part of the permitted residential development as granted under 04/7674, extended under 10/5240 and 13/5025 and associated site works on sites 10-17 Laharran West 1-20 Brook Glen. sites 10-17 Laharran West 1-20 Brook Glen Lehenaghbeg Lehenaghmore Co. Cork 18/05499 Seamus Kearney Extension of 08/06/2018 (i) Installation of diesel pump with canopy in car park at rear of No No No No Duration existing shop, (ii) overground diesel storage tanks at rear of existing shop, and (iii) signage. Extension of Duration of Permission granted under Planning Reference: 12/05865. Ballydesmond Glencollins Lower Mallow Co. Cork 18/05500 Barabara and John Dunlea Permission 08/06/2018 Alter & extend an existin g storey & a half dwelling -house No No No No comprising construction of a single storey extension and external alterations to form an attached ‘Granny flat’ and all associated site works. 17 Castle Gardens Station Road, Shean Upper Blarney Co. Cork 18/055 01 Lawn Tennis and Croquet Permission, 08/06/2018 The replacement of existing halogen light bulbs with new L.E.D No No No No Club Permission for light bulbs on courts 1 to 9, the Retention of existing columns on Retention courts 1 to 5, and the construction of 6 x 3m columns on croquet lawns with halogen lights. Rusbrooke Ringmeen Cobh Co. Cork 18/05502 Gillian O'Sullivan, Anthony Kelly Permission for 08/06/2018 Retention of dwellinghouse as constructed (Original planning No No No No Retention application reference 09/6105 and later extension of duration of planning reference 14/5766). Shannonpark Carrigaline Co. Cork

18/05503 Peter O'Sullivan Permission 08/06/2018 Construct a new dwelling house. No No No No Co. Cork

18/05504 Anne W inslow O'Dea Permission 08/06/2018 A first floor extension and associated site works, to the existing No No No No

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building to accommodate a new bedroom, bathroom and living room. The existing porch is to be adjusted to form a bay window. Ard Na Cloughy Coast Road 18/05505 Tadhg and Irene Conlon Permission 08/06/2018 Construct a new dwelling house. No No No No Carrigduff Rathcoole Mallow Co. Cork 18/05506 Dermot Murphy Permission 08/06/2018 The construction of a detached, dormer typ e, dwelling with No No No No detached garage, septic tank and percolation area and associated site works. Ballyvodane Co. Cork

18/05507 Martin O'Callaghan Ltd Permission 08/06/2018 The importation of soil & stone and concrete for the raising of an No No No No agricultural field in order to improve the agricultural output of the field and the construction of a new temporary haul road. Killydonoghoe Glanmire Co. Cork

18/05508 Danielle Roche, Garven O'Callaghan Permission 08/06/2018 Construct a single storey dwelling house, entrance, treatment unit, No No No No and associated site works. Wallstown Co. Cork

18/05509 Daniel O'Callaghan Permission 08/06/2018 Construct a new dwelling house. No No No No Fergus Dripsey Co. Cork

18/ 05510 Aimee Dunne Permission, 08/06/2018 Construction of stable building for private use and Retention of No No No No Permission for existing dwelling with basement as constructed, revised site Retention boundaries, site entrance, finished ground levels and all associated site works (change of plan and layout from that permitted under PL. REG. NO. 10/5504). Garryvoe Lower Co. Cork

18/05511 Deirdre Flynn Permission 08/06/2018 Permission Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission No No No No

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Consequent (Register Reference 17/5894) for the construction of a new single and two storey dwelling house, new vehicular entrance, septic tank and percolation area, and all associated site works. Ballinlegane Co. Cork

Total 81

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