January 27, 1899
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. , JANUARY 1899. ISISmaAMIitshI PRICE THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1882—VOL. PORTLAND. MAINE. ERII'AY MORNING, 27, been a hard league baseball magnates have practically £*0,000 alleged bribe money at the begin- worker In answer to I BPKCIAI. JIOTIC1M. ■HCHXA1IKOCT._ for of the session crest**! a sensa- Colonel Unvls said that Genera coma to an agreement on the circuit WILL BE FEW SPEECHES. ning today question. WAS RIGHT. man conduct of his office wan THE SOUTH next season. All hope has been abandoned tion by opetil.v charging that every Kagan's perfectly baen honest and he had of LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. of paring the circuit to eight clubs and who voted for Clark for henator had alway* had the good at He mentioned the soldier at heart. 'lhe witness ref err and the schedule which will be proposed lionght. Hepieeen'atlve Com® ittse on Railroads, To’egraphs, to before The In Its the In New York on February 1H larr by name ami that gentleman ing General Kagan’s testimony will give » bearing meeting Expresses public clubs. The xhnuted. are an infamous Jiar." the war Investigating committee said State In Augusta, will provide for ten pro- “yon roomat the Hopse ssjollows of '1 he that that he had not been consulted In Its W**(ine*«lHV Feb. I .l*** at 2 o clock ]•. in.. Statement Nr. liutler gramme Includes the abandonment grand jury reported money Harbor Sensational Tim for IMrato of Will Not had been used on both side* but there was Eaian Creates flood on but at the onHOaci to li»« orpora.eti.e Boothbay by Cleveland end Haiti more. The Spiders Treaty Impression preparation, general’s request an in- hml some of the records. The and Newcastle Railroad Company. SORE will go to Hi. Louis and the Western no sufficient evidence to warrant supplied to extend the charter of the Ells- general had asked him at one time as to On an act in Senate. league club at Columbus will be trans- Be Consumed. dictment the Stand. worth Street Kai wav. Cleveland. It la asserted on his judgement concerning the argamen' to the Wlseasset and ferred to Ou an act relatlug he had for the commission and and ( o. authority that Mr. Robison will PLEADED NOT GUILTY. Moosehead Lake Te egrapb Telephone good had prepared of ( 96 of In of the St. Louis he replied that It was a complete On an act («' amend S c. tiapier probably be possession of answer to the criticisms which bad been tlie laws of 1887. providing for th© extension franchise within a week or ten days. Algrr Says Hr Hldn't Make Anything SAYS FOUGHT IN GIVES TESTIMONY III FORE THE made against him, but he bad advised SOUTHERNERS! SOME TALK OF ADOPTING A NEGA- of the War. act to extcnJ and amend the charter Ont that some parts of it be omitted. General *Oo*an HANDSBY CUTICURA WILL DECIDE THURSDAY. of the (.asline Railway and Navigation Co. CURED OFTHEIK COURT Kagan, was excited and with aborning on my DEFENSE HOMES. TIVE RESOLUTION. MARTIAL however, greatly Mysore bands commenced witness thought he would bring tho When I robbed tbcm yoo could sc# little 2*V.—Secretary NOTICE. fingers. Minority of Committee Held To Faroe Washington, January matter to his attention m«.re the LioiSLATIVE White pimples, snd I felt like twisting them out of urgently and cold Alger, lu response to an Invitation .of next morning, but witness then did not The Committee on Railroads, Telegraphs and their sockets. 1 bad high fever chills, Heotahraloilon of Anneistlon-tlood until I fell have a General Expresses will give a public hearing In Its nights 1 had to walk tho floor asleep. the war Investigating commission, ap- good opportunity. Kagan fol- sn onion, the Anger nails got Offered Amendment to Pension Month- Wishes For Mr. Littlefield. Wilt Doei Not Ilia Appearance the ftrn«atlu» of the had told the witness ht was room at the State House in Augusta, as My hands peeled like Be to KflVrt That Treaty before that prevented and there the barn I ng Are peared body toduy. lows; loose, the water ranoot, enern and Then Withdrew It—Mr. Uomlnl to from proceeding in fashion a the Hind I nlted Ntatea to a C olonial Day»-\Vaa I>ciperatlon l»y military Wednesday. Feb. S. 1S99. at 2 o clock p. m.. waa. My hands puffed up worse than toad, He said he did not recall having re- against General Miles by the President's ’*> act the the bandage on to the Aoor. I Bute Xnld ex-t'onfrdermtee Old Not TO THE the of on an act amend an to Incorporate water ran through [SPECIAL P&EM.] — a of Profess In re- Charges fJent-rnl Mltn— CmcriA Rg* Palley Prlrn«l Treaty ceived during the war complaints order of immunity to witnesses, but that Boothbay Railroad Company. went to a doctor for a year. I got Til. u.ll« hardened Wont to Be Pensioned and That It 26.—The towns to to the Thought Country llrllr-ved Him a he hoped to be able to proceed In th** On an act to Incorporate the Lincoln, Iatke- Mlin,T «nd CrricUlA Ro»p. Augusta, January Inrrraaltig I onfldence. gard [foods .furnished army, are now matter in tn» civil conrte. ▼llle aud Winn Telephone Company. np. peeled off, and my hand* cured._ IVm No Time to Revive Ihe Issues of oommltUe will not take up the Peering l'liere was a sbottage of.food at Santiago, M urderer. aci and Pembroke, N. T. Miss Millard, General ou au reqmr ng persons, associations CA8PKB DIKTScm-KB, ****- I Kagan's stenog I he case until next The friends Wnihlnfrtoo, January 2ft.—Today'a not because there were no but eorooratlons owning or operating street cart to Krrenr Ccee Drerio- War. Thursday. supplies, rapher, was then called. Sho testitisd Tee.t.ier'•TeTotTnitjm,or IIai«.— Warm hatha Washington, January UG.—The feature lor the of rt,wn iirvoRA, with I.OSS a unanimous re- cutlv# wtisiou of the Senate was con- be landed she took the the provide protection employees. with of annexation hope for because they could not from that dictation of general's with ivtutsa t*o»r. tsntla anoInMne* Ccticcka, .Senate of the On an act to require Street Railroad Co. to Washington, Janaary U6-— A* the In of the failure of the proceedings before the Kagan court statement before the war aod mild dnaraof Cl TiiWBaRs#o«*«»T. port, but at this time two or three of the sumed discussion the ships. No old soldier, the secretary investigating protect motor men. to con- luartlal was the commission. From the time General seemingly wan about oonclude to send the Senate the today testimony, dramatic members are said to favor another sub- President so far believed, would make harsh criticism of late this In in its of Miles have his testimony before the con- sideration of the pension bill documents In bis and on hie In many ports quiet Intensity LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. mission to the people. possession the food furnished the army under the mission, General Kagan was greatly ex- afternoon, Mr. liutler. Populist of North on the Commissary Genera! K.aguo himself. No The Committee on Railroads, Telegraphs and lion. Charles E. Littlefield of Rockland the Bat»> department bearing circumstance*. He bad never had any cited, and while he was dictating his than will a In Its Carolina, offered hlsainendent announced ParlK Senator Gorman more llfteen or twenty people outside statement he walked the door in an ex- Expresses give public hearing was here today. Mr. Littlefield's candi- conference. cause during the wr.r for complaint of room at the State House tu Augusta, as lol- SPECIAL BARGAINS of the court and a dozen or cited state. It had never been his habit soma time ago, providing for the pension- be raised the as soon as the door* were officer. so newspaper -- of the In Congress will point any lows: FOR dacy vacancy to walk the floor while dictating. Th* Wednesday. Feb. 15. 18W. at 2 o’clock m.. of ex-Confederate soldiers. had been ‘Was the heat! of any bureau guilty correspondents, were admit ted to the trial p. ing active one. He received many expres- close! that the resolution adopt* statement was not fully completed uafll On au act relating to th<* charter of the Wl»- and de- of failure to diaoharge his duty during room. Several Upon this he took the Hour ed several since and addressed the witnesses preceded tho the day it was to the com mis- casset an Quebec Railroad Co. and sions of hope that he might win. days the continuance of the wary'' asked liov. presented Friday Saturday. he chief In tho trial. sion. She knw General a f»w On an act to extend the rights, powers and livered a speech, which, us proceeded, Senate at some on the failure or figure Gen. Kagan Kagan only ( length H«vcf. , of the Frauklm, Souie.scl aud Keu- Ladle-*' Pat. Leather Oxfords, former utter- NEWS. listened to the minutes before he left to appear befor< privileges into a moat unexpected XU NBWB GOOD the to to the Senate's fciecretary Alger. Intently testimony of the pence Railroad Co. price $4 no, now fit.40 developed President resjiond “No, sir," replied the commis-lon and he was then id such Pat. “Did any report come to you of any witnesses and hold brief On an act to tncorpo ate the Fatten, Alle- Lad es’ leather Flippers, former ance.