Saul Bellow

A thief- New York : Penguin Books, 1989.

"By the Rock Wall", Harper's Bazaar, 85, April 1951, 214-16.

DangrZzn^ Man New York : Vanguard, 1944.

"Distractions of a Fiction Writer", The. Living Novel: A Symposium, Ed. Granirlle Hicks, New York : Macmillan, 1957, 1-20.

Henderson the Rain King New York: Viking Press, 1959.

Herzog, New York : Viking Press, 1964.

Him with his foot in his mouth and other stories. New York: Harper and Row, 1984.

Humboldt's gift. New York : Viking, 1975.

It all adds up : from the dim past to the uncertain future : a nonfiction collection - New York: Viking, 1994.

More die of heartbreak - New York: William Morrow, 1987.

Mosby's Memoirs New York : Viking Press, 1968.

Mr. Sammler's Planet, New York : Viking Press, 1970.

"Pleasures and Pairs of Playgoing", Partisan Review, 21 (May-June), 1954,312-17.

Seize the Day New York : Viking Press, 1956.

Some Notes on Recent American Fiction", Encounter, 21 (November, 1963), 22-29.

141 Something to remember me by : three tales - New York: viking, 1991.

The Actual - New York, N.Y., USA : Viking, 1997.

The Adventures of Augie March New York: Viking Press, '953 "Culture Now*, Modem Occasions, 1 (Winter, 1971), 162-78.

The bellarosa connection/, New York, N.Y., USA: Penguin, 1989.

The Dean's December - New York : Pocket Books, 1983.

The last analysis-: a play. New York : Viking Press, (1965).

The portable Saul Bellow/with a critical introd. By Gabriel Josipovici- (NewYork) : Penguin Books, 1978.

"The Sealed Treasure", Tijnes Literary Supplement, July 1, 1960, 21-31.

The Victim New York : Vanguard, 1947.

"Two Morning Monologues", Partisan Review, 8 (May - June, 1941), 230-36.

Ravelstein - Saul Bellow, London, Viking, 2000.

Writers at Wor/c Third Series, New York : Viking Compass, 1967.


Barnes, Hazel, The Literature of Possibility: A Study in Humanistic Existentialism^ Lincoln, 1969.

Barrett, WiUiam Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy, New York: New York University Press, 1958.

Bartre, Jean Paul Nausea Trans. Baldick Robert, Harmondewarth: Penguin, 1965.

Bree, Germaine: Camus and Sartre New York Delacorte Press.

142 Chatteijee, Margaret The. Existentialist Outlook, New Delhi: Orient Longman Ltd. 1973.

Dakin, Arthur Hazard: Man The Measure Princeton Princeton Univer­ sity Press.

Distoyensky, Fyodor iVotes^om C/;iderground Trans. Shishkoff Serge, New York : Crowell, 1969. "The Eternal Husband'' : The Short Novels of Dostoyevsky Trans. Gamett Constance, New York : New York University Press, 1951.

Existentialism in American Literature New Delhi Heinemann.

Jones, Howard Mumford: American Humanism New York Harper and Row.

Macquarrie, John Existent/aZi'sTn. Hamondosworth : Penguin, 1973.

Marcel, Gabriel: The Existential Background of Human Dignity Cam­ bridge, Mass. Harvard University Press.

Murchland, Bernard: Humanism And Capitalism Washington, D.C. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.

Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott and Abel, Reuben (Introd): Humanistic Pragmatism New York Free Press.

Shinn, Roger Lincoln : The Existentialist Posture New York Association Press.

Steiner, George Heideggar UassockSy Sussex : Harvester Press, 1973;

Venkateswarlu, D.: Humanism and Jewish American Drama New Delhi Prestige Publishers.

Wild, John: The Challenge of Existentialism Bloorciington Indiana University Press.


Alter, Robert After the Tradition, New York: Button, 1969.

Baumbach, Jonathan "The Double Vision: by Saul Bellow", The Landscape of Nightmare, New York: New York University Press, 1965, (35-54).

Cla5rton, John J. Saul Bellow : In Defense of Man, Bloomington, Ind : Indiana University Press, 1968.

Donoghul, Denis The Ordinary Universe, New York : Macmillan, 1968.

Dutton, Robert R. Saul Bellow New York : Twayne, 1971.

Eisinger, Chester E., "Saul Bellow Love and Identity", Accent, 18 (Summer, 1958), 179-203.

Enck, John, "Saul Bellow : An Interview", Contemporaiy Literature, 6 (1965), 156-60.

Fiedler, Leslie A Love and Death in the American Novel, New York : New York University Press, 1960.

Galloway, David The Absurd Hero in American Fiction Austin, Texas : University of Texas Press, 1966.

Harper Howard and Dutton, R.R. Desperate Faith: A Study of Bellow, Salinger, Mailer, Baldunn and Updike, Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 1967.

Harper, Gordon L. "Saul Bellow: An Interview", Paris Review, Third Series (Winter, 1965), 49-73.

Hassan, Ihab. Radical Innocence Princeton^ N.J., : Princeton University Press, 1961.

Hendin Josephine Vulnerable People : A View of American Fiction since 1945, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1978.

144 Kazin, Alfred, "The Alone Generation", Harper's 219 (October, 1959), 127-31.

Klein, Marcus After Alienation'i^ew York : World Publishing, 1964.

Opdapl, Keith M. The Novels of Saul Bellout, University Park : The Pennsylvania State University Press : 1967.

Podhoretz, Norman, "The New Nihilism and the Novel", Partisan Re­ view, 25 (fall, 1958), 576-90.

Rovit, Earl Saul Bellow MinnespoHs : University of Minnesola Press, 1967.

Scott, Nathan A Three American Novelists: Mailer, Bellow, Trilling Notre Dame, Indiana : University of Notre Dame Press, 1973.

Shulz, Max F. Radical Sophistication: Studies in Contemporary Jeunsh American Novelists AthcnSf Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1969.

Tanner, Tony City of Words New York : Harper and Row, 1971,

Taxnowski, Kant and Will, Frederick, The Jargon of Authenticity Lon­ don : Routledge and Keggan Paul, 1973.

Trilling, Lionel The Liberal Imagination, New York : New York University Press, 1953.


The Great American Augie. Christopher Kitchens. The Wilson Quarterly Wntr2001v25ilp22.

Bellow's Gift. (Author Saul Bellow) (Critical Essay) Bernard Rodgers. World and/August 200 v 15 i8 p 219.

The Novel and Public Truth: Saul Bellow's The Dean's December. (Criti­ cal Essay) Martin Comer. Studies in American Fiction Si[>nng 2000 v28il p 113.

145 The demonic hegemonic : exploitative voices in Saul BelloW's 'More Die of Heartbreak.' Faye Kuzma. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fic- tioRSummer 1998 v 39 n 4 p 306 (18).

Mr. Bellow's planet. (Novelist Saul Bellow) Hillel Halkin. Commentary Oct. 1997 V 104 n 4 p 46 (6).

From poem to cartoon : com.ic irony in Saul Bellow's 'More Die of Heart break'. Elaine B. Safer. Critique : studies in Contemporary Fiction Summer 1993 v 34 n 4 p 203 (17).

Saul Bellow on th'e Internet -

Chris Wood - The Richmond Review, Book Review, Raveleten http://

Louis Menand - (Review) Bloom's Gift http''//www.myboc) cles/89.

Martin Comer - Moving out words : Conscioousness, discourse and attention Saul Bellow's fiction http;//www.pqdweb?Ts

Lorin Stein : - 04/14/bellow/

Stephen Moss - Critical response to Saul Bellow's long awart^d Ravelstein 9,5917,219810,00.html.

File://A:\bellow-lecture.htm (Nobel lecture) (The official website of The Nobel Foundation).