AGENDA – CUMIPAZ 2016 Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Location: Honorable of the Republic of

Diplomatic, Parliamentary and Political Session

7:30 am to Registration 8:00 am


 National Anthem of Paraguay  Institutional video  Welcoming words - Honorable President of the Congress of Paraguay, Senator Robert 8:30 am to  Acevedo 8:40 am  Welcoming words - Honorable President of the Chamber of Deputies of Paraguay,  Deputy Hugo Velázquez  Opening address - Executive Chairman of the EMAP, Dr. William Soto Santiago  Welcoming remarks - Secretary General of the OAS, Dr. Luis Almagro Lemes


 "The challenge of democratic leaders in the XXI Century: Achieving peace and happiness for 8:40 am to the integral human being and Mother Earth." 9:40 am Dr. William Soto Santiago - Executive Chairman of the EMAP.  “"Social scope of the integration of reginal and continental multilateral organizations for the integral peace and happiness of human beings. " Dr. Luis Almagro Lemes - Secretary General of the OAS.

09:40 hrs a Recess 10:00 hrs


Table 1 - Topic:

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"Building towards an alliance for the global and inclusive governance of Mother Earth and Human Rights." Moderator: Congresswoman Fabiola Oviedo


 "The evolution of organized civil society and its participation in the universal agenda for Human rights and Mother Earth." Deputy Olga Ferreira - President of the Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.  "The welfare of human beings: an integrated approach to development, democracy and human rights". Homer Menacho. Senator of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia and President of the Commission for Territorial Organization of the State and Autonomous Regions. Bolivia.  “International and Environmental Activism”. Luis Paulino Mora – Deputy Minister of the Presidency of Political Affairs. Costa Rica.

 “Social Policy, the civil society and the private sector united towards strengthening human development.” Dip. Andrés Emmanuel Bautista Taveras – Member of the Human Development Commission of the Chamber of Deputies. Dominican Republic 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Table 2 - Topic:

"Sustainable Development Agenda beyond 2030 of the UN" Moderator: Dip. José María Ibañez. Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs Chamber of Deputies of Paraguay..


• "Intergenerational Contributions to Sustainable Development: Experiences of ex- presidents and young parliamentarians to build the future of our nations. "

Luis Alberto Lacalle - Former President of Uruguay.

• "Active and leading Contributions from the perspective of women for Sustainable Development and the construction of peace and comprehensive happiness. Case studies of success and its global reach. " Senator Iris Martinez - State of Illinois, Chicago. USA

• “Public policies and their challenges for reducing poverty and inequaclity and the Age of Sustainable Development”.

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Raúl Romero Segura – President of the Human Rights Commission of the Congress of Guatemala.

 "The Parliamentary Diplomacy and its developments in international relations for Strengthening Peace and Sustainable Development ". Deputy. José María Ibáñez - President of the Commission of Foreign Affairs of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of Paraguay.

Table 3 - Topic: "New approaches to the preservation and restoration of Mother Earth" Moderator: Deputy Carlos Lafigiliola. Oriental Republic of Uruguay.


• From education, culture and communication.

Dr. Idalia Lettuce -. Representative of the House of New Mexico. USA. 10:00 hrs a • From the prospective of our native peoples. 12:00 hrs Mr. Irene Gallegos - Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs of the Ministry of Government. Panama.

 From public policies. Senator Lineth Guzmán – Multi-National State of Bolivia Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.

 “Human Photosynthesis” Dr. Arturo Solís Herrera M.D., Ph.D.

12:00 pm to LUNCH BREAK 2:00 pm


to 4:00 pm Plenary socialization for the conclusions of the Work Tables, and presentation of the Declaration of the Parliamentary, Political and Diplomatic Session.

4:00 pm Coffee Break

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