


Will you go for a classic one Want to confuse your viewers with How about a happy ending to liner, romantic rom-com? non linear stories and flashbacks? go with your film?

Yes, I I prefer slap No, it has Who doesn’t I’d like to Hell yeah! love them! stick comedies. to be simple. love a happy have a tragic ending? event!

With Johnny Okay, how about Okay, we have two Depp? EXPLOSIONS?! scenarios for you to Born in 1935 in Brooklyn, make things a little EVERYWHERE, easier! New York, Woody Allen No thanks.. has written, directed and ALL THE ! starred in many classic films, including Annie Hall, Yes, in every I like things Manhattan, and Husbands film possible! civilised.. and Wives. Alright, how about a cameo? Michael Bay was born in 1965, So your main character in , and started his will hit rock bottom then career making music videos make a heroic comback at TIM BURTON for Tina Turner and other top some point.. singers. In addition to adverts Tim Burton was born in for Coca-Cola and Nike, he , in 1958, and his directed Armageddon, first job was as an animator and much more. for Walt Disney. He is best known for the films Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands. Yes, of course! Explosions! Manly heroics! A lovey-dovey, i’m sorry for Explosions! Saving a damsel everything, I love you rush to No, i’ll get the in distress! the airport ending! actors in!

CHRISTOPHER NOLAN Okay, now to choose Great idea! your lead! Yourself or was born in 1970, in , and is ? Nancy Meyers directed known for making films with classics such as The Parent non-linear storylines such as Trap, , The Intern, The Dark Knight, , and . She and Insomnia. Inception won And you must was born in , in 4 after love some gory 1949. being nominated for 8. Definintly violence? myself!

One film packed The genius Are you going for a with everything a huge film franchise? Will Ferrell! movie needs! It’s not a thriller without it! No? Okay we need to move you over here.. Yes, i’m going for the next big trilogy of films! QUINTEN TARTINO

Born in Tennessee in 1963, ’s directorial career took off in 1992, with the critically acclaimed Steven Spielberg is the JAMES Reservoir Dogs. Other films wealthiest and arguably the on his resume include Kill Bill, most successful director in film Pulp Fiction and Django. history. Born in 1946 in Ohio, , who wrote his hit movies include Jurassic and directed The , Park, Close Encounters and E.T. starring , also ADAM McKAY directed , , and , among other films. Adam McKay was born in He was born in 1954, in Pennsylvania in 1968 and is . known for films such as The Anchorman, The Campaign, Born in Brooklyn in 1961, Eddy Antman, and The Other Guys. Murphy is best known as an actor Loud Flamboyant but directed, as well as starred buffoonery! in, a number of successful movies, including , The SETH MACFARLANE Nutty Professor, a Thousand Words, and . Seth Macfarlane, who was born What style of in Connecticut in 1973, is best comedy do you Subtle sarcastic known for animation series go for? one liners. and American Dad but also directed, wrote, and starred in films such as Ted, , and A Million Ways to Die in the West.

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