May 24, 2018 Toll free 1-800-803-5201 Vol. 183, No. 21 Informing. Inspiring. Connecting.


Landmark decision opens door to state- sanctioned sports gambling Page 3

Southern Bap- tist Convention Photo by Tobin Davies annual meeting Scott Gurosky, president of Birmingham-based Myrick Gurosky & Associates (far right), U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz from Texas (second from right) preview and others assist with the groundbreaking ceremony for the new FBC Sutherland Springs, Texas, facility. Pages 7–10 ‘Victory is ours’ FBC Sutherland Springs groundbreaking features Birmingham firm By Jane Rodgers an incredible experience for us,” San Antonio contractor Brad Bel- “Knowing how this is going to Special to The Alabama Baptist said Scott Gurosky, president of don started a GoFundMe account impact the community is great,” ix months after the Birmingham-based Myrick Gurosky to provide cash to purchase an ad- O’Kelley said, calling the Suther- shooting that claimed Venezuela’s & Associates (MG+A) and a member jacent two-acre lot to provide room land Springs project “very person- 26 lives at First Baptist of Shades Mountain Baptist Church, for the expansion. Beldon also ally satisfying.” economic crisis Church, Sutherland Vestavia Hills. gathered a list of partners who have “It’s not about us,” he said, noting prompts BGR Springs, Texas, some At Sutherland Springs, he said, pledged materials and support. that for him it was about Sutherland relief SBirmingham Baptists are playing “we saw resolute souls and hearts Springs Frank Pomeroy and Page 13 a prominent role in building the ready to move forward, not back.” Picking up the baton “the rock that he is in the commu- church a new facility. The congregation is currently With those in place, funds from nity.” “We are very excited. It has been meeting in a modular building the North American Mission Board Gurosky echoed O’Kelley’s senti- on the church property while the (NAMB) and in-kind donations ments about Pomeroy, praising the church’s former sanctuary has only picked up the baton to pay for the pastor’s steadfastness. “He hasn’t been used as a heart-wrenching building project, its value esti- backed down from his testimony in To watch the videos from this week’s memorial ever since the Nov. 5, mated at $3 million. NAMB chose any of this, so it’s been very hum- 2017, shooting. The May 5 ground- MG+A to oversee the project. Mike bling to see all that,” Gurosky said. issue, visit our YouTube channel or use the breaking for the new worship facil- O’Kelley, the Birmingham architect At the groundbreaking, Pomeroy HP Reveal app on your phone or tablet and ity highlighted the congregation’s who designed the Mount Laurel pointed everyone to Ezekiel 11, ex- hover over the segments marked “AR.” hope, however. community in Shelby County, pro- plaining that the prophet also lived The building project started when vided the design. (See ‘God,’ page 4) PAGE 2 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / MAY 24, 2018 COMMENT Choosing a New SBC President he telephone caller wanted to know what In Hemphill’s nal year as pastor in 1993, his the race for president of the Southern church gave $241,919 through CP out of undes- T Baptist Convention (SBC) was like in Ala- ignated receipts of $2,522,845, reports indicate. bama. He said in his state the tensions over the That is 9.6 percent. Today, Hemphill is a member election to succeed Steve Gaines as SBC president of First Baptist Church, Hendersonville, North were the highest they had been since the height of Carolina, which reports giving more than 10 per- the Conservative Resurgence. THOUGHTS cent of undesignated receipts to missions causes I assured the caller that Alabama Baptists were through CP giving. interested in who the next SBC president would By Bob Terry The theological issue surfaced in Hemphill’s be, but here in the Heart of Dixie swords had not announcement for SBC president. He and some of been drawn nor battle joined over the upcoming those who urged him to seek the of ce reference election. More Alabama Baptists are likely to at- the 2012 Statement of the Traditional Southern tend the upcoming annual meeting June 12–13 in Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation. Dallas than in recent years, in part because of the Hemphill’s reputation in church growth and That is a statement designed to emphasize that election of a new president. church revitalization resulted in an invitation to salvation is available to all people and not just to J.D. Greear, age 45, pastor of The Summit lead a denomination-wide revitalization effort a select few who are capable of responding to the Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, and through the Home Mission Board (now the North gospel while the rest are predestined to an eternity Ken Hemphill, age 70, director of the Center American Mission Board). in hell. The statement offers a series of af rma- for Church Planting and Revitalization at North Hemphill’s stature among Southern Baptists tions and denials about the Greenville (Baptist) University in Tigerville, was attested to in 1994 related to salva- when the trustees of South- South Carolina, are the two men vying for the po- “J.D. Greear, age 45, pastor of tion. western Baptist Theological sition. Both have strong support among Alabama The statement’s principle Baptists. Both also are respected as national lead- Seminary in Fort Worth, The Summit Church in North Texas, elected him president author was Eric Hankins, ers among Southern Baptists. now pastor of First Baptist Although they are a generation apart, both of what was then the largest Carolina, and Ken Hemphill, SBC seminary. He served Church, Fairhope, and was helped grow a megachurch. Greear became pastor age 70, director of the Center signed by many prominent of Homestead Heights Baptist Church in 2002. He as president of the seminary for nine years. SBC leaders, state executive relaunched the church as The Summit Church and for Church Planting and directors and other lead- the growth has been phenomenal. Church mem- Both Greear and Hemphill hold doctor of philosophy ers including Alabamians bership stood at 7,858 for the last year of record Revitalization at North Greenville Fred Wolfe, Junior Hill and with attendance at the various campuses totaling degrees. Greear earned his Bobby Welch. 9,782 according to a church report. Ph.D. from Southeastern (Baptist) University in South Baptist Theological Semi- Ostensibly the statement Church planting nary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, are the two men vying was to counter the growing While growing the church, Greear led the Carolina, where he also in uence of “New Calvin- congregation to adopt a goal of planting 1,000 earned a master of divinity for the position.” ism” among Southern Bap- churches by 2050. Fifteen years into that cam- degree. Hemphill earned a tists. paign the church reports starting 248 churches — master of divinity degree and doctor of ministry Hemphill identi es as a supporter of the state- 40 in the United States and 208 internationally. at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Lou- ment. Greear is not identi ed with the statement. About 20 years before Greear launched The isville, Kentucky, and earned his Ph.D. at Cam- Critics of the statement contend it creates theo- Summit Church, Hemphill became pastor of First bridge University in England. logical strawmen. They say ideas like limited Baptist Church, Norfolk, Virginia, where he trans- Obviously both men are outstanding Southern atonement (Jesus died for the elect but not for all), formed that historic congregation. During his 12 Baptist leaders. Despite their similarities, two irresistible grace (those predestined to salvation years as pastor the church grew from 800 mem- issues are being discussed as differences. One re- cannot resist God’s salvation) or double predes- bers to more than 6,500. Hemphill initiated a Sat- lates to giving. The other to theology. tination (some predestined for heaven and some urday night worship service and Sunday School, Some raise concerns about Cooperative Pro- predestined for hell) are not real issues among which was followed on Sunday by three addition- gram (CP) giving by The Summit Church. In Southern Baptists. al worship services and four Sunday Schools. 2017 the church contributed $484,440 to state, national and international causes through CP. That Evangelism and missions amount came from undesignated receipts of $20.1 Greear’s supporters point to his 631 baptisms in million — a percentage of 2.4 percent. Prior to 2017 and the number of church plants as proof of 2015 records show the church gave only to SBC his commitment to evangelism and missions. Cooperative Program causes and that year con- When Southern Baptists argue theology the tributed $69,940 out of undesignated income of arguments can be passionate, as attested to by the $14,629,207. telephone call mentioned earlier. So can conversa- Others point to the church’s Great Commission tions about commitment to work together through Giving, an SBC-approved designation of total the Cooperative Program. Order your copy of “The Alabama Baptist: missions giving by a church, and argue the church It will be interesting to see how passionate this Celebrating 175 Years of Informing, Inspiring spends about 19 percent of its total budget on mis- election becomes in its nal days and what deci- and Connecting Baptists.” Visit www.wmustore. sions including what it spends on its own missions sion messengers make about who will be the next com and search for “ .” The Alabama Baptist efforts through church plants around the world. SBC president. MAY 24, 2018 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / PAGE 3 Unconstitutional “If ye continue in My word, then ... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31–32 Landmark decision opens door to state-sanctioned sports gambling (ISSN 0738-7741; By Carrie Brown McWhorter USPS 011-080) The Alabama Baptist © The Alabama Baptist, Inc. is published weekly except for landmark ruling by the one week in July and December Supreme Court on May 14 by The Alabama Baptist, Inc., at 3310 Independence Drive, clears the way for all 50 Birmingham, AL 35209. Phone: states to legalize betting on 205-870-4720. Statewide college and professional phone: 1-800-803-5201. Fax: 205-879-6026. Website: www. sports. Email: In the ruling Murphy v. NCAA, the court [email protected] or A subscribe@thealabamabaptist. struck down the 25-year-old federal law known org. Periodicals postage paid as the Professional and Amateur Sports Protec- at Birmingham, Ala., and at additional mailing of ces. tion Act (PASPA) that prohibited states from legalizing sports betting. Justice Samuel Alito PRINT wrote the court’s majority opinion. Justices SUBSCRIPTION RATES Church Budget — $13.75 Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor Individual — $22.25 dissented. Justice Stephen Breyer led an opin-

DIGITAL ion concurring in part and dissenting in part. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In his majority opinion, Alito wrote, “Con- Church Budget — $8.50 gress can regulate sports gambling directly, but Individual — $14.95 if it elects not to do so, each state is free to act DR. BOBBY S. TERRY on its own. Our job is to interpret the law Con- EDITOR gress has enacted and decide whether it is con- Jennifer Davis Rash sistent with the Constitution. PASPA is not.” Editor-elect The decision means states can now autho- Maggie Walsh rize betting on college and professional sports, Assistant Editor horseracing, golf and other sports events both “The court’s decision is monumental, with far- The challenge to PASPA came from the

Lauren C. Grim in the U.S. and abroad. Effectively what’s legal reaching implications for baseball players and state of New Jersey. The case was originally Designer in Nevada could now be legalized everywhere, the game we love. From complex intellectual called Christie v. NCAA but was changed Joe Godfrey, executive director of the Alabama property questions to the most basic issues when Phil Murphy took of ce in January Linda Harrison Financial Administrator Citizens Action Program (ALCAP) said. One of player safety, the realities of widespread 2018, succeeding Chris Christie as New Jer- of his biggest concerns is the expansion of sports betting must be addressed urgently and sey’s governor. Bill Gilmore Advertising Director daily fantasy sports gambling. thoughtfully to avoid putting our sport’s integ- Following news of the court’s decision, “The problem is going to be that daily fan- rity at risk as states proceed with legalization.” Christie tweeted, “A great day for the rights Debbie Campbell tasy sports is going to take off and become Director of Circulation of states and their people to make their own and Public Relations the accepted norm,” Godfrey said. “We need a ‘Conceived in greed’ decisions. New Jersey citizens wanted sports decision by Congress to solve this.” Les Bernal, national director of Stop Preda- gambling and the federal Gov’t had no right to NEWS SERVICES (BP), Baptist News Of cials with various sports organizations tory Gambling, issued a statement criticizing tell them no.” Global (BNG), Religion News issued cautionary statements following the the ruling. “This litigation was conceived in During oral arguments before the court, Ted Service (RNS), Forum 18 (F18), Morning Star News (MS). court’s decision. greed by powerful gambling interests in part- Olson, arguing for New Jersey, framed the “While we are still reviewing the decision nership with a handful of self-serving politi- issue as one of states-right versus federal over- POSTMASTER to understand the overall implications to col- cians to bene t a privileged few,” Bernal said. sight. Illegal betting has been estimated to be Send address changes to: The Alabama Baptist lege sports, we will adjust sports wagering “While the court’s ruling centered on lofty an annual industry of $67- to 150-billion, and 3310 Independence Drive and championship policies to align with the questions involving states’ rights, the real- cash-starved states see gambling as a potential Birmingham, AL 35209 direction from the court,” said Donald Remy, world consequences of its decision are severe,” source of revenue. New Jersey projects up to ADDRESS CHANGE chief legal of cer for the NCAA (National he explained. “The American people lost $117 $9 billion in revenue from sports gambling Send old and new addresses, and name of church to: Collegiate Athletic Association), the defendant billion on state-sanctioned gambling in 2016. operations. Subscription Department in the case. ... This serious national problem will be made Mississippi casino owners also have ex- 3310 Independence Drive Tony Clark, executive director of the Major far worse if the government is allowed to oper- pressed a desire to take action now that the Birmingham, AL 35209 Allow two weeks. League Baseball Players Association, said, ate and advertise sports betting.” Supreme Court has ruled. To the best of our knowledge, all of the ads in The Alabama Baptist represent legitimate companies and offerings. However, one should always Samford’s Beeson Divinity School founding dean in transition exercise normal business caution in responding to ads. imothy George, founding dean of Corts. Under George’s leadership Beeson was ery inhabited continent of the earth. T Samford University’s Beeson established as the rst divinity school “I am grateful to God for calling Beeson Full member of Divinity School in Birmingham, at a Baptist college or university in Divinity School into being in 1988, for the Alabama Press Association announced May 16 that after 30 the United States. vision and resources of Ralph Waldo Bee- years he will step down as dean at During George’s tenure he has son, ... for wise and supportive university Accredited member of the end of the 2018–19 academic overseen the design and building administrators, ... for a superb faculty and Evangelical Council for year. At that time, he will transi- of Andrew Gerow Hodges Chapel; faithful staff and for the host of students Financial Accountability tion to a new role within the di- established a faculty known for its who have been formed for a lifetime of vinity school faculty as a research excellence in publishing, teaching ministry in this good community of faith ‘Nation’s Top Regional professor. and church-community inuence; and learning,” he continued. Christian Newspaper’ George came to Birmingham in and most recently presided over the Samford of cials said details of the 1988 to start a divinity school on installation of Robert Smith Jr. as the search for George’s successor will be an- 1999, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, GEORGE 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 the campus of Samford Univer- rst Charles T. Carter Baptist Chair nounced in the fall. as judged by Associated Church Press, sity at the behest of Ralph Waldo of Divinity, 1 of 8 endowed chairs. “Thirty years ago ... I said that the future Baptist Communicators Association, Evangelical Press Association or Beeson, the divinity school’s benefactor, But George said he is most proud of the nearly of Beeson was as bright as the promises of Religion Communicators Council and then-Samford president Thomas E. 1,300 Beeson alumni serving in ministry in ev- God,” George said. “It still is.” (Samford) PAGE 4 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / MAY 24, 2018

Intern program changes lives Largest in Montgomery Association By Grace Thornton And Michael Coleman, executive di- The Alabama Baptist rector of HIM, said they are ecstatic too. graduating class ne day during a staff meeting at He said his ministry, a 501c3 organi- Montgomery Baptist Associa- zation housed at First Baptist Church, O tion, something extraordinary Montgomery, wants to break down the happened. Neal Hughes said he could barriers that keep people in poverty Samford hands out record 1,240 see it on her face. from employment — and they hope it “I had shared a devotion, and the Lord will be a way to introduce people to degrees during spring commencement directed my heart to turn to Jesus. amford University in Birmingham dress, art professor emeritus Lowell Vann Jasmine,” said Hughes, direc- “We are taking people who celebrated several historic mile- used his talents in chalk drawing to inspire tor of missions for Montgom- are in very broken places and stones during spring commence- graduates in the schools of the arts and ery Association. loving them as Jesus would ment activities, including the education. Other commencement speakers Jasmine Guthrie had come love them,” Coleman said. S to the association as an intern “We show them that love largest graduating class in the university’s included students who were graduating in 176-year history. health sciences, a pas- through Hope Inspired Min- through teaching them how to A record 1,240 de- tor, a banking execu- istries (HIM), a local ministry live a successful life.” grees were awarded, tive, an attorney and a aimed at breaking the cycle of At HIM, people go through although the of cial federal judge. Several poverty and getting people em- a six-week program that ployed and on their feet. total will not be avail- are Samford alumni. teaches soft skills and em- During her time there, Guth- GUTHRIE able until all grades David Eldridge, ployment skills, then they rie had learned job skills, yes have been submitted pastor of Dawson Me- move on to several-weeks- — but two ministry assistants, Robin and graduates certi- morial Baptist Church, long internships like the one Guthrie Crowe and Elizabeth Kirk, had been ed, according to Birmingham, was the had at Montgomery Association. pouring into her spiritually too. university of cials. speaker for the Beeson “Where we come in, we try to stop And there in that meeting, Hughes the bleeding, bandage them up and get That tops the 2017 Divinity School com- knew God was calling out to Guthrie. them moving in a positive direction,” record of 1,165. An mencement and conse- “Tears were rolling down her face, Coleman said. “We try to match peo- estimated 250 stu- cration service. and I knew she was under deep convic- ple’s gifts and talents where they might dents graduated with Mary Katherine tion,” Hughes said. “I asked, ‘Jasmine, be a good t.” honors. Stanley, a University is there any reason right now that you Graduating stu- Fellow and accounting wouldn’t want to give your heart to Je- Future spiritual growth dents represented 28 major from Memphis, sus?’” They also lay the groundwork for states and seven other Tennessee, received Guthrie shook her head and said, future spiritual growth through uncon- countries: United the President’s Cup, “Let’s do it right now. I want to do it ditional love and daily devotionals, he Kingdom, Malaysia, which is awarded right now.” said. “We try to plant seeds and water China, France, South Photo by Eric Gray to the graduating It was an emotional moment for them as much as we can. And in cases Korea, Canada and Pastor David Eldridge of Dawson student with the everyone, Hughes said. “We prayed to- like Jasmine’s, sometimes they come to Germany. Memorial Baptist Church, highest undergradu- gether, and I asked Lisa Rose, our com- faith.” In the seven com- Birmingham, speaks at the Beeson ate GPA across all passion ministries director, to take over.” Hughes said that’s why Montgomery mencement cer- Divinity School commencement Samford colleges and Rose walked Guthrie through the Association chose to partner with HIM. emonies, 33 degree and consecration service. schools. She was 1 of gospel, and then they prayed and called “I wanted us to host an internship to programs were rec- 5 students to receive HIM so that the staff there could rejoice provide an opportunity for someone ognized, including the rst graduates in the prestigious honors during commencement with them too. in need as well as have a platform to doctor of physical therapy, master of athlet- ceremonies. “Jasmine and her family have begun share the gospel,” he said. “So far we ic training, master of science in respiratory Sarah Michelle Duke was commissioned attending one of our churches. She’s have hosted two young women, and it care, master of science in health informat- as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force just ecstatic about what God is doing,” has been amazing to see how God has ics and bachelor of science in healthcare and received a standing ovation from her Hughes said. worked.” administration programs in the College of fellow graduates and the audience at the Health Sciences. Howard College of Arts and Sciences cer- For more information about HIM, visit In the most unique commencement ad- emony. (Samford) ‘God is still big, still in charge’ (continued from page 1) And he got not one, but two. following a barbecue lunch, Kris in turbulent times that in- “One is a bell for the memorial; Workman, worship leader for First, cluded the destruction of the the other is a light for what God Sutherland Springs, played guitar temple in Jerusalem. is going to do,” Pomeroy said. in the praise band. Workman, who “We are not the rst to was shot point-blank in the spine experience horri c loss,” he Groundbreaking last November, is wheelchair- said. He emphasized that the Some 350–400 people as- bound with a “nearly complete” Church must know the “vic- sembled under a large white tent severing of his L2 vertebrae. tory is ours” and that “true erected on the church grounds “My condition is not a surprise sanctuary” comes from a rela- for the groundbreaking at 11 a.m. to God,” Workman told reporters. tionship with God. Present for the ceremony were “This groundbreaking is a pretty But he did have a vision for survivors of the shooting, vic- incredible thing. It means God is their new brick-and-mortar tims’ families, church members still big, still in charge. A benevo- sanctuary — he hoped it could and local, state and national dig- lent God has taken something Photo by Jane Rodgers be a lighthouse. That vision nitaries, including Ted Cruz, U.S. meant for evil and turned it for Scott Gurosky, president of Birmingham-based Myrick prompted him to ask the de- Senator from Texas. His glory. This building is going Gurosky & Associates and a member of Shades Mountain signers for a bell tower. During worship and baptisms to be for His glory.” Baptist Church, Vestavia Hills, speaks at the groundbreaking. MAY 24, 2018 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / PAGE 5

Someone You Should Know Joe Watkins Joe Watkins has been a Bible study teacher for 36 years. He is a real estate broker who owns his own firm in Montgomery. He has been in real estate for 45 years.

Bible study teacher, deacon, chairman Photo courtesy of the University of Mobile MINISTRY DESCRIPTION: New graduates touch the Great Commission Globe fountain in the center of the of the New Member Committee lawn. This new tradition signi es graduates’ commitment to serve others and spread the message and love of Jesus as they ful ll their professional calling. CHURCH NAME: First Baptist Church, Montgomery, in Montgomery Baptist Association LIFE VERSE: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. UM graduates challenged Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Josh. 1:9) to live ‘life of wisdom’ he University of Mobile (UM) thetically enhancing, leading to authentic Class of 2018 is prepared to tackle ourishing,” Dockery said. T the world’s many challenges, com- Referring to the Scripture verse on the Q: Describe where you focus your soul and mind, to mencement speaker David Dockery told university’s seal, Proverbs 9:10, Dockery greatest ministry efforts. have unwavering graduates during an outdoor ceremony said his prayer is that graduates will ourish A: I teach a seasoned adult Bible study faith, to obey His on campus May 5. More than 3,000 fam- as they live out these words: “The fear of class at First Baptist Church, Montgom- words and to glo- ily and friends gathered beneath live oaks the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” ery, and serve as an active deacon work- rify His name in all on the Lackey Great Commission Lawn “May the fear of God, the very love and ing with our New Member Committee. I things. to celebrate the accomplishments of 236 worship of the triune God — Father, Son pray these two ministries make a differ- graduates. WATKINS and Spirit — be an entranceway into a life ence in those lives I touch for Jesus. Q: If there was “Your distinctive University of Mobile one thing you could of wisdom, a life characterized by love, hu- education has prepared you well to bring mility and service to others,” Dockery said. Q: Who was or is one of the most tell your younger self about faith, what together serious learning, genuine worship in uential people in your faith life? would it be? and authentic service — something that will Committing to serve others Why? A: God has a plan and a purpose for be symbolized today as you touch the globe As new graduates left the ceremony, car- A: My great-grandmother. My mom everybody He breathes life into. Believe on your way out as a commitment to serve and dad separated when I was 5 years rying diplomas presented by UM President and trust in the Lord, work hard and this world,” said Dockery, president of Trin- old. Me and my younger brother were take pride in all you do. Timothy L. Smith, they touched the Great ity International University in Deer eld, left with my great-grandmother. She Commission Globe fountain in the center Illinois, and a senior statesman in the world was a nurturing, loving, kind and gentle- Q: Have you ever read a book or of the lawn. This new tradition signi es of Christian higher education who also hap- spirited person. She taught us so many heard a song that changed the way you graduates’ commitment to serve others and pens to be an Alabama native. lessons on life and how to love, respect think about God and faith? spread the message and love of Jesus Christ Dockery told graduates that authentic ser- and treat all people. A: “I Love to Tell the Story” (a hymn) as they ful ll their professional calling in vice is built on genuine worship. and Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose the world. Q: Tell about a “turning point” in Driven Life.” ‘A genuine strength’ UM also presented its two top awards your life and how God was involved. during the commencement ceremony. “People who have truly worshipped God A: At the age of 12, I was invited to Q: What did you learn from it? will discover a genuine strength and are The 2018 Annie Boyd Parker Weaver a church event where I was told I could A: How to tell my story of Jesus and able to enter the world and touch lives and Excellence Award was presented to Abbie have all the hot dogs, potato chips and His love and realizing it is not about me; meet needs and counsel hurts, to speak to George Maggio, of Lake Charles, Louisi- Coke I could eat. Sounded like a great it’s about what God can do through me injustices while bearing witness to and shar- ana. Maggio received bachelor’s degrees idea and I went. Not only did I get a for others. in philosophy and worship leadership. She tummy full of hot dogs, Cokes and po- ing with others the Good News of Jesus Christ. is an honors with thesis program graduate, tato chips, I came home with a heart full Q: Does your church have any spe- earning the President’s Scholastic Achieve- of Jesus. cial traditions that mean a lot to you? “The challenges that are facing our 21st century world need to be met with and en- ment Award and graduating summa cum A: Yes. The Living Christmas Tree laude. She also received the area award in Q: What has God been teaching you and our deacon In Home Communion gaged by men and women like you, charac- terized by true wisdom, caring kindness and philosophy. Since 2016 she has served as lately? Outreach Ministry. I love senior adults; I a worship leader for the university’s True A: To love Him with all my heart, was raised by one. grace- lled lives which are grounded in the truth of the gospel,” he said. Spin and Chapel programs. “You’ve been prepared by this univer- The 2018 William K. Weaver Jr. Excel- DO YOU KNOW A PERSON WHO SHOULD BE FEATURED AS sity with its distinctive mission to take the lence Award was presented to Corey Stevan next step of your journey. ... I urge you to Wheaton, of Scottsdale, Arizona. Wheaton Someone You Should Know? take seriously what it means to be a wise received a bachelor’s degree in mathemat- and worshipping Christ-follower in a post- ics. He received the Area Award in Math- Send his or her name, a contact number and the reason you think he or Christian world, to be a guide to the truth, ematics and graduated magna cum laude. she should be featured to Someone You Should Know, c/o The Alabama Baptist, an agent of reconciliation and an instrument He was a member of the UM Rams baseball 3310 Independence Drive, Birmingham, AL 35209, or to [email protected]. of wisdom in a way that is imaginatively team and was chosen SSAC Player of the compelling, emotionally engaging and aes- Week in March 2018. (UM) PAGE 6 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / MAY 24, 2018


BESSEMER special guest John Ham and his Born to Be Southcrest Church, Bessemer, will Wild program. Activities will include Bible host a gospel singing June 1 featuring Ea- study, art and music. A family meal and ac- gle’s Wings. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. tivity at 5:30 will conclude the day. Online and the music will start at 7 p.m. A love of- registration is available at fering will be taken. Scott Bush is pastor. For more information call 334-347-6082. Danny Wiggins is pastor. BIRMINGHAM Gene Carver is the new pastor of DALE Theology 101 Hillview Church, Forestdale. He previ- Jeremy Puckel- ously served as pastor of New Providence wartz is the new part- BIBLICAL THEOLOGY FOR PEOPLE IN THE PEW Church, Alexander City. He and his wife, time youth minister at Pat, have three children.Gerald Mar- Newton Church. He tens is the new pastor of Lake Highland attended The Baptist Christology Through Imagery Church, Birmingham. He holds degrees College of Florida in from Georgetown College in Kentucky Graceville. He is mar- and Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, ried to Cassidy. Shane Texas. He previously served as pastor and Traylor is pastor. Bread of Life minister of music at New Hope Church, PUCKELWARTZ By Jerry Batson, Th.D. ears to hear it, Christ — in choosing Bessemer. He and his wife, Martha, have ST. CLAIR Special to The Alabama Baptist to begin the image with the phrase “I two children. Cook Springs Church, Pell City, will celebrate its 160th anniversary and or several weeks Theology 101 am” — invested the image with divin- CENTRAL homecoming June 3, 10 a.m. Special mu- has been looking at Christology ity, inasmuch as “I am” had long been a Jeff Fuller recently celebrated 10 sic will be provided by Richard Robertson. or the Doctrine of Christ through shorthand way of speaking of God. years as pastor of Rockford Church. The Lunch will be at noon. Jimmy Hopkins is various images that are associat- God chose this phrase to introduce Fed with Him. Some are given by others, congregation surprised him April 29 with pastor. Himself to Moses in His famous re- a plaque and a gift. He and his wife, Tina, such as John the Gospel writer calling sponse to Moses’ question about God’s have one child. OTHER Him “the Word of God” and John the name, “I AM WHO I AM.” God told Good Shepherd Foundation will Baptist identifying Him as “the Lamb Moses to tell his generation when they COFFEE host Bill Mullis in concert June 2, 6:30 of God.” wanted to know who sent him to be County Line Church, Enterprise, p.m. at the Shepherd Hill Opry in Saman- There are other images Christ their leader, “I AM has sent me to you” will host a day camp for preschool through tha. For more information visit goodshep- claimed for Himself. One of these is (Ex. 3:14). From that time forward sixth grade kids June 7, 12:30–5:30 p.m. or call bread, an image which He voiced twice generations of Israelites recognized the The theme is animal tales and will feature 205-233-3794. in John 6, saying, “I am the Bread of expression “I am” as speaking of God Life. He who comes to Me shall never Himself. To make this truth even more hunger” (v. 35). He repeated to an au- forceful, Christ repeated Himself: “I dience of Jewish listeners, “I am the am the bread which came down from New Hinson shares Christ’s love through BBQ Bread of Life. Your fathers ate manna heaven” (John 6:41). in the wilderness and are dead. This is the bread which comes down from Giving ‘life to the world’ heaven, that one may eat of it and not Concerning the work He came to ac- die. I am the living Bread which came complish, Christ also uses the image down from heaven” (vv. 48–51). of bread to speak of what He came to As often noted, earlier in this same do. He came to give “life to the world” chapter of John we read about Jesus’ (John 6:33), to satisfy the spiritual hun- miracle of taking ve loaves from a ger of people (6:35), to accomplish the young lad and feeding the multitude with will of the One who sent Him (6:38) 12 baskets of bread left over. It was in the and to bring everlasting life to those afterglow of the feeding of the 5,000 that who believe in Him, life with a future Christ introduced the image of the Bread resurrection (6:40). He summarized His of Life. The Greek term for “bread” mission in these words: “I am the living (“artos”) occurs 21 times in John 6, be- Bread which came down from heaven. ing rendered in English as “bread” or If anyone eats of this bread he will live “loaves.” Jesus took this common item of forever; and the bread that I shall give everyday life and used it to speak about is My  esh, which I shall give for the who He is and what He wishes to do. life of the world” (6:51). ‘Bread of God’ What are we to take from this imag- Photo courtesy of Bryan Klobe ery concerning His person and work? Jerry Batson is New Hinson Baptist Church, Slocomb, held its sixth annual BBQ Cook- As to His person, Jesus’ image of bread a retired Alabama Off for Christ on March 3. The church served 400–500 people. In the past was expressed as the “bread of God” Baptist pastor who also has served as four years New Hinson Baptist, with the help of sister churches and the and therefore carries the truth of His associate dean of community, has raised more than $10,000 for families with medical bills. eternal divinity. He put it like this: Beeson Divinity The cook-off event started in 2012 as a friendly competition for the men “Moses did not give you the bread from School at Samford in the church. In six years it has grown into a demonstration of the love of heaven, but My Father gives you the University and Jesus for the community. The cost of each plate of food is whatever the true bread from heaven. For the bread professor of several person buying the plate chooses to donate and there is no entry fee for of God is He who comes down from schools of religion those who choose to compete in the cook-off. Bryan Klobe is pastor. heaven” (John 6:32–33). For those with during his career. MAY 24, 2018 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / PAGE 7 2018 SBC PREVIEW

When: June 12–13 ‘Testify! Where: Dallas, Texas Go. Stand. Speak.’ BP photo KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON CONVENTION CENTER Dallas to host 2018 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in June allas attendance is in line to Messenger attendance at an SBC annual “Pray for our SBC trustees. They are Baptists to pray for leaders in transition, be the highest at a Southern meeting has not been that high since the accountable to the Lord and to our SBC search committees, that our respective sup- Baptist Convention (SBC) 2010 annual meeting in Orlando when the churches, not to the employees of the SBC porters will speak with grace and civility annual meeting since 2010, of cial count was 11,075. entities. Let them do their work as we pray. so we can leave Dallas revived, uni ed and according to an event coor- Topped with 5,000 to 6,000 invited “The Southern Baptist Convention needs focused on God’s kingdom.” Ddinator. SBC President Steve Gaines also guests, exhibitors and other participants, to- your help,” Gaines wrote. “God has al- Gaines retweeted both messages. The hopes it is the most prayed for annual meet- tal Dallas attendance could surpass 14,000. lowed us to live during such a time as this. original posts drew more than 1,000 likes ing in modern days. Let’s unite in Jesus Christ and come to- and were retweeted hundreds of times. Advance hotel reservations, which ended Messengers in attendance gether in Dallas and show a lost world that Gaines also is encouraging messengers May 14, were about 25 percent ahead At the 2017 annual meeting in Phoenix, we really do love Jesus, love each other and to the Dallas meeting to “dress casually” of reservations from 2017, said William 5,015 messengers were joined by 4,300 love them as well.” thanks to summer heat. Townes, SBC Executive Committee vice guests and exhibitors and others to total Both SBC presidential candidates also “Summer temperatures in Texas can run president for convention nance. 9,315 in attendance, Townes said. have issued a joint call for prayer, in the 90s and men should feel free not to “With less than a month remaining until When the SBC last convened in grace and civility. wear a necktie,” he said. “I hope this will our upcoming SBC annual meeting, we are Dallas in 1997 messenger regis- J.D. Greear (see story, page 8) make our annual meeting more enjoyable looking forward to a prayerful, deliberative, tration was 12,420. and Ken Hemphill (see story, page for all.” constructive and gracious gathering of our Since 2012 messenger registra- 9), both tapped as 2018 nominees Southern Baptist family in Dallas this sum- tion has  uctuated between 5,103 for SBC president, made the joint Hotel reservations mer,” Townes said. and 7,874. appeal as the International Mis- Anyone still needing housing for the Between 8,000 and 9,000 messengers Gaines, pastor of Bellevue Bap- sion Board and the SBC Executive annual meeting should make reservations could attend the meeting June 12–13 at the tist Church, Cordova, Tennessee, Committee are tasked with nding directly with Dallas area hotels. The Omni Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, said in a May 11 statement that new entity leaders. Dallas Hotel is the of cial convention hotel, he projected, based on current hotel reserva- Southern Baptists are at a pivotal “After speaking w/my friend @ located next to the Dallas convention center tions and advance messenger registrations. time. “In the very near future GAINES kenhemphill today, we’d like to at 650 South Grif n Street. we will elect a new president of call all Southern Baptists to act w/ Churches or bus operators bringing the SBC, the International Mission Board civility & integrity toward one another & to groups to the convention center should con- will elect a new president and the SBC join us in praying for the entity transitions tact Executive Committee meeting planner Going to the Executive Committee will also elect a new ahead & for the upcoming #SBC18 presi- Lynn Richmond at [email protected] for president. dential election,” tweeted Greear, pastor information on available bus parking and annual meeting? “For such a time as this, I’m asking all of the Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, passenger drop-off and pickup locations. Southern Baptists to do four things: North Carolina, on April 5. Child care is available but pre-registration Stay up-to-date “Pray for the SBC. Ultimately, our strug- is required and will be handled online at on activities with gle is not with people, but with Satan and Social media under the “chil- the SBC Annual demonic spirits (Eph. 6:12). We must stop Hemphill, an administrator at North dren/youth” tab. The deadline for registra- ghting one another and start ghting the Greenville University in Tigerville, South tion for most programs is when the space Meetings app. devil on our knees. Carolina, followed April 6 with another limitation of 125 children is reached. There Download the “Fast and pray 21 days for our SBC tweet: “In a phone conversation with friend will be no onsite registration. (Compiled meeting in Dallas. I call all Southern Bap- @jdgreear we agreed to invite Southern from Baptist Press articles) app on your tists to participate in a 21-day fast begin- mobile device ning Tuesday, May 22, through Monday, June 11. That will enable us to fast for 21 by accessing the days immediately prior to the SBC meeting App Store, Google Play or by that begins on Tuesday, June 12. Some can Ethnic breakdown of SBC committees visiting do a regular fast (liquids but no food). Most his year’s Committee on Resolu- committee is tasked with preparing and anyone can do some sort of partial fast. T tions may be “one of the most submitting resolutions to the conven- sbc_am2018. “Speak positively and constructively. ethnically diverse committees in the tion and recommending them for adop- This year’s preferred Every word we speak, in private or public history of the SBC,” according to con- tion. conversation, even on social media, should vention president Steve Gaines. The Committee on Committees and hashtag will be #SBC18. be Christlike and lled with grace. If any- Of the Resolutions Committee’s 10 the tellers each include 16 percent non- For more information, visit one reviles you do not respond in kind. Far members, four are African-American, Anglo members. The Credentials Com- better to be wronged than to participate in four Anglo, one Hispanic and one mittee includes a lower percentage of an ungodly exchange of words before a lost Asian. Two members are female. The non-Anglos (4 percent). (BP) world that is listening and watching. PAGE 8 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / MAY 24, 2018 2018 SBC PREVIEW Alabamians with nominated Q&A to serve ominees to serve on the Southern N Baptist Convention (SBC) Ex- J.D. Greear ecutive Committee, the four denomi- national boards — International Mis- sion Board, North American Mission Greear responds to Baptist state editors’ questions Board, LifeWay Christian Resources orth Carolina pastor J.D. Armstrong and Lottie Moon Offerings is a to the CP. (Obvious, but bears repeating.) and GuideStone Financial Resources Greear is one of two candi- powerful and proven method for supporting Second celebrate state conventions get- — the Ethics & Religious Liberty dates to be nominated for Great Commission work. ting money to the eld. (Southern Baptists Commission, the six seminaries and Southern Baptist Convention have many desires in their giving, but I the Committee on Order of Business (SBC) president in June. Bene ciary of the CP believe this is dearest to their hearts.) Third have been selected by the 2018 SBC NFlorida pastor Ken Whitten announced As a former International Mission Board encourage all forms of Great Commission Committee on Nominations. Greear’s nomination for SBC president Jan. missionary and a two-time seminary gradu- giving. We do not, of course, want to foster Nominees will serve if elected by 29. ate, I have been the bene ciary of the CP in a societal approach, but we need to allow the messengers to the annual meeting The new SBC president will succeed multiple ways. churches freedom in engaging. of the Southern Baptist Convention on Memphis-area pastor Steve Gaines, who In recent years our church has increas- Q: What are some ways relationships June 12–13 in Dallas. was elected to the rst of two one-year ingly gotten involved in giving and we between SBC entities can be improved or Alabama Baptists nominated: presidential terms in 2016. only plan for that to continue. We want to strengthened? Executive Committee — Phyllis During the 16 years Greear has pastored call a new generation of Southern Baptist A: All backbiting and cynicism has to S. Ingram, Montgomery, and Neal The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, churches, similarly, to rise up and engage in stop. We are one people with a gospel too Hughes, Montgomery, terms expiring North Carolina, worship attendance has cooperative mission and giving. great and a mission too urgent to focus on in 2022. grown from 610 in 2002 to just under Institutions like the CP and the entities petty differences or territorialism between GuideStone Financial Resources 10,000, according to statistics they support enable our missions ourselves. — Nominated for a second term, Da- available through the SBC’s An- efforts to have staying power and Each entity should look at itself as the vid S. Puckett, Birmingham. nual Church Pro le. Total bap- they should be important to all servant of the others and most of all as ser- International Mission Board — tisms increased from 19 in 2002 Southern Baptists. vant of the mission. Practically, this means Nominated for a second term, Cecil to 631 in 2017 at the church’s nine Q: What are some lessons we give each other the bene t of the doubt, M. Sanders Jr., Headland. campuses. Southern Baptist churches in the assume the best in one another and extend North American Mission Board — The Summit has planted 248 South can learn — and possibly grace just as Christ did with us. Nominated for a second term, Charles churches to date, including 208 apply to their ministries — from M. (Danny) Wood, Birmingham. outside the U.S., with a goal of congregations outside of that Trustee boards LifeWay Christian Resources — starting 1,000 churches in 50 region in more pioneer or un- Trustee boards should allow appointed Benjamin D. Posey, Kinston, term years, according to North Caro- reached areas of the country? leaders the freedom to lead, but those lead- expiring in 2022. GREEAR lina’s Biblical Recorder paper. A: Baptisms are down in the ers should lead transparently and in submis- Southern Seminary — Bradley M. Greear responded to six ques- SBC, especially in the Southeast, sion to the oversight of those boards. Rushing, Dothan, term expiring in tions from Baptist Press (BP) and Baptist where the population is growing the fastest. Our trustee boards are there to offer coun- 2023. state editors. BP requested each candidate to The answer isn’t to be found in circling the sel, to manage crises and, at times, to put New Orleans Seminary — Braden respond within 150 words. wagons. It’s to remember that God founded on the brakes or redirect the focus. In other W. Mims, Thomasville, term expiring Here are Greear’s responses: every church with sending in mind. words, boards should hold the entity heads in 2023. (BP) Q: What are some speci c ways you Many churches in the SBC have devolved accountable but let them lead the charge in would like to help bridge possible theologi- from missions outposts to maintenance mission. cal and generational differences in the facilities, and as such they have lost the Q: In the wake of the #MeToo move- SBC that Southern Baptists have expressed presence and power of Jesus. Jesus said, “If ment and numerous sex-related scandals concerns about in recent years? any serves Me, where I am, there he will that have impacted our nation, including Committee on A: The basis of our unity in the SBC has be also” (paraphrase of John 12:26). Jesus Southern Baptist churches and leaders, always been the gospel and beyond that, the is seeking and saving the lost. Churches what are some ways congregations can bet- Resolutions named Baptist Faith and Message (BF&M). It’s in frontier regions naturally live there; all ter respond to these issues and minister to ason Duesing, of Missouri, has what the messengers have seen t, under the churches should return to that. those affected? been named chairman of the Com- direction of the Holy Spirit, to establish as This also is where the distinction between A: First we must understand that some J mittee on Resolutions for the June the parameters of our cooperation. smaller and larger churches becomes insig- actions are not only immoral but also illegal. ni cant. Smaller churches often reach peo- In such cases, rebuking the immorality is 12–13 Southern Baptist Convention Basis of unity ple in frontier areas more effectively than not enough; we need to involve law enforce- (SBC) annual meeting in Dallas. Every word taught in Scripture is impor- big ones. Most of the churches in the New ment. Our government structures, Paul says, According to SBC Bylaw 20, tant, but we have set the BF&M 2000 as the Testament, for instance, were smaller, but are appointed by God to keep the peace and proposed resolutions may be submit- basis of our unity and I believe that should the impact they made for the Great Commis- we should submit to them. ted as early as April 15 but no later be our guide. Whenever we let secondary or sion was nothing short of miraculous. Second we need to become as skilled in than 15 days prior to the SBC annual tertiary doctrines, cultural customs or wor- Q: What would you suggest should be applying the gospel to suffering as we are to meeting. ship preferences distract or divide us, the changed across the convention within the sin. We must learn to listen, to seek counsel Resolutions may not be submitted devil wins and evangelism loses. next two to three years to ensure growth? and to ght to protect the vulnerable in our during the annual meeting. Proposed Q: Please describe why you believe sup- A: We need (1) to focus again on the pri- ocks. resolutions should be submitted by port for the Cooperative Program (CP), ority of the gospel as the basis of our unity Third we should mention the experience email or mailed to the Committee on Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and An- and evangelism as our mission; (2) to make of abuse in our teaching. When we don’t Resolutions in care of the SBC Ex- nie Armstrong Easter Offering is vital to way for ethnic leaders to lead us in reach- mention experiences like sexual abuse, ecutive Committee, 901 Commerce Southern Baptists’ mission and vision. ing a changing demographic; (3) to make it we indirectly communicate, “The gospel St., Nashville, TN 37203. A: Cooperation between churches for the easy for churches to get involved in church doesn’t apply here.” The drafts must be typewritten, sake of missions is why the convention ex- planting, here and abroad; (4) to mobilize Fourth we must insist on the highest stan- titled, dated and include complete ists and that cooperation has enabled South- a generation of college students to live on dards of transparency and accountability. contact information of the author and ern Baptists to produce more church plant- mission; and (5) to increase involvement in Things that grow in a secret garden always his or her church, as well as a letter ers, more missionaries and more seminary the CP. grow mutant! must be wise in not from the church stating the submitter graduates than any other group in America. We can increase CP involvement in three putting themselves in tempting or compro- is a member in good standing. (BP) Cooperative giving through the CP, Annie ways. First call for churches to give more mising situations. (BP) MAY 24, 2018 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / PAGE 9 2018 SBC PREVIEW

Q&A with Ken Hemphill SBC presidential nominee Hemphill responds to Baptist state editors’ questions niversity administrator and Q: Please describe why you believe sup- the singular mandate of the Great Commis- when we sit down together, discuss issues, former seminary president port for the Cooperative Program (CP), sion — to make disciples. This requires go- pray and work for a solution. We must re- Ken Hemphill is one of two Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and An- ing (evangelizing), baptizing (congregation- learn the art of “pulling for each other.” candidates to be nominated nie Armstrong Easter Offering is vital to alizing) and teaching (disciple making). We need to work to establish situations for Southern Baptist Conven- Southern Baptists’ mission and vision. History shows that when our convention that produce “win-win” outcomes. As Ution (SBC) president in June. A: This is a key issue that motivated me loses its laser-like focus on the Great Com- Scripture indicates, when one member suf- A coalition of Southern Baptists an- to become a candidate. mission we lose ground. fers we all suffer together and when one nounced the nomination Feb. 1 via a Bap- First establishing the budget requires We must regain our Kingdom focus. We succeeds we all succeed. tist state paper. cooperation at every level of SBC life. It are called to be a royal priesthood (Ex. SBC entities must be transparent and re- The new SBC president will succeed is ne-tuned by the Executive Committee 19:4–6), representing the King and advanc- sponsive to its constituents. Memphis-area pastor Steve Gaines, who and approved by messengers at ing His kingdom to all peoples Q: In the wake of the #MeToo move- was elected to the rst of two one-year the annual convention. A church’s before His triumphal return. ment and numerous sex-related scandals presidential terms in 2016. nonrestricted gift through CP Our goal is far larger than that have impacted our nation, including Hemphill was president of Southwestern should be the norm for the sake of growing our church or even our Southern Baptist churches and leaders, Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, budgeting and planning. convention. We must regain the what are some ways congregations can Texas, from 1994 to 2003 and national Second cooperative giving is high ground of being a people on better respond to these issues and minister strategist from 2003 to 2011 for the SBC’s a biblical approach to funding mission with God. That means to those affected? Empowering Kingdom Growth (EKG) em- missions by churches who work some of our personal preferences A: We must rst teach biblical holiness as phasis. together for Kingdom-sized goals. must be put aside as we renew a positive alternative to the world’s obses- Hemphill now serves as special assis- As a funding mechanism for sup- our minds — a Kingdom mindset sion with sexual permissiveness. We must tant to the president for denominational porting missions, it has absolutely through churches, associations, provide biblical teaching that the body relations at North Greenville University no peer in Christian history. HEMPHILL state conventions and SBC mis- belongs to the Lord and is a temple of the in Tigerville, South Carolina. Hemphill Third CP giving and our mis- sions and ministries. We need to also has pastored churches in Kentucky sions offerings allow every church of every revitalize the role of state convention evan- Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19–20). and Virginia and led the Home Mission size to be an equal partner in the ministries gelism director, invest more in campus min- Safety and security Board’s (now the North American Mis- of the state and national convention. Per- istries, utilize gifted evangelists and restore We must train church leaders concerning sion Board) Southern Baptist Center for centage giving is not measured by the size a passion for soul-winning. the importance of safety and security. Such Church Growth in the early 1990s. of the gift but the size of the sacri ce. We Q: What are some ways relationships Hemphill responded to six questions must celebrate percentage giving rather than between SBC entities can be improved or measures include adopting strong policies, from Baptist Press (BP) and Baptist state actual dollars given by a particular church. strengthened? properly reporting and taking seriously the editors. BP requested each candidate to re- Q: What are some lessons Southern A: There is a “hermeneutic of suspicion” claims of those indicating abuse. spond within 150 words. Baptist churches in the South can learn in our culture today and it impacts the Churches should create accountability Here are Hemphill’s responses: — and possibly apply to their ministries — Christian community and our ability to co- groups where a mentor or a mature friend Q: What are some speci c ways you from congregations outside of that region operate. has permission to ask the hard questions would like to help bridge possible theo- in more pioneer or unreached areas of the We must repent of critical attitudes and about what we are listening to, reading and logical and generational differences in country? rhetoric that damage our ability to work watching. the SBC that Southern Baptists have ex- A: I have been privileged to speak in together for the Kingdom. We must learn The sexual abuse of women and children pressed concerns about in recent years? many new-work areas and have learned far again to operate based on the principle of should never be tolerated or left unpun- A: In order to bridge any “potential” bar- more than I have ever imparted. love which chooses to believe the best and ished. When church leaders/members are riers to fellowship and mutual cooperation, First we can learn the importance of refuses to judge motives. guilty, action needs to be swift and decisive. we must restore trust and civility in our con- working together on those things that facili- When you have a valid criticism, express If someone experiences moral failure, versations about each other. Social media tate gospel encounters. it with kindness with a view to nding help- the Church must respond with biblical gives everyone instant access to unfettered In this same vein, they teach us how to ful solutions. We must restore trust because discipline that has as its ultimate goal the means of sharing opinions on everything. build relationships and share the story of Je- cooperation is impossible without trust. restoration to fellowship of the repentant of- sus with persons with little exposure to the Trust and mutual care can only happen fender (2 Cor. 2:7–8). (BP) Biblical standards gospel or Southern Baptists. The internet is an effective tool of com- Also, we can learn from them how to do munication, but it must be self-monitored much with so little. Few of these churches by biblical standards such as “speak the have full-time or multiple staff members Two Alabama preachers to be featured truth in love” (Eph. 4:15) and avoiding un- and many of our smaller state conventions wo Alabama preachers are among Charles said all the speakers — who are wholesome words and speaking for edi ca- no longer have the equipping resources they the diverse speakers at the June 10– tion (Eph. 4:29). once had, therefore they teach us to rely T black, white and Hispanic — illustrate Second we must provide opportunities for upon the Lord and to work with others. 11 Southern Baptist Convention Pastors that “God uses different persons, differ- listening and discussing theological, racial Because they understand the crucial na- Conference in Dallas. ent personalities and different or generational differences. Local associa- ture of working together, these new-work Robert Smith, the Charles T. For more backgrounds.” Carter Baptist Chair of Divinity tions and state conventions can play a vital churches are often very generous in their information, “My rst concern was that at Samford University’s Beeson these men ... are faithful preach- role in bringing together diverse groups of cooperative giving. They teach us percent- visit people for fellowship, respectful discussion age giving has greater value than at-lined Divinity School in Birmingham, ers ... (who) rightly handle the and prayer. We must avoid labeling faithful dollar amounts. and Daven Watkins, pastor of Word of Truth,” Charles said. Southern Baptists. Q: What would you suggest should be First Baptist Church, Pelham, are both The conference will center on the Third our structure at every level of our changed across the convention within the preaching Monday, June 11. Smith closes theme “Ful ll Your Ministry!” and ex- convention must reect and celebrate our next two to three years to ensure growth? out the afternoon session and Watkins hort pastors and other ministers to nish racial and generational diversity while A: Let’s be clear! The Lord builds His opens up the evening session. strong in their callings, according to maintaining our core spiritual and theologi- church (Matt. 16:18). He uses human in- Pastors Conference President H.B. Charles. (TAB, BP) cal convictions. struments and expects all of us to engage in PAGE 10 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / MAY 24, 2018 2018 SBC PREVIEW ‘I ask for the National WMU meeting changes format ational Woman’s Mis- forgiveness N sionary Union (WMU) leaders are changing the of all women’ routine missions celebration and annual meeting up a bit to offer unique experiences Gaines addresses issues regarding Patterson controversy in Dallas. This year’s program BC President Steve Gaines on the improper. While I love him and appreciate him, that selected Dr. Patterson to preach the 2018 centers on the theme “Un- Patterson controversy: I disagree with what he said. Preachers should Convention Sermon. There are only two sce- shakable Pursuit,” which I want to address the issues re- never refer to women in any way that could be narios in which Dr. Patterson will not preach also is the name of a 30-day garding comments made by one of considered demeaning. SBC pastors must do the Convention Sermon: 1) the messengers of devotional by Alabama Bap- our seminary presidents, Dr. Paige everything we can to protect all women from the SBC vote at the annual meeting in Dallas tist Grace Thornton set to SPatterson. I praise God for the leadership he being subjected to any form of abuse. for him not to do so, or 2) Dr. Patterson person- release in June. gave to the SBC during the Conservative Re- On behalf of the SBC, I ask for the forgive- ally withdraws from that responsibility. In ei- WMU general sessions surgence. I am also grateful for his ness of all women who have been hurt ther case, the alternate preacher, Dr. Kie Bow- will be Sunday, June 10, at leadership at my alma mater, South- by these comments and the issue of ill man, would preach the Convention Sermon. Eddie Deen’s Ranch begin- western Baptist Theological Semi- treatment of women within churches SBC trustees ning at 3 p.m.; and Mon- nary. I have talked with him in person in particular. I believe we should es- day, June 11, at the Bruton and by phone regarding his com- teem and regard women in the same Some have asked how our SBC process Theatre in the Kay Bailey ments and told him that I disagree way Jesus did during His earthly min- functions regarding SBC entity heads and to Hutchison Convention Cen- with the counsel he gave to a woman istry. Women are created in the image whom they are accountable. All SBC employ- ter at 7 p.m. who was married to an abusive hus- of God and are of great value and ees, including presidents, answer ultimately to band. I personally believe that if a worth. The church especially is no their respective trustee boards. SBC trustees Sessions husband abuses his wife physically, place for misogyny or disrespect for are elected by and accountable to the SBC In addition to general ses- the wife should immediately: 1) anyone. This year marks the 100th an- churches, not to the entity heads. SBC mes- PATTERSON sions, there are three mis- notify the police and follow their in- niversary of women being messengers sengers from our churches elect all SBC trust- sions experiences available structions, 2) remove herself and her to the SBC annual meeting. It is my ees at our annual conventions. Ultimately, the on Monday: children physically from the abusive husband prayer that this year will also mark a renewed trustees have the right to decide all matters 1. Conferences — Dy- under the protection of police for her safety and commitment to honoring women and their con- regarding any SBC entity, including matters namic small-group breakout 3) notify the family’s pastor so the church can tributions to our churches and convention. related to any entity president. The trustees sessions on a variety of top- engage in church discipline toward the abuser. Some have called for me to stop Dr. Patter- alone are invested with ultimate authority by ics will be offered at 9 a.m., The church should also seek to come alongside son from preaching the Convention Sermon in the SBC. (BP) 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. the woman and help her in any way possible to Dallas. The SBC president does not have the These will take place in the ensure her protection and care. authority to make that decision. Neither does EDITOR’S NOTE — This is an excerpt from convention center on the Regarding Dr. Patterson’s more recent re- the SBC Committee on Order of Business. It a May 11 statement Steve Gaines provided to rst level/ground in Lobby marks about a teenage girl, I believe they were was the messengers of the 2017 SBC meeting Baptist Press. C. Thornton will lead breakout sessions on the theme during this time. ALL ALUMNI AND FRIENDS 2. Refugee Simulation Alabamians to serve — Gain an understanding OF SAMFORD UNIVERSITY ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE about the plight of refugees at annual meeting and ways you can minister as you explore the refugee labama Baptists will be repre- simulation in the SBC A sented in various roles throughout Exhibit Hall, presented in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) partnership with the Inter- annual meeting in Dallas. Alumni & Friends Reception national Mission Board, Greg Hyche, pastor of Ladonia Bap- at the annual meeting of the North American Mission tist Church, Phenix City, is chairing the SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION Board and Baptist Global credentials committee. Chad Burdette, Response. pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church, 3. Tour Area Minis- Ranburne, and Tim Cox, pastor of Lib- try Sites — Learn more erty Baptist Church, Chelsea, will serve WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 / 2 P.M. about missions efforts in on the Committee on Committees. Dallas and make an im- Representatives from University of Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center / Room C143 pact through serving and Mobile and Shocco Springs Baptist Dallas, Texas prayerwalking area ministry Conference Center in Talladega will be sites; roundtrip transpor- among the hundreds of booths in the tation from the conven- exhibit hall. Joe Hopkins, Kevin Blackwell, Gary Fenton and Scott Guf n tion center is provided. Samford University representatives will provide updates related to Samford. Along with coffee Preregistration is required are hosting an alumni and friends recep- and a variety of desserts, everyone who attends will receive a gift. at https://form.jotform. tion (see information, this page). com/80384152958161. Rick Lance, executive director of the There is a registration fee Alabama Baptist State Board of Mis- The event is complimentary for Sunday activities and a sions, is leading the Tuesday evening but registering will assist with preparing for the event. minimal fee for the tours. closing prayer. And several top-level For more information, visit SBC leaders on the program have ties to and type “annual Alabama, including SBC President Steve PLEASE RSVP AT ALUMNI.SAMFORD.EDU. meeting” in the search eld. Gaines. (TAB) (WMU, TAB) MAY 24, 2018 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / PAGE 11 Baylor names top preachers ony Evans and Andy Stan- teria that included their selection ogy in Atlanta and who in 2014 T ley are among 12 pastors of biblical texts, the relevance of was named to Time magazine’s list recognized by Baylor University their sermons and their ability to of the 100 most in uential people in Waco, Texas, as 2017’s most deliver them in language people in the world. effective preachers in the English- can understand. The other eight are, in alphabeti- speaking world. cal order: Alistair Begg, pastor of The dozen preachers who Baptists on the list Parkside Church, Cleveland; Tony Anis A. Shorrosh made the list of 11 men and one The list was released May 1. Evans, founding pastor of Oak Baptist evangelist, speaker, apologist dies woman are academics, pastors Baylor last produced such a survey Cliff Bible Fellowship, Dallas; nis A. Shorrosh, longtime Alabama Baptist evangelist, speak- and authors. They were chosen by in 1996. Four names appear on Joel C. Gregory of Baylor’s Truett A er and apologist, died May 13. He was 85. scholars of homiletics, or the art both lists: Thomas G. Long, emeri- Theological Seminary and a mem- Shorrosh served as a pastor in Jordan from of preaching, from a list of nearly tus preaching professor at Candler ber of the Baptist World Alliance 1959 to 1966. He then served for 50 years as 800 nominees. School of Theology in Atlanta and Commission on Worship and Spiri- an international evangelist in more than 80 “In a world where talk is cheap author of “The Witness of Preach- tuality; Timothy Keller, founding countries and authored 10 books. Shorrosh’s and there seems to be no end to ing”; the late Haddon Robinson, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian ministry, the Anis Shorrosh Evangelistic As- it, the preacher has to recover the former president at Gordon- Church, New York City; Otis sociation, focused on reaching out to Muslims priority and power of the Word,” Conwell Theological Seminary Moss III, pastor of Trinity United and Christians worldwide. said W. Hulitt Gloer, director of in Boston and author of “Biblical Church of Christ, Chicago; John He held degrees from New Orleans Semi- the Kyle Lake Center for Effective Preaching”; Charles Swindoll, Piper, chancellor of Bethlehem nary; Luther Rice Seminary in Lithonia, Preaching at Baylor’s Truett Theo- pastor of Stonebriar Community College and Seminary in Minne- Georgia; and Oxford Graduate School in Day- logical Seminary. Church, Frisco, Texas; and Bar- apolis and leader of DesiringGod. SHORROSH ton, Tennessee. “Words are the tools of the bara Brown Taylor, an Episcopal org; Andy Stanley, pastor of North Shorrosh was preceded in death by his son, preacher and that gives them in- priest, author and theologian who Point Community Church, Atlanta; Steven. He is survived by his wife, Nell; three children; seven credible power,” Gloer added. has served as a faculty member at Ralph Douglas West, founder and grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. (TAB) Nominees were judged on how institutions including Mercer Uni- pastor of The Church Without much their preaching matched cri- versity’s McAfee School of Theol- Walls, Houston. (RNS) TAB CLASSIFIEDS TAB For information on pricing or placing a classified ad, contact the advertising department of The Alabama Baptist AR at 205-870-4720, ext. 102, or [email protected]. Copy deadline is two weeks before publication. CHURCH POSITIONS FULL-TIME WORSHIP experience required, graduate NEED A NEW CHURCH (augmented reality) PASTOR study preferred. Web www.efbc. SIGN? PASTOR The worship pastor will be org/jobs. Submit resumés to: Reliable Sign Services — a Chris- responsible for providing pastoral childrensministersearch@efbc. Download the New Haven Baptist, Anniston, tian operated, full service, lighted 1 Alabama, is looking for a pastor. leadership to the worship org. sign company located in Pelham, HP Reveal app Send resumés to: 100 New Ha- ministry at Farmstead Baptist Alabama, for 23 years — is from your app store. ven Rd., Anniston, AL 36201, Church. The worship pastor will OTHER POSITIONS ready to help you expand your [email protected], fax: be responsible for assisting the church sign ministry. From digital 256-237-2604. church in planning, conducting EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR message boards to traditional Tap the [ ] icon and evaluating music and will OF MISSIONS signs, Reliable Signs will design, 2 at the bottom of PASTOR lead a dynamic blended worship The Birmingham Baptist Asso- fabricate and install statewide. Camellia Baptist Church, 201 service during Sunday morning, ciation is a network of biblically 1-800- the screen. Sunday night, Wednesday night Woodvale Rd., Prattville, AL faithful churches building one 729-6844 or 205-664-0955. 36067 prayerfully seeking God’s and various other services. The another up and working together You will see choice for a full-time pastor. Re- worship pastor must be a self- to fulfill the Great Commission starter, have strong organization TRAVEL/VACATION 3 pulsating dots, sumés with photo may be mailed and the Great Commandment skills, be able to conduct a choir of Jesus Christ. The executive ATTN: Pastor/Search. www. LOG CABIN RENTAL which indicate and lead in congregational director of missions provides Lake Guntersville area, beauti- the app is searching for worship. The church currently visionary leadership for the asso- ful view and fully furnished. BIVOCATIONAL PASTOR averages approximately 325 ciation staff, its ministries and its a target. Once it finds Discounts to ministers. Log on a target the dots will Johntown Baptist Church is in worship attendance. Please financial support. The executive prayerfully seeking a bivocational send resumés to: belindaksmith@ director of missions should be an to to see turn to a bull’s-eye. The pastor. Send resumé to: Pastor or mail resumés to: effective communicator of the pictures. Call for reservations at bull’s-eye will remain Search Committee, Johntown Farmstead Baptist Church, 265 gospel who is able to work with 205-540-3600. Baptist Church, 5201 Vance Curry Hwy, Jasper, AL 35503. leaders from churches of various until the augmented AFFORDABLE BEACHSIDE Rd., West Blocton AL 35184. sizes and settings. The ability to CONDOS reality image loads. STUDENT MINISTER represent the association among Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, ASSOCIATE PASTOR Full-time student minister posi- other city leaders is vital. Resu- Alabama. Rent direct from FOR WORSHIP & MUSIC tion available at First Baptist més can be submitted to: Greg Look for The Church, Alexander City, AL Concord Baptist Church, a Corbin, 2865 Old Rocky Ridge Christian family owners. Lowest 4 Alabama Baptist 35010. Please send resumé to: vibrant and growing church in Rd., Birmingham, AL 35243, or prices on the beach for over 25 [email protected]. (TAB) augmented Anderson, S.C., is seeking an [email protected]. years! Call Donna 251-656- associate pastor for worship and 4935, Eddie 205-556-0368, reality logo (example YOUTH PASTOR music. This person must have Don 251-752-2366 or www. shown above). Hold Raimund Heights Baptist Church BUSINESS your device over the the calling, gifting, training and in Bessemer is looking for a part- heart to lead a large and diverse time youth pastor to work with ELROD MOBILITY — GREAT logo and watch the ministry of worship. We are a small group of young people. PRICES FOR SALE paper come to life. excited about our future! For a Send email with resumé to: Stair-lifts, walk-in tubs, lift-chairs job description and/or to submit [email protected]. and lightweight take-apart CEMETERY LOTS a resumé/profile please contact scooters. Saving people a lot of Two cemetery lots, Southern Each week when [email protected]. MINISTER/DIRECTOR money on walk-in tubs, stair-lifts Heritage, double bronze marker, 5 TAB arrives, open Please also visit concordbaptist. CHILDREN & FAMILIES and showers. Our lift-chairs and Stonewall Jackson Phase the app and watch com for more information about Easley FBC, Easley, S.C., looking scooters are near internet pric- Two, block 16, space 3 and 4. our congregation. Resumés will for a minister/director to children ing. A+ rating with BBB. We ser- $13,000 value but selling for the paper come to life. be received until the end of May. and families. 4-year degree/ vice Alabama. 1-800-682-0658. $9,500. Call 205-408-0687. PAGE 12 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / MAY 24, 2018

Baptist entities defend housing allowance WASHINGTON — Two Southern Baptist entities have urged Trump hopes to protect in Southeastern Pennsylvania, serve as pastor of Central As- a federal appeals court to uphold the constitutionality of the which includes Philadelphia. On sembly, a  agship church of the ministerial housing allowance. religious liberty May 6 delegates voted for Viviane denomination in Spring eld, Mis- GuideStone Financial Resources and the Ethics & Religious WASHINGTON — President Thomas-Breitfeld, a pastor in Be- souri. Liberty Commission signed on to a friend-of-the-court brief Trump signed an executive order loit, Wisconsin, to become bishop- Barrett, 58, who was a paralegal led April 26 that asks the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in May 3 intended to protect reli- elect for the South-Central Synod before pursuing the ministry, has Chicago to reverse a lower court decision invalidating the ex- gious liberty, according to the of Wisconsin. been an Assemblies of God min- emption. White House. The votes mark an inclusive ister since 1988 and has served in In October federal Judge Barbara Crabb of Wisconsin ruled Trump signed the order in a step forward for the “most white” state and national organizations the allowance is an unconstitutional violation of the First Rose Garden ceremony for the of the nation’s mainline Protestant of the world’s largest Pentecostal Amendment clause that prohibits a government establishment National Day of Prayer. The order denominations, according to Pre- denomination. The religious body of religion. It is the second time in four years Crabb ruled changes the name of the faith- siding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. claims 3.2 million U.S. adherents against the allowance. The Seventh Circuit Court, which overruled Crabb’s original based of ce to the White House With 3.5 million members, and 68 million worldwide. (RNS) opinion in 2014, will decide on a section of a 1954 law that Faith and Opportunity Initiative, ELCA is the largest Lutheran de- permits “ministers of the gospel” to exclude for federal income dropping the words “community” nomination in the U.S. It encom- Iowa ‘heartbeat ban’ tax purposes a portion or all of their gross income as a housing and “neighborhood” that had been passes about 9,300 congregations, bill becomes law part of the of ce’s mandate under allowance. The lawsuit does not affect the part of the law that which are grouped together in 65 DES MOINES, Iowa — Iowa the George W. Bush and Barack enables tax-free use of a parsonage or other home owned by a regional synods. (RNS) Gov. Kim Reynolds signed into Obama administrations. Bush church or other religious body. (BP) law the nation’s strictest abortion began the of ce to get religious ban May 4. groups more involved in providing Assemblies of God CP giving 4.45 percent ahead of projection Under the “heartbeat ban” law, federally funded social services. NASHVILLE — Year-to-date contributions to Southern elects rst female exec. physicians will be barred from Trump said the of ce will Baptist Convention (SBC) national and international missions SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — The performing most abortions after a “help ensure that faith-based and ministries received by the SBC Executive Committee (EC) top U.S. board of the Assemblies fetal heartbeat is detected. Experts organizations have equal access of God has unanimously elected are 4.45 percent above the year-to-date budgeted projection said that heartbeat can be heard and 1.85 percent above contributions to government funding and the its rst woman general secretary about six weeks into a pregnancy received during the same time frame equal right to exercise their deeply in the Pentecostal denomination’s — often before a woman realizes in 2017, according to a news re- held beliefs.” Critics, including more than 100-year history. she’s pregnant, The Des Moines lease from D. August Boto, EC Americans United for Separation Donna L. Barrett, lead pastor of Register reported. interim president and executive of Church and State, say the ex- an Independence, Ohio, church, The law will take effect July ecutive order protects evangelical vice president for convention will ll the unexpired term of 1. Planned Parenthood of the policy. Christians while adding potential James T. Bradford, the denomina- Heartland and the American Civil new barriers to women, homo- As of April 30 gifts received tion announced April 23. Bradford Liberties Union of Iowa said they for distribution through the Cooperative Program Allocation sexuals and members of minority resigned earlier this month to plan to challenge the law. (TAB) religious groups. (TAB) Budget through the rst seven months of the convention’s scal year totaled $116,986,524.22. Lutheran Church makes This total is $4,986,524.22 above the $112 million year- historic appointments to-date budgeted amount to support SBC ministries globally and across North America and is $2,123,411.63 more than the PHILADELPHIA — A synod of $114,863,112.59 received through the end of April 2017. (BP) the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) made history Stanley prioritizes interdenominational unity May 5 by electing the denomina- ATLANTA — In remarks at the Orange Conference North tion’s rst female African-Ameri- Point Community Church, Pastor Andy Stanley suggested can bishop. One day later a synod church unity is more important than “theological correctness.” 900 miles away elected the second. Stanley’s comments centered on John 17 and Stanley said he Delegates chose Patricia A. found it signi cant that the focus of Jesus’ prayer was for the Davenport for the of ce of bishop disciples to be one, according to The Christian Post. Stanley told the 8,000 attendees that it is “mission critical” that Chris- tians of different denominations be “one” in their mission. Theological arguments like how communion should be served or if babies should be baptized are secondary to believ- ing in Jesus Christ, Stanley said. (TAB) MAY 24, 2018 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / PAGE 13

Baptist Global Response is organizing relief efforts to help starving families trapped in Venezuela’s current economic crisis. Dire situation Venezuela’s economic crisis prompts BGR relief aptist Global Response from 112 percent in 2015 to 2,400 (BGR) is organiz- percent in 2017. In 2018 it’s ex- ing relief efforts to pected to hit ve-digits. B help starving families Brian Ehrenheim, an Inter- IMB photo trapped in Venezuela’s current national Mission Board worker economic crisis. based in Colom- come dif cult for both young and age person’s monthly salary. hardships their own families face. The country’s bia, has talked old across all economic classes. The project, he hopes, also will Many are maintaining aid pro- economic out- For more information with several Ven- “Healthy babies are dying of help prevent Venezuelans from grams as best they can and they’re put is expected or to learn how you ezuelan believers malnutrition,” he said. “It’s not taking desperate measures to pro- demonstrating God’s love when- to shrink by 15 can help, visit GoBGR. while organizing because they have any diseases vide for their families. ever possible. percent this year, org/Venezuela. a relief project in or sicknesses or anything like But they need support and which would be collaboration with that. It’s just that they don’t have Last resort prayer. BGR asks Southern Bap- the third consecu- BGR. In a Skype formula. They don’t have food. “To get food or whatever money tists to pray for Venezuela as it tive year it has decreased by dou- interview, he said the situation has They’re just dying of starvation (they) can, people are resorting faces hunger and desperation and ble digits, Forbes reported. And become dire and he’s heard reports and malnutrition.” to things that, I imagine, they to pray for the believers who strive ination has reportedly grown of desperate need. Life has be- Ehrenheim’s project will pro- wouldn’t normally do — speci - to share God’s hope in the midst of vide boxes of food staples such cally drug-traf cking and prostitu- turmoil. (BP) as beans, meat and cheese, along tion,” Ehrenheim said. with hygiene and cleaning prod- The good news, he said, is that EDITOR’S NOTE — Brian’s ucts, to families in need. The funds local believers are still caring for name has been changed for secu- for the project will come from their communities despite the rity reasons. Global Hunger Relief, a Southern Baptist initiative formerly known as the World Hunger Fund. BGR, “Healthy babies are dying of malnutrition. a Southern Baptist humanitarian aid organization, will facilitate the It’s not because they have any diseases project. The resulting aid will help alleviate at least some of the need or sicknesses or anything like that.” in a country, Ehrenheim noted, where a carton of 30 eggs now Brian Ehrenheim, International Mission Board worker costs about two-thirds of an aver-

Then somehow I began to They told me there were no read the Bible study that came in magic words when I wanted my email every day. I had been to talk to Jesus — just talk. He talking to my pastor at the time, would be there and He would JESUS Brother Leonard Hill, as well as be listening. So that night, anyone else that would talk to me while sobbing with my broken Sto about salvation, and as soon as I heart, I slid out of that comput- By Jenni Ingram opened the study I began to cry. er chair to my knees and cried Member, First Baptist Church, Gantt The study was based on Matthew out to Jesus. can remember the night 11:28–30: “Come to Me, all you After a lengthy discussion I that I surrendered my life to who are weary and burdened, and with my Father, I felt a peace Jesus as if it were last night. I I will give you rest. Take My yoke descend upon me. This, I real- remember sitting at the com- upon you and learn from Me, for I ize now, was the Holy Spirit, puter in the wee hours of the am gentle and humble in heart and the Comforter, coming to me. I morning, playing a game and you will nd rest for your souls. openly received God’s gift and thinking about all of the tri- For My yoke is easy and My bur- God’s grace. als my little family was going den is light.” Will you consider letting through. I remember my heart Weary and burdened? Oh yes, Jesus come into your heart? He starting to beat really fast and Lord, that was me. Then I re- knows, He’s ready, He’s will- getting hot (this was October, membered what my husband and ing and He’s crying out to you folks). Brother Leonard had told me. for repentance. PAGE 14 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / MAY 24, 2018


Explore the Bible By Robert L. Olsen, Ph.D. Bible Studies for Life By James Riley Strange, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Christian Studies, University of Mobile Associate Professor of New Testament, Samford University

FINDING STRENGTH Paul is going to take disciplinary action to KEEP STANDING place. Remember Ahasuerus cares nothing 2 Corinthians 12:7b–10; 13:2–8 deal with those who are sinning within the Esther 8:1–8; 9:20–22 for either the Jews or for morals, for he Church. allowed Haman to order their wholesale Paul’s Weakness (12:7b–10) Church discipline is something that is Today we reach the culmination of the execution. Likewise the permission he The Corinthian believers had been seldom seen in Baptist churches today but Book of Esther, in which the plot to kill all grants Esther and Mordecai to write a new boasting about visions and revelations, used to be an important aspect of Baptist Jews in Persia is resolved and a new fes- edict also has nothing to do with a newly which Paul found to be foolish. church life. tival, “Purim,” is established. Read all of acquired moral compass for now he read- In this section Paul shows the Corinthi- One important function of fellowship chapters 8 and 9 to understand the context. ily agrees to a slaughter that will end with ans that he has had visions as well and he is to confront sin. If the sinner refuses to The enthusiasm of the Jews’ celebration the death of 75,000 Persians. also can boast in what the Lord has shown repent, then action needs to be taken. Jesus is justied in light of the possible catastro- Note that he gives Esther and Mordecai him. The boasting about visions is fool- lays this out in Matthew 18, where church phe they faced. But they also make merry the authority to “write as you please with ish because it is not dependent upon the discipline is carried out for the benet of after slaughtering some 75,000 human regard to the Jews.” And they do. Here is person who has the vision but on God who the church and the sinner. beings. Is that what God wants? The story where, through the lens of Jesus’ teachings gives the visions. Because of the serious nature of this therefore invites us to prayerfully consider about how to treat enemies (Matt. 5:44) — However, for Paul, with his visions procedure and because of the confronta- what is right and good for God’s people to and Paul’s interpretation of them (Rom. came a thorn in the esh from Satan. This tional aspect, many churches forgo this do and to celebrate doing. It encourages us thorn in the esh kept him from boasting. 12:14–21) — we question Esther and important piece of Baptist life. It would be to turn to God with these questions: Do we Mordecai. They write an edict allowing Even though Paul pleaded three times for benecial to our witness if we emphasized revel in the demise of our enemies? Do we God to take the thorn away, God instead Jews to engage in the same kind of killing it once again. hope for the opportunity to kill those who they themselves would have faced. used the thorn as a means of strengthening Our Choice (13:5–8) might kill us? Ironically the book’s happy Paul. Again there is no easy answer here be- The Corinthians were intent upon testing ending raises issues about justice and cause of a ludicrous Persian law: “an edict Commentators are split as to what ex- Paul, but Paul tells the Corinthians to test mercy that God’s people must deal with. It actly Paul’s thorn in the esh was. Some written in the name of the king and sealed themselves to see if they were in the faith. also offers no easy answers. with the king’s ring cannot be revoked.” suggest it was an eye ailment or other Interestingly Paul was the one who founded Honor comes to those who live physical problem, while others suggest it This means that Haman’s edict cannot be the Corinthian church and yet this church with an upright character. (8:1–2) undone but must be neutralized by another was opposition he continually faced. Re- One might say if the Book of Esther is was questioning his authority. If the Corin- one legalizing a counter-massacre. Only gardless, the thorn caused Paul to rely on about anything, it is about the reversal of thians passed the test, it would imply Paul the people dying are different. God, not himself. In doing so, even though fortunes. There is no doubt that Morde- had passed the test as well since they were One wonders why such a law exists in Paul was weakened by this thorn he was his spiritual offspring. cai deserves this rise to prominence, but the rst place for it means that the king actually stronger because he turned toward The idea behind testing our faith is a we should remember that Mordecai and cannot revoke his own edict. Furthermore, God for help. good one but one that should not discour- Esther made their most decisive, moral ac- one wonders why Ahasuerus so blithely This is an important lesson for Chris- age us. We need to check to see in whom tions without seeking reward and at great allows people to write edicts in his name tians today. It is easy for us to try to do we are trusting for our salvation — are we personal risk. Mordecai warned the king things our own way or the way that seems trusting in Christ or in something else? Our of a plot against his life and Esther could with no oversight. right to us. However, we do not have the abilities? Our good works? Ourselves? Our have been executed for approaching the Rejoice in what God does. (9:20–22) entire picture before us. God does. baptism? king uninvited. Mordecai is never prom- The book does not tell us whether God When we trust God and not ourselves If we are not trusting Christ alone for our ised this honor and it is clear that Morde- could have rescued the Jews without Jews we are trusting in the One who can help us salvation, then we are not saved. We must cai and Esther, unlike Haman, would have killing Persians. Esther and Mordecai sim- better than we can help ourselves. It keeps live in a way that brings honor and glory to acted no differently if the outcome had ply act without seeking God’s will. With us from becoming prideful and instead God because it helps us see that we are ob- been calamity. our hearts transformed through Christ’s makes us humble. jects of grace and that we are not saved by Don’t rest until the victory death and resurrection let us thank God Christ’s Strength (13:2–4) our goodness or our works. is complete. (8:3–8) that the Jews of Persia escaped tragedy Paul tells the Corinthians that he is When we accept this grace from God it is Haman is dead, impaled on the pole he and let us mourn the demise of the 75,000 coming to visit and that he is ready for only natural to extend grace to others which erected for Mordecai, but the king’s edict Persians. Let us ask God to guide us to- confrontation if need be. It seems that manifests itself in how we treat others. allowing the slaughter of Jews is still in ward solutions that preserve lives.

Across three times. head. (2 Chron. 20:18) he built an altar before Christian Crossword 1. The name the angel 29. East central state. 2. Adam’s wife. it. (Ex. 32:5) By Kathy Johnson Copyright 1994 ©Barbour Publishing Inc. called him. (Luke 2:21) (abbr.) 3. ___ on my right hand. 34. The man who killed 6. She bore a son, and 31. The abbreviation for (Heb.1:13) Abel. called his name ___. aluminum. 4. A city in southwest 36. Ye that love the Lord, (Gen. 4:25) 33. The rst three letters of Germany. ___ evil. (Ps. 97:10) 10. Why, what ___ hath he the alphabet. 5. The opposite of yes. 37. A type of soup. done? (Mark 15:14) 35. ___ handmaid bare 7. The seventeenth book 39. The abbreviation of 11. ___ of Tarsus. (Acts 9:11) unto Abraham. in the Old Testament. centimeter. 12. Cossack leader. (Gen. 25:12) 8. The nineteenth letter in 40. First ___ kit. 15. In the song, Jesus is 38. This woman was given the Greek alphabet. 42. Seventh note. ___ging on my heart to her husband as a 9. Very big. strings. reward for conquering 13. Cain’s brother. 16. The shorter version of a city. (Judg. 1:12) 14. Found the ___ tied by the name Joshua. 41. A rodent. the door. (Mark 11:4) 18. The ninth book of the 42. My ___ is at hand. 17. Pre x meaning Old Testament. (Matt. 26:18) “saliva.” 20. The prophets prophesy 43. It’s not a he or a she, 19. Fed you with milk, and ___ in my name. it’s an ___. not with ___. (1 Cor. 3:2) (Jer. 14:14) 44. Cast ballot. 21. Cursed is the ground 22. When they saw the 45. All unrighteousness is for thy ___. (Gen. 3:17) ___, they rejoiced. ___. (1 John 5:17) 22. Reaping that I did not (Matt. 2:10) 46. And a certain woman ___. (Luke 19:22) 23. ___, Lord! God! named ___, a seller of 24. ___ is not here. (Jer. 4:10) purple. (Acts 16:14) (Luke 24:6) 25. ___ is the kingdom of 47. No man putteth ___ 28. ___ had stolen the God. (Mark 4:26) wine into old bottles. images. (Gen. 31:19) 26. Written not with ___, (Luke 6:37) 30. This woman was but with the Spirit. banished by a king. (2 Cor. 3:3) Down (Esther 1) 27. This man denied Jesus 1. And ___ bowed his 32. And when ___ saw it, MAY 24, 2018 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / PAGE 15


10TOP reviews best-selling Christian books in May FICTION The Wisdom Tree This just scratches the surface of the gems re- Lisa Worthey Smith. Hartselle, AL: Lisa W. Smith, vealed in “A Burning and Shining Light.” This 2017. 111 pp. (Paperback). well-researched biography, with its more than 900 1. The Harbinger footnotes, also is an engaging read. As a bonus it By Jonathan Cahn (Charisma) “The Wisdom Tree,” like all trees, started out as a small seed. In this book Lisa Smith uses the story includes an extensive bibliography and quite a few photographs of sites connected with White eld 2. Cross Roads of the little seed’s journey to becoming a tree to tell another story. As the tree grows and matures the — including one of the author performing an im- By William Paul Young (FaithWords) story grows and shifts personation of White eld at Southwestern Baptist focus. In simple par- Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. 3. The Bridge able form the story of By Karen Kingsbury (Howard) a yielded life unfolds. The Joshua Mandate Some people have Al Jackson. Mobile, AL: Wyatt House Publishing, 4. Full Disclosure a gift for seeing deep, 2016. 122 pp. (Paperback). By Dee Henderson (Baker) meaningful lessons When I saw that I had a book by Pastor Al Jack- in everyday life and son to review I knew it that it would be a good one. 5. The Shack Smith is one of those No surprises there! By William Paul Young (Windblown) people. Her earlier Jackson initially book was similar in developed the mate- 6. Redeeming Love its approach — simple rial to encourage on the surface yet pro- the members of his By Francine Rivers (Waterbrook/Multnomah ) found once unpacked church, Lakeview and examined. Baptist in Auburn, to 7. A Patchwork Christmas Collection The book is format- join him in Scripture By Judith Miller, Nancy Moser, Stephanie Grace ted as a study, with questions for discussion at the memorization. The Whitson (Barbour) end of each chapter. The questions are addressed title is based on the through Bible passages at the end of the book. exhortation in Josh- 8. The Bridesmaid, Home to Hickory Hollow Smith is an active member of East Highland Bap- ua 1:8 that says, “Do tist Church, Hartselle, in Morgan Baptist Association. not let this book of Series #2 the law depart from By Beverly Lewis (Baker) A Burning and Shining your mouth; medi- tate on it day and 9. Tidewater Inn, Hope Beach Series #1 Light: The Testimony night, so that you By Colleen Coble (Thomas Nelson) and Witness of George may be careful to do everything written in it. Then White eld you will be prosperous and successful.” 10. Coming Home Dan Nelson. Somis, CA: LifeSong Publishers, According to Jackson, the only way one can con- By Karen Kingsbury (Zondervan) 2017. 340 pp. (Paperback). tinually meditate on Scripture is to memorize it rst. I always enjoy reading biographies of our spiri- If you needed any more motivation to memorize Source: Christian Book Expo tual forerunners. George Muller, Jonathan Edwards, Scripture, there it is! John and Charles Wesley, Dwight L. Moody, Billy The small book is designed with 52 chapters to Graham — all of their stories can serve to inspire assist the reader in memorizing one verse per week, us. George White- a discipline that Jackson has followed himself since eld’s story is no ex- he was a child. Each short chapter consists of a ception. verse to be memorized and a short explanation of I had heard of the signi cance of the verse. The verses appear to George White eld have been carefully chosen to lay a solid foundation but couldn’t have told for doctrine and the Christian life. you what century So in this book you get a memorization plan that he occupied or even promises to assist the reader in taking a spiritual where he preached. I journey with a rich reward, coupled with the wis- did not know he was dom of Al Jackson — an unbeatable combination! a contemporary of the Wesley brothers and Jonathan Edwards. I Meet the certainly didn’t know reviewer that he preached to crowds of 20,000 at a Martine Bates time and led revivals in several countries. Fairbanks, Ed.D., reviews The most interesting parts of this biography for books and movies for The me involved White eld’s relationship with John Alabama Baptist. She is Wesley. The two were friends and colleagues but a university professor and retired principal. She had a falling out over White eld’s Calvinistic lean- is a member of Central ings. You didn’t know the controversy was raging Baptist Church, Decatur. even in the 1700s? Me neither. Really interesting! Just to set your mind at ease, the two made up later [email protected] and Wesley preached at a memorial service for his friend after White eld’s death. PAGE 16 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / MAY 24, 2018 Impact of Newborn girls being killed across Pakistan Jesus KARACHI, Pakistan — Hundreds of newborn babies have been found dumped in the garbage across Pakistan, almost all of them girls, according to humanitarian workers in the country. The Edhi Foundation, a nonpro t social welfare program Jefferson credits God for his longevity in NBA with maternity and adoption services, told The News Interna- By Bill Sorrell “I have been trusting Him and understand it’s not tional that it found 355 dead infants in garbage dumps across Correspondent, The Alabama Baptist your situation but how you handle your situation and the country in 2017; 99 percent of them were identi ed as girls. rowing up Richard Jefferson didn’t putting my faith in that. I am going to be where I am As many as 72 dead girls have been reported found by Edhi in have all the brand-name shoes. But supposed to be when I am supposed to be there,” he 2018, according to The News, Pakistan’s largest English lan- looking back he says that was OK. said. guage newspaper. It was for a reason — so his family Chhipa Welfare Foundation, another nongovernmental orga- could help those who didn’t have any Successful career nization, came across 93 cases in Karachi where newborn girls Gshoes at all. His parents, who served as short-term A member of the Pac-12 Conference Hall of were killed, 70 babies in 2017 and 23 this year. missionaries to Kenya and Tanzania, saved money at Fame, Jefferson has been successful everywhere — Edhi’s efforts to install “Jhoolas,” or baby cradles, for people home so they could help people in need. in high school, college and pros. to leave unwanted children has received little success. The foun- “You might not have the clothes or the shoes or the His 1998 Moon Valley High School team in West dation received only 14 unwanted children in 2017 who were things that you wanted, but my parents were doing the Phoenix won a 4A state championship and his jersey alive, The News reported. Twelve of the 14 were girls and the best they could and (No. 44) was retired two boys were “physically un t.” they helped people in 2004. Infanticide is increasing in South Asia as parents prefer sons less fortunate,” he He also played over daughters. The stigma of out-of-wedlock births also is con- said. for the Cleveland sidered a contributing factor. (TAB) He saw their con- Cavaliers when they stant sacri ces. And won the champion- Why face of global is changing Jefferson, now a ship in 2016. BOGOTA, Colombia — Three factors changing the face of small forward for the He has played on global Christianity are the rise of the faith in Africa, the rise of Denver Nuggets, says eight teams, with independent Christianity and the rise of Christians who self- it changed his life for his longest tenure identify separately from Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants. the better. in New Jersey (now That’s according to Gina A. Zurlo, assistant director of the “I was exposed to the Brooklyn Nets) Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell it at a very early age. from 2001 to 2008. Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Zurlo It really opened up He was an in- was speaking at the Global Christian Forum meeting held April an understanding for tegral part of the 24–27 in Bogotá, Colombia. me about giving,” Nets’ winning Citing the Center’s Atlas of Global Christianity, Zurlo noted said Jefferson, who Eastern Conference that 32 percent of the world was Christian in 2010, down from spent most of his life championships in 35 percent in 1910. in Phoenix and trav- 2002 and 2003. He While Christianity is down in the northern hemisphere, in the eled with his parents global South Christianity has “increased substantially,” Zurlo was runner-up to to Africa as a young said. (TAB) the Memphis Griz- boy. zlies’ Pau Gasol for Their lifestyle also Anti-conversion bills increasing in Asia Rookie of the Year impacted his faith, KATHMANDU, Nepal — Nepal is 1 of 4 countries that have in 2001–2002. he said. “My parents laws banning conversion of their citizens away from the major- Playing for the were the best exam- ity religion, a policy gaining popularity in South and Southeast U.S.A. National ples that I had. They Asia. were my biggest in- team in the 2004 Anti-conversion laws are in place in parts of India and uences.” Olympics in Athens, throughout Nepal, Myanmar (Burma) and Bhutan, while Sri He said he saw the Greece, he won a Lanka and one province in Pakistan are considering similar impact Jesus had on bronze medal. bills, according to The Christian Post. them and as he grew Denver guard The laws, which regulate the act of converting to another reli- up, his own faith Jamal Murray said gion, are aimed primarily at Christian missionary work. Several grew stronger. Jefferson t right in nations in the region also prohibit blasphemy and apostasy. “I know I wouldn’t when he was signed The wording of the laws could be interpreted to exclude be where I am or by the Nuggets in social work, praying for the sick and/or evangelism, the Post what I have accom- 2017. reported. (TAB) Photo by Mark Sobhani/NBAE/Getty Images “He is a funny plished without the Richard Jefferson impact of Him in my guy, tells jokes and Pastor sentenced for blasphemy in Indonesia life,” he said. keeps his attitude TANGERANG, Java — On May 7 an Indonesian court sen- Now completing his 17th season in the NBA, light while being a team- rst guy,” Murray said. “He tenced a Protestant pastor to four years in prison and a hefty ne 37-year-old Jefferson credits God for his longevity. makes sure everybody is on the right page. He is for sharing his faith with a taxi driver. de nitely a leader.” The Jakarta Post reported that a district court issued the rul- Giving ‘credit where credit is due’ Jefferson did a “great job” this season putting ing against Abraham Ben Moses, a well-known former Muslim “I have been so fortunate to play in this league for players in the right position and “giving them a lot of apologist, who was heard asking the taxi driver to accept Christ so many years and accomplish the things I have,” he courage,” said Nuggets guard Devin Harris. “Richard in a widely circulated video released in 2017. said. “The length of my career and my life have been is an outspoken guy. He is a respectable guy in the Because of the video, Muhammadiyah, one of Indonesia’s larg- touched by that and I give all the credit where credit locker room.” est Islamic organizations, led a blasphemy complaint against is due.” Jefferson said he tries to reect his faith by the Moses. After three seasons at the University of Arizona in way he lives. He goes to NBA chapel services and Moses’ legal team will reportedly le an appeal, reported The Tuscon, he was drafted in 2001 in the rst round by reads the Bible. He prays. “I can’t remember a day Christian Post. (TAB) the Houston Rockets but traded to New Jersey. without it,” he said. Thursday, May 24, “Assisting churches in fulfilling their mission, and providing them opportunities 2018 for fellowship and to work together in advancing the kingdom of God”

BEVILL’S CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH VBS in the Madison Baptist Association Centennial Celebration Church Dates Time Program Other Info Homecoming Bethlehem Baptist Church HG 6/25 - 29 8:30 - Noon Game On! Register online by 6/1 for free shirt ONE DAY REVIVAL Bethlehem Baptist Church LS 7/9 - 13 6:00 - 8:30 PM Game On! Sunday, May 27 at 9:45 AM and 6:00 PM Bevill's Chapel Baptist Church 6/4 - 8 6:00 - 8:30 PM Game On! Van pick-up; dinner is provided Featuring evangelist Bro. Glenn Denton Brownsboro Baptist Church 7/16 - 20 6:00 - 8:30 PM Game On! Come celebrate with the fellowship of 100 years Cave Spring Baptist Church 6/13 - 15 6:00 - 8:30 PM Camp Out 6/15 - Family Night, 6:00 PM of sharing the Word with the world. Clements Baptist Church HSV 6/11 - 13 6:30 - 8:00 PM Game On! 6/13 - Family Night, 6:30 PM Covered dish meal following the morning service. Cove Baptist Church 7/9 - 13 6:00 - 8:00 PM Game On! Everyone invited. CrossPointe Church 6/4 - 8 9:00 - Noon Shipwrecked 4 years old to rising 4th Grade CrossPointe Church 6/4 - 8 9:00 - Noon Pursued for a Purpose Rising 5th to 6th Grade Farley Community Church 6/11 - 15 9:00 - Noon Game On! 4 years old to Grade 6; register online Flint River Baptist Church 6/10 - 13 6:00 - 8:30 PM Summer Bash 4 years old to 5th Grade GracePointe Baptist Church 6/11 - 15 6:15 - 8:15 PM Paul & the Underground 4 years old to rising 6th Grade Harmony Baptist Church 6/25 - 29 6:00 - 8:30 PM Shipwrecked Harvest Baptist Church 6/11 - 15 8:30 - Noon Game On! Register at Haven Baptist Church 6/25 - 29 9:00 - Noon Game On! Hayes Chapel Baptist Church 7/9 - 13 6:00 - 8:00 PM Shipwrecked Hazel Green FBC 6/4 - 8 9:00 - 12:15 PM Game On! 3 years old to 6th Grade Hillwood Baptist Church 6/4 - 8 8:00 - Noon Game On! 4 years old to 6th Grade Huntsville First Baptist Church 6/11 - 14 9:00 - Noon Game On! Kickoff 6/10, 4:30 PM in Life Center Huntsville Park Baptist Church 6/4 - 8 9:00 - Noon Shipwrecked Kickoff from 2:00 - 4:00 PM, 6/3 Jackson Way Baptist Church 6/11 - 14 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Game On! All day; $35 for lunch/snacks/shirt Lakewood Baptist Church 6/18 - 22 5:30 - 8:00 PM Game On! Supper served Lakewood Baptist (on mission) 6/14 - 16 11:00 - 1:00 PM Game On! At Creekbend Apt; lunch served Life’s Journey 6/4 - 8 9:00 - Noon Game On! Lighthouse Baptist Church 6/11 - 15 5:30 - 8:30 PM Game On! Locust Grove Baptist Church 6/11 - 15 9:00 - Noon Game On! Register at Mable Hill Baptist Church 6/4 - 8 6:00 - 8:30 PM Game On! Madison First Baptist Church 6/4 - 8 8:30 - 11:30 AM Shipwrecked Register at FBC Meridianville 6/18 - 22 9:00 - 12:30 PM Game On! Monte Sano Baptist Church 6/14—16 6:00 - 8:00 PM Game On! Morningside Baptist Church 6/18 - 23 6:00 - 8:00 PM Game On! Mt. Zion Baptist Church 6/4 - 8 8:30 - Noon Game On! Murphy Hill Baptist Church 6/16 - 20 6:00 - 8:30 PM Shipwrecked Dinner is provided New Hope First Baptist Church 6/3 - 8 6:00 - 8:30 PM Shipwrecked Register at We welcome Mr. Neill Hunter, New Market Baptist Church 6/18 - 22 5:45 - 8:30 PM Game On! Dinner provided; family night 6/22 LPC, LMFT, New Salem Baptist Church 6/18 - 22 6:00—8:30 PM Game On! 6/24 - Family Night, 5 PM Pathways Professional Oak Park 6/11 - 15 5:30 - 8:00 PM Game On! Counseling, ABCH to the Pineview Baptist Church 6/4 - 8 9:00 - Noon 4 years old to 6th Grade Madison Baptist Association Office Hours for Counselor: Sherwood Baptist Church 6/11 - 15 8:30 - Noon Game On! 6/15 - Family Night, 6:30 PM Monday and Tuesday Shipps Baptist Church 6/25 - 29 6:00 - 8:30 PM Game On! 6/29 - Family Night, 6 PM 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM The Fellowship of Faith 7/16 - 20 5:30 - 8:30 PM Game On! To make an appointment call University Baptist Church 6/4 - 8 8:30 - 11:30 AM Game On! 205-504-0265. Wall Highway Baptist Church 6/3 - 7 5:45 - 9:00 PM Time Lab The BCM Building at UAH is now closed Wears Chapel Baptist Church 6/18 - 22 6:00 - 8:00 PM Game On! and will remain closed through June, due Westlawn Baptist Church 6/24 - 29 6:00 - 8:00 PM Game On! 7/21 - Family Night to extensive building renovations. West Mastin Lake Baptist Ch 7/23 - 26 6:00 - 8:00 PM Game On! If you need to connect with Edwin Hocutt, Whitesburg Baptist Church 6/4 - 8 9:00 - Noon Game On! 4 years old to 5th Grade (completed) contact him by email ([email protected]) or Whitesburg Baptist, Pulaski 7/16 - 20 9:00 - 1:00 PM Game On! 4 years old to 5th Grade (completed) contact the MBA at 536-0015. Willowbrook Church 6/4 - 8 9:00 - Noon Game On! 4 years old to 4th Grade Winchester Road Baptist 7/9 - 13 8:45 - Noon Shipwrecked

May 20-27 ..... Associational Missions Week of Prayer May 21 ...... Appalachia Mission Trip Team Mtg Dr. Charlie Howell, Executive Director of Missions (MBA, 6:30 PM) Rev. Ron Lynch, Church Ministry Director It’s not too late to be a part of the Appalachia Mission Regina Berry, Financial/Administrative Assistant Trip to Williamsburg, Kentucky, July 15-18. May 28 ...... Memorial Day Denise Panter, Receptionist/Publicist/Clerk

There are opportunities to serve for adults, youth, and (MBA Closed) 2318 Whitesburg Drive S, Huntsville, AL 35801 families. Call the MBA for more information. Jun 12-13 ...... SBC Meeting, Dallas, TX Web Site:

Phone: 256-536-0015 ~ Fax: 256-536-0017 Jun 17 ...... Happy Father’s Day Office Hours: 7:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. We will list all known VBS events here Jun 17-21 ...... Rocket City Missions through July. Contact the MBA Monday-Thursday Closed on Fridays (256-536-0015) to have your church’s Jul 4 ...... Independence Day VBS and information included! (MBA Closed)