PASSENGERS DEPARTED t MOVEMENTS OF SHIRE VESSEL i . Per strar. Claudine. for Maai parts OCEANIC CO W. Wal-dro- n. ZIABV (excursions December 31 J. STEAMERS --THE EXPOS'flON LINE" Mary Nones, Miss Helen ' Start Miss ' 1 Presoott. Miss Golxler. Miss FOR . FOR , N. . W. ' Kathlin Malloy. R. H Noble. Dr. H. Sonoma ...Jani 23 TOIHLWE I TE8SZ18 TO ARBJT1 j Ventura Jfn. 2? 1915 N. H. IT. Lybye. K Sierra . . . Jan. 16 Bicknell. Nottae. Sonoma Feb. 22, Alexander. R. H. Wilson. A. G. Wii-so- n. , S'erra Feb. 13 Saturday. Jan. 2. Ventura March 22 E. W. Sharps. R. P. Brown, E. A. Hilo. via way lorts Mauna Kea, Ventura Feb. 23 with Cooper. E. A. Cooper. Jr.. A. F.' Gertx. NEW SERVICE stmr. irra . March 13 Sonoma ...Apr. 19 an t H. comb, E. I H. V. Gear. Frick. Sunday, Jan. 3. 1915 K. A. Cunning. Mrs. ("bnning. W. O. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY. Maui. Molokal and ports $110.00 ROUND TRIP. "Excelsior" Bamhart. W. O barnbart. Jr.. C. li. Jlikihala, stmr. Mc-Car- n. Third of a distipctive type tor the Wilkins. E. O. Kahulualii. Jeff s- C. BREWER A COMPANY, LTD, - the-Ro- yal Maui port- Claudine. stmr. :: General A8ntt- , transpacific of Mail Allison Mc-Carn- R. N. S trade Unn. Company, Kauai ports Kinau, stmr. O. E. A. Rand. Steam Packet the ste"nv Diary Halls. Anderson. Miss ship Carmarthenshire, which is the Kauai iorts W. (J. Hall. stmr. Sold J. J. A. J. Cooper, byDruggists 7 Coon. Fernandez. same class as the liners Cardiganshire Tuesday, Jan. 5. W. Dewitt. G. M. Duncan. J. C. Poole. their San Francisco Matsonia. M. N. S. J, C. Poole, .Miss H. and Carnarvonshire, that nude MANY STYLES Mrs. McLennan. voyages to the north Pacific S. T. Hawley, Miss De Jarlais, Miss'Du-renbprge- r, maiden and were since commandeered by the Hilo, via way ports Mauna Kta, Navigation , Matson Company T. C. McVeagh. J. T. Mun-ro- stmr. E. British admiralty, has been launched S. Batson, E. C. Lane, W. R. yards of Messrs Wednesday, January 6. Wade, Miss E. Scott, c. Tracy, G. H. from the Belfast Direct Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu Clark & Ltd. "Kauai ports W. G. Hall. stmr. T. Treadwaj G. V. Blue, J. F Workman. Co. TnttJe. Two liners of similar con Thursday. Jan. 7. Mowat, W. Meinecke. Harry Auld. J. other struction. the Brecknockshire and .Maul ports Claudine, stmr. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. Carey. C. Jno. Palmer. Joe Pembrokeshire, are also completing Friday, Jan. 8. D. J. CASHMAN Farrington. W. Paty. Miss S. Feather- - S. S. S LIMITED, In tha nrrtur rf the Knvnl Mail lmf Sydney, N. S. W., via Auckland and S. S. Matsonia Jan. 5 Manoa Jan. . A Rodriquez A. B. Lau. Harry TENTS AND AWNINGS stone. d wi be launched early next year Suva .Makura, Br. stmr. S. S. Matsonia' 11"; Luau K Canopies for Rent Hay ward. Miss G. Mason. M. L. H. S. S. Lurline Jan. 2 ...Jan. la' Tirang BMg. Tents for this service Saturday, Jan. 9. S. S. tta Reynolds, O. Lightfoot. E. B. S. S. Wilhelmina. . Jan. 19 Lurline . ...Jan. 30 Years Experience Webster. i llv lha charter th I'anurvnn Hilo. via way ports Mauna Kea, It V. P. Xaquln .Miss C A. if Fort St, nr. Allen, upstairs. Keating. . gQire find Cardigan8hire. the comoany stmr. S. S. Manoa ..Jan. 26 S. S. Wilhelmina. . . Jan. 27 Phone 1467 :"' 0 "er.ltfu- - has been, deprived or two of their Sunday, Jan. 10. f'iamp, . K. coe, lr. W. t... Moody. jnPB.es. QtPil,nKhii)S. and Maui, Molokai and ports l. s- ronseouentlv Ianai A R Macbeth Mi- V. McCarthy. tne MrvIce to tnis roast has ht.en Mikihala,stmr. miss inanaj i.. u. Kouey, t. a. The next vessel of Maui Claudine, stmr. ( Rowland,-J- . HghUyisnied. iorts Blades enter, t Irand Simons. lhe fleet to arrjve here from EurUpe Kauai ports Kinau. stmr. Szty Miss A. R. Coats. J. O. Mitchell. W. wfU the Bruigh gteamer Glenroy, Kauai ports W. C. Hall. stmr. CASTLE & COOKE. LTD.f Generai Agents, Honolulu Waharpened better than new. We P. McGowan. Norman Oss. Chester wnlcll (s coming fron, the Orient via Monday, Jan. 11. Grind Anything. idjior. tapi. ooh. Agusius eauen- - Honolulu .and is expected in port early Sau Francisco Sierra. O. S. S. tyne. Miss V. K. Miss L. K. d, HONOLULU GRINDING CO. Ward, iQ janaarv. Then comes the new-War- Tuesday, Jan. 12. J' Alakea, epp. Y. M. C. A. Geo. Dwigbt. Dean Lake. Sam jjner Glengyle. and she in turn will Manila, Hongkong and ports PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. mi . D. L. Carter, Adams, Andrews, Jr., be f0nowed by the steamship Glen Korea, P. M. S. S. Sailings from Honolulu on or about the following FOR LIVESTOCK OF ALL Miss O. Miss E. M. . dates: , .n Starratt. Scott, iocny. San Francisco Lurline. M. N. S. S. KINDS. .miss Livingston, t apt. Mc.aiiy. Mrs. i - WOn ICE COLO DRINKS AND The fitting out of the new steam- Friday, Jan. 15. FOR THE ORIENT: . FOR SAN FRANCISCO: Ait.Nany. ixrothy Rogers. Ben J. will be Mongolia, M. S. 14 ICE CREAM, TRY THI ship Carmarthenshire carried San Francisco P. CLUB STABLES lang, H. R Cole. F B. Dodge, Harry out with all Dossible desnatch and S. S. Persia Henry. C. H. Ruhmland, Geo. Frame, ' jS S. S. Mongolia Jan. 15 ...... Jan. . LIMITED. it probable that she will be readv Saturday, Jan. 16. HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. H. Phillips. Miss E. S. S. S. Peacock. Lieut, to leave London on her maiden voyage New York, via Panama Tand Sound Persia via Manila, S. Korea ...... Jan. 1J r Hotel aaaV, Battel Streata 62 Kukul St A. r. Black, H.. W. Brewer. Ld. Neill. to this coast about March ports Columbian, A. H. S. S. . fc t H. c. jirewer, W. A. Inman, 4S5 in and out ...... Jan. 30 S. S. Siberia ..Jan. It rrank, The Carmarthenshire is feet Tuesday, Jan. 19. ; Williams, H. G. M - - - J. orralL C ilnor, in leneth. with a gross tonnage o Manila, Hongkong and Japan ports 5 & CookA. Ltd D. S. S. Korea via Manila.. Feb. S. S. China 2 Lewera H. Case, A. H. Ford, Miss Olive about 90o0 tons. Accommodation is -- Siberia. P. M. S. S...... Feb. 1 AD CLAUDINE LIST ... M provided for a limited number of first San Francisco Wilhelmina, P. M. . 1L E. SILVA Hand, J. Stickney. M. Smith, W. R. passengers in St t- -; class comfortable state S. S. For general Information apply t ' Most economical table or hanging Wade. Miss E. Scott, C. Tracy, G. H. rooms In a large deckhouse amidship, Friday, Jan 22. lamp known, burnt anly gallon of Tuttlc, T. Tread way, G. V. Blue. J. F. while the poop and bridge space are San Francisco Shinyo Maru, Jap- H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. - Areata: kerpsene In M hours; no odor, no Mowat, W. Meinecke, Harry'.. f Auld, arranged so as to be readily converted anese stmr. smokt, no wick to trim; 800 eandlo J. Carey. CVW. Manley, John Palmer, for the reception of about 550 steer-- Tuesday, Jan. 2S. power, For Kukiri and Nuuanu. Feathei stone, A. ilodriquez, A. B. Lau. age passengers Hongkong, -- - f sals ' via Japan ports Chiyo Phone 1179. ' Harry Hay ward. Mies G. Mason, M.r Tbe cargo space is divided Into sir Maru. Japanese stmr. L. H. Reynolds. CL Lightfoot. E. B, holds, one of which has been arranged Wednesday, Jan. 27. 80 can be used as a deep water Webster, V. P. Naquin, Miss' Keating, that.lt Vancouver and Victoria Makura, it r . . KISEN KAISHA - C A. Brown, E. A. Back and C. e. lanic. Br. stmr. T0Y0 fr- ; I to the adoption of the girder Pemberton E. Camp, C. R. Coe, Dr. . Saturday, Jan. 30. PURE ICE CREAM 0'S - " Co. or cargo 7-- r Yat Loy W. C. Hobdv. A. II. Macbeth. Miss v. 8yem construction, tne San Francisco Persia, P. M. S. S. McCarthv Mia i. a spaces are free from obstruction. A tteamera of the above Company will call at and laava Henelaia m tr.rthv wirelesa inatallat mr nm DRY GOODS RAWLEY'S Rolley, E. A. Center, Leland Rowland! powerful T1SSE1S TO DEF1BT aooux oaiea meniionao ovivw. 1,wcu w -i 12-- 4225 J. Simons,. Miss A. R. Coats, J. O. Mit-- "! ,luw "j- 1 King tL Fort nr. Beretanla Pbona The propelling machinery consists rhell W P vrma noa ' Friday, Jan.. 1. ORIENT. M.nPn of a set of quadruple expansion en FOR THE FOR SAN FRANCISCO. rhetor t0vw rw.tn nauai ports w. u. mil, strn & p. gines W,th the auxiliary ap--L t js Ba lien tyne V M I nce8s"y m. .' ss w4Ul Maru 2 S. 8. Chlyd Maru. Jan. 2 K Ward Geor?e Dwiiht Dean ad 8UPPUed 8team frm Saturday, 2. S.S.Nippon ...Uan. V.:... Honolulu Phojto BO IT ELECTRICALLY single-end- . Jan. W, four boilers working under Japan ports 8. S. Shinyo Maru ....Jan. 22 o. o. icnyg maru i Lake, Sam Carter, D. Adams. L. fprced and Hongkong Nippon Cku draught 'si1 - & Supply Andrewa, Jr., Miss O. Starratt, Miss Maru. Japanese stmr. . 8. S. Chiyo Maru ...... Feb! It 8. 8. Nippon Maru ....Feb. Co. E. M. Scott, Captain McNally, Ben J. Hilo via w ay ports Mauna Kea, str., S. S. Tenyo Maru...... Mar. 6 S. S. Shinyo Maru...... Mar. 1 ICO DAK HEADQUARTERS Hawaiian Electric Lang, H. R. Cole. F. B. Dodge, Harry SAYS JAPANESE ARE 3 p.m. ItSI fort ttmt Henry, C. H. Ruhmland; Georgo NATIVES OF ARMENIA Sunday, Jan. 3. ' Fraine, H. Phillips, Miss E. Peacock, San Francisco Ventura. O. S. S., 9 CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, Abents, HoncIuJu .is. a.'- - Mrs. Peacock. Lieut. A. F. Black, H. TOKIO, Japan.-ru- e Japanese peo- - m. rtrtp-inall- Monday, PONGEE SUITS W. Brewer, Ed Neill, H. C. Brewer. : nlo pa m a frnin irmonlo an. Jan. 2, 3 DRY-CLEANE- W. A. Worrall. G. G. Mllnor, Fer-- Kauai ports str., p. m. Extra Large J. ' cording ta Takataro .Kimura, who'has Likelike. " CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- K ROYAL MAIL LINE r Maui porta Claudine. str., 5 p. ra. LAUNDRY i ; , Subject to ; change without, notice. TRENCH Chinbmers ; Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str., 5 p. m. 1411 V Suva5 ; Phono :iAILEY8 FURNITURE STORI Iais, Miss Durenberger, 5. For Victoria, and Vancouver; For Auckland and Sydnej - T. C. McVeagh, heaven. Tbei call their country the Tuesday, Jan. ) Alakea. 8t, near King. 8 j Niagara 37 J. T. Munro, S. E. Baston, E. C. Lane, Land of Cods, he continues, and this San Francisco Manoa, M. N. S. S., Makura ...... Jan. u...... JtL v. Gear. F. A. Cunning. Mrs. Cun rpvpnlq nHp-i- 4 p. m. h. tra flit Ion thi frn nf Feb. 5 I . . : . . . . ; . . .Jan. 27 ning. W. O. - Kona Kau ports Mauna Loa, Niagara ... .'. Makura " Barnhardt W. O. Barn- Japanese people. investigat-hard- t, 'and Problems the The ;j Pal Your. Poultry Pont Mlaa Thla Chance. Jr.. G. B. Wilkjns, E. O. Kahu- - or writes as follows: str., noon. THE0. H. DAVIES & CO.; LTD., GENERAL AGENTS r v . ; tp to tta . , lualil. McCarn. Allison McCarn, ' Maul. Molokai and Land I ports CROWN BICYCLES ONLY ttt. Jeff "Heaven Is" "Aroe in Japanese, so - FEED CO. R. N. Linn, S. O. Halls. E. A. Ander- the Kigdom ot Atue must have been Mikahala, str., 5 p. m. ' son, Miss Rand, W. Coon, Kauai ports Kinau, str., 5 p. m. AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N 8. 8. CO THE PANAMA CANAL LINE' I;. Alaxea, conr Queen. CO, J. R.' E. Armenia in Asia, whence the people HONOLULU CYCLERY Noble. Dr. H. Bickaell. N. Nottage, H. Wednesday, Jan. 6. A STEAMER will be despatched from NEW YORK for HONOLULU," will tall you tha trouble, spread in all directions. But the cen-te- r Thty 180 South King 8L C. Lybye. K. Alexander. R. H. Wilson, Hilo via way ports Mauna Kea, str., Tla Pacific coast ports every TEN DAYS. Approximate time In trnalt of history moved on to ' ; A. G. Wilson, thrace 10 a. m. FORTY-THRE- E DAYS. SEATTLE and TACOMA to HONOLULU ... E. W. Sharpe, R. P. Babylon, and Egypt and still COLUMBIAN, January 8, and sailing EVERY TEM Brown, E. A. Qooper, A. Cooper, Jf, to Morocco Senegal In . Thuraday,' Jan. 7. S. S. to sail about farther and the '. pdrts-W.J- ' , .. A. F. GerU, H. 'Newcomb, E. L. Frlck, extreme we st of Africa. Kauai G. Hall, str., 5 p. m. DAYS thereafter.' .. 7, apply tp . v. th. LitMt Btvla Hata Alexander Hume Ford, Miss Olive "Japan's emperor, Jimmu, who Friday Jan For particular as to rates, etc, King St. Auto Stand first H. HACKFELD & CO 'LTD. far Ladlea and Gentlemen Rand, Joseph Stickney. Malcolm must have lived in Gambia, otherwise and Vancouver Makura, C. P. MORSE, 47CS Ua, Br. General Freight Agent. . Agenta. LATEST CAS. , PHONE ;s Cem tnd 8m . Smith. R. J. Baker, Dr. Deiher, J. W. called Jim ma, in Senegal, recrossed stmr. r ! Waldron, Mrs. Mary Frane, H. Maul portsClaudine, str., 5 p. m. Cam McMillan, 8am Pttara : J. the. Mediterranean and returned to v . K. UYEDA Winkleyti H. T. Oshrrn, Mrs. Saturday, Jan. 9. ; Antoria Redrlguet v ; 1121 ' James Greece. This is the 'eastern expedi- Kitau 8t: BIcknelL George V. ' Tearfa and Mrs. tion of.Jimmu' in Japanese chronicles, Hilo via 'Way ports Mauna Kea, OAHU RAILWAY TIME TABLE ; ' - YOU ARE GOING EAST OR E. C. Southard, - and the return of Herculos in Greek str., 3 p. m. IF Tuesday, 12. history. The atprj' of bs return was Jan. COMING WEST, REMEMBER COFFEE CO. P1SSXXCEES EXPECTED ' lost in, the west, b it the national clas- San Francisco Korea, P. M. S. S. OUTWARD. 1 L LVCHESHEY Trade at the ' Wednesday, 13. sics of. Japan have preserved it for the Jan. For Walanae, Walfloa, Kabulni, and T - -- ex- : Tbe- following: passengers are : San Francisco Matsonia, M N. S. rESTERH.fQCIHC .ROAtrtni vSPIC-AND-SPA- world." way stations 9: 15 a. xa, 3:20 p. m. xcffee pected on the steamer 'Matsonia, S., 10 a. m.: . . la Old KecaCcffe ; The . author does not accept there , For Peart City. Ewa aim aajl war Csaltri, . MEAT MARKET due at Honolulu on January 5; Albert Friday, Jari. 15. - fore the Japanese chronology of this stations f7: 30 a. ximCUlNT v HONOLULU,. - " t Taylor Mrs. Manila, via Japan ports and Hong in, 9:U' a.rza' 87. Albert Taylor, J. C. Glenn, early age. He affirms that Jimmu 11:30 p. 3:20 p. of C. Y. HOP WO Ienn kong Mongolia, P. M. S. S. a. m, SrlS nw . T? l88T.Vera Daom0' Tenno'a deeds were enacted in a re-- 5:15 p. m., 19:30 p. nu, p. vxi FranknJ'TtT Damon, Dr. Doremus Scud Saturday, Jan 16. Offers unusual facilities for a tll:15 glon entirely' from pre : - different the Journey. For Wablawa and Leilehua 10:20 'V- - - Van Slyke, C. R. Doyle, C. H. San Francisco Sierra, O. S. S., Pleasant i. der. sent 'Japan a. f2:40 p. m, 5:00 p. A. noon. .'7 u ni:C3 Greer, R. Moody, Mrs. R. A. Moody, The eight successive emperors after FRED L. WALDRON, LTD, JAS. IIOTT, Jr. , SPECIAL SALE Mrs. M. Ferguson, Dr. L. L. Van Slyke. Tuesday, Jan. 19. A ' ' Jimmu ruled the same country ' 1 Plumber and Sheet Metal Mrs. L. L. Van Slyke, Mrs. Nye, Mrs. San Francisco Lurline, M. N. S. S., Agents Honolulu ; INWARD. . v ' Linen and fongoo Walet (Greece), according to Japanese Worker. last Paul Selby. J. H. Ellis, Mrs. J. H. El- the 4 p. m. , ArrtTe Honolnlu from KabaJn, T7al i 7 :, 7 . ' V' records, but the imperial capital was Cacna block, Beretanla, nr. Fort. lis, t Mrs. E. J. Spencer, Miss Mabel San FrancIsco-rSiberi- a, P.,M. S. S. alna and Walanae S:JI a. 5:11 eV removed to Zuzin in Ara- CHAN CO. the north of - Phone 256 TEE ' Smyth, "Miss' Grace Adams, 'Alrin D. 22. p. ni. i- 7 bia end Friday, Jan. Cor. King and Bethel sta. Keech, W. J. Kern, Mra. W. J. Kern, toward the of the Emperor Japan ports and Hongkong Shinyo PRE I Q H T Arrive Honoluln from Ewa ifSI tad ' reign, . period W. H. Morris. Mrs. W. H. Morris. W. SuJIn's In this several Maru, Japanese stmr. and .7" Pearl City 17:45 a. a. Im- mi m' U Shipley, Mra. W. L. Shipley, S. E. Princes and other relatives of the Sydney, via Pago Pago. K E T 8 11:02 a. ml, l:40 p. ps;taU' ' HAWAIIAN PICTURES. STATION- - perial family were sent to TIC mw.4:2l Thompson, Mrs. S. E. Thompson, Miss various Monday, Jan. 25. Also 5:31 p. m., 7:30 p. m. ' j - FRAMING, places Reservations ;r - ERY, PICTURE ,s Mary Polsal, Miss Belle Le Wrs. to rule, and the names of those yia. Pago O. -- - win. Sydney, Pago Ventura, Arrive Honolulu from Wahlawa aad'" -- ; any point on tbe uppues. places as mentioned in Japanese his- s.:-;- ., i ctfici All kinds ot Wrapping - Pipe a ant Robert L. Trouty, Mra.. L. Andrews, s. mainland. Lellehua a. fix, tl:5l f. H. Higgins, - tory, can be all traced to Arabia and m- Twines. Printing and Writing Papera Mrs. J. Harry Vinton Tuesday, Jan. 26. tea WELLS-FAR-G- O 4:01 u m., 7:10 p. - . - AND CRAFTS SHOP Mrs. Mat- - tbe. adjacent countries. In the time YE ART! AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N Ramsdell, Annie Stanwood. San Francisco Chlyo Maru, Jap two-Do- ur '.V-- PAPER CO, 72 8. The Halelwa Limited a ; - of Emperor Suinln, Egypt, - 4 ;;z Bt the he , Ftr ton M. Ctrtis, Mrs. Matton 'M.. Curtis, anese stmr. . co, govern- Kino St Tel 1515 train (only firstclass tickets bonored) supply A. A. Durney, Mra. A. A. Durney, Fred thinks, became the seat of ?Jan. 27. ' ' Fort and Queen Streeta uaHonolulu Wednesday, Honolulu every Sunday at 2i35 ' ' L. Waldron, Mrs. Fred L. Waldron, C. ment. ' ( - -- Sydney, Ma ' y FINEST . ' Pbone 1411 O. Guild. Oen. Mcr via Suva and Auckland-- a. m, for Halelwa hotel; returning ar V:: 0a Smeade, Mrs. C. R. Smeade, J. B. : Vl R kura, Br. stmr. p. V ;. o-- FLOWERS rlvea In Honolulu at 10:10 m. Tba Keistler, Mrs. Geo. O, Carpenter, Ken- IRELAND HONORED BY Thursday, Jan. 28, LAUNDRY Limited stops only City f neth Carpenter, C. C. Kennedy, Miss at Pearl aad - ; : San Francisco Sonoma,. O. S. S.,.5 Walanae. - t? ? , .. . 8E3 on NEW YEAR PEERAGE r tv... Edith Wbite. Prof, Lyman NewelL Har p. m. . 1 CHANGES OF RATE old Dillingham, Mrs. Harold Dilling Messenger Boy Daily, f Except Sanday. tZunUj caly. ' ''V , tw MRS.' Saturday, Jan. 30. , HONOLULU AUTO A fAssociated Press by Federal Wlrel.i O. P. DENI80N, . F. C. SMITH,. E. M TAYLOR'S ham and child, Mrs. Alcie Park, u W. via Japan Hongkong-Per- sia. LONDON, Eng.. Dec. 1. New Manila.. and Phone 3461 Superintendent. - C Hotel oppoeite TAXI CO. Wolcott, Albert Switzer, W. H. Smith, The P. M. S. S. a.P.Aj Cf. -- St, r Young Cafe Bean A Bedford, Mgm. Mrs. W. II. Smith, Percy M. Carol, Year's honor list, announced last i night, creates no new peerages, the - Il - Pbonea 1MI Mrs. Percy M. Carol. Master Richard MAILS Carol. R. Rpbinson, Mrs. R. Robinson. most striking elevation being the cre- Win. H. Morris, Mrs. Wm. H. Morris, ation nf art AarMnm fnr tha Inrrl limi. HOME INDUSTRY CIGAR CO-- "' E. HaU ' I MaiIs are due from the following 0. & Son Mrs. W. K.; Gasaette, Mrs. Claire Mab- - tenant f irprf which nnst i at 88 So. King St. THE MODEL CLOTHIERS PUrfE AMD FRESH. lum, Ed. W. Hulse, Miss B. Brems, present occupied by one of that rank, -- GENERAL -- y, Honoluhj'e Leading Clothing - Iv, tt.-- , San Francisco Matsonia. Jan, . Oil, Cream and Butter- A. T... Mra. Tompkins, i. Miss Thewiis, lie imiii ui auci ucru. Yokohama Korea. Jan 12. MERCHANDISE ' House. Mrs. M. R. JHarshall, W. M. Case, Jno. .4A Australi- a- entura. Jan. 2. Patronize Home Industry Fort and King 8ta. PHONE 8I2JL i B Maddock, Mrs. Jno. B. Maddock, Saloonkeepers of Milhurn. N. Y.. have L. E. raised ihe price of beer sold over the Mails will depart for tbe following Fort Street' DAJEY Mrs. Holeman, Arnold. L 0ITY - as f.0,low8: bar by the pint, from 10c to '15c, be 1?. 4 P1SSEXGERS BOOKED cause of the war tax. ,ar!T Jr" iDKOuama Nippon Manr, Jan. tz. Y. TAKAKUWA & CO, r ' Kin-neyrMr- Australia onoma JaL '28. CRESCENT JEWELRY Ca BARGAIN COUNTER PRE-- V Per Btmr. W. G. Hall, for KauaJ Msster W. Kinney. Mrs. H. W. White Wings Limited. , MIUM SALE NOW ON AT ports,- - Jan. 1, Mlsa R. Wilkins. Mrs, H. Fisher, Miss Ben Taylor, t NAMCO" CRABS . packed In WATCH AND JEWELRY RE H. D. Wishard, Miss G. lag. Miss R. Mrs. E. A. Peck. Miss Olivia Kapahua, TRAXSPOBT SERTICE The Soap that Does Things. ) CITY MERCANTILE CO. - Ing. Miss M. S. Honan, Miss S. Honan, Mrs. W. II. A. G. Smith. Sanitary Cans, wood lined. PAIRING A 8PFCIALTY. Hiserman. Logan, Honolulu, Grocer. (, 14 Hotel EL, nr. Nanann Miss B. T Kau. Miss Y. T. Kau. Mas- Rev. James.'Miss Eliza Smythe. Miss from for Guam and Ask Your Kaaana 8L near Ktax fL 1110 Fort, nr. Pauahl Street ter C. Honan, K. C. Ahana, Miss II. Ase Ting, W. J. West, U Severance, Manila, sailed Dec. 14. Coiburn, M rs. H. N. Honan. A. Horner, Miss Helen Severance. Thomas, from Mr.nila for Nagasaki, Honolulu, and San Francisco, Dec, Jr.. Mfad D. Teller, Miss L.' Weight, Per M. N. S. S. Manoa, for San ' 15. Miss Anna Salloday, Miss L. Salloday, Francisco. Jan. ii V. Stoicesco. Frank ' Sheridan, HONOLULU Mrs. A. G. Kaulukou, Miss H. Jacob-acn- . Jordan, Miss M. Shendon. Mrs. T. A. sailed from Honolulu for PHONE 2295 BEACHES ; STEINWAY Miss W. Dunn. Misa E. Dunn, Mrs. Towle. Mr. "and Mrs. H. P. Wood. W. San Francisco, arrived Dec. 14. , Ctrtlnt to Other "Pianoa, CITY TAX I STAMP B. Baldwin. Miss M. Bryant, Miss C. T. Rawlins. J. W. Bennett, Mr. and Dix. from Manila via Japan, arrived Hustace- - Co., ' PLATER PIANOS. Johnsod. Mrs. Palmer. Mrs. F. D. Mullin, O. E. Ieiser. II. at Honolulu Doc, 20. ALL KINDS OF ROCK ANDFeckSAND FOR CONCRETE WORK. THAYER PIANO CO LTD Per $tnir. Mauna Kea. for Hilo and Ted well. L. W. Bean. Mrs--. A. L. Case. Sherman., sailed from Honolulu for FIREWOOD AND COAL. III Hotel Street" Pbone XX1 PHONE 1411 way Hrts. Jan. 2 Miss E. Keola, Miss Miss Irene D'ches. John Paul, Mr. and San Francisco, arrived Dec. 15. 13 QUEEN STREET. P. O.aBOX 111 Amelia Tan Yan, Miss Mae Alana, Mrs. Chas. Mendjer. , Warren, stationed at th Philippines.