Modern Slavery Statement FY20 Downer Group Modern Slavery Statement FY20
Modern Slavery Statement FY20 Downer Group Modern Slavery Statement FY20 Chief Executive Officer Introduction Downer is committed to operating However, Downer has designed and implemented a risk-based approach and is committed to continuously improving our processes. responsibly and establishing and adhering This includes engaging with our direct suppliers to educate, assess to high ethical and social standards. and encourage improvement in their own capacity to manage modern slavery risks within their broader supply chains. We reject any activities which may cause We will continue to collaborate with our internal and external or contribute to modern slavery, including stakeholders to address our own modern slavery risks and continue forced or bonded labour, child labour, to improve our processes. This statement was approved by the Board of Downer EDI Limited human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced on 10 February, 2021. marriage or deceptive recruiting for labour or services. Downer welcomes the opportunity to release this, our first Modern Slavery Statement, which outlines our approach to address and minimise the risk of modern slavery in our business operations and supply chains. Downer’s Standards of Business Conduct, which is supported by extensive policies, procedures and processes, has been put in place to help minimise this risk. This is further underpinned Grant Fenn by a robust governance process and Downer’s Business Downer Group Chief Executive Officer Integrity policy. Ensuring that modern slavery is not taking place in Downer’s workforce, which includes our supply chain beyond our direct suppliers, is challenging given the diversity of our service offerings and locations. 2 Section 1: Mandatory reporting criterion This Modern Slavery Statement covers the activities of Downer EDI Limited ABN 97 003 872 848 and its controlled entities, as informed by the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018, for the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 (FY20).
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