

OPEN FORUM Court Wood – a representative from the & District Association (RYDA) gave a brief outline of plans to buy three acres of Court Wood owned by the late Mr. Francis Bennett formerly of Menryn, Court Wood. The separate parcel of woodland had been due to go up for auction in September. There had been concerns expressed that the woodland could be bought by a private owner with subsequent development and potential access issues. The current owners of the land agreed to sell the land to the community for £18,000. The Woodland Trust were not in a position to act immediately. The RYDA was approached to act as the purchaser with the potential for the land to be transferred subsequently to the Woodland Trust. The RYDA planned to manage the land in a similar way to Brookings Down Wood and Eastern Hill. Fund raising stood at £15,000 with a further £2000 in the pipeline and a grant application in with Yealm Community Energy (YCE). There was a possible funding requirement by YCE for a body to “vouch” for the RYDA in respect of which the Parish Council had been approached. It was hoped the purchase could complete this month. Part of the purchase price would be eligible for Gift Aid which would leave £4000 in a “pot” to open up pathways. Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo Parish Council Police Report July and August 2019 - PCSO Andrew Potter gave apologies for the Council meeting and had sent the following written reports: Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo Parish Council Police Report July 2019 Newton Ferrers 27th, theft of property from house [ Collaton Cross area] CR/06773/19 Noss Mayo 7th Criminal damage to a car, window smashed CR/060432/19 Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo Parish Council Police Report August 2019 Newton Ferrers 6th , report of property stolen from within home CR/070624/19 [Collaton Cross area] 7th report of a common assault, no further police action CR/071006/19 Noss Mayo No reported crime

124/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - there were apologies from Cllr. Baldry, Mrs Story, Mr. Lyndon and Mr. Ingram.

125/19 INTERESTS TO BE DECLARED - members were invited to declare interests in the items for discussion during the meeting. Mr. Rogers declared an interest in quotes relating to the Sports Pavilion repairs by virtue of being related to one of the quoting contractors.


127/19 MINUTES - the minutes of the July 18 and September 3 Parish Council Meetings were approved as a correct record and the Chairman was authorised to sign.

128/19 VARIATION OF AGENDA – RESOLVED: quotes and invitations to quote relating to maintenance and pre- planning/planning enforcement should be considered in committee. (Vote: unanimous.)

129/19 DISTRICT COUNCIL(SHDC) 129.1 Councillor reports – Cllr. Thomas reported as follows; i)Sustainable Communities Locality Fund - each District Councillor had £2000 to spend on local projects in respect of which applications were sought, preferably, by mid October. ii) Planning training – would be taking place 7 October at the Methodist Hall, at 7pm. Mr. Patrick Whymer, head of SHDC Development Management would be leading the training. Members of Yealmpton and Sparkwell Parish Councils would also be attending. Parish Council had been invited. iii) Highways- the Dunstone diversion was about to come into effect. There would be a one-way system in place from the Bull & Bear to Gnaton and on to the Yealmpton Road. iv) Brexit- SHDC was putting together a Brexit briefing for Parish Councils based on worst case scenario planning. The Deputy Chief Executive officer was the assigned officer. v) Car collision- both he and Cllr. Baldry had been made aware of a further recent motor collision at Butts Park. Investigation would be led by County Council as the Highways Authority.


129.2 Public toilets - the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Mrs Story, Mr Ingram and the Clerk had met with Cllr. Baldry, Cllr Thomas and Cllr. May Tuesday July 23 and Monday 2 September. Cllr. May suggested the Parish Council make a contribution of £1500 - for March 2020 (after it re-opened after winter) and then for the financial year to 31 March 2021. This would be an interim measure pending a review of maintenance costs figures provided by SHDC and designation of Newton & Noss as a tourist area. The proposal would enable the Parish Council to precept for the additional costs of spring/summer opening 2020. The public conveniences in Newton & Noss would close for the winter- Cllr. May noted that the Parish had asked that this be put back to the end of October to allow for the Arts Trail. RESOLVED:Newton & Noss Parish Council was prepared to make a financial contribution of £1500 to enable the public toilets to re-open in March 2020 for spring, summer and autumn for the financial year 2020/21.This would be on the basis of an interim measure purely for that year to enable South Hams District Council to review costs allocations made, water usage and to revisit the tourist assessment given as 0 for Newton Ferrers. (Vote: unanimous.) The Parish Council requested that the lights be turned off after closure to prevent the public being led to believe that they were still open. 129.3 Town and Parish Council Standards and Governance Training - no members were available to attend. 129.4 Council Tax Support Grant – members had no comment to make in respect of the consultation on proposed withdrawal of Council Tax Support Grant, with effect from 1 April 2020, by 50% per annum over the next two years. 129.5 Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places – members had no comment.

130/19 (DCC) 130.1Cllr. Hosking had not yet arrived. It was agreed to put his report back on the agenda. 130.2 Highways. Gigaclear - had advised that the requested Butts Park to Widey path surface reinstatement had been escalated to senior management. An enquiry had been raised by Gigaclear concerning ownership of Gunsey Lane. Parsonage Road new bus stop – had now been put in place. Butts Park speeding - Mr. Colton, the local Highways Officer, had advised that he had requested a speed and volume survey. This could take a number of months. He had not been able to confirm when the temporary speeding signs would be in place on the rota system for the parish. Mr. Colton had been advised of another road traffic accident at Butts park. It was not known whether the police had been involved. A parishioner had raised concerns about speeding and inconsiderate driving by both local drivers and holiday makers in the lanes around the parish. Yealm Road parking survey - it was understood survey forms had been sent out. A parishioner had contacted the Parish Council suggesting reinstatement of no overnight parking between the old Lifeboat House and the former International Paints building. Members who had been on the Parish Council at that time suggested that the sign had been advisory and not enforceable. Devon County Council's Highway Service Parish & Town Council Conference - no members were available to attend. Stoke Road closures December 2020 - concern had been expressed about two road closures planned for Stoke Road in December. One week by South West Water the following week by Wales and West utilities. The Highways Officer had been asked why the two closures could not be concurrent to minimise disruption. 130.3 Street lights - a parishioner had suggested introducing lantern style lights on Newton Hill similar to Riverside Road West. DCC confirmed that the costs would be approximately £3500 per column and would be subject to agreeing positioning with residents. Members agreed that the Parish Council would not fund provision of such lighting and that the parishioner may wish to take the matter up direct with DCC. DCC would be conducting work September- December to converting the majority of lighting in the parish to LED.

131/19 PLANNING 131.1 Community Land Trust – Mrs Phillipson advised that the group was waiting to hear from SHDC regarding their pre planning application and what matters needed to be considered. Cllr. Thomas offered to assist with speeding matters up. The group was looking at housing associations in conjunction with the landowners. Things were moving forward slowly. A grant of £100,000 had been applied for to Homes , to fund feasibility work. It had been disappointing to note that although receipt of the funding application had been acknowledged, Homes England were currently unable to locate it. Planning decisions 131.2 Land variously to the South of Stoke Road, Noss Mayo Request for a TPO - Ref: 1070393. SHDC: Confirmed without modification. 131.3 Woodville, Pillory Hill 1025/19/FUL - demolition of existing dwelling and replacement dwelling with underground garage. SHDC: Refused. 131.4 Land at SX 543483 North West of The Fairway 2363/19/AGR - agricultural prior notification for proposed works to infill basin within field, along with removal of stock fencing wire in isolated areas of field boundaries, infill Devon banks where eroded and replace stock fencing. SHDC: No further information required. Works may commence without further reference to the Council as the Local Planning Authority. 131.5 Sea Horses 4 Church Park Road 1151/19/HHO - READVERTISEMENT (revised plans received.) Householder application for conversion of roof space and new porch. SHDC: Granted. 2/12September2019……………………………………………………Chairman

131.6 8 Riverside Road East 1674/19/HHO - householder application for internal alterations and rear roof conversion. WITHDRAWN. 131.7 Ashley Cottage, 7 Riverside Road East 1759/19/HHO - householder application for alterations to cottage; internal wall reconfiguration, relocation of bathroom, installation of roof lantern to rear kitchen in existing light well, conversion of existing loft into a bedroom and ensuite bathroom with improved access to the garden. WITHDRAWN. 131.8 98 Court Road 2054/19/HHO - householder application for conversion and extension of the detached double garage to create ancillary storage, office and gym, and the conversion and extension of outbuilding/coach house to create a family/guest annex. WITHDRAWN. 131.9 Even Keel, Pillory Hill, Request for a TPO - Ref: 1045535.South Hams District Council Parish of Newton & Noss No. 976 Tree Preservation Order 2019.Serving of New Order. SHDC; Order confirmed without modification. Planning applications received including; 131.10 The Retreat, Riverside Road West 2624/19/HHO - householder application for replacing existing sheds with parking space and summer house. DECISION: Objection. The proposal was contrary to policies N3P-2, N3P-4, N3P-8 and N3P-9 of the Newton & Noss Neighbourhood Plan. The site was within the Newton Ferrers Conservation Area and the appraisal highlighted significant views, important garden areas, important open spaces, historic street furniture, paths, walls and both individual and groups of buildings that had a positive impact on the character of the historic hearts of the villages. Riverside Road West benefited from a number of key features protected by N3P-8 (ref. map on page 32) i) The Retreat was in a row of houses designated as a group of buildings that made a ‘Positive Impact’ on the Conservation Area. This row included a Grade II listed building. ii) The wall they were proposing to partly demolish, bordering the garden, was designated as having a ‘Positive Impact’ on the Conservation Area. iii) The garden running down to the river, was within the designated ‘Important Garden Area’. iv) There was an ‘Important Long View’ from in front of The Retreat of Noss Mayo which was visible over the existing wall. The Parish Council was concerned that the proposed parking area would remove a section of protected wall, have a very negative impact on the street scene as viewed from the river and Noss Mayo and would set a precedent for other gardens to be paved as parking areas. In addition, the proposed Garden Room had a front wall of approx. 2m of floor to ceiling glass, which when viewed from the river and Noss Mayo had the potential for considerable light pollution. (Vote; unanimous.) 131.11 Appeals: 8-12 & 14-17 Peters Field, APP/K1128/W/19/3234577 - variation of condition 3 of planning consent 37/1714/15/F (proposed housing development comprising 16 dwellings and associated access road, car park and landscaping) for slate roofs to numbers 8-12 and 14-17 fixed with hooks rather than nails. Members made no further comment. 131.12 No statutory consultation: Yealm Hotel 104 Yealm Road 2801/19/NMM - non material minor amendment to planning permission 0598/18/VAR. Members made no comment. 131.13 Development Management Committee – no matters affecting the parish. 131.14 Construction Management Plans – it was agreed to raise the matter during the planning training in Yealmpton. 131.15 Light pollution – members considered “Dark Skies” policies used by some Councils. It was suggested that this could be raised as an issue to be addressed by a potential environmental working group.

132/19 ADMINISTRATION 132.1 Events – 132.2 i) Big Slip Quay land registration – RESOLVED: To authorise the Chairman to sign a Statement of Truth in support of an application for registration of land, based upon lost or destroyed title deed, to support the application for registration of part of Big Slip Quay which should have been included within the original 1973 conveyance. (Vote; unanimous.) A request for a current valuation of the land had been queried with the Land Registry. ii) Noss Fountain – the solicitors had advised to protect Noss Fountain by means of Listing rather than as a Village Green, suggesting Noss Fountain had not been used for sports or past times despite the information provided. The Council was advised that a previous application for Listing had been unsuccessful. The Fountain was protected under the N3P (8) as an asset of community value and non- designated heritage asset. This afforded some protection. It was agreed the Clerk would research the process whereby land could be registered as a Village Green iii) Gigaclear wayleave agreements – a draft wayleave agreement had been received and advice provided to the Council by Wolferstans Solicitors. It was agreed that the Council would request the depth to be increased for the cable laying (agricultural depth). The Parish Council did not wish to assume responsibility for any damage caused to the equipment once it was installed. The Council suggested access was from the public highway/parking lay by behind "Futtocks End." Members sought confirmation as to whether the wayleave agreement would be going ahead given the press release issued that day that Connecting Devon & Somerset had cancelled the contract with Gigaclear. iv) The Green - triangle. Registration of the land transfer had been completed by the Land Registry. 132.3 Audit 2018/19 –the external auditor PKF Littlejohn had completed the limited assurance review for the financial year ended 31 March 2019. On the basis of their review of Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) , in their opinion the information in Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR was in accordance with


Proper Practices and no matters had come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements had not been met. 132.4 Quarterly accounts inspection - the accounts inspection had been undertaken by the Chairman. No matters had arisen. 132.5 Emergency Plan – the review by Mr Carter was pending. 132.6 Councillor responsibilities/training – some members would be attending the planning training in Yealmpton in October. 132.7 Parish Council meetings 2020 – a draft schedule had been circulated. It was agreed to hold the Parish Council meeting in July 2020 on the third Thursday of the month given there was no meeting in August. 132.8 Health & Safety – it was agreed to put the matter back to the next meeting. 132.9 Financial Regulations - new model financial Regulations had been issued by the National Association of Local Councils. It was agreed to delegate a review to the Clerk, Chairman and Vice Chairman

133/19 CORRESPONDENCE 133.1 Dementia Friendly Parishes - Mrs. Hirst had sent apologies and reports: The checklist for Parish Councils to use for to all public buildings and spaces to assist dementia friendly access had been nearly completed. An appendix would offer helpful hints – signage suppliers and placing of signs will be added. A small starter signage pack would be offered to the councils. Over the summer months the projects presence at Yealmpton School Fair, Brixton Church Fair, Summer Fair and Yealmpton Show had been successful. 100 families had been supported over the life of the project and they currently had 38 active families of which there were 6 within Newton & Noss. The meeting with Claire Goldfinch of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) had been a great success. Current fund raising events included the Pacific Coast Charity Cycle Ride and the Fashion Show at Kitley House Hotel on the 2nd October. A Dementia Friendly Church Service was being held at St. Andrew’s, on Tuesday 15th October at 11.00am to mark 40 years of the Alzheimer’s Society, and would be recorded live by the BBC. Details of October activities and events were given. Their next meeting would be held on Friday 18th October between 10.00 and 12.00 at the Reading Rooms Yealmpton. 133.2 Grant applications – RESOLVED; to make a financial contribution to the Royal British Legion in the sum of £125 by means of grant and for the costs of the Parish Council Remembrance Day Wreath. (Vote; unanimous.) 133.3 Climate Change – the Parish Council considered suggestions to: make a declaration of a "Climate Emergency" in the Parish, to be part of a local parishes environment committee, to be party to the Tree Charter, Wildflower verges and Wildlife Community of the Year Award 2020 ( including potential funding for tree and wildflower planting in the parish ) and electric vehicle charging stations. It was agreed, in principle, to set up an environment working group, it being preferable to consider the issues and come up with action plans as a whole. The Chairman, Dr. Hardy, Mr. Tubb, Mr. Thomas and Mrs Story had expressed interest. It was agreed to consider the formation of the group following potential attendances at; i)Wembury Marine Centre 16 September- Cllr. Matthew Chown (SHDC) had advised that Wembury Parish Council had unanimously voted in favour of a 'Climate, Environment and Biodiversity Emergency' motion in June as had Brixton Parish Council in July. Point 2 of the motion was to "Create an ‘Environment Committee’ and work with all partners, including environmental experts, other local authorities, businesses and residents, to produce an ‘Environmental Action Plan’ and report back to council within six months. An ‘Environment Committee’ meeting has been arranged for the 16th September, 18:30-20:30, in Wembury at which several ‘environmental experts’ had offered to provide advice. The goal of the meeting was to work towards creating an environmental action plan that a Parish Council (in conjunction with residents, businesses and other councils) could implement with short, medium and long term goals. It had been suggested that a concept could be created similar to ‘Dementia Friendly Parishes Around the Yealm’ to ‘Environment Friendly Parishes Around the Yealm’. This could help avoid the need for each parish to replicate the same processes, such as setting up individual committees, and provide an opportunity for parishes to support each other, collaborate ideas, share experience and achieve as much as possible in protecting and enhancing the environment. It was agreed to ask Mrs Story to see if she could attend. ii) Wildflower verges and Wildlife Community of the Year Award 2020 – Devon County Council would be providing advice on the practicalities of a managing wildlife verges at Brixton Primary School Tuesday 1 October 6-8.30pm. The Chairman advised he would attend. Other events in October had been circulated to members. 133.4 Parish noticeboards – a parishioner had suggested the Parish Council develop a policy for monitoring and removal of commercial/out of date posters on parish notice boards. It was agreed that members would monitor the boards on an informal basis. A note would be put in the Parish magazine requesting people remove out of date events posters. 133.5 Drones – Mrs Phillipson was reviewing a draft policy prepared by the Clerk. 133.6 Devon Air Ambulance – Mr. Tubb had met with Mr. Russell from the Devon Air Ambulance Trust on site over the summer. The electrical supply from the Pavilion would be sufficient. An information sheet had been circulated to members. The next steps, to be confirmed by Mr. Russell, appeared to be to secure a quote for lighting works and erection of a streetlighting column, to apply for planning permission ( SHDC had advised that the fee would be £234 for the Parish Council), to consult with residents in the vicinity, to apply for grants and to take into account future maintenance costs within budget considerations. It was agreed the Clerk would request an update from Mr. Russell. 4/12September2019……………………………………………………Chairman

133.7 Court Wood – having heard a representative from the RYDA speak in open forum regarding the planned purchase of land at Court Wood, it was agreed to “vouch” for the RYDA for the purposes of the funding application for Yealm Community Energy.

134/19 AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS – Balance in Unity Trust Deposit account balance 31/07/19 £25,138.26 balance 31/08/19 £25138.26 Santander Current Account balance at 31/07/19 £55453.09 balance 31/08/19 £51492.37 The balance includes: Monies held in respect of the Butts Park Play Park Improvement Project £1,383.32 Monies held in respect of the maintenance of the Revington Memorial Seat £390 Big Greenspace Challenge £59.43 Monies granted by Parish Council/ Revelstoke Community Trust/RYDA/Community Rights Programme for Neighbourhood Plan £248.39

The following payments had been checked and authorised in August: Payments 21 August 2019 Chq No PAYEE AMOUNT 22017 Applecliff Ltd Sports Pavilion- asbestos removal from ceilings £1,974.00 22018 South West Water Sports Pavilion water charges 22/5/19- 6/8/19 £13.52 22019 South West Water Public Tap Pillory Hill 22/5/19- 6/8/19 £11.63 Total £1,999.15 Payments 23 August 2019 Chq No PAYEE AMOUNT 22016 M. Grundy Parish Council website management 18/7/18- 17/7/19-CHQ CANCELLED -£408.00 22020 M. Grundy Parish Council website management 18/7/18- 17/7/19-CHQ replacement £408.00

Cheque payments for 12 September were checked by the Vice Chairman and authorised and signed in accordance with the schedule prepared by the Clerk and listed below.

Payments 12 September 2019 Chq No PAYEE AMOUNT 22021 WI Community Hall Hire fee NNPC Meeting 12 September 2019 £30.00 22022 Newton & Noss Village Hall Revelstoke room:24 June, 23 July 2 September & 3 September £48.00 22023 Devon Association of Local Councils Chairmanship training course £36.00 22024 S. McDonough Net salary August £1,301.03 22025 PKF Littlejohn LLP External audit fees year ending 31 March 2019 £360.00 22026 P. Parry-Smith Expenses reimbursement: spare keys for sports pavilion £17.50 22027 S. McDonough Expenses reimbursement- McAfee computer virus protection £59.99 South Hams Garden & Property 22028 Services Grounds maintenance - July & August £2,228.00 South Hams Garden & Property 22029 Services Sports Pavilion- loft clearance £60.00 South Hams Garden & Property 22030 Services Annual parish maintenance in part £278.00 22031 AJ Watkinson Newton Voss and steps cleaning July £124.00 22032 AJ Watkinson Noss Voss/ steps, Popes Quay, Crocker’s Quay cleaning July £50 22033 AJ Watkinson Newton Voss and steps cleaning August £144 22034 AJ Watkinson Noss Voss/ steps, Popes Quay, Crocker’s Quay cleaning August £50 Total £4,786.52 *Section 137 Local Government Act 1972 payments: £0 total to date; £110


BACS HMRC Clerk's Tax and National Insurance August £311.50 South Hams District Council Insurance and inspection Fees Butts Park Play Park £240.00 South Hams District Council Insurance and inspection Fees Noss Mayo play park £240.00 July DD EDF Sports Pavilion £11.00 DD BT Broadband& telephone charges £226.50 SO Reading Room Storage facilities £40.00 August DD EDF Sports Pavilion £11.00 DD B & CE Holdings Ltd Pension payment £71.99 DD Ricoh UK Ltd Photocopier rental and copies £226.05 SO Reading Room Storage facilities £40.00

135/19 MEETINGS ATTENDED: 135.1 Harbour Authority – Mr. Carter advised that there had been no meeting the previous week. A pontoon at the Yealm Steps was due to be removed for repair. The meeting was advised that the steps leading down to the Yealm Steps were classed as a public footpath the condition of which Devon County Council had deemed adequate. 135.2 Halls – the Vice Chairman advised that there was due to be a meeting of the WI Hall Committee at the end of the month. The Chairman advised that the solar panels on Newton & Noss Village Hall were working well. A battery storage system may be investigated.

135/19 MAINTENANCE 135.1 Maintenance working groups. i) Sports Pavilion/playing field: Asbestos removal work – had been completed. Bicycle Pump Track - the resident who had suggested a track for Butts Park playing field, had acknowledged the Parish Council’s correspondence, requesting a further couple of months to answer all points A private landowner had offered to have the track on their land if it was not possible to have it at the Butts Park Playing Field. It was agreed that the potential position for the Devon Air Ambulance landing site would need to be confirmed. Public Spaces Protection Order – an email dated 15 August from the Butts Park resident responding to the allegation that his dog had been exercised off lead at the playing field was considered and noted including his Freedom of Information request for the supply of dates and timings of dogs being exercised off lead in the playing field since January 2018.The same Butts Park resident’s further two letters of complaint, the first alleging breach of Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 regulations by a grounds maintenance contractor, and the second being complaints about Revelstoke Rangers and Yealm Cricket Club, were also considered.It was agreed to delegate the Council’s response to the resident to the Chairman. The allegations regarding breach of Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 regulations would be taken up with the contractor. The resident’s complaints about the Revelstoke Rangers and Yealm Cricket Club would be reported to the respective clubs. The resident was to be advised that future concerns about Revelstoke Rangers and Yealm Cricket Club should be addressed to the respective Clubs direct, copying the Parish Council in. Reports of dogs off leads in the play park and playing field should be reported direct to the South Hams District Council Dog Warden. ii) The Green/Dillon’s Green: - The potential for the area to be used for further tree/wildflower planting was considered. - The tree inspection undertaken in 2018 by Dart Forest Tree Works had recommended monitoring one of the Beech trees (T0771) at The Green, for decay, on an annual basis following Resistograph testing in 2015. The report had also recommended regular monitoring for Ash Dieback on the borders of Brookings Down Wood/Noss Recreation Area, Butts Park playing field and Ferry Woods. It was agreed to seek a quote from Dart Forest Tree Works to carry out an inspection of those areas, delegating approval of the quote to the Chairman and Vice Chairman to enable the inspection to be undertaken with trees in leaf if possible. The tree budget for 2019/20 was £1000. £25 had been spent to date. Work on the Eucalyptus Tree on Noss Hard was still; to be considered. iii)Play parks. Butts Park Play Park – Sovereign had advised that they would be undertaking repairs to the zip wire cross beam week commencing 11 October 2019. South Hams Garden & Property Services had been authorised to repair one of the steps on a toddler slide which had broken off. Noss Play Park – Mrs Alison Ansell had been undertaking research into the costs of replacing the pirate ship and safety surfacing together with potential funding sources. Two possible funding opportunities had been missed as the Parish Council had not been eligible to apply. Mrs Ansell had had a meeting with one of the fundraisers from the original renovations who was also treasurer of Network. The Network was an umbrella network for local groups needing to fund raise. It had been suggested that Mrs Ansell and the Noss Play Park Parish Council working group form a 6/12September2019……………………………………………………Chairman

‘Friends of Noss Play Park’ and use Newton and Noss Network when the Parish Council was not eligible for certain funding opportunities. The Parish Council would need to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Newton & Noss Network as it did for the original project. This would enable the Parish Council to reclaim the VAT for which there was an agreement with HMRC. This was agreed by the Council. Members enquired into the potential use of recycled plastic for the play park. The Clerk advised the Council to consider the Parish Council Financial Regulations when seeking quotes for the project- in particular Public Procurement regulations. It was suggested that the working group may wish to consider a schedule of works for the play park to be undertaken this year. Noss Recreation Areas – the Apple Day would be taking place Sunday 6 October. RESOLVED: To authorise payment for a storyteller for the Community Apple Day in the sum of £140. (Vote; unanimous.) RESOLVED: To authorise payment of up to £45 for mulch for the apple trees in the community orchard. (Vote: unanimous.) It was suggested that the Newton & Noss Community Orchard Group may wish to investigate the costs of buying an apple press for community use rather than hiring each year. The group had put forward proposals and a plan to turn the area surrounding the trees to a wildflower meadow which was agreed by the Council. The area would need to be scarified in the autumn with Rattle seed and wildflower seed being sown. It was suggested that the group may wish to approach Newton & Noss Environment Group/District Council Locality Funding who may have funding available to purchase the seed. 135.2. Footpaths – Mr Tubb would collate the inspection reports and advise at the next meeting. 135.3 Bridgend slipway – Mr. Carter had taken a look at the slipway (Newton Ferrers side) which was undermined at the south east side. A report had been received that Pope’s Quay and Crocker’s Quay may need attention. Joint cracks had appeared and timber piles were coming away. Mr. Rogers advised that Kilpatrick’s Steps may also require an inspection. Mr. Carter advised that he speak with the Harbour Authority. 135.4 Other areas for consideration – RESOLVED: To accept the quotation from South Hams Garden & Property Services to trim Butts Park - Collaton footpath hedging in the sum of £220. (Vote; unanimous.) Mr. Rogers reported that the MOT for a car parked in Noss Car Park for some considerable time, without moving, was to expire 13 September. He asked that action be taken to remove the car if the MOT was not reissued.

136/19 COUNTY COUNCIL Cllr Hosking reported as follows: i) Broadband – he had heard, that afternoon, that Connecting Devon & Somerset (CDS) had cancelled its contract with Gigaclear. CDS would not be paying for further work pertaining to their contracts. CDS would be going to new procurement in autumn to deliver the additional 5% of connections. There was a new collaboration with BT to extend coverage in rural areas. Cllr. Hosking was advised that a section of the footpath from Butts Park to Collaton had still not been reinstated by Gigaclear. ii) Wig wags – Cllr. Hosking was seeing whether surplus wig wags in another area could be used for Newton Ferrers Primary School. iii) Footpaths - he had visited the footpath by St. Peter’s and noted the patched step at the bottom. There was no budget to treat the moss. The Highways Officer had suggested using road salt. iv) Winter highways - Mr. Steggles confirmed that the salt spreader had been insured. He was making enquiries into snow chains. v) Drains – Cllr. Hoking was advised of blocked drains on Stoke Road and Revelstoke Road which had yet to be cleared. Cllr. Hosking advised that these should be reported on line. vi) Community Road Warden – had completed initial training but was yet to complete Chapter 8 training. vii)Speed limits - Cllr. Hosking was asked if blanket 20mph speed limit could be introduced for the villages as in Ermington. Cllr. Hosking advised that the Parish Council could apply for this. The Highways Officer would need to check actual speeds through the village. Additional infrastructure may need to be introduced to slow traffic down if people were currently driving above 20mph e.g. road narrowing, speed humps. The police did not undertake frequent speeding enforcement. Flashing 20mph signs may be more effective. Further national guidance was about to be issued regarding speeding enforcement following a policy review. No volunteers in the parish had stepped forward to take part in Community Speed Watch. Cllr. Hosking was waiting for the official report of the traffic accident at Butts Park. He was advised that a further accident had taken place subsequently. He suggested waiting for a month or so for Devon guidance. viii) Crimestoppers - Cllr. Hosking was a Councillor Advocate for the scheme and had met with the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office. ix) Local authority funding - nationally an additional 2.9 billion pounds has been made available to Local Authorities. This includes a grant for Adult and Children’s Services of £1 bn and the opportunity to increase Council Tax precept by 2%. This would increase the budget in Devon by a total of £20 million. Schools would be awarded 2.6 billion for 20/21, 4.8 billion for 2021/22 and 7.1 billion for 2022/23. The annual per pupil funding for primary schools will increase to £3750 per child and to £5000 per child for secondary schools. Funding for children with Special Educational Needs will increase by 700 million pounds and the Further Education budget by 400 million pounds.


X) Cross - the proposal for a roundabout at Hollacombe Cross would be going forward with part of the A379 closing. A roundabout at Kittaford Cross was being explored subject to funding. Minor alterations (change of priorities) were being made at Wrangaton.

In committee. Mr. Rogers left the meeting. 137/19. MAINTENANCE Play Parks - RESOLVED; to accept the revised quotation from Glendining signs for play park signage in the sum of £114.75 plus VAT. (Vote; unanimous.) Grounds Maintenance 2020-2023 – the draft quotation invitation and work schedule had been considered and approved by the Chairman and Vice Chairman and circulated to the Council prior to the meeting. The quotation invitation and schedule was agreed including provision for a potential wildflower meadow in the community orchard. Members considered and agreed contractors to whom the quotation invitation should be sent. Noss Hard Eucalyptus tree - three quotes had been sought to seek permission for and cutting down the Eucalyptus tree at Noss Hard. RESOLVED: To accept the quotation from South Hams Arborists in the sum of £320 plus VAT. (Vote; unanimous.) Sports Pavilion structural repairs – seven quotes had been sought. Two had been received. RESOLVED: To accept the quotation from Coast to Coast Construction to reinstate the ceilings in the Sports Pavilion with plasterboard, to plaster ceilings, to paint ceilings in mould resistant paint and to remove all waste materials from site in the sum of £1800. (Vote; unanimous.) Coast to Coast Construction would be asked to liaise with the electrician regarding lighting reinstatement. The two quoting contractors would be contacted for clarification regarding the remaining structural work which would be considered at the next meeting.

138/ 19 PRE-PLANNING/PLANNING ENFORCEMENT. The latest SHDC planning enforcement list and potential planning enforcement matters were considered.

Meeting closed at 9.55pm
