doi:10.12741/ebrasilis.v10i2.694 e-ISSN 1983-0572 Publication of the project Entomologistas do Brasil Creative Commons Licence v4.0 (BY-NC-SA) Copyright © EntomoBrasilis Copyright © Author(s) and Systematic / Taxonomia e Sistemática A new species of Ianthorntonia García Aldrete, from Bolivia, and description of the female Ianthorntonia marshalli García Aldrete (: : : )

Registered on ZooBank: Ianthorntonia dorbignyi n. sp. (Male): Alfonso Neri García Aldrete

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

EntomoBrasilis 10 (2): 123-126 (2017)

Abstract. A species of Ianthorntonia García Aldrete from the Department of La Paz, Bolivia, is here described and illustrated. It is based on a male, and differs from the other five species in the genus on hypandrium and phallosome characters. Also, the female Ianthorntonia marshalli García Aldrete, 2004, collected at the type locality of the species, is described and illustrated. It is the first female known in the genus; as expected, it is similar to the females of Goja Navás and Gojaoides García Aldrete.

Keywords: Bark-Lice; Book-lice; Psocids; South America.

Uma nova espécie de Ianthorntonia García Aldrete, para a Bolívia, e descrição da fêmea de Ianthorntonia marshalli García Aldrete (Psocodea: Psocomorpha: Epipsocetae: Epipsocidae)

Resumo. Uma espécie de Ianthorntonia García Aldrete, proveniente do departamento de La Paz, Bolívia, é aqui descrita e ilustrada. Esta espécie é baseada em um macho e difere das outras cinco espécies deste gênero pelas características do hipândrio e do falossomo. Além disso, a fêmea de Ianthorntonia marshalli García Aldrete, 2004, coletada na localidade tipo desta espécie, é descrita e ilustrada. Esta é a primeira fêmea conhecida para este gênero; como previsto, ela é similar as fêmeas de Goja Navás e Gojaoides García Aldrete.

Palavras-chave: América do Sul; Piolhos de cascas de árvores; Piolhos de livros; Psocídeos.

he epipsocid genus Ianthorntonia Ga r c í a Al d r e t e (2004), On April 9, 2004, I visited the type localities of Ianthorntonia is so far only known from the Bolivian Andes; it includes annae García Aldrete, 2004, Ianthorntonia loisae García five species, all described on basis of males, three species Aldrete, 2004, and Ianthorntonia marshalli García Aldrete, from the Department of Cochabamba, and two species from 2004, and was able to find the male-female association of the the Department of La Paz. Ca s a s o l a Go n z á l e z (2006) studied latter species. That female is here described and illustrated, the phylogenetic relationships of the genera of Epipsocetae; he as well as a species of Ianthorntonia, represented by a male, found that Phallofractus García Aldrete (as sp. 4 THAI), Goja collected in the Department of La Paz, on April 6, 2004. Navás (including Gojaoides García Aldrete), Ianthorntonia García Aldrete and Rogojiella García Aldrete, constitute a Material and Methods subclade of related genera in his clade B (see Figure 124 in that paper). On wing venation characters and phallosome structure, One male and one female were available for study. The male is Ianthorntonia is closest to Goja. The females of Goja Navás, and mutilated, missing the tibiae and tarsomeres of all legs, as well Gojaoides García Aldrete are micropterous, showing associated as the antennae and maxillary palpomeres. The two specimens neotenic characters, as small numbers of trichobothria in the were dissected in ethanol 80%, and their parts were mounted sensory fields of the paraprocts, and lack of ctenidobothria on on slides in Canada balsam following standard procedures. the first tarsomeres of the legs. It could then be expected that Parts on the slides were measured with a filar micrometer. the females of Ianthorntonia would be similar to those of Goja Abbreviations of parts measured are as follows: FW, HW: and Gojaoides. lengths of fore- and hind-wings, F, T, t1 and t2: lengths of femur,

Edited by:  Corresponding author: Funding agencies: Alberto Moreira Silva-Neto Alfonso Neri García Aldrete  Without funding declared

Article History:  [email protected]  No ORCID record Received: 31.iii.2017 Accepted: 29.v.2017 124 A newspeciesofIanthorntoniaGarcíaAldrete,fromBolivia,and… h seies tde ae eoie i te ainl National the in Collection (CNIN;InstitutodeBiología,UNAM,MéxicoCity). deposited are studied specimens The in dorsalviewofhead,PO:d/D. and transverse diameter of right compound diameter, eye, respectively, all antero-posterior eyes, compound between distance minimum d: and D IO, antenna, right of 1…n lengths flagellomeres f1…fn: of palpus, maxillary length right Mx4: of leg, palpomere hind fourth right of of 2 and 1 tarsomeres and tibiae rnhd wc, s lutae, eutn i tre rnhs M branches. three in resulting illustrated, as twice, branched R4+5 crossvein. such without forewing left pterostigma, the to seven crossvein a with with forewing right unbranched, R2+3 broad, middle. the in tip wider elongate, pterostigma lacinial 1): (Figure Forewing of denticles. cusp Outer Morphology. with apalebrownhue. Hindwings bands. distal and proximal brown with Pterostigma Cu1b. to R1 brown, from veins, between distally pale fenestrae hyaline with with washed Forewings brown. pale femora and trochanters Coxae, brown. dark metathorax and meso- of lobes Tergal specimen. the of state the to due discernible, not pattern eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Head Color (in 80% ethanol). Ground color reddish brown. Compound Phallosome. 5.Hypandrium. Scalesinmm. 1-5. Figures Ianthorntonia dorbignyi Ianthorntonia Ianthorntonia dorbignyi Results anddiscussion (Figures 1-5) n. sp. n.

n. sp.(Male)

(Holotype male). 1. Forewing and hindwing. 2. Right lacinial tip. 3. Left paraproct and epiproct. 4. epiproct. and paraproct Left 3. tip. lacinial Right 2. hindwing. and Forewing 1. male). (Holotype 4 en ad ed evs n ok al na wtral Holotype waterfall. near wall, male. A.N.GarcíaAldrete. rock on leaves dead and ferns South Yungas, 16º23.669’S: 67º29.936’W, 1437 Chulumani, m., 6.IV.2004, beating SE Km 28 Paz. La BOLIVIA. locality. Type d: 236,IO/d:1.44,PO:0.82. (in Measurements anteapically. granules of field a a and distally border, outer border, the on ahead further outer tooth on outwards, mesally teeth of curved row a bearing and acuminate, posteriorly directed process inner an and hooked, distally outwards, directed process outwards based wide curved a with arm distally each stout, pair slender, Posterior process. long, acuminate a bearing arm each broad endophallic of a pairs sclerites, anterior pair transverse, Two strongly sclerotized, elongate, with middle. the arch in projection aedeagal posterior rounded; distally posteriorly, directed straight, slender, long, parameres external anteriorly; closed broad, 4) (Figure Phallosome illustrated. as border; setae other posterior along setae of row a and macrosetae, mesal three of group a with posteriorly, rounded anteriorly, straight wide, 3) (Figure Epiproct rosettes. basal on trichobothria 30-32 (Figure 3) rounded, setae as illustrated, sensory fields oval, with Paraprocts angle. postero-lateral each on macrosetae of field a wide, setose, posteriorly convex, with border strongly sclerotized; 5) (Figure Hypandrium branched. three M distance, a for fused Rs-M branched, two Rs 1), (Figure Hindwing apically. rounded shallow, long, postica Areola illustrated. as branches, six with 1 µ m). FW: 3600, HW: 3100, IO: 341, D: 287, D: 341, IO: 3100, HW: 3600, FW: m). 3 e-ISSN 1983-0572 2 García Aldrete(2017) 5 Maio - Agosto 2017 - EntomoBrasilis 10 (2): 123-126

Etymology. This species honors the memory of Alcide Ianthorntonia marshalli García Aldrete (Female) Dessalines d’Orbigny, French naturalist (1802-1857), author of the monumental “Voyage dans l’Amérique Méridionale”, a (Figures 6-11) foundational work for the knowledge of the natural history of Color (in 80% ethanol). Body dark brown. Compound eyes Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Peru and Uruguay, and who black. Mx4 slightly more pigmented than the other palpomeres. most contributed to the scientific knowledge on Bolivia. Antennae and legs brown. Tibiae brown, with apices and a mesal Remarks. I. dorbigny differs from the other five species in the band pale brown. Winglets brown. genus, mainly on phallosome characters; it is the only species Morphology. Neotenic (i.e. without ocelli, t1 of legs without having the external parameres rod-shaped, slender and without ctenidobothria, micropterous, sensory fields of paraprocts spines, it is also the only species in which the aedeagal arch with four trichobothria in basal rosettes). Abdomen globose. is broadly projected posteriorly in the middle. Besides, the Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with eight denticles (Figure endophallic sclerites are distinct, and the hypandrium is strongly 9). Winglets with sides parallel (Figure 8), distally rounded, sclerotized posteriorly. All the above characters place this species with macrosetae sparsed on the surface, without traces of apart from the other species in the genus. It is the third species venation. Subgenital plate (Figure 7) wide, densely setose, in the genus to be recorded in the Bolivian department of La posteriorly rounded, pigmented area anteriorly concave in Paz. the middle. Gonapophyses (Figure 10): v1 long, slender, v2+3






11 125

Figures 6-11. Ianthorntonia marshalli García Aldrete. (Female). 6. Front view of head. 7. Subgenital plate. 8. Winglets with sides parallel. 9. Right lacinial tip. 10. Gonapophyses and ninth sternum. 11. Left paraproct and epiproct. Scales in mm.

e-ISSN 1983-0572 126 rdcin n t peoye coe o h fmls of females Gojaoides the to close phenotype, its on prediction of female the of finding The Remarks. of thesamespecies.A.N.GarcíaAldrete. NE Km vegetation on rock wall, 1 female, taken together with three males 70 of Cochabamba. BOLIVIA. locality (type m. 2,950 65º54.026’W, 17º10.513’S: Cochabamba, studied. Specimen d: 206,IO/d:2.1,PO:0.77. 267, D: 433, IO: 362, Mx4: 454, f4: 650, f3: 865, f2: 961, f1: 281, (in Measurements with setaeasillustrated. shaped, bell 11) (Figure Epiproct rosettes. four basal on trichobothria with small, fields sensory illustrated, as setae with broad, 11) (Figure Paraprocts spermapore. of tear- side each on broadly area shaped a with 10) (Fig. sternum Ninth microsetae. acuminate, with straight, process distal v2, on macrosetae 7-9 with A newspeciesofIanthorntoniaGarcíaAldrete,fromBolivia,and… Available on: García Aldrete(Psocodea:Psocomorpha:Epipsocetae:Epipsocidae).EntomoBrasilis,10(2):123-126. of species new A 2017. A.N., Aldrete, García Suggestion citation: . marshalli I. . Both the macropterous males, and the micropterous the and males, macropterous the Both .

doi:10.12741/ebrasilis.v10i2.69 aca lrt) 9I.04 baig en and ferns beating 9.IV.2004, Aldrete). García µ m). FW: 339, F: 1183, T: 1768, t1: 855, t2: 855, t1: 1768, T: 1183, F: 339, FW: m). I. marshalli I. Ianthorntonia 4 , confirms the confirms , García Aldrete, from Bolivia, and description of the female the of description and Bolivia, from Aldrete, García Goja and García Aldrete, A. N. 2004. N. A. Aldrete, García the of relationships Phylogenetic 2006. J.A., González, Casasola México, forcontinuousresearchsupport. I thank Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de of species Ianthorntonia no date, To biotope. same the in found are females, cmeoaie oue fr a W B Thornton. B. 20. W. Universidad NacionalAutónomadeMéxico.México,205p. Ian Especiales for Publicaciones volumen commemorative Thorntoniana. A (Eds.). Mockford L. E. & Lienhard C. N., A. 99-103. p. Bolivia, from Epipsocidae) 1194: 1-32. Psocomorpha). (: Epipsocetae of genera havebeenfoundoutsideoftheBolivianAndes. Acknowledgements References ********** A new epipsocid genus (Psocoptera: genus epipsocid new A nttt d Biología, de Instituto Ianthorntonia marshalli marshalli Ianthorntonia e-ISSN 1983-0572 In García Aldrete(2017) Grí Aldrete, García : Zootaxa,