ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, OCTOBER 13, 1888 For,, x m Nq. 41.

lEtmSYIiYANIA RAILROAD. Roal Estate Conveyances. Notq tlito l>lffer©nco. [From tho TfOy Dailly Times.) / 'V. reduction, of 1883 -was bad enough \ i t com ­ ... . gitgtoaw gEayflg. f»#t«st8te^a. ' • ROBERT T7GRAV ATT, 1888: - ono pound bf ualla for tho famier t Why T Btatlons, a t O.W. 9.10 a. m ., 1.10, B.80p. m. nnow of foreign-made brushes Into this country competition. And now the democratic pol­ press for New York, Newark, Elizabeth and AflBUBY FAftK. - Bebauee England bad a m onopoly of vtho b.oal- V now being mado at Washmgton Homooopathto Physician and Surgeon. Long Branch, a t 7.45 a. m. to. stul further remove tho narrlor yet remaining icy of cutting off 10 per cent, moro from the Cor, Cookman o«5d reduction, aa a reduotion of 25 per cent, COPPER, Til AID IHEIT IRON WORI.OF AU H. B. BEEGLE, For Point Pleasant, and Intermediate stations, at hadheen mado In 1883 apd afterward found to bo didly presented of tho brush manufacturing JA M E S B. BURNET, M. D. . 5.65, *6.40, 11.05 a. m., 2.01, 2.45, G.00,7.00p. m. Abram E, Strcot to Margaret Conn—lot 207, oonadmor four. t|mos more than the samo most disastrous to us.' KINDS. ' • ; ' . ■, {l>lloH.B.B00gl8*SOl!) enterprise, os It waa under adequate protec­ 10 ChcfitjujLStrcet, Newark, N. J. rBAiRS r.*AV» hsw tobk (via. Dosbrosses and $1,900. are to-day sold for (Sf our own manufac­ 4^be chairman of thla fitato commluee, who ^*Flrsf12 a. B to7p. m. IIEAIj ESTATE an<{ •Will not run after October 15. . Charles W. Hclsley to Jonnlo MTSwahi—lots quite As important, tho samo produce Is tnet who mado unavailing eirorta to have the lbw duty at tho present tlmo, and as it la inon- tb aih s lsa v b rnnJtngTiTOiA (Broad St.) ro n 1238 and 1210. S2,800. . ■ .. • ^ Mills committeefavorably upon ,tuem ; but aood with ruin - by tho Domoc'ratlo policy of Bundaya—8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 7 p. m. IJPPINOOTT, abbvjut iabk ■ 'i A. O, H am m G, M. Caralake—lo t 659. ttebled and-quadrnpled tn prlco, and labor tbo party In powor passed tho bill without amend­ . INSURANCE AGENT, A t 6.60, aoO, 11.15 a. m., &80.4.00 p . m. Mar­ $1,800. \ . has Increased In tho samo ratio, thus giving a ment "aaio brushes. ' tho Mills bill. All aro Jnterestod In the com­ HPEOIAL't’Y—DISEARH3 OF THB NASAL PAS' ket St., via. Camden and Trenton-, Anna M. Bushong to Lea M. Conard « oclally of ■ ' — . SAGES, THROAT AN6 I,UNGB. 10.80 a. m., 2.80 p. m. 'Via. Jamosburg. Bit. ii. greatly' Increaeed purchasing power or a nbrcared to what extent ho had aa ho termed it TAILO l E t 15 Mai Afinw, t a S m i J . I , 7,20 a. m., 4.00 p. m. Via. Toma River and . Amanda D. Vanaant to William R. Garrison— .chance to lay-by a nes^ egg ^gal^st fntnre hniahes, for,in his ppeech of July 28 ho our own locality. A blow at Its business I. GILL, A.M..P. P., : . ’ Berkeley, 8.80 a. m., 14.00 p. m. )ot 121. to ia i. neods' dr Ihveatm cnts. 'Tiifa Is w hat baa , "ottfiiigar wo reduce tho ra to from 73.15 moans calamity; tho protection of that busi­ VfSV * XoanffNegotlatedaDd Legal Papers Drawn 8 Will n o t run after October 18.' NBITUHB TOWKSH1P. to 62.81 por cont, • • • Wo have dealt more Pneumatopathiat, or Mental Healer, - ■ Cookman Ave; J. R. WOOD, Gen'l Fati, A gt. given to Americans bo many independent and harshly.with sugar, than with any other artlolo ness means thrift and general prosperity. CHAS. E. PUGH," Gen'I Manager. r* Anthony' Bennett to Holmes C. B ennett—lot In ‘wo havo lea on tho dntlblo list.'’ (Extract from -100 Sewall avonuo. Cor. IJeCk-atroot thrifty farm er and working peoplo. Let the G ents9 i^iixEtisM ngs. IL B. BEEGLE, N otary x*obllo an d'fcommlaaloncr Neptune township.-$200. * • tbo (XmgrcMlonal Jkcord) This "cut ’ on sugar Office hours 7 to 10,12 to 3,6 to 9. of Deeds for New Jersey, Pennsylvania and t) ¥IBCBUiA3»BOrB. free tradbt show a parallol If he can in-*freo la but 20 percent, while nia '‘cut’' on brushes is Corruption in Politics. the District of Columbia. . ; /F | | E f f Y O B K A M m a B R A N C H R . R , as stated 83 per cent., whllo taking the duty £ F. PAWLEY, • 4 '* ■ M. Howard Maps et a t, to Callcta A, T. Meglll Eqgiand. .v . To the Editor q f the Journal ,l— cemetery plot. 975. . ofl tho raw material”—which both parties are Time Table, ln effect Octobor ll, 1888. In .favor of—would not amount to one-tenth of My observations of men and things, which 1 I . "r: ' 4. d e n t i s t ; TRENTON STEAM DYEING WORKS, Tho Ailantlo Highlands Association to same— Bo AnKillto^. that rate on tho kinds of brushes Imported. Stations ln New.York—Central R^R. of New Jer­ lot 88, at Atlantic Highlands. 8550.- . are expected to bavo a bearing upon the polit­ "'CIS Ban^a ave* Aabury Park, N. J. • ' ' .. ESTABLISHED 1849, ^Jlsduo tojtho momber fttjm this district to Bargains in Real Estate sey, foot of Liberty Street; P. R. R., foot of **------to Thomas A W art—lot at A young man writes from ono of the rural Btato th at ho stood m anfully for lil« conetltuente, ical aspects of our country, have led me to - Cortlandt and Desbrouea Streets; N. J./8outlV- and like three of his Democratic colleagues from ] ^ U . S. T. 8LOCUM, , Ladles' dresses dyed In all tbe new est shades. ern RaUway, foot of Rector 8U ...... Wm. 8. Throckmorton el al— ylllages of Tennessee: ’ • this conclusion: _Tbo ■ men twho are most Feathers dyed to all colors. Gentlemen’s cloth­ LOTS ASfD IMPKOVI3D PBOP- & lots at Freehold. 8350. ------...... could no* ^ Coaxed or bribed to action DENTIST. MI have been.teaching fchool over .sinco I ault which Ir carried out bo knew- would prove disas­ deeply engaged In polltlps and who are most ing cleaned, dyed and pressed eaual to new. EBTY AT NORTH SPRING LAKE. u k t i n t tobk vob A sstm r m m , Ao. "* Charles C. Bowno to Wm. A. Thompson—lot at Office—204 Main St., opposite Railroad Station, Agent for Asbury Park. Freehold. 890. " school about s year ago, hut I do.not like It. It Is trous to his constituents—and hovotedfagainst the , GaB adm inistered. . Asbnry P ark, N. J, C entral R. I t of N. J.-4.00,8.1fi, *11.15 a, m ., I jOO, tlmo 1 bad chosen a profession, and I think I As.lhoso appearing for tho timo being at aotlvo In tbo work of convincing othera of Improved property and Lots at Point Pleasant 4.00, •4.80,6.15 p.m . Wm. A. Thompson to Thomas A. Ward—lot at Freehold. 81. .■"'Jt 1 ; would rather ho an editor than anything else, for « have control of tho majority in tho House tbelr errors aro mainly working* for the olioap for cash. . J ' . ■ • __ Pennsylvania—3.3u, •9.10 s. m., 12,00 m ., *4J80, I like easo and comfort and plenty of money and were, as their action Indicated, ovldcntly hostile A* B. BtniTON, D. ». B. I. O. BOTITON, ». ». S. ' Lots at M an li asset for Salo or Exchange. 200 . p.'m , : * * ■ .... r , The Atlantic Highlands Association to Fred­ to U9/Wp appealed to oueof tho Senators "ffom* “ loaves and nshos.” Politicians are numer­ HENRY DOREN, erick Llndon—lot 653, Atlantic Highlands. 860., do not llko to work. To bo an editor, to sit m an T>URTON BROTHERS, _ jet of Bay front, suitable for a wharf. The Leave Newark, Broad St.- Station, for Asbnry elegant sanctum, with nothing to do but wrlto thla State (Mr. Hlscock), who promptly took the ous, stntcsmon aro scarce/ while real disinter­ 15 - Re*td«ttt PenUdtR, . ■ - • {Successor to G W . Road,) only Bay front In the market for sale m that Park. Ao. — a28 11.20 a. m ., 1.06, 4-00. ^ Marienne Willett to Richard A. BnJwn, adm’r— when I feel llko it, tohavo plenty of money and m atter In hand and appears able aa ho Is willing Donn Bnlldlnir, 60S Cookman ave., Asbnry Park. lefnlEy; Will ho sold cheap.,p. m. • M arket Bt. Statlon-8.59, 9.88 undivided 1-9 of farm, SbifiWaDnry township. ested patriots are few and far between. The 81,200. ~1 where and when I please, free of coat, and lead to prevont tho pruposed reduction being made In ~ New York Office—CD West 31th st. - Lot!Sxl25f< а. m., 12.0C, 4.44,5.2jLp. m. .jo editor's quiet llfo of ca«o, withoutfiCare or bisi branch of tno law-making department. old, old storf of tho Outs against the Ins Is Ga« administered. Appointments made by tele- A sburyPark...... , , LUVI A8ST7BT PABK TO* *«W TOM, Ao. Caroline F.-Newman to Carollno Hall—02 acres, trouble of any sort. Is tho height ol my ambition. Woacono other lino of action to recommend hone or by mall. Hpurs; 9 a, m. to 6 p. tn. MERCHANT TAILOR, If you w ant to buy or Tent any property any*, Central R. R. of N. J.-C.15,7.25, *8.00,10,55 a, m., Wall township. 81. My friends think 1 ought to studv lawormodl- than to opj>oso with m ight and main tho re-eleo* onco moro tlio barp on which a thousand 5 George H. Wild to Joseph 8. Burdge—lot How* ITre of "ZOZO”— preparation for 718 COOKMAN AVENXJE. where along tho coast 4.15, fl.45 p. nu *,_o, or keep on teaching; bnt to bo a law yeror tlon for president of tho present Incumbent, who, strings ju st now fill tho air with discordant cleansing and preserving tho Teeth. Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON, Penn ay 1 vanla—6 JiO, ^7i45, 0.10 a. m ., 1.10,‘5.80 oil township 8100. _.jtor requires too much study, and too much although from New York State, heads thohostllo Cor. Sewall avi and Emory Bt., Aabury Park. p. m. . • J. Morton Giles to Edgar Tuckcr—lot Middle^ forces operating againRt our. industry under the mnslo. Tho results of the approaching elec­ Suita made to order guaranteed to fit. Cleaning town townahlp. $1. , brains to start with, and teaching is too bard N. SEYMOUR, D. P. 8. . * and Repairing. Or W. T. Stbmts, Point Pleasant, N. J ‘. Pot Philadelphia and Trenton, via. Bound Brook work. Under thcBo circumstances, would you pretext of reducing tho surplus in the United tion will as in tbo past be ln tbe interests of L D E 1 M T O B T , W. H. Pottsr, Spring Lake. N . J. Route—6.15,7.25, &oo a.m .. 4.15 p.m. Gcorffo Newman to Johnb Newman—5 21-100 not advise me to bccomo an editor?” States Treasury, when It Is evident that It would Office 45 Cookman avenue, near Emory street. For ocean Beach, Spring Lake and Sea Girt— acres, Wall township.—— r . .. make directly tothatend, and greatly benefit the officers who may Ixr olected, while at the Mechanical work a specialty. , GEOR€E W. LEE 5.6B, 0.80, 0.40,'7.20, 7.42/ 10.20, 11.05 a. m ., Mary E. Hum e to Daniel D. Applegate—1 80-100 Wo.certainly would ; your Ideas of tho life country too, by advancing Instead of icduclng the eamo tlmo tho multitudes who do the voting Difficult operations solloltod., 2.01, 2.45, 2.58, 4.00, 6.33, 5.55, 6.06, acres, MllUtono township, 8237.50, tariff rato upon foreign brushes so as to^ade- JOBiiMS HOUSE CARPENTER б.ii, 7.00, a io p. m. William L. Borden to Charles Reed-lot 8hrowb- of an editor and of bis anrroandlugs and free­ quatcly protect our homo industry In thiahrtmch will be loft to tako care of themselves as b « f . 3. 9, HAWKINS. ri?AKK DUU1RD. Ilardwood work a specialty: orders promptly For Manasquan and Point Pleasant—5.55, 6.80, bury township, 8185.87. dom from care and toll ara singularly accur­ of manufactures, and thus retain our hutbe.mar- tbey can. pjA W K IN S & DURAND, attended to and work done innrst-olaaa manner. Heal Estate and lasnrance at 5.40, loio, 11.05 a. m ., 100, 2.01, 2.45, 2.58, Thomas M. Allen to Mark Klng-^lot at Alien- ket^for oiir peoplo Instead of surrendering It to, 0.11,7.00.- 8.10 p. m .. ! wood. 800, ate, An editor la trioSa^lM t bolngonearth. foreigners. - There are clronmstan, uwnuiuan n tu., uy guaiuiui, -prmn & Barker, Special attention given to examination of Titles, For further particulars or maps,------samo-^lnterest In form. Shrewsbury township. with the Ifneat of wines, liquors and clgarri,- William Morrison, citizen it Is first tho man who will prostitute Ao. E. W1UGHT, Box 108, Asbury Park..,. pB E^B O LD AI1B NEWVOUKU. il. 81,458.83. Yilliam J. O’Brien, Alfred Provo, I Offioe In Cook's Building, Mason and Builder, n - , . „ , i Cor.Cookman and Sewall Avs.. A. Park. John P. Way, by trustee, to Hannah Wilson— which cost but a puff or two, Its sliver bell to Jeremiah Lucey, Thompson Manufactur­ his birthright by buying his neighbor’s vote J. G. O'Bryan, Sr., ing Asbury Park, New Jersey. Bricklaying and Plastering In all branches Offices. j 0 HfBtOVm’s store, North SprW Lake...... In effect Oct. 9, 1888. lot a t Koyport. Sao. summon an attendant whenever a julep or or selling his own. " • • o? Masonry work. -LN. 11.—I havo soirio cottages and lots fo r sale Daniel Wilson to Martin DonaUan—^ ol 8 acres, James McQuide Som^WmrH. '^anKleeek, cocktail is wanted, and, In short, with Its Tho George Scott Co;/ \ % • ’ I know that tho practice boa ad vocates and A LFRED D. BAILEY, .. . . Jobbing promptly attended to. oheap, easy; term s; also a number of oottagos TRAIN8 Wn.L JPOH raiKUOLD as roixow s: Middletown township. 830. Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor and Master In for rent. ■■■■■*—--j— Leave Asbury Park—7.25, 10.56 a . m ., 1.10, 4.15, Arthur IIU1 to Charles Ulll—lot a t Keyport. 81. everything that hnraan ingenuity can devise, participants in all parties, and alao that there Chancery and Notary Public. P. 0 . Box 097. Offioe, 733. M attison avonue 5.90 p.m . Lizzie Cherry to Joseph B. Brown—lot at Key- Tho foregoing statement by the brush man­ Special attention given to collection of olaima. Leave Long Branch~^7.40, H»10 a. m ., 1,80,4.80, porf. 82.500. for his comfort and pleasure, is a perfect lit-' ufacturers of Lanslngbur&h Is Important. It are those who aim high In tho aoolal aa'well Office In Mikado Bnlldlng, Asbury Park. —550p. m.- ■------7 -~ John P. rWa^ bjr trusteo, to Ann Meckan—lot tie paradise, where ho sits or lounges and showa that one promlilont branch of Industry as political world, who have been guilty of SAMUEL W. KIRKBiKBR^DEr Leave Branohport—7.48, 11.13 a, m.', J.W, 4.83, atatKeT] Keyport...... — ______jjjAVID HARVEY, Jr., — "5;6S-p. TiK------" WilliamWlllltuu W.n , Huntslucer,u u u u iu p r, byujr adm’r.tiuw l, toTIeorgevu ucuiki L. relgna a young lord, with theworld o f fashion hero will suffer Inevitable disaster if the Dem­ the crimft-.wlthout perhaps any accusations of WNTHACT'o k ;—— Leave Uttlo 8!lTer=T^#rll;i8-^m.r).S8, 4.88, Longstreet—100 acres, Upper freehold. 88.S00. and pleasure at his feet. And then anybody ocratic policy as embodied ln the Mills bill be conscience. But this is no excuse^ The diffi­ Attomey-at-Law, Solloltor, Master and Examiner & ' 5.58 p. m. • Goorgo L. Longstreet to Charles W. Huntalngor In Chancery, N otary Pnbllo. “ Leave Red Bank~7 53, ll.aO a.m .,1.43, 4.45, 6.06 —same property. ^ , 800. can be an editor—no study, no preparation, carried out And upon this showing tbe pro­ culty of enforcing our bribery laws Ilea in the Asbnry Park, N. J. Carpenter & Builder. Merlbah W. VanVVlnklb to Alvin Table—lot a t no bralnsj nothing but a ijttle money to 8»art fact that positive evidence ■necessary to con- • Leave-M iddletown—8.00, 11.87 a. tn„ 1.60, 4.52 Red Bank. 8300. prietors of twenty-four brush factories declare Plans and Bpeolfleatlons fnrnlahod. Jobbing wHh-and-onoo-fltarted"thevmoney-poure^1n- tlre rtlro f Vrensliard to obtain. Now I hereby make Q KrtriflE W. BYBAM, promptly attended to. Boat of reference given.. '1.14 p. ra, Charles G. Allen, by ox’rs, to Margaret Ifc Alleir tee no other line o f action to recom­ Residence—First ave., bot Bond and Emorysts. ._lUtAVH JtATAWAK TOR VBEKnOLD. —lot at Red Bank, 83,000. upon you in .tt Bteady stream and the chief mend than to oppose wUh might atul main there- the following offer and base my belief for suc- Aftorney-at-Law and Solicitor In Chancery, Shop and Office—First ave. and Main st; ■O.aO, 8.11, 9.81 a, m.. 12.16. 2.06, 5.30,6.40 pw m. Elizabeth M. K. Dnuham to Wnv F. Dunham— Cesa on the utter depravity of nature In 4!*®.; P . O. Box 743. ASBURY PARK. LKAVR FBSBHOLD VOB TUB SUOUB. lot at Red Bank. 81. Tabor ol your llfo is to B^cnd it. As for the Section for Presi'lent qf the present incumbent Address P. O. Box 10M, Asbury Park, N. J. fl. m.,-1.80,4.30, 5.55 D. m .- Sarah P. to Francis W. Coles—lot 1314 a t labor of editing' a newspaper, that Is mere [Mr. Clovelandj who, altftoxujKfroni New York man who holda out for the highest prlce4p£jrM J.K . RALPH, Sup’t. Ooean Beach. $1,200. hla v o te: . Henrv M. N xvius, E dmund WitftOH, . •*! y.- Cham bora to A. A. Chambers—fi tracta of moonshine. A more glance at the columns State, heads the hostile forces operating against CounKollor a t Law. .Attorney at Law. land ihFreehold towiiBhlp, *4,877.07. of a newspaper la enough to convince you onr industry This Ja signed by all except I wfil pay $25 reward each to any four men -VTEVTUS ifc WILSON, ^ II- H- Yard to H. H.Bennott et a/,—lot a t Ocean th at It requires no labor to. edit it a n d less who will after tho election Ip November next J-N Law OD Boaoh. $3,000. two of the brush manufacturers of tho place, make affidavit that tbey were paid a money RED BANK, N. J . • Henry Lofetra to George B. Klshor—2149-100 brains. It Is certainly a glorious life, that of five of these being life-long Democrats, and acres In Howell township. 8250. consideration for tholr votes, and ln such tea- Sewer Notiee. Jacob Kisner to same—58 28-100 aores In How­ an edttor, a life of luxurious ease ahd elegant heretofore prominent and Influential support- tlmony namo tbe mon who paid, and the ^ l ic e 5? iwnnisON, The Old and Reliable Brand. ell township. 8300. leisure—a life for the godSj.JUed, like that of. .cre of tho Democratic party—enterprising, amount, and the parties making auch affidavit 303 Third avenue, Asbnry Park. ^Mary C. Anmack to Thomas Bronnan—lot In shall be held guiltless in law. Raritan township. tho young lover In his first sweet dream of re­ staunch and hlghly-respectablo citizens, ' „,D. H . 5VyoKOFF. ' TEACHER OF MUSIC—Plano, Organ and TlieoTy During tho past year a number of nevfr connec­ Hannah Aumack to Bamo—loti n Raritan tow n­ quited love, with flutes and rose leaves qnd namely: Owen Dennln* James O’Neil, James Asbury ihrfc, Oct. 0,1888, ship- 81. 1 tions have boen made with the sewers. This haa ...... John S.-Trnax—lot In Mld- padonbeams, ^ Reed, William J. O’Brien and John Reilly. : JiR A N K V. BODINE, Vane,; Calvert Co. to some extent lessened tho percentage of cost \ While not a wave of troub\e rolla The facta and reasons set forth in the state­ W U at a M ockery 1 ARCHITECT, ASBURY PARK of maintaining the works. As the erection of ------Ludlow—lot In Raritan ■ "^*A*ok®9 his peace Ad breast; township.^----- — ment clearly explain tho situation of. the MIKADO BUILDING, the Bower Works was not a matter of specula­ It is positively refreshing to hear aDemo^ John W. Ripley to Margaret H. Stoyle—lots and that all men are not editors Is one of the brash Industry as affected by the Mills bill. P. O. BoX1865. ASBURY PARK, N. J , tion, but became a riecosalty'bodauso o f the suc­ cratiojeader proclaim, “ Thla la for the good All flesirdMe Shate of Color. 1001, 1002 arjd 1003 at Ocoan Beach. $3.000.------stra n g e st things b e b e ath -th ^ ta M .“ 7k)M(sy^te This industry greatly prospered under tho cessful and rapid growth of the town.tho owner’s N. A McBrido et al. to Elizabeth Ber&o—2 of tho peoplo,” ancl aasert that the Demo­ tracts of land a t Chapel HI1L 85. Courier'Jbumid. .- ‘ ;v- protootTou—10 per ’cont. duty—afforded by RS. EOSAUNE Y. m p i & x , desire to ke^p tho annual rent at tho lowest cratic party la tho “ conservator of tho rights Wm. R. Tabor to Asbury Tabor—lot al Long the tariff p rio r to’ 1883, A t th a t tim e It Is es­ Ur^B3; Bnclianon & Co. possible point...... >*...... Branch. $J...... ^ J A Colored Prisoner in Florida* ot the Nation.” What amazing* condescen­ Notice Is hereby glventHafon all sewer rents Tunis V. Voorhces to Conover Voorhees—8 timated that there were employed In tbe man­ TEACHER QF P IM 0 , QHQAtt AND THEORY. ELECTRIC mm tracts of land In Freehold township. $2,500. sion, and how nobly tho party has stood by Foreign and American fingering. Terms—tl/i fi»r' Bo!o Agenia for Stnto of New Jersey. for 1888, which will bo due January 1st, 1889, for ______Prudence Ham to Hannah Costello—1 acre ln The average negro floes no terror in th e Jail. ufacture of hair Ahd olothos brushes In Lan- tbe'people and the Nation I 20 lessons,jgayable a t 10th lesson, taT'prlccfl low to palntors and Consumers. propaymenta deduction of one percent, a month+ AtlanfioltownahiprfTsr It affords him a groat deal of fnn, unloas It bo slngburgh—these being thq kinds imported— How valiantly the Southern people have Liberal arrangements made with dealers. .- will bo allowed. After the noxt January on lfelen^ Maccabe to Nora A.-Smlth—lotatI^»ng Branoh. f 1,600 and other consideration. In watermelon tlmo. It Is to him what going about 1,000 persons. Undolf the deduction of, stood by the Northern "raadalUa” of aoclety I H.B.JOHNSOK sewor rents due the following January a deduc­ Ulchaol Hines to John Nastasla—lot at Long to the sea ahore ,ls to tho C aucasian, a relief tariff from 40 UX-SQ per cent, that year, a MAIN ST. AND ASBURY AVE, B ranch^lSO . ' .. How grandly and patriotically they stood by tion of two per cent, a month will for prepay­ from toll, and a season of rest moat thorough­ decadonce of tbe business began^ and the ment be allowed. On tire third year, for pre­ Jacob Lorillard to Lo,rlllard Brick W orks Co.— the N ation intlm ga of nullification, an d in th e Practical Watchmaker, 136 B30-1000 and 120 aores In townshlp'of Raritan. ly enjoyed. “When #ambo emerges from this number employed at this tlmo Is about £00—; payment, throe per Cent, a month will bo $1 and othe^ consideration, later secession and war of the rebellion I it Dealer In Fine WatoheSj Jewelry,'Spectacles &o. foroed, but no less agreeable, sequestration a falling off of 400—an d :Ujeae have employ­ Watches fmd Jewelry repaired at City Prices. allowed; and on tbo fourth year, for pre­ Joseph A. W alnright to Thoodore Cook—lot 4n would be in order and quite proper now for M e A Gitbens & Go. P O W B E C O . township of W all. 81,400. 4 of the jail,, he becomes an object of lutem t ment'no more than “ two-thirds of the time. payment, four per cent, -a month will be the ttorth to turn over to the South the con­ Halsted II. .Walnright to Thomas B. Barham— Main street,.near Ooofanan avenue, Manufacturers of. and wholesale and ■ allowed. This practically reduces tho sewer to his friends of ^he house of Ham. ^ Tb^Milla bill still farther redhces the duty to retail dealers In lots 114.116 and' 118 a t Manasquan. 21,000. trol of tho Senate, as fra8 done a few years ASBURY PARE, N. J . rent about ono third. Itr is of Impos­ John N, Gaskin to Conover Gaskin—1 50-100 « When did yo’ get out, Bill t’* said onerof 20 per cent., and'if carrle^ Into effect It Js es­ ago with tho H oubo of Repre8ehtatlvea/ MAIN STATION: sible to tell, at the'present time, If a still acres In township of Wall, $156. timated that tho number of employes would Thomas A. Ward to Martha Ash Levlck—lots 5 them .to a fellow who had juat withdrawn 1 And While In the humor let ua turd over In­ further discount can be allowed on the fifth or 3-EO. M. BENNETT, OP '■ ■ ,r * WOrkVUg expottBes are paid, a m odorate Interest Harriet and Paulino Unger to Herman Unger- gladly, relievo tho North from further care and J . ' ^ LTBox ai82. OceanT3rovPjl.N'- J- Fumlahos Elcctrio Aro and Incandescent on tbe investmont. C. T. BAILEY, 18 acres In township of Ocean. $1. ^ oh me, too. Yes, sir, bad a flrst-clasa white once reduoed to half w hat it waa in 1883, responsibility in tho managementvof o ^o w n Renovating MattreeSes a Specialty. lights at any locatton. Seo’y Sewer Works. Georgo F. Barker to Nelson Kettell—lot ln allowing the bullrings and machinery their iwnahlp of Ooean. 8200.------man ter bring mo water, an’ korry out my concerns I How noble of the Democratic COOK HOWLAND, -----Vt.- — Telephone Gpnneetlon^-^— —- AsburyPark. May22d, 188H, Blopa; ’m gwloe In again pretty soon,” present, value, though, these would largely party to give ua such grand aaaurancea I He soemed especially proud of tho fact that depreciate owing to partial abandonment and ^ OFFICERS: j(^asftia*s P o litical O ffenders. - non-uao. i r c h j t e c t & B u i l d e r . ho had a white man to,wait on him, and this mechanism of the Heart* M. M. CR©S3IEf fact greatly amused his hearers.—Delimit tf-ee Manufacturers would bo unable to compete Building plahs executed and all work promptly Successor to David Cartwright, Presldonfc—MYRON S. GOULD, Whea a burglar, murderer or other com­ done. Vico Prea’t-EDM UND G. HARRISON, with foreign prodaotlon in gradea of bmshea , In the human subject the average rapidity Treasurer—JOHN ROCICAFELLEIt, mon Russian felon has boen tried, found Press. .**>* ; , . - Offioe In-Cook’s Building, Main .street and which now bring prices from $3 per dozen of the cafdlao ppl&atton of ah adult male la Codtlhan avonue. Asbury Park. Soc’y and Sup'tr-GEO. M. LANK.. guilty a n d sentenced to penal servitude, h e is, as a rule, released from thp solitary confine­ \ A Picture Drawn by Fire. and, upward. It la a fact that fine toilet about Seventy beata por.mlnute. These beats Tar Paper, Sheathing paptff. Two- and ment In whloh he haa been held pending trial, nere.lsan entertainingexporlmont that any brushoa are now bSIng ^aniifactnred abroad are m oro frequent as a rnle In youug Chll&fen- JOHN ,Wi SUTPHEN, ohree-ply Roofing Paper. by tho pauper labor of Europe and laid on andln women, and there are variations with­ DIRECTORSr Is allowed to mingle with other prisoners of boy or girl may try: Tako a saturated solu­ P . O . B o x 80 3 . A s b n r y P a r k , N . J . tho dealers’ counters in this country at prlbea the same penal grade, and Is forwarded with­ tion of nitrate of potash (saltpetre), and with, in certain limita In peculiar persons owing to Myron 8/ Gould, Goo. F. Kroehl, Artistic Printing. with which, at tbo preaont tariff rate,-our pecullarltlDa of organization. It wonld not Blacksmith and “Herseshoer, ______EdmundQ. Harrison, , John C, MaoMurray, out unnecessary delay to Siberia., .When, a quill pen or fine brash draw any picture, Carriage work In all Its branches.' • John Rookafellor, Geo, A, Smock, however, a political offendor has been tried, design pr words uponaploceof white, absorb­ maqufadturora. cannot compete -with 'allow­ neceasarily be an abnormal algn to find lu SANITARY PLUMBING Geo, M. Lano. ■ found guilty and sentenced to penal servitude ent paper.' The lines ahonld be kept away ance of "any margin for profits. With 10 per aomo particular individuals the habltnal ff*>' cent, further tariff reduction, this brrfhch quoncy of tho heart’s aotion from sixty to CARRIAGE PiiNTINB AND TBIHMUMS under the same code of laws, he Is not re­ from each other, and the entire subject In the finest style of decorative art. B. CROWELL 8t CO. leased from solitary confinement, nor sent coarsely drawn In outline. When dry the would necessarily bo entirely abandoned- alxty-Qve or from soventy'flvo to eighty per m inute. Aa a rule, the h eart’s^iction la Blow­ Main street and First avenue, Now occupy the new brick building of J. Heiiry with reasonable promptness to Siberia, aa he -lines will-be nearly invisible; bat it one.of In'that event tho only btrelnesa toft for the Applegate, on ' bruah Industry itj Arr e. lca would be tha man^ er and more fully doveloped and ABBUBY PARK. would be If ho had merely killed his mother them, be touched with the glowing end of an : ffettiaon Avenue, near Bond Street, M a te ria l— «>. >«»>• wjth an ax, but Is thrown Into.a bomb proof extinguished match -a spark of Are will-run ufacture of Vooareo work.’i "Suoh aa aorub, muaoular organizations, apd Tnore rapid and shoe and horse bruahea Thia la b u t a amali feeblor in those of slighter form. In animals, where they aro prepared to estimate on all kinds casemate In.what is known as the “ penal ser­ through the paper*following lines already ABjON LIPPINCOTT, portion of tho business as compared with that vitude section” of the Petropavloysk fotv. traced, and QUttlng out'l'he“3e8ign as wlth-ftn1 the range la from twenty-five to forty-2v& in tho.cold blooded and ■fifty upw ard in th e warm trees, or Into ono of the smaller cells of a Invisible knife. ; formerly carrlod on In LanBlngburgh, and Carpenter &' Builder which could bo BUCcesafnlly continued with a blooded animals, except In the case ot a horse, OmUHBOMUraNnTM' W orkm anship~r,rai-cu... “ central convict^ prison,M and there lies In This experiment Is explalned by tho ohem- When It Isa woll-known fact t h a t. Jobbing In all branches prpmptly and carefully They do nono other than flrstclass work, anc tariff affording adequatojjijt^itloh to tte In-" Which haa a very alow heart beat, only forty all plumbing will bo dono aftor the mofit approve* solitude and wrelohednoaa for one, two, three leal eons'tltutlon of the aaRpetre., The salt ■ attended to .. ’ ... .d o strif.' atrokea a minute* The pulaationa of men and Residence—602 Plrstavonuo, . sanitary methods.'— ■- . ^ • . or even five years, beforo he flnally-gocs in-j contains a largo amount of oxygen, so loosely A great ado is made about placing bristles all Animals differ wlththoaea level also., The P. O; BOX 282. ASBURY PARK, N. J. Repairing promptly a t t e a d « d to . sano or Is aont (o the oonvlet mines Of Kara. combined that It readily loaves the nitrogen used jn'hrush .manufacturing on the free list, ,work..'t)£ ft.-hoaUhy .’.human heart has been BOURNE’S — Century. . * ' 1 ... and.pot^h.OTd.unltl^withthqeArbon’Qfthe p r e d : b . g o w d y , c ija s . n . p it c h e r . D eliver^—prompt, aainrw ero an offset for tho reduction on the shown to eqnal the feat of .raising five tCna paper when heated* Xy«the point of * Ignition. - H. C. IWARRYOTT, manufactured article. But this la no proper foqr hundredweight one foot per hour, or 125 B etter T han tho *

England has a duty on many artiolee , / Newhtk CIiarter Bleotioq. - The Board Resuming W ork. ■ -O CtolJcrCoarts.. M r. Bradley scores One* v Prices Now and Then. W ashington Happenings. imported from the United States.! . The result of tho local oloctlon In Newark is After a short suspension of Its meetings tho The caso of Geo/W . Law against Wm. E . Editor “Jeff Graves” Taylpr, of the Long TIlo South Bond (Ind.) Tribune has made a The United States Senatd is giving Itself Not our American system ja for pro­ far from encouraging to^tho DomoqVats how­ Board of Trado resifmed Its regular business Andrews terminated in favor of tho plaintiff B ranch Rtconl, differs from Mr. James A. carefni examination of prices of farm and principally to politics these days; while It AND MONMOUTH REPUBLICAN tection to our own labor and capitdl, and ever mnoh they may profess to bo gratified.’ on Wednesday ovenlng at its Rooms, with in a v erdict of $800. Bradley In Boveral respects and. ono of thom store produots, which Is of great valrfe In the may ^e said that the House of Represen- - Indeed the Republicans may bo well satisfied Proaldent Harrison in tbo chair. The moot­ Z. Marla Morfordvs. Bonj. B. Ogden, ad- JOHN L . COFFIN cot TO ft tho preservation of our markets for home la in the matter of politics. Jeff likes to givP' dlacusslon Of tho tariff quesilon. It shows tatlves is withholding Itself principally^ PUBUSHID WIEXLVAT produfetion. This has been tho secret of as tho Democratic majorities wero reduced ing developed moro than tho usual dogroo of m tnlBtrator of W . Brown," dOcuosod, w as tl^e Mr. B. a dig now and thon and no ono enjoys- conclusively how much better off tho farmors THE ASBURY PARK PRINTING HOUSE, ono-half from last year. In 1877 th e Domo- interest. ; ' noxt caao tried. Plaintiff dalmed 11,200 for tho hit moro than Mr. Bradley docs himself, from everything. Tlie H oubo has not ^ad t. k. waiiaci. . - i.'u cornu. the prosperity of this country during tho are under the protective system than they oratio Mayor was elected by 1,00$ majority The Presldont stated tbathO had rocolvod ;a taking.carp of Mr. Brown, hor father, during hut that tbo “Boas” can give as well as take wore under tbo free trade system.between ik.quornm for several weeks.. Only:Buch- 718 MATTISON AVENUE.' last qimrter century* As an example, over tbo Ropubllcan candidate at the charter number of commuiiScatfonB that were not his illncsa. The plaintiff failed to provo any buainess as could be done “ by unanimous 8DUHY PARK, 1 HEW JERSEY. ia apparent from tho following lettor which, J$4Q_and I860, Tho Tribune has taken the manufacturing Now Engfand, ropresent- election. At.tho gonoral election following, signed and theroforo be did not consider agreomcnt, and tho Conrtj^anted a non-suU w as p rin ted In. last w eek's Rec. IB w as'thatof 1800, the year 0!* the Missouri communications on aubjeota of interest to thla double the amounft: ™ ^ ^ . : low s comm unity, show that this.was far froimhoirexpectations,' for furlher consideration. • ; • ' . plaintiff who failed to pay the rent His Further comment is scaroely necessary “ Tho«cason of‘88 (a now beginning to. do Ita • Total ...•.....V.... . - . . . . * comp,romise, wliich adjourned dt noon on , In writing artloloa In ten d e d for publication, the 18th ward, composed largely of Germans, jRoports from the Sait Lako Chamber of horses and carriag es w ere SOized which in front hair up in eurl papora. 'Bbortly It will put o a r frlonda will pleaeo boar in m tnd th a t a Bbeet Ho bought articles needed September 80. Constructively, the session to show that American laws^must be'Jn gavo a Republican majority of 59, where.the Commerce, tho Now Orleans Chambor ‘ of tlmo were roplovlned; honco tho suit The oil Ita nightgown) turn out tho gas and retire to w r itte n on b oth aid es haa to bo eoplod beforog< aleop until tbo isopbyre of another spring Bball following prlpcs; of 1868, following the Impeachment pro­ Uflj to tho p rin te r—a la b o r wo cannot u n d erta k e. tho interest of our own people. If our D em ocrats bad confldontly counted on a ma-f Copiiiiorco and.tho New Yorkr, Produce Ex­ paso was much complicated with'subtenants oaUit to breakftist. Tho pa«t two months have All communications should bo aooompanled by iar>8.. 1888 ceedings' against President Johnson, was- markets are so essential to the prosperity jorlty rff 1,000 at least. T his * ward, In. which change, woro duly acknowledged arid placed arid ro-Ieaslng, bnt the jury gavo Stokes a ver­ been eventful, Thoy havo witnessed tho grace-, tho full namo and address of tbo writer, not iUl flop of Jamea Av Bradley from tho Prohibition 1 Studobakcr wagon...... _____ ...8180 00 .9G5 £KL longer, the fidjourntiient slhe^dTe having ^ nocossartly fo r publication b nt as a gnarantoo of •of foreign manufacturers, surely tihey are resldo many wago-earnors,, Is strongly pro­ on the.tablo. d ict o f $500.90. • i party into tho ranks of Republican lam, and pro­ Rto'CofTee, per l b ...... 15 20 good faith. Anonymous lcttors will not be Brown sugar, pcrR> .'__ .... 11 . 00 tection, and will give 500 majority for Harri­ With referSnco to plaotng gatos aVRallroad in the caao of Mary J. Taylor vs, Stimuel R. tection to capital and tniflts: George W. Pattor- taken place November 10, but as a matter notlood. w!orth,preserving to our own producers, eon has slaughtered 6,400 shcpp; Orovor Cleve­ Granulated BUgar, per ... -• 16 . • Wo cannot return roiootcd communications, son, and on tho samo ground tho pity may be avonuo crossing and othor public stroots Sblploy, executor of Mrs. Jane Dixon, de- Rice, per ft» ____ ...... 07 of fact, tiidt Congreas took a six week's whether of the loom, tho forge or tjie land caught a six-pound bass, and paralyzed tho Green tea,por lb...... r...„ .... 1 0 0 'v but will hold thom for a limited tlmo If requested safely placod for a solid Republican support crossing the railroad traoka, Mr. Harrison ro- coased. Bult was brought for services 'at tho RenubllcanB and English by his Canadian retal­ recess, from July 27, and never afterwards to . V • farm. .-V...... iation message. An eventful two mtmths, In- Byrnp, per gallon__ .... 75 AUlotters Intendod for tho editorial or newa at the gonoral olectlon in November. ported an Interview with Sapt. Blodgett, who Oriontal Hotel, In Asbury Park. Tho claim dcedj” . . _ ' ' • • J Salt, per barrel ...... 2 40. 1 00 had a quorum or attempted to tranaact any dopartm ont shonld bo addressed to tho' Overalls* per p air., 60 40 stated that the. m atter‘was boing considered was sustained and a verdlot returned In favor Calico, per yard ...... j Editor of Tub Jouskal and Rkpubuoak, Tho^Demooratio ,-party takes a grc^t Now. Will you permit mo to say that aa a 12% 06 vTheW orkofthePirates... and would be consuramated.’ of Mrs. T aylor for 1950.71. • . ^ Republican, I am opposed to t r a B t a a n d ’ I Blqaehed muslin, per y ard ...... 16 J . Aabury Park. Now Jersey. 1 Sot granite cups and saucers.', Tbe Ifecent discovery of a shortage of deal of credit on account, ^f ^ ^ d e n t Tho case o f R obt.P* M iller vs. Penfield Bros, think you will flud that trusts are condemned • 75 A (juartotte of Aabury Park oltizens, In’ ' ’Tbo Secretary read the-roport of tho Parker l set plates.-...... 05 pearly a thousand dollurs In the account Clovolond’s signing the bill prohibiting memorial coramlttep relating to the plans and fpr llbol was settled beforo.coming to lrlalV|, in thoJRopubllcan platform. I beltovp tho 1 sot knives and forks;...... 1 B0 eluding representatives ofVTriE Jotjiinal and workingman moro than capital will bo pro­ 1 dozen )^-*>int tum blers...... 1-flO of Mrs. Becker, one of tlie oldest clerks in Republican N ominations. Chinese immigration. The annulling of progress of tholr work. . vTho Grand Jury on Tabsday rotnrnc& to Spray, went on. a blnetfshlng expedition to tected by tho success of tbo party noxt W heat,b o o k ...... y...... 80 the Redemption division of the Treasurer’s tho treaty by the Chinese leaves any Mr. Glthens reported that it war/considered Qoprt with 30 Indictments and then adiour.nod November. The eblof reason, however, that For President of the United States, B arnegat B ay last week, leaving here on Mon* Indnced mo to retire from tbo ranks of tbo Total...... ; ... T^'vVT*. . 140 21% C! office, lias created a feeling of great un­ action of the President of »on.-effect. '/■ important that articles of Association should for tbo week. day night, Tuesday arid Wednesday were Prohibitionists waa the fact that the,Republi­ Thp rdlfferqnco Is eribrmdus. Ip the free easiness In the Departinento^The system spent In a vain endeavor to got otftiilde the bo adopted In ordor to make I t a body Por- can party haa bcoomo the party of temper­ BENJAMIN HARRISON, porate, to tho end that its acts Could bo legal, ance. W hat, outspoken, plain language Is trado ora. th e farm er sold produce a t th o rate of counting the money in the Treasury has The Prohibition Issue. bar or to find pny fish inside. By Thursday Ocoftu drove Association M eet- f of Indiana. ized and mideblndlng. Articles of incorpo^, UBod In tbo Tribune, Mail and J^xjirm, and of $9.77#, for •’hlch ho now receives $18.97, been^ examlnod into by every Treasurer moVnlng the strong west wind had so smoothed ^ othor Republican papore, when thoy have oc­ Rev. Dr. Duffleld, of Princeton, has ration are being prepared. ^ vory nearly double. Add ho bought hrtioles who has succeeded .to the office, and hija the turbulent waters of that stormy Inlet that V Tho nineteenth annual meo^ng o^ the casion to alludo to tho ealoona and tho liquor forwhloh^he paid $140,21X, which ho could • - For Vice-President, addressed a reply to n letter of Dr. the little cat-rigged could got out on Mr. Winans reported on a cOnferorico with trafflo. To whom aro wo Indebted for the been ch'atfgpd and Improved from time to ^a like committee from tho Arcanum Ocean Grovo Camp Mooting Association was local option law in our Stato, which bos al5 purchase for $64.48. Deems, of New York, with reference to the bosom of the great Atfantlo. A run of held on Tuesday. After rollxall the members ready onablod throo counties to decldo by time, until it was believed tW the-most LEVI P. MORTON. slk miles was made up the coast before the with roferenco to a suitable furnishing of thp his duty as, a Prohibitionist. The an­ paid a trlbutp pf respect bjr. a sories of resolu- ballot that tho “ saloons must go 1” It was perfect system of checks had been devised. room to meot tholr wishes and- to be paid for- tho Republican majority in.the Icglalaturo that A .Week of Horrors. . of New York. .first sign of blueflsh was seen,’and thon the .decoaBO The discovery of the theft,- however,'.has swer is an able presentation, of the falla­ .jointly. A b lessees, they did -not feel under tIop|( on tho of the,wlfo ot Hod. woleome sight of a school of mefihaden gave us that preoloua boon. This has boon a woek of' collision^ on land, JamQs Blaekf ono of tho members of tbo Asso­ I am glad Mr. Pattorson slaughtered so revealed the fact that this woman, wiio has cies of the third party effort-; the argu­ breaking water-told that the gamey fish had .obligation to go to any expense and tbo mat­ SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13,1888. ciation. A shortsofvl ce was held at Dr. Barr’s many sheep and wish It had beon twice as and sea, with tho addition of othor .calami­ boon in the office for twenty-three_years,^ ment unanswerable. Speaking of the como again after an absence of several days. ter-"of furnishing ia therefore left entirely many, but any ono familiar with tho-tecordof ties.,. ' ,, ■ ■ * ' " * •; : with tho Board. Tho report was accepted Hygienlq Institute, where the death occurred, may have been systematically taking efforts of the liquor men to accomplish, It waa.not long W ere fat, five-pounders were tbo Aabury Park Fishing Plor can but wonder t On Friday last a collision on,the Rome'<& and tbo cpmmtttoo discharged. and the mombers oL the Association, escorted that in yonr Illustration about Tresldent SPECIAL NOTICE. the repeal of the local option law of this being hauled In over the stern and the jvoary Watertown railroad killed or seriously hurt money frdm tlie packages that have, pass- In the absoface of Chairman Kroehl pf the the remains to tho^train, whence It was takon Cleveland you B h o u l d montion only a 6-pound On 4li© label of ea«h paper w ill toe wait of three c^ys seemed as nothing by the bass. If our friend "Grove” ehould visit the all the trainmen. j- M tlirough hef.lumd udng ail that time State, Jio says : . • • . * committee to furnish musio for the pavilions to Lancaster*^., for burial. fonnd Ibo date or explrotjoQ of tbe side of such luck, “ < , '■■■ ' > ’*V Asbury Park plor next summer, being Btm ply Saturday.nlght tho S t Louis express on the and yet there is, absolutely no .way] in “ The deplorable fact, however, is that during the. summer, no formal Tppott ■ was The annual dinner was th{B year [provided a prlvato citizen and holding no offico, he can subscription. . If thl» Onto Is w ronj Just at this tlmo a Ateatnor was Been com ing at the Hygienic Institute, where tho members, B. & O., while runrihu? at a blgh rate of which the fact can be proved. ' The above please notify na at oncei ir yott nre In the law is imperilled by the action of mado, but It was understood froip Mr. catch a fifteen or twenty-pound Bass and per­ u p JcloBo in shore a n d ’behind her w ere tV o their wives and othor frienda enjoyed a feast haps get tho gold medal, whllo..“gen” Harrl* speed, dashed into a freight tralUj killing mentioned' shortage was discovered by a arrears please rem it at once. the Very men who—as: you say—* are WInauV verbal report that sufljeioni money others. It todk but a short tlmo to ascertain of good things prOvldod in acoord within son is sw eltering In tho W hite HouSo,""deEain* three trainmen and Injurlog-many^hors. j. mere accident, and other clerks may have oommitted to the prosecution of the th a t they were steam “ bunkorm on,” o r raen- "had been raised and tho music was entirely ed from some cool summer resort by press of Sunday, while the corner ptopp Of tho new satisfactory. handsom e menu cprd designed, as a souvenir official business. Yours truly, been systematically doing the same thing. hadon “ pirates,”, whose depredations have Catholic church at Reading was being laid, Third D istrict Republican Con­ earnest work of destroying the traffic in for each guest The soveral courses requited J ames A, Bradley. In othef words the Government may hftve well nigh driven bluefiBh from our coast By In the matter ot beaptlfytng the public and tho floor gavo way precipitating' sevoral hun­ v e n tio n . 1 intoxicating beverages. * TheniM-tettcr's an hour And a half to dlsouss their merits as been robbed of $1,000, or it may have been the time each fisherman -had secured tialf a private gL-onnda, the Prealdent stated th at dred people to the basdmont- Many were main hope o/mccm is the Prohibition party. ” appetite satlsflera. From, a Sum m er ResIUent. Tho Republican Convention to placo in nomi­ dozen fiah the. first steamer was on the spot progress had boon mado, - Plans had been fatally Injured. robbed of $1,000,000, nnd there is abso­ nation a candidate to represent In Congress the prepared for Library Squaro and wefo in tho At tbo bualnoas session various reports woro ** Unfler these circumstances pan you* Two boats were lowerod, tholr purae nels got­ To the Editor q f the Journal - Wednesday night tho most disastrous of all, lutely no way in. which the thgft can he 'Third District of New Jersey, will be held In the hands.of tho committee, who aftey complet­ read showing tho many and .substantial Jra- my dear brother, on reflection, say that ten out and ev§ry flsh In the first school—bluo- I see In the IbSuo of your Democratic neigh­ with scaroely a parallel In this country, -oc­ proved. ti . : , Opera Houso at Now Brunswick, on Tuesday, Oct ing them would submit them to tho Board and provopioutia and coats. it is my duty to' co-operate with that flsh find alt—was literally scooped out of the bor that a certain doctor In your’ township curred on tho Lehigh Valley Rail road to. one A commission was appointed and is now 10, fit 11 A, it. Tho basis of ropreSoritatton wUl tho Borough CommlaslPnors for approval, . Tho sewor Bysiem, of which thore are 12 party ? We are frequently reminded now- ocean. There were yet twoschoolaof “bunk- was bottlod up and sealed forever from polit­ Bectlon of a crowded excursion train. Six be ono delegate forevcry one hundred Republican • The Bubjeot of moro thoroughly and gene­ mlle^ of pipe and 635 connections, Baa cost considering certain changes in the rnles votes cast at tho last Gubernatorial election, and ere’Meft and theso were taken by the other ical ridicule. It was a narrow escape from tralu-loads of oxcursIonlstB from Wllkosbarro a-days by our Prohibition party brethren rally advertising ABbury Park by means of a $28,C08. Incom e per year, $3,85^50. governing the cancellation of redeemed • ono for every fraction over fifty .votes, each ward steamers. Within twenty minutes after tho burial, I hope the distrlctr will send a Repub­ and vicinity h^d been to Hazelton to witness that we should tote as toe pray. Pardon handsomoly illustrated pamphlet was taken Tho w ater ayBtem includes 18 wells (tw o n ot notes so iis to rendetr frauds more difficult. and township being entitled to at least ono dele­ flret Bteamer arrived not a solitary fish rc* lican, Harrison and Morton will undoubted­ a parado of t h e , C atholic BoclOtlcs, Ono scc-r me for asking-rdo you pray—can any up and fully discussed. It was left Jn tho used), with 10^ miles of mains. - Cost, $52,- But whatever may ;be done the fact still gate. B e n ja m in A. Vail,- plained In Bight, an d the fifteen ®,..with*, ly be elected nnless tbeyiare cheated out of It tlon stopped/near Mud Run sfatiori and for bands of tho pKSldontrwbo wHleonBult^with 500, IIoDsea supplied, 523;" Are 'pluga, :— — — ------t— ------"CiriBGarFjstBT- 7 one, Republican or Democrat, Prohibi- their forty or fifty fishermen, did not get a by fraud and the so-called temperance cranks Bomo -roaBon tbe .engineer o l tlio foilow lna • re K \a in ^ tl^ re in th e J^ . S. 'Treasury riis -in- \ • -\ . ■ n.M.N kviubvx/ - parties who may bo Interested In that dlrec- Inporae, $5,^23.80 fo r th e year. tinnistor anti-Prohibitionist, pray—that bite.’ As tho last School waa scooped In tho who kbep stabbing themselves at,every Na­ section did not seo tho signal, but kept on at uiiy - pfiviite business some _one' riihst .he fcommltteo. Of concrete walks 5,600 feqt have been put tho law in regard to the rum traffic now pirates sent up a series of yells and jeers in u * . • ; tional election, j . am glad that founder full speed, crashing through two cars crowd­ trusted, with the handling.of money, and jpr. Winans spoke of tbo almost Imperative down by the Association and 58,807 feet by( the faco.of the men from whom they had Bradley is with ps, and hope bo will always ed with men, women and children. Scarcely no mnttPr how thorough the checks are Scconci Assembly IMsst, ttepub- on the statute book of.Npw Jersey may necessity of starting mapufacturlng Indus- private parties. - , taken tho flsh, that make their blood tingle. bo at every National election. I unite a person in thcsq cars but was killed orfatal- made, fltili trust must he imposed some­ llcttn Convention. . be repealed? And if not, :is it not the tries in tho vlcjnity in order to.tide over thb - In tbewtent department $2,051.30 have been Of the.flfteen sloops fourteou were owned by with you all In your hearty wolcomo homo of ly h u rt. Tho scene waa horrible and slckon- duty of evory citizen'who is in favor of slack season of tho year when gonoral trade oxpended for labor. „ R entals, ‘$12,409,70. where, and sooner or later some pf the Tho Second Assembly District Republican Con­ men who earn their living by fishing; their Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and bopo thoy havo Ing boyond precedent Tbo killed and fatally Was more or less st&gparitlrom a la ^ pf em Tho net receipts from tho Wesloy 'Lake persons trusted may be found dishonest. vention will bo held in Muslo Hall, Matawan, ,on Prohibition to vote in the way that will earnings for that woek were taken from them been greatly benefltod by tholr trip abroad, injured number ovor one hundred. Wednesday, Oct. 17,1888, at 8 o’clock In the after­ ployment. ’ ' bridges Amounted to $2,112. ,—The singular thing about it ail is that' be most effectual to prevent the repeal of before their very eyes, and they could do and that they may continue to be, spared' In It la generally believed the engineer of the noon, to nominate p candidate for the Assombly in On his motion a committee of five waa aj^ Tho now electric ilght plant had> coat $23,- what was believed to he the most effective the lawf If so, would not voting the Pro nothing but look on. There was, and Is, no health, prosperity and nsefnlnoss to the home second train was asloop, having been on duty the Second District. pointed to Induce manufacturing or co oper­ 5^1, with no profits a s y e t hibition ticket bo simply a failure to' do redress. Tho persons who witnessed the out­ thoylovoaowell, Yourstrniy. continuously for nearly two days. pheck that could be devised—the. cutting Tho primaries to elect delegates to tho above ative Industries tp be Btarted 'to the Interests The* ice busip^'netted a profit'of $^,000. convention will beheld at tho usual place In each rage of last Thursday will havo good reason Philadelphia, Otf. 6, 1888T..' O. B. R. of the notes in two in the middle and send­ his d uty?" of business men.^ Tho proposition waa favor­ Tbo asscssmorit this year was placed at $7 township, on Saturday, Oct, 18, a t4 p. m. for waging a war to the bitter end on the False Representations. ing one :1ml f toori eb u renuj to^be~ cou n ted “ ably discussed by most of tho members pros- per lot. ' , v * ClIAB. W. BQHA^CK, menhaden pirates of the Jersey coast. • At the election of officers tho ontlr^ l^oard and the other half to another, Is the-very Chairman of .th6 last Convention. The Democratic papers claim to have cntand Messrs. Winans, Porifieldr Miles, Har­ . s Concern! n e Mrs. Harrison. Tho flret page of Harper's " 1 Veclclg AoT^SQtiL was reiilected, from Dr. Stokes to tho end of thing that prevented anything but an acci­ found an argument in favor of free wool rison and LoRoy wore nppolntod such com­ tcm ber29 1b occupied by a cartoon designed Democratic Demonstration. tho Executive Comralttod. Tho l*ew York JPrcss tails a beautiful story dental discovery of the manipulation of Prim ary Meeting. because whilo it was protected New York m ittee. of tho lady who Is to occupy the W hite HOuBe tOBhowtbat tho tarIff_beara heavily on the Mr. W. II. Miles, in view of tho high laboring^man In the onerous taxes ho-has to the notes. It made the comparison of the The Republican voters o f Neptune.townsBIp are and Pennsylvania fell off in ita produo- . I t was rather a m ixed assem bly th at con< after next March, concerning her sympathetic [gjJ-chargea-for-co&Un-Asbury-Park-above-othorJ- pay on the tools ho uses as well as on the upper and- lower numbers in tbe notes 1m-. requested to m eet In”the Republican Club- rooms 1rtmir^rh?nt,sil_^ ^ ir ^ n n d “iii~tlie gregatedattheoperabouse Wondsyeroninj r— Rally at Ocean Beach. natpro and amiable ways; in snbstaneo as tn answer to the call for a mass-meeting of placea near by, and understanding that it was nocessarlos of llfo.^it Includes In Us exhibit possible. "7^TiiCnoteFwere^^ skiirfufly torn - on Saturday; O ct 18, at 8 p. iCTto .appoint dele­ foot that other industries^ Wero -m ore ThorainonBauVrdaylastjlhouRhdefoiring gates to the Congressional, County and Assembly ^Democracy. Tho mooting sccmod to be under _duetddlMrlm^nattngrfltW df"Tho. raitroads J ^ h ' Scott, father of Mrs. Harrison, a saw_marked^~witK^^W 5^ r S 3 S L o o n t, Into pieces nnd pasted together again, so^ profitable. Land became too dear for tho Republican rally Intended for that night, Conventions, K. Q. Hakrison, control o f the A faction, wbllo the more de- agalnst onr dealers, moved that, thQ, Ilftllrpad: was president of Mlama Seminary, at Oxford, and an axo and a hatchet each paying 45 per make ten notes out of ninei The ten "3idTn6t dampen (tho spirits of the Ocean Chairman last Meeting. sheep culture. . < moMtrativo wing kept In tho background. 'At Committee bo IQBtructed to inquire into the Ohio. Mias Scott fonnd ono of her school- cent-; Thelnforence tho reader Is e^pcctod to pasted notes were then put into a package Beach Republloane, with such an energetic iej£st one thlrd of tho audienco was composed relative charges lit tho several stations on the mates. very much distressed becauso she draw is, o f couj-ao, th at thoso utensils c ost th e leader among them aa Mr. H. H. Yard, aqdso and a good note taken out. This work was County Convention.. A W ay to W ork. . of Republicans. x Long Branch Railroad. conld not afford a suitable dress to wear at a 40 and 45 per cent, njoro than tho announcement was made for Wednesday done, too, In a room full of other women Mr. John A. Qlthens was callcd to preside, It was so ordered, and the meeting ad­ tbey would cost him If thoy could buy them Tho Republican County Convention will meet In your particular circle of acquaint­ ovoplng of thla woek. coming entertainment. Mlsa Scott would counting nioney, and required the great­ With W. K. Doverenx as secretary and &mun jo u rn ed . of tho foreign manufacturers free of-duty. at Shinn’s Hall on Monday, October 15th, at 12 ance do you chance to know, a man who Tho Ocoan Boach Invinclbles wore earjy gladly have placed one of hor drosses at bor est skill to oscape detection,’’ * * ber of vice-presidents. Mr. Jacob A. Gelssen- B ut the fact Is th at tho h atchet which costs $0 to nominate a candidate for Cmmty Clerk astir making ready to receive tho visiting school-mate’s disposal but abo was prou'd as The Washington hotels are_thronged and transact such other business as may come ia wavering or unsettled in his political hainor, tho Congressional nomlneo, was pres­ Tlie Chief's Awning^Dcstroycd. ^ dozen In England Is m ado and sold In A m er­ oluba, Tho club from Asbury Park, num­ well as poor and would not accept It' - . ** beforo It Tho townships that havo not already belief ? Do you know a Democrat or ent, pccnpylng a seat on tho stago. ica at |5.25 ; axes which cost $9 a dozen In with refugees Wlio are /lleeing from the About half past flvo on Tuesday pTternoon bering over ono hundred, were given the right At lerigtb her womanly wlL^oame to her re-' olooted dolegates to tho Connty and Assembly Prohibitionist whom-yon (-think is open Tho speakor of tho oven Ing was Hon. Chas. lief as th e girls were planning w hat Fo wear, England Uro mado and sold hero for $0.50 saffron ^leath, seeking Safety and the frost a lady passing Chlof Brower’s store, on Mdt of lTbo. Other clubs from Manaiquan and' Conventions, wHl do so on tho Bame ovcnlfag H. Winfield, of Jersey City. H 6 demonBtrated and saws which are listed in tho English mar­ line. They come from a range of country to argument and who, if convinced, tlson avenno, noticed a bright jet of llamo Point Pleasant filled np a column that was of and at her'request they, all dressed alike In that tho Congressional delegates aro elected. to hla own satisfaction and probably to some kets at tO are sold hero forfS. Shovels which extending from Georgia across the South would modify or change his ballot ? Here shoot np from tho awning. imposing and enthusiastic dimensions. blue calico with a dellcato white sprig. Thus of his hearers that “ tho tariff Is a tax,” that coat $7.48 aoroes the sea ttro bought hero at Prim ary M eetings. is where tiio truest ond best campaign Ina raomedt It deveiopodintoa fiorco blaze, After a parado through tho principal streets, was the legs fortunate school mate relloved of the Mississippi and north to Memphis. it Is a burden to tho poor m an and a source of from all embarrassment f5, Theso facts show how unfounded is tho work is found, and it comes directly to and but for timely help and quick work might lino w af brokon at tho station where a com­ The Supreme Court of the United States Tho Republican voters of Monmou.b County rovenue^to tho capitalist Much of his talk Other circumstances showing hor kindly claim that tho American workingman is being had dono greater damago. It was qulokly modious speaking stand wascrected. Before will re assemble next Monday. The new t ' aro rdqnestcd to moot In their respectlve'town- the individual worker. If you find such was sophistry that would not have stood for feeling are related of her later years. A ground to powdor by tho tariff!—Afrit Ycrfe torn from ita fastenings, but thoro was but tho speaking began a fine Republican banner Independent, , . ■ Chief Justice will take t^e oath £f office ships, on Saturday, Oct. 18th, a t tho usual tim e a one, and you can, ascertain his reasons a momentagainBt reasonable argument. His favorite summer trip was given up last year llttlo loft of thp matorlal excepting tho Iron was untiled, ‘Prospect Comet Band, of,As­ first, and then after the transaction of rou. and placo, and cjoct delogatoB to the Conffros- for the belief that is in him. In these effort was mainly to prove tho superlorltjnof In ordor to domain and comfort an old servant $tynal Convention. Townships will be ontltle$L frame and burnt canvas. bnry. Panr, playing “ Tho Red, White and free trade, and yot Democrats claim that It Is who was passing toward hor grave with con­ Struck by Lightning. tine business, the Court will adjourn to to dolegates as follows: - , reasons you will find your opportunity. The cause of'tho lire ia a mystery. The Blue,” / ..... - not an issuo. ' Novortholess they cry, “ The sumption, and moro. recontiy at a. railroad call on the President. The next day the . Upper Freehold...... 8 Ocean...... *****2 Be frank/bo tj^ithfol;. avoid offeffding ; most planslblo theory la that a match bad TJjo m ooting w as organized by tho election .. About ten o’clock this (Friday) morning the Millstone...... 2 Matawah ...... tariff Is a ta x .” ' station sho rollevod a tired mother bf a worry- ball of the docket begins, and on it there present the Republican side of the ques­ lodflod iu tbo folds and the swaying ot tbo of Hon. S. B. Ovlatt as chairman, who made bqttled lightning pf. thd Electric Railroad M analapan...... % .2 , Wall...... — .8 somo chlld,.taklng It in hor arras and walking are about 1,200 cases...... ' • Ft-oehOld...... 8 Holmdeli.;:,..l awning by tho wind had ignltod lt, / ; a short address and Introduced lion. C. H. wires found an outlet on the tolephono wires Howell ...... 2 KhrewBbury ..7 tion ;-give facts and figures and make the floor until tho little ono was hpshod In J’rcsbyterian Synod* The aw ning In front of Snedekor Bros;’ sta- Lpwpry, of Pennsylvania. His address was a and nearly all tho ’phones In town werobiirri- The Investigation into the charge^ M a rlb G ro ...... 8 Middletown...... - . 5 your argument; take, him into the Re­ sleep, - N eptune...... fi -Raritan...... 2 tlonQjy storo, adjoining, caught fire from review of tho anteccde'nts of the two parties od put and rendered nsolcss. - against Representative Stahlnecl*or, of publican Club rooms, give him reading Tho Synod of New Jersey'will hold its A tlantic...... - .1 Eatontown...... • -4 sparks, but tho flamea were beaten out byM r.n New York, ended with a copiplete exon­ M Artm is Wooi.tiBT, Chairman.* sl^ty-nlnth annual meeting next Monday^ Oct ifilhelr relation to tho Government "dud. con­ Republicans at Educational Hall matter and ask' him to read it andfthink M, F. Bird, who was hoisted np high enough Broke His Arm. John T. Roselt., Secretary. •; * ■ 15J, at Educational Hall. ^Tho opening ser­ trasting them In their administrations. The eration of this gentleman. Senator*'V6or over it There are -but few men who are to reach tho burning spot with his hand. v conclusion was oloarly deduced that tho Re­ This (Friday) ovpnlng a mass-mooting will bees and Justice Lamar testified th$t while mon will be delivered at 3 o’clock p. m., by be bold at Educational HaU under the au­ Master Fred Farry, a son of Mr. W. II. not open to such methods and to argu­ the Moderator, Itev. Frank Chandler,fe.Dl publican party was the ono that had brought Farry, whllo playing leap frog with bis com­ Mr. Stahlnecker had showed considerable We reprint this week from the Troy us safply to our present prosperity and Bhould spices of tho Young Men’s Republican Asso­ ment pleasantly yet earnestly made. In tho evening the Lord’s Supper will be ad* - Sons of Veterans Reunion. panions Thursday morning, foil and broke zeal In endoavoring to have Tuckuhoe Times a very interesting ortiole on the b»again placed In full power In ordor to pre- ciation, at whloh Col. C. W. Fuller, of Bay­ Converts made by torchlight proces­ ministered and the Christian public aro cor­ onne City, will speak on the temporaneo IssueJ his arm.' „ marble used in the. construction of the This organization, aa its namo indicates, is nerve to u b tho benefits that have gfown from evil effeots of the Mills t^ill on a vorjy, sions are few and exceedingly light in dially Invited to be present and to participate iijngre^idanaLJUhraryT-ho-had-mado-no- egmpoaed-QfthflaQnaofJotorana-oUhflJate. the-sygtem-e fprete^ed^ndufltrle&-— — — ------important indnsfe^-in^our^pnnt^—O nt "Thg~tJH3ih 0S8 sessions' will weight. ' Mas» meetings and political urtbr war. They aro banded together for vory Tho Manasquan Band and Proapoct Band, have something to say on political matters In corrupt proposition to tha^ end. ' -■ , . tow n am an', ~Wj v J a m os A.* Bradley, is begin Tuesday m orning a t 9 o,elo^kjbflHd will general. All are wolcomo, and seats will be A (jablo despatch was received at San Frau speeches draw little in attendance from worthy objecta-to keep green tbe memories of Aabury Park, gave excellent mualo. Many, A'few yards from a certain church in connected with the brush manufacturing continue two or/three days. ' * — re-’ei ved for ladlps. cisco Thursday afternoon of. tho death of tho opposite party, although they do of their fathers and their sacrifices for the Rouses were Illuminated on tho llpo of march, this city lives a- rum-seller with his shop Devotional services Will b ^ hold each d ay James C. Floodr at Carlstiad. Mr. Flood was firm of Bnvdley ^ Sniith, of New York. maintenance of the Unjon’; to aid the mem­ showing that tho inhabitants appreciated tbe next door. On last Sunday afternoon six muoh good in enlightening the minds for half an hour, commencing at half-past 11 one of tho noted mining kings .and bankers TJpori reading, the article .Mr.’ Bradley and strengthening the belief of party bers of tho G. 1 A. R. )fn caring for disabled fine display made by tho oluba. Too £

^i. ‘

allow to exist; and yot Asbury Park, notwith­ WILUSFORD BEY. T. FRANK APPLEBY. standing, did grow and its success has beon so groat that tho anti-liquor, ol an so Is now a feature in tho deeds of many seaside resorts started on tho Now Jersoy coast within tho past ton years. Willisford Dey & Co., Although wq have often given the history, of “As tbo town grew a serious difficulty arose: Steinbach Bros. Asbury Park, tho place Is becoming eo well ‘How will you drain- and sowor tho placo!’ - _ ESTATE. 1 know n through th e ow ners of ’ cottagoa "and It waef ound that tho pooplo wero not propared tho press, that fro are often urged to: again to grapple .with that question, so, again, an­ Wo havo a largo number of fnrnlahod oottago& and n fow boarding houses in Asbury Park and other fortune was Invested in demonstratlnr Ocoan Grovo for ro n t Bradloy Beaoh plots alm ost glvon away1. leading gi ve Ife history In ty pe. I ts gnccoge la alm ost JtovtBoasidoJowna bn tho:Now._J.ereoy. coasl marvelous; Its growth aa a apa-sldo resort has could bo soworodand ovory honso put In a been greater than any, similar enterprise on comploto sanitary condition. •* ' Strongest Insurance Agency in America. “Money has not boon lost on tho purohaso of the American continent. It will bo noticed Asbury Park, but tho slight profit mado (a Phconix, Hartford; Getman-Amorioan, Homo, Niagara, * Continental, Fhenix, that a permanent village has grown up, aris­ more salary to its foundor) would disgust tho Qlena Falla and Inborty, New York; Insurance Co. of North America, Fire' ing from the necessities of the situation. ordinary speculator, ond although tho calcu­ Association .and Union, PhiladelphiaLiverpool- and London and lation as to profits has beon a dlsa]— ------*' 1 Globe, Royal and London and Lancashire, Liverpool; Com- Some', who at flret only spent a few months tho enterpriBO is a grand success, -OF- In sum m er, now live h ere th e y ear around, as , Thero will nover boanothorseasldo town on j' merqialTJnion, Phronix, Imperial, Firo Insurance Abbo- -i they have all the comforts of the large, towns thb Atlantic coast from Bandy Hook toBarno- omtion and City of London, London; Lancashire, Manoheeter $ < thaC'arQjnuch nearer New York. gat Inlot with as wldo streets and open spaces North British and Mercantile, -Edinburgh; Eliot, Boston; British as Asbury Park, bocauso noarly all thb land ^ America, Toronto ; Providenco Washington, Prov?donoe ; EquitabIo . NEW JERSEY, ■ We take pleasure In re-publishing. Its his-' north and south of Asbury Park han boon Life, .Metropolitan Plate Glassy and Amorican Surety Company, New York. tory, as given In a previous, number of Thb mapped out or ia ownod in smallor,par­ cels than tho original tract of Asbury Park. - Our oompanles lnsurb against damage by lightning, whether flrd ensues or n o t J ournal by Mr. James A. Bradley, the. orlg- Futuro gonerqtions will havo opportunities to are offering great Bargains' JnaJ^proprlotor: ornament tho town by statuary, vases, gar­ in all Departments, to reduce “ O ne afternoon In May^ 1870, 1 w as w alk­ dens and fountains. -s' "■ . ing down Broadway, New York; and sud­ Asbury Park was tho first soasldo resort on fcheir large stock. Half an denly ran against m y W end, D avid H. Browri, tho American Continent to adopt a perfect Esq., Treasurer of the Ooean Grove Associa­ systomof dralnago.- Wo havo uftoon miles ' hour’s inspection will show tion. ‘How is Ocean Grove getting along?' I of street mains, ozoluslvo of house con­ you how you can save many askod. ‘Very fairly,* Said ho, * why don’t you nection pipes. Our sowago is discharged buy a lot? Thoso .who have their names put into tho ocean and Is carried away by the our-1 dollars. • i — down now have first ehoico.’ ‘Well, put me ront Wo havo miles of walks; an Ocean down for two,’ said I. A few* days after, in Plaza ono milo long, and from sixteen to a p p r i s e s • Handsoiu^. and useful ar­ company with somo friends < we startedIjjfor thirty-two foot wide. - : „ Ocean 'Grove. Wo took .the boat for Port Asbnry Pntk has the purest water in'tho TAK.ES THE LEAD! ticles are presented to every Monmouth, thonco by railroad to Eatontown. world from our Artesian wells, tho analysis of purchaser of Shoes. Tho soa-shore route was open od a Jew days whloh was mado by Profossor Cook; Stato afterwards. After dining at?'Mr. Brown's Geologist - 7.V country house at Eatontown, wo droVo to Asbury Park hafj seven church edifices-^ Ocoan Grovo in carriages. Tho turnpike Episcopalian, Reformed, Baptist. Catholic, company had Just commenced operations, Presbyterian, Methodist ana African. A and from GrOat Pond to Ocoan Grovo was ono Public Library Building worth, with the ..Qf_th0 ,W0]:etjQadfl,tliatcould well bo imagin­ grounds, twonty thousand^Jollars. Hotols, STEINBAdHBROS. ed. I won completely takfen withOccanGrove boardlng^ibu80S rB ^ fe 8 of ovorjr variety ned? and Its Burrounalngs^so much so that I pur­ essary to a largo population aro established,; chased tho first Iotovor^olU thero, tho premi­ weekly papers with circulation of oyer 8,000 r * um being |85: ... lies;i e a ppst ' offico, salary ' ' $3,800; " two public Wooden I Near, the Lake. “ Having for some time'previous boon, in la^no.^Edncutional...... Hall, boing the samo bad health, I Concludod to.try what I had been namof It boro when It stood on tho Centennial recommondod—sea air. Too clbse application grounds at Philadelphia—seating ovor 1,500 to business had mado inroads on my con­ people. We have also an opera house soaring stitution and my nervous system was ab o u t 1,500. - " seriously affected. 8 0 , a fow days afters' - Thoro^ro olght hundred cpttages, besides purchasing tho lots, taking two horses, car­ hotels: Tho finest Masonic lodge-room In Mon­ riage and tent, ana John Baker, my colored mouth county was orocted by tho lato Allen man, I loft.tho hum of tho busy city behind, R. Cook, who was for along time tbe esteemed ' | 8 P A | 1 »5 “ to becomo an inhabitant of tho wild ^yoods, Superintendent of Asbury Park. Wo have whore my wearied body and brain might rest, bIbo ono of thd .bos t planned school-housos in “ fig's- lullodto sleep by tho murmuring sea at' tho State, with a . daily attendance of seven hundred; the school lot fronts on, three and awakened in tho morning by tho songs' 01 £ * - 2 ® 'lne trees surrounding my couch stfeotS. . JI arrived at Ocean Grovo just at Asbury Park waa assessed * In I860 at nightfall, and having gotten our horses under $15,000. Tho assessed valuation In 1B80 w as 0 Oi l H l S S*-* o Shelter In a bam belonging toChatleaRogors. ovor $3,000,000. near tho present Ocean Grovo school Streets running at right angles tothosea are houBe, wo entered tho woodB .and about from ono to two nundrod foot wldo, an advan half a rollo off, erected our tent. It was tago possessed by no other seaside resort on too dark to get poles, so we hung tho tent on, tho New Jersoy coast Tho dopot grounds aro Iho beams of what was afterwards the Associ­ tho finest on tho llpo of tho Long Branch ation Offico, tbe first building over orocted In Division of tho Central Railroad of Now Jer­ 1HESG are in every respect strictly first- Ocean Grove. (This building stood near the sey, and with adjoining streets cover four CG . class Paintt, composed of pure linseed Auditorium and was afterward, torn doYra acres, including a splendid grovo.- The Anbury l\trk Journal o f February-2o, 1888, compliimhita it th m :— In the matter of electric lights Asbnry Park oil and the highest grade of pigments, They or removed). Tho building at that timo was Last fall tbo editor of this paper contracted with Messrs. W. M. Pawloy ’& Co;, of this without roof. Wo wero without light, and was tho pioneer along tho Monmouth eounty are prepared ready for the brush, in 5 4 newest coast. ■ placo, for a 80-1 noh‘“U tica Palace King ” heater to replaco stoves at .hls residence. Fire soon after .lunching on somo crackers wo lay was started on Nov. 5, 1887, and haa not boon out since, and tho six'registers have kept Shades and standard colors, and, on accoUnt down to sleep, our heads resting on tho car­ Tho First National Bank of •Asbury Park of their purity and great covering properties, was organized for business In tho early part nearly 10,000 cubto feet of space at a uniform and pleasant warmth, night and day, WRh but riage cushions, and our covering being the a trifle ovdr one-half tbe coal previously used by four stovos, and with no moro trouble than we offer them as the most durable and carriage blankets. 8 0 we spent our first night of 1886. Its success h as boon groat. T he d e­ ECONOMICAL Pajnts ever produced. One posits in tho summer of 1887 ran up to nearly that whloh would bo necessary with an ordinury solf-fcoder. During the late extreme and In Ocean Grove, and so began an entire long continuod cold Weather not tho slightest difficulty was met In koeplng rooms and halls gallop will Cqjrcr from 2 5 0 to* 2 7 5 sq. ft., chango,in my mode of llfo and which led $500,000. Tho A sbnry P ark N ational Bank was openod to thb publio on Tuesday, at summor temperature. This testimonial Is gl ven without solid tatlon,but It Is a deserved one. twoTtoatS. .... eventually to an almost complete restoration to health. Sept. 20, 1887. C apital stock $100,000. If wanting a good furnace please'Inquire Into tho merit* of tho "Palace King,” and also Into Samples and Descriptive Price List free by mail. The flret street car lino In Monmouth coun­ the Buperior workmanship and scientific principles employed In setting them1 upUp 10for operation, the “ In the morning Baker Blghed and said, result of closo application and study by n . w . jo b h b hiihjfaotcihno o o iipa n t, ‘Mr. B., this is a wilderness place.’ Ho was ty bad ^ 8 birth In AsburyPark., Thocarsaro BOLB JtANUFACTUUKUS 0 9 ' homesick; for, lot tho reader, who propelled by electricity, powor tyotng-fiunplio