Martian Phyllosilicates: Recorders of Aqueous Processes (2008) 7006.pdf

IN SITU ANALYSIS OF PHYLLOSILICATES USING THE CHEMIN MINERALOGICAL INSTRUMENT ON SCIENCE LABORATORY. D. F. Blake1, D. L. Bish2, S. J. Chipera3, D. T. Vani- man4, P. Sarrazin5 and M. Gailhanou6 1MS 239-4, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035 [email protected]; 2Dept. of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, 1001 East Tenth St., Bloomington, IN 47405; 3Chesapeake Energy Corporation, 6100 N. Western Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73118; 4EES-6, MS D462, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 86545; 5inXitu, Inc., 2551 Casey Ave., Suite A, Mountain View, CA 94043; 6IM2NP, UMR 6242 CNRS, Universite Paul Cezanne, Aix-marseille III, Marseille, France.

Introduction: The CheMin mineralogical instru- oped to evaluate the capability of the instrument for ment on Mars Science Laboratory (MSL ’09) [1] will qualitative and quantitative analysis of single minerals return quantitative X-ray diffraction data (XRD) and and complex mixtures. Patterns are of sufficient qual- qualitative X-ray fluorescence data (XRF; 14

gram that results from summing the 2-D pattern cir- Wherever MSL lands, clay mineralogy will be a criti- cumferentially around the central undiffracted beam. cal component of determining hydrogeologic history Table 1 shows a quantitative analysis of this sample and habitability. using the program FULLPAT [9]. With this performance, CheMin can identify and distinguish a number of clay minerals. For example, discrimination between 1:1 phyllosilicates (such as the kaolin minerals), with repeat distances of ~7Å, and smectites (e.g., montmorillonite, nontronite, saponite), with repeat distances from 10-15Å, is straightforward. However, it is important to note that the variety of treatments used in terrestrial laboratories to aid in dis- crimination of clay minerals will not be accessible on Mars (e.g., saturation with ethylene glycol vapor, heat treatments). Although these treatments will not be available on Mars, dehydration within the CheMin instrument could be used to advantage in discriminat- ing between phyllosilicate minerals that exhibit differ- Fig 3. 1-D 2θ diffractogram of the 2-D image in Fig. 2. The low ent dehydration behavior, such as chlorite vs. smectite. angle detection capabilities of CheMin allow detection of the basal In addition, it should be possible to identify the hy- spacing of all natural phyllosilicates. drated kaolin mineral, halloysite. The lowest-angle diffraction peak from 10.1Å hydrated halloysite occurs Table 1. Quantitative XRD analysis of a synthetic clay-bearing at ~10.2º 2θ with Co radiation and is easily detectable; evaporite. the mineral may readily dehydrate to ~7Å, making its identification possible based on this transition. Phase Meas- Known Known vs. Com- ured (wt%) measured ment (wt%) (diff., %) Nontronite 69 61 13.1 Within 15% Gypsum 22.6 25 -9.6 Within 15% Halite 2.8 8.7 -67.8 <4x MDL Hematite 5.7 5.3 7.5 Within 15%

References: [1] P. Sarrazin et al., (2005). Powder Diffraction 20, 128-133. [2] [3] J- P Bibring et al., (2004). Eur. Space Agency Spec. Pub. 1240, 37. [4] A. Chicarro, et al., (2004). Eur. Space Agency Spec. Pub. 1240, 3. [5] J-P Bibring et al., (2005). Science 307, 1576-1581. [6] F. Poulet et al., Fig 2. 2-D image of diffraction pattern from a synthetic clay- (2005). Nature 431, 623-627. [7] J.F. Mustard et al., bearing evaporite sample. The direct beam is at the lower center of the image; 2θ increases radially with distance from this point. (2008). Nature 454, 305-309. [8] J.L. Bishop et al., (2008). Science in press. [9] Chipera, S.J., and Bish, Clay Minerals and MSL landing sites: Study of D.L. (2002). J. Applied Crystallography, 35, 744-749. clay mineralogy in situ on Mars will begin with the arrival of CheMin on MSL in 2010. Potential landing sites include the Trough, , Southern Meridiani, Crater, Crater, Crater, and Crater. All sites have evidence of sedimentary processes along with spectral signatures of smectites and, in many cases, kaolinite.