THE SOJOURNER Proudly serving the cause of Patriotism. VOL. 92, No. 2 MMarch a r c h - AApril p r i l 22015 0 1 5


National Headquarters is in the process of moving to it’s new location at 7942-R Cluny Court, Springfi eld, VA 22153. Phone numbers and emails will remain the same. Please be aware we plan to move at the end of March and hope to be fully operational by the 7th of April.

PURPOSES PRONOUNCEMENT The Purposes of National Sojourners shall be to organize Commissioned Of- National Sojourners believe in God as The Supreme Architect of the fi cers, Warrant Offi cers and Senior Non-Commissioned Offi cers of the uniformed Universe. forces (past and present) of the United States, and Honorary Members, who are We hold that political, economic and social problems are subsidiary to Master Masons, into Chapters, for the promotion of good fellowship among its and ever separate from that steadfast belief in God. members, for assisting such as may be overtaken by adversity or affl iction, for We maintain that God must motivate man if present day problems are cultivating Masonic ideals, for supporting all patriotic aims and activities in Ma- to be solved and we urge active participation in maintaining that Govern- sonry, for developing true Patriotism and Americanism throughout the Nation, for ment for which our forefathers fought. bringing together representatives of the uniformed forces of the United States (past Sojourners remember that George Washington once said, “When we and present) in a united effort to further the military need of national defense, and assumed the soldier we did not lay aside the citizen.” for opposing any infl uence whatsoever calculated to weaken the national security.

95th ANNUAL CONVENTION, OMAHA, NEBRASKA, 1-6 JUNE 2014 SUBMISSION DEADLINE INTO THE NEXT SOJOURNER IS 20 APRIL 2015 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF NATIONAL CAMEL CORPS SECRETARY’S NOTES SOJOURNERS, INCORPORATED The reunion of the 1st Camel Corps was I expect that by the time you are reading THE SOJOURNER is published bi-monthly this the National Headquarters of National for $5.00 per year by National Sojourners, Inc., held in Laughlin, NV and as you can see, a non-profi t organization, 8301 East Boulevard some national offi cers are at it again. Sojourners, Incorporated may have moved Drive, Alexandria, VA 22308-1399. to a new location. Collingwood has been our POSTMASTER: Send address changes to home for some 38 years and holds a special THE SOJOURNER, 8301 East Boulevard Drive, place in our hearts. But change is inevitable Alexandria, VA 22308-1399. EDITOR: WILLIAM R. SANNER. and we are relocating to a new home and Names and addresses included in this publi- will make this a place all Sojourners and cation shall not be released for any commercial Heroes can be proud to visit. Stay tuned for or charitable enterprise without the express writ- exciting times ahead with new challenges ten authority of National Sojourners, Inc. “The and opportunities to excel for all. We will opinions or assertions contained herein, unless otherwise noted, are the private ones of the continue to provide the quality service we writers and are not to be construed as offi cial or have in the past and hope you have found refl ecting the views of National Sojourners, Inc., that to be high. Everyone is invited to visit us or any branch of the Federal Government.” in our new location. We should not be hard NATIONAL LINE OFFICERS to fi nd and anticipate you will be pleased JUNE 2014-JUNE 2015 with our new surroundings. We will have a slight disruption of service, not to exceed a PRESIDENT week. Expect things in general to stay on CAPT Merlen F. Howe P O Box 912 schedule. Look for your MIP dividend check Lockhart, TX 78644 shortly after the 15th of April and deposit it 512-398-9583 promptly. We will be gearing up for the Sum- Email: [email protected] mer Convention in Omaha and look forward PRESIDENT-ELECT to seeing you there. CAPT James N. Higdon 10122 North Manton Lane L-r: Katie and Joe Ryland before the San Antonio, TX 78213 MAJOR GENERAL EMORY UPTON 210-344-4309 banquet. Email: [email protected] CLUB #552 LTC MICHAEL A. FERRILL, SECRETARY, 484 UPTON DRIVE, ST. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT JOSEPH MI 49085. CWO4 James A. Baker P O Box 733 Liberty Hill, TX 78642-0733 This Club was formed in June of 2014, in 512-515-5632 the City of St Joseph, Michigan. We have Email: [email protected] elected and installed our core of offi cers as: st SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Pres. Cpt Edward D. Atwood; 1 VP 1SG Lt Col Ronald D.R. Sortino Ronald L. Ravitch; 2nd VP SGT John H. 212 Edgewood Lane rd Jacksonville, NC 28546-9200 Bellinger; 3 VP Gust J. Anton; Sec/Trea. 910-347-1660 LTC Michael A. Ferrill; Adj. SGT Thomas Email: [email protected] W. McCoy. We look forward to increasing THIRD VICE PRESIDENT our membership by 100% at the end of Col Edward W. Nolte the year. Our fi rst quarterly meeting will be 4702 Windcrest Drive held at Rays on the Green, in St. Joseph, Papillion, NE 68133=4767 402-592-0184 L-r: Bob Reynolds, Kermit Rosenthal, Joe Michigan on March 4, 2015. Please contact Email: [email protected] Ryland, and Merlen Howe. our Secretary if you have questions con- SECRETARY-TREASURER cerning membership in our South Western MAJ William R. Sanner Lower Michigan Area (Cass County, Berrien 8301 East Boulevard Drive County). We look forward in the years to Alexandria, VA 22308-1399 703-765-5000 / FAX: 703-765-8390 come in growing this club. Email: [email protected] Website: CHAPLAIN LTC Ira M. Flax 3519 Kingshill Road Birmingham, AL 35223 334-322-0084 Email: [email protected] NATIONAL S/Maj John J. Brown 41 525 Kalanianaole Hwy Waimanalo, HI 96795 808-551-8108 L-r: Bob Reynolds, Kermit Rosenthal, Email: [email protected] John J. Brown, Merlen Howe and Joe Ryland.


It is my observation that the Na- tional Trustees have become the per- sonification of the Master Mason’s Five Points of Fellowship. They have trav- eled great distances on foot symbolically for years to assist their brethren to serve the youth of our country by providing training in leadership, Americanism and patriotism. National Sojourners started a great expan- sion of our youth outreach program through our partnering in 2001 with the Military Or- der of the World Wars to assist in spreading and staffi ng Youth Leadership Conferences (YLC) across the United States. Many of us have knelt on our knee to petition the Great Architect of the Universe for guidance, strength and help in obtaining The excitement and good fellowship experienced by those who attended the Mid- the monies necessary to adequately fund the recurring expenses required for trans- Winter Meeting (MWM) in San Diego created some great memories, especially of portation to and scholarships for the quality the dancing by Lady Kathy Brown and the presentation on The American’s Creed by youth in our areas of responsibility to attend MS Joedy Adams. Thanks to all who contributed to making the meeting so great. Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge or Brother Jim Benson and his Lady Carol were absolutely superb with many eager regional YLCs. The National Trustees have hands assisting them in numerous needful areas. Thanks. Brother Paul and Lady petitioned the Internal Revenue Service Jane McCullough produced wonderful ditty bags. Well done! and received permission to provide the Of great importance is the news of the change of location of our National Spirit of America Education Foundation Headquarters. Many hours of planning have been followed by the volunteer efforts (SAEF) to our as a 501(c)3 non-profi t of several National Sojourners to assist our HQ staff in moving with a minimum of organization. Each of our Chapters are downtime. BZ to all involved. now afforded the use of SAEF to solicit, I am an Old Salt. When I began my naval career I was given a DOD resource on bank and distribute non-profi t funds to pay for YLC scholarships and transportation, fl ag placement which I followed for years. Since the innocent misplacement of the ROTC and certifi cates, and the fl ag in San Diego, I have been updated by three wise men. My thanks go to them Americanism Essay Contest. and my apologies to anyone who thinks I disrespected our fl ag. All of our Chapters need some form of National Sojourners, Incorporated, recently received a gracious donation from assistance and some may be in dire straits. our valued Brother Bill Turner. Two Military Service Flag Programs (Masonic and The National Line and Trustees are Masons non-Masonic) will be reviewed by our Publication and Review Board. Should the who will keep your secrets in their breast PRB approve them, they will be another opportunity to present knowledge about and will assist you and your with the fl ags of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force. Thank Brother Bill for his the vicissitudes you face. They spent eight contribution to NSI. years making our National Sojourner Con- The National Line along with a number of Past National Presidents and their ladies vention Corporation into a very low profi t attended the Conference of Grand Masters in North America in Vancouver, B.C., business that professionally serves the Order. The National Trustees have devoted Canada, in mid-February. Brothers McVeigh and Sanders along with Mrs. Marlene seven years in developing the National So- Dibrell, the wife of a Past of Texas, presented a wonderful session journer Souvenir Book into a prideful entity. to many attendees. They addressed how National Sojourners can support Grand Your national Order does not want you Lodges’ efforts to develop leadership and citizenship among the younger members to stumble and fall. Our hand is at your of our Masonic family and other outstanding youth of our communities. back and we are bound and determined Looking ahead to Omaha and the Annual National Convention (ANC), I encourage to prevent injury or embarrassment to you to complete the registration form which is on the website and is available from you. Please use our resources such as your chapter secretary. This year the ANC will be held the fi rst week in June. the Chapter Revitalization and Chartering Tour information also is or will be soon on the website. Omaha has also many other Committee if your Chapter is not succeed- things for the adventurous and curious to see and do besides the organized tours. ing. Whisper into our ear so that we may Judy and I anticipate greeting you in Omaha and we expect you will have a good defend and support you. However, if we see you acting untrue to your working tools, time. we are obligated to whisper in yours. Com- municate, communicate, communicate to start receiving assistance. Merlen Howe

MARCH - APRIL 2015 THE SOJOURNER 3 FEDERAL AREA RIGHT & WRONG WELL REPRESENTED DURING A CASE FOR MORAL ABSOLUTES ST. JOHN’S DAY CELEBRATION We are in a decade marked by “culture wars.” Having lost a dominant moral consensus, we are struggling in our courts, voting booths, and even in our churches to resolve the diffi cult moral issues that are separating us. Many have decided that the answer is tolerance, open-mindedness, and mutual respect, while others are convinced that there is a time “to be our brother’s keeper.” They are certain that we cannot afford to merely abandon the moral values of the past and act as if it doesn’t matter what we believe in regarding our choices in pursuing our goals in life. Like the physical law of gravity, moral absolutes can seem at times as if they do more harm than good. This is the mindset of the world in which we live. The values and logic of a relativistic age are so woven into the fabric of our culture that it is easy to forget the story of history. Let us not forget who we are and what we stand for. We are Freemasons, Sojourners Members of The Federal Area turned out and our convictions to Faith, Hope, Charity and Patriotism should be boundless and not to support the 2014 Celebration of St John concerned with being right or wrong. Not just right, but morally right. the Evangelist in Williamsburg VA right after Yours in friendship Christmas. They were Randy Geck, Federal Area Representative, Dave Miller President Raymond J. Vanden Berghe, Sr. Patuxent #522, Ed Ford 1st Vice President National Chief of Staff - Heroes of ‘76 Baltimore #7 and Past Grand Master Ste- IEAR EIAR phen J. Ponzillo, III. The festivities started in


the morning when Williamsburg Lodge # 6 opened in the Entered Appetence Form and Brother Geck provided the Masonic History of our Pledge of Allegiance and a Toast to the Flag. Then the men joined the ladies for a lovely lunch followed by the traditional march down Dog Street in the Historic Wil- liamsburg to the Bruton Parish Church, led by the Fife and Drum Corps and over 80 Aloha, Masons, where the traditional St John’s Mahalo nui loa to everyone that assisted in making the Mid-year meeting in San Diego a Sermon was presented. Then the Masons, successful event. Kathy and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. As I have said before, these once again, marched back to the Lodge events do not just happen. A lot of planning and hard work goes into these endeavors. through this main street entertaining a very NASOCOCO and the host chapters deserve a “well done.” The joint National President enthusiastic crowd. The day was warm and and National Commander’s banquet had a hula dance group perform that will be long sunny and it could not have been better for remembered by those in attendance. Well done to my wife for the hula lessons, even all to enjoy the celebration. though her students were dancing-impaired. I’m hoping that there are no incriminating pictures that will surface later. And a special thanks for her Hawaiian cultural dancing at the Ladies Luncheon and impressive dances at the Friday banquet. June 1st will be here before you know it and I am looking forward to seeing all of my Sojourner and Hero brothers and their ladies again in Omaha. I was once asked which Masonic body I preferred; the Scottish Rite or the York Rite. I referred to my two sons. They are two different personalities however, I love them both the same. I must admit though, that I have a special fondness for the Sojourners and Heroes of ’76. In my opinion, the combination of Masonic and Military service provides a camaraderie that cannot be matched. As I refl ect on my theme for this year, SERVICE TO GOD, COUNTRY AND CORPS, I ask of all HEROES to promote our worthy organization by being that Mason that SERVES.

Semper Fidelis, EIAR

4 THE SOJOURNER MARCH - APRIL 2015 CHAPTER NEWS presentation of his year at a WWII Army Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas, Air Forces isolated weather outpost 300 and his lady Tanya. Bro. Samuels recounted KNICKERBOCKER – WEST POINT miles above the arctic circle, near the native the highlights of MW Wiggins biography #13, LTC Jack H. Moore, Secretary, 145 Greenlandic village of Scoresbysund on the and the various Masonic organizations of Lincolndale Acres, Washingtonville, NY northeastern coast. The Year was August which he is a member. The podium was 10992. Despite freezing temperatures and 1945 to August 1946. His presentation then offered to the Grand Master to pres- snow, Sojourners and their ladies met at included photos taken of their station du- ent his remarks. The GM thanked us for the Old ’76 House on 22 February, in Tap- ties and life, along with some photos taken honoring the Masters of the San Antonio pan, NY to celebrate Bro. Washington’s when they accompanied native hunters on area’s Masonic Districts, and stated that birthday. The Old ’76 House is an historical their efforts to obtain food for their families in he had attended a Chapter 17 Bridge of their food-bare subsistence economy. Bro. Light in 1987. He proceeded to honor the West also covered the logistical diffi culties gathering with his remarks which were well of returning the eleven of them home again received and were followed by a standing for discharge, after the end of the war. They applause from all members and guests. As were recognized as the last American ser- a token of appreciation for his attendance vicemen to be discharged from WWII duty. and service to Texas Masonry, Bro. Anthony He has made two trips back to this remote presented the Grand Master with a Bridge area of Greenland in recent years. of Light Certifi cate. At 2110 hours Bro. An- At the February meeting, our Secretary thony formally closed the Chapter, thanked Len Bezar, 33 deg. gave a very informative everyone for their attendance, and wished and interesting talk with slides on the life them God Speed and a safe journey home. of fi ve star General of the Armies ‘Hap’ Ar- tavern that was founded in 1686 and was nold. Bro. Len gives this presentation each a famous meeting place for Patriots during year to the students of Lower Merion High the American Revolution. It too, served School, in the local suburban community as a prison where British spy, Major John where he lives. Hap had graduated from this Andre was held and questioned by Gen- school, and then went on to West Point and eral Washington for his involvement with Army service. He became one of the fi rst General Benedict Arnold in the plan to sur- pilots in the Army, just a few years after the fi rst fl ight of the Wright brothers in 1903. In the years preceding and during World War II, General Arnold was instrumental in devel- oping and committing resources necessary to build and lead our Army Air Forces to win the War. During his years of service, Hap GM Wiggins and Pres. Anthony became a 33rd degree Mason. Also at the February meeting, new member Michael TINKER #43, CW4 Daniel A. Burchett, McKee, Special Assistant to the R.W. Grand Secretary 4800 NW 48th Avenue, Nor- Master, was sworn in. man, OK 73072-1201. Dressed in Colonial uniforms the Flag team consisting of Bros. FT SAM HOUSTON #17, Col. James R John King, Hank Riebel, Jeff Fluker, Greg render West Point to the British. Following (Bob) McConnell, Secretary, 134 Rhonda Fowler and Dan Burchett had the distinct a great brunch, the group adjourned to the Drive, Universal City, TX 78148. On the honor of leading the November 15, 2014 nearby DeWint House for a short meeting evening of 11 February 2015, 115 people ar- Veterans Day Parade in Blanchard, Ok. and ceremony celebrating Bro. Washing- rived at the Hilton San Antonio Airport for the ton’s birthday. The DeWint House was Annual Bridge of Light Dinner Meeting. The used by Bro. Washington as a temporary social hour ended with Pres. T. K. Anthony headquarters during the Revolution when opening remarks and Chap. Freddie Free- he travelled through the area. The home land’s prayer asking God’s blessing on our is owned and operated by the Trustees of meal and meeting. The meeting was formal- the Masonic Hall & Home of the State of ly opened by Bro. Anthony at 2000 hours, NY. Knickerbocker-West Point Sojourners followed by the prayer and pledge to our planned their next gathering for a Sunday fl ag. The Toast to the Flag was performed by meeting and noon luncheon on 19 April, at PNP Elliott Samuels. Bro. Anthony turned At the December stated meeting we had the West Point Masonic Lodge in Highland the program over to Bro. Elliott Samuels, Ms. Gail Andrews (director of the Mid-Del Falls. the . Bro Samuels Youth Crisis Center) as the guest speaker gave a brief history of National Sojourners of the evening. She explained in detail how BENJAMIN FRANKLIN #16, Leonard and some of the programs we participate in so many abused and needy children from R. Bezar, Secretary, 31455 Valley Forge and some that a few of the sitting Worship- infant to teenagers come to the center in Circle, King of Prussia 19406. Our pro- ful Masters were not aware. Bro. Samuels poorly cared for and highly distraught men- grams to date for 2015 have both been introduced the dignitaries in attendance tal conditions. The center provides loving centered on the U.S. Army Air Forces of beginning with the Chapter sweethearts. care, clean clothes, food and shelter and World War II.Our January Meeting speaker Bro. Elliott Samuels, then introduced the endeavors to improve the children’s health, was member Walt West, who gave a slide guest speaker, the MW Michael L. Wiggins, emotional and personal attitudes in a loving

MARCH - APRIL 2015 THE SOJOURNER 5 home situation. The chapter adopted the his new offi ce. Then, at the April meeting Eisendle, Van Owen, Dick Schowengerdt, Crisis Center as its 2014 Christmas season the Nominating Committee presented the Jeremy Chongo. Back Row: Bros. Rees Charity program and was pleased to pres- names they had agreed upon. There were Padfi eld, Bob Reynolds, Jay Gromme’, Ray ent Ms. Andrews $717.00 as a donation to no nominations from the floor, so each Godeke, Chuck Bruggeman, Larry Mount- help support the centers exceptional work person nominated was duly elected. At joy, Jack Carlson. (Photo by Robert Mason) with these young children. The center oper- the June chapter meeting there will be an On February 10th we welcomed National ates on donations for their funds. installation of the new offi cers. President Merlen F. Howe and his Lady Judy at our meeting at the Arrowhead SPOKANE #102, Lt Col Ivan M. Iver- ARROWHEAD #421, Mr. Robert A. Country Club in San Bernardino. He gave son, Secretary, 9818 North Wieber Drive, Jacob, Secretary, 6736 Harwood Circle, us interesting information about the Mid- Spokane, WA 99208-9467. On Dec. 9 2014 Palm Springs, CA, 92264-6730. On Janu- Winter 2015 Meeting in San Diego. We some of our bros. and their ladies attended ary 15th – 16th, 2015 the National Sojourn- presented him with a gift and thanked him the Spokane, Washington Veterans Hospi- ers Mid-Winter 2015 Meeting took place in for his visit. Bros. Van Owen and Douglas tal Christmas Party bearing boxes of Man- San Diego which was attended by Bros. Bridges affi liated with us as MIP members. darin Oranges to be enjoyed by the patients. Imanuel Eisendle, Pres. and Robert Jacob, We installed Bro. Dan Oates from Palm Sec. It was a very informative meeting and Desert as member. Congratulations to our we had the pleasure to meet with many newest members. National Sojourners from the United States and Canada.

L-r: Sgt Jerry Gendreau, PP; Lady Ninna; Lt Col Curly Werner; Lady Beverly Bra- toude; Joe Rogers; Lady Delby; SSG Tom Upchurch, PP. L-r: Bros. Imanuel Eisendle, NP, Merlen F. Howe, Robert Jacob L-r: Bros. Imanuel Eisendle and NP PASADENA #265, LTC Joe Ryland, Merlen F. Howe Secretary, 5215 Kauffman Ave, Temple City, CA 91780-3948.

L-r: Bros. Imanuel Eisendle, Robert Jacob. On February 7th at “Fort El Bekal” Bro. Imanuel Eisendle after several trips to the “D” was inducted into the Heroes of ’76. L-r: Bros. Marty Mihal, Lee Whelan, and Bro. Imanuel was sponsored by Bro. Roger National President Merlen F. Howe con- the bald head of Brett MacDonald. At the Rothrock who was unable to attend, so he gratulates Bro. Wendal L. Busboom to his February meeting Our National President, selected the Bro. Robert Jacob to act as 50 years of being a Sojourner. Merlen Howe, and his lovely wife, Judy, Imanuel’s sponsor. were our guests. Those present at the meeting were favorably impressed with his message. Merlen and Judy were well Bro. Joe Ryland, received by everyone. In March our Chapter PNP, gave an out- Nominating Committee met and prepared a standing Toast to slate of offi cers for the 2015-16 Sojourner the Flag of The year. Our 1st Vice President, Jeremy United States Of Chongco, also proposed the names of those America committee chairmen he planned to appoint for the next year. All offi cers and committee chairmen were contacted and they agreed to accept their new jobs and each indicated L-r: Front Row: Bros. Joe Dougherty, that he understood the requirements of Kermit Rosenthal, Robert Jacob, Imanuel

6 THE SOJOURNER MARCH - APRIL 2015 ther of Donald Cooper. Our speaker for 2015 RESOLUTIONS the evening, Donald Cooper, CDR, USN, Retired, who spoke about the challenges 2015-1 RESOLUTION of teaching school and instilling discipline at our high schools. He teaches school and is in charge of the Jr. ROTC unit at a new RESOLUTION ON MEMBERSHIP Boys Academy in Jacksonville. Whereas Honorary Membership in Na- tional Sojourners, Inc. can be conferred upon Commissioned Offi cers and Warrant NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA #537, Offi cers or the equivalent who have served MSG Raymond M. Davis, Jr., Secretary, during time of war in an armed service of Bro. Imanuel Eisendle congratulates 14900 NW 46th Avenue, Alachua, FL a nation allied with the United States, and Bro. Dan Oates to his becoming the new- 32615. On January 14, 2015, Brooker Whereas the United States has not been est member. Lodge #9 with Honorary Member Ray Da- engaged in an offi cially declared war since On Saturday February 14th Bros. Imanu- vis, and the Gainesville Chapter of the Sons World War II, and el Eisendle and Robert Jacob represented of the American Rev- Whereas the allied personnel who served us at the Annual SOCAL AREA BUSINESS olution, dressed in in World War II are dying at an increasingly CONFERENCE/LUNCH held at the Santa his “Ancient” Colonial rapid rate and will no longer serve as a Ana Elks Lodge #794, 212 Elk Lane, Santa Uniform, made patri- source of allied Honorary Members, and Ana, CA. otic talks to all grades Whereas the United States has been K - 5 at Brooker Ele- engaged in numerous confl icts wherein mentary School. The the Nation has benefi ted from services of topics were the poem the armed forces of nations allied with the named “Why I Love United States in these confl icts, and America”, as recited Whereas these confl icts have been rec- by John Wayne. He ognized by the issuance of campaign and also gave a history service medals to military participants by lesson on the Star the Department of Defense, and Spangled Banner Whereas National Sojourners, Inc. can L-r: Bros. Imanuel Eisendle, James F. which was fl own over provide a common Masonic – military struc- Helt, Regional Rep. South, California Area Ft. McHenry. Brooker ture for cementing fraternal bonds among South and Robert Jacob. Elementary School has been adopted by our military brethren, and Brooker Lodge and the members frequently Whereas National Sojourners, Inc. active NORTHEAST FLORIDA #435, Capt volunteer time at the school. The Lodge pre- membership is open to Commissioned, Christopher C. Lanham, Secretary, 1015 sented students with special along Warrant and Senior Non-Commissioned Arthur Moore Drive, Green Cove Springs, with money for being outstanding students. Offi cers, now FL 32043. We initiated and welcomed Therefore Be It Resolved that Article 3 Joseph H. Wright into the Sojourners on PAST MASTERS #997, CPT Chris R. (Membership), paragraph 3.1.1 of the Na- January 7, 2015. Christoff, Secretary, 1990 Doris Ave., Los tional By-Laws, be amended to read: Osos, CA 93402. We held our semi-annual “… or have served in time of war, or meeting during the Mid-Winter Meeting on confl ict recognized by the Department of January 15, 2015 in San Diego, California. Defense with the issuance of a campaign We had an attendance of 43 members and or service , as a Commissioned guests from which 2 guests submitted their Offi cer, or Warrant Offi cer or Senior Non- applications for membership. At the MWM in Commissioned Offi cer or the equivalent in Orlando, Florida interest was shown about an armed service of a nation allied with the amending our Chapter By-laws to include United States, or:” and 3-6-5 Club Life Membership as part of the Be It Further Resolved that National L-r: Standing: Bros. Kolen Sawyer, Pres.; initiation fee. A draft document was submit- Regulation 3.1, paragraph 2.a. Active Mem- Joseph H. Wright, new member; Robert ted to the membership for discussion at our bers, be amended to read: “… or who have Shellenberger, P.P., PC; and Christopher meeting during this MWM. However, an er- served in time of war, or confl ict recognized C. Lanham, Secretary. ror was noted in the draft amendment and it by the Department of Defense with the issu- was withdrawn. It was rewritten as follows: ance of a campaign or service medal, as a The proposed change to our By-Laws is to Commissioned Offi cer, or Warrant Offi cer, ARTICLE III, MEMBERSHIP. It is amended or Senior Non-Commissioned Offi cer or the to add “Section 3. After 1 January 2016 all equivalent, in an armed service to the Na- new applicants will be required to purchase tion of a nation allied with the United States.” a 3-6-5 Club Life Membership in this Chap- ter.” Discussion and voting will take place 2015-2 RESOLUTION in our Meeting during the National Conven- tion in Omaha, Nebraska, June 1-6 2015. Please make every effort to be present. RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BY- L-r: Bros. Kolen Sawyer, Pres., Donald LAWS AND NATIONAL REGULATIONS Cooper, CDR, USN, Retired; Mrs. Robert Cooper, and Robert Cooper, PP, PC, fa- Whereas: Our current By-Laws and Reg-

MARCH - APRIL 2015 THE SOJOURNER 7 ulations require non-substantive changes Technology Committee (Article 8.2.13), both Order and adds the omitted reference to the to correct , formatting, and to provide of which actions were approved and man- National Heroes of ‘76 Neckbands. complete and correct English sentences; dated at the 2012 ANC, but the By-Laws b. Paragraph 2. a.: to correct the identi- Whereas: Article 3, Membership requires were apparently not updated thereafter. fi ed reference, not (2), but (a). a change to the By-Laws whenever the 9. Article 12.5 be amended to provide that c. Paragraph 2.b.: to clear up and make defi nition of an Active member is changed; a Chapter’s By-Laws and changes thereto consistent what the medal of a National Line Whereas: Article 4 currently states the must be approved by the NST as well as Offi cer and National Heroes Offi cer is and sole legislative body is the ANC; and, the National Judge Advocate. the manner in which it is to be worn on a Whereas: Other of the foregoing Ar- 10. Article 12.9 be amended to provide neckband or . It also deletes duplica- ticles and National Regulations should be that a Chapter’s dues shall not be less that tive information about the handling of the amended as proposed; the minimum specifi ed in NR 19.8. medals during installation by the installation Now, Therefore Be It Resolved that the 11. Article 16 be amended to, not only offi cers that is more correctly addressed By-Laws and/or National Regulations be make cosmetic changes thereto, but to add later in the NR. amended as hereinafter proposed: the word National preceding Resale Activity d. Paragraphs 2.c. thru g.: to address 1. All applicable provisions be amended in the title and body and provide that the and correct uniformity issues in describing to correctly state the correct name and/or list of all items for sale to be posted on the the various “medals” worn or presented. title as follows: Order’s website. e. Paragraph 3.: to create uniformity in a. The correct legal name of our Order 12. Article 19.8 be amended to add that the description and wearing of neckbands is National Sojourners, Incorporated, not the schedule of fees shall be in accordance and title bars by National Line and Heroes National Sojourners, Inc. with Article 12.9 of the National By-Laws, in Offi cers, while deleting provisions relating b. The correct title for the National Secre- addition to NR 19.8. to the turning over of their neckbands and tary is National Secretary-Treasurer. 13. In view of the impending demise of title bars to their successors and/or the c. These and other similar “changes”, CLMA, that Article 19.9 be amended to installing offi cers, which is duplicitous and including adding “National” to precede provide that, if NSI demises, its funds and is more correctly addressed later in the NR President or President Elect, for instance, assets shall go to the George Washington when specifi cally treating Offi cer Installation are made throughout the By-Laws, as well Masonic National Memorial Association, procedures. as NRs. Inc. rather than CLMA as our By-Laws cur- f. Paragraph 4.: to properly address 2. Article 3 be amended to break down the rently provide. the handling and treatment of title bars of fundamental criteria for membership in the 14. Article 20.2, which presently provides National Offi cers upon installation, while Order, i.e., a U.S. citizen; a Master Mason that notice of proposed amendments to the consolidating all of the “installation lan- in good standing in a Lodge recognized by By-Laws and NRs, such as these that are guage” relative to title bars of offi ce that the Conference of Grand Masters or one of proposed, be provided to Chapters by “writ- was deleted earlier from paragraphs 2 and its Grand Lodge members. All other require- ten notice”, but does not provide what that 3 of the current NR 1.4. ments for Active and Honorary membership written notice consists of other than that this g. Paragraph 10.: to more correctly state are to be moved to NR 3.1, where they are “notice” will “normally” [be] by publication the rules governing the wearing NSI and more specifi cally defi ned. Thus limiting the in THE SOJOURNER,” but does not other- Heroes insignia and accoutrements. necessity to amend the Article 3 of the By- wise state what “written notice” consists of, h. Paragraph 11.: to clear up and make Laws and NR 3.1 every time the defi nition be amended to provide that such “written more specifi c that National HQ provides of an Active Member is changed. notice” may include email or postal mail; all of the National Offi cers’ medals and 3. Article 4 be amended to more cor- and that the notice can merely refer the title bars. rectly state that the “sole legislative body” recipient to the Order’s website on which 2. NR 3.1 be amended to more clearly of NSI is the “duly accredited delegates in the proposed amendment will have been address membership criteria, while clarify- attendance” at an ANC rather than the ANC. posted; and also specifi cally provide that ing, consolidating and/or deleting some 4. Article 6.1.1 be amended to more publication of such amendments in THE membership categories and terms that are specifi cally state who are included in the SOJOURNER may be by this mode, that unclear or are duplicitous as follows: National Progressive Line. is, merely providing a synopsis of the pro- a. Paragraph 2.: to restate in subpara- 5. Article 7.2.4 be amended to read posed amendments (which is what currently graph a.(1) what is also stated in Article “Elected and Appointed Chapter Delegates” is occurring and this amendment merely 3.1.a. and to specifi cally defi ne in subpara- since some of our Chapters elect some and validates the current action of doing so). graphs (A) and (B) who may specifi cally appoint some delegates to ANC. Proposed Changes to National Regula- qualify to be a member of the Order. 6. Article 7.5 be amended to provide that tions 1.4 through 7.1: b. Paragraph 2.b.: to restate what is all ANCs and MWMs shall be “contracted And Be It Further Resolved that the fol- provided in Article 3.1.1 of the By-Laws that and managed” by NASOCOCO, which is a lowing National Regulations be amended the National President, not the NST, shall more specifi c statement of its duties by add- as hereinafter proposed: decide questions relating to membership ing “contracted” in addition to “managed.” 1. NR 1.4 be amended to make more eligibility. 7. Article 8.1.5 be amended to delete uniform the provisions addressing our in- c. Paragraph 2.c.: to codify as part of it identifi cation of the NASOCOCO as a signia, medals, neckbands, requirements this NR the defi nition of Senior Non-Com- National Committee/Body since its func- of National Offi cers in transferring their title missioned Offi cer that is currently found tion is more appropriately and adequately bars of offi ce upon installation, and other in the Staff Directory and is also found in addressed in Article 7. provisions, while deleting duplication of Admin Order 3-15 of 22 Oct 2014 (which, of 8. Article 8.2.12 and 8.2.13 be amended some of the provisions in the present NR course, is part of our membership criteria). to correctly state the name of the Chapter 1.4 as follows: d. Paragraph 2.d.: to specifi cally defi ne Revitalization and Chartering Committee a. Paragraph 1: to make uniform refer- who qualifi es as an Active Member in the (Article 8.2.12) and to add the Information ences to the medals and neckbands of the NRs rather than in the By-Laws.

8 THE SOJOURNER MARCH - APRIL 2015 e. Paragraph 2.e.: to specifi cally defi ne of the recommended changes propose to Whereas: The SAEF is classifi ed as a who can qualify to be an Honorary Member make any substantive changes. public charity and is qualifi ed to receive tax while also specifi cally set forth what rights 4. NR 6.1 be amended to reword the deductible bequests, devices, transfers or and privileges that membership confers, as NR’s various paragraphs to be easier to gifts under section 2055, 2105 or 2522 of well as more specifi cally defi nes the 15% follow and to be more specifi c, but none the code. and, limitation of such Honorary Memberships in of the recommended changes propose to Whereas: The Internal Revenue Ser- a Chapter, placing all of these provisions in make any substantive changes. vice believes that a well-governed charity the NRs rather than in the By-Laws. 5. NR 6.2 be amended to reformat, as is more likely to comply with the tax laws, f. Paragraph 3.: to redefi ne the mem- well as reword, the NR’s various paragraphs safeguard charitable assets, and serve bership categories currently in use, delete to be easier to follow and to be more spe- charitable interests than one with poor or categories that are not in use, while renam- cifi c and to make the following substantive lax governance. and, ing the current MMIP to more correctly changes to this NR: Whereas: While the tax law generally identify it as an In-Memorium MIP (IMMIP). a. First, to add several NRs as “Refer- does not mandate particular management This proposed amendment also combines ences” that are individually referred to as structures, operational policies, or admin- Dual and Multiple Memberships since Dual governing NRs in later paragraphs and are istrative practices, it is important that each memberships are but a specie of a Multiple now proposed to be more correctly referred charity be thoughtful about the governance Membership, while clarifying just who can to by the subparagraph letter under the cap- practices that are most appropriate for that be a Multiple Member as opposed to one tion “Reference.” charity in assuring sound operations and being a MIP in multiple Chapters. b. Second, as to the duties of the NST, compliance with the tax law. now, g. Paragraph 5.: to require the National amends paragraph 6. by reorganizing his Therefore Be It Resolved that: The President, if he waives the requirement for duties such that they are more succinctly National By-Laws, C12, 19 January 2008 a candidate to be obligated as required by captioned under the person(s) to whom be amended to include under ARTICLE 8, By-Laws Article 17.1.2, to note his waiver in he is responsible and must report, i.e., the National Committees/Bodies: writing on the candidate’s application form Trustees, the National Commander, and the 8.1.6 Spirit of America Education Foun- for the waiver to be applicable. National President; it also will not provide dation h. Paragraph 6.: Each subparagraph that the NST must be an Active Member of And, Be It Further Resolved that: Na- of Paragraph 6. basically rewords the lan- the Order. tional Regulation, C7, 22 June 2012, 8.1.1, guage that was there, but puts it in a more c. Third, amends paragraph 8. to pro- National Trustees, paragraph 3 FUNC- cohesive and readable form. However, the vide that the National Judge Advocate must TIONS be amended to read: fi nal sentence of subparagraph a. adds be an attorney licensed to practice by a “…..The Trustees also serve as Directors new language which prohibits the transfer state Supreme Court. of the Spirit of America Education Founda- of a MIP membership if the member seeking d. Fourth, provides in paragraph 9. tion. The Directors, will elect a Chairman, to transfer it to another Chapter did not pur- that if a licensed physician is not available vice chairman, and Secretary/Treasurer. chase the MIP. Thus, the MIP of a member to serve as National Surgeon, a Licensed The National Secretary-Treasurer will serve whose MIP was purchased by the Chapter Veterinarian, Nurse Practitioner or a RN as the Asst Secretary/Treasurer.” or to which the Chapter contributed part of may be elected to serve. And, Be It Further Resolved that: Na- the purchase price stays with Chapter in 6. NR 7.1 be amended to reword the tional Regulation, 8.1.1 National Trustees, which MIP was originally purchased. NR’s various paragraphs to be easier to C7, 22 June 2012, be amended by adding i. Paragraph 7.b.: to more specifi cally follow and to be more specifi c. None of sub-paragraph h, under Paragraph 4 DU- identify the membership information that a the recommended changes propose to TIES: to read. relocating member’s Chapter should make make any substantive changes other than h. Spirit of America Education Foun- available to the Chapter(s) in the relocating to paragraph 2.a.(4), which proposes a dation: The membership of the Board of member’s new area. change to correspond with the suggested Directors shall consist of the nine National i. Paragraph 8.: to restate more specifi - change to By-Laws Art. 7.2.4 noted above, Trustees of National Sojourners, Inc. The cally the responsibility of a Chapter Secre- i.e., “Elected and/or Appointed Chapter Directors shall elect annually from their own tary related to Membership cards, attempt- Delegates,” and changing paragraph 2.a.(4) number a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and ing to make his responsibilities regarding (c) similarly. Secretary. The National Secretary/Trea- them more specifi c. surer shall serve (ex-offi cio) as Treasurer. i. Paragraph 9.: to reword with more 2015-3 RESOLUTION And, Be It Further Resolved that: The specifi city the reasons for the termination of National Regulations be amended by add- a member’s membership. Subparagraph RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ing National Regulation 8.1.6. b., however, is a substantive addition GOVERNANCE OF THE SPIRIT OF NATIONAL REGULATION 8.1.6 and provides for a terminated member’s AMERICA EDUCATION FOUNDATION Subject: Spirit of America Education MIP to remain with the terminated member’s Foundation (SAEF) Whereas: The Spirit of America Edu- Chapter rather than be transferred to HQ, Reference: (a.) National By-Laws, AR- cation Foundation (SAEF) is a Virginia regardless of the reason for that member’s TICLE 8.1.6 corporation established exclusively for edu- termination. Thus, the terminated member’s (b). National By-Laws ARTICLE 20 cational and charitable purposes within the MIP dividends will continue to be paid by HQ (b) National Regulation, meaning of and subject to the restrictions to the Chapter even though the terminated 1. PURPOSE: To prescribe the duties, set forth in Section 501(c)(3) of the United member is not thereafter reported as a responsibilities and operation of The Spirit States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as member of that Chapter. of America Education Foundation (SAEF). amended.. and, 3. NR 4.3 be amended to reword the A. Legal Status. The SAEF is a Virginia Whereas: Contributions to SAEF are de- NR’s various paragraphs to be easier to corporation established exclusively for edu- ductible under section 170 of the code. and, follow and to be more specifi c, but none cational and charitable purposes within the

MARCH - APRIL 2015 THE SOJOURNER 9 meaning of and subject to the restrictions dation as directed and authorized by the and time of the meeting, and if for a special set forth in Section 501(c)(3) of the United Board of Directors and shall make reports meeting, the purpose of the meeting. Such States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, of Foundation fi nances as required, but no notice shall be mailed , by United States as amended.. Contributions to SAEF are less often than at the Mid-Winter Meeting Postal Service or electronically transmitted deductible under section 170 of the code. and the Annual National Convention. to all Directors at the postal or email address The SAEF is classifi ed as a public charity C. Committees: To the extent permit- shown on the offi cer data sheet or current and is qualifi ed to receive tax deductible ted by law, the Board of Directors may National Sojourners Staff Directory. bequests, devices, transfers or gifts under appoint from its members a committee or B. Quorum: Five or more Directors section 2055, 2105 or 2522 of the code. committees, temporary or permanent, and constitute a quorum. In the determination B. Programs. The SAEF is intended designate the duties, powers, and authority of a quorum, the disclosure of a confl ict of to fi nancially support or assist in funding of such committee. interest by an Offi cer or Director shall not educational and charitable programs that D. Confl ict of Interest: The assets and decrease the number of Directors present. may, from time to time, be established and income of the SAEF shall not be distrib- An excused Director, who has previously prescribed in the, National Regulations, uted to, or benefi t the Directors or Offi cers assigned his proxy, shall not be counted National Circulars or Offi cial Pamphlets of of the Foundation, but shall only be used toward a quorum but shall be considered National Sojourners, Inc. to promote the purpose describe herein. in the vote count. 2. BACKGROUND: The SAEF was incor- Nothing contained herein, however, shall C. Procedures: All meetings shall porated on May 20, 2011, in the Common- be deemed to prohibit payment of rea- be conducted according to a standard wealth of Virginia by the State Corporation sonable compensation to employees and parliamentary procedure. The Board shall Commission authorizing it to transact its independent contractors for services pro- seek to make decisions through the con- business. The Internal Revenue Service vided for the benefi t of the foundation. The sensus of the Board. If consensus cannot by letter April 23, 2014 granted SAEF tax Foundation shall not conduct any activities be reached in a reasonable period of time, exempt status under section 501(c) (3) as a not permitted by an organization exempt the Chairman may table the decision until public charity effective May 20, 2011. from federal income tax. The foundation the next meeting or ask that a decision be 3. ORGANIZATION: SAEF shall be com- shall not endorse, contribute to, work for, made. The vote of a majority of the Direc- posed of a Board of Directors (Directors) or otherwise support or oppose a candidate tors present at a properly called meeting at and Foundation Offi cers (Offi cers). for public offi ce. which a quorum is present shall be the act A. Directors: The membership of the (1) Policy: With the respect to any pro- of the Board of Directors, unless the vote Board of Directors shall consist of the nine posed fi nancial transaction, every Director of a greater number is required by law, or National Trustees of National Sojourners, or employee responsible for such transac- by the National By-Laws, or by this regula- Inc. The National President and National tions must avoid any confl ict of interest. In tion, for a particular motion. The Board shall Secretary/Treasurer (NST) of National order to avoid any confl ict of interest, the ex- keep written minutes of its proceedings in Sojourners, Inc. are designated as ex- istence of such confl ict must be disclosed to its permanent records. offi cio members (non-voting) of the Board the other directors present and the person (1) Proxy: Members of Directors. must, after discussion of the transaction, re- not present, but wishing to vote, may au- B. Offi cers: The Directors shall elect an- move himself from the meeting and refrain thorize another Director to hold their proxy. nually from their own number a Chairman, from voting on the transaction in question. Authorization is granted by written letter or Vice-Chairman and Secretary. The National (2) Annual disclosure: At the Annual electronic message submitted before or at Sojourners, Inc., National Secretary/Trea- National Convention, each director must the meeting. There is no limit to the number surer shall serve (ex-offi cio) as Treasurer. disclose to the SAFE Secretary any fi nan- of proxies an individual Director can be (1) Chairman: The Chairman shall be the cial interest that could give the appearance authorized to hold. Proxies are not transfer- chief executive offi cer and shall preside over of a confl ict. Annually, the Secretary shall able. The designated Director cannot give all meetings of the Board of Directors. He affi rm in writing to the Foundation Chairman the proxy to another director. shall brief the National Convention on the that all disclosures have been made and (2) In addition to the fi nancial status of the foundation. he shall also disclose any fi nancial interest National President (ex-officio ) and the (2) Vice Chairman: The Vice Chairman that could create the perception of a confl ict National Secretary/ Treasurer (ex-offi cio), shall assist the chairman and in his absence of interest. other non-voting participants in meetings of assumes his duties as chairman. 4. MEETINGS: The Board of Directors the SAEF may normally include the National (3) Secretary: The Secretary shall give shall meet three times a year. The fi rst President-Elect, National Vice-Presidents notice of all meetings of the Board of meeting is held after the regular election and the Judge Advocate, all of whom may Directors; shall have authority to certify at the Annual National Convention for the present or discuss any matter of the SAEF any records, or copy of records, as the of- purpose of electing a chairman, vice chair- concerns. Any other member of National fi cial records of the foundation; and, shall man and secretary. The Board of Directors Sojourners may request permission to maintain the minutes of the Board of Direc- shall meet in business session at the Mid- participate in any portion of the meeting as tors. The NST will serve as the Assistant Winter Meeting of National Offi cers and he may have pertinent interest. Secretary and shall have authority to certify in June to the opening of the Annual D. Informal Action: Any action any records, or copy of records, as the National Convention. The Board may meet required to be taken at a meeting of the offi cial records of the foundation; and for in special session any other time called by Board of Directors, or any action that may the purpose of processing the administra- the chairman or as requested by a majority be taken at a meeting of a committee of tive requirements of the Commonwealth of directors for necessary business. directors may be taken without a meeting of Virginia, and the United States Internal A. Notice: Written or electronic if a consent in writing setting forth the ac- Revenue Service. notice of all meetings shall be provided at tion to be taken, is signed by seven of the (4) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be re- least ten days prior or as otherwise required Board of Directors or all of the members of sponsible for the fi nancial affairs of the foun- by law. The notice shall state the date, place a committee, as the case may be. Reply

10 THE SOJOURNER MARCH - APRIL 2015 by electronic mail shall be considered as or employee of the Foundation against all ance to any other organization or individual signed. All other requirements of Section 4 expenses and liabilities, including, without shall be distributed, transferred, or con- remain the same. limitation, counsel fees, judgments, fi nes, veyed in trust or otherwise to charitable and 5. CONTRACTS, CHECKS, DEPOSITS excise taxes, penalties and settlement pay- educational organizations, organized under AND FUNDS: ments, reasonably incurred by or imposed Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue A. Contracts. The Board of Direc- upon such person in connection with any Code of 1986, as amended, of a similar or tors may authorize any offi cer or offi cers, threatened, pending or completed action, like nature to SAEF, as determined by the agent or agents of the Foundation, in suit or proceeding in which he may become Board of Directors. addition to the offi cers so authorized by involved by reason of his service in such 11. COMPATIBILITY: Any National these regulations, to enter in any contact or capacity; provided that no indemnifica- Regulation affected by this regulation and execute any instrument in the name of and tion shall be provided for any such person not specifi cally amended or referenced by on behalf of the SAEF. Such authority may with respect to any matter as to which he this regulation shall be read or interpreted be general or confi ned to specifi c interest. shall have been fi nally adjudicated in any in conformity with this change and shall be B. Checks or Drafts. All checks, proceeding not to have acted in good faith administratively changed as required. drafts or orders for the payment of money, in the reasonable belief that such action notes, or other evidence of indebtedness was in the best interests of the Foundation; RESOLUTION 2015- 4 issued in the name of the Foundation shall and further provided that any compromise be signed by the Treasurer as trusted agent or settlement payment shall be approved DALLAS L. KNOLL BULLETIN/NEWS- of the Foundation. by a majority vote of a quorum of Direc- LETTER OF THE YEAR C. Deposits. All funds of the tors who are not at that time parties to the Purpose: To clarify the number and type Foundation shall be deposited from time to proceeding. of awards to be presented each year time to the credit of the Foundation in such 9. REPORTS: banks, trust companies, or other deposito- A. The Chairman shall render a BE IT RESOLVED that National Regula- ries as the Board or its trusted agent may report annually to the Board of Directors, tion 9.1.2 change 3 dated 22 June 2012 be select. and at such other times as he may elect modifi ed by changing paragraph 5. a. and D. Gifts. The Board of Directors or the Directors direct, of the fi nancial and c. to read (new verbiage is in Bold font): may accept, on behalf of the Foundation, operational status of the Foundation. any contribution, gift, bequest, or device for B. The Chairman shall render a 5. AWARDS: the general purpose of, or for any specifi c report annually to the National Convention a. Only One award may be made an- purpose of the Foundation. To the extent of National Sojourners, Inc. upon the call of nually for the best bulletin and one for the consistent with Sections 501 (c)(3) and 170 the National President. best newsletter. (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, C. Fiscal Year: The fi scal year of b. The Newsletter Award shall consist of as amended, and considering the general the SAEF shall begin the fi rst day of July a suitably engraved plaque for the recipient and specifi c purposes of the Foundation, and end the thirtieth day of June next fol- and the name of the recipient and his Chap- the SAEF shall apply such contributions, lowing. ter will be engraved on a plaque maintained gifts, bequests, or device in accordance D. Audits: The Chairman of the in National Headquarters. with the wishes of the donor, provided that SAEF shall cause an audit to be made of c. The Bulletin Award shall be a suitable such wishes are made known at the time Foundation Funds and transactions during certifi cate for the recipient and the name of that the contribution is made. the second quarter of each fi scal year for the Chapter and a plaque Certifi cate main- 6. CORPORATE SEAL. EXECUTION OF the fi scal year preceding. The report of tained in National Headquarters identifying INSTRUMENTS: The Foundation shall not such audit shall be presented to the Board the same. have a corporate seal. All instruments that of Directors for approval and any further are executed on behalf of the SAEF which action. A special audit may be directed by CONFERENCESCONFERENCES are acknowledge and which affect an inter- the Chairman or a majority of the Board of est in real estate, shall be executed by the Directors at any time. A copy of all audit The 95th Annual Convention will be held at chairman and the Treasurer. All other instru- reports will be forwarded to the President, Marriott in Omaha Nebraska 1-6 June 2015. ments executed by the Foundation may be President-Elect and Vice Presidents of executed by the Treasurer. Notwithstanding National Sojourners, Incorporated. ENCAMPMENTS the proceeding provisions of this section, 10. DISSOLUTION: The Spirit of America any written instrument may be executed by Education Foundation may be dissolved A Florida Area Encampment will be held any offi cer or offi cers, agent or agents that only with the authorization of its Board of March 13 thru March 14 2015. POC Ray are specifi cally designated by a resolution Directors given at a special meeting called Davis, [email protected] or Phone of the Board of Directors. for that purpose and with the subsequent 352-332-7784. 7. ADOPTION OF AND AMENDMENT approval of seven of the members of the TO REGULATION: The adoption of, or Board. In the event of liquidation, dissolu- The South Central Area Conference & amendment to, this regulations requires tion, or termination of theSAEF, whether Encampment will be held April 10 thru April no fewer than seven affi rmative votes of voluntary, involuntary, or by operation of 11 2015 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Austin, the SAEF Board of Directors and must be law, all monies, properties or other assets Texas. POC Jim Baker, jimbakernsi@gmail. ratifi ed in accordance with ARTICLE 20 of shall be applied and distributed as follows: com or Phone (512) 515-5632. the National Sojourners, Inc Bylaws. A. All liabilities and obligations 8. INDEMNIFICATON: The SAEF, to shall be paid, satisfi ed and discharged, or GLACE will be held May 1 thru May 2 at the extent legally permissible, indemnifi es adequate provision shall be made therefore. the Holiday Inn Gateway in Flint MI. POC each person who may serve or who has B. Assets not held upon a condi- Armand Cote, or served at any time as an Offi cer, Director, tion requiring return, transfer, or convey- Phone (810) 796-2002

MARCH - APRIL 2015 THE SOJOURNER 11 NEW MEMBER 19145 LTC Keith H. Kingston, #275 SEM DONATIONS 19146 MSgt Dennis H. Brydl, #19 SGT David Bate, #512 19147 SMSgt Duane L. Smith, #19 In Honor of Randolph Geck Sponsor: Mark H. Galloway 19148 LTC David W. Alderfer, #997 Marilyn & Barry Scheiner MSgt Dennis H. Brydl, #19, MIP 19149 SCPO Daniel F. Macaraeg, #45 In Memory of Stewart W. Miner Sponsor: Ronald D. Stites 19150 MCPO Joseph H. Wright, #435 Bill & Patti Turner Mr. Douglas Caudle, #329, MIP 19151 MSgt Freddie L. Clopton, Jr., #19 Sponsor: Ronald D. Sortino 19152 CAPT Jordan W. Settle, #76 TAPS MSgt Freddie L. Clopton, Jr., #19, MIP 19153 Mr. Joseph E. Murphy, #76 Sponsor: Russell W. Hobson 19154 SGT Eugene Heige, #76 LTC Charles L. Blumenstein, #503, MIP TSgt Ozell Covington, Jr., #378 19155 SP-5 Bryan L. Hill, #76 DOD: 1/21/1999 Sponsor: Unknown 19156 Mr. Douglas L. Caudle, #329 Mr. Delbert R. Brooks, #353, MIP 1st Lt Bernard L. Flynn, Jr., #503 19157 CPL Billy J. Holder, Jr., #166 DOD: 11/28/2014 Sponsor: Richard T. Nelson 19158 Mr. Richard N. Lewis, #5 TSGT Morris L. Broussard, #502 PO1 Jim Gazay, #512 19159 CMSgt Samuel R. Young, #27 DOD: 2/17/2015 Sponsor: Mark H. Galloway 19160 CDR Richard A. Mapes, #27 Lt John C. Butterfi eld, #439, MIP SGT David A. Gessert, #56 19161 MCPO Mamerto T. Eclarinal, #45 DOD: 10/12/2014 Sponsor: William L. Greene 19162 Lt Col William H. Haynes, #265 COL Harold G. Cameron, #39, MIP SSgt Wayne E. Gunter, #540, MIP 19163 LCDR James F. Helt, #507 DOD: 11/3/2013 Sponsor: Robert W. Pelfrey 19164 CPL Richard Wood, #997 Mr. John E. Christensen, #5, MIP SGT Eugene Heige, #76, MIP 19165 SSgt Wayne E. Gunter, #540 DOD: 1/31/2015 Sponsor: E. Thomas Kuhn 19166 A2C James M. Hursey, #540 COL George W. Davidson, #999, MIP SP-5 Bryan L. Hill, #76, MIP 19167 Mr. James H. Purser, #540 DOD: 12/24/2014 Sponsor: Paul J. Fulton 19168 CPT David A. Roach, #530 Mr. James R. Dunlap, #155, MIP SCPO James Hogue, #512 19169 GYSgt Alan L. Bergstrom, #243 DOD: 12/8/2014 Sponsor: Mark H. Galloway 19170 MCPO Arthur F. Polsey, #17 CPT Joe G. Elles, #134 A2C James M. Hursey, #540, MIP 19171 Mr. Joseph C. Harrison, #540 DOD: 10/29/2014 Sponsor: Robert W. Pelfrey 19172 Lt Col William H. Haynes, #76 COL James L. Fowler, #445, MIP Mr. Richard N. Lewis, #5, MIP 19173 CPO Paul W. Pennybacker, #310 DOD: 1/20/2015 Sponsor: Gary D. Skillern 19174 SGT Ronnie P. Richards, #184 Mr. Charles W. Francis, #541, MIP GYSGT Fritz M. Lowe, #329 19175 BG E. Thomas Kuhn, #42 DOD: 1/15/2015 Sponsor: Denny Norris 19176 LtCol Ronald D. R. Sortino, #507 Lt Col Carl G. Fugler, #37, MIP CDR Richard A. Mapes, #27, MIP 19177 LtCol Ronald D. R. Sortino, #548 DOD: 2/6/2015 Sponsor: Robert Roth TSGT Walter H. Hale, #128, MIP SCPO Wenceslao Mariano, #45 SEM DOD: 12/26/2014 Sponsor: Christopher C. Gunn 2LT Wallace R. Henwood, #413, MIP 3-6-5 CLUB CPO Alexis V. Mendoza, #266 DOD: 1/13/2015 Sponsor: Steve Fowler CAPT Robert W. Klementz, #364, MIP David W. Alderfer, #997 Mr. Joseph E. Murphy, #76, MIP DOD: 1/13/2015 Robert Allen, #88 Sponsor: Jack Heinze Capt Harvey Kirk, #243, MIP Douglas Clabaugh, #88 Mr. Larry Noe, #512 DOD: 12/22/2014 Wayne Gunter, #540 Sponsor: Mark H. Galloway LTC J. P. Mabry, #8 Joseph Harrison, #540 Mr. Daniel H. Oates, #421 DOD: 12/29/2014 Estel W. Hays, #45 Sponsor: Robert A. Jacob Mr. Bernard J. Magary, #435, MIP James Hursey, #540 MSGT Jesse R. Pertee, #23 DOD: 12/22/2014 James E. Jensen, #17 Sponsor: Kevin Stanley Lt Col Robert C. Martin, #503, MIP Robert E. Kline, #273 Mr. James H. Purser, #540, MIP DOD: 11/11/2014 Joseph E. Leininger, #273 Sponsor: Roy C. Etherton Col William D. Murchie, #541, MIP James D. Odom, #184 SP5 Darrell Robinson, #250 DOD: 7/8/2013 Paul W. Pennybacker, #310 Sponsor: James Prather LtCol James D. Richards, #541 James Purser, #540 CAPT Jordan W. Settle, #76, MIP DOD: 5/5/2012 Henry L. Spomer, #273 Sponsor: Michael M. Wertz Mr. Willis H. Rogers, #421 Ronald Stites, #88 SMSgt Duane L. Smith, #19, MIP DOD: 12/14/2014 Paul M. Weathers, #273 Sponsor: Hugh Nehls Mr. Leonard G. Shurtleff, #537 Derek G. Webb, #97 MCPO Joseph H. Wright, #435, MIP DOD: 1/22/2015 Kenneth W. Wical, #97 Sponsor: Charles R. Cooper Mr. Christian L. Siebert, Jr., #76 DOD: 1/16/2015 CMSgt Samuel R. Young, #27, MIP 3-6-5 STREAMER Sponsor: Irv Dietscher Maj William R. Simmons, #364, MIP DOD: 1/15/2015 North Carolina Chapter #97 NEW MIP Mr. Rex N. Sumter, #514, MIP MIDWINTER DONATIONS DOD: 12/22/2014 19142 CAPT Clair W. Clark, II, #306 Lt Col Gail F. Vogel, #421, MIP 19143 Maj Jimmy P. Smith, Jr., #502 We received donations totaling $6,791.00 DOD: 8/19/2014 19144 Mr. John Kriesel, #25 from the Mid-Winter Meeting.

12 THE SOJOURNER MARCH - APRIL 2015 CPO John R. Webb, #541 several votes to confi rm his heroic deed. Bro. Block, Bennington Flag lecturer in the Degree. DOD: 9/28/2014 Dan is a strong Mason involved in the various Present and taking part in the initiation, but not SGT Steve R. Wiggington, #310, MIP Masonic Organizations in the San Antonio Area. pictured were Lowell D. Crane, PP, PC; and DOD: 2/11/2015 He has played major parts in the Grand Lodge Frank B. Doyle, who had to leave right after Mr. Bill R. Wood, #534 of Texas and is deeply involved with his local the Degree. DOD: 12/10/2014 Masonic Lodge. He will be an important addi- LT Robert H. Wright, #121, MIP tion to our camp. GEORGIA HUSSARS CAMP (Hunter DOD: 12/2/2014 #502). We were honored again this year to be JOHN J. PERSHING CAMP (Pasadena asked by the Savannah Sports Council to present #265). A truly representative number of splen- the colors at the 2015 Savannah Hockey Classic CAMP NEWS didly clad, awe-inspiring continental soldiers at the civic center on 16 & 17 January. were mustered at a fortifi ed bivouac during a POOR RICHARD CAMP (Benjamin lull in the combat operations against the British Franklin #16) forces. Our keen-eyed sentinels were Bob Reyn- olds Daniel Hood, and Bruce Ivie. The usual calmness and serenity, which had long prevailed throughout the camp was abruptly broken when guards in the northwest corner of the camp, Har- vey Lyman and Jeremy Chongco, sounded the alarm signaling that they had caught an intruder in the act of trying to illegally gain entrance L-r: Colors were presented by Bros. Geoge through the guard lines. After apprehension Vail, PC; Bruce McNall, PC; Charles Deloe, this raw, ragged, recruit initially displayed all Adj.; James Hood, PC. Eberz, Winton, Hewitt with New Hero Scott the characteristics of a dull, dumb, dense, dolt. Mele and Len Bezar After the strictest of examinations and an exten- SAMUEL H. PARSONS CAMP (Anson sive questioning session by Simon McIlroy and Jones #507). On 3 January Commander Perie Bernie Harris it was deter- “Rick” R. Pitts opened a bivouac with camp mined that he was, indeed, member Bro. National President Merlen Howe relatively harmless. Then, fi lling in as Chief of Staff and Bro. National 1st after several trips into The VP James Baker performing his duty as Adju- Delaware he was able to tant. Shortly thereafter Ron Mottern, well-armed answer all questions put but in ragged tattered clothing caused a distur- to him. It was determined bance in the picket line. While being disarmed Camp Charter with Len Bezar and Scott Mele that he was Marty Mihal and escorted to the guard house Ron claimed who is a Master Mason he was a Master Mason and National Sojourner ALAMO CAMP (Ft. Sam Houston #17). A and a Sojourner. He was in good standing. Subsequent to investigation raw recruit by the name of Daniel Owczarzak, unanimously elected to by Commander Pitts, Ron was accepted as a was offi cially made a Hero on 29 January 2015. membership in our camp. Recruit. Then after several trips thru the “D” The members reported that there was a shadowy Pictured: Jeremy Chongco the bivouac determined he was indeed a Patriotic unshaven fi gure lurking around the area with a at Old Fort Hood. Hero and welcomed Ron as the camp’s newest bushy mustache, but they could not determine Hero of 76. what it was. They could not determine if it was ANDREW JACKSON CAMP (Northeast big foot or a shaggy bear looking for food. It was Florida #435). On February 7, 2015, we held JACK JOUETT CAMP (James Monroe fi nally determined that the subject was trying a bivouac in Jacksonville, Florida and initiated #549). We made another great contribution to to enter the camp. Whoever it was, made many two new Bros. Christopher C. Lanham, Jr., the Marines Toys for Tots program in Charlot- attempts at gaining admission to the camp, and and James Billberry were tried, initiated and tesville, Virginia. We thank the involvement of we became concerned. We fi nally cornered it received into the camp. Widow’s Sons Lodge, No 60, Lee Lodge No 209 and as it turned out it was the individual named the Waynesboro Royal Arch Chapter, Millstone above. He was placed in the guardhouse await- of Ivy Preschool and Day Care in Ivy, Virginia ing interrogation. He was shabbily dressed, and a number of dedicated members for their but did have a good pair of boots and had been efforts in making this years contribution of 7 wounded and was using a crutch. He barely boxes of toys and $1340.00 in donations. made it into the camp to be interrogated. Due to his current condition, looking very skinny, he was given a plate of beans, a slice of bread and a cup of water. He was placed before the L-r: Seated: Bros. James Billberry and Chris- Commander, who proceeded to examine him to topher C. Lanham, Jr. First row: Bros. Corbin see what his intentions were. He initially could P. Elliott, PP, PC; Thomas A. Olsen, 3rd VP, Sr. not answer the Commanders questions but after Lt.; Robert Shellenberger, PP, PC; C. Robert many attempts seemed to compose himself to Cooper, PP, PC; Wiley Hart, 2nd VP, Adj.; Detlev come up with some of the answers. This resulted “Gunny” Wilkerson, PP, Cdr.; Kolen Sawyer, in him having to cross the Big “D” numerous Pres., Asst. COS; Jimmy Dorsey, Chap; and Tom times and fi nally, due to the temperature of the Sorensen, P. Treasurer, PC. Back row: Gilbert E. water, was able to answer his interrogators. After Porter, Marshal; Leland E. Stanford, III, PP, PC; giving his heroic deed and questions it required Dwight Shuman, 1st VP, Cdr. of Guard; and John MARCH - APRIL 2015 THE SOJOURNER 13 95TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION OMAHA MARRIOTT HOTEL 10220 REGENCY CIRCLE,OMAHA, NE68114 31 MAY –6JUN 2015





First Time ANC Attendee PNP LOH Grand Number ANC attended PNC National Committee Chair Camp Follower Number MWM attended Emeritus Past Master Become Camp Follower

National Office: National Heroes of ’76 Office:




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REGISTRATION FEE (SOJOURNER MEMBERS ONLY) ** $35.00 X 1 = $______LATE REGISTRATION FEE (AFTER 15 MAY 2015) $15.00 X 1 = $______NOT STAYING AT THE MARRIOTT HOTEL $15.00 X = $ ______BREAKFAST WITH PRESIDENT TEDDY (TUESDAY) $15.00 X ____ = $______LUNCH-EXPEDITIONARY (TUESDAY) $20.00 X ____ = $ ______BREAKFAST –PAST MASTER’S (WEDNESDAY) $15.00 X ____ = $______LUNCH – DA NANG /SAIGON (WEDNESDAY) $20.00 X ____ = $ ______RECEPTION &BENNINGTON BANQUET (WEDNESDAY) (Blackened flank STEAK with au Poivre sauce) $40.00 X ____ = $______(Pecan encrusted CHICKENwith bourbon onion) $40.00 X ____ = $______BREAKFAST –BARROW WHEELERS (THURSDAY) $15.00 X ____ = $______LADIES LUNCHEON (THURSDAY) $20.00 X ____ = $ ______MUSTANG LUNCHEON (THURSDAY) $20.00 X ____ = $ ______COLONIAL LADIES AT THE TABLE (THURSDAY EVE) MEAT/VEGETABLE LASAGNA $45.00 X ____ = $ ______

PORK $45.00 X ____ = $ ______

BREAKFAST –AMERICANISM (FRIDAY) $15.00 X ____ = $ ______LUNCH–AWARDS (FRIDAY) $20.00 X ____ = $ ______RECEPTION & PRESIDENT’S BANQUET (FRIDAY) (10 oz. Flat Iron STEAK with sautéed mushrooms) $40.00 X ____ = $ ______MAIL REGISTRATION FORM ALONG WITH CHECK MADE OUT (SWORDFISH parmesan with piccata sauce) $40.00 X ____ = $ ______TO: “NASOCOCO” BY 15 MAY 2015 TO: BREAKFAST –NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S (SATURDAY) $15.00 X ____ = $______JAMES F. BENSON,JR. ** TOTAL (SOJOURNERS INCLUDES REGISTRATION FEE) = $ ______NASOCOCO TREASURER 3253 CAMARILLO AVE OCEANSIDE, CA 92056-4339


MONDAY 1 JUNE WEDNESDAY 3 JUNE 0930-1025 NASOCOCO with hotel staff 0700-0810 Past Masters’ Chapter breakfast 1030-1155 National Line 0815-1015 Committee of 33 1100-1700 Registration open 1020-1110 National Heroes Line 1300-1355 NASOCOCO Offi cers 1115-1155 National Heroes Line with PNCs 1400-1455 NASOCOCO Board of Directors 1200-1310 Saigon/DaNang Chapters lunch 1500-1655 National Trustees 1315-1355 Heroes encampment elections etc 1400-1555 Heroes Degree 1730-1825 National Commander’s reception TUESDAY 2 JUNE 1830--- Bennington Banquet 0700-0810 Breakfast and a Visit with President Teddy Camp Followers Degree 0800-1700 Registration and Retail sales open 0815-1015 CLMA Board of Directors 0815-1155 Nominating Committee THURSDAY 4 JUNE 0815-0915 Americanism Committee 0700-0810 Royal Order of Barrow Wheelers’ breakfast 0920-0955 YLC sub set of Am Comm 0830-1125 Convention opens 0920-0955 JROTC/ROTC sub set of Am Comm. 1200-1325 Ladies Lunch 0920-0955 Patriotism and Essay sub set of Am Comm 1200-1325 Mustang Chapter Lunch 1000-1025 IT Committee 1330-1425 “how to’s” for Chapter Line Offi cers 1000-1055 Membership Committee 1430-1525 “how to’s” for Chapter Secretaries 1000-1055 Honors Awards Committee 1530-1610 Exemplifi cation of Building THE Flag 1030-1055 Heroes Manual Committee 1615-1715 What to consider to host a MWM or ANC 1100-1155 Education and Training Committee 1830---- Colonial Ladies at the Table with Historical fl ags 1200-1315 Expeditionary Chapter lunch 1320-1655 Nominating Committee 1320-1425 National Secretary meet with Chapter Sec’s 1320-1425 Chapter Chartering & Revitalization Comm FRIDAY 5 JUNE with Area and Regional Rep 0700-0825 Americanism breakfast with artist Ray “Bubba” 1355-1445 First Timers briefi ng Sorensen II 1430-1525 Incentives and Awards Committee 0830-1130 Convention resumes 1430-1455 Sojourner Ritual Committee 1140-1325 Awards lunch 1500-1525 Publication Review Board 1730-1825 President’s reception 1500-1525 Gifts and Bequest Committee 1830--- President’s banquet 1530-1555 PNPs with NSI Line 1530-1655 Bridge of Light Committee 1700-1745 Chaplain’s call 1800-1900 First Timers reception by invitation only SATURDAY 6 JUNE 0700-0825 President’s kick-off breakfast 0830-0845 opportunity to buy pins and coins 0850-0915 Comm chairs & Vice Chairs with NSI Line 0920-0945 NPE with Area and Regional Representatives 1000- NSI line


MARCH - APRIL 2015 THE SOJOURNER 15 National Sojourners, Inc. 8301 East Boulevard Drive Alexandria, Virginia 22308-1399 Non-Profi t Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Address Service Requested Richmond, VA Permit #3022


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All persons, and organizations, that have placed items on loan to Collingwood are hereby notifi ed that Collingwood is liquidating all assets.

If you would like your loaned item returned to you, you must so notify Collingwood not later than March 25, 2015. Notifi ca- tion must be in writing by U.S. Mail postmarked by March 25, 2015 and addressed to:

You must include: Collingwood Library & Museum Owner’s Information 8301 East Boulevard Drive Name Alexandria, VA 22308 Address Phone Email Item information Exact name of the item: (for example, Springfi eld Rifl e, percussion cap, model 1853) Description of the item: (for example, Dark stained wood stock, steel grey barrel)

All items must be removed by the lender at lender expense not later than 3:00 p.m. ET, April 30, 2015. Lender will be given dates and times when they may arrange to pick up their item by scheduled appointment. Items not removed by April 30, 2015 will become the property of The Foundation for the Collingwood Library & Museum.