Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation

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Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Webinar November 17: Telerehabilitation in Times of COVID-19 Future Patient-Telerehabilitation of Patients with Heart Failure by Birthe Dinesen, Professor, PhD & Head of Laboratory for Welfare Technologies - Telehealth & Telerehabilitation, Sport Sciences -Performance and Technology, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark Email: bid(at)hst.aau.dk Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Aims of presentation • To present the Future Patient Telerehabilitation Program for Patients with Heart Failure in the light of the COVID-19 Pandemic 2 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Target Group • Heart failure patients (HF) (NYHA class II-IV 3 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Heart Failure in numbers Number of HF patients in Denmark (Danish Heart 55000 Association 2016) 26 Number of HF patients international (Ambrosy 2014) million Readmission is above ≥50% within 6 months after ≥50% discharge (Krumholz 2009; Joynt 2011; Chun S 2012) 4 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Living with Heart Failure • Living with heart failure – Fluid build up – Fatique and sleep – Inactivity – depression – Sex life – Relatives • Treatment today – Physical – Medication – Lifestyle changes 5 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Userdriven innovation The program was developed through workshops with patients, relatives, healthcare professionals, representatives from the healthcare industry and scientists in 2015 and 2016. 6 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Status • Future Patient I – RCT study (n=140 patients) 2016-2019 • Future Patient II – RCT study (n=70 patients) 2020-2021 Today I will present the preliminary results from Future Patient I 7 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Aims of FP I • To increase of quality of life for HF patients • To investigate if data from wearables can help HF patients to predict development in symptoms and avoid rehospitalizations • To design more individual tailored rehabilitation for HF patients • To explore pro and cons on telerehabilitation for cardiac patients 8 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Research focus Primary Measures • Increased Quality of Life Secondary endpoint • Reduced number of readmissions by end of rehabilitation(at 6 months) • Development of clinical data( blood pressure, pulse, weight, sleep, steps ) at 6, 12 months • Positive changes in disease recognition • Changes from intrinsic to extrinsic motivation • Health competences and e-Health competences • Measure of anxiety and depression • Patients and relatives experience by using Hjerteportalen.dk • Evaluation of health economy Reference : Dinesen, B., Dittmann, L., Gade, J. D., Jørgensen, C. K., Hollingdal, M., Leth, S., Melholt, C., Spindler, H., & Refsgaard, J. (2019). "Future Patient" Telerehabilitation for Patients With Heart Failure: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 8(9), [e14517]. https://doi.org/10.2196/14517 9 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Daily living General Practitioner Hjerteportalen.dk [HeartPortal.dk] Healthcare center Hospital Patients Work Patients Home 12 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Digital Toolbox for Telerehabilitation All data collection in this project is collected into Hjerteportalen.dk Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) 11 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Telerehabilitation in three steps Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Results 13 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Daily steps 14 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Use of HeartPortal.dk 15 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Qualitative statements • ”By seeing the data from my stepcounter and sleepsensor I get a better understanding of my own symptoms and life…gives me better understanding of my diasease…” • ”The virsualization of the data gives me a better overview of my data and developemnet of symptoms and wellbeeing…” • ”Telerehabiltation is a good choice to participating in rehabilitation activities…..I can do it my way…”. 16 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Telerehabilitation -in the light of the COVID-19 Pandemic • Is a good way to reach out to cardiac patients • It engages patients and gives them a reponsibility for beeing their own coach in their own rehabiliation proces and getting back to everyday life and work • Contact with the healthcare system is impeortant in relation to keep beeing beeing motivated in the rehabilitation proces 17 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Project partners Danish partners: • Viborg Healthcarecenter • Department of Cardiology, Regionshospitalet Viborg, Skive, Silkeborg and Randers • Randers, Skive, Viborg and Silkeborg Healthcare center • Technical University of Denmark (DTU) • Department of Psychology, Aarhus University • Department of Computer Science, AAU • Hjerteforeningen • Laboratory for Welfare Technologies - Telehealth & Telerehabilitation, Sport Sciences -Performance and Technology, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark • CIMT, Odense University hospital • Viewcare International Advisory Board • Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine, Tromsø, Norway • Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia • Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA • UC Berkeley University, CA, USA • UC Davis Health System, CA, USA 18 Future Patient Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Thank you The project is funded by: • Aage og Johanne Louis Hansens Fond • Aalborg Universitet • ViewCare Read more about the project on our homepage: http://www.labwelfaretech.com/ 19.
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