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Man charged over knife incident

8.07am - 30th July 2012

DETECTIVES have charged a man with four offences following an assault in Abercrombie Way, Harlow on July 28, where a 22 year old woman received knife wounds. Sean McLaughlin, 31, of Spring Hills, Harlow, is charged with Section 18 wounding with intent; possessing a knife in a public place, theft and criminal damage. He will appear at Chelmsford Magistrates Court this morning (Monday).

Winning hospice lottery numbers

8.50am - 28th July 2012

THE winner of this week's £1,000 jackpot in the St Clare Hospice lottery lives in Sheering. The winning number is 356817. The £100 prize goes to ticket number 394477. The winner lives in Sawbridgeworth. For information about how to join the lottery, visit www.stclarehospice.org.uk or ring 01279 773730 (Monday-Friday 9.30am-1.30pm).

Darts league raises £1,500 for hospice

9.42am - 27th July 2012

DARTS players in the Harlow and District Premier Darts League have raised £1,500 for St Clare Hospice, in memory of the league's late chairman John Yates. League secretary Graham Tanner said: "John has been the driving force behind our charitable fundraising for many years. John dedicated many hours to fundraising both within and outside our league." John, who received care from St Clare Hospice, died on Good Friday. Graham said: "Our members unanimously proposed that St Clare be the recipient of this year's charitable donation." Green Flag for nature reserve

5.16pm - 26th July 2012

PARNDON Wood Nature Reserve has been awarded a prestigious Green Flag which officially recognises it as one of the best kept green spaces in the country for the fourth successive year. A Green Flag award is a sign to visitors that the park is well-maintained and well-managed, and has excellent facilities. Parndon Wood is one of a record number of parks and green spaces receiving the Green Flag Award this year, ensuring that even more people now have access to well-managed, high-quality green spaces. Harlow Council environment portfolio holder Jon Clempner said: "It is a tremendous achievement for one of the town's much loved open spaces to be awarded with a Green Flag for the fourth year in a row. "A Green Flag is seen as the gold standard for public spaces that are welcoming, safe and well maintained. "Every year it gets harder for public spaces to achieve Green Flag status and for nature reserves the scoring criteria is harder with very high standards for bio-diversity and wildlife having to be met as opposed to open parks which score more on the quality of grass maintenance and aesthetics. "The award is testament to the hard work of Council officers and the many local volunteers who help maintain the reserve to this standard." The nature reserve is maintained by Harlow Council and volunteers with local organisation ECCO managing the Conservation Centre and running community activities as part of a partnership agreement. Sean Folan, from ECCO, said, "ECCO is proud to be involved with Parndon Wood Nature Reserve and really pleased that all the hard work that goes into retaining the Green Flag status has paid off. "Over the August summer holidays we will be extending the opening hours to seven days a week to give more people the opportunity to enjoy the nature reserve's unique environment. "We are also developing a community cafe so visitors can come and relax with a drink and have something to eat. Our website is also being developed to promote the programme of events we are holding."

Armed robbery at Tesco store

3.35pm - 25th July 2012

A SECURITY guard was injured when he was threatened by two men at the Tesco store at Church Langley. Police were called to the store shortly before 3am today (Wednesday) after the guard was threatened with a knife. The men stole money pods containing cash. The security guard received a shallow laceration across his back which required medical treatment. Detective Sergeant Patrick Mullan said: "The incident took place near the entrance of the store by the self-service checkouts. "We are appealing for anyone who may have been inside the store at the time, or outside and saw any suspicious activity or vehicles to contact us." Anyone with any information should ring officers from the Harlow target team on 101, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Performers receive awards 3.33pm - 25th July 2012 FORTY-five young performers and five adults received Jack Petchey Achievement Awards at the sixth annual Harlow Arts awards ceremony held at The Playhouse. All the winners were nominated by their peers and teachers and chosen for a variety of achievements. Achievement award winners received a medallion to go with their framed certificate and a cheque for £200 for the club which has already been presented. Leadership Awards are achieved for demonstrating, in an outstanding way, an ability to encourage and motivate young people. Winners received a gilt medallion and a framed certificate. Grants awards have mostly been spent on extra resources and equipment. The event featured performances from nine local arts organisations. Groups taking part included Harlow Ballet, Harlow Rock School, Harlow Steelband, Livewire, Phoenix Theatre School, Harlow Rock School and Razed Roof. Performances covered a range of artistic forms including ballet, music, theatre and contemporary dance. Young people from BATTS Table Tennis Club; Risdenwood Football Club and Cross Keys Netball Club also received awards. The Jack Petchey Foundation has awarded £480,000 to Harlow clubs since funding began in 2003. Winners included Livewire, a young people's theatre group established in 2000. The group is keen to engage young people aged 13-25 in a regular programme of theatre workshops which are free to make them accessible to all your people. Actor Ray Winstone is patron. Workshops include drama, dance and live original music. Livewire works closely with primary schools and is often commissioned to devise and deliver original workshops looking at a variety of issues from cyber bulling to homophobia. Those receiving awards included Georgia Cathorne, Madison Davies, India Busson and Leader Award winner Michaela Dunlea. Harlow Steelband was established in 2004 and offers local young people (aged 12-21) the chance to take part in weekly steel pan workshops which are free; the band runs rehearsal sessions with a tutor every Monday evening at the Sumners Centre, Harlow, at 7.30pm. It runs a programme of performances at events across the year and regular project based work. Those receiving awards included Arron Rogers, Alex Johnson, Alanis Dubois and Leader Award winner Jane Thomas. Guests at the event included Harlow MP Robert Halfon. He said: "If I only had to do one thing all year, it would be this! You have everything here, dance, music, sports, acting and all from our talented young people in Harlow. "It is a fantastic evening and I'm incredibly proud of all our young people."

Historic bus to provide railway link

3.31pm - 25th July 2012

FROM next week Harlow residents will be able to step back in time and take a trip on an iconic London bus before boarding a steam train on the Epping Ongar railway. The Epping Ongar Railway has recently resumed steam and heritage diesel services, along the one-time London Underground Central Line branch. Epping Ongar Railway has teamed up with Harlow Council to run a special vintage bus service number 396 which will use the iconic red and green heritage London buses three days a week from Harlow bus station starting on August 4 for a trial period until September 1. Tickets are available from Harlow Bus Station's TravelKiosk, including all three experiences - all day travel on the 396 and the 339 buses from the railway to Epping town centre plus travel behind a diesel and steam locomotive (subject to operational availability). Tickets cost £7 for a child, £11 concessions, £13 for an adult and £34 for a family. Harlow Council regeneration and enterprise portfolio holder Tony Durcan said: "Many of our older residents, including some who moved from London in 1950s will remember travelling on the old London buses and riding on a stream train and now they have the opportunity to share that experience with their families. "I'm sure this is going to be a popular attraction this summer. It's certainly been a very long time since a London Bus has travelled through Harlow! "At Harlow bus station there is now a range of extended services offering residents new experiences and this is all part of the improvements we are making."

Hospice appeals for skydivers

4.13pm - 23rd July 2012

THRILL-seeking fundraisers are being encouraged to sign up for a skydive to raise money for St Clare Hospice. The group skydive jump will take place at Sibson Airfield, near Peterborough, on Saturday, September 15. The last skydive held by the charity in April saw 25 people take up the challenge and raise over £12,000 for the hospice. The hospice's events fundraiser, Tracy Stratford, said: "We are now looking for more daredevils to take up the challenge this September! " Sean Williams, from Harlow, who has already taken to the skies to support the Hastingwood hospice. said: "By the far the skydive was the most amazing thing I have done, obviously after getting married! It was an experience I would not have missed and it had the added bonus of the charity benefiting as well. "I had a few aches and pains the next morning but wouldn't change that for anything. If people have the chance to do this, they should! It really was fantastic." Sean raised over £1,100 after his company matched his sponsorship. Hayley Barron, from Ongar, raised £1,060 when she took part in the skydive. She said: "I loved the whole experience, it was so exhilarating. I know many people who need help from the hospice and St Clare is a very worthy cause. "I am so happy to have been able to raise so much sponsorship and enjoy my skydive!" For more information about the skydive and to register your interest in taking part, ring the fundraising team on 01279 773750 or email [email protected]

Graduation joy for hospice volunteer 4.10pm - 23rd July 2012 GOOLMOHR Cantel, In-Patient Unit Volunteer at St Clare Hospice, Hastingwood, has graduated with a BA with Honours in Voluntary Sector Studies with the University of Wales. Goolmohr had to study a range of subjects - including Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Ageing in 21st century, Working with the Family, Working with the Homeless, Addiction, Research and Advanced Information Technology. She said: "I studied each subject at home when time allowed, consulted library books and research material and then emailed my assignments to my university. "The whole course covered about seven-and-a-half years and there were many occasions when I just could not find sufficient time at home to study. I love my family and have four super grandchildren." Goolmohr also volunteers for Age UK and a local school. She added: "My husband suffered a stroke in March 2009 and after hospital treatment for about three months insisted on staying at home. "I cared for him and learnt and administered all sorts of caring tasks. He had complications, became weaker and sadly died in early 2011. "My studies were not over and I undertook my final 15,000-word Dissertation on hospices, the loving care they provide and their enormous fund-raising efforts. "In June this year, my university tutor informed me that I had my degree!" Goolmohr travelled to Lampeter, Wales, for the graduation ceremony earlier this month. She said: "It rained non-stop! The ceremony was dignified and impressive, trumpets heralded the students and the President and Vice-Chancellor doffed their hats and welcomed us as Graduates of the university. "I have always admired the wonderful work hospices perform, the kind, loving way they treat patients and the vital palliative care they administer." Goolmohr started volunteering with St Clare Hospice in June this year. "I am happy I work in a kind, caring atmosphere, look after patients' and families' needs and keep their rooms tidy. "Some patients say their pain and distress have diminished and they are at peace, calm and comfortable, and able to relax with and be aware of their family's concern. "I think this is important. St Clare welcomes families; and patient and family members finally have time to bond, become close, supportive and appreciate each other." * Goolmohr has been chosen to carry the Paralympic Torch during the 24-hour relay as it makes its way from Stoke Mandeville Hospital to the Olympic Stadium on August 28 and 29. Winning hospice lottery numbers

4.08pm - 23rd July 2012

THE winner of the latest £1,000 St Clare Hospice lottery jackpot lives in Harlow. The winning number is 257923. The £100 prize goes to ticket number 810873. The winner lives in Waltham Abbey. For information about how to join the lottery, visit www.stclarehospice.org.uk or ring 01279 773730 Monday-Friday 9.30am-1.30pm).

Help at hand over digital switchover

4.49pm - 19th July 2012

HARLOW Council has written to households with details of its free TV aerial to help residents most in need to switch to digital TV. Up to 26,000 homes in Harlow currently have access to analogue signals through a free cable service run by Virgin Media which replaced the former master antenna cable television network (MATV). Following negotiations with Virgin Media, in March the company agreed it will maintain the analogue signals until December 31 this year. To help some residents switch to digital TV before then Harlow Council has set up a £650,000 fund. This includes funding for the free installation of a communal digital TV system to Harlow's 14 tower blocks, upgrading communal TV aerials to provide Freeview channels for residents of Harlow's 19 sheltered housing schemes, a free TV aerial help scheme for residents under 75 years in receipt of state pension and claiming certain benefits or in receipt of a war widow (ers) pension. This scheme ends on October 19. This week the council has written to 1,500 households who are currently eligible for its help scheme. The council has also written to 570 homes within the town's 14 tower blocks with details on the planned communal digital TV system. The council has appointed a contractor who has started to upgrade communal television system in sheltered housing complexes across the town. Council leader Mark Wilkinson said: "The council's help scheme announced this week will enable residents most in need to get a connection to digital TV for free. "This scheme is in addition to the BBC Help Scheme which has helped 1,100 residents already to switch to digital TV. I think it's important to support those residents most in need like our sheltered housing residents and those claiming benefit who are not in a position to pay for the installation of a TV aerial." Housing portfolio holder Rod Truan said: "For tower blocks, in addition to the connection to Virgin Media digital TV services, the new communal TV system will give residents a wide choice of other digital TV services such as subscribing to Sky, Sky+, Sky HD or receiving Freeview, and Freesat+. "This means tower block residents will not have to put up their own aerials or satellite dishes. The system will be installed at no cost to tower block residents and there will be no extra charge for the ongoing maintenance of the system." For more information on digital TV in Harlow visit www.harlow.gov.uk/digitaltv Residents can find out more about digital TV viewing options by entering their postcode at www.digitaluk.co.uk or by ringing 08456 50 50 50. Any resident who has not received a letter about the council's TV aerial help scheme but thinks they may be eligible for help should ring 01279 446655 or email contact@ harlow.gov.uk

Family pay tribute to Claire

4.46pm - 19th July 2012

THE family of Claire Parrish have paid tribute to her describing her as an "amazing" woman. They added she was a "loving mother of four children and a devoted nan". Claire, 37, died following an incident at a property in Copshall Close, Harlow, on Sunday. In a statement, her family said: "Claire herself was a beloved daughter, aunt and sister, and was very close to all her family. She was a very beautiful, lively and very much loved young woman. Words cannot describe how amazing she was to all who knew her well. "We are grieving terribly and we would ask please that we are left in private to do so. We are all feeling total shock and desperate sadness that our Claire has been tragically, and brutally, taken from us." A provisional post mortem examination has shown that the cause of death was blunt force trauma which caused internal bleeding. Mark Gold, 45, has been charged with murdering Claire Parrish. He was due to appear before Chelmsford Magistrates' Court yesterday (Wednesday).

Claire Parrish click here

Medical director back from teaching in Japan 11.58am - 18th July 2012

SHARING knowledge and experiences is key in being able to provide the best possible services for St Clare Hospice patients. That is the message from the Hastingwood hospice which prides itself on sharing knowledge and skills. The hospice's medical director, Dr John Zeppetella, said: "By educating our fellow physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals, we serve as a local resource for the best practices in palliative care education through a range of educational opportunities relevant to those caring for people with advanced, progressive disease - both malignant and non-malignant - whether it is specialist or generalist palliative care, and work in the community, hospital, care home or hospice." Hospice staff also contribute to national and international programmes. Last month Dr Zeppetella gave a presentation at the 7th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care in Norway and was also invited to lecture at the 17th Congress of the Japanese Society of Palliative Care. He said: "It is a privilege to be asked and represent the hospice at international meetings and share the experiences that our patients have given us with others, but also learn from other colleagues in other settings and bring their experiences back to our own hospice.' Dr Zeppetella has been active in education for many years and has a number of publications including the recently published handbook 'Palliative Care in Clinical Practice'. He said: "My intention in writing this handbook is to provide a text for community healthcare professionals drawing on the experience that I have been fortunate enough to gain. "Education is at the heart of St Clare's mission to promote and provide hospice care of the highest standards to all those in need. "Our experienced multi-disciplinary specialist clinical team understand the need to respond to the training needs of our fellow professionals and are passionate that the most up-to-date knowledge is available to provide the best possible care for our patients and their families."

Man charged with woman's murder

8.59am - 18th July 2012

A 45-YEAR-OLD man has been charged with murdering a woman in Harlow. Mark Gold is charged with murdering Claire Parrish at her home in Copshall Close, on Sunday July 15. Mr Gold, also of Copshall Close, has been remanded in custody to appear at Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court today (Wednesday).

Homework club is saved 3.33pm - 17th July 2012 HARLOW Homework Club, based at Harlow Library, has been saved from closure following a campaign by MP Robert Halfon. In June, Mr Halfon learned that the study co-ordinator of the Harlow Homework Club, Julie Allen, was at risk of redundancy despite having done the job for 13 years. This was because of cutbacks at Essex County Council. The Harlow Homework Club, which is used by more than 180 school pupils of all ages, was threatened with closure. Mr Halfon intervened and started a campaign to save the club. All options were looked at, including a possible social enterprise bid with Rainbow Services. In response to Mr Halfon's appeal, there was a donation of £2,000 from Colin Hindmarch, principal of Harlow College. Mr Halfon was also able to persuade the council to continu part of its funding for at least one more year. Today (Tuesday) county councillor Jeremy Lucas wrote to Mr Halfon. He said: "I am very pleased to be able to confirm that we have now allocated money from within the Schools, Children and Families budget for the Harlow Homework Club. "This money, which amounts to £4.5k, together with the £2k offered by Harlow College, will enable the Homework Club to remain open for the next year. "This welcome news means that pupils from Harlow will be able to continue to make use of the facility and as you pointed out in your recent e-mail, will allow time to explore other sources of funding for the future." Mr Halfon said: "I was delighted to be able to help. The Homework Club is a genuine community service and Julie Allen's work is invaluable. "In the last year alone she has helped over 180 children to study and progress at school. This is essential for Harlow pupils. We just couldn't let it vanish without a fight. "I would like to thank Cllr Jeremy Lucas and Cllr Stephen Castle for helping us to raise the funds, and especially Colin Hindmarch from Harlow College - it was his crucial donation of £2,000 that made this rescue possible. This is a good day for Harlow."

Police name woman victim

3.31pm - 17th July 2012

A WOMAN who died following an incident at her Harlow home on Sunday has been formally identified as Claire Parrish. Miss Parrish, 37, of Copshall Close, died shortly after being admitted to Princess Alexandra Hospital. A provisional post mortem examination has shown that the cause of death was blunt force trauma which caused internal bleeding. A 45-year-old Harlow man, who received treatment at Princess Alexandra Hospital, was arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in police custody today. The investigation continues.

Police launch murder investigation 7.53am - 16th July 2012

DETECTIVES have arrested a man and launched a murder investigation following the death of a woman in Harlow. Police were contacted shortly after 9.30pm last night (Sunday) following reports that a woman had been stabbed inside a property in Copshall Close. Officers arrived and found both a man and a woman with a variety of injuries. Both people were taken to Princess Alexandra Hospital. The woman, who is in her 30s and from the town, died a short time later. The 45-year-old man, from the town, who was arrested on suspicion of murder, is in a stable condition after receiving treatment for hand and facial injuries.

House burglars steal car

1.53pm - 15th July 2012

MOTORISTS are being reminded about the perils of leaving their car keys on shown in their homes while asleep following a burglary in Harlow. The break-in happened when thieves forced their way through the front door of a house in Ryecroft in the early hours of Tuesday (July 10) and stole computer equipment, a large- screen television, cash and the keys to a blue Citroen C3 before taking the car which was parked outside. Investigating Officer Detective Constable Liz Young,said: "Our appeal specifically goes out to the early-morning motorists of Tuesday who may have seen this car. "Furthermore those who saw any suspicious, unusual activity in the area could also prove to be key witnesses." A forensic examination of the house and house-to-house enquiries have been completed. DC Young added: "We are also reminding people that car keys should also be kept out of sight and not left around to tempt the intruder who does successfully invade the home." Anyone with information should ring detectives at Harlow Police Station on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Police warning after women accosted

10.44am - 14th July 2012

POLICE want to trace a man believed to be responsible for two accosting incidents in Harlow. The first incident happened in a pedestrian subway in Tripton Road, off Second Avenue, at about 4.30pm to 4.45pm on the afternoon of Monday July 2. A woman in her 20s was walking in the subway when a man approached her from behind, and touched her and tried to drag her into nearby bushes. The woman screamed and got away. The second incident happened at noon on Thursday, July 5, on the footpath on Fifth Avenue, when a man with a similar description, aged between 21 and 40, approached a woman from behind and tried to grab her and drag her towards nearby bushes. Anyone with any information should ring DC Rhodes or his colleagues at Harlow Police Station on 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Police officers are preparing an e-fit likeness of the man from the descriptions they have, and will issue that as soon as it is confirmed. In the meantime, officers are advising women walking in Harlow to take extra care. They should stay in areas where there are plenty of people, or walk with one or more friends or colleagues. Do not walk in remote areas alone, always tell someone close to you where you are going and when you should be back. Take your mobile phone with you and if you have a personal alarm, make sure it is easily accessible and that you know how to activate it. If in any doubt about anyone following or watching you, ring 999 immediately.

Winning hospice lottery numbers

10.42am - 14th July 2012

THE winner of this week's £1,000 St Clare Hospice lottery jackpot lives in Harlow. The winning number is 410804. The winner of the £100 prize also lives in Harlow. The winning number is 535055. For information about how to join the lottery, visit www.stclarehospice.org.uk or ring 01279 773730 (Monday-Friday 9.30-1.30pm).

MP visits Burnt Mill School

9.09pm - 13th July 2012

HARLOW MP Robert Halfon spent two hours visiting Burnt Mill School, Harlow, meeting with pupils and Catch 22 staff. During the two-hour visit Mr Halfon met three classes of students and spoke with one group about their favourite books and talked to them about his favourite children's book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He also met nine Year 10 students who will be spending a month in Kenya next year. Mr Halfon spoke to them about his work in Rwanda teaching English and has offered to help the pupils raise funds for their trip. Mr Halfon said: "Burnt Mill School is an incredible school with some fantastic results. I felt really inspired meeting the students, some of them who are being helped by Catch 22 and others who are acting as mentors to younger students." He added: "Catch 22 is one of the best organisations there is that helps young people. I've seen this not just during my visit to Burnt Mill School but when I visited the charity at Shield House on a previous occasion. "Their work has had a huge impact on me and is one of the reasons why, as an MP, I focus much of my work on supporting apprenticeships and skills for young people. "I think it is brilliant that Catch 22 and Burnt Mill have teamed up in this way and congratulate all those involved." Mr Halfon also visited the school's Chinese garden which has been created by the students. Catch 22 provides mentoring for children with difficulties to help them read and gain confidence.

When Gabby met Gabby

6.39pm - 8th July 2012

IT was an amazing day for head girl Gabby Burton when she met her near namesake Gabby Bertin, the Prime Minister's press secretary in a special private visit to Downing Street. The visit was arranged by Harlow MP Robert Halfon who met Gabby Burton when Education Minister Michael Gove visited Passmores Academy. The Prime Minister's Press Secretary took Gabby for a private tour around Number 10, into the Cabinet Room, the State Dining Room and Mrs Thatcher's former office. The two stood for photographs in the Cabinet Room and outside Number 10. Robert Halfon said: "Gabby Burton is a wonderful head girl and when I found out she had the same name as the Prime Minister's press secretary I asked the Prime Minister's office if they would arrange for them both to meet, and I was delighted that Gabby Bertin said 'yes'. "It was an amazing morning going round Downing Street. Even as an MP I had not even seen sone of the rooms we went into." Mr Halfon added: "Gabby Burton is a tribute to Passmores and I was really pleased to take her, her brother, Harry, and Mr and Mrs Burton both to Parliament and to Number 10. It was a day that we will all remember. "Gabby Bertin could not have been kinder and I think she was delighted to meet someone with the same name."

Winning hospice lottery numbers

6.39pm - 8th July 2012

THE winner of this week's £1,000 jackpot in the St Clare Hospice lottery lives in Harlow. The winning number is 850694. The £100 prize goes to ticket number 456014. The holder also lives in Harlow, For information about how to join the lottery, visit www.stclarehospice.org.uk or ring 01279 773730 (Monday-Friday 9.30am-1.30pm).

Thousands turn out for Torch Relay

7.37am - 8th July 2012

AN estimated 20,000 people lined the streets of Harlow to see the Olympic Flame. The Olympic Torch Relay started in Harlow shortly after 8.15am yesterday. Harlow Council leader Mark Wilkinson said: "What a fantastic day for Harlow and I'm sure one that the residents who witnessed it will never forget. "It was a once-in-a-lifetime event and I'm extremely proud that so many people came out to cheer on the torchbearers and mark this historic day. "For 15 minutes Harlow was in the international spotlight and we did ourselves proud by showing the world that the Olympic spirit is alive in Harlow." Harlow MP Robert Halfon said: "It was a crazily fantastic day." Mr Halfon, who was out in the town centre from 6am, added: "There was such a great atmosphere it felt like a carnival. "Huge congratulations must go to the police, the emergency services, and especially the councillors and officers at Harlow Council, many of whom had been up from 2am to get everything ready. "Thanks must also go to Tony Fagg, from McDonalds, who managed to get the Olympic mascot Wenlock to be part of the day's celebrations."

Police appeal after car stolen

12.22pm - 6th July 2012

DETECTIVES are appealing for information following a burglary in Harlow during which the keys were stolen to a car parked outside. The owner was asleep in the property in Elmbridge when the break-in happened between 3am and 4am on Tuesday, July 3. The keys to a brown Ford Focus cabriolet were stolen and the car was driven away. Investigating Officer Detective Constable Adam Goodger said: "Our appeal specifically goes out to the early-morning motorists of that Tuesday and especially those that saw this distinctive car. "It is not a model which is seen on the road too regularly so hopefully would have caught someone's attention. Furthermore those who saw any suspicious, unusual activity in the area could also prove to be key witnesses." A forensic examination of the house and house-t-house enquiries have been carried out. DC Goodger added: "We are also reminding people that car keys should also be kept out of sight and not left around to tempt the intruder who does successfully invade the home." Anyone with information should contact detectives at Harlow Police Station on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Passmores head receives award

12.20pm - 6th July 2012

PASSMORES Academy principal Vic Goddard was congratulated on his East of England Headteacher of the Year award at an event at the House of Commons. Mr Goddard, who was nominated via the Teaching Awards UK website, was invited to a special event to celebrate his award from Pearsons. Mr Halfon welcomed Mr Goddard to the House of Commons and also Passmores student Lara Titmuss who is spending several days on work experience with Mr Halfon. Mr Halfon said: "I was delighted to meet Vic at the Pearsons event and celebrate his award. He is an outstanding headmaster of an outstanding school. "It was great that Lara Titmuss was able to come as well as she is currently doing work experience with me in the House of Commons." School charity event aims to raise £100,000 8.10am - 4th July 2012 STAFF and students at Passmores Academy are gearing up for a major five-day fundraising event which will involve a 250-mile cycle ride, a 21-mile row along the River Thames and two marathons. Julian Ruddick, 40, lead teacher of student engagement at the Tracyes Road school - which featured in the programme 'Educating Essex' - will be covering every one of the 323 miles of 'The Lupus Five' event - despite being in remission from a devastating auto- immune disease for just seven months. With help from colleagues and pupils Julian hopes to raise £100,000.which will be split between three charitable groups - St Thomas' Hospital in Westminster, a world leader on the condition; Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool, which is a front runner for caring for children affected by the disease, and the national organisation Lupus UK. Lupus is a condition which causes the immune system to attack the body. Julian, lead teacher of student engagement, said it was when doctors advised him he would have to retire from work permanently that he vowed not to let the disease win. Julian said: "Lupus is a debilitating illness that can reek havoc on a person's life. Sport & fitness has pretty much defined me for the majority of my life so to be rendered house- bound, even bed-bound on more days than I care to remember was tough. "Furthermore, I passionately believe in teaching as a vocation so to be robbed of that was quite frankly heartbreaking. "I had to dig extremely deep to keep my hopes and dreams alive but this would not have been at all possible without the support of family, friends, my GP, St Thomas Hospital and my head teacher Vic Goddard. "Having achieved remission, I feel duty bound to do all I can to help push for a cure or at least see the disease managed better. "To do this alongside the brilliant students of Passmores is both a pleasure and an honour. They inspire me on a daily basis." The challenge starts on September 13 when the team will cycle 125 miles from Alder Hey Hospital to Leicester. The following day will see Julian and his supporters cover a further 125 miles from Leicester to St Thomas' Hospital, London. On the third day the fundraisers will row 21 miles along the River Thames. The fourth day will see Julian run a marathon from Twickenham to Waltham Abbey with the fifth day seeing him embark on a second marathon, from Waltham Abbey to Passmores Academy. Various events are being held to help raise money with individuals, organisations and businesses urged to support the fundraising venture. Julian said: "I must thank Vic Goddard for endorsing this charity challenge project. He believes in facilitating opportunities within which our students can be all they can be. This is certainly that and they have not disappointed. "Miss Moore has been immense with her input with the organisation student team and has been admirably helped by a core group of dedicated staff, in fact more staff are offering their precious time despite existing commitments which is great to see "The PE Department continue to offer expert input with regards to help train the physical student team. "Parents are generously offering contacts but more are needed to help make this project a real success. "Several local businesses has made donations of different kinds but we would love to see many more come forward. "To see Harlow, in fact Essex, working together as one big family to help make a real difference would be immense. "St Thomas Lupus Trust have made us their official challenge and fundraising director Angie Davison's commitment to helping us is outstanding. "We have just had confirmation that a large national company has been so touched by what we are attempting to do they are currently creating us a sizeable official offer of support. "We hope this will pave the way for others to follow their lead." Among the students who involved with the Lupus Five is Lauren Barrett (Year 11). She said: "I've also had a few close family members and friends who have lived with long-term illnesses, which may be completely different to Lupus, but knowing what they've been through I just want to be able to say I've helped to make a difference for someone." Fellow Year 11 student Abbie Freeman said: "It really is amazing how Mr Ruddick has come back to Passmores and been a real credit to the school. "It's amazing how much drive he has and how he is such a positive person."

The Lupus Five team is providing a media service to keep people up-to-date with their fundraising venture. To register to receive the Lupus Five team's media releases, email [email protected] For more information about The Lupus 5 challenge or to pledge your support, visit www.thelupusfive.org .

Woman trapped under mobility scooter

5.53pm - 3rd July 2012

FIREFIGHTERS were called to help an 80-year-old woman who was trapped under a mobility scooter in Harlow. The woman had been driving the scooter in Broadley Road when it left a path and ended up in a ditch. Fire crews were alerted shortly before 4pm today and worked with paramedics and used a triple extension ladder, two rescue lines and a stretcher to rescue the woman by 4.40pm.

TORCH RELAY: Four days to go

2.29pm - 3rd July 2012

POLICE are asking motorists to be patient when the Olympic Torch Relay reaches Harlow on Saturday. Motorists are advised to check that their normal route will not be affected and if it does to expect some delays in order to ensure the event passes off smoothly. The convoy will reach Harlow shortly before 8am. Roads along some sections of the route may be closed for some time before the torch arrives and until it has passed. There will also be a 'rolling road closure' moving with the torch. Traffic control arrangements have been designed to ensure traffic flows return to normal as quickly as possible after the convoy has passed. Traffic marshals and stewards will be positioned along the route to offer help, advice and directions. Police are asking motorists to remain patient if the torch is moving through an area where they are driving. Advice boards are in the locations where the Torch will be visiting and motorists are asked to take note of when there will be restrictions in their area. Police would like to thank motorists in advance for their consideration. Spectators are also advised to plan their journey - allow themselves plenty of time to get to their chosen viewing point and listen to the advice given by traffic marshals and stewards. Police ask spectators to look after their belongings especially bags, purses and phones. In addition, parents are reminded to keep their children close so they are not in danger within the crowds or near to the road. Remember to lock/close windows and doors in your home and car before your leave. Assistant Chief Constable Sue Harrison said: "The Olympic Torch Relay celebrates local heroes, recognising their contribution to society and their achievements. "For our local communities and every Torchbearer the Relay represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is our job to ensure they, and the spectators, enjoy their moment safely and securely." Information and advice will be on the Essex Police website www.essex.police.uk via the Olympic page; via Facebook and Twitter.

Man suffers smoke inhalation

8.14am - 3rd July 2012

A 65-YEAR-OLD disabled man suffering from smoke inhalation was given oxygen therapy by crews after fire broke out in his Harlow home. The alarm was raised by a neighbour who alerted crews after seeing smoke coming from the property in Halling Hill at about 7.45pm last night (Monday). Firefighters reported that the property was heavily smoke logged. They dealt with the fire using water from the house and it was out by 8pm. An Essex Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said the man refused to leave the property and so was given oxygen therapy indoors as crews set to work using a high pressure fan to clear the building of smoke. The incident was dealt with by 8.25pm and the man was left in the care of the ambulance service. A fire service investigation will be carried out to establish the cause of the incident.

Be a Health Champion 8.13am - 3rd July 2012 A TASTER session showing the many benefits of becoming a volunteer Health Champion is being held in Harlow later this month. Volunteer Health Champions are an important element of the local Health Trainer service which is being run by Anglian Community Enterprise (ACE), after being awarded a one-year contract by NHS West Essex. The free Health Trainer service aims to support people to make healthier choices and adopt healthier lifestyles, particularly those in hard to reach groups and in deprived areas. Employed Health Trainers are supplement with volunteer Health Champions. James Yallop, in charge of the Health Trainer service in west Essex, said: "We are looking for people from all walks of life who want to help make a difference to thousands of local lives - volunteers who will work in the community and help people make lifestyle changes. "We are not looking for super-fit personal trainer types. No formal qualifications are needed and no specialist knowledge in any one area of health or fitness is required. "What we are looking for are enthusiastic, motivated people who are willing to undertake a robust training programme and then engage with individuals in their community. "You might be a mum at home, retired, a student or simply someone with a little spare time who wants to make a difference. The key point is that Health Champions will be from the community and working for the community." The main tasks of the Health Champions will be to gather a knowledge of local support and networks which can offer further help and then signpost people to those services. Health Champions will undergo free accredited training from the Royal Society of Public Health as well as in-house professional training. There is no time commitment required- people can give as little or as much time as they like. The taster session is at Harlow Leisurezone on Monday, July 16 (10.30am-12.30pm). For more details, ring 0800 7313 133.

TORCH RELAY: Five days to go

4.03pm - 2nd July 2012

THERE are now just five days to go before the Olympic Torch Relay reaches Harlow. Harlow Council is working hard to ensure that the town can celebrate the momentous occasion. Hundreds of people are expected to turn out for the event on Saturday morning. The flame will be carried from outside the Harlow Leisurezone entrance on Second Avenue at 8am, up Velizy Avenue, through Eastgate, Market Square, Westgate and onto Haydens Road, and down to the roundabout at Third Avenue. The route can be viewed here . Councillor Jean Clark, Harlow Council's portfolio holder for community and social inclusion, said: "This is going to be a once in the lifetime opportunity for residents and it is Harlow's moment to shine. Please come along and cheer on the Olympic Flame Torchbearers and take part in a huge day of celebration." The Torchbearers who will carry the flame through Harlow are Jack Booth, 16, from Romford; Jeanne Stacey, 44, from Harlow; Nacho Hernandez Mazo, 32, from San Adrian, Spain; Neil Humber, 41, from Sawbridgeworth; and Tianbiao Ni, 44, from Hangzhou, China. There will be live performances, music and giveaways along the route. Anyone planning to watch the Relay is advised to arrive at least one hour before the Torch Relay starts. The official Torch Relay presenting partners are Samsung, Coca Cola and Lloyds TSB and they will have activation vehicles handing out giveaways from about 7am. Rolling road closures will be in place along the route so anyone travelling near the route should expect delays between 7.45am and 8.45am. Diversions will be in place. There will be a number of recommended viewing areas along the route. There will also be some dedicated viewing areas for people with disabilities but space is limited and this must be pre-booked by ringing Chris Purvis on 01279 446435 or email:[email protected] Public toilets will be available at the Harvey Centre from 6am and St Paul's Church from 7am-9am. Toilets in the bus station and Asda will be available all day. The Kevin Adams Academy will be performing at the start of the route at about 7.45am. There will be performances and demonstrations by Harlow Steel Band, Hadri Taekwondo Fun & Fitness Club from 7am in East Gate and West Square whilst the Harlow Salvation Army Band will perform at the end of the route from 7am. Following the Olympic Torch Relay, Harlow Town Centre will host Harlow Relay Day. To celebrate Harlow's involvement the Harlow Town Centre Partnership and Harlow Council have organised fun, games and entertainment for all the family. The Water Gardens and Harvey Shopping Centre will play host for the morning and entertain the crowds with a variety of performances from live music and entertainment to dance performances mixed in with fun activities. Children and their families are encouraged to join Harlow's very first Community Torch Procession featuring their own Olympic Torch and lead a procession as part of Harlow Relay Day celebrations by handing the baton from The Water Gardens to the Harvey Centre. There will be a free arts workshop on the morning of the Community Procession in The Water Gardens between 8.20am and 10.30am. As a special thank you, everyone taking part in the Torch Procession will receive a commemorative certificate to mark their involvement in the special day. As well as activities there will also be music and activities within Stone Cross Market and Broad Walk. Following these events 'The Great McDonald's Mascotathon' will start in Broad Walk.

Event times:

Olympic Torch Relay, Harlow Town Centre - 7:50am-8:20am (actual relay from 8am to 8.12am). The Water Gardens Shopping Centre - 8:20am-9:25am - Live stage, entertainment and activities. Performances by Jazz Blaack, The Kevin Adams Academy and Harlow Steel Band. Community Torch Procession - 9:25am-9:35am - The Community Torch Procession will start in The Water Gardens, towards Broad Walk, through Little Walk and into the Harvey Shopping Centre. Harvey Shopping Centre 9:30am - 10:30am - Live stage area, entertainment and activities. Performances by Makin' Steps and Burlesque Jems. The Great McDonald's Mascotathon, Broad Walk - 10.30am-4.30pm - Music and activities including five game activity areas and giveaways. Meet the official London 2012 Mascot Wenlock when he makes five, 30-minute special appearances at 11am, 12.15pm, 1.30pm, 2.45pm and 4pm in Broad Walk.

Man in court over murder case 8.09am - 1st July 2012 A MAN has been remanded in custody having appeared in court charged with the murder of a heavily pregnant woman in Harlow. Tony McLernon, 23, of North Grove, Harlow, appeared before magistrates in Chelmsford yesterday morning (Saturday) and was remanded in court custody to appear at Chelmsford Crown Court on Tuesday (July 3). McLernon is charged with the murder of 20-year-old Eystna Blunnie and child destruction in relation to the death of her unborn baby girl. Eystna was found injured in the street in Howard Way, Harlow, just before 3am on Wednesday, June 27. She was taken to Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow where she died.