TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report V28 BUREAU VERITAS

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TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report V28 BUREAU VERITAS TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report V28 BUREAU VERITAS Report Number: (8512)045-0118 Page 1 of78 02/24/2012 A llu n·:o1 1 , .,., il :l' Slll' ll l hl' ll Cu., l.ttl I L hf' •l i 1' ' ' ~" ·' 1 1_., ,j · q .. ,.·,. .. 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IJ t ; J ' . l'Ul ~ ' ~ TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (8512)045-0118 Page 2 of 78 B <j as1 j2i)jo4 s j-'o1 1 la TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (8512)045-0 118 Page 3 of78 TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (8512)045-0118 Page 4 of78 TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (8512)045-0 118 Page 5 of78 *1ST /*DROP rr * 0 G cti=!'.1FM» TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (8512)045-0 11 8 Page 6 of78 TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (85 12)045-0 11 8 Page 7 of78 TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (8512)045-0 11 8 Page 8 of78 ,,_ ' I TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (85 12)045-011 8 Page 9 of78 TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (8512)045-0118 Page 10 of78 *PROGRAM INFORMATION Sa mple Dept* Class* Item* DPCI Description* UPC* Description of Pieces within UPC* I 234 23 0734 TIARA /WAND 886804003 146 PURPLE 2 234 23 0734 TIARA I \V AND 886804003I53 PINK 3 23 4 23 0734 TIARA/ WAND 886804003177 STAR 4 234 23 0734 TIARA I WAND 886804003 184 BUTTERFLY 5 234 23 0734 TIARA/WAND 886804003191 PURPLE HEART 6 234 23 0734 TIARA I \VAND 886804003207 PINK HEART (8512)045-0118 Pnge 78 of78 -o--~........ , ® TARGET GROUPING REQUEST FORM tl t U I Ult~ l l twt o • • lll o ' U I \Oo 0 OH I I o o I ll•lr .. , ...,,,, , , ... 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TEST STAGE REQUESTED: TOP OF PRODUCTION I Overall Rating I Satisfactory R eport I n ~onua ti on Lab Report Number : _18~~?45-0 11 8 Previous Stage Report Number (8511 )327-0757 (22_ --- - - --- - Revision statement Not Listed Amendment statement Not Listed - Target Test Protocol CPSD-6572-US-CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65-V56, TRGT-6572-US-CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65-V 19, TRGT-8000-US-TOYS (ASTM F963-08)-V43, TRGT-9000-US-PACKAGED PRODUCT TRANSIT TESTING-VI 0, TRGT-9067-US-PACKAGING AND LABELING REQ_UIREMENTS-V20 - Lab Location Shenzhen -- - __--- -----Date In Febmary 14,2012 _, -- --- Date Out Febmary 24, 20 12 - --Hold Time - --- - Not Listed -- - Turn Around Time 9 -- - - - S ampleI I n ~ormn tl on Brand Name NO BRAND NAME -- -- Program ~me ROLEPLAY C01~try of Origin -- China -- ---- -- Vendor BPM Name ANKYO DEVELOPMENT LTD ---- Vendor BPM ID -- 1200809 - Phone Number 852-2424 7366 - Email [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], - [email protected] - Product Description Tiara I Wand ·~ Name of National Brand for Not Listed Compare to ~~ licable)__ Color Description A: TIARA- PURPLE, B: TIARA- PINK, C: WAND- STAR, D: WAND- -- BUTTERFLY, E: WAND- PURPLE HEART, F: WAND- PINK HEART, G: - CARTON BOX -- Vendor_Style Number AK98969 TCPS (Black Seal) Number 0228967 - -- - -- - Sample Quantity/Size 12 SETS COMPLETE SAMPLE OF STYLE "TIARA- PURPLE" + 13 SETS Submitted COMPLETE SAMPLE OF STYLE "TIARA- PINK"+ 14 SETS COMPLETE SAMPLE OF STYLE "WAND- STAR"+ 14 SETS COMP LETE SAMPLE OF STYLE "WAND- BUTTERFLY"+ 15 SETS COMPLETE SAMPLE OF STYLE "WAND- PURPLE HEART" + 14 SETS COMPLETE SAMPLE OF STYLE "WAND -PINK HEART" + I CARTON OF CARTON BOX - - -- Date of Manu factmer 02/2012 Department Number - 234 DPCI Numbers 234/23/0734 TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (8512)045-0118 Page 12of78 UPCNumber 886804003153,886804003177,886804003184,886804003191,886804003207, 886804003146 -- - - - - Factory BPM Name JINHUA JINFENG PLASTIC FACTORY - - Factory BPM ID 16844386 - --- - -- Labeled Age Grade FORAGES4+ (if applicable) --- - Appropriate Age Grade OVER 4 YEARS OF AGE (ifapplicable) _ - Client Specified Age Grade NOT SPECIFIED - J i~licable) _ - Tested Age Grade OVER 4 YEARS OF AGE (if applicable) Submission Number Not Listed REMARKS 1. The sample(s) was not evaluated to the Nonnal Use testing requirements specified in ASTM F963-08, Section 8.5. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer, vendor or distributor to conduct tests that will simulate normal use conditions. These tests shall ensure that hazards are not generated through normal wear and deterioration of the samplc(s). These tests shall also simulate the normal play mode of the toy and to simulate the expected mode of use of the particular toy. The tests shall be conducted in an expected use environment. These normal usc tests shall simulate the intended use of the toy based on its estimated lifetime. (For style# A-F sample(s)) 2. According to the associated documents of Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPS! A) of 2008, exemptions were granted to certain materials or products, such as natural materials I paper and similar materials I CMYK process printing inks I metal & alloys I electronics devices components I ordinary books I dyed & undyed textiles. Therefore, the lead content analysis of some components was not conducted. (For style # A-F sample(s)) 3. The received sample(s) contained scrapable surface coating material(s) of less than 10 milligrams by weight on one single sample, therefore such coating material(s) was not subject to the soluble heavy metals analysis of ASTM F963- 08, "Standard consumer safety specification on toy safety", Section, as specified in Section (For style# A-F samplc(s)) 4. lnsuflicient material would be present on the following component(s) from 15 samples of the received item. Consequently, based on the client's request, the corresponding lead content analysis was not conducted. (For style # A­ B sample(s)) Color I Component Location Style A. Black coating Date code A,B TARGET CORPORATION Hardlines Production Test Report LAB NO (8512)045-0118 Page 13 of78 PRODUCT DISPOSITION & RETESTS: For Hard Goods: It is the vendor's responsibility to correct and retest all unsatisfactory properties per the instmctions provided on Target Corporation's Partners On Line, lfthere are multiple failures on a report, any overrides must be requested and approved prior to resubmission or all the failures will be retested at the vendor's expense. For all Target departments override direction will come from Target QA. Vendors are no longer to contact Target QA directly for override requests. No Retesting may occur without Target's approval. Further direction is provided in the Target QA Process Requirements found on Target Corporation's Partners Online, Company Email Bureau Veritas General testing questions HLBureau. [email protected] [email protected], [email protected], Target & [email protected], QAHealthBeautv@Tari! BV Lab Number: (8512)045-0118 Page 14 of78 TARGET CORPORATION TEST PROTOCOL FOR TRGT - 08000 - US TOYS (ASTM F963-08) (V43) No.
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