CODE of CIVIL PROCEDURE CS(OS) 911/2007 Reserved on : 15Th January, 2013
IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI SUBJECT : CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE CS(OS) 911/2007 Reserved on : 15th January, 2013. Date of Decision: 24th January, 2013. SANJAY SHARMA ..... Plaintiff Through Mr. Arun Khosla with Ms. Shreeanka Kakkar, Advocates versus AJAY SHARMA AND ORS. ..... Defendants Through Mr. Akhil Sibal with Mr. Narhari Singh, Mr. Rajat Sehgal, Mr Jatin Mongia and Mr. Amit Agrawal, Advocates for D-7/Applicant. CORAM: HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE MANMOHAN J U D G M E N T MANMOHAN, J : I.A. 12964/2012 IN CS(OS) 911/2007 1. Present application has been filed under Section 151 CPC by the defendant no. 7 seeking compensation from the plaintiff by way of restitution in the amount of Rs. 84,000/- per month for the period starting from 22nd May, 2007 till 8th December, 2011. 2. The relevant facts of the present case are that on 15th May, 2007, the plaintiff filed the present suit for partition, rendition of accounts and permanent injunction along with an application under Order 39 Rules 1 and 2 CPC being I.A. No. 5867/2007 for temporary injunction, alleging that various properties, including Shop No. G-4/17, CC, Gulmohar Park, were ancestral/HUF properties in the hands of the plaintiff’s late father. 3. This Court passed an ex parte ad-interim order dated 22nd May, 2007 directing the defendants to maintain status quo in respect of possession and title of the suit property. 4. On 21st May, 2008, defendant no. 7/applicant, wife of defendant no. 1, Mr.
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