BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Autkors and Societies Are Requested to Forward Ntelr Works to Tke Editors As Soon As Publisked
J,.uary--Marc ,ss.] PS l'Ctt1. [3675-3683] 255 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Autkors and societies are requested to forward Ntelr works to tke editors as soon as publisked. Tke date of tublication, given in brackets [], marks tke time work was received, unless an earlier date of ublication is known to recorder or editor. Unless otkerwise slated eack record is made directly from tke work tkat is noticed. A colon after initial designates tke most common given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Ben- /amin; C: Ckarles; D: David; E: Edwar@ F: Frederic; G: George; It: Henry; I: Isaac; : okn; K: Ifarl; L: Louis; 2V[: Mark; 2V: Nickolas; O: Otto; t: Peter; R: Rickard: S: Samuel; T: Tkomas; W: Villiam. Tke initials at tke end of eack record, or note, are tkose of tke recorder. Corrections of errors and notices o omissions are solicited. Anderson, Joseph, jr. Urticating properties Briggs, T. R. Archer. On the fertilization of of lepidoptera. (Entomologist, Feb. 885, the primrose ()6rlmula vulgaris, Huds.). v. 8, p. 43-45.) (Journal of botany, 87o, v. 8, p. 9o-9.) Discussion of stinging hairs of larvae of bomb.ycidae; The writer does not agree with C Darwin in his "On quotation of the part of G: Dimmock's On the specific dfferences between primula veris, Br. FI., glands which open externally insects" (Psyche, t0. vularis, Br. FI., and/, elatior, Jacq (Journ. Sep.-Oct. xSSe [x Mar. x884], 3, P. 387-4o)[ Rec., e985] Linn. Sot., Bot., 9 Mar. x868, o, p. 437-454) [Rec., which pertains to this subject. G: D.
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