Colonial Greenway Map (PDF)

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Colonial Greenway Map (PDF) Garden Club and the League of Women Voters. Women of League the and Club Garden preserved through the efforts of the Larchmont Larchmont the of efforts the through preserved Bronx to PortChester. The land was subsequently subsequently was land The PortChester. to Bronx and “The Age of Reason.” of Age “The and was targeted in1926 for a county parkway linking the the linking parkway county a for in1926 targeted was ical and spiritual philosophy in “The Rights of Man” Man” of Rights “The in philosophy spiritual and ical lands. Formerly a bridle trail, the Leatherstocking Leatherstocking the trail, bridle a Formerly lands. - advocate forsocial change, Paine outlined his polit his outlined Paine change, forsocial advocate - farm stone walls, babbling streams and large marsh large and streams babbling walls, stone farm the major catalysts of the American Revolution. An An Revolution. American the of catalysts major the This trail features northeastern hardwood forest, old old forest, hardwood northeastern features trail This Sense” is widely recognized as one of of one as recognized widely is Sense” 54 Acres 54 tional best-selling pamphlet, “Common “Common pamphlet, best-selling tional New Rochelle, Village of Mamaroneck of Village Rochelle, New - Cottage and Museum.Paine’s sensa Museum.Paine’s and Cottage art collector. art of City Mamaroneck, of Town Paine’s farm and now home to Paine Paine to home now and farm Paine’s Wilhelm Weinberg, a German-born financier and and financier German-born a Weinberg, Wilhelm Leatherstocking Trail Leatherstocking New Rochelle, formerly the site of of site the formerly Rochelle, New of estate the by 1958 in bequest a from Society the Paine Heights neighborhood of of neighborhood Heights Paine the Audubon Scarsdale the with conjunction in lished The Colonial Greenway winds through through winds Greenway Colonial The Golf Course. Golf - as well as a small museum. The Center was estab was Center The museum. small a as well as Paine Cottage, Saxon Woods Park and Maple Moor Moor Maple and Park Woods Saxon Cottage, Paine Thomas Paine (1737 - 1809) - (1737 Paine Thomas Features wetlands with labeled shrubbery and trees, trees, and shrubbery labeled with wetlands Features New Rochelle to White Plains, including the Thomas Thomas the including Plains, White to Rochelle New Town/Village of Scarsdale 11 Acres 11 Scarsdale of Town/Village and hikers links several parks and historic sites from from sites historic and parks several links hikers and and then, after her husband’s death, to Pelham Bay. Pelham to death, husband’s her after then, and er Cent Nature Weinberg equestrians with favorite a corridor, unpaved This her family to the area that became Rhode Island Island Rhode became that area the to family her champions of religious freedom. She moved with with moved She freedom. religious of champions 12 Miles 12 park’s southeastern entrance on Pinebrook Boulevard. Pinebrook on entrance southeastern park’s act of defiance established her as one of the early early the of one as her established defiance of act Trail way Park River Hutchinson of north just graves Thoroughbred see: to sure Be insistence on practicing religion as she chose. Her Her chose. she as religion practicing on insistence his fortune as the owner of the Ward Baking Company. Company. Baking Ward the of owner the as fortune his Massachusetts Bay Colony for her her for Colony Bay Massachusetts programming for adults and children year-round. children and adults for programming made who Ward, B. William of estate 400-acre the Hutchinson was expelled from the the from expelled was Hutchinson The on-site Sheldrake Environmental Center offers offers Center Environmental Sheldrake on-site The horses. Ward Acres is the last remaining portion of portion remaining last the is Acres Ward horses. settled in the New World in 1634, 1634, in World New the in settled primary water source for the Village of Larchmont. Larchmont. of Village the for source water primary once used for the breeding and care of thoroughbred thoroughbred of care and breeding the for used once name. An émigré from England who who England from émigré An name. for his ice business. Until 1975, the reservoir was the the was reservoir the 1975, Until business. ice his for and rolling open meadows, as well as a large barn barn large a as well as meadows, open rolling and northerntrail all bear Hutchinson’s Hutchinson’s bear all northerntrail pond was enlarged in the 1870s by John Goodliffe Goodliffe John by 1870s the in enlarged was pond New Rochelle’s largest park features dense woolands woolands dense features park largest Rochelle’s New now form the Colonial Greenway’s Greenway’s Colonial the form now Site of a Colonial-era sawmill and grist mill,the lower lower mill,the grist and sawmill Colonial-era a of Site City of New Rochelle 62 Acres 62 Rochelle New of City The river, parkway and bridle path that that path bridle and parkway river, The study are with lakeside trails and quiet woodlan paths. paths. woodlan quiet and trails lakeside with are study Ward Acres Park Acres Ward Anne Hutchinson (1591 - 1643) - (1591 Hutchinson Anne The conservancy is a wildlife sanctuary and nature nature and sanctuary wildlife a is conservancy The Village of Larchmont 60 Acres 60 Larchmont of Village steep rock outcrops and wetlands. and outcrops rock steep lived in New Rochelle, Mamaroneck and Scarsdale. and Mamaroneck Rochelle, New in lived Larchmont Reservoir Larchmont the park is characterized by mature hardwood forests, forests, hardwood mature by characterized is park the anthologized as The Leatherstocking Tales. Cooper Cooper Tales. Leatherstocking The as anthologized Conservancy/ Johnson G. James county in 1925. The upland wooded northern part of of part northern wooded upland The 1925. in county including the famous Last of the Mohicans, were were Mohicans, the of Last famous the including Mamaroneck River. The property was acquired by the the by acquired was property The River. Mamaroneck Justice of the Supreme Court. His later works, works, later His Court. Supreme the of Justice Colonial Greenway Greenway Colonial after William Saxton, who operated a sawmill on the the on sawmill a operated who Saxton, William after Cooper’s good friend John Jay, the first Chief Chief first the Jay, John friend good Cooper’s In Colonial times the are was called Saxton Forest, Forest, Saxton called was are the times Colonial In Westchester and based on the recollections of of recollections the on based and Westchester Parks of stories set in Revolutionary-era Revolutionary-era in set stories of of the of that is accessible to the disabled. disabled. the to accessible is that tion with The Spy in 1821, a collection collection a 1821, in Spy The with tion fishing, hiking, golf, mini golf, soccer and a playground playground a and soccer golf, mini golf, hiking, fishing, Fenimore Cooper earned his reputa his earned Cooper Fenimore - picnicing, swimming, offers Park Woods Saxon also appropriate for equestrians. equestrians. for appropriate also the Colonial Greenway. James James Greenway. Colonial the walkers and runners, and portions of the trail are are trail the of portions and runners, and walkers Westchester County 700 Acres 700 County Westchester forms much of the southern edge of of edge southern the of much forms The Colonial Greenway can be enjoyed by hikers, hikers, by enjoyed be can Greenway Colonial The Saxon Woods Park Woods Saxon derives its name from Cooper’s work, work, Cooper’s from name its derives Cooper andother great figures of American history. history. American of figures great andother Cooper The Leatherstocking Trail, which which Trail, Leatherstocking The Thomas Paine, Anne Hutchinson, James Fenimore Fenimore James Hutchinson, Anne Paine, Thomas and lessons. and James Fenimore Cooper (1789 - 1851) - (1789 Cooper Fenimore James and through neighhoods touched by the lives of of lives the by touched neighhoods through and Two horse stables on the property offer boarding boarding offer property the on stables horse Two lands that are home to an abundance of wildlife, wildlife, of abundance an to home are that lands bridges, dams, a spillway and a water pump house. house. pump water a and spillway a dams, bridges, Greenway - Its 15 miles of trailswind through woods and wet and woods through trailswind of miles 15 Its - and Eastchester. Trails within the parks pass foot pass parks the within Trails Eastchester. and Colonial Greenway. Greenway. Colonial and fields along the Hutchinson River in New Rochelle Rochelle New in River Hutchinson the along fields and Greenway Colonial of the of come together on the the on together come These two parks feature woods, lakes, hiking trails trails hiking lakes, woods, feature parks two These southern Westchester Westchester southern Westchester County 220 Acres 220 County Westchester Colonial Historical Figures Historical and rich history of of history rich and Nature Study Woods/Twin Lakes Park Lakes Woods/Twin Study Nature The natural beauty beauty natural The Colonwial Greenway list of wildlife species BIRDS Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) Screech owl (Otus asio) Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) Sharp-shinned hawk (Accipeter striatus) Belted Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon) Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) American Crow (Corvus corax) Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) Red-Bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) Piliated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erthrophthalmus)
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