§ 117.791 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition)

from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 (d) The draw of the state highway p.m., Monday through Friday, except bridge, mile 150.2 between Troy and federal holidays. The draw of the Menands, need not be opened for the Broadway Bridge need not open for the passage of vessels. passage of vessel traffic from 7 a.m. to (e) The draw of the highway bridge, 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Monday mile 152.7 between Troy and Green Is- through Friday, except federal holi- land, operates as follows: days. (1) From April 1 through December (2) The draws of the Willis Avenue 15, the draw shall open on signal from Bridge, mile 1.5, Third Avenue Bridge, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; except that, the draw mile 1.9, and the Madison Avenue need not be opened from 6 p.m. to 7 Bridge, mile 2.3, need not open for the a.m., unless notice is given before 4:30 passage of vessel traffic at various p.m. of the time the vessel is expected times between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the to pass, and need not open from 7 a.m. first Sunday in May and November. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. The exact time and date of each bridge (2) From December 16 through March closure will be published in the Local 31, the draw need not be opened. Notice to Mariners several weeks prior (f) The draws of the 112th Street to each closure. bridge, mile 155.4 between Troy and Co- (c) The draw of the Metro North hoes operate as follows: (Park Avenue) Bridge, mile 2.1, shall (1) The draws shall open on signal open on signal, except, as provided in from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. paragraph (a) of this section, if at least (2) The draws shall open on signal a four-hour advance notice is given. from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m., if notice is given, The draw need not open for the passage before 4:30 p.m., of the time the vessel of vessel traffic from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. is expected to pass. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through (3) The draws need not be opened Friday, except Federal holidays. from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 (d) The draw of the Spuyten Duyvil p.m. railroad bridge, mile 7.9, shall open on (4) During the period that the Fed- signal at all times, except as provided eral Lock at Troy is inoperative, the in paragraph (a) of this section. drawspans need not be opened for the [USCG–2008–0456, 75 FR 230, Jan. 5, 2010] passage of vessels.

§ 117.791 . [CGD 82–025, 49 FR 17452, Apr. 24, 1984, as amended at 49 FR 43462, Oct. 29, 1984, CGD3 (a) The draws of the bridges listed in 85–42, 50 FR 26713, June 28, 1985; USCG–1999– this section shall open as soon as pos- 5832, 64 FR 34712, June 29, 1999; USCG–2001– sible at any time for the passage of the 10881, 71 FR 70312, Dec. 4, 2006] following vessels: (1) Downbound vessels during a fresh- § 117.793 Hutchinson River et of a height exceeding an elevation (Eastchester Creek). determined by the District Com- (a) The following requirements apply mander. to all bridges across Hutchinson River (2) Public vessels of the United (Eastchester Creek): States. (1) The owners of each bridge shall (3) Vessels of 500 tons or more. provide and keep in good legible condi- (4) Tugs with a tow on a hawser. tion clearance gauges for each draw (b) The draws of the bridges listed in with figures not less than 12 inches this section shall not remain open for high designed, installed and main- more than 15 minutes and may remain tained according to the provision of closed for up to 10 minutes to allow ac- § 118.160 of this chapter. cumulated land traffic to pass. (2) Trains and locomotives shall be (c) The draw of the CSX Transpor- controlled so that any delay in opening tation bridge, mile 146.2 between Al- the draw shall not exceed ten minutes bany and Rensselaer, shall open on sig- except as provided in § 117.31(b). How- nal; except that, from December 16 ever, if a train moving toward the through March 31, the draw shall open bridge has crossed the home signal for on signal if at least 24 hours notice is the bridge before the signal requesting given. opening of the bridge is given, the train


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may continue across the bridge and Basin on Belt Parkway, need not be must clear the bridge interlocks before opened for the passage of vessels from stopping. noon to 9 p.m. on Sundays from May 15 (3) Except as provided in paragraphs to September 30, and on Memorial Day, (b) and (c) of this section each draw Independence Day, and Labor Day. shall open on signal. However, on these days, from two (b) The draw of the Hutchinson River hours before to one hour after pre- Parkway Bridge, mile 0.9, at , dicted high tide, the draw shall open on shall open on signal if at signal. For the purpose of this section, least a two-hour notice is given to the predicted high tide occurs 15 minutes Department of Trans- later than that predicted for Sandy portation (NYCDOT) Radio Hotline, or Hook, as given in the tide tables pub- the NYCDOT Bridge Operations Office. lished by private entities using data (c) The draw of the South Fulton Av- provided by the National Ocean Serv- enue Bridge, mile 2.9, shall open on sig- ice. At all times, public vessels of the nal from three hours before to three United States and state or local vessels hours after the predicted high tide. For used for public safety shall be passed as the purposes of this section, predicted soon as possible. high tide occurs four hours after pre- (c) The draw of the Beach Channel dicted high water for New York (Bat- railroad bridge shall open on signal; ex- tery), as given in the tide tables pub- cept that, the draw need not open for lished by private entities using data the passage of vessel traffic, 6:45 a.m. provided by the National Ocean Serv- to 8:20 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., ice. Monday through Friday, except Fed- (1) At all other times, the bridge eral holidays. shall open on signal if at least four [CGD3 85–42, 50 FR 26713, June 28, 1985, as hours advance notice is given to the amended by USCG–2001–9286, 66 FR 33641, Westchester County Road Maintenance June 25, 2001; CGD01–06–033, 71 FR 61897, Oct. Division during normal work hours or 20, 2006; USCG–2001–10881, 71 FR 70312, Dec. 4, to the County’s Parkway Police at all 2006; 72 FR 50876, Sept. 5, 2007] other times. (2) The bridge tender shall honor re- § 117.797 Lake Champlain. quests for opening within six hours (a) The drawspan for each drawbridge after predicated high water if such re- listed in this section must open as soon quest is given to the bridge tender as possible for public vessels of the while he or she is on station (three United States. hours before to three hours after pre- (b) The draw of the US2 Bridge, mile dicted high tide). 91.8, over Lake Champlain, between [CGD01–93–009, 58 FR 42859, Aug. 12, 1993, as South Hero Island and North Hero Is- amended by CGD01–97–125, 63 FR 18321, Apr. land, shall operate as follows: 15, 1998; CGD01–99–070, 65 FR 45718, July 25, (1) The draw shall open on signal on 2000; USCG–2001–9286, 66 FR 33641, June 25, the hour and the half hour from May 2001; CGD01–04–033, 69 FR 35246, June 24, 2001] 15th through October 15th from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. § 117.795 and Connecting (2) The draw shall open on signal Waterways. from May 15th through October 15th (a) The draw of the Marine Parkway from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. if at least four bridge, mile 3.0 over , hours notice is given by calling the shall open on signal Monday through number posted at the bridge. Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. At all (3) The draw shall open on signal other times, the draw shall open on sig- from October 16th through May 14th if nal if at least eight hours notice is at least four hours notice is given by given; however, the draw shall open on calling the number posted at the signal if at least a one hour notice is bridge. given for the passage of U.S. Navy or (c) The draw of the Central Vermont National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- Railway bridge across Missisquoi Bay, ministration vessels. mile 105.6 shall open on signal: (b) The draws of the New York City (1) From June 15 through September highway bridge, mile 0.8 across Mill 15:


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