Cultivating Satisfaction on Three Levels

Maria Coghill, MA, The Everett Clinic Lauren Glickman, MA, Foray Consulting

WA Behavioral Healthcare Conference June 23, 2016

What Brings You Here Today?

Turn to the person next to you and discuss:

. What would you like to take away from this presentation? . What about your work fills you with and meaning? . What do you do, what does your team do, and what does your organization do to support health and well-being?

Compassion Fatigue and Trauma Exposure Response

Compassion Fatigue - “a state of exhaustion and dysfunction – biologically, psychologically, and socially – as a result of prolonged exposure to compassion stress.” (Charles Figley, 1995, p. 253). Trauma Exposure Response – “refers to the entire conversation about how we come to do this work, how we are affected by it, and how we make sense of and learn from our experiences.” (Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, 2009, p.6)

1 Being a Trauma Steward

Trauma Stewardship – “defined as the daily practice through which individuals, organizations, and societies tend to the hardship, , or trauma experienced by humans, other living, beings, or our planet itself.” (Trauma Stewardship, 2009, p.11)

Risks, Symptoms and Signs

Three Levels of Trauma Stewardship

• Our personal connection to our work, the Individual of others, and the resources and support available to us for coping

• Ways in which the effects of trauma exposure Organizational are mitigated or exacerbated by organizational practices, policy and culture

• The root of human suffering and systems that Societal perpetuate it (racism, ageism, sexism and other forms of oppression)

2 Cultivating Compassion Satisfaction

Compassion Satisfaction

• The positivity and gratification involved in caring for others • The joy and we derive from doing our important work well and being around others who also do their important work well

Compassion Satisfaction: The Individual Level • Self-Awareness • Meta-Cognition • Self Care • Connection to Larger Purpose and Meaning • for Others • Self-Validation • Permissions

3 Compassion Satisfaction: The Team Level • Focus on Focus • Decision-Making • Psychological Safety and . Healthy Team Norms . Effective Conflict Management • Role and Goal Clarity • Recognize and Celebrate

Compassion Satisfaction: The Organizational Level

• Workload • Control • Rewards • Community • Fairness • Values • Improvement mindset

As You Leave Here Today

Turn to the person next to you and discuss:

. What are you taking away from this presentation?

. With what are you going to experiment in your own lives and organizations?