Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Andrew Grant Houston Campaign Name: The Rising Tide Campaign website: City Position: Mayor Campaign Telephone Number: 206-981-6697 Candidate Introduction: Andrew Grant Houston AIA, Founder of House Cosmopolitan, and Board Member of Futurewise is a resident of Capitol Hill and a member of many organizations including Share The Cities and The Pike/Pine Urban Neighborhood Council. He also serves as the Interim Policy Manager for CM Mosqueda. His decision to run for Mayor comes after years of housing advocacy with little change, and last year’s wildfires highlighted the urgent need for shelter. Andrew is a queer architect of color, small business owner, and has a vision of transforming into one of the most vibrant, sustainable cities in the world. He believes it’s time to transform our economy in preparation to the uncertainty that comes with climate change. That includes fair wages, sustainable infrastructure, as well as the support of local farmers; investment in the arts; aiding community-led safety; cleaning our waterways; and ensuring housing at every income level. This is a vision for a healthier Seattle; where creativity and culture thrive, where opportunities are around every corner, and vibrant local businesses on tree-lined avenues. A Seattle with a real commitment to combating displacement, increasing the quality of life for everyone, and shifting power into the hands of the public. This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 1 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Bruce Harrell Campaign Name: Bruce for Seattle Campaign website: City Position: Mayor Campaign Telephone Number: (206) 486-0377 Candidate Introduction:

I’m running for Mayor to unite Seattle around our collective values of opportunity, inclusion, and equity. Together, we’ll take bold action to address our homelessness crisis, lead a strong economic recovery for Seattle’s small businesses and families, and implement police reforms that change the culture of policing, not just the practices, to ensure ALL our families are safe.

Raised in a working-class, biracial household, I’ve spent my life and career in Seattle. I love this City—who we are and who we can be. On City Council, I worked to break down barriers to success—passing Seattle’s first anti-bias police laws, ban-the-box to prevent workplace discrimination, and increased support for BIPOC kids in our public schools.

I launched my campaign with actionable plans to address Seattle’s most pressing issues and will take on the climate crisis, reduce gun violence, expand health care for ALL Seattle residents, and invest in transit and transportation infrastructure.

Our grassroots campaign is proudly endorsed by the most diverse coalition of any mayoral candidate, including Black and AAPI community leaders, former Governor Gary Locke, former Mayor , advocates for civil rights and police reform, and neighbors across Seattle. I’d be honored to earn your support.

This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 2 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Colleen Echohawk Campaign Name: Echohawk for Seattle Campaign website: City Position: Mayor Campaign Telephone Number: 206.682.7328 Candidate Introduction: Colleen Echohawk is running on a People-First platform to achieve equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. For over 20 years, Colleen has served the most marginalized of our community, and as the executive director of the Chief Seattle Club created nearly $100 million in new affordable housing in Seattle. Colleen is committed to affordability, and knows a neighborhood isn’t complete without childcare, culturally relevant foods, frequent public transportation, economic opportunity, inclusive education, and streets safe enough for children to play on. As Mayor, Colleen will work to make Seattle a holistic home for the essential workers that keep our city running. Central to her People-First platform is an investment in community-based solutions and businesses so City contracts are awarded equitably, and profits are shared with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color-led organizations. Colleen knows it’s time for our justice system to resolve conflict, rather than perpetuating multi- generational trauma. She will establish a Public Safety Department led with neighborhood-based mental health care workers to care for members of our community hit hardest by racial injustice and the pandemic. Colleen Echohawk is an enrolled member of Kithehaki Band of the Pawnee Nation and a member of Upper Athabascan people of Mentasta Lake. This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 3 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate: Don L Rivers Campaign name: The Change Is Here Website: City Position: Seattle Mayor Phone Number: (206)302-8213 Candidate Introduction:

We never expected to be in the crisis we are in . We are in the process of learning as we go forward. Along with developing a understanding of cultural competency and moving forward with reformed policies. Now is the time For our city to break away from practice tribalism and recycle politicians. We will remind the world that we are still the city of Destiny. The recent verdict will be the beginning to a true interpretation for America 's history. Where, We the people decided that humanity will always have the higher moral ground to uphold justice and equality for all. Seattle is known for having a mindset of embracing diversity and speaking with our voices for real change. I will be working with real organizations that are truly doing the foot work in serving their communities . I have never waited to hold an elected seat to get things done for the citizens of State . The Change is here.

Thank You Don L Rivers

This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 4 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Henry C. Dennison Campaign Name: Henry C. Dennison for Mayor Campaign website: [email protected] City Position: Mayor Campaign Telephone Number: 206-323-1755 Candidate Introduction: The only road forward for the working class is to fight for our needs — one class, ours, against the opposing class of capitalist rulers. In the face of deepening boss attacks and massive unemployment, despite coronavirus lockdowns, workers are fighting back. The Socialist Workers Party backs workers’ struggles, including the successful strike over wages by workers at Hunts Point Market in the Bronx; Marathon Oil workers’ strike over safety in Minnesota; union organizing by Amazon workers in Alabama and Yakima Valley packing house workers; the fight by farmers in India to maintain their livelihood. We need workers’ control of production and safety, and a labor party to advance working peoples' interests, self-confidence and class consciousness. My campaign puts forward demands to unite the working class: A government-financed jobs program to put millions to work. Defend working farmers and ranchers. Amnesty for undocumented immigrants. Oppose Washington’s wars. End the U.S. economic war on Cuba. Recognition of Israel and a Palestinian state with contiguous borders. Prosecute and jail cops who kill and brutalize working people. Defend a woman’s right to abortion. Defend political rights, voting rights, free speech. Stop government spying. No “cancel culture”. End solitary confinement. Abolish the death penalty.

This candidate is not participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 5 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Jessyn Farrell Campaign Name: Friends of Jessyn Campaign website: Position: Campaign Telephone Number: 206.413.8059 Candidate Introduction:

Jessyn Farrell is a progressive who gets things done. A former legislator, working mom, and leader of the state’s COVID economic recovery task force, Jessyn has the ability to build the necessary coalitions and bridge the divides to tackle our city’s tough challenges. Jessyn believes when we come together with common purpose, we can do big things. This starts by acknowledging that far too many were left behind pre-COVID and we have a once in a generation opportunity to tackle the root causes of inequities by enacting progressive policies proven to grow the economy and create broad prosperity. By pushing for massive investments in affordable housing, establishing free universal birth-to-5 childcare, and creating portable benefits like retirement savings, affordable health care, and paid family & medical leave for gig workers, artists, domestic workers, and small business owners, Jessyn will create a Seattle that people will not only want to live in, but can afford to. Jessyn will put forth solutions to meet the scale of our problems and sweat the details. She’ll give Seattle a much needed fresh start. This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 6 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Lance Randall Campaign Name: Lance Randall for Mayor Campaign website: City Position: Mayor Campaign Telephone Number: Candidate Introduction: Seattle is known for its beauty, diversity and innovation around the world, which is why I chose to make the “Emerald City” my home. I believe that by working together we can create a more fair and sustainable future, but we have some challenges we must overcome first. Our economy needs to recover from the effects of Covid-19, we need to address homelessness in a compassionate but firm way, we must ensure everyone is protected through comprehensive public safety and we must maintain and improve our transportation infrastructure. We can overcome our challenges with a leader that has a vision, a plan to solve problems, can build working coalitions and produce results. I am ready to be that leader. For 30 years I have worked as a political scientist, economic development practitioner and entrepreneur. I have held leadership positions with a U.S. Congressman, a State Senator, Mayors, businesses, non-profit organizations, public-private partnerships, and educational institutions. My background and experience make me uniquely qualified and prepared to be Seattle's Mayor at this exact moment in our city's history. I am asking you to support my campaign and elect me be the change Seattle needs, "A Transformational Leader for a Transforming City." This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 7 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Lorena González Campaign Name: Lorena for Seattle Campaign website: City Position: Mayor Campaign Telephone Number: 206.651.5668 Candidate Introduction: I am a first generation American raised by migrant farm workers in Central Washington. Growing up, Seattle was my dream and I dedicated myself to it as I worked my way through college, got my law degree from Seattle U, became a civil rights attorney, and started my family here. I ran for city council and got to work bringing people together to pass paid family leave and expand pre-K and LGBTQ rights, protections for victims of sexual abuse, election reforms, and pandemic assistance for workers and small businesses. Seattle is at a critical crossroads, and now is the time for bold progressive action that overcomes the status quo and paves the pathway to Seattle’s collective, shared prosperity. A Seattle where diversity is our strength, all kinds of businesses can grow, and our jobs pay a living wage. A Seattle that leads the world in protecting our climate, has safe, affordable housing for all its people, and transforms criminal justice and public safety to meet this civil rights moment. This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 8 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Pete Holmes Campaign Name: Holmes for Seattle Campaign website: City Position: City Attorney Campaign Telephone Number: Candidate Introduction: Pete Holmes has worked at all levels of government to address needed reforms and policies to protect public safety and make sure that our criminal justice system reflects our shared values. Pete has helped change statewide sentencing laws to protect immigrants from deportation, worked to both legalize cannabis and vacate past possession criminal records, developed new incarceration diversion programs to help young people avoid lifelong criminal records, and redoubled the city’s efforts to address gun violence. He has served as a consistent liaison between the City and the federal judge overseeing the Department of Justice consent decree to ensure that lasting and meaningful structural changes are enacted at the Seattle Police Department. Pete hasn’t hesitated to defend Seattle’s interests, suing opioid manufacturers for the havoc they wrought against public health, beating back Tim Eyman’s unconstitutional and harmful measure that threatened Seattle transit service, and taking on the Monsanto Corporation for the toxic PCB pollution the company caused to Seattle’s Duwamish River. He is a founding member of Prosecutors Against Gun Violence and Law Enforcement Leaders to Reduce Crime and Incarceration. Governor Inslee appointed Pete to the state’s “Sunshine Committee” to ensure government transparency and public access to records. This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 9 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Paul Glumaz Campaign Name: Glumaz for Campaign website: City Position: Seattle City Council Position 8 Campaign Telephone Number: 206-251-0093 Candidate Introduction: My name is Paul Glumaz. I am running for City Council, position 8, because I have a deep love and concern for Seattle. Though I was born in Mexico, I have lived in Seattle 41 years. I have worked most of my life selling publications and I am now retired. I am in good health and want to serve our city.

Between the increasing homelessness, the "summer of love," COVID-19, increasing lawlessness, openly sold drugs that are killing people, diminished enforcement and treatment options, the situation in Seattle is getting much worse.

My plan.

Public safety must be our first priority. The laws that are on the books must be enforced. Without public safety first, it will be impossible to deal with our city's growing problems no matter how much is spent trying to do so. Public safety must be directed to helping the homeless, providing rehabilitation, employment and a fostering a better community.

There have always been humane solutions to the most difficult problems. What is often lacking is the political will, integrity, and courage. I hope to bring those qualities and a new hopeful vision to the Seattle City Council.

This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 10 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Campaign Name: People for Teresa Campaign website: City Position: Seattle City Council Position 8 Campaign Telephone Number: Candidate Introduction: I'm running for re-election because our city is at a crossroads. Those of us who work, live, and visit Seattle have much more in common than the public division leads us to believe. During my time on Council, I brought together diverse coalitions to pass impactful policy change. From passing the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights to the JumpStart Seattle progressive revenue plan by bringing together unlikely allies focused on a common need, we've rolled up our sleeves together and built towards a Seattle that reflects our shared values. I've dedicated my career to making sure no one gets left out or left behind. I have stood with working families, women, people of color, immigrants and the lowest wage individuals to ensure the most pressing issues facing our city are addressed. With your continued support, we can help all of our neighbors recover from the COVID public health crisis and economic slowdown, address issues of homelessness and affordable housing, create more educational and childcare opportunities, create good living wage jobs, and invest in our health, transportation, and infrastructure. Thank you for considering donating your democracy vouchers to me -- voucher by voucher, person by person, let's build a stronger Seattle. This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 11 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Brianna Thomas Campaign Name: People for Brianna Thomas Campaign website: City Position: Seattle City Council Position 9 Campaign Telephone Number: (425) 470-3994 Candidate Introduction: My name is Brianna Thomas, and I’m running for Seattle City Council Citywide Position 9 because I am ready to lead on the policies necessary to move our city forward.

For over a decade, I have dedicated my life to public service, as Office Manager at the Church Council of Greater Seattle and Field Director at the Washington Housing Alliance Action Fund, the campaign manager for Honest Elections in Seattle and the campaign for a $15 minimum wage in SeaTac, and for the last five years as a Legislative Aide and now Chief of Staff to Council President Lorena González.

I’m proud to have negotiated legislation that put Seattle at the national forefront for workers’ rights, livable wages, and innovations in police accountability. Legislating is a team sport, and I will bring collaborative leadership to bear tangible solutions to our city’s most pressing issues. I am running to ensure that we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic stronger than before - by lifting all of our neighbors up, and to make sure no one is left behind.

My name is Brianna Thomas, and I would be honored to have the opportunity to serve you on the Seattle City Council.

This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 12 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Corey Eichner Campaign Name: Friends of Corey Campaign website: City Position: City Council Position 9 Campaign Telephone Number: 206-790-6223 Candidate Introduction:

I am running for City Council because we need new leadership to revive Seattle with renewed partnerships & accountability. With 18 years of advocacy and leadership in the K-12 public education system and a passion for politics through my doctorate in law and policy, I am ready to revive this city. I focused my career as a teacher and administrator on improving our education system. I brought reforms to programs and schools that increased opportunity for all students, especially those furthest from educational justice. I see frustration growing with the inability of city leaders to work together to solve our problems. We have been unable to adequately address the inequities throughout our city and confront the homelessness crisis. We are not sufficiently supporting a post-COVID-19 economy that helps small businesses and provides the support needed for our children and most vulnerable populations. We need to work together to invest in practical, progressive solutions by listening to our neighbors, building partnerships and coalitions, and returning accountability to the city government. I will bring my commitment to equity and advocacy with me to the City Council to revive Seattle. I love this city, and I know we can make it better together.

This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 13 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Nikkita Oliver (they/them/theirs) Campaign Name: Nikkita for the People Campaign Website: City Position: Seattle City Council Position 9 Campaign Telephone Number: (206) 712-2778 Candidate Introduction:

Unprecedented crisis demands a transformative response. The most transformative solutions come from those who are most impacted by the crises we are facing. I am an advocate, educator, artist, community organizer, and attorney. I am a renter. I worked through college, law school and graduate school. I’ve experienced housing instability and slept in my car. As a domestic violence survivor, I know what it is to stay in a bad situation because there is no affordable housing and no one to call. I am a non-profit executive director who started as a frontline service provider. As an attorney I’ve supported clients through school exclusion, eviction, and discrimination cases. I helped establish one of our region’s innovative restorative justice (RJ) programs—Creative Justice. I continue to be a part of developing RJ strategies in King County such as the new community-led Restorative Community Pathways and the Youth Achievement Center (YAC) with Community Passageways and Africatown Community Land Trust. The YAC will co-locate free and low-cost housing and services for youth in SE Seattle. The work I do is based in both my lived and professional experience, but most importantly is done in and with the most impacted communities. This candidate is participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 14 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Rebecca Williamson Campaign Name: Rebecca Williamson for City Council at large Campaign website: [email protected] City Position: Seattle City Council Position 9 Campaign Telephone Number: 206-323-1755 Candidate Introduction: The only road forward for the working class is to fight for our needs — one class, ours, against the opposing class of capitalist rulers. In the face of deepening boss attacks and massive unemployment, despite coronavirus lockdowns, workers are fighting back. The Socialist Workers Party backs workers’ struggles, including the successful strike over wages by workers at Hunts Point Market in the Bronx; Marathon Oil workers’ strike over safety in Minnesota; union organizing by Amazon workers in Alabama and Yakima Valley packing house workers; the fight by farmers in India to maintain their livelihood. We need workers’ control of production and safety, and a labor party to advance working peoples' interests, self-confidence and class consciousness. My campaign puts forward demands to unite the working class: A government-financed jobs program to put millions to work. Defend working farmers and ranchers. Amnesty for undocumented immigrants. Oppose Washington’s wars. End the U.S. economic war on Cuba. Recognition of Israel and a Palestinian state with contiguous borders. Prosecute and jail cops who kill and brutalize working people. Defend a woman’s right to abortion. Defend political rights, voting rights, free speech. Stop government spying. No “cancel culture”. End solitary confinement. Abolish the death penalty. This candidate is not participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 15 Published 05_17_2021 Candidate Introductions

Candidate Name: Sara Nelson Campaign Name: Sara for City Council Campaign website: City Position: Seattle City Council Position 9 Campaign Telephone Number: (206) 910-8762 Candidate Introduction: Seattle is an incredible, fortunate city. We are blessed with amazing resources and neighbors that truly care for one another. But we are facing tough times and our city isn’t delivering - not even basic services. I’m running for City Council because I know we can improve Seattleites’ lives by working together for measurable results.

While we recover from COVID, we need leadership that can bring our neighborhoods back strong. As cofounder of a small family business, I know how to build a staple of the community from the ground up. At Fremont Brewing, we do right by our employees, give back to the community, and lead the industry in sustainability. Plus, we make good beer!

We’ve seen plenty of rhetoric on homelessness and basic services, but not enough results. I’m always focused on getting things done. As a policy advisor at City Council, I wrote legislation that helped make Seattle a national leader in environmental policy. As your Councilmember, I’ll fix our roads and bridges, maintain our parks, reduce the number of people experiencing homelessness, and restore trust in city government.

It’s time our city gets back to basics and delivers on promises. Vote Sara Nelson for City Council!

This candidate is not participating in the Democracy Voucher Program.

Language: English 16 Published 05_17_2021