6 O'clock I 6 O'clock Fl JM I'll
' I I I I 6 O'CLOCK J 6 O'CLOCK fl PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1887. PRICE ONE CENT, '.9j TWCLFTn DISTBICT. NINITXENTU DISTBICT. SEC. OF STATE, OOVEBNOn, DEMOCRATIC VICTORY. Wm. Tan, D 8,188 John Connelly, D. 6,883 1SS7. RACING IVY 1,010 CCS 1S. AT CITY. MaxAlteman, u. L John J. Cameron, R 4, Oranl. Cook. Dattnport. ITttl. LINGG'S INSANITY W. G. MoLauthlln, U. L. 8.344 : Tail's Plurality 4,178 Queen 8,873 1,030 THlnTEXKTlI DISTBICT. Connelly's plurality 1,723 Rensselaer... 8,500 1,037 1,83)1 James A. Cowle 8,037 TWXNTIETH DISTRICT. Richmond... 1,373 Day fop Secretary U Rockland 800 636 First of the Jockey Club's Cook's Plurality John Deorlnc, 1.98S W. n. Ilorntdge, D ,5l Probably No Hanging at CMotig&iH J. o. McMurraj.lt 8,204 Loula Berliner. 1)538 St Lawrence. 0,800 6,234 Lewis J. Mulleu, U. 653 Second Autumn Mooting. of State 18.245, L... - ErneitBohm, P. L 431 Saratoga eon 631 on Friday. S8 800 . 239 JM Cowle'a plurality Ilornldge's majority 4,794 Schsnectady, FOUKTIKKTn DISTBIOT. 1,400 1,837 ''leBBam! TWINTT-FIBS- T DISTBICT. Bcboharto.... 8,321 Tho Weather Ploatant, Track tho Corrected Fleuros and Results of Yeiter J. F. Dntler, D Sotinjlcr COO 27 tho Fat, An Application II. Klarman, It T4T Ernest II. Crobr, it 8,117 Made for a Commission I) Bcncoa BOO Racing, Attcndanco and Time Cood, DjjH day's Election. Peter C. Bambersor, U. L 1,312 A.
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