CALL/SATURDAY, THE SAN FBANCISCO AUGUST 29, 1903. 9 BLUE-BLOODED YOUNG RACERS WILLCONTEST TO-DAY IN THE FUTURITY EVENT HAMBURG BELLE BOOKS ARE HARD HUGE BLACK FALLS THE ED PABST DRIVES OLD STONE WINS SHARES HONORS HIT BY LOUISVILLE BEAR TO RIFLE IN WINNING RUN FROM A FAVORITE WITH KEENE ENTRY IN THE HANDICAP OF AN AMATEUR SPORTSMAN OF NOTE WITH TIMELY HIT AT KINLOCH PARK Are Equal Favorites for the This Race Proves the Best Ed E. Leake of Woodland Has the Honor of Being the First Guest in the Both Teams Struggle Along Rainland, » Heavily Backed Will Be of a Card Innings Good, Choice, Futurity Which Poor at the Bear, ..for Ten of Can Finish in No Worth $50,000 to Winner Hawthorne Racecourse History of Bartlett Springs to Secure a the Professional Hunters Bad and Indifferent Ball Better Than Second Place Being the Only Men Heretofore to Land Such a Trophy of-the Chase Many Horses Entered Will Telegraph Companies Are Lohmah Takes Johnson Out Two- Year- Olds Are Sent Not Start Owing to the Notified to Discontinue of Box in Eighth, Though Over a .Mile Course, the Heavy Condition of Track Service From the Track He Pitches in Fine Form Longest Route of Season EpVcial Dispatch to The Call. ,Special Dispatch to The Call STANDING OP THE CLUBS. Special Dispatch to The Call (Paclflc Coast League.) RIEW. YORK. Aug. 2S.-Rain has Aug. 28.—There wa^jio par- W. L. Pet. VT. L. Pet. LOUIS, Aug. 2S.-The feature cf promised LosAng...Sl 48 .63$ Portland ..S3 66 .476 epoil« a Futurity which PHICAGO,ticular feature to the racing tjp-day at to-day's, card* ut Klnloch Park tva3 IM one of Ban Fran. ."« 61 .554 Seattle ....56 72 .433 1 to have the largest field and Hawthorne. The fields were made up Sacto 67 60 .506 Oakland ..57 66 .309 the fourth event, at one mile for two- I in his- \J ST. the most closely matched the of cheap horses. and the sport was year-olds. the locsest routa tho . two-yeax- took an extra spasm to settle the dif- the ra« for dull and uninteresting. Probably the best youngsters have been asked to go thla tory of sreatart colts and race was the third, handicap at one and ference that existed between the- Crip- oWs «- the «rori<L Only nineteen a season. Old Stone .was clearly the best for the stake, one-eighth miles, was won by ples and the natives yesterday after- llllle« are carded overnight and Lou's- IT and won In easy fashion. Rainland. a $50,000 noon at Recreation Park. With two on wh'ch *1U be worth about to the ville. Her fondness for the mud was well heavily backed favorite, was second. The One-third of these may be mlss- known and the -books lost heavily by her the sacks and one under the bench In track dried out rapidly after yesterday's ,winner. saddling bell rings, for the victory. The track was sloppy, the the last half of the tenth, Pabst landed cloudburst and was in' fair shape. The "^^n the ¦weather to cam a premium on the weather rainy and the attendance small. with one of those was clear and the attendance* only char.ee The old trade markers of J250 vi-UI cost to start ench of them track was cut off from the rest of his and the winning tally was across the large. Summaries: It of a the so as telegraphic — s.-oms* to lie in the uncertainties world far communi- pan In a twinkling. Score, 5 to 4. FIRST RACE Six furlongs: selling: through mud. cation is concerned. President FitzgeraM The game was good,. Betting. Horse. Weirrht. Jockey. St. *4 Fin. :-5irint Racing full of bad and in- 12 to 1—Requisition. 07 (Austin). Hamburg Belle, the popular favorite, is of the Association notified the tel- different ball and poor Judgment. Errors .10 113 '-doubtful," Keene's entry. t graph companies this morning to discon- 2 to 1—Maghonl, 104 (Watson)... 1 3 2h marked and were frequent and they Invariably hap- 5 to 2— Rejoice. »> (Howell) 3 2 32 Delhi Kohinoor and Dovecote, will almost tinue their wire connections with the pened when men were on base^. Moat Time, l:l»«i. Start good. Won easily. Win- < en.air.5y be the txntir;? favorite. The en- track indefinitely. He stated he did not of the runs were scored In thla manner, ner. C. Schwstacker's b. c. by Rerjultal- tries, weights probable jockeys fel- want any report of the odds or running of Thrirty. Ultra Vh-ea lOO. Tho Advocate 1"O, and the opposing pitchers being: responsible Signnra Plerson 05, low: the races to be sent out during the day, Shay Crime 1ih». A Truant U7. being for but few. and Francks each Mamie Rellly £x>. also ran. Offset 93 fell. Jockey. the inference that the dissemination made mlsplays ,ln Hor»«. Weight. kept at- two which resulted BnxaasUck • 127. #'f such information down the runs. SECOND RACE—Five and a half furlongs; tendance at the track. Summary: selling: V^non Johnj-n v/as on the hill for the Crip- — furlongs, purse: Batting. Horse. Weight. Jockey. St. % Fin. «**¦ FIRST RACE Six ples pitched as good a game .of 2 to 1— (Smith).. 5 2 1 netting. Weight. Jockey. St. and he Quaker Girl. 104 n 1-.;....5« Barn* Horse.' %. Fin. ball as any green to 1— (Sheehan)... 3 KSSl.oomdas 3 to 1—Red Uaven, 109 (Davis) 2 111 roan who ever trod the 2 —Falkland. 1<>7 3. 2n Vhe Minute Man....:.: VZ1 Coohran 10 1— Ask (FT'll)Kl10 2 at Recreation Park for many moon! 4 to'l Atla*. lort (Bridewell) 2 13 13 to IXin't Me. 110 1 a. Time. 1:12. Start good. Wan driving. Win- povecote OJ ' 12 to 1—The^ Meteor. 108 (Adkins).12 4 3 1% Peter Lohman used bad judgment- in the <r3S Time 4-5. Start good. Won easily. eighth inning ner. -W; M. Rogers' br. f. by Montana-Demurw. U7. i'. '¦ McCafferty 1:18 g. when he took the big slab? Ocyrohe 107, bustler lOtf, By Itlght J>G, also Kohinoor i£;f£"£?. '. }'. '. Winner, Woodford & Buckner's ch. by Fly- • Mercuty H" ir.g l>utchman-Ellzabeth H. Pompcy 112, ster out and filled his place with Gra- ran. / Phaser IM Mci.ua Hrlmful 105. Fullback 115. Ebb Kcggr 1CS, ham. The latter 'was wild and Ineffective jSXL IM Dullman Catherine 105, THIRD RACE—Fix fur!nrffa;selling: Chinn 110. Dumndel Snowdrift and Uncle Henry may thank him tor get- Betting. Aumerce 114 Jenkir.8 Il<\ Boundary 105. Tabellarius 105. Grayvillo ting away — Horse. Weight. Jockey. St. Fin. Ke-Ml 105, with the game. 4 to 1 Decoration, liti(Bridewell) J-ady Amelia 114 103, Chief Aloha Feed Bill113 also ran. game — 1114 iianij.urs Bey- 114 Fu:kr — Homer Hillebrand won the for 5 to 2—Behoove. OS (Smith) 4 4 2 1»4 Oityfbunt... 11T Cornell SECOND RACE Five and a halt furlongs. the Cripples In the eighth Inning, when 8 to 1 Stub, 102 (Sinclair) 3 3 3 4 HT "• CaHahan Time, 1:1a, Start good. Won easily. Ui0.*"hirman Mart.n he drove in a run with a timely hit to Winner. Uttie Km 114 J- Betting. Horse. Weijrht. Jockey. St. %» Tin. right. A few later trotted J. A. McConnoll's ch. c. by Requltal-Tha Collector Jefsup 114 creamer 7 to 1——Allista. 1C5 (Hoffler) 3 1 13. minutes he Heroine. Sid Silver 107. Klngrose 102, Bud- K to 1 Cofrnomeii, 97 (Booker)... 1 2 2 h in from left field and changed his clothes. weiser 1C2. Brookston 102, also ran. The'coney Ishind Jockey Club's course — - good-by heavy, S to 1 Chockayotte, 105 (Knapp). 4 4 a He said to Uncle Peter and the at Sheepshead Bay never becomes Time Start good. Won easily. Win- FOURTH RACE—One mile; handicap: underneath, steady, 1:10. rest of the boys and at once departed with a^c it is hard but a ner. J. Mannlon'n ch. 1. by Lanjpllshter- Betting. Jlorne. Weight. Jockey. St. Fin. brother Arthur for dear old Princeton, — (Austin) »i soaking rain has fallen for fwrenty-four Marr.le Konso. Banwell 102. Glisten 100. Sol 5 to 2—Old Stone. SG 3 2 1 l'i Kmith 1C5, Sufie Christian 106. Ixmtsa Meinlnjf and the fans will see the little favorite 7 to 5 Rainland. 118 (Shrehan).. 5 3 2 10 btfbn and the weather man promises an- 105, same. Graneeman 100, Lawndale 105, Shaitan no more. He will be missed, for in the 5 to 1—Dr. Cartledje. OS (Smith).. 2 1 3 12 other twenty-four hours of the W2, I'oad 107 also ran. three games played here he had won the Time, 1:45. Start good. Won easily. Winner, Consequently the track will be at its — M. P. Mattlngly's b. c. by Sykeston-Wnita mile, hearts of the fans by his good work in worst and the Futurity chute will be THIRD RACE One handicap: Wings. Hugh McGowan 101. MUklrk 93, also This means almost cer- Kettlr.sr. Horse. Weight. Jockey. St. «4. Fin. the field and at the bat. ran. especially bad. ."» to 1— !U (Knapp) 3 1 1 Up the inning Belle willnot start. Louisville. 1% to fifth the natives could — tainly:that Hamburg 7 to 2——By Ways. t>0 (Wilson) 5 2 2 5 not get at all familiar with the goods of FIFTH RACE Seven furlongs: selling: chances are taken with Air.
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