The Quarterly Journal of The Old Chelmsfordians Association Memorial Sports Field, Lawford Lane, Roxwell Road, , . CM1 2NS Phone: 01245 420442 : Website: www.oldchelmsfordians.com Secretary and Newsletter Editor: George Heseltine : 01245 265962 : [email protected]


We are delighted to spotlight Football on the front page of this newsletter to celebrate the presentation to Sylvia Eve of an Exemplary Service Award by Sir Trevor Brooking at the Essex County FA Awards evening held at the Great Leighs, Chelmsford City Racecourse on July 30th. The awards are given to recognise different levels of service to football in Essex through a number of roles including club committee services and administration and for Sylvia this was to recognise her 24 years as the OCs football section secretary. Always highly respected and regarded with affection by the players of all our teams for so many years, Sylvia was never out of place as a woman in a man’s world and finally stepped down from this time consuming and at times very difficult and demanding role at the end of last season. It is fitting that her well-deserved retirement should be recognised and honoured in this way and thankfully we shall not be losing her services altogether as she has offered to help ‘man’ the after-football bars on Saturday afternoons.

Another presentation at the end of the 2019 season was made at the Essex Veterans Football League AGM on June 12th when Eddie O’Neill received a silver salver on behalf of the Old Chelmsfordians to celebrate the section’s 25th year of continuous participation in the league.

Chairman of the section for many years and long- serving ‘groundsman’ of the two Lawford Lane football pitches, Brian Terry is pictured holding the salver and to mark the occasion Eddie has compiled this brief history of the Old Chelmsfordians Vets (Over 35) Football team. 1 “For most of those 25 seasons Brian Terry has represented the team as Chairman as well as also taking up the post for one year as President of the Old Chelmsfordians Association. In fact, the team can proudly boast nine former OCA Presidents* and for the majority of our time in the league, Sylvia Eve has acted as our club Secretary. During this time the team has had six managers: Roy Rendall, Ricky Richmond*, Dave Irwin*, Alan Joyce, Mark Allison* & Eddie O’ Neill.

Nine trophies have been won: 1997/98 Div 2 League Champions 1998/99 Div 1 League Cup 2002 Tiptree Charity Cup 2002/03 Div 2 League Cup 2011/12 Div 2 (East) League Champions 2012/13 Div 1 League Cup 2012/13 Div 4 (East) League Champions – Reserves 2016/17 Div 1 League Cup 2017/18 Div 1 (East) League Champions

Notable players. Some of whom have also represented the club at open age level and some who now help with the next generation via our youth section.

Peter Gillott* Dave Irwin* Chris Eve* Paul Taylor* Mark Allison* Joh n Swinney * Graham King*

Pat Fairman - Youth team manager Paul Groom - Youth team manager Dave Grainger - Current Chairman/Secretary Eddie O’ Neill - Current Manager

Carl Lodge Dave Chandler Martin Hooper Alec McNeil Nigel Harvey Stephen Brook Fraser Gale Jimmy Bushell Ben Sanders Clint Hilling Keith Foster Jon Rich Ken Hyde Damian Lee Colin Campbell John Ruffles Craig Dobson Spencer Dudman Nick Wright Chris Moore Brian Nixon Kevin Dobinson Adrian Raison Darren Riches Peter Yeates Mark Danie ls Kieran Ahern


The new school year began at the start of September, and we welcomed various new members of the staff following the retirements of David Greenwood, Deborah Ryley and Janet Pearson and the departures of Lorraine Purkiss, Kirsten Smith, Mark Boost, Stephen Page, Sarah Bridge, David Murphy and Lea Root. Geraldine Rumbold joined the Geography department, Amy Doust and Henry Maxwell-Lyte the English department (which also welcomed back Emma Clegg after some years away from teaching), and Georgina Pearson joined the Technology department. Charlotte Jones joined us to teach Chemistry, Alison McConnell and Tom Dewhurst to teach Maths and Andrew Huxford has joined the Music department to cover Rebecca Steele’s maternity leave. We also welcomed Kate Sanderson as our new Business Manager, Alison Goodier and Elaine Harrison in the Pupil Support Centre, and Anne Gibbinson and Rebecca McKay joined us as Cover Supervisors. Tributes to departing colleagues, as well as a range of articles and reports can be found in the 2018/19 Chelmsfordian. Meanwhile, our increased intake of 150 has now reached Year 11, and the total school roll is 1130.

Friday 13th might seem an inauspicious date, but the 13th September 2019 was a day of considerable celebration at KEGS. On that Friday morning, we welcomed Doug McCallum (KEGS silver medallist and son of “Bil” McCallum) back to KEGS to speak in assembly and then, with his sister, open the new McCallum- Rich Theatre. The theatre has been carved out of the space which was the New Gym and is dedicated to the memory of “Bil” McCallum (who taught at KEGS for many years) and his wife. It represents (almost) the last stage of the 1551 appeal which brought the Nigel Fanshawe Sports Hall and a new Science Lab. I say almost, because, thanks to the generosity of another OC and parental support, we have been able to refurbish our tennis courts, and we hope to open these very soon. 2 Another celebratory event marked the 60th anniversary of our partnership with the Wirtemberg Gymnasium in Stuttgart. On 26th September, we gathered in the McCallum-Rich Theatre to hear a selection of talks and music and look back over 60 years of friendship and shared experiences.

The Summer also brought exam results and departures to university – we were delighted with another very strong set of results, reflecting much hard work – with both A level and GCSE figures at extremely high levels. At GCSE 68% grades were at A*/8/9 – a new record - and 86% at A*/A/7/8/9. At A level, 66% of results were at A*/A and 87% at A*/A/B. Many of our departing Year 13 students are now starting at universities up and down the country, with 23 students this year beginning at Oxford or Cambridge and exactly the same number of students – 23 - beginning their studies in Medicine.

School, though, is about much more than exams – there will be a concert to look forward to this term, and a school play next term. And we hope that our sports teams will be continue to be inspired by the new facilities now available. I look forward very much to all the events that help to make KEGS such a special place, and also look forward to conversations with OCs wherever I have the pleasure of meeting them. Tom Carter.


We will again be holding a Christmas Draw this year to raise funds for ongoing improvements around the Ground and Clubhouse and enclosed you will find 10 tickets at £1.00 each. Following the ongoing success of giving cheques as ‘Travel Vouchers’ we have again decided to offer 4 prizes totalling £1000 as a thank you for your ongoing support of the Association. Roger Gaffney will again be organising the draw and has asked that every counterfoil be completed as the books are split with the individual counterfoils being entered into the draw and that cheques should not be made payable to him personally but to ‘Old Chelmsfordians Association’ please. If anyone would like extra tickets or wish to donate towards the prizes, they can contact Roger on 01245 269388. Please make every effort to support the draw as this really does make a difference to what we can continue to do at Lawford Lane. The Draw will take place in the Clubhouse on Sunday, December 8th at 1.00pm and we would be delighted to see you there. For those who receive the newsletter electronically you will not miss out as the tickets will be sent to you by post but, should you be aware that your postal address has changed in the last year, please advise us! [email protected]


As mentioned above Roger Gaffney will again be organising the Christmas Draw and it could well be that he has been in charge since this photo was taken at the handing on of the Presidential Chain from Roger to Len Menhinick at the Annual Dinner in 1985.

The photo of Len’s bench in the last newsletter finally solved a mystery for the staff at Tristel who, as explained below in this piece from Len’s son Kevin, hadn’t realised who the intended recipient was of the regularly arriving OCA newsletter by email at their offices. 3

“Just to let you know that I will be retiring on July 31st. By the time this edition of the newsletter comes out I will have already celebrated my 65th birthday, so I think I’ve done my time! (47 years in gainful employment is, I think, more than sufficient).

I started my working life, on leaving KEGS in 1972, with HM Customs and Excise, then in Finsbury Square. At the time OCs cricketer, Selwyn Wheeler, was a senior civil servant in said department and I’m sure his close friendship with Len was more than a contributory factor in my employment. However, I wasn’t really cut out for a life in the civil service and managed to manoeuvre my escape after a couple of years - much to Len’s chagrin who, I think, envisaged his eldest son ending his working days as a top civil servant! My highlight during that period was representing Customs and Excise London Division at . However, I don’t think I endeared myself to Selwyn as I gave him out LBW on the front foot during one crucial match!

After a couple of mundane office jobs, I was persuaded by a friend that I had potential as a sales representative and so embarked on what has been an interesting, and at times, rewarding career. I had a hiatus during my mid-thirties and spent time as a freelance writer in the Caribbean and Essex, and a spell of driving a cab around the mean streets of Chelmsford.

In the summer of 1996, my good friend and OCs cricket colleague Paul Swinney, invited me to join his nascent company, Tristel in Newmarket, selling disinfectants into the NHS. I was the company’s first salesman with a little area called and Wales! In the last 23 years we have grown from a very small acorn to a medium sized oak tree, listed on AIM and with subsidiaries in places as diverse as Russia, China, , New Zealand, many parts of Europe and more recently the USA; plus, distributors in many other countries. It truly has been a rags to riches success story and I feel very privileged to have been part of it. I have been lucky to travel on behalf of the company throughout Europe, New Zealand and the USA. Amazingly, Paul’s father Nelson is still working for Tristel. Unbelievably he will be 97 in October. What a man!

As you know, Norma, my wife of 44 years, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s six years ago at the relatively young age of 61 and it is now time I spent more time looking after her. I will hopefully also return to doing some freelance writing, looking after my chickens and guineafowl, walking my dog, watching lots of cricket and sitting in my garden in rural Suffolk with a glass in my hand!

I very recently discovered that [email protected] is on the newsletter mailing list. Apparently, it has been sent through for many years and nobody at the office knew who it was for until the July issue when someone noticed Vera and me on the front page!”

This email address was actually for Paul Swinney, set up many years ago by his brother John, when he introduced the initial electronic transmission of the newsletter to OCA members.


Following the article in the last newsletter about the Wrightson/Dains medal we heard from former Drum Major of the Corps of Drums, John Baker (1955-1962).

“I don't think I was even aware of it - but then I didn't take part in shooting. If I had been a few years younger I might have got one as the senior NCO in the CCF! I enjoy reading these reminiscences. But it is all a long time ago - even the end of my school days was closer to Edwardian England than the present, spiritually perhaps as well as chronologically!”.

Michael Wood (1982-1989), who responded to Barbara Gray’s initial request for information subsequently wrote “I thought you might be interested to hear of a further very fortuitous find of another Dains medal, this one a shooting medal named to D.L. West in 1937. I have also seen two other examples, ones from 1906 and 1907 so the Wrightson honour award era but these are both shooting prize medals. Aside from the engraving marking them as such they are identical to the honour ones so they either (a) ran in parallel or (b)

4 the shooting award was introduced earlier than first thought. I suspect the former as one of the medals is a 4th prize so clearly several were issued that year. If you or Barbara or OCA members find any more names I'd love to know please as I'm keeping a register of recipients”. [email protected]

Former KEGs master, Ken Newman, had discovered, and purchased, another medal awarded to L.E. Tucker in 1906, in a junk shop in many years ago and has kindly passed this on to Barbara at the School and our own research showed that Michael E Clegg was a recipient of the Shooting Medal in 1948.

This was spotted in a Speech Day programme received with other archive material from Don Post, 1942- 1947. Don himself had won the 50 yard freestyle swimming event in 30.8seconds in 1947 whilst Dick Loft, a formidable athlete, at School events in 1954 had equalled A. Samuels 1948 record of 10.2secs for the 100yards, held the 220yard record of 24.2secs, the long jump at 20ft 1inch and the hop, step and jump at 40ft 2in and bettered his 220 time to 23.8, his long jump to 20foot 8.5inches and hop, step and jump to 40 foot 3inches at other contests away from School also in 1954.


We have received a request from both the School and Charlotte Harrison, Community Fundraiser Essex for ABF The Soldiers' Charity, to invite members to join them at a 75th Anniversary Concert at the School on October 19th.

Quote from Lt Col (Retired) Jacqueline Anne Allan QVRM TD DL.

"King Edwards Grammar School (KEGS) in Chelmsford are supporting ABF The Soldiers' Charity's 75th anniversary by hosting and participating in a concert with the band of the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC ).

KEGS has historical links with HAC as a number of old boys from KEGS CCF and KEGS school music department have progressed on to play with HAC.

KEGS has a flourishing CCF and a very competent and dedicated Corps of Drums. The C of D cadets not only attend all the CCF training, they practice an additional session per week as musicians. HAC is the oldest unit in the country and delivers the Gun Salute in Hyde Park for all Royal and Ceremonial events"


In July 2016 we heard from Peter Ward (1937-1943) asking of the whereabouts of some of his former school friends, Jim Pride, Tommy Oakley and John Powling. We were able to put him back in touch with John Powling and having communicated with each other since then we were delighted to hear that they had finally met up again in July, for the first time 77 years after leaving School in 1943, and on Peter’s 93rd birthday.

At the time Peter was living in a nursing home and with this information that he was probably not receiving emails we forwarded a hard copy of the July newsletter to him suggesting that the re-printed piece from John Day should prompt some memories for him with the names of the masters he and John would have been familiar with and the following list of names of the pupils to further refresh his memory of those he would 5 have started School with in Form Ib in 1937 - Long, Madder-Smith, Mallows, Martin, Monk, Oakley, Padbury, Plomper, Pole, Powling, Pye, Reekie, Riggulsford, Samuel, Wakeling, Ward, Westrip White, Williams, Wiseman and Wright.

We subsequently heard from his daughter, Sylvia, that Peter had sadly died on August 8th in Addenbrookes Hospital following surgery so had never received the newsletter. However, ‘she was so glad though that dad’s school friend John Powling had managed to see him for his birthday on the 4th July’ and had herself read the newsletter with interest as Connie Alderton, (‘dad’s Art teacher I believe’) mentioned in John Day’s article, had been her Godmother!.

John Baker, also wrote “The hockey photograph on p. 9 brought back memories of the prefects when I entered the school in 1954. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have noticed that sitting next to Foulkes in the front row is the future (and present) Lord Speaker of the House of Lords. He put me in detention once. It was a wrongful conviction, because it was for something I hadn't done; but since I had done something equally bad on another occasion I thought I deserved it. It was interesting to read John Day's reminiscences of 1932, since three of the teachers he mentions (Bruiser Findlay, Pussy Johnson and Maurice Bucknall) were still going strong in the 1950s. I wonder whether 'Mrs Alderton' is the art mistress, Connie Alderton, who in our time was known as Miss Alderton?”.

John Day’s article had wrongly labelled Connie Alderton as ‘Mrs’ and our enquiries have confirmed that she was indeed a spinster – if not married to the School. Having joined the KEGs staff in 1919 her death on September 26th 1961 ‘left all members of School and Staff and many hundreds of OCs and friends with a deep sense of personal loss. A large and varied congregation attended the memorial service in the Cathedral on October 11th and the many contributions to the Cancer Research Fund are only part of the visible evidence of the great affection and esteem in which Miss Alderton was held by us all’. (Chelmsfordian December 1961)


Richard Rondel, (1938-1949), [email protected], “You mention the disappointing attendance at the recent coffee mornings, and I wondered if this was ‘ absenteeism’ or whether some of those I used to meet when I used to come over to meet Raymund Collins, are no longer with us? I think particularly of Colin Beeton, ‘Ginger’ Wheeler and Ralph Archer, among others. (Ed: Happily, Colin, Selwyn and Ralph are still very much with us at our third Thursday gatherings)

Which brings me to realise that we may be nearing the end of mentions of any of the generation who were at the school in my time - in the years up to - and ending with - the demise of Norman Squier. The arrival - just as I was leaving - of Nigel Fanshawe signalled the end of that era - and of the 400-pupil school as I remember it, where everyone ( almost ) knew everyone else. The war notwithstanding, my years at KEGS were for me very happy ones, which, incidentally, gave me the education enabling me to become, I believe, only the second pupil at that time ever to qualify as a doctor of medicine, (- the first, I think, being “ Fuzzy” Furlong - who was a contemporary of my brother Mike and cousin Ray Collins.)

Those memories are marred only by the more recent, and to my mind grossly unfair, deconstruction of Norman Squier’s headship. He did a terrific job under the most difficult of circumstances during the WW2 years, to keep the school running successfully and to maintain the high standards that, apart from anything else produced a host of subsequent “high fliers”. The achievements of many of whom are recorded in past issues of your Newsletter – this, if ever proof were needed, is in itself, an eloquent testimonial.

I am left regretting that I did not do more at the time of Nigel Fanshawe’s memorial service to defend Mr. Squier’s reputation and perhaps get something done to help secure a fitting, permanent memorial to him - perhaps to have one of the new buildings dedicated to his name? I guess the moment may have passed now, perhaps there is no longer anyone around like me who would remember, and care enough, to right the wrong but if time allows, I will try to put something down on paper to do so. 6 Beyond all that, I enjoyed the contribution from John Day - he left in 1937 - the year before I came to Westfields and started in Connie Alderton’s class. It was nice to be reminded, by his description, of the geography of the school buildings and the layout of the surroundings - all exactly as I remember them -and he lists almost all the staff who taught me, though two missing were ‘Beaver’ Ross, and Miss (Gertrude) Brown. I didn’t recognise his French master - when I arrived in the senior school we were very well taught French by Bill Bone. I seem to remember he was an Oxbridge boxing blue. Memories- such happy ones!!”

Just as we went to print last time, we received this letter and subsequently these photos from Jon Sachs (1949-1956), [email protected].

“Many thanks, as always, for your excellent last Newsletter. There were three items in particular which caught my eye.

I was amused by the Headmaster’s comments about an ‘epic train journey’ the orchestra experienced on their way back from Germany when their return flight was cancelled. I was also a member of the orchestra on that inaugural visit in 1954, but Roger Bome’s description failed to mention that on that occasion travel involved overnight journeys packed 6-8 in a compartment on wooden seats (no padding) with luggage and instruments also somehow accommodated!

I have a number of photographs of that trip, including one of Tom Wright conducting an orchestra rehearsal, with a note I made at the time of the members. I am afraid I do not have a scanner, but I will send you the photo in the post. Please use it if you think it will be of interest. The Newsletter mentioned as well some early history of the Corps of Drums. I also have a formal photo of the Corps in full dress uniform taken in July 1953, also with a note of everyone’s name. I am also sending this to you for use as you wish.

Whilst the pictures are not the clearest members might still remember the names of those in the two photos:-

7 Orchestra rehearsal under Tom Wright: Bass, Joe Clark; Cello, D. Edwards, J. Sachs; Violins, J. Dobie, Harvey, W. Landers, Branson, P. Curran, Glanfield, M. Chorley; Violas, G. Rogers, G. Greatrix; Flute, Terry Wood; Clarinet, D. Cable; Bassoon, J. Gowers; Trombone, D. Poole; Horn, J. Foulkes.

Corps of Drums, July 1953: Left to Right: Back Row: Kay, Sachs, Hughes, Middleton, L/Cpl Margerison, Paterson, Cpl Clark, Morrison, Henderson, Ingham, L/Cpl Souster, Easton. Centre Row: Sgt Stewart, Cornell, Speller, Wigmore, Bocking, Cpl Cox, Spilsbury, Ashford, Binnis, Letch, McMichael. Front Row: Sgt Fairhead, Butt, L/Cpl Davy, Sgt Wood, D/M Hasler, Major Fanshawe, 2/Lt Pinder, L/Cpl Withams, L/Cpl Baker, Jackson, Cpl Sincock.

I have often wondered what happened to a couple of members of staff who featured largely in my life at KEGS, namely Arthur Williams (French) and Mr Hilton, who came in as the new Head of Modern Languages in September 1953”.

Should anyone have any information of these two masters please contact us.

Geoff Mann, (1948-1953), [email protected], wrote “Thanks for the latest newsletter. I was particularly interested in Chris Foulkes enquiries about his dad. You would have remembered Jimmy from his scouting days – at least your brother Michael and he were great friends. Jimmy and I went on a European scouting expedition to Germany in 1953 with my brother and another scout. I would be interested in any news of him”.

Roger Godden (1949-1956), [email protected], also commented on this story “I was interested to see this photo as I have an original. I am fairly sure that the piano player was Eric Withams, not Frank Easton. I remember the event well, we played Lullaby of Broadway. Subsequently Middleton, Foulkes, Clark and myself formed a Jazz Band and played various "Gigs" around Chelmsford. I think it was your brother /cousin who was our Clarinetist. I saw him in Bond St. in the late 60's at Sothebys. I look forward to seeing you at the 49ers lunch at the House of Lords in October”

Frank Easton, (1949-1954),[email protected], who is organising the 49ers trip to London to meet up with Lord Fowler himself suggested “It was kind of you to credit me as the pianist in the small group playing at Crompton's in 1955 . While my memories of that year are somewhat clouded I believe it was Eric Withams, my contemporary on piano not I. Although I took lessons as a child and later as a "mature student" my technique was of the ‘Eric Morecombe’ school whose notes were all right but not necessarily in the right order and I would not have willingly exposed it to general ridicule”.

Steve Middleton, [email protected], wrote “Thank you for the Newsletter (electronically). It always has something that interests me. I left KEGS 50 years ago in 1969 (arriving in 1962), I wonder what happened to all those boys who left that year? I went off to University in 1969 and have rarely returned to Chelmsford (apart from family funerals, inevitable at my age). I’m pleased you mentioned Tom Wright – I think it was his contribution in my final year that heaved me over the line to get an ‘A’ in A Level History (and to be awarded the History prize that year – I still have the book I was awarded with the school engraving on the front cover and the label affixed inside). I can still picture some of Tom Wright’s mannerisms – and remember quite a few of the facts that he managed to impart. I was slightly surprised that several of the teachers mentioned in the obituary, referring to a pre-War school history, were still teaching in the 1960s, but then I realised that it was a mere 30 years in between. So many women teachers in the pre-war school – I don’t remember any in my time at KEGS – but perhaps I’m wrong!”

Having reminded Steve of the lady teachers in the early sixties, art teacher Connie Alderton, Miss Lawrence who taught us Biology and Len Lygo's wife who was also on the teaching staff for a time Steve replied

“Memory really does play tricks – I arrived at KEGS in 1962 so the lady teachers (not a term we’d use

8 nowadays, but in 1960s was certainly correct) you mention must have still been there. I only very briefly ‘studied’ art; as I went into transitus we had to give up either art or woodwork and the teachers of both subjects fought to lose me (I was near the bottom in both) but art lost so I went on producing terrible pictures for another year – a man though was my teacher both years. It took me almost a year in woodwork to produce a foot ruler that measured 11” in the end! Biology – always male teachers and again only for two years. I did have Len Lygo for Maths (was that his subject?) but never his wife. I think it was about my second year when several teachers defected to the sole Comprehensive in Chelmsford. I’m wondering whether the fact that I spent the first year (mornings) at Friars (now under a road – Parkway?), an old elementary school and at lunch time we all wandered through the ‘Rec’ to the main school at lunchtime, explains why I didn’t encounter the lady teachers. Again, I wonder if the arrangement would be tolerated nowadays – all those boys let loose on the town every day to mingle with the traffic!”

Donald Kelly, (1944-1951), [email protected], “Many thanks for the latest OCA news and congratulations on all that you do for we "Old Boys". It is always good to see the names of contemporaries- John Lines and "Scabby" Stewart - together with the references to those who taught us last century!. In a previous number there was reference to Peter Hockley who I knew well: he lived opposite us on Wood Street and gave me coaching in maths early in my time at the school. I'd be glad to hear from any of my class mates in 1B when we joined the school in 1944 as the first beneficiaries of the Butler Education Act - how lucky were we!” CLASSES FROM THE PAST

Steve Little has forwarded this photo he received from Paul Gymer who joined the school in 1958. He believes this to be from 1964 when in the Upper Sixth and adds ‘some of us went through transitus, others were a year older but still at the A-level stage. Fortunately, I wrote the names on the back– but please note the names are right to left and not the normal left to right!

Right to Left they are: Back row: Lutz Schelisch, Adrian Kemp, Dave Cranston, Chris Edwards, Pete Duncan, Malcolm Smith. Middle row: Rob Deards, Rob Weston, Pete Blinman, Johnny Horner, Graham Holmwood, Tim Westrip, Anthony French. Front row: Dave Evans, Graham Wilson, Dave Cole, John Anderson, Pete Taylor, Howard Swan, Mick Curtis and Paul Gymer

Sadly, since receipt of this photo we have learned of the death of Tim Westrip on September 7th. 9 200 CLUB/DEVELOPMENT FUND

The July 200 Club draw has taken place with the following winners:- Alec McNeill, David Porter and Henry Sainsbury

Mark Allison held a Development Fund draw and the winners were:-

£90.00 Peter Gillott Jnr and Mark Bowerman, £75.00 Pete Ellwood, Adam Dessouki, Simon Moore, and Brian Terry £60.00 John Watts, Eileen Terry, Alan Ball, Paul Swinney, Andy Bell, Chris Flint and Danny Vale £45.00 Alan Friend and Andy Cook £30.00 Nick Wright, Mark Allison, John Swinney, Paul Taylor, Stuart McNeill, Dave Kitchiner and George Heseltine £15.00 Adrian Raison, Damien Lee, Andrew Murray and Alec McNeill

For more information regarding the 200 Club please contact the organiser, Adam Dessouki, at [email protected] or regarding our other fundraiser, the Development Fund, contact Mark Allison at [email protected].

OCA WILDLIFE July-September 2019

The weather was variable – late July was quite warm and wet. August rather cool and breezy but a record-breaking late Bank Holiday with 30+C temperatures. River levels remained low – sections of the River Stour on the Essex/Suffolk border dried up.

The Lavender beds by the Clubhouse are in superb form and the Buddleia plantation by the stream near the eastern end of the car park looks magnificent – thanks to the Friday Crowd. Both plants are attracting butterflies and bees and other insects.

Dragonflies: Migrant Hawkers Butterflies: Painted Lady (pictured on July 30th and verified by his eminence, Chris Flint!), Comma, Large & Small Whites, Gatekeepers, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral

Local birds recorded: Black-headed & Lesser Black- backed Gulls, Coal Tit, Skylark, Carrion Crow, Jay, Woodpigeon, Stock & Collared Doves, Goldcrest, Bullfinch, Kestrel, Buzzard, Green & Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Robin. Summer Migrants: Chiffchaff & Blackcap

Mammals: The three bat boxes are still occupied, based on ongoing fresh guano observations! There’s a few Badger “messages” at the southern end of the ground by the grandstand and Fox number 2s can be found anywhere on the cricket pitch! Ask Chris!

As always, Nick would be pleased to answer any wildlife questions and hear of your own sightings – email him at [email protected].


Ted Caton writes “This report covers our coffee mornings from July to September, during which period we have enjoyed mixed weather and generally slightly increased attendances. In particular we have been pleased to welcome Terry Mynard who first appeared in August. He started at the junior school in Westfield before the War (1934-1943) and still appears surprisingly young.

Just before we dispersed on 18th July, quizmaster Hugh Piper set us a unique quiz, only one question and no answer, at least not on the day, before vanishing on holiday on Jersey (a hint, perhaps). The question: CM is the postcode for Chelmsford; GX is the postcode for where? *

19th September was a gloriously sunny day unlike on our coffee morning in August last year when Nick Green, our wildlife expert, was last with us to conduct a nature trail around the ground, but there seemed this time to be a lack of fit walkers – so we were treated to a short talk - only one character different to a walk after all! (Joke - Who writes this stuff – not the editor for sure!)

As to the future, there are three coffee mornings still to enjoy this year: On Thursdays, 17th October, 21st November and 19th December, all from 10.00 hours. 19th December will however see the annual fish (or chicken) and chips bonanza from 12.00 hours followed by delicious “puddings” produced by the ladies, all for about £8.00. Any small profit will be added to our donation to this year’s charity – Riding for the Disabled, Highwood Group. Booking for fish and chips is not yet necessary but please note the date in your diary.

Further information from Ted Caton on 01245 256790 or at [email protected].

*(For those with an enquiring mind but no access to a postcode directory the answer is of course Gibraltar).

Ted also produced another aerial photograph of the School circa 1950 and at the alumni gathering at the club on September 13th younger members were fascinated by similar photos of their School before the extensive building projects from the mid- 60s onwards. Interesting in this pre-Parkway one that the houses in Westfield Avenue and the primary school and houses at the top of Maltese Road had not been built, the Cedar Avenue houses still backed on to the Headmaster’s garden and that Bromfield Road was still a straight road into the town. The tree lined copse separating the School from the sports field still housed the cycle racks, CCF armoury and rifle range. With the School Roll having now risen to 1130, as reported in the Head’s article, from the 385 pupils and 19 staff in 1949 the loss of green space to new buildings, whilst regretted, is hardly surprising!


Peter Beanland, (1950-1958) a contemporary and life-long friend of Paul Herrington has let us know of his recent death.


A warm welcome to Scott Shelley and Rohan Odedra (both 2012-2019) 11 FOOTBALL

Saturday Ist XI Essex Olympian League Senior Div 1 2nd XI Essex Olympian League Senior Div 4

07/09/2019 No Fixture H Ongar Town Reserves Lost 6-2 14/09/2019 No Fixture H Harold Wood Athletic Res Cup W 1-0 21/09/2019 A May and Baker Cup Won 4-3 H Galleywood Reserves Drew 1-1 28/09/2019 A Shoebury Drew 3-3 H Hutton Res Lost 9-1 05/10/2019 A Harold Wood Athletic Won 4-2 No Fixture

Saturday 3rd XI Mid Essex League Division 1 4th XI Mid Essex League Division 4

07/09/2019 A Islanders FC Lost 3-2 A Kelvedon Social Reserves Drew 1-1 14/09/2019 A Sandon Royals Cup Won 1-0 A Shenfield A Lost 6-0 21/09/2019 H Hutton A Cup Cancelled A Emerson United Res Won 2-1 28/09/2019 A Baddow Athletic Lost 2-1 H Kelvedon Social Reserves Won 3-2 05/10/2019 A Baddow Athletic Cup Drew 2-2 H Emerson United Res Cup Lost 3-2

Saturday Vets Essex Veterans League Division 1 East

07/09/2019 No Fixture 14/09/2019 H Waltham United Won 2-0 21/09/2019 A Springfield Won 2-0 28/09/2019 H Ford () Won 5-0 05/10/2019 H Sporting Club Woodham Cup Won 2-0

Sunday 1st XI Pope and Smith League Premier Div 2nd XI Pope and Smith League Premier Div

08/09/2019 H William de Ferrers Won 6-4 A Broomfield Drew 4-4 15/09/2019 A Hatfield Swann Inn Won 3-0 H Stones Won 5-0 22/09/2019 A Writtle Won 3-2 H Res Drew 2-2 29/09/2019 H Broomfield Drew 1-1 A Priory Sports Cancelled 06/10/2019 A Tulip Royals Lost 2-1 H William de Ferrers Cancelled

Blackwater and Dengie Youth Football League

Under 13 Div 1 Under 16 Div 1 Under 17 Div 1

08/09/2019 H Town W 6-1 H Ravens Youth Flyers L 5-4 H Rayne Youth W 8-0 15/09/2019 A Wilvale Rangers W 4-2 H Stones Athletic L 6-5 H Writtle Minors Greens W 6-0 22/09/2019 H Ongar Juniors Blues Canc A Stones Athletic W 5-3 H Dunmow United PythonsCanc 29/09/2019 A Great Notley Pumas W 8-1 H Chelmsford City Whites W 7-1 A Takeley Youth L 2-1 05/10/2019 A Parsloe Athletic L 9-3 H Rowhedge Junior Canc A Witham Town Canc


Jane Gray writes Tennis

The summer leagues have just concluded and we await the final league tables with both anticipation and trepidation, the Ladies first team and both Mixed teams are all involved in relegation battles but it is better news for the Ladies second team who have a good chance of promotion - all will be revealed when the final results have been collated.

Our annual club tournaments culminated in an excellent Finals day in September, enjoyed by players and spectators alike. It was a gloriously sunny day and the standard of play certainly rose to the occasion. There were seven keenly contested finals, each match was played in a great spirit and the spectators certainly enjoyed the ebb and flow. Congratulations to Yvette Wijunamai who, at the age of just 12 years, became our youngest ever Ladies Singles champion. It was also good to see some new names appear on the Honours Board as Gill Webb and Matt Savvides battled through a 3 set epic with Catherine Gregory and Calum Tween to run out 7-5 winners in the final set. Another new name was Jacob Smith, winner of the Boys' Singles, with the more familiar names of Elliott Howell and Alan Hopkins retaining their titles in the Mens Singles and Veteran Mens Singles respectively. Congratulations to Elliott for his sixth consecutive Mens Singles title, he will be the first to acknowledge that it was a very hard fought 3-set match with Dan Bacon as he had to come back from being one set down to retain his title. Simon Page and Calum Tween were pushed hard to three sets by Mike Bacon and Chris Henshaw but took the third set 6-2 to seal their victory in the Mens Doubles while Lisa Stuckey and Jane Gray secured a win in the Ladies Doubles by the narrowest of margins. The winter leagues have just started so it is still too early to tell whether it will be a tale of relegation dog- fights or promotion dreams - both equally enjoyable in their own way - we just hope for some fine weather. If you are not currently a member of the tennis section but have always fancied trying it out then please visit our website www.chelmsfordianstennis.co.uk for more information and an online application form. If your tennis is a little rusty, Derek Rogers (Head Club Coach) can organise coaching sessions to individuals and small groups. CRICKET

The 2019 cricket season has now finished, and Baz Bowerman looks back on the various ups and downs for all of our teams.

The first eleven finished in sixth place in the Premier Division. They won seven matches during the course of the season, with notable performances from Nadeem Ahmed with the bat and Aaron Read with the ball. Indeed, Aaron’s consistency in the bowling department did not go unnoticed, and he ended the season by being picked for the League’s Representative XI – a fantastic achievement.

The second eleven ended the season in ninth place, which – subject to the outcome of a possible league reshuffle – means relegation. It was always going to be a tougher summer for them following last year’s promotion to Division Three, which meant they were often playing against an opposition’s first eleven. There are positives though, as three under-15s made their debuts for the twos in the second half of the season, and all showed significant promise for the future.

The third eleven also struggled following their promotion to Division Eight. A patchy season performance- wise was not helped by the fact that the division only consisted of eight teams (matches against two teams from the division below made up the shortfall) and, during the course of the summer, two of the eight teams folded (Boreham 2s and Great Baddow 3s). Add in a washout at Galleywood and it meant we only had six league matches in the second half of the season. The threes ended the season in sixth place, although the withdrawal of two teams (that were below us in the table at the time of their departure), meant this also equated to finishing bottom of the division. However, with other teams withdrawing from other divisions, the aforementioned league ‘reshuffle’ could well see us retaining our Division Eight status in 2020.

13 The fifths enjoyed an excellent summer with its complementary formula of experienced senior statesmen and enthusiastic youngsters who are keen to learn the finer points of the game from their elders. With the ‘home of cricket’ (Admiral’s Park) lending its own unique slant to their matches, I know from the feedback from those involved how much pleasure both old and young gained from their cricket this year.

The women’s team again performed fantastically during the season and winning their league took them through to their ‘finals day’ on 19 July. Unfortunately they were to fall at the final hurdle and lost by 10 runs to a strong Hutton team despite Imogen Hill recording incredible figures of five for six.

The Under-13s underwent a season of ‘awakening’ as they made the leap from simply ‘turning up to play’ to ‘turning up to play and win’. They didn’t win all of their games but a return of three wins from five games saw them finish in third place in their league. Their growing self-belief led to debuts in the senior teams for two of the boys, with the strong likelihood of several more following their path over the next couple of years.

For the Under-15s it was their last year of youth cricket and they set about trying to finish as they started, with a league title. In the end it wasn’t to be – they finished joint second. A narrow loss to eventual league winners Maldon proved crucial, and a below-par effort against Writtle didn’t help their cause. However, joint second was an excellent effort against strong opposition, and their burgeoning ability did not go unnoticed by the senior OCs teams, with ten out of the squad of 12 boys playing for one of the senior sides at some stage over the summer.

Top performing run-scorers and -takers for the whole season, for each team, were as follows:

1s Nadeem Ahmed 422 runs / Aaron Read 32

2s Dom Norman 468 runs / Alex Critchell 19 wickets

3s James Brown 258 runs / Mark Shelley 23 wickets

5s Jez Crook 168 runs / John Hodges 13wkts

Women Zaynah Rehman 149 runs / Pippa Cass 10 wickets

Under 13s Liam Gibney 94 runs / Tom Bowerman 7 wickets

Under 15s Matt Bowerman 226 runs / Harry Cannon 10 wickets

Results and performances of note for the second half of the 2019 were as follows:

1st XI

6 July OCs 186-9 lost to Rainham 190-5 by 5wkts 13 July OCs 56 all out lost to Springfield 194 all out by 138 runs 20 July OCs 213-7 (Tom Bird 58*) lost to Bentley 217-5 by 5wkts 27 July OCs: Rained off 3 August OCs 218-8 (Nadeem Ahmed 72) lost to Gt Baddow 220-6 by 4wkts 10 August OCs 206-7 (Nadeem Ahmed 61) beat Aythorpe Roding 171 all out by 35 runs 17 August OCs 125-3 beat Rayleigh 124 all out by 7wkts 24 August OCs 201 all out (Faz Rehman 81) lost to Stock 237 all out by 37 runs 31 August OCs 179 all out lost to 180-7

14 2nd XI

6 July OCs 262-1 (Dom Norman 122*, Shailendra Kulshreshthra 66*) beat Rettendon 2s 258 all out (Zaynah Rehman 4-41) by 9wkts 13 July OCs 213 all out (Jamas Hodivala 81) lost to Hatfield Peverel 1s 257-5 by 44 runs 20 July OCs 137-8 lost to Galleywood 1s 212-8 by 75 runs 27 July OCs 106 all out (Matt Bowerman 37*) lost to Rankins 1s 155-9 (Alice Green 4-25) by 49 runs

3 August OCs 153-6 beat East Hanningfield 1s 152-8 by 4wkts 10 August OCs 173 all out (Alex Critchell 48) lost to Springfield 3s 195-6 by 22 runs 17 August OCs 109 all out lost to Navestock 1s 113-4 by 6wkts 24 August OCs 169-6 (Dom Norman 53, Andy Cook 47*) beat Broomfield 1s 168 all out by 4wkts 31 August OCs 175-4 (Richard Paton 55, Dom Norman 51) beat High Easter 1s 172 all out by 6wkts

3rd XI

6 July OCs 140-9 (Matt Cranfield 60, Tom Bowerman 31*) lost to Burnham 2s 231-5 by 91 runs 13 July OCs won by walkover vs Gt Baddow 3s 20 July OCs won by walkover vs Boreham 2s 27 July OCs: Rained off 3 August OCs 157-9 lost to Navestock 2s 190-6 by 33 runs 10 August OCs 113-9 lost to Bentley 3s 115-7 (Mark Shelley 4-35) by 3wkts 17 August OCs 155-7 (Sam Robertson 44) lost to Broomfield 2s 238-5 by 83 runs 24 August OCs 63 all out lost to Eastwood 3s 153-7 by 90 runs 31 August OCs 137-2 (James Brown 64*) beat Lt Baddow 2s 136-9 by 8wkts

5th XI

13 July OCs 204-7 (Tom Bowerman 71, Les Gray 52) lost to Rayleigh 7s 227-4 by 23 runs 20 July OCs 116 all out (Alan Ball 47) lost to Westcliff 4s 117-4 (John Hodges 4-21) by 6wkts 3 August OCs 186-4 (Jez Crook 79) beat Chelmsford 6s 185-5 by 6wkts 24 August OCs 129-6 lost to Rayleigh 7s 255-5 by 126 runs 31 August OCs 220-8 (Jez Crook 54) beat Chelmsford 6s 215-5 by 5 runs 7 Sept OCs 179 all out (Sam Robertson 80) lost to Westcliff 4s 214-6 by 35 runs 14 Sept OCs 221-4 (Les Gray 54) beat Westcliff 4s 216-7 (Tom Bowerman 4-75) by 6wkts


12 July OCs 101-9 (Naomi McCarthy 29*) beat Hutton 98-8 by 1wkt 19 July OCs 73-2 Pip Cass 27*, Hollie Lodge 26*) lost to tbc 83-6 (Imogen Hill 5-6) by 10 runs


21 July OCs 89-6 (Adam Kelly 18) beat Galleywood 86-9 (Tom Bowerman 4-9) by 4wkts 11 Aug OCs 133-4 (Liam Gibney 27, Michael Bird 25) beat SW Ferrers 49 all out by 84 runs


2 July OCs 140-5 (Matt Bowerman 50*) beat Springfield 116-9 by 24 runs 9 July OCs 73 all out lost to Writtle 74-7 by 3wkts 14 July OCs 76-4 (Jake Edwards 23*) beat SW Ferrers 75 all out (Toby Wallis 3-6) by 6wkts

15 President’s Day report President’s XI 245-5 vs KEGS 187 all out It was a sunny but blustery day when the President’s team and the KEGS schoolboys arrived at Lawford Lane on Sunday 7th July. A quick look at the scorecard below and you could be forgiven for thinking that there was a cast of thousands playing for the President’s team – and you’d be right. President Matt Cranfield took advantage of ‘local rules’ and selected a squad of 16, who all played some part in the day’s proceedings! The School, on the other hand, were decimated by the departure of most of their first eleven to well-earned holidays in foreign climes. Undaunted, they turned up with a younger than normal side, plus teacher John Davies.

Despite losing an early wicket, the President’s XI played through to lunch without further loss. After lunch they upped the run rate and when James Brown departed for an excellent 57, it brought Matt Eva (82) and Rob Lee (61) to the crease and they put on a 136-run fourth wicket partnership. The scene was set for a final flourish with the bat but the plan certainly didn’t materialise as the President himself, Matt Cranfield, was run out without scoring and then Jerry Pruce found it difficult to get a bat on the ‘death-bowling’ in-swingers of Matt Bowerman. The declaration came at 245-5.

In reply, KEGS made the worst possible start, losing Bowerman for a duck before Mirimuthu, Mehothra and Odedra all fell cheaply as the school were reduced to 24-4. Lundgren (22), Wagstaff (46) took the KEGS score beyond 100, and with only ten of the 20 overs left to be bowled it was a question of whether the school could hang on for the draw that would see them retain the shield. Miller and Wright seemed to be in control but then an over of spin claimed the wicket of Miller, for a well-constructed 55. With less than five overs left the captain threw the ball to me to “make something happen”. And, it’s fair to say, things did happen. The first ball was struck hard by Wright straight back at me, but I contrived to drop it. The next ball bamboozled Wright and struck the top of the off stump, meaning that one more wicket was required for victory. The third ball of over, to new batsman John Davies, was a dot and the fourth ball, pushed to mid-wicket, caused some confusion as the batsmen debated whether to run or not but decided against it. The pressure was beginning to have an impact. The fifth ball was also hit to mid-wicket and a run was taken - or rather it was attempted - as Dom Norman swooped in and ran out Tom Bowerman by the smallest of margins, to leave the school all out for 187. The President’s team had won by 58 runs and reclaimed the shield.

Thanks are due to all those who helped make the day go as smoothly and enjoyably as it did, with special thanks to the school for contributing to an excellent day’s cricket. President’s XI KEGS XI innings

Ross Rogers LBW b Matt Bowerman 3 Matt Bowerman ct C Eva b Wallis 0 James Brown ct b Miller 57 K Mirimuthu run out (R Lee) 8 Dom Norman ct b Mehothra 22 M Mehothra ct Foster b Wallis 10 Matt Eva retired not out 82 Harry Lundgren ct Wallis b Hodges 22 Rob Lee retired not out 61 Jay Odedra ct Paton b Heard 2 Jerry Pruce b Matt Bowerman 0 Matt Wagstaff ct R Lee b Wallis 46 Matt Cranfield run out 0 Henry Miller ct Dessouki b C Eva 55 Mark Bowerman not out 3 Lawrence Wright b Mark Bowerman 16 David Kitchiner did not bat Tom Bowerman run out (Norman) 2 Richard Paton did not bat John Davies not out 0 Callum Eva did not bat

Bowerman (Matt) 8-2-18-2 Adam Wallis 9-2-48-3 Davies 5-0-30-0 David Heard 8-1-33-1 Mehothra 10-0-39-1 Adam Dessouki 5-1-34-0 Miller 5-1-22-1 Calum Eva 7-1-20-1 Lundgren 7-0-32-0 Ben Foster 4-0-27-0 Odedra 5-0-23-0 John Hodges 5-0-12-1 Wright 5-0-38-0 David Kitchiner 3-1-4-0 Bowerman (Tom) 4-0-18-0 Mark Bowerman 0.5-0-0-1


David Porter has submitted this report on the conclusion of the summer and start of the winter seasons:-

Central Essex Summer League

The 2019 Central Essex Summer League concluded at the end of July and here is how our teams performed.

Our A and B Teams in Division 1 occupied the bottom two places – but as there is no relegation or promotion in the Summer League – they can give it another go next year! For the A Team, Dan Berry (60% win record) and Charles Yeung (50%) were the top performers whilst the B Team struggled at Division 1 Level despite the efforts of their best player, Peter Windley.

Our C and D Teams in Division 2 faired only slightly better than their Division 1 counterparts with the D Team finishing 5th of 7 and the C Team occupying the place below them. Most successful player for the C Team was Richard Baxter with Mick Hayes and Tom Barker both having solid seasons for the D Team.

In Division 4 the father and son combination of Mick and Luke Richardson (OCA F) ran out comfortable winners, not losing a game all season. In fact Mick remained unbeaten throughout the whole campaign. Our E Team finished in 4th place with Dave Newman and Farooq Ahmed both achieving 50%+ win records.

There was more success in Division 5 with our G Team winning this league by a single point. Youngster, Josh Peasgood and the (slightly!) older Michael Lucey both achieved 75% win record.

More details about the OCA team’s performance in the Central Essex Summer League can be found at :- https://www.tabletennis365.com/centralessex

Chelmsford Winter League 2019/20

The Chelmsford & District Table Tennis League got underway in mid-September and it is pleasing to report that we have again entered 8 teams in the Senior Leagues and 1 team in the Junior Divisions.

A more detailed report will be included in the next newsletter when half of the season will have been completed. For now, the following gives a brief snapshot of the start our teams have made:-

 A Team (Division 1) – 7th of 11 having played 3, won 1 and lost 2  B Team (Division 2) – 3rd of 10 (P3 W1 D1 L1). Kevin Worthington 8 wins out of 9  C Team (Division 2) – 10th of 10 (P3 W0 D0 L3)  D Team (Division 3) – 1st of 10 (P3 W3 D0 L0) Mick Richardson 9 wins out of 9  E Team (Division 3) – 9th of 10 (P4 W0 D0 L4)  F Team (Division 4) – 7th of 11 (P3 W1 D1 L1) Richard Upson & Dave Newman both 5 wins out of 9  G Team (Division 4) – 9th of 11 (P3 W0 D0 L3)  H Team (Division 5) – 4th of 11 (P4 W2 D0 L2) Adrian North and Michael Lucey unbeaten having played 2 and 3 games respectively  Lions Team (Junior League 4) – 2nd of 6 (P2 W2 D0 L0) – Tom Bird and Vyoma Upadhyaya both undefeated after 4 games each.

More details about the OCA team’s performance in the Chelmsford League can be found at :- https://www.tabletennis365.com/chelmsford

17 Practice sessions

All those interested in playing table tennis are reminded that Tuesday evening sessions continue throughout the Winter from 6pm to approx. 7.20pm (or longer if there is no League match taking place on any particular evening). Our coach, Mick Parkhurst, is available at most sessions if individual or group coaching is required.

New Players We are always looking to recruit players to supplement all of our teams. If you are interested in playing or know someone who may be, then contact David Porter by emailing [email protected] or phoning on 07885 467935. DROPPING IN

A recent afternoon visitor to Lawford Lane, spotted by Spencer Wilcox on Sunday August 25th, was the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance whilst answering a local emergency.

We are always delighted to have members dropping in to Lawford Lane – the bar is open after football on Saturdays and from 12 noon until 2pm on Sunday lunchtimes.

As always we are grateful to all our contributors to this issue and look forward to hearing from you with your news and views for the next which will be published In January 2020.

Please remember to send in your Christmas Draw tickets to Roger Gaffney, making cheques payable to ‘Old Chelmsfordians Association’ rather than Roger personally and again, we would love to see you at the Draw in the Clubhouse on Sunday December 8th at 1.00pm.

Also, if you are interested in attending the HAC concert and would like to support ABF The Soldiers' Charity at the School please contact www.ticketsource.co.uk/ABF2019.

As mentioned we’ll be back in January so until then our very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Any members wishing and willing to receive the newsletter by email or wanting to advise us of any change to either their home or email address should contact:-

George Heseltine: 30 Trinity Road : Chelmsford : Essex : CM2 6HS Phone : 01245 265962 Email : [email protected]