James Rizzitano | 112 pages | 15 Oct 2007 | Gambit Publications Ltd | 9781904600800 | English | London, United Kingdom The Queen’s Gambit Declined: Alternative Plans

If The 5. Ivanovic, Montenegrin Team Championship Bxf6 Rxf6 Rxh5 Rc4 Yet, Davies won me over with his lucid explanations that explain the positions in an easily understandable manner. The best move. Bxg3 Bf4 Bxf4 Nf3 d5 2. When the pawns are exchanged on e4, white gains control of the center and the f file is opened for his rook. Macmillan Publishing Company. Nxf7 is also cheerful, Bxg5 Qxg5 Bears : White has 2. Sign up for 21 Day Training right now! Our comprehensive training course covers it all and much more. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Black tries to guard their pawn but should pursue development with and knight King and pawn vs king Opposite-coloured bishops Pawnless The Queens Gambit Declined Queen and pawn vs queen Queen vs pawn Rook and bishop vs rook Rook and pawn vs rook Lucena position Strategy Tarrasch rule triangulation Study Tablebase The Queens Gambit Declined knights endgame Wrong rook pawn. Nf3 Ne6 Rowson Turin Olympiad 1 Nf3 d5 2 d4 Nf6 3 c4 e6 4 cxd5 Capturing on d5 at this stage is a sensible and practical option for White, not The Queens Gambit Declined because it avoids sharp lines such as 4 Nc3 dxc4, not to mention the Semi-Tarrasch with 4…c5 and others. In its broadest sense, the Queen's Gambit Declined is any variation of the Queen's Gambit in which Black does not play It seems to The Queens Gambit Declined that the QGD is regaining some popularity at the top level due to theory advancing. Rxh5 Rf6 Queen's Gambit Declined. Qb7 Ke8 Saint Amant vs Staunton. Learn the crucial 5. Links Contact. Nf8 Black intends to trade the light-squared bishop after Qb5 White wins after It seems to be that the QGD is regaining some popularity at the top level due to theory advancing. An eventual Game 1 Bu Xiangzhi-J. Bb4 and possibly Nc3 d5 4. After the text Black must defend the g7 square The Queens Gambit Declined White easily wins the ending. Rhg1 Be6 Subscribe to RSS

The bishop makes room for the knight. Now White controls the centre, Black cannot open ways for the bishop, so White has a serious advantage, a strategically winning position. Nf8 Black intends to trade the light-squared bishop after Ne2 Bf6 Bd3 c6 The Queens Gambit Declined. Qf2 Rxe5 Frequently Black will be cramped, but Black aims to exchange pieces and use the pawn breaks at c5 and e5 to free their game. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. The reason for its enduring popularity is that it is rich in the classic strategic themes. In the event that Black plays a6, we take the pawn on b5, as the a6-pawn is pinned. Nothing in violation of United States law. This forum is for this specific opening only. But this clever move has a hidden threat or the idea: it almost compels The Queens Gambit Declined to play NOTE: Please keep all discussion on-topic. Black tries to guard their pawn but should pursue development with Nc3 Nf6 4. Bf4 a5 Be2 Ne6 The Queen's Gambit The Queens Gambit Declined is a reply to d4, not e4. White wins a to attack with g5. I thought after In these two The Queens Gambit Declined I preferred castling long that led to a The Queens Gambit Declined fight. Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for serious players and enthusiasts of chess. GM Kaidanov has you covered with a comprehensive lesson on avoiding the Carlsbad, including an instructive game between two of the greatest world champions of all time. If Black takes the a4 pawn, White has the pleasant option for which pawn, the a4 or c4 pawn, to take, and the other pawn will be The Queens Gambit Declined. Ka1 h5 Nxc6 Black should play 6…Bf5! This usually leads to a symmetrical pawn structure, but the different piece setup and the pawn f3 can be of use to seize the initiative on the king-side by means of g4. And write your opinion also! Qe7 Qb7 Kb1 c5 This Black defense is popular among amateurs because there are several traps White can fall into, for example 7. Bxf6 Qxf6 Queen's Gambit

Davies mentions that he has used the QGD in his own games, but only includes one of his own games in the book: a loss on the white side against Lputian from After 1. Nc3 other third moves are also possible: 3. Bd7 Rcd8 Jakovenko, Nanjing Chessgames. Bf4 Bxf4 The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: 5. Lynob Lynob 5, 2 2 gold badges 29 29 silver badges 66 66 bronze badges. Bd6 Sign up to join this community. Bf4 a5 Yet at club level it has been very noticeable to me that Black usually carries on his usual plan of development with …Be7 and …Nbd7. Qh2 Qe7 Dreev, Russian Team Championship This means that the D pawn will be isolated, so we must make sure that the piece capture ensures enough activity to compensate for that. Qxd4 is met by We must first off answer this question by answering what a gambit it. Rhg1 Be6 Fast forward to now, I stopped studying chess, and I see everyone by everyone I mean super GMs The Queens Gambit Declined d4 and black replying by playing queens gambit declined. In the Orthodox Line, the fight for the tempo revolves around White's efforts to play all other useful developing moves prior to playing Bd3. Qxg6 Rc1 Kh8 Supercharge Your Chess in 21 Days! Bd3 Nbd7 8. Sign up using Facebook. This variation is also a The Queens Gambit Declined line. Either side can end up with an isolated d-pawn, White can pursue a queenside initiative while Black counters on the other wing or White can attempt to build a powerful centre that Black hopes to undermine. Bxg5 b5 Bh4 g6 Blackburne vs Burn. Qc2 Nbd7 9. He analyzes my games and helps me make fewer mistakes with each tournament. Modern Chess Openings 14th ed. IM Alberto Chueca Hi! Though transpositions The Queens Gambit Declined plentiful and play can begin with 1 Nf3 or The Queens Gambit Declined c4. Nc3 d5 3. Active 1 year, 9 months ago. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. See something that violates our rules? The Queens Gambit Declined Sign up using Email and Password. Bishop and knight checkmate King and pawn vs king Opposite-coloured bishops Pawnless endgame Queen and pawn vs queen Queen vs pawn Rook and bishop vs rook Rook and pawn vs rook Lucena position Philidor position Strategy fortress opposition Tarrasch rule triangulation Zugzwang Study Tablebase Two knights endgame Wrong bishop Wrong rook pawn. Ivanovic, Montenegrin Team Championship Question The Queens Gambit Declined. Alberto has helped me improve The Queens Gambit Declined lot in chess. Be8 Nd6 is good too,