VACARIA, a Void Place, Or Waste Ground
[ 323 ] U AND V.. VAGRANTS. VACARIA, A void place, or waste ground. Mem. in Scacc. Mich, 9 Edw. 1 . VACATING RECORDS; See title Record. VACATION, Vacatio.~\ Is all the time between the end of one Term and the beginning of another; and it begins the last day of every Term, as soon as the Court rises. The time from the death of a bishop, or other spiritual person, till the bishopric or dignity is sup plied with another, is also called Vacation. Stats. Westm. 1. c. 21: 14 Edw. 3. st. 4. c. 4. VACATURA, An avoidance of an Ecclesiastical Benefice; as prima Vacatura, the first Avoidance, isfc. VACCARY, Vaccaria. A house or place to keep cows in; a Dairy- house, or Cow-pasture. Fleta, lib. 2. VACCARIUS, The Cow-herd, who looks after the common herd �of cows. Fleta. VADIARE DUELLUM, To wage a combat, where two contend ing parties, on a challenge, give and take a mutual pledge of fighting. Cowell. See title Battel. VADIUM PONERE, To take security, bail or pledges, for the appearance of a defendant in a Court of Justice. Reg. Orig. See Pone. VADIUM MORTUUM; See Mortgage. VADIUM VIVUM, A living Pledge; as when a man borrows a sum of another, and grants him an estate, as of 20/. fier annum, to hold until the rents and profits shall repay the sum borrowed. See Mortgage. VAGABOND, Vagabundus .] One that wanders about, and has no certain dwelling; an idle fellow. See Vagrants. VAGRANTS. Vagrantes.] These are divided into three classes; viz. Bile and Disorderly Persons�Rogues and Vagabonds�and Incorrigible Rogues: And are thus described and particularised at full length in the stat.
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