Vol. XXVII, No. H; Friday, March 3, 1967

Many Placement Mr. Ferguson To Interviews Planned AccompanvStudents During Second Week of March To N. Y. Conference By Marvin Friedman Forty-five students, nccom· MI'. Stanley Shuman, Director panied by Professor Francis J. of Plncement, announces thnt Fel'gmwn, nre plnnning to at­ another group of cc1rporations tenrl the Forty-second Annual will be l'(~pref!ented during tho Spring Conference of the Enst­ week of March 6, as a part of ern Stntes Association for the .Toh-Placement Program. 'reacher Edueation on Thursdny, Monday calls for the 'Cuif Oil March 16, 17, 18, at the Hotel Corporation l'cpreflentative to New Yorker, New York City. discuss possible employment op­ Dr. Priscilia M. Phillips is portunities with Mnnng-ement PreBident of the Associulion. IHt. Priscilla Mouitolt Philiips and Marketing majors. The rep­ Phi Presents A/udent and faculty mem­ resentt,tive from the S. S. bers froO! over sixty other Dr. Priscillu Phillips, Assist­ Kresge Company will also bo institutions will be attending lIltt Dean of the School of here to talk to nil interested 7th Annual Miss Bryant Pageant the conference. Dr. Frllncis I. Teacher Education in Secre· seniors in the BUHiness Adminis­ IIorn, ['resident of the Uni­ tarinl Science, will preside at tration department. On March 10, Phi Sigma Nu Murch. versity of Rhode Islnnd, will the conference of the Eastern The following day, ~eniors are will once again pre­ In the past 8 years they have be the keyn"te speaker. Dr. StateH Association for Teacher invited to talk with tho inter­ ,ent the Annual Miss Bryant hacked and played with Buch William C. Gaige, former Educntion at the IIotel New viewer from either The Inter­ Pageant. 'l'his year thc festivi­ entertainers as: President Df Rhode Island Yorker on Mllrch 16, 17, 18. Sho nation"l Sil vel' Company Or the tie, will be helll at the Shernton­ D ion and the Belmonts 'College, presently Executive is President of the As"ociatinlt. Owens-Illinois Glass Company. Bill;more Hotel in downtown Little Anthony and the Im- Director of the Advisory Dr. ,Phillips ha" heen on the On March 8, the Industrial Na­ tional Bank and the Buxton Box Providence. Entertainment wW perials Council 01\ Educlttion In Mass­ faculty at Bryant College since Company will have their repre­ be provided by the fabulous Del Shannon achn8etts, will be the Lun­ 1948. She holds the degrees of sentatives here to discuss em­ Trophies. 'fhe Trophies aro a Lelll1Y Welsh cheon spealcer. Bllchelor of Science in Educa­ group that have played at Bry­ The Critters Dr. Russell, Mrs. Hochberg, ployment openings with gradu­ tion, Master of Education. ating seniors. ant previously to the enjoyment 'I'he Cyrclci nnd Dean Mercior "'iIl also bo C.A.G.S., and Doctor of Educa­ of all. Here is a hrief resume The Chiffons nttending the conference. Dean Heublein Incorporated, on tion from Bostoll University. March 9, will have lin individual of their accomplishments. The Dixie Cups Mercier is past Presideut of the She has served as a demonstra­ Fnts Domino from it .• Personnel Department THE TROPHIES organization. tion teacher at both Columbia The Trophies have been to­ Chubhy Checker The list of students planning talk to senIors interested In arul Boston Universities during gether exactly 8 years, since the '!~he Dupres to attend may be obtained from working for a ~rowing nnd summer sessions. Spring of 1959. .Toey Dee and the Starlighters either Mr. Ferguson or M·r. widely diversified company. The Their biggest record came in Mitch Ryder and the Detroit James Richardson. Proviclence School District is in­ terviewing Tencher Education 1903 when they released "Walk­ Wheels EASTERN STATES majors also On the Same day. A in' the Dog." The Busters ASSOCIA TION FOR representative from Lederle They have had 4 other na­ Peter and Gorden TEACHER EDUCATION Science Program tional releases. Chad and Gerllmy Preliminary Progrl.m Laboratories will discuss the They record for Kapp Records The two most requested Bongs TO: Faculty and Student Dele­ available openings in his firm. Friday, G. Fox & Company, in New York City. ill the past at Bryant: Loui gates To Be Enlarqed They m'e booked through the, loui, & SHOUT I SUBJECT: Preparation for litany changes in the Science a large department store In William Jlforris Agency, the The Trophies have basically 42nd Annual Spring Confer­ Department will take place in Hartford, will have its inrer­ I Inrgest talent agency i~ the their own style and taste In ence the fall with the advent of new viewer here to See Busines~ Ad­ world, also in New York. ,music. They are influenced DATES: Thursday to Saturday, courses. All Bcience courses will ministrntion and Executive Sec­ Everyone in the group Is a heavily by the Spoonful. They March 16-18, 1967 be lab courses with the exception retarial majors. Accounting genior in college. Revamp a lot of OBG's (oldies THEME: "Teachers in Step of Physical Science r - The majors should keep this dare Tlte PC"8otLtLel: but goodies) and do a lot of with the New World?" Earth Science. open if they are interested In WAYNE HARVEY album material. They also, of PLACE: Hotel New Yorker, The present biology multi­ working for the U. S. Rubber Lead Binger course, throw in a top ten tune 34th Street and 8th Avenue, purpose room, K5, will be con­ Company. The Travelers Insur­ Rhythm guitar here and there! New York City verted Into a single-purpose nnce Company is also scheduled RICK ERIKSEN They have played the entire PROGRAM: 'Outstandlng science laboratory. Chairs will for Friday: They are looking Bass guitar East Coast. Spealeers be removed and work stations for Business Administration Piano The weekend will be preceded 'College Mixer-Rock 'n' Ron (tables) will be installed. New seniors to fil! vacancies in the company. Organ by the judging of the candidates Dance Band (5 piece) equipment is being ordered for Ka-zoo in the Bryant College Audi­ "Tea and Reception at New the new lab. The fol!owing week, the Uni­ 2nd Tenor torium, Thursday evening, 7:00 Yorle University A course in physics for stu­ ted States General Accounting TOM HOWES p.m., March 9. Every fraternity "Tour of Columbia University dents who plan to enter into in­ Office nnd the John Hancock Lead guitar will sponsor a candidate and the Campus (Buses provided to dustry where a knowledge of Insurance Company will have a Sitar voting will be done by the judges and from Hotel) physics is desirable will be 011'­ member of their staff visit the Hnrmonica alone. The lineup of the judges "Three Tours of New York ered as an elective. Also, as an Placement Office. 3rd TenOr nre the Exeell tive Chairman of City: elective wilJbe a course in chem­ JACK DUNHAM the Miss Rhode Island Pageant, NEWMAN CLUB Whitney Art Museum istry for stUdents who plan to Speaker lIfeeting Drums a former Miss Rhode Island Lincoln Center enter indush-y where a knowl­ Thursday - 3:00 P.lII. Ka-zoo winner, and two other notable United Nations nnd Green­ edge of chemistry is desirable. Activities Bldg, Aud. 1st Tenor personalities in the judging field. wich Village The new science program will Rev. WaIter Heath, O_P. LANCE WESTERLUND The winner of the Miss Bryant "Play by Broadway actors enable students to obtain the Business Manager, ,Road competition will have the oppor­ Thursday, March 16, 1967 science education that they may "God i~ Dead" The-ology Agent, and Bouncer. tunity to go on to the Miss 9:00 - 5:00 RegiBtrntion need upon entering a world that This is their 7th and FINAL Rhode Island Pageant and from 12:00 Tour of United Nations is increasingly scientifically ori­ All Memhe" & Potential ENGAGEMENT at Bryant as there to the Miss America com­ and Greenwich Village ented. New England is an oul- Members Welcome the group is splitting up in late petition. (ConL on Page 3) (Cont. (}n Page 2) Page 2 'fHE ARCHWAY Friday, lIIarch 3, 1967 Candidates for Miss Bryant 1967 --

Science Program To Be Enlarged (Cant. fWIll Page 1) standing' example, being the leader in such arcas as chemis­ try, research, pharmaceutical, tool making, metulurgy, jewelry, textile!::i, and dec tronies. The introduction of a neW cOllrse in physics and chemis~ try may llluke it possible at a later date to introduce a pl'O~ gram for the trailling of Hciencc cnginc~ril1g secretaries.

Name: Gail Cunningham Name: Andren Mullen Name: DOllie-Jean Stetson DESCRIPTION OF SOIENCE Nllll1C: Dianne Dolorc!::i Coia COUnSES HOll1e: North Adams, Massa- Home Address: Bnnker Hill Home Address: ,J2 Hayden Ave., HOllie Address: ~7 Lyman Ave., chusetls Rond, Andover, Conn. \Vindsol', Conll. Sc. 1 Physical Science I-Earth Age: 2.0 Johnston, R. I. Science 3 semester hours Age: 18 IIigh School: DI'U1'y High, School Age: 18 Age: '18 'fhis course is designed to d ... High School Activities: Class IIigh School Activit.ies: Assist­ velop an appreciation of tho IIigh School: Coventry High High School: Johnston High TreaS1l1'el', Cheerlcader--Cnp­ nnt 'Class Treusurer (Senior), physical universe. The course taint Presidml't 'rl'i hi-Y High Schoo) Activities: Cheer- Year Dook Staff, Student IIigh School Activities: Mujor- will include basic [,rineiple. of Chorlls, 'Prom Committees leadin.g, YeadlOok, Student 'Coullcil, Track Team, Junior e t t e, N eW8'paper Business meterology, geology, astronomy, College Division and Present Di­ COllncil, Glee Clu'b, Junior and and Senior Prom Committees, Munager, Sewing and Kni tting and oceanography. vision: (semester), Associate Scn~or Class Tl'eusul'er, Com~ Queen of the Senior 'Prom 'Club, Student Counc,J] (Lec. 3) Secretarial-Legal IV S.me.­ lnitteea for Dances College Division and Present College Division and Present Sc. 2 Physical Science II - ter Semester: Executive Secl'e~ Semester: Teacher Education Physics 3 semester hours Bryant Activities,: Dean's iList, College Division aud Present tur. 2 2 A general introduction to J. V. Cheerleader-Co-captain. Semester: Legal Secretary 2 principles of physics. 'fhe eourse Sorority: DelLa Bryant Activities: Dean's List, Bryant Activities: T,heta Delta, Bryant Activities: Youth Guid­ will develop a general under­ Hobbies and Interests: Swim­ Sorority Sigma Iota Beta Sorority, ance, Dorm Sports, Sigma standing of the laws of elec­ ming, Skiin,g, Reading, all Dean's List Lambda Theta, Bl'yant Chris­ Hobbies and InterestB: Swim­ tricity, magnetism, wave motion sports tian Association, eheerlend­ III i n g, Knitting, Reading, Hobbies and Interests: Sewing, and nuclear fission and fusion. Sponsoring Fraternity: Alpha ing, Dean's List, RegIonal Dancing, Volle~ball, Singing Swimming, Reading, Tennis, This course is recommended es. 'fheta Chi 'Piano, Dancing S~holarRhi'p Spon'Boring Frnternity: 'fau Ep­ pecially for 'students who plan Plans Upon Gruduation: Work­ silon Sponsoring Fraternity: Beta to enter indusky where a ing for u law iil'm in Boston. Hobbies and Interests: Hiking, Iota Beta knowledge of physics is desir­ Guitar, Reading, Horsebn<:lt Plans Upon Graduation: To be­ able. (Lec. 2, Lnh. 2) Riding come a private secretary with Plans Upon Graduati()n: '1'0 an airline firm. teach on the secondary level. Sc. 3 Physical Science III _ S()Ol1soring Fraternity: Beta Chemistry 3 semester hours Sigma ChI A general introduction to th., Pillns Upon Graduation: Work in elements, their reactioTls, com.. a law firm position and USc in industry. This course is recommended es .. pecially for students Who pl.nn to enter industry where n knowl­ edge of general chemistry is desirable. (Lee. 2, Lab. 2) Sec. '1 Biology 1 3 semester hours An introduction to Biology and the Seientific Method; a study of the cell structure and functions of plnnt and animal tissues with emphasis on the Nllme: DillneMalchiodi biochemistry of the human cell. Home Address: New London (Lee. 2, Lab. 2) Connecticut Age: 10 Nnme: Lynda Sjoblad Name: Judith Michalowski Sc. 5 Biology II 3 semester hours lIigh School: New London High lIome Address: Lake Road, East Home Address: 88 King"wood An introduction to human School Hamptoll, Conn. 'Rd" North Kings town, R. I. Hi,gh School Activities: National anatomy. This courSe is de .. Honor Society, Head 'Baton Age: 18 Age: lH signed for the basic understand­ ing of human biology. The de­ Majorette, American Field NalUe: Sandra Holmes Iligh School: East Hampton IIigh School:, Warren High velopment of the Lotal individual Service, Yeunbook and N mvB­ Home Address: (i8 Allflrd Blvd. High School p"'pe1' Business Stai]'s, Varsi­ including the cell, tissueR, or­ JIigh School Activities: Cheer­ High School Activities: Red ty Club, fInd Int'l'national Age: 1'9 gans, organ tlystcms, and organ­ leading, Dramatics Club, Cluss CrooS Clu'b, Art Club, C.Y.O., Language Clu'll isms. Emphasis is placed on tho High School: Joseph Case High, ~rreaBUl'el't Homeroom Officer, Y-Teens, 'Skit Nite, Decora­ College DivhdoJ1 and Present metabolism, nutrition, genetics, 'Swansea, Mass. Senior tProm Committee, Hotl. tions-Iprom Comlnittee, R. I. Semester: 2 YetiI' Executive and adaptation of the function­ or Roll, Girls' A'thletic Asso­ Honor Society, Home Econ­ Secretu.riul 4 High School Activities: iProm ingorganism. 'fhe laboratory cilltion omics CllLb Bryant Acth'ities: Phi Upsilon Conrmi ttee, IS1Janish Club, procedures include the area of Sorority-trenSUl'Cl', I{ey So­ Drama Club, Home Economics C()lle.ge Di visiOdl and Presen t College Divhdon and Present microscopic analysis, protoplas­ ciety, Intramural Sports, Club SenHH:lter: Secretarial III Semester: Teacher Education mic componcnts, structures of Youth Guidance, Dcun's List, 4 unicellular and multicellular or­ College Division lind Present Bryant Activities: Bryant Youth Newman CIll'b, Sltorthnnd 140 Bryant Activities: Social Pledge ganisms as they are related to Semester: Executive SeCl'e~ Guidance, Volleyball - Dyer ,Hmcelet, Shorthand Certi­ of Betn Sigma Gamma, Presi­ mamala. (Lee. 2, Lab. 2) tarinl, 4 House, Winner of Women's ficate for O!fice-Style Dicta­ >Dorm '1'alent, Dean's ,List dent of Pledge Class Sc. G Biology III-Physiology tion Bryant Activities: World Affairs Hobbies and Interests: Sewing, of Human Anatomy Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Hobbies and Interests: Sports, Forum Singing, Dancing, Oil Paint­ 3 semester hours Tennis. Swim'ming, Collecting Dancing, Sewing, BiI1lb~ng, and ing, Swimming, Cooking, Ski­ This courSe includes a com.. Jewelry H()bbies and Interests: Sewing, Movies ing prehensive study of the various Spousoring Fraternity: Chi Sailing, Reading, Swimming Sponsoring Frnternity: Kappa systems of the human body and 'fau Sponsoring Fraternity: Sigma Gamma Iota Sponwring Fraternity: Alpha their integration, emphasizing Ll.mbda Pi Plnlls Upon Graduation: 'fo Omicron Plans Upon Graduation: '1'0 the circulatory, muscular, glan­ work for the ·C.'LA. in Wash­ work in one of the large in­ Plans Upon Graduation: 'fa be­ dular, respirlltory, nervous, di" ington, D.C., and travel ovet'­ Plaus Upon Graduation: Work surance comrpunies in Hart­ come a high school Or college gestive, and excretory systems. seas. in a ,business firm ford. rbusine!:ls teacher. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) :Frlduy, Mareh 3, 1967 TJlE ARCHWAY Page 3

Karen Padat of Sigma Lambda Theta puts three pledges through their paces. iport Car New York Conference INTERESTED IN :Iub News A CAREER IN A mistahe was made'in Inst Continued from Page 1 ,oek's article. It was stated hot nominations would be held 2 :00 Whitney Art Museum Council on Education in 3. Mail Form II completed to RETAIL STORE n February 20, 196'7, but it 2 :00 Lincoln Center Massachusetts, Speaker Secretary: Mr. Hornce Story, 2 :00 - 3 :00 Board of Control 2: 15 - 3 :45 Student Group Plymouth State College, hould have said that nomina­ MANAGEMENT? Meeting Meetings (with a faculty con­ Plymouth, New Hampshire. ons will take place Feb"nary '3 :00 - 4:00 Meeting of Student sultant) Please return as soon as pos­ 7, with elections 011 Wcdnes­ DisCllssion Lenders - Chair­ 4:15 - 6:15 Tour of Columbia sible So that students may be oy,Morch 1, ID67. men, Asst. Chairmen, nnd Re­ University by bus selected for the various roles Saturday, March 18, 1907 There still hasn't been a date corders· and have their names listed THE 9 :30 - 11 :30 General Session in the printed program. ,t for the club's first gym\{­ 4 ::10 - 5 :30 Reception and Tea . at Loeb Student Center South with Business Meeting 4. Mail the Banquet, Dance, [mil.. The me.mbers are g'lvmg Lobby, New York University A play by Broadway ac­ Bnd Conference Registration W. T. GRANT CO. mful consideration to the idea lJ forms to Dr. Anthony Bar­ 8 :00 - 1 :00 College Mixer and tors, j'FENCES from. raco, Nazareth College of [ sponsoring this event toward Rock 'n' Roll Dance Band by PlnV" {m' Living, an ex­ offers. men an interesting Rochester, 4245 East Avenue, ,e latter 'part of March. The the Aladdins at Hotel New citing play all school in­ and chanllenging opportun­ Rochester, New York 14610. Yorker tegration ity in its MANAGEMElNT II' rally has heen set for the 5. If possible, do some back­ IMPORTANT DETAILS: TRAINING P.ROGRAM to onth of. May. With warm Friday, March 17, 1907 ground reading for the con­ prepare for Store Manage­ 8 :00 -12 :00 Registrution 1. Student.., fill in the hotel res­ cather arOllnd at this time, 0 ference such as THE CON­ ment and later executive 9 :00 - 10 :00 General Session ervation form provided and, g turn-out is expected and the TEMPORARY UNIVERSI­ positions in a rapidly ex­ with Dr. Francis I. Horn, mail it immediately to Mr. TY: USA, edited by Robert panding company. Unusually >ntestants should have a lot of President of the University of John Faherty, Sales Repre­ Morison, and reviewed by Our high income potential, good In. Rhode Island, Keynote Speak­ sentative, Hotel New Yorker, keynote speaker, Dr. Franeis starting salary. New mem·bel's are welcome to er 34th Street and 8th Avenue, 1. Horn, in the "New York New York,'New York 10001. in and help build the club tip. 10:15 -12:00 Student Group Times Book Review," J anu~ Interviews Wednesday, Meetings 2. Faculty fill in the hotel res­ ary 8, 1907. March 15; register at your ) check the activity sheet for 10:15 -12:15 Faculty Group ervation form provided and RElIfEMBER THE DATES­ Placemen t Office School of e date of the next meeting. Meeting mail it immediately to Mr. March 10-18, 1967 - Hotel Business and request copy mtiac's plush PDnycur-FIRE­ 12:30 - 2:00 Luncheon in Grand John Fahel·ty, Sales Repre­ New YOl'ker-for the Biggest [RD will ,be competing against Ballroom sentative, Hotel New Yorker, of "W. T. Grant Co. - Your and Best Conference yet! Career." e ~ust[lngs! Cougars, and, Dr. William C. Gaige, Execu­ 34 th Street and 8th Avenue, College Exhibits wttl, Be Imnros, tive Director of Advisory New York, New York 10001. Featured. THE ARCHWAY Friday, March 3, 1967

Rappa Tau Phi U psilOl1 Pleljdent: Barbara Fiora Fraternity Yice-Preslpcnf: Glngor RIchard mmijat ~be l§reeks ~re 1!\oing Recording Secretary: fJlcefl Cloo Prllsidanl: Rich Ross Treasurer: DOll Malchlodl 1 Vice-Prosldent: Dick Boulds Pledge Mistress; Elleon Maher Sllcrelary: Thomas Duda Beta Sigma Gamma Alpha Tau Epsilon Treasurer: DavId Mermelstein By Jan DeCarlo

PrcJid~lfl: . Melidu Fislt.'THlIl Prcsic/l1nt: Gentry Clark, II Prcl/dent: lim Figaro By Jeffrey Hodgdon Pledging is now overt and Pill Vico P'resiacnt; Jalle Gcrshkoff ViC(' Prflsiriellt: HClUY Eric/oem /st Vice Pr;Hir/l!lIt: Bill Sgornbolo U would like to congrlltulate it, Sccrchuy: Ilene] Grallt Secretary: Jim Martin Sucrelmy; lerry Wiglet The brothers of Ie. '1'., would Treasurer: Jail Smith Treasurer; JOtl Campeau Treasurer: Dcwg Wilkinson pledges who made it through Pledge Mlstross: Mory Kilpeck Reporter: Bill Nicolo like to congratulate the Bryant. By Thomas n. Pierce two weeks of pledging and Dy Jane Coulombe 1'hebrothers would like to Basketball tel1m all their bid to HELL NIGHT!!! It wasn't welcollle fOLlrteen new brothers 1'lluEpsilon heltl its Hell Night play in the NA1A tournaments. really that bad, 110W was it Lns t week end was u bi g DIll'. to the fraterni-ty. CongTalula­ Oil Friday, February ~4, Many girls'!'!'! We are'l'eally proud for the Bel" pledges. On 1"d­ The brothel'S of IC. '1'. and the lions are in DreIer fo1' Lnrry AluI"nni retul'ned to take part of our pledge class ancI are look~ day night we nttenABd the iJig pledge elass guve their full sup­ Dean, Manny Coloul'll, Dave in the festivities. The following ing fOl·ward to formal initi(1~ ~)asl«\lJblllI gamc. Although the port to the games that were Cottrell, Guido D' AlTozo, Paul Pledges pal'ticipated in "Hell tion when the pledges wiII talee Bryant Indians tlidll,\t; win. our played. Dcncllc, lloll Hoyt, Dave Hau­ Night" activities: Ral[lh Billed, theil' (lath of sisterhood. Formal school spirit 'waslI't w'flstcd. 'Vc sell, ,Timmy Hall, ·Pete LY'Jlch, William Cheetham, John Doh­ initiation will be this Sunday, wllnt to e,oll'grntlLlate tlw ,,\,hl)10 Tom Duda wants to thank the erty, Douglas Fishel', Jack Gu­ Murch 5. Joe !.lolles, lluz Sawyer, .Teny fOl' tellm 011 a :fHlltasHc s(~a~on! lar, Ben King, Paul Lnnolllier~, pledges giving him such an SquadriLo, Georg'\! TUl'ini, and The ,isters would also like to Ott SUlIday we took out' .Jean LeComte, Steve Miller, exciting evening last ,\'eek. He Dnve Zito. extend theil' sincere thanlcs and 'plcclg'es nul; to Crfuul.Lon fot' the Fred Palm, Don Rita, George also wants to say that they all aPllreciation to "Ma'm, Miss 'rIte fl'nt would lilce to HllY Va('ea, llml Ted Williams. big e,""nt. It isn'!; called "hell fnileel when they had Jim Walk Maher" Ma'm, Plec1gemi~trcl!s thlluks to Sammy Di t:iano fot' night" for nothing', iH it girls't The nE,xt night another parly !vfa'mll for the excellent job she Jelling' us use his eozy little aRsist him. We want to cOIlg'l'1tt,111at~ nnd IV'" held in North Providence lit did us Pledgemistress. qUHrtet'S for "hell.!I The lllcdgeR say WEIJCo.ME '1'0 BETA to 1.1 hall ancl Tho Diamonds played Congratulations must go out enjoyed un a:ftel'IlOOn 01 fun und Plans nre underway for this the :following' pledges: .rudy from 7 till midnight. Steel, Jr., to all the pledges who made g'ameg wi til the hrothcrs, ye,""s Pledge Forllllli which ].1ichalowski, HiwburH llozzurio, Doe Boy, Gulash, Pretty Boy, it through IC. 'f.'s tense but should prove to be better than Best (~f Luck to our worthy etc., showed up to add to the Geol'g'(!tte Elnlllel, J Hni Green­ intensive pledging lll"ogram, ever, HMiss Bl'YHnt H candidate, GniJ party. The Brothers ure nil field, 'Mnry iBurdick, .roanue The si,ters would also like to Cunningham, working hard on our weekend, 'fhanks mu,~t also go out to Ril(!'y, Illld Judy J>a,wson. 'W,,'re thank Dolores R(lsa on the excel­ 11ft'. Brya,; t which is on the first Mike Raysor, .Tack Minnehan, nil vcry proud of you, girlsl By Lhe ingenous idea of Bruce lent job she did representing weekencl in April. Lool< for and the pledge committee for The sorority would \ilee to ~~'Caesar" W Ul'l'cn the entire PHI U in the Best Dressed, further announcements in the their fine job during pledging. thank sis,ter Patricia Colvin for campus enjoyed a fellst of ~,O()O Contest. cupcal("s last Friday by our Archway. The old und new brothers are l'epresenting us in the Best Congratulations to Lillian The Brothers wish Miss Bon­ uow all looking forward to an­ Dressed contest. Thanks for a pledges. Ritchie upon being elected Sar. nie Setson' best of luck in the other pledge formal which is jdb well done, Putty. On the SJports scene, AOX is geunt-nt-Arms. Let's hear it coming Miss Brynnt Pagennt. coming up in Apri1. foreseeing a championship year Lill ... QUIET!I!11 We'r" proud to sny that Judy We know you will do your best in basketbalL The winner of On the sports scene the Ie. T. Michalaws'ld will l'epresent to represent T. E. Congratulutiolls to Diane lIlal· iIlSG ani! SIJP in the Miss Bry­ the E. W, Caesar IlIwurd was basketball team hus been hold­ chiodi upon being nllmed as Chi ing prnctices every weelc .since a'ut Pngeant. Good I Llcl(, Judy. Manny Colouru. Garn's cHndidate for the "Miss the beginning of the semester. We Imnw you'll do a fant!Cstic Bryunt Pageunt." We KNOW The brothers are looldng for­ job! you'll do u good job, and we are Kappa Delta Kappa ward to a championship seaSOn all behind you 100 PERCENTl! Bncarcii, I agoree. One of you Sigma Lambda Pi with the llSsistance of some new PrfJJidoflt: Lucy Mozzicalo The hasketball seUSOn starte, must b" crazy (if not both)' Vice President: JaYlle Mather players who include James Fraternity Secretary: judy Morlan SOon and PHI U 1001(8 as if it ; TrCaJllfcr: Lisa Dominguez Perry, AI Palumbo, Dave Sgor­ will have another winning team, 1, Prtuidonl: Barry Z/mmormrm bati, and Vinney Smedes, They Vice Prllsldent: JOhN KaplaN By Terri Callamari that's if we can last through our Treasurer:' Howle PaJkoW also anticipate great help from Sigma Lambda Sec;fillary: Rat practices! I The sisters would like to Con­ Dave Greenblut, Stu Springer, Theta By Mike ErnsmouB gratulate and welcome Rose­ Mike Raysor, Lenny Nicolosi, Has anyone seen Phyllis Diller mary Carloni, Paula Charlonne, lately ... ?? Ptcsldenf: Linda Siragusa 'I'he Brothers of Sigma Lamb­ Pete Tatnrzewski, Tim Moore, Vlce~PreJldcnl: Ruth Ann Sumner G. H.-what's the new word rill Pi are proud to announce Karen Fichter, Viola Izzi, Jadd Rich Sardella and George Lash­ SCl;'rctlJry: Lori Lufok for the week? Treasurer: DJantlC Luoma that the following men have Marot, and Bonnie Stetson on er. The illustrious coaching of becoming sisters of KDK on Jack Minnehul1 is also con­ By Laurie Mllnd successfully completed their Who were the two sisters seen pledge period and have entered February 25. You did a good sidered u great !lSBet to the limping out of typing last week, 'rhallk goodness pledging Is the neophyte stage: Pete Cilu]]o, job. Was It really that bad, tenm. A. C.'! over. It seems just as bad for Harvey Hal,bund, Gene Diben, girls?? the sistel's as it does for the Bob Ellems, Larry F~in, Al Fell­ On February 2G the old and pledges. At this time, I would ner, Chuck Kleiner, Jose Leon, new sisters uttended a dinner like to congrntulate nil of the Nick Masi, and Ira Stone. Your party nt the Hungry Sheik. new SISTERS. There were future brothers eongrutulate Later that night we joined TE GRAND OPENING times, I nm Bure, when you girls you. for n I/Congratulatioll~ Party." THE NEW CRA WSHA W'S felt that we were the meanest With the pledges having their Everyone waR relieved and people in the whole world. But Hen Night Bunquet Fdduy, the happy: so a good time was en­ BEEFEATER 111m also Sill'e that all of you Brothers decided to have one too. joyed by all. know different now. There is a At five o'clock all the Brothers Formal initiution will take RESTAURANT for eVCl'ything, and now PUl'pO;~ us"embled at the Cuptain Peg-' place On Mal'ch 14. Just think, Fine Food Served in an Elegant Old English Atmosphere ull of you girls know that pur­ leg restaurant in North Attle­ girls, yoU have something else pose. CONGRATULATIONS!tI boro. Aftcr the banquet the to look forward to. Specializing in Last Sundny the whole soror­ brothers lll'oceeded to RIC to • STEAK • ROAST BEEF ity, new sisters and old, did Hee the hasketball game. • BAKED VIRGINIA HAM their first project together. We Things to remember: Snyder, ull were Kelly Girls for a day, • CHOPPED SIRLOIN Orange, and J_ 'r. F. at Hell Beta Sigma Chi and we really had n great time. SANDWICHES & DINNERS Night; Reuter at 6:30 PT, But­ Presldl!nt: IrwIn Kurns Delicious Home Made Pasteries Pretty soon the THETA GIRLS ler Hospital; Brooks and pep­ VlcD President: Paul Galdstien will be selling candy, which Treasurer: Art Lusby FISH & CIDPS-LOnSTER SALAD FRIDAYS ONLY pers, Bruce "Paddles" Lechance, Socretary: Dick Carlson means that candy will be in­ the barbel', chicken love, Ciullo's 22 WATERMAN AVE., EAST PROVIDENCE vuding Bl'yant's cumpus again. Dy Dill Ammann car, Masi smiling, Jose saying (Over the Red Bridge) On the sports Bcene: Well we pardon, Harvey's Initiative; and Congrutuln tions to our four­ have some real tal! gi1'18 in our last but not least, you guys after teen new brothers: Briun Alkon, neW c.lass, lind we al'e anticl~ Hell Night. Cliff Asche, Al Austin, Joe Cam­ pating a tremenclous basketball bell, Dam Cemlnaro, Bruce Dwo­ Pig Folley for serving it to them. ing on the court for Beta thl,' season. As for bowling, well ..• skin, Bruce Gallante, Jim Ger­ Chris Bedgio and lIrike Foley season are Juggling Jeff Bauer,j what can I say? The news is congra tula tions from all of us. ardi, Bob Hankin, Dennis J ac­ are hard at work prepuring 1I!issem Mike Foley, Crashing; still the sume; the first pluce While I am congratulating, I ques, Pete Marseshault, Mike Beta for the upcoming Miss Chris Bedgio, Dunkin' Duck D,;.; hold is still 'l'HETA's. would like to congratUlate our Perry, Marc Rawudy, and Bryant Pageant. Good luck, Phi Crecenzo, and our new 8ecret'~ Judy, all the sisters Imow that New BETA BROTHERS. All of George Sabol. Welcome' to the Sig. Best of luck "to you too, weapon, Irwin Howard Kaba-J the two weeks of pledging were you are l'eally a great bunch of fru tern ity I Andrea. Remember, all the koff. ' especially hm'd on you, but (I guys, and We are proud to huve The new brothers would Ilke brother. ure pulling for you. Lost and Found.. Dept.-One! feel I speak for the whole soror­ you as Olll' brother•. to thank Ma Hole for preparing On the basketball scene, middle finger. Please l'eturn ~i ity now) you have done a fan­ Andrea, keep working for a delicious soup for them dur­ Coach Bill Russell says he has the Cheese. A king and quee~ tUB tie j Db in molding II. class, Miss Bryant, we are all backing ing pledging, They would also a lot of material to work with. of trump - please l'etum ~, and you have the respect und y,ou up. like to thunk Cheese Bauer and ,Some of the men you will be see- Bedg. ,;1 ..'