Annales Biologiques

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Annales Biologiques CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MER CHARLOTTENLUND SLOT- DANEMARK ANNALES BIOLOGIQUES VOLU'VIE NO. I REDIGE PAR H. BLEGVAD 1939-41 EN COMMISSION CHEZ ANDR. FRED. H0ST & FILS COPENHAGUE Prix: Kr. 10.00 Octobre 194:l -3- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface, by J o h a n H j o r t . 5 French and German Translations ...........................................- ...-........ 7 Editor's Preamble; by H. B I e g v ad . ll French and German Translations . 13 Reports North-Eastern Area Germany: Cod and Haddock, by A d o I f K o t t h a u s . 17 Norway: Cod, by Gunnar Rolle f sen ........ ............................. .. 19 Plaice, by F i n n D e v o I d . 28 Halibut, by F i n n D e v o I d . 35 Herring, by 0 s c a r S u n d . 41 North-Western Area Introduction, by A. V e d e I T an i n g 73 Hydrography, by A. V e de I Tan in g 76 Faroes, by A. V e del Tan in g ........... ... ................. ..................... .. 77 Herring, p. 77; Cod, p. 78; Halibut, p. 80. Iceland, by A r n i F r i o r i k s s o n, A d o I f K o t t h a u s and A. V e del Tan in g . .. .. .. .. 81 Hydrography, p. 81; Herring, p. 83; Cod, p. 88; Haddock, p. 97; Saithe, p. 99; Plaice, p: 100; Various, p. 103. Greenland, by P a u I M. H a n s e n . 106 Cod, p. 106; Gadus ogac, p. 115; Halibut, p. 118; Greenland Halibut, p. 119; Capelin, p. 121. Southern North Sea Hydrography, by He l g e Thomsen ............................................. 125 Plaice, by A age J. C. Jensen, U. Schmidt, A. V e del Tan in g, and J. ]. Tesch ..................................................................... 128 Dab, by A age ]. C. Jensen ...................................................... 141 Sole, by U. Schmidt .................................................................. 142 Various (Undersized), by J. ]. Tesch ............................................. 145 -4- Transition Area Page Introduction, by H. B leg v a d ...................................................... 147 Denmark: I: 1938-1939 ............................................................... 148 Larvae, p. 148; Plaice, p. 149; Dab, p. 152; Flounder, p. 152; Cod, p. 153; Herring, p. 154; Eel, p. 154; Hydrography, p. 155. Denmark: II : 1939-1940 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 156 Larvae, p. 156; Limfjord Investigations, p. 156. Germany: Flatfisch, by E. Fischer and R. Kandler .................. 158 Cod, by E. F i s c h e r and R. K a n d l e r . 160 Sweden: Herring, by K. A. And e r s son .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. 161 Sprat, by A r v i d R. M o l a n d e r .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 165 Baltic Area Denmark: Plaice and Herring, by the Danish Biological Station . 175 Sweden: Herring, by H a r a l d A l a n d e r . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 177 Salmon and Trout Committee Statistics, by E y v i n d D a h l and K n u t D a h l . 183 Whaling Committee Antarctic, by J o h a n T. R u u d .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 187 -5- PREFACE HROUGH the forty years' existence of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea the principal object of its investigations has been T the study of those marine animal populations which, by their annual renewal and growth, support the great fisheries of northern Europe. To a very great extent this study in marine biology has been built up on the ideas and methods which the science of population has created for the study of human communities. In the study of human activity at sea it soon became evident that the industries which we call hunting and fishing do not depend merely on changes or fluctuations in the number of hunters or fishermen but also on the fluctuating magnitude of the stock of living organisms on which their activity is based. The problem of the investigation, therefore, in each case will be concerned with the relationship between two different populations and their conditions of life. On one hand, there is the human population of hunters or fishermen, on the other, the stock or "population" of living organisms, and in the comprehensive study of both these populations, their growth or decline, lies the most important task of the application of the practical biological science to the understanding of the human activities on the sea. The approach to these studies was made by means of the hypothesis, which at the beginning Eeerned so daring. but which, to an increasing degree, has proved very fertile, that the statistics of the catches of the fishermen or research vessels may be considered as representative of the existing stock of those species of fish of which the catches are composed. As a problem or method the application of this hypothesis obtained a considerably enhanced importance. since the means were found for determining ages by the study of growth-zones in different organs of the fish, bones, scales or otoliths. By this means the catches could be made to yield representative information concerning fluctwctions or changes in the number and size of the individuals belonging to the fish populations. For this purpose the catches would have to be analysed into their composition of year-classes for each of the species. By this idea a comparative study of samples collected through a serie3 of years disclosed the important fact of fluctuations in the stock from the one year to the other. These fluctuations of year-classes have increasingly revealed the changes in the composition as well as in the magnitude of the marine populations of organisms from year to year. And from the closer understanding of these changes arose the conviction that such changes were governed by laws, governed by the influence of the environment which might be investigated not only for a rational understanding of the contemporary situation but also for prognoses as to events in ·future. From series of investigations along these lines, continued through long periods of years, such prognoses were found to be confirmed by experience. In a continued series of years, therefore, the work found its experimental verification. 6- Most convincing were the results of investigations carried out during the great war, 1914--1918, when fishing activities were greatly reduced in all areas of northern Europe with the result that the stock of the most important food-fishes during these years to a great extent increased in numbers. During the years of the reduced fishing there also was an increase in the rate of growth. So impressive was this experience that the proposals for protective measures for the safeguarding of the most important species of fish, which scientists had advocated through many years, at last obtained the long expected support by the practical industry as well as by the governments participating in the international cooperation for the study of the sea. At a meeting which was held in London in the month of March 1937 delegates from 14 countries agreed. on proposals for the regulation of the fishing industry by rules for a minimum size of trawl-meshes and minimum sizes of young-fish to be landed in all European markets. By these regulations it was hoped to protect the annual renewal of the stocks of all those species of fish which support the fisheries on the international high· seas. From the understanding that such measures would have to be coordinated with changing events and experience within the industry the proposal was also accepted that a permanent International Com­ mission should be organized for the purpose of the control, development and adaption of agreed regulations to circumstances in the different areas of the sea. But succeeding years did not favour an official cooperation along these lines. At the last meeting of the International Council in Berlin, in May 1939, it appeared to be hopeless to advance any proposals for the organization of the proposed commission. Scientific delegates and experts were, however, still convinced that it would be in the interest of the industries of all countries to prepare the material, which would be needed by the proposed commission and all considerations of the problems it were intended to represent. There was therefore a general wish, that the scientific results of the study of marine populations should be reorganized and given the most appropriate form for this purpose. In all the Area Committees and in the joint Consultative Committee of the Council the planning of such an organi­ zation of the work was discussed. As a result of these discussions it was decided to collect all results of importance for the understanding of the fluctuations in the marine populations as well as their conditions of existence and changes in a special publication, for which the name "Annales Biologiques" was adopted. Of great value were the reviews of the arguments and views which were considered of im­ portance for this plan and which were given in the summaries by the Chairman of the Consultative Committee, Dr. E. S. Russell (Rapp. et Proc.-Verb., Vol. No. 109, I, pp. 31-32) and by the Committee's Vice-Chairman, Professor A. Hag meier (ibid., Vol. No. llO, pp. 107-ll2). The International Council is also much indepted to the authors who, under the present difficult circumstances, have made the great effort to give their contributions to the first volume of this series. In the first instance I beg to express the Council's gratitude to Dr. H. B leg v ad who has acted as the editor and organizer of this first advance toward a most important object of the work of the International Council.
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