NGI PIPELINE – EPA ENVIRONMENTAL REFERRAL SUPPORTING DOCUMENT NORTHERN GOLDFIELDS INTERCONNECT PIPELINE PROJECT DETAILED FLORA AND VEGETATION ASSESSMENT (FOCUSED VISION CONSULTING, 2020) 20199-RP-HSE-0001 Page 245 of 247 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED NORTHERN GOLDFIELDS INTERCONNECT PIPELINE PROJECT DETAILED FLORA AND VEGETATION ASSESSMENT APA NORTHERN GOLDFIELDS CONNECTION PTY LTD DECEMBER 2020 COPYRIGHT STATEMENT Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of or the whole of this document is permitted to be reproduced by any process, electronic or otherwise, without the specific written permission of Focused Vision Consulting Pty Ltd. This includes photocopying, scanning, microcopying, photocopying or recording of any parts of the document. Focused Vision Consulting Pty Ltd ABN 25 605 804 500 Please direct all enquiries to: Focused Vision Consulting Pty Ltd 8/83 Mell Road, SPEARWOOD WA 6163 p: 08 6179 4111 E:
[email protected] Document History Rev. Author Reviewed Approved Date Adrian Barrett Kellie Bauer-Simpson Kellie Bauer-Simpson A 20/10/2020 Botanist/Ecologist Principal Ecologist Principal Ecologist Lisa Chappell Senior Environmental Scientist Kellie Bauer-Simpson Kellie Bauer-Simpson B 10/11/2020 Adrian Barrett Principal Ecologist Principal Ecologist Botanist/Ecologist Lisa Chappell Senior Environmental Scientist Kristen Bleby Kellie Bauer-Simpson C 13/11/2020 Adrian Barrett Senior Ecologist Principal Ecologist Botanist/Ecologist Lisa Chappell Senior Environmental Scientist Kellie Bauer-Simpson Kellie Bauer-Simpson 0 08/12/2020 Kellie Bauer-Simpson Principal Ecologist Principal Ecologist Principal Ecologist Lisa Chappell Senior Environmental Scientist Kellie Bauer-Simpson Kellie Bauer-Simpson 1 23/12/2020 Kellie Bauer-Simpson Principal Ecologist Principal Ecologist Principal Ecologist FLORA AND VEGETATION ASSESSMENT REPORT i i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................................................................