Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1996 Daily Egyptian 1996 3-28-1996 The Daily Egyptian, March 28, 1996 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 81, Issue 119 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1996 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1996 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. t:J,$_~tq,~,a1:if_i:es. roant'~~ '. ~. ·:-,-..::·· :, ·.\i ;~ ..fOr· -~_~: ·,. ~-··:-:.· _," , racno.. :>-~·- ;,:~~~- ·__ :_~--- .· . Wl'DB;•n~ust: ~u.~~:i.t',pu9g~t"·p·lat11 to re_c:efv¢,· €!mergency(fundfrig· . By,Signe pkinio,/ . means bcskks ~ f~g.~ .•..• Da\fy Egyflllan Report~r'. ,;we arc workiilg:with aeditcard . , ·• :•:· '·. .. ,:·\~f~:!'1~~=;.~:u~ Wil)B, must su~t a long~~- together a spc:cia1 amccrtt Harper· budget proposal !'J its board. of direc, • · said('Ang wcl!avc been wcrl:ing on to,i:s and•ili,e vi,cc ch~ce,llor-of anews1etterto·scndoutto·oura1lllll~, Stimit Affairs liefore rccciving full, ni io let ihcni'Jaiow what has h:q)-:.• fJl!ldingfrcmUrurtgradualeStudent :pcned."' ··:' "i' .· ·. , .·.· · Qo_vemntent,. senators •sajd,i ~t ·.... Bottool~ lheresolulionaskstbe W~y) ~SG~g.• ~ .. ·. <'. SIU Board of Trustees io examine ~~to put the stall~~ on· the final budget that will be JXCSClll., the, air,. WI.Qij repr_esentauvcs; · ed io USG ll1 the April 2.4 meeting.: rcq~ S62,~.dlll1llg the U~G •USG then would loan the money to =~•~~fJl!lding ~Bsind we.l<l111~ ~~in . .. ~e m~ney. was requested to b'ud,.cted increments fortbe next ~~=~d=~~ ·, depending on the .air Feb.