Om Sri Sai Ram Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation District

Annual Report st st 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019

This report is dedicated at the Lotus Feet of our Lord and Master Bhagawan Sri SathyaSai Baba


 Foreword from the district president  Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation – An introduction.

 Wings of the Organisation

 Administration of the organisation

 The 9 point code of conduct and 10 principles  Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation,

 Brief history

 Divine visit

 Overview

 Sai Centres activities

 Office bearers

 Specific service projects or initiatives

 Important events or conferences

 Historical places and persons  Glimpses of activities




Pranams at Thy Lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Swamy, I pay my sincere gratitude for having given a golden opportunity to serve Bhagavan through Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Guntur District, for all these long 31 years as District President. Every service, we did tirelessly and selflessly, is for pleasing Bhagavan, either it was Polio Surgery camps, eye camps, Pushkara Sevas in the years 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016, Flood victims service whenever affected, medial services, service to pilgrims during Mahasivaratri days etc. I humbly offer our gratitude at thy Lotus feet for having blessed us, showered Love at the unforgettable moments of distribution of tricycles to physically challenged persons, Paduka Pooja, Kalasa Pooja, Bhoomi Pooja to Navalayam Mandir construction, Jyothirlinga Prajwalana, Likhitanaama Samarpana, Water tank opening etc. at Trayi Brundavan and Sai Kulwant Hall during the years 1988 to 2011. Bhagavan, we are experiencing the Omnipresence, Omniscient, Omnipotent leelas of Bhagavan, even after Mahanishkramana. Kindly continue to bless the devotees of Guntur District to serve the needy more efficiently and lead us to follow the foot prints of Bhagavan through Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation for ever.

With Love and Gratitude, Ever in the service of Sai,


Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations – an Introduction

The Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, founded by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the year 1965, is a service organisation with a spiritual core and base to benefit all mankind irrespective of religion, caste, creed or sect. The Organisation serves as a platform for its members to undertake service and other activities motivated by an urge for one's own transformation with the aim of realising one's inherent divinity.

Without any distinction of religion, nationality, race, socio- economic status, either for those who work in the Organisation or for those who are served by it, the Organisation transcends all barriers leading humanity towards the ideal of 'Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man'.

The concept of fees or membership subscription is alien to the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, for there cannot be any fee or subscription for one's journey towards his own self.

The organisation functions through its primary units called as Samithi’s and Bhajan Mandali’s of which individuals - from different strata of society, different ethnic groups pursuing different religions and faiths -are members bound by the dictum of “Love all, Serve All” and pursue their own sadhana towards self-transformation following the path of selfless service to humanity.

At no point is an individual asked to follow a certain religion or rituals. On the contrary each is inspired to follow his own faith so as to ensure that a Hindi becomes a better Hindu, a Muslim becomes a better Muslim, a Christian becomes a better Christian and so on. In fact, this spiritual basis inspires everyone to pursue his own religion better by putting into practice Love and Selflessness. That is why the Organisation features in its emblem the symbols of the major religions of the world.

“The Organisations named after Me are not to be used for publicising My Name, or creating a new cult around My worship….They must render seva (service) to the helpless, the sick, the distressed, the illiterate and the needy. Their seva (selfless

service) should not be exhibitionistic; it must seek no reward, not even gratitude or thanks from the

recipients. Seva is sadhana (spiritual exercise), not a pastime of the rich and well placed. You must have the firm belief that the aim of this Organisation is to remove the obstacles that keep man away from God, that

separate maanavathwa (Humanity) from Maadhavathwa (Divinity).. This Organisation must elevate the human into the Divine.”

Sri Sathya Sai Baba

WINGS OF THE ORGANISATIONS Spirituality and Service are supplementary and The Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation complementary to each other. Spirituality is the functions under three wings viz. (i) Spiritual, (ii) motivational force behind service and servi4] Education, and (iii) Service. ce is the fulfillment of spirituality. Therefore, Each activity in a wing is directed to facilitate spiritual concepts learnt through education must and help the member in his own spiritual be put into practice in form of service to humanity. advancement. Although, the nature of activities Thus, in order to successfully realise the objective undertaken under different wings appear to be of joining the Sai Organisation, one must distinct and dissimilar, but there is an inherent participate in activities of all the three wings. interrelationship amongst all the three wings. The three wings stand for Worship, Wisdom and Work.

Activities under different wings of the Organisation

Spiritual Wing Educational Wing Service Wing

•Bhajan •Non-formal education of •Gram Seva •Nagarsankeertan children in the age group of 5- •Slums Service, •Study Circle 14 years through values-based •Medical Camps and educational training, •Sadhana Camps Health Care •Bal-Vikas •Study of Sai Literature •Sanitation activities •Educare •Meditation, and •Visit to orphanges, old age •Pareting Programmes •Others homes etc. •Disaster relief •Poor feeding •Free Coaching Classes, and •Others


Headed by an All President who is Righteousness, Love, Peace and Non-violence, or supported by the National Vice Presidents and State the teachers who having undergone the training in Presidents, the Organisation functions like a well- EHV help in guiding the young minds towards the oiled machine in the District under the stewardship higher goals of life or the Sai Youth who work of the District President, focused on its purpose, tirelessly in the Sri Sathya Sai Village Integrated clear in its vision and dedicated in its efforts to live Programme and Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyoti up the Swami’s message – “Love All, Serve All”. Programme – each of them are bound by one goal

The Samithis and the Bhajan Mandalis – “Service to Man is Service to God”. constitute a genuine spiritual movement where the members are united by a common bond – Love for God and Service to fellow human beings.

The members of the organisation work as one cohesive unit, whether as sevadals providing service at Prashanthi Nilayam, at medical camps, doing Narayan seva or the bal-vikas gurus who work with young children to inspire in them a desire to inculcate the five human values of Truth, THE 9 POINT CODE OF CONDUCT AND 10 PRINCIPLES

Every member of the Organisation is expected to undertake Sadhana (spiritual discipline) as an integral part of his/her daily life by abiding by the following Nine Point Code of Conduct which has been bestowed by Baba for one’s spiritual and personal development. In addition, the ten principles that forms the core of guidance for all the members of the Organisation as ordained by Baba himself are also produced hereunder. The nine point code of conduct and the ten principles are fundamental to the spiritual development of the members of the Sai Organisations.

9 Point Code of Conduct 10 Guiding Principes

 Daily meditation and prayer.  Treat as sacred the land in which you were   Devotional singing/prayer with members of born. Have patriotism to your nation - but do not criticise other nations or put others down. one’s family once a week.  Not even in your thoughts or dreams should you  Participation in Bal Vikas programme think of bringing grief to your country. by children of the family conducted by   Respect all religions equally. the Organisation.    Recognise humanity as one family - treat  Attendance at least once a month at Bhajan or everyone as a family member - love all Nagar Sankeertan programme conducted by  the Organisation.  Keep your house and surroundings clean -  for this will promote hygiene and health.  Participation in community service and  other programmes of the Organisation.  Practice charity - but do not encourage   Regular study of Sai literature. beggars by giving money. Provide food,  clothing, shelter and help them on other ways  Speak softly and lovingly with everyone with (do not encourage laziness) whom he comes into contact.    Never give a bribe or take bribe - never give  Not to indulge in talking ill of others especially in to corruption. in their absence.    Curb envy and jealously; expand your  Putting into practice the principle of “Ceiling vision and outlook, Treat all equally on Desires” and utilise any savings thereby regardless of caste or creed. generated for the service of the mankind.   Be self-reliant. You may be wealthy and have servants to do your bidding, but service to security must be done by yourself.   Have and cultivate 'Love for God and fear of sin'.   Never go against the laws of the land; follow these diligently both in word and in spirit. Be an exemplary citizen.


This section should contain brief history about the emergence of Sai Organisation in the District. It should specify how the first Samithi or Bhajan Mandali got established and who were the key devotees who initiated Organisation in the District.

It should also state the progression or genesis of Sai Organisation in the District since the time the first Samithi or Bhajan Mandali got established. What were the key activities when the organisation was emerging in the District? With how many members did the Organisation start in the District and the present strength of the Organisation. Similar key facts that would give a historical background of the Sai Organisation in the District to the reader should be provided.

This section should be limited to a maximum of 800 words and should be supported by the pictures if possible.


With the divine sankalpa of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation was first started in the year 1964, as Sathya Sai Seva Samithi in the year 1964. Sri Varanasi Rama Sarma, a employee of Railways, Guntur, has started Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans in his home in the year 1961, thereafter Sri J. ViswanadhaSastry, Postal employee of the same area , Sri S.K.Kapardhi, Central Excise employee altogether 10 devotees started house hold bhajans. Later the number of devotees increased to nearly 100 , and constant efforts of senior devotees, established Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi in “Sri Rama VysyaSatram Near Railway Station, Guntur” in the year 1964. In the other towns and villages, viz, Vallabhapuram, Munnangi, , , Sattenapalli, Narasaraopeta etc., Sri Sathya Sai Bhajan Mandals started functioning with ardent devotees.

At initial stage, started with monthly Narayana Seva, and small service activities, after inception of Bhajan Mandalis in many of the villages, constructed Bus shelters, cleaning of Burrial grounds, conducted eye camps etc during 1975-1980. With the call of Bhagawan to serve the victims of 1977 Cyclone, the entire district devotees plunged into service, served food to cyclone victims round the clock, in the villages of Division , conducted Medical camps, and constructed a permanent cyclone shelter at Adavuladeevi village.

Krishna River floats nearly 150 K.Ms through the boarder of Guntur Dist. The Dist. Organisation has plunged into full service for Krishna Pushkarams in the years 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016 served mainly at Amaravathi and other at 10 villages, by providing free food to thousands of pilgrims every day for all the 12 days, Cleaned Pindapradanam Ghats, maintained Cloak rooms, Chapel counters, milk to children. Lakhs and lakhs of pilgrims benefitted. Thousands of Sevadal, Gents & Mahilas served day and night to the Pushkara Pilgrims.

VILLAGE UPLIFT PROGRAMME (1982 - 1984) Remidicherla Village of erestwhile Ipur Taluk of Guntur Dist. Which is 100 K.Ms away from Guntur, is a remote place, cut off from all civilization and in a most neglected part never visisted by any service agency, inhabited by hill tribes and downtrodden people. They have no shelter worth the name and appear to be even denied a meal once in a day. Guided by the invisible hand of Bhagavan, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Guntur, has taken up under village uplift programme. A housing Colony for 80 families has been raised in 3 hectare plot., with the assistance of Government. Each one of these 80 flat houses are so designed as to have a living room, a kitchen and verandah to built over a plinth area of 230 Sft. Regular medical facilities have been constinuously extended throught the years by running a regular clinic. Two borewells were provided for drinking water, and coconut and fruit bearing tree plantation for supporting economic development was also arranged in addition to the sanction of 20 cobbler units and 60 sheep units by Government. The tribes were very happy with the service extended by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, and voluntarily named the locality as “Prasanthi Nagar Colony”.

CONSTRUCTION OF NEW HOUSING COLONY IN MOPARRU VILLAGE (198 – 198) A new housing colony has been raised in the land donated by a stanch devotee of Bhagavan in Moparru village of Tenali Taluk and 36 semi permanent houses were constructed and gifted to the economically backward community people of the village. Infrastructure aminities within the colony viz. internal roads, drinking water hand pumps, power supply and tree plantation were provided .

MEDICAL SERVICES Number of eye Surgery Camps, throughout the Dist. were conducted successfully with the cooperation of Govt. Gen. Hospital, Guntur at Amaravathi, Guntur, Veldurthy, Bandlamotu etc. and four Polio Surgery Camps in Guntur, were organized in a large scale and bout 3000 patients were screened, and 500 polio victims have been successfully undergone major operations during the years 1980 to 1984 by the team of Dr. Vyagreshwarudu, Visakhapatnam, , A very rare Cardiac Surgery Camp was conducted in the nursing Home of Dr. S.Madhusudhana Rao in Guntur Town during the year 1983 in which 3 patients blessed with new life,. It was a surprise to all the eminent local cardiologists, how the Sathya Sai Seva Organisation was conducted such a complicated surgery camp in those days, when no advanced medical equipment was available. Veterinary Camps were also conducted in lthe Dist. At places like Moparru, Vallabhapuram and Jampani villages etc. All these service activities resulted to attract thousands of devotees who plunged into Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation. Specially to mention that after the Divine visit of Bhagawan to Guntur on 6.4.1983, the SSSO Guntur Dist. has reenergized, and very special activities, a few of which mentioned below, were performed under the leadership of present Dist. President Sri K.Narayana Rao.

EDUCATION WING:: FREE COACHING FOR COMPETETIVE EXAMINATIONS: From 1983 onwards, Sri Sathya Sai Shanthi Sudha Mandir premises were fully engaged with Spiritual, Education and Service Activities continuously. Free Coaching Classes for 40 days each time for the candidates attending Competetive examinations viz., BSRB, LIC, DSC, RRB etc. every year till 2000 with the cooperation of Local Lecturers, eminent faculty members. 25 Batches with

4000 students, gone through the examinations, in which nearly 800 got Govt. jobs and well settled in life.

BALVIKAS MOVEMENT: Great efforts were made continuously throughout the dist, all through the year since 1980s. Gurus were identified, trained, students were enrolled very vigorously and conducted School & Household Balvikas classes of Group I, II and III. A State Level Balvikas Gurus meeting was organized in Guntur .


A great memorable event in the history of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations of Guntur Dist., happened during the 63RD birthday celebrations of Bhagavan in Prasanthi Nilayam. During the year 1988, the devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Piduguralla of Guntur Dist. prepared a boat, named it as 'Sairam Nowka “ structured with bamboos , covered them with bamboo stick pieces thickly, applied wet menthe powder over the structure of the boat daily for two months to strengthen the bamboo pieces net.,got it ready to offer it to Bhagavan on the day of His Birthday Celebrations. The boat was fixed on a four wheeler, without any outside appearance of the vehicle., as if the boat itself is flowing on the road., and appear as a real boat. The devotees composed a song as 'Sairam Nowka Saagi Pothunnadi' which means the life of everyone is floating on the sea by chanting Sai Namam, and the boat steering is controlled by Swami and practiced for two months. All the devotees went to Puttaparthi in four buses for Birthday celebrations in November 1988 in advance. On seeing this thatched boat, many of the people in Puttaparthi commented that swami never step into this tiny boat. But the devotees who prepared and brought this boat, are continuously doing prayers to Swamy to sanctify the boat with HIS divine feet. At last Swamy considered their earnest prayers, Swamy came up to the Boat which was kept outside the gate, on 22nd November 1988, climbed it on a ladder, seated on the chair, which was conveniently placed on the boat for giving His darshan to the devotees. Swami was very much pleased with the arrangements, and instructed the Ashram authorities to keep the boat in front of the mandir so as to bless the devotees from the top of the boat, on his 63RD birthday ie. 23rd Nov. 1988. Accordingly the “Sairam Nowka” was kept in front of mandir on 22nd night and devotees beautifully decorated the boat with flowers, garlands etc. throughout the night, and got ready for the exiting moments of Swamy”s arrival. On 23rd Nov. 1988, the State President Sri K. Anil Kumar, Sri K. NarayanaRao, Dist. President, Guntur Dt. and Sri Venkateswarlu, Divl. Convenor of Piduguralla, and others were ready for receiving Swamy, while Bhajan Group singing Bhajans in high pitch from early hours of 23rd Nov. Swami came outside from the Mandir, observed the boat from a distance, very happily moved towards the boat, and the State & Dist. Presidents welcomed Swamy. Swamy blessed all of the devotees gathered around the boat, and climbed it on ladder, and gave darshan to lakhs of devotees on HIS birthday, from the top of the boat. Bhagavan sanctified the boat made with country bamboos, blessed the devotees who constantly prayed Bhagavan for HIS blessings since the beginning of the work, and once again created a faith among the devotees that he is 'bhaktha paradheena' (surrender to devotee) by this incident. Swami, as always saying, that he never mind the wealth of the devotee but consider his love and surrender towards Him. This event has been treasured in the hearts of Guntur Dist. devotees especially devotees of Piduguralla Samithi.

SHIRDI TO PARTHI JYOTHI YATRA.(1989-1990) In 1989 a team of devotees including the Dist. President, decided to visit Shirdi, and , get Four Jyothis lit by the Poorva Avathar Shirdi Sai Baba and tour all the villages in the Dist., to bring a movement in the villages about Sri Sathya Sai Avatar. Acccordingly, they started from Guntur on 18.1.1989, reached Shirdi, lit the Jyothis with that of the Jyothis in the sanctum of Shirdi Sai Mandir on 20.1.1989, and brought them to Guntur,. The team of devotees including the Dist.President, Sri K.Narayana Rao, toured entire Guntur Dist. Village by village with Bhajan, Mangal Vaiyidyalu, Sacharitra Parana, etc, for 10 months till 15.11.1990. In the entourage in the Dist., every devotee felt that they are welcoming Swamy in Jyothi Swaroopa, and many miracles of Swamy witnessed, among which on 9.2.1990, when the jyothis are in procession, some one photographed the procession. It is seen that magnetic rays are going upward towards Sky a rare phenomena and in Mandadam village, Swamy”s picture on the dais during the Bhajan, was appeared as “Shiva Lingam” and it was photographed. Exactly it was shaped as “Shiva Lingam” . There were so many miracles witnessed.


It was decided to visit Prasanthi Nilayam to attend Silver Jubilee Celebrations of SSSSO. Nearly 1000 above devotees started to Prasanthi Nilayam by 30 Turist Busses, from Guntur, via Srisailam, Tadiparti, Uravakonda . and reached Prasanthi Nilayam on 18.11.1990, and accommodated in Shed No.;25.,Started Akhanda Bhajan. All the devotees of A.P. who came for attending Silver Jubilee Celebrations of SSSSO, joined the group. Swamy has very graciously visited Shed No.25 on 19.11.1990, blessed all the Devotees, Jyothis, Padukas. The Akhanda Bhajan continued on 20.11.1990 also in the Shed.

On the occasion of Silver jubilee celebrations of SSSSO ON 20.10.1990, Guntur Dist. monitored all the Districts of A.P., and organised a grand rally and cultural programs at the divine presence of Bhagawan at PrasanthiNilayam.,under the guidance of the then State President of A.P.,Sri K. Anil Kumar. Bhagavan blessed all the devotees present.

LIKITHA NAMAM OFFERED AT THY LOTUS FEET: (1995 GURUPOORNIMA): The SSSSO Guntur Dist. has taken up individual Sadhana of writing the holy name of “Om Sri Sai Ram” turned it as a mass movement and 150 Crores of Likhitanamam was offered at the Lotus feet of Bhagawan in SaiKulwant Hall during Gurupoornima of 1995, later, the likhitanamam was installed beneath the “Sitarama Lakshmana Idols, in front of SaiKulwant Hall. Thereafter, every Mandir in Guntur Dist. has been installed with Likhita Namam since then, ranging from one crore to many crores.

PADUKA USTAVAM AT DIVINE PRESENCE : (1995 GURUPOORNIMA):: During Gurupoornima, the Dist. organised PadukaUthasavam in the divine presence with 3000 couples and Swamy was so gracious to bless all the 1500 Padukas individually in Sai Kulwant Hall.

DISTRIBUTION OF TRICYCLES BY BHAGAWAN (1995):: On the occasion of 70th Birthday of Bhagawan, the Dist. organised distribution of 70 Tricycles to Physically challenged, by the divine hands in SaiKulwant Hall, and Swamy was so pleased with such unique service, presented new Clothes to all the beneficiaries.

SAI CHAITANYA RADHA YATRA (1995 GURUPOORNIMA):: The Dist. has also organised Sai Chaitanya Radha Yatra, starting from Guntur, went through Pandaripur, Dharma Kshetra, Nasik, Shirdi, Sivam, reached Prasanthi Nilayam and offered a Pair of “Golden Padukas” at the lotus feet of Bhagawan. Swamy was so graciously blessed the Padukas and kept in the Mandir.

OFFERING OF GOLD ORNAMENTS TO BHAGAVAN: ( 1995 Gurupoornima): It was one of the memorable Historic moments of Guntur Dist when Bhagavan was offered with all devotion by devotees of “Guntur District” during Gurupoornima of 1995. A Diaond studded Crown, Two pairs of Gold Padukas, Pearl Necklace with precious Stones, Sphatic Maala, a Flute embodied with different colour studs, a Bracelet, a Big Tumbler with Stone studed lid as a mark of gratitude.

CHAKKA BHAJANA IMPRESSED SWAMY : Bhagavan Baba was impressed by the traditional art form of “Chekka Bhajan” performed by the devotees of Guntur Dist., and blessed the participants and their Teacher, abundantly. Bhagavan wished that this art of Chakka Bhajana to be practiced by the Students of Sri Sathya Sai Institutions also, for which the teacher stayed months together to train the students of Prasanthi Nilayam and Whitefield.

BHOOMI POOJA MAHOSTAVAM (1996 MARCH):: A Spiritual City was planned for construction of magnificent Mandir with 9 Alayams, ie, 1) Devalayam, 2) Vidyalam3) Vaidyalayam 4) Grandhalayam 5) Nyayalayam 6)Sevalayam7) Sikshanalayam 8) Samrakshanalayam and 9) Go - Samrakshanalaym, . This is a rare and unique event to get the building Bhoomi Pooja, performed by Bhagawan at Trayi Brundavan on 21.3.1996. The required material for Bhoomi Pooja including the earth, foundation stone etc. were taken to Trayi Brundavan, and Swamy was so impressed and performed the “Bhoomi Pooja” of Navalayam Building in the Central Hall of Trayi Brundavan, with His Divine Hands, by sanctifying the earth taken from Guntur and the Foundation Stone. Bhagawan promised to visit Guntur after its completion. Bhagawan blessed all the 100 devotees who were present at the celebration.

MAHILA DINOSTAVAM OF A.P. ON 19.10.1996 : Bhagavan baba has blessed us and permitted to celebrate special Mahila Dinostavam of Andha Pradesh State in Sai Kulawant Hall in HIS Divine presence on 19.10.1996, and the programme was coordinated by the Mahila Wing of Guntur Dist. Thousands of Mahila devotees from all over the Andhra Pradesh State have attended the programme and Bhagawan blessed all of them. The Balvikas Students who stood first ,second and third ranks in Group III State Examinations, offered Harathi and Swamy graciously blessed them.

KALASABHISEKHA MAHOSTAVAM IN KULWANT HALL (20.10.1996):: On the occasion of Avatara Prakatana Day (20th October) , in the year 1996, a massive programme was organised by Guntur Dist. SSSSO. Rudrabhishekam was performed in the Divine Presence of Bhagawan Sri SathyaSai Baba, in Sai Kulwant Hall on 20.10.1996, to the rare Sphatic Lingas, by collecting Holy

Water from all the Holy Rivers of India, and Kalasabhishekam was done to 11,000 Kalasams carried by the couples from all over the State of Andhra Pradesh. Bhagawan was so kindly pleased with the programme, personally sprinkled Holy Abhishekam water on all the Couples, seated in Sai Kulwant Hall and Poornachandra Hall. A nine inch Sphatic Linga was offered to Bhagawan during Ekadasa Sahasra Kalasa Abhisheka Mahosthavam and it was blessed by Bhagavan and placed in the Sanctum Sanctorum of Prasanthi Nilayam.

CHARIOT FESTIVAL (20.10.1996):: It was on 20th October, 1996, (Avataara Prakatana Day) a specially made Chariot with Wood, carved out were beautifully, was brought from the Dist. and Bhagawan graciously mounted the Chariot. All the elders of SSSSO AP, pulled the Chariot to Sai Kulwanth Hall.

SAHASRA JYOTHI PRAJWALA IN SAI KULWANT HALL (21.10.1996), Jyothirlingam, with 1108 Jyothis was arranged on a platform, in the SaiKulwant Hall, and Swamy graciously lit the Jyothis. A very rare opportunity was given to Guntur Dist. By Bhagavan to arrange this kind of unique spiritual programme in Sai Kulwant Hall.

INAUGURATION OF WATER TANKER (May 1998):: To cater the drinking water to cater the needs of the deprived colonies adjoining the Spiritual City,Guntur, a Water Tanker of 12000 Lts. Capacity was purchased and brought to White Field Trayee Brindavan, accompanied by 1000 devotees. Bhagavan was so pleased and released water from Tanker, created divine Vibhoothi and sanctified the water fetched in three silver vessels in the morning hours on 29.5.1998. On the next day i.e. 30.5.1998 Swamy was very kind enough to deliver His Divine Speech exclusively to the devotees of Guntur Dist.,for an hour.

AHVAANA SOBHA YATRA TO BRiNDAVAN & PRASANTHI NILAYAM: (1999) After completion of construction of Navala Mandirs in Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual City, Sai Bommidalanagar, Gutur, , it was contemplated to invite Bhagavan to inaugurate the Mandir. The Dist. President, accompanied by one thousand devotees and elders of the other Dists., and State, organized Ahvaana Sobha Yatra once to Prasanthi Nilayam and Twice to Trayee Brindavan, Whitefiled. The first Shobha to Trayee Brindavan, was made on 07.03.1999,and the other to Prasanthi Nilayam. In the Sobha Yatras, Swamy has keenly viewed the Photographs of “ Navalam Mandir building” built in Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual City, Guntur, and unveiled the curtain as a mark of “Opening of Navalayam Building” and praised that the buildings are equivalent as Sri Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital, Prasanthi Nilayam. Swamy has given a very beautiful divine darshan, sparsan, and Sambhashan for over an hour in the Present Kalyana Mandapam in Brindavan Campus, and promised to visit the Districts.


Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar School of Z.P .Campus ever since its inception organize very colorfully in a grand scale the two ceremonies of Republic Day and Independence Day. The students

perform many events competitive to National standards. Many local public and parents attend the function. During the year 1997 the Dist. President Sri K.Narayana Rao has invited all the Dist. Presidents in the State to attend the Republic Day Function on 26.1.1997 of Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Z.P.Campus, Guntur . Many of the State VIPs Dr.N.Anjanaiah and others attended. In the evening Sri B.V.Ramana Rao, National Service Coordinator was grandly felicitated by the Dist. President, Guntur Sri K.Narayana Rao.


The public of Pathamallayapalem village of , Guntur Dist. are fetching drinking water from the nearby Tank. The source of water for the tank is only from N.S.Canals, and whenever water is released to the N.S.Canals, the tank will be filled up to full extent. There is no time gap to dry up the tank, as a result huge quantities of water borne Plants, Algae, sledge and debris filled up throughout the tank, and villagers are using this contaminated water and getting skin and other diseases. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation of Guntur Dist. surveyed the ground position and decided to clean the Water tank on 9.8.2009 and polled up 300 Gents and 50 Mahila Sevadal from all over the district. The Cleaning & clearing work was started with the divine blessings of Bhagawan Baba, under the supervision of Sri K.Narayana Rao, Dist. President, on 9.8.2009 at 9.00 am and completed all types of cleaning, ie. Removal of weeds, removal of uprooting plants, water bore Plants of Algae, Sledge and Debris., Sanitation and desilting work was also completed by 12.00 within 3 hours very successfully in a disciplined way . The Mahila Sevadal throughout the three hours continued Bhajan very enthusiastically and encouraged the Sevadal to perform the task. Selfless activity of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation of Guntur Dist. has been appreciated by all the villagers.


Krishnaastami on 2st August 2011 was celebrated in a grand scale in Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual City, Sai Bommidalanagar Guntur. All the Dist. Presidents in the State , Dr.N. Anjanaiah garu, Sri S.G.Chalam, State President and State Office bearers were invited to the celebration. Most of them attended the function. The high light of the program was Nandi – Nandini Kalyanam to 9 couples, a rare event, with all pompous and

Veda Mantras. Guntur Dist. Has 9 administrative Divisions, and each divisional coordinator has performed the Kalyanam of their respective couples. Devotees enjoyed a lot as if it was the Kalyanam of Devata Murthies. Later 9 Crore Likhitanamam (Om Sri Sai ram writeen by devotees) and Nine Shiva Linga Idlos, taken in a big procession led by, Vedam group, Bhajan group and Band Group upto Likhitanama Stupam newly built for this purpose, and Likhita Namam Books were kept in the Stupam very carefully, and Nine Shiva Linga Idlos were auspiciously installed by Dr.N.Anjanaiah garu, Sri S.G.Chalam, State President and other Dist. Presidents. All the participants enthralled with Mahadanada, as if the program was performed in the divine presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.


After a long spell of Shobha Yatras to Prasanthi Nilayam, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, Guntur Dist. HAS conducted “Sankalpa Siddhi Parthi Yatra” from 7th June to 9th 2015 to Prasanthi Nilayam, the Abode of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Nearly 4000 devotees from all over the Guntur Dist. reached Prasanthi Nilayam on 6th June 2015 very enthusiastically. The Ashram authorities provided very comfortable accommodation to all the 4000 devotees. On the 7th morning of June 2015, a huge colourful beautiful

procession was taken out from Bhaktha Nivas, led by Sri K.Narayana Rao, Dist. President, Guntur Dist., with 1008 Padukas, Bhajan group, Vedam and Nadaswaram and Musical instruments to Purnachandra Auditorium. Purnachandra Auditorium was packed up. 1008 Padukas of Bhagawan were brought by individual devotees, and Paduka Pooja was started at 10.15 am, very ceremoniously, with Astotharam, Padukastakam and other slokas. Sri R.J.Ratnakar, Member, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Sri Prasada Rao, IAS Rtd. Secretary of SSSCT and other high dignitaries of the Ashramam visited the holy pooja. Sri R.J. Ratnakar, and Sri Prasada Rao, Secretary have addressed the devotees . The firstday first Session was closed with offering of Maha Mangala Harathi. In the evening session, On the 7th June evening the devotees had a Musical Dance Ballet offering entitled “Gunturu Sowbaralu“ at the Sanctum Sanctorum, a depiction of Sai experiences in the life of legendary Poets, like Jandhyala Papayya Sastry, Scholars like Jammala Madaka Madhavarama Sarma, Vedic Pandits like Kuppa Sivarama Byragi Sastry, dedicated minded service like Rama Brahmam Garu, Prof K Anil Kumar and staunch devotee K Narayana Rao Garu. The Ballet was interspersed with two group dances portraying the Rama Leelas and the Krishna Leelas and were offered at the Divine Lotus feet.

On June 8th 2015, Rudrabhishekam to 9” Spatika Lingam specially brought from the district, was performed from the famous Rutwiks from 10 am to 11.30 am, thereafter 330 Jyotis arranged as Shiva Linga, were lit by the devotees as well as Sri R.J. Ratnakar Member, Central Trust, and other central trust officials. Spiritual Vibrant pervaded all over Prasanthi Nilayam with the lighting up of Jyothis in the Poornachandra Auditorium. . On the 8th June evening, as a part of the cultural presentation, devotees from the district presented a bouquet of Musical Offering at the Sanctum Sanctorum of Kulwant Hall, serenading Beloved Swami with renderings of popular Telugu devotionals.

On the last day of a very memorable Parthi Yatra, all the devotees assembled in Poornachandra Auditorium by 10.00 am and started chanting Hanuman Chaleesa 1008 times, when expert singers lead the mass with musical instruments. The voice of the mass brought all the inmates and other devotees to Poornachandra Auditorium and they also followed the chanting. It came to an end at 2.00 pm and Maha Mangala Harathi was offered to Bhagavan and Hanuman. To the utter surprise of all the Puttaparthi people, a heavy rain suddenly started and poured for half an hour. Everyone felt that Baba has blessed abundantly all the devotees and particularly the Sankalpa Siddhi Parthi Yatra of Guntur Dist.


SSSSO Guntur Dist. has been rendering multifarious services during 12 days of Pushkaram to Krishna River which flows around 140 K.Ms through Guntur Dist. boarder. Lakhs of Pilgrims visit Amaravathi, where Lord Shiva is worshiping as Jyothirlinga, since ancient times. Amaravathi is just 35 K.Ms from Guntur town. SSSSO Guntur Dist. had served the Pilgrims in Krishna Pushkarams of 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016 at Amaravathi Ghats. The organisation has constructed a “Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai Kapotheswara Dhyna Mandir” on the River Bed of Krishna and it was inaugurated just before the time of 1992 Krihna Pushkarams. Cleaning of Pindapradanam Areas on the ghats, maintain Cloak rooms, Chapal Counters, milk feeding to children, medical first aid, and serving full meal to pilgrims done by the orgaisation as Pushkara Sevas. During the Pushkarams held from 12.8.2016 to 23.8.2016, a big permanent hall was constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 3.00 lakhs at our Skhakthi Peetam place. Sri R.J. Ratnakar, Member of Sri Sathya Sai Cetral Trust, Dr.N.Anjanaiah, National Spiritual Counsel Member, Shri S.G.Chalam, State President, SSSSO A.P. and other 10 high State and National dignitaries of SSSO were invited and they were grandly received by Dist. President Sri K.Narayana Rao on 12.8.2016 at Amaravathi. Sri R.J.Ratnakar, Member, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust has inaugurated the newly constructed Hall, and declared open the Krishna Pushkaram Services. He has briefly addressed the Sevadal members, and also inaugurated the distribution of free meals to Pilgrims. Daily 13 to 15,000 pilgrims were served full meal from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm till the last person who entered the campus for meal. The Dist. Collector, M.L.As and Honourable Minister for Endowments Sri Manikya Rao and others visited the campus and very much pleased with the services rendered by the

organisation. All most all the departmental staff who were deputed for Krishna Pushkarams works at Amaravathi, taken food at our counters, as they said that the meal is very delicious, neat and a special variety, than other organisations. Mahila Sevadal worked hard to prepare the requisites of cooking, cleaning of Pindapradanam Ghats etc. and Gents Sevadal maintained distribution of meals, chapel counters, cloak rooms etc. All the pilgrims expressed satisfaction and offered Pranams whole heartedly ir respective of their cast, religion, for the services rendered with Love by SSSSO, Guntur Dist.

SRI SATHYA SAI VIDYA VIHAR SCHOOLS::GUNTUR.:: Since 25 years, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, Guntur Dist, has been running two Schools, named as “Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar” one at Sri Sathya Sai Santhi Sudha compound ( Established in the year 1996) and the other after construction of Navalayam Mandir and a school building at Sai Bommidalanagar Campus, Guntur and running from 2005. The building Photo of Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Bommodalanaga was blessed by Bhagavan and opened by HIS divine Hands of Bhagawan Baba by unveiling the curtain. Both the schools have won the confidence of Parents as well as students, and grown up from LKG to Xth Class, year by year, and both the schools got the recognition of Government of A.P. The fee pattern is very nominal and liberal than other schools in Guntur. The devotees all over the district are generously funding to run the school without any hindrance.Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahani has been implementing in both the schools, and won “A grade accreditation. Many of the students of Xth came out with Ist Class and some got A+ grades. The present strength of each School is 418 & 500. Recently “Inter School competitions” / “ Sports & Cultural meet” was organised by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations of Combined Andhra Pradesh State, held at Sai Bommidalanagar, Guntur, from 1 to 3rd Feb. 2019 and the meet was inaugurated by Sri R.J. Ratnakar, Member Trustee of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, PrasanthiNilayam, and Sri Nimish Pandya, All India President, SSSSO., has attended valedictory function. The A.P., Telangana State Presidents, and the State Dignitaries, the Dist. Presidents attended the Sports Meet.(A separate note on Sports meet is available in this report)


Out of the 21 Samithis, 20 Samithis are having very beautiful Pucca buildings, and out of 102 Bhajan Mandals, 48 are their own Pucca buildings. The construction of Pucca RCC Buildings has been taken up as a mass movement during the years 1985 to 2000, by Sri K.Narayana Rao, Dist. President, year after year, and carved with temple architecture. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation has been conducting multiple service activities from these Mandirs. Elegant architecture, with beautiful designs construted mainly at Tenali, , Chilakaluripeta, , Piduguralla, Narasaraopeta, Atchempeta,Amaravathi etc. attracting crowds of devotees . Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual City constructed in Sai Bommidalanagar, in an area of 17 Acres, has been a landmark in the annuals of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, Guntur Dist.



A Dist. Level Youth Meet was held on 13.8.2000 in which nearly 500 youth from all over the Dist. Have attended. Dr. Narasinga Rao, State President of A.P. has attended the meeting and addressed the youth. In this connection number of Service Activities were taken up under the leadership of Dr. P.L.Narasimha Rao, Dist. Youth Coordinator in Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual City and in Sri Sathya Sai Santhi Sudha Campus. Palliki Ustavam has been celebrated by the youth in a very beautiful manner. Sri K.Narayana Rao, Dist. President, Guntur has awarded Certificates to the participants.


Dist. Mahila Sevadal Meeting was organized in Sathya Sai Santhi Sudha, Guntur, during the year around 2001 in which the State Mahila Sevadal Coordinator Smt. K. Vasumathi garu and State Mahila Coordinator Dr. K. Saraswathi garu participated and addressed the Mahila Sevadal. Nearly 1000 Mahilas participated in the meeting and inspired to participate in the service of Prasanthi Seva, and local sevas.

STATE LEVEL FOOD COMMITTEE MEETINGS (2010 & 2015) In connection with the 80th and 85th Birthday celebrations of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba varu, free meals to all the devotees at Prasanthi Nilayam has to be arranged by SSSSO, Andhra Pradesh. Henc State Level Food Committee meetings were held at Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual City, twince on 25.9.2010 and in October 2015, by the State President, Sri S.G.Chalam garu, with nearly 250 sevadal of various groups, for finalizing the work distribution among each group in a systematic way for preparation of food and distribution at the food pavilion. Elaborate arrangements for accommodation, Boarding, transport and smooth conduct of meetings were made by the SSSSO Guntur Dist., The two meetings are still treasured in the hearts of delegates for the hospitality given by SSSSO Guntur.


Dr. N.Anjanaiah, garu has proposed to conduct a State Level meeting on “Organisational Knowledge & Spirituality” for all the State Coordinators, Dist. Presidents and Spiritual Coordinators, Dist. Sevadal Coordinators at Guntur. Accordingly the Dist. Organization has taken up the responsibility and made elaborate arrangements for conduct of the meeting for two days on 14th & 15th July 2012 in Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual City, Sai Bommidalanagar, Guntur. Nearly 200 delegates from all over the Andhra Pradesh including the State President Sri S.G.Chalam, Sri R.Lakshmana Rao, Vice President attended. All the delegates were received from various points of

their arrival ie. Railway Station, Bus Station, arranged transportation to various places of their stay in the City. The meeting was conducted very smoothly in the central Hall of Navalayam, in which Dr. N. Anjanaiah garu explained at length, in detail for two days on the organizational matters and the path shown by Bhagavan for individual development in spiritual life. Sri S.G.Chalam, State President and Sri R.Lakshmana Rao, Vice President and other State Coordinators spoke on the two subjects. Sri K. Narayana Rao, Dist. President, Guntur, very minutely made elaborate arrangements for comfortable stay, and hosted grand menu for two days, and the Dist. Office bearers of the Orgn. & Sevadal from all over the Dist., strived hard under the overall supervision of the Dist. President.

NATIONAL LEVEL WORKSHOP ON VIDYA VAHINI.(2015) Guntur Dist., had a rare privilege of hosting a National Level workshop on Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini, headed by Sri S. Sathyajit garu, at Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual City, Sai Bommidalanagar, Guntur, on 11th and 12th July 2015, in which nearly 60 delegates from all over India attended. Though no star hotels are available at Guntur, the SSSO made very beautiful and rich arrangements made for accommodation of All India Delegates, south and north Indian menu, transport from Gannavaram Airport, Vijayawada Rly. Station and to and fro local accommodation. All the delegates very much pleased with the arrangements made., and They visited Amaravathi town Lord Shiva Jyothirlinga temple, and Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai Kapoteswara Dhyana Mandir run by our organization on 12th July. This remained really a fantastic event done by SSSSO Guntur, without any previous experience to conduct such national level meetings.


Out of the 21 Samithis, 20 Samithis are having very beautiful Pucca buildings, and out of 102 Bhajan Mandals, 48 are their own Pucca buildings. The construction of Pucca RCC Buildings has been taken up as a mass movement during the years 1985 to 2000, by Sri K.Narayana Rao, Dist. President, year after year, and carved with temple architecture. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation has been conducting multiple service activities from these Mandirs. Elegant architecture, with beautiful designs construted mainly at Tenali, Karlapalem, Chilakaluripeta, Uppalapadu, Piduguralla, Narasaraopeta, Atchempeta,Amaravathi etc. attracting crowd of the devotees . Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual City constructed in Sai Bommidalanagar, in an area of 17 Acres, has been a landmark in the annuals of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, Guntur Dist.


. PRESENT STATUS OF ACTIVITIES OF SSSO ORG. GUNTUR DIST. Spiritual activities include Saamuhika Sacharitra Parayanas, Chanting of Hanuman Chaaleesa 40 times, Writing “Om Sri Sai

Ram” Namam daily, in all most all the units in the Dist. are going on, besides the programmes suggested by SSSSO. A.P. Celebration of Sri Sidhi, Budhi, Vigneswara Kalyanam every year, performing Sri Lakshmi Ganapathi Homams etc Education Wing is very actively taking up the School Balvikas, Parents Meet, Gurus Meet, etc. as per instructions of the SSSSO. A.P. besides running two Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar Schools at Guntur. Service activities including Youth wing, Sevadal participating in Medical, Hospital visits, PrasanthiNilayam Service, Super Speciality Hospital service, etc. as per schedule.

The programs taken up during the year 2018-19 are explained later at the appropriate section.

Om Sri Sai Ram


Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba first visited Village of Repalle Taluk on 2.12.1962 and installed Sri Shirdi Saibaba Idol with HIS Divine hands. Bhagavan again visited Repalle on 5.5.1965 and gave darshan to thousands of devotees. This event was narrated by Sri N.Kasturi Garu at pages 304 and 305 of LOVING GOD written by him. He has very clearly elaborated the visit of Bhagavan to Isukapalli village. Prior to 1960, it has come to know that Bhagawan visited Chinapalem Village on 24.3.1956 and stayed in the house of Sri Vasireddy Venkatappaiah house for a few hours, and had lunch. He has gone through Guntur Town twice while going to Godavari Districts for All India Conference at Rajahmundry in the year 1974, and subsequent year. The then Dist.President and elders welcomed Swamy, garlanded and offered Guntur Town . It was just a ten minutes programme.

Later after a long spell, Guntur Dist. devotees had an opportunity to welcome Bhagawan on 6.4.1983 at Guntur. Swamy sanctified the area, inaugurated the newly constructed Mandir, named it as “Shanti Sudha”, installed “Vighneswara” Idol with His divine hands, addressed devotees from the adjacent Venue for an hour. Had lunch along with devotees in Sathya Sai Santhi Sudha on that day. Thousands of devotees had Darshan of Bhagavan Baba. The devotees of Guntur Dist. are still cherishing the love and Darshan of Baba given till this date. The Mandir has became the center

pillar of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation of Guntur Dist, and spreading spiritual, educational, and service activities throughout the District.


Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations is functional in GUNTUR DISTRICT with members from various cross sections of society and different faiths. With around [21 Samithi’s and 102Bhajan Mandali. Samithi’s and Bhajan Mandalis, the Organisation serves as a platform for its members to undertake spiritual practices through its various wings such as spiritual, education and service for their own betterment.

The thrust is on self-transformation for it is only individual transformation that would ultimately lead to global transformation.

The following tables give an overview of the Organisation in [Guntur District].

st Statistical Overview as on 31 March 2019

Units Numbers Number of members

Samithis 21 1100 Bhajan Mandalis 102 1000

Total 123 2100

No. of Sevadals  Gents 400 200 600  Ladies No. of Youth 

 Ladies

Adopted Slums/Villages Numbers Number of Beneficiaries Slums/ Villages Adopted 0 Adopted Under SSSVIP 0 Total

Adopted Schools under Sri Sathya Sai

Numbers Number of Students

Vidya Jyoti


SAI CENTRES List of Samithis and its affiliated Bhajan Mandals is appended at the end of the report.


The members of the Organisation are involved in various activities on regular basis which primarily includes Spiritual Study Circles, Community Bhajan, Nagarsankirtan through the spiritual wing; Bal- Vikas and Parenting programmes through the Education Wing and various service activities through the service wing. Importance is given to regular service activities as only through constant involvement in good work can self-transformation be achieved. Service activities which are regularly undertaken at

Samithi’s for the transformation of the members and for the benefit of the society include visits to leprosy, correctional and old age homes, medical camps in villages, Narayan-seva, free coaching classes, vocational training for employability enhancement of the villagers, sanitation at public functions, fairs, and public urinal cleaning.

The following table broadly categories the different activities that are undertaken in all the 19 districts of the State.

Overview of activities undertaken across all the Districts

Educare Medicare Sociocare

 Study Circles for Adults  Community Bhajan

and Youth Centers

 Nagar Sankirtan

 Conference/Retreats

Spiritual Sadhana Camps

 Bal Vikas Classes based  Parents’ Awareness

on human values programs on Parenting

 Bal-Vikas and Guru  Parenting Workshops



 Free Coaching and  Medical Centers  National Narayan Seva

Tuition Centers  Medical Camps in Programme

 Computer Training villages  Visit to Leprosy Villages,

 Spoken English  Eye Camps Correctional Homes,

 Adult Education  Blood Grouping Camps Orphanages, Hospital,

Service  Literacy programs  Blood Donation Camps

 Dental Treatment Camps Disabled/ Old Age

 Veterinary Camps Homes

 Narayan Seva

 Service Camps

 Vocational Training


 Employability


programmes for village


 Sanitation at different

government run hospitals,

fairs, and public places

including public urinals

 Disaster Management

Awareness programmes

in Schools/Colleges and

other institutions

A summary account of regular activities that are undertaken on monthly/weekly basis across the Districts is given in the following table.

An account of regular activities undertaken across the District

Total Number Activities Total Number of Participants

Devotional Singing 123 6100

No. of. Community Bhajan Centers

No. of. Bhajans Held

Seven Household Bhajan 1270 127200

No. Of Cluster

11652 No. of Houses 98


No. of Bhajans Held

Nagar Sankirtan 47652 2315 7615

Study Circles 238

Conference/Retreats Sadhana Camps 32 6800

Total Number Total Number Activities

BalVikas Centers Of Students Urban


Educational School

Total (i+ii+iii)

BalVikas Gurus

Total Number

Activity Total Number

of Beneficiaries

Visit to:

0 Leprosy Village

0 Correctional Homes

Orphanages 3 200

Hospital 12 1100

Disabled / Old Age Homes 250 12 250 Service Camps:

Narayan Seva 100 250000

Veterinary Camps 1438 8

Medical Awareness Camps 0 Eye Camps

Blood Grouping Camps 1 60

Service Camps

Vocational Training Centers 0

Free Coaching Centers

12 3500 Medical Centers

Sanitation (Public Urinals)

Dental Treatment Camps

National Narayan Seva& Amruthakalyalu 85 85 Blood Donation Camps 5


Tenure (Proior to 1980 Name of the Office Bearer Designation aprox. Years noted)

1.Sri B. Sitaramaiah Distrit President 1964 - 1975 2.Sri C.V.Narasimha Sastry (Amarendra} District President 1975 - 1980 3.Sri S.S.Prakasa Rao District President 1980 - 1988 4.Sri K. Narayana Rao District President 1988 - to date

1.Sri P. Mallikharjuna Rao Dt. Sevadal Coordinator, Gents 1975 – 1984 2.Sri K.V.Raju Dt. Sevadal Coordinator .Gents 1984- 1986 3.Sri V.Venkateswarlu Dt. Sevadal Coordinator, Gents 1986 - 1987 4.Sri I.V.Sathyanarayana Dt.Sevadal Coordinator, Gents 1987 - 1992 5.Sri S. K.Kapardi Dt.Sevadal Coordinator, Gents 1992 - 2006 6.Sri N.V.Hanumantha Rao Dt.Sevadal Coordinator, Gents 2006 – to date

1.Smt. S.Indira Ratnam Dt.Sevadal Coordinator, Mahila 1975 - 1988 2.Smt. V.Vardhani Dt.Sevadal Coordinator, Mahilas 1988 - 1990 3.Smt. K.Lakshmi Kameswari Dt.Sevadal Coordinator, Mahilas 1990 - 1999 4.Smt. G.Bhagya Lakshmi Dt.Sevadal Coordinator, Mahilas 2000 - to date

1.Smt. Janaki Devi Dt. Balvikas Coordinator 1975 – 1985 2. Smt. L. Sasi Bala Dt.Balvikas Coordinator 1986 - 1997 3.Smt. N. Uma Lakshmi Dt. Balvikas Coordinator 1997 - 2000 4.Smt. R.Bhamati Dt. Balvikas Coordinator 2000 - 2008 5.Smt. R. Madhavi Dt. Balvikas Coordinator 2008 - to date

1.Sri S.K.Kapardi Dt. Spiritual Coordinator 1978 - 1988 2.Dr. P.Ravindranadh Dt. Spiritual Coordinator 1988 - 2010 3.Sri A. Ravikumar Dist.Spiritual Coordinator 2010 - to date

1.Dr. P.L.Narasimha Rao Dt. Youth Coordinator (Gents) 1990 - 2002 2.Sri M.V.Srinivasa Rao Dt. Youth Coordinator (Gents) 2002 - 2005 3. Sri N.Koteswara Rao Dt. Youth Coordinator (Gents) 2005 - 2008 4.Sri K.Venugopal Reddy Dt.Youth Coordinator (Gents) 2008 - to date

1.Smt. K. Lakshmi Aparna Dt. Youth Coordinator (Ladies) 1995 - 2002 2.Smt. Sirisha Dt.Youth Coordinator (Ladies) 2002 - 2005

3.Smt. B.Balatripura Sundari Dt. Youth Coordinator (Ladies) 2005 - to date


Rural Vocational TrainingCenters: NIL

Medical Centers:

Medical Vans NIL

Disaster Management NIL

Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyoti Program .. 1 SCHOLL


Annual Conference BalVikas Alumni Meet .. NIL Youth Conference or Meet…. …


Important activities undertaken during the period from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019.




One Medical Clinic at Guntur Sri Sathya Sai Santhi Sudha, was inaugurated by Bhagawan Sri SathyaSai Baba Varu with His divine hands on 6.4.1983, and it has been continuing till now on Sundays , Wednesdays and Thursdays. Patients of general diseases on Sundays, exclusive Skin on Wednesdays and Gynic and other ailments are being treated on Thursdays . Monthly average 1000 patients are examined and provided free medicines. There is heavy response to Skin diseases and the OP on Wednesdays crosses 200. There is another Medical centre maintained by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Piduguralla once in a fortnight, since 15 years and medicines are provided at free of cost. The OP registration is about 200 patients on every fortnight. In Brahmanapalli of Piduguralla Seva Samithi, exclusively medical clinic is being run once in a month for the benefit of B.P/Sugar and Orthopedic patients, and medicines distributed free of cost. Monthly 200 patients are benefitting through this clinic. Medical clinics of Homeopathy at , Narasaraopeta, Nidubrolu, are being run since a decade

SRI SATHYA SAI VIDYA JYOTHI PROGRAMME: Sri SathyaSaiVidyaJyothi programme is taken up in Aided Elementary School, Morlavaripalem village of RepalleMandal, by Sri SathyaSaiSevaSamithi, Repalle on ...... in which ...... students are studying.

SERVICE AT KOTAPPAKONDA ON THE EVE OF MAHA SHIVARATRI DAY:: Sri Sathya Sa iSeva Smithi, Narasaraopeta, has been rendering exemplaryservice every year to thousands of pilgrims visiting Sri ThrikoteswaraSwamy Temple on the top of the Hill of Kotappakonda of Nandendla Mandal on Mahashivaratri day. During this year 2018-19, On Shivaratri day, Pulihora Prasadamand, Buttermilk was distributed on top of the Hill, at the vicinity of the Shiva Temple, to 50,000 pilgrims, in which 50 Gents and 100 Mahila Sevadal took part . The temple authorities are specially permitting Sri Sathya Sai Samithi, alone at the top of the Hill and nearby temple, to do this service and other organisations are permitted at the Hill path only. The services were appreciated by all the authorities.

FOOD DISTRIBUTION AT PATHYAMALLAYAPALEM VILLAGE ON KARTIKA SAMARADHANA DAY. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, Youth Wing of Guntur Dist. has taken up the heavy task of serving Food to the devotees on Kartika Samaradana day at Pathamallayapalem village of Prathipadu Mandal, every year, since six years, in which 12000 – 15,000 participating. This year on 4.12.2018,Anna Samaradana was held at Sri Anjaneyaswamy Temple in which 12,000 devotees took food as Prasadam of Bhagawan. Food was served by our Sevadal Members tirelessly, non stop from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm, served in a very systematic and disciplined way . 100 Youth Gents, and 100 Mahilas took part in the service. The Temple authorities and villagers have highly appreciated Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, that this kind of systematic and disciplined way of service is possible only by Sai Organisation.

PROVIDING QUICK MEAL TO THE PREGNANT LADIES AT GOVT. HOSPITAL, NARASARAOPETA. Sri Sathya Sa iSeva Samithi, has been providing free food to the Pregnant Mahilas on 9th of every month at Govt. General Hospital, Narasaraopeta, who are attending for monthly check up from far away villages. The service starts at 12.00 noon and complete till the last patient examined. Food was prepared at the Mandir by the Mahila Sevadal, and brought to Hospital by their own vehicles. 5 Gents and 10 Mahila Sevadal participate every month in this noble service.

PROVIDING BREAKFAST TO THE ATTENDANTS OF PATIENTS IN GOVT.GENERAL HOSPITAL GUNTUR. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Guntur, has been providing Breakfast to 400 Attendants of Patients twice in a week . On Thursday 1600 Idlis were prepared at Sri Sathya Sai Mandir from 4.00 am to 6 am, and brought to Govt. General Hospital, Guntur. Tokens will be given in Maternity Ward, Paediatric, Cancer and Ortho Wards to the attendants, and distribution starts at 7 am. Idli with Coconut Chatni, Ginger pickle etc. On every Sunday, Tomato Bath was prepared and distributed in the same way. 10 Gents Sevadal, 10 Mahila Sevadal (Including Youth) participate and service done from 4 am to 8.30 am, on every Sunday and Thursday. This service has been continuing since one and half year. The Hospital authorities as well as patients are highly appreciating the service.


Sri Sathya Sai Inter Schools (both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States) , Sports & Cultural meet was held at Sai Bommidalanagar, Guntur, on 1st, 2nd and 3rd of February 2019, in which 650 students (Boys & Girls) from 13 schools participated. This event is an unmemorable in the history of Sri Sathya Sai Organisation of Guntur Dist. Sport meet was inaugurated by honourable Sri R. Ratnakar, Trustee, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust. Sri Nimish Pandya, All India President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Orgnisations attended valedictory function and gave away the prizes. Sri S.Koteswara Rao, National Service Coordinator, Dr.L. Sasibala, Dy. National Coordinator, Balvikas, Smt. Nimish Pandya, National Coordinator, State President and many more

State Coordinators, Dist. Presidents attended the programme. Though it is new and first of its kind in A.P State, to conduct Sports meet by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation at State Level, at one place, The State President and others worked tirelessly to conduct the programme successfully, making it a model of All India Sports Meet. Nearly 100 Sevadal and 100 Mahila Sevadal (including Youth) worked throughout the week enthusiastically and made the programme a grand success.

CELEBRATION OF VIGNESWARA KALYANAM: It has become a custom of SSSSO Guntur dist., to observe “Ganapathi Navaratrulu” and perform “Sri Sidhi,Budhi Vigneswara Kalyanam and later take a large procession upto Amaravathi for Nimajjanam of All Idols in River Krishna, every year. This year Ganapathi Naravaratrulu was Celebrated in a grand scale from 10.9.2018 to 18.9.2018, in many of the Units, performed Vinayaka Pooja on 13.9.18 by 150 students and devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Santhi Sudha Guntur , Sri Siddhi Budhi Ganapathi Kalyanam on 16.9.18 . On 19.9.2018 a large procession with many two and four wheelers was taken up with nearly 300 devotees from Guntur and adjoining Units, to Amaravathi Town, where Nimajjanam of all these 9 big Idols was performed in the River Krishna. This is a unique and very special spiritual activity for a fornight in the month of Bhadrapada Masam.

ADHYATMIKA MAHA SABHA IN PEDALANKA VILLAGE” Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Pedalanka of Repalle Division, celebrate its anniversary in the moth of January every year, since 35 years, in a grand scale and number of competitions will be conducted on various items to Balvikas students, Bhjan singers etc. every year. During the year 2018-2019, the 35th Anniversary of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Pedalanka was celebrated on 27.1.2019 in which nearly 1100 students from 30 schools, and 400 devotees from all over the District, participated. Competitions on Narayanopanishad stanzas, Bhajan singing, Drawing & quiz etc. were conducted and given away prizes to winners I – 3. Further they are also celebrating a big festival titled as “Adhyatmika Jnana Jyothi” since 2016, and the third year it was celebrated on 5.8.2018 in Pedalanka village. 450 students from 18 Schools and 300 devotees from the district participated in the Maha Sabha. Competitions in Vedam recital, Bhajan singing, drawing, handwriting etc. were conducted and distributed prizes to all 1-3 winners.

CONDUCT OF VETERINARY CAMPS: During the year 2018-19, Eight Veterinary Camps were held in the Dist. On 6.3.18, Kondrupadu of Prathipadu Mandal, 7.3.18 Manukondavaripalem of Chilakaluripeta Mandal, 31.10.18 Kondrupadu, 1.11.18 Palaparru of Mandal, 13.3.19 Timmayapalem and Gurujupallipalem of Prathipadu Mandal, 15.3.19 Daruvadakothapalem of , 21.3.19 Yanamadala of Prathipadu Mandal. In all the camps, a total number of 1435 animals were treated and medicines given on free of cost. All the camps were conducted with the cooperation of Animal Husbandry Department, under the leadership of Dr. Punnaiah, Rtd. Asst.Director of A.H. Hyderabad.

SWAMY ROBE TAKEN IN PROCESSION IN VILLAGES Bhagavan Baba has blessed all the Samithis in the Dist., with his divine Robe for Darshan of all the devotees who are unable to visit Prasanthi Nilayam. The SSSSO Guntur Dist., has been taking

“Swami Robe” in procession to the villages on Sundays or other convenient days, to extend Darshan of Swamy Robe and His Padukas. Villagers welcome the Robe at the outskirts as if Swamy has arrived to their village, with Harathis, Varu (Pouring Water with turmeric poweder, on Roads to clean the way, breaking Coconuts, singing Bhajans throughout the procession. The Robe will be taken to the nook and corner of the village, so as to enable the public to have darshan of the Lord. This has given a very good response among the people, and public enquire about “Sathya Sai Baba” and later coming into the fold of the organization. During the year 2018-19, such processions were taken in 20 villages all over the Dist.


The SSSSO, Guntur, had the previlage of serving “Breakfast” to the girijan devotees / sevadal who are visisting to Prasanthi Nilayam, either at the time of going to Prasanthi Nilayam, or in their return journey to home towns. This kind of service by Guntur Samithi, has given more satisfaction than other service., and arrange breakfast to thousands of devotees mainly in the month of April,/ November at the time of return journey from Prasanthi Nilayam, and January or other months at the time of going to Prasanthi Nilayam. Bhagavan has choosen us to serve the most deserving. During this year Breakfast was served three times to them.


Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Guntur, has served exclusively Butter Milk during the summer from May 5th 2018 to the end of the month, in front of State Bank of India, Nagaramplaem to commuters. The service was attracted by all the commuters and served 2000 to 3000 daily in the hot summer. Likewise Child Drinking Water and Butter Milk was also served at Narasaraopeta Bus Stand, Duggirala, Tenali and other places during the month of April & May 2018 every one expressed gratitude to Bhagavan for arranging this kind of service.


Shri Shirdi Baba has left physical body on 18.10.1918 on Vijayadasimi Day. In connection with Centenary Jayanthi Celebrations of Shirdi Sai Baba, a large procession was taken up in Guntur town lon 18.10.2018 with fully decorated Chariats, from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm and hundreds of devotees participated voluntarily without any invitation.


The 93rd Birthday of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba was celebrated throughout the Dist in all the Bhajan Units and Samithis. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Guntur, has organized a big procession from Sri Sathya Sai Santhi Sudha, with 200 devotees, 500 students and staff of Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar schools in Guntur Town with fully decorated chariots, Pallaki and a Horse on the forefront. and, Kolatam by Balvikas Children, Bhajan, group lead the procession., as a mark of

commemorating the 93rd Birthday celebrations of Bhagavan. The procession went through the main streets of Guntur Town very colorfully, attracted the public. The Dist. President Sri K.Narayana Rao, and Dist. Office bearers followed the procession from 3.00 p.m to 4.30 p.m. After reaching Santhi Sudha Mandir, Maha Mangala Haarati was offered to Bhagavan Baba.


On a call given by the youth wing of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations of Andhra Pradesh State, The Youth Wing of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Guntur Dist., has arranged nearly 10,000 posters of “Traffic Rules” from the quotations of Swamy , which are very familiar to all and nicely printed with Swamy”s Photo and emblem. Sri K.Narayana Rao, Dist. President, has inaugurated the programme in Sri Sathya Sai Santhi Sudha Guntur on 18.11.2018, in connection with the 93rd birthday Celebrations of Bhagavan Baba, by pasting them on Auto Rickshaws. The posters were sent all over the Dist., for exhibiting on the Autos and now one can see the Slogans on most of the Auto Rickshaws in the Dist., with Swamy smiling Photos.


On the occasion of 13th anniversary of Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar Macherla ( Guntur Dist.,) a free education English medium school, ,Sri R J Ratnakar, member, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam was invited as Chief Guest to inaugurate “RK Media Works Ltd' building ( a separate Block in the campus) and 'Sri Yarlagadda Janardhana Rao Dining Hall' on 19-02-2019. Sri S G Chalam, AP State President, Sri SathyaSai Organizations, Sri S. Koteswararao, National Coordinator, Sri SathyaSaiSeva Organizations, Dr L Sasibala, National Balvikas Coordinator, Sri SeshaSai, member, AP State Trust, Sri Mallesam, DP, Hyderabad and Sri MRK Prasad, member, VidyaVahini Project, were also invited to participate in the programme. After performing special puja at Sri Sathya Sai Mandir, these two buildings were inaugurated by Sri R J Ratnakar while students of Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar reciting Veda. He visited all the class rooms of the school and the Science, Arts and Crafts exhibitions organised by the students, and interacted with them very interestingly . A public meeting was arranged in the campus after lightening up the lamp by the chief guest. The students staged wonderful performance in classical dance and Kuchipudi. The school Principal, Smt Ramadevi presented the annual report. In this context, she congratulated four 10th class students who secured 10/10 and two students who got State Government Prathibha Awards. Sri R J Ratnakar, Member Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust appreciated the students performance. He added that it is possible only with the blessings of Sri Sathya Sai even if it is in the remote area. He particularly noted the services of Sri Lakshmi Prasad for his unflinching faith even at the age of 85 years old. He promised to give support to the school and extended best wishes for rapid development of the school day by day with the divine blessings of Bhagawan Sri SathyaSai Baba.

Sri S G Chalam and Sri Koteswara Rao appreciated Sri Prasada Rao who is rendering endless services to develop students performance with the divine blessings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba not concerning his 85 years of age. The chief guest presented mementoes to the 10/10 secured students in 10th class and AP State Government Prathibha Puraskar awardees. The programme was concluded with vote of thanks by Sri Jakka Srinivasa Rao, Correspondent, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar followed by Maha Mangala Harathi.








SSS Vidya Jyothi in Morlavaripalem Vlg