Volume 4 | Number 1 ICRL 1 2021

International Chemical Regulatory IC L and Law Review

Articles The 's Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability: The Challenge of Matching Political Aspirations with Workable Regulatory Outcomes Lawrie McLaren, Roland Moore and Alexander Majer

The Concept of Essential Use to Regulate Chemicals: Legal Considerations Jean-Philippe Montfort

Reports Chemical Legislation in Serbia: An Overview Alja Livio Torkhani

REACH Restriction and Authorisation are Driving Replacement of Harmful Chemicals: Know Your Substances Before It Is Too Late Jaime Sales and Dieter Drohmann

REACH Registration of Polymers: Identifying Polymers of Low Concern Jeffrey Hafer

Case Notes The End of the “SONC” Saga: Judgment of the Court of Justice of 21 January 2021 in Case C-471/18 P, Federal Republic of Germany v ECHA Eléonore Mullier and Andrea Bonavita GET EXPERTS ON YOUR SIDE

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Editorial 1 Dieter Drohmann Articles The European Commission's Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability: The 3 Challenge of Matching Political Aspirations with Workable Regulatory Outcomes Lawrie McLaren, Roland Moore and Alexander Majer The Concept of Essential Use to Regulate Chemicals: Legal Considerations 9 Jean-Philippe Montfort reports REACH Registration of Polymers: Identifying Polymers of Low Concern 21 Jeffrey Hafer REACH Restriction and Authorisation are Driving Replacement of Harmful 26 Chemicals Know Your Substances Before It Is Too Late Jaime Sales and Dieter Drohmann Chemical Legislation in Serbia: An Overview 34 Alja Livio Torkhani cAse Note The End of the “SONC” Saga: Judgment of the Court of Justice of 21 January 45 2021 in Case C-471/18 P, Federal Republic of Germany v ECHA Eléonore Mullier and Andrea Bonavita MiscellANeous Imprint II Masthead III II Imprint ICRL 1|2021

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MANAGiNG eDitor Andrew Fasey ECHA Dieter Drohmann Chemservice Kristian Fischer SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz

Lawrie McLaren couNtrY correspoNDeNts Burson-Marsteller South Korea Jean-Philipp Montfort Jae-Seong Choi Mayer Brown Chemservice Asia, Seoul Eléonore Mullier China Steptoe & Johnson LLP

Yue Huang Tobias Schulz Guangzhou University, Guangzhou VCI Landesverband Nordost North America Michael Raupach Lynn L Bergeson BASF SE Bergeson & Campbell, Washington. Volker Soballa Turkey Evonik Industries

Yaprak Yüzak Küçükvar Tade Spranger REACH Global Services S.A., Istanbul Center for Life Sciences & Law, University Bonn; Rittershaus law firm

Gooh Choo Ta eDitoriAl BoArD National University of Malaysia Michael Cleuvers Dr. Knoell Consult E. Donald Elliott eXecutiVe eDitor Yale Law School Jakob McKernan Ahmet Ecmel Yorganci Lexxion Publisher, Berlin REACH Global Services [email protected] ICRL 1|2021 1


Given the continuous lockdown we have been in since the last publication of the ICRL it would be understandable to think that we have remained in a regulatory status quo. However, despite the global pandemic and ongoing restrictions on movement and so- cial gatherings, the world of international chemical regulation, and the forces that move it, remain dynamic. As well as the continued uncertainty surrounding Brexit, January also saw the inauguration of a new US President who has already signalled his admin- istration’s plan to review regulatory changes which happened under his predecessor, including more than a dozen Environmental Protection Agency actions directly affect- ing commercial chemicals and the chemical industry. In Europe, the Commission’s goal to phase out the non-essential uses of ‘forever chemicals’ PFAS has found recent- ly support from member states. These issues will no doubt be covered in upcoming is- sues of the journal but for now let me turn to the present issues and the pressing issues discussed within.

Our articles section is focused on the topic of sustainability and in particular the Eu- ropean Commission’s recently adopted Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS). As Lawrie McClaren, Roland Moore and Alexander Majer point out in their contribution, the CSS has potential to introduce radical change to the functioning of EU chemicals legislation. Although the Commission promises that that any legal proposals, includ- ing a revision of REACH will be achieved “in the most targeted way possible”, and will be made “on the basis of public consultations and subject to comprehensive impact assessments”, close scrutiny of this strategy is essential. Helpfully, this article maps out what areas merit particular attention and highlights how EU chemicals legislation may be impacted in the near and midterm. Focusing on the Chemicals Strategy for Sustain- ability’s use of the ‘essential use’ concept to regulate the most harmful chemicals, Jean- Philippe Montfort’s article reviews the possibilities and legal implications of the use of this concept within the current REACH Regulation.

Our reports section begins with Jeffrey Hafer’s contribution on identifying polymers of low concern under REACH. Noting that the recent proposal by the European Com- mission to include polymers in the provisions on registration in Title II of REACH would present a monumental challenge in implementation, Haffer offers a number of prag- matic steps that can be taken to negate these. In addition, we have a report from my colleague Jaime Sales and myself concerning Restriction and Authorisation, REACH processes which are clearly driving replacement of substances of concern. Conclud- ing the section we have an excellent overview of Serbian chemical regulation by Alja Livio Torkhani. The report provides not only a synopsis of the legislation but also high- lights and analyses future developments, making it essential reading for any business looking to export to the Serbian market.

Rounding off the issue we have a Case Note by Eléonore Mullier and Andrea Bonavi- ta on the recent judgement on Case C-471/18 P, which ended the SONC saga and the 2 ICRL 1|2021

question of what is the competent forum in the case of challenge against Statements of Non-Compliance.

As always, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this issue and would encourage all of you to reach out, should you wish to contribute to one of the next is- sues or if you have questions about any of the contributions.

Dieter Drohmann Managing Editor ICRL 1|2021 3

The European Commission's Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability: The Challenge of Matching Political Aspirations with Workable Regulatory Outcomes Lawrie McLaren, Roland Moore and Alexander Majer*

I. Introduction egy” expressed in the Commission’s 2013 7th Environ- mental Action Plan – is the beginning and not the In October 2020, the European Commission pub- end of a lengthy process of policy change for chem- lished the long-awaited Chemicals icals, which will require stakeholder collaboration, Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)1, which had been strong data, and accurate scientific analysis if it is to announced in the European Green Deal and de- achieve workable regulatory outcomes. scribed as the first major EU strategy for chemicals since the adoption of the REACH Regulation. Broken down into five priorities and announcing II. Where the CSS Carries Most Impact over 50 upcoming policy proposals, the CSS has the ambition to guide EU chemicals policy in a more sus- At the heart of the CSS are five priorities, defining tainable and circular direction, while also making the the Commission’s vision for EU chemicals policy as regulatory process for chemicals simpler and more part of the European Green Deal: transparent, through initiatives aimed at securing a 1. Innovating for safe and sustainable EU chemicals more coherent legal framework2 2. Stronger EU legal framework to address pressing The Commission promises that any legal propos- environmental and health concerns als, including a revision of REACH will be achieved 3. Simplification and consolidation of the legal “in the most targeted way possible”, and will be made framework “on the basis of public consultations and subject to 4. Acomprehensiveandtransparentknowledgebase comprehensive impact assessments”. on chemicals By adopting the CSS, the Commission has devel- 5. A model inspiring chemicals management global- oped a policy strategy with the potential to introduce ly radical change to the functioning of EU chemicals legislation. Under these headline priorities, the action-heavy CSS Because of the CSS’s overall ambition, a reopen- Communication proposes over 50 new initiatives to ing of REACH and CLP appears likely in the coming promote the protection of health and the environ- years. The scope of this reopening, as well as the ex- ment from hazardous chemicals, while encouraging act procedure it will follow, remain to be seen. the use of safer alternatives. Here, we examine some What is certain is that the CSS – which itself looks of the hardest-hitting actions in more detail. to answer calls for a “Non-Toxic Environment Strat-

1. The Toxic-Free Hierarchy

* Lawrie McLaren, Senior Managing Director, Sustainability, BCW. Roland Moore, Senior Director and Team Lead, Sustainability, Using nomenclature that is reminiscent of the “Waste BCW. Alexander Majer, Senior Account Director, Sustainability, BCW. For Correspondence: Hierarchy”, which has become the operating frame- 1 duces a new “Toxic-Free Hierarchy” with the aim of 2 While some had hoped that it would also provide a framework “avoiding substances of concern for non-essential us- for how chemicals can help deliver sustainability, this has not materialised. es.” Only where this is not possible does the hierar- 4 ICRL 1|2021

About CARACAL CARACAL gathers the competent authorities for REACH and CLP and acts as an expert group advising the European Commission and ECHA on the two regulations. It includes officials from Member States, representatives from EEA- EFTA countries, as well as observers from third countries and stakeholders (such as industry associations and NGOs). CARACAL meets roughly once per quarter. Contrary to the REACH Committee, it does not deliver votes on amendments to the REACH regulation, such as new REACH restrictions or inclusions on the Authorisation List. Since 2019, it acts as an advisory committee for new Adaptations to Technical Progress of the CLP regulation, under the Delegated Acts procedure.

chy suggest appropriate control measures to min- to what extent essential use criteria could be used to imise exposure (i.e. risk management measures) or, support, rather than pre-empt, existing assessments only as a last resort, elimination and remediation. The conductedbyECHA’sSocio-EconomicAnalysisCom- CSS defines “substances of concern” as those “having mittee (SEAC). Introducing a definition of essential a chronic effect for human health or the environment uses creates strong pressure on substances that may (Candidate list in REACH and Annex VI to the CLP be identified as being “of concern” when they are Regulation) but also those which hamper recycling used in applications that are not viewed as essential. for safe and high quality secondary raw materials.” This would be a particularly significant departure Unlike the waste hierarchy, which is enshrined in from the current system for REACH restrictions, EU law in the Waste Framework Directive, it remains which have historically targeted uses on the basis that to be seen if and how a similar legal basis will be giv- these presented an “unacceptable risk” rather than en to the Toxic-Free Hierarchy. Nevertheless, accom- on their essentiality. panied by a new EU definition of “essential use” cri- teria – currently under discussion by Commission and EU Member State representatives in the CARA- 3. Broader Use of Generic Risk CAL committee – the Toxic-Free Hierarchy is likely Assessment to become a new point of reference for civil society and those regulators calling for more restrictive reg- TheCommissionproposestoextendtheroleofgener- ulatory measures on substances considered to be “of ic risk assessment, an approach that entails automat- concern”. ic risk management measures, such as restrictions in sectoral legislation, for certain categories of chemi- cals. Generic risk assessment is currently used for car- 2. Essential Use Criteria cinogens, mutagens and reprotoxicants (CMRs) in the Cosmetics Regulation, for example. The propos- In what could be described as a highly intervention- alsintheCSSwouldbroadentheapplicationofgener- ist step, to accompany the Toxic-Free Hierarchy ob- ic risk assessment beyond its current use to include jective to avoid non-essential uses of substances of other concerns, such as endocrine disruption (ED), concern, the CSS proposes to define “criteria for es- persistence and bioaccumulation. sential uses”, taking into account existing definitions Separately, the Commission plans to launch a com- under the Montreal Protocol. According to the Com- prehensive impact assessment to define modalities mission, criteria for essential uses will have to be and timings for extending generic risk assessment to properly defined to ensure coherent application chemicals that affect the immune, neurological, or across EU legislation and will in particular take into respiratory system, as well as chemicals toxic to spe- consideration the need to achieve the green and dig- cific organs. ital transitions. This issue is currently the object of Extending generic risk assessment will require intense discussion in CARACAL and it remains un- changes to several pieces of legislation governing the clear how the Commission plans to define essential use of substances in consumer products (e.g. cosmet- chemicals in practice and whether this definition will ics, toys, food contact materials) with impacts for a find a legal basis in EU legislation, for example range of downstream users of substances. These will through an amendment to REACH. It is also unclear likely require their own impact assessments, but in ICRL 1|2021 5

the meantime the Commission is already committing effects. This would create a precedent under GHS in- to prioritise the substance categories listed above for ternationally, and open new avenues to regulate EDs restrictions based on groupings. at the European level. If implemented across EU legislation, the exten- sion of generic risk assessment – viewed by some as a shortcut for a more hazard-driven approach – will 5. A New Mixture Assessment Factor to mean more automatic regulatory risk management Address Combination Effects measures in product legislation for CMRs and other substances, such as EDs, PBTs, immunotoxicants, and Responding to strong political pressures to address respiratory sensitisers. what are sometimes referred to as “cocktail effects”, For the Commission, a significant advantage of the Commission proposes to assess how best to intro- generic risk assessment is that it would speed up the duce a Mixture Assessment Factor (MAF) in REACH implementation of risk management measures to ad- to account for unintentional combination effects of dress hazardous substances in key legislation. chemicals. The CSS Annex indicates that the MAF will be introduced in REACH Annex 1 through comi- tology processes. If introduced, the MAF would bring 4. Horizontal Identification of Endocrine an additional level of precaution to the assessment of Disruptors chemicals by assuming combination effects, rather than conducting detailed assessments of potential in- Concluding the Commission’s Fitness Check on EDs, teractions for each specific substance under review. the CSS proposes to establish legally binding hazard identification of EDs based on the WHO definition and building on the existing ED criteria for pesticides 6. Environmental Concerns: New Rules and biocides. on Persistent, Mobile and Toxic (PMT), The Commission will formally introduce EDs as Very Persistent and Very Mobile SVHCs under the REACH regulation, amending the (vPvM) Substances, and PFAS current system which only offers the opportunity to list EDs as SVHCs based on “equivalent level of con- In another major change for the EU CLP regulation, cern”. This will create a more direct and obvious route the Commission proposes new hazard classes and for regulators aiming to identify substances as criteria to address environmental toxicity, persisten- SVHCs due to ED properties. To date, eleven sub- cy, mobility and bioaccumulation in both EU CLP and stances out of 211 SVHCs on the Candidate List have the UN Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of clas- been listed based on ED properties through “equiva- sification and labelling of chemicals. Under REACH, lent level of concern”3. it proposes new criteria to identify PMT/vPvM chem- In the CSS, the Commission also promises to in- icals as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). troduce new hazard classes for EDs under the CLP Hoping to address overwhelming pressure from regulation. It is worth noting that major changes to Member States, civil society, and the European Par- hazard classes will require a reopening of key EU CLP liament (as exemplified by a screening of the PFAS- articles and annexes, expected for 2021. Bringing EDs themed film “Dark Waters” hosted by European par- within scope of CLP would alter the functioning of liamentarians4), the Commission also proposes what the regulation by introducing harmonised classifica- is likely to be the most ambitious set of actions ever tion for a mode of action, rather than simply adverse adopted for a specific chemical family, specifically targeting PFAS. This is supported by a separate Staff Working Document attached to the CSS5. Headline initiatives include new REACH restrictions on all 3 where essential for society. 4 ronmental hazard classes in CLP will need to be in- 5 troduced by reopening key articles and annexes in 6 ICRL 1|2021

the CLP legal text, following the EU’s Ordinary Leg- polymers, the Commission commits to propose reg- islative Procedure involving the European Parlia- istration of “certain polymers of concern”, following ment and the Council of the EU. up on ongoing debates on “polymers requiring reg- New SVHC criteria for PMT/vPvM substances will istration” in the CARACAL group. alsobedifficult toachievewithout reopeningREACH While discussions are still ongoing in CARACAL, Article 57 on SVHC listing. These changes are likely introducing registration obligations for certain poly- to be included in a broader legislative proposal to re- mers is likely to require legislative changes under open REACH, expected in 2022. REACH – which currently exempts polymers from By proposing these measures, the Commission of- registration. Polymer registration, depending on its fers new regulatory pathways for hazard classifica- final scope, could increase regulatory pressure on in- tion and regulatory risk management of specific en- dustry and expose specific polymers to further regu- vironmentalconcerns.WhilePMT/vPvMsubstances lation based on their size, their intrinsic properties have already started to be listed as SVHCs through or, potentially, monomer impurities. “equivalent level of concern” under REACH Article 57f, the CSS proposes to formalise this through tar- geted SVHC criteria. 9. Occupational Health and Safety: More OELs

7. Safe and Sustainable Products and In order to strengthen the protection of workers, the Non-toxic Material Cycles Commission commits to identify harmful substances for which it will propose new occupational exposure Linking the CSS to its Circular Economy ambitions, limits (OELs) following the established consultation the Commission proposes to introduce new criteria process in the area of health and safety at work. for safe and sustainable by design when it comes to Binding OELs are defined at the EU level under chemical content, including through upcoming leg- occupational safety legislation, in consultation with islative initiatives on sustainable products and eco- social partners in the Advisory Committee on Safe- design announced in the 2020 Circular Economy Ac- ty and Health at Work, and following the Ordinary tion Plan. It proposes to minimise the presence of Legislative Procedure with the “substances of concern” in products, giving priority and Council. to textiles, packaging, furniture, electronics, con- struction and buildings. It remains to be seen how such initiatives will intersect with existing regulato- 10. One Substance – One Assessment ry instruments aimed at addressing substances in (OSOA) products, such as REACH restrictions and the RoHS Directive. As part of its efforts to improve the coherence of the When it comes to chemical content in waste, the EU policy framework for chemicals, the Commission Commission commits to limit as far as possible the proposes to use a single ECHA Public Activities Co- use of derogations and authorisations for substances ordination Tool (PACT) to provide an overview of all of concern in recycled materials – a promise that links planned and ongoing regulatory initiatives. in with ongoing challenges under REACH. Depend- Under the OSOA headline, the CSS aims to review ing on how “safe and sustainable by design” criteria the allocation of assessments under chemicals legis- are defined, they may create opportunities for spe- lation, strengthen ECHA’s governance model, in- cific industries but threaten the licence to operate for crease the use of grouping for chemicals with simi- others. lar structures or functions, reform the REACH autho- risation and restriction processes, and establish a working group to strengthen the coordination of 8. Polymer Registration Commission services and agencies. This has poten- tial implications for sectoral expert committees such Responding to a long-time stated intention to consid- as the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety in er extending REACH registration requirements to the cosmetics area, the responsibilities of which ICRL 1|2021 7

could be transferred to ECHA as was recently done introducing new hazard classes at the EU level. in the field of worker protection with the transfer of Changes to international conventions require the SCOEL committee’s work to RAC. lengthy and complex negotiation processes. Never- A potentially far-reaching change, which has not theless, as exemplified by Norway’s recent proposal been broadly advertised as part of the CSS, is the to introduce new requirements on plastic waste un- Commission’s proposal to grant itself the right to ini- der the UN Basel Convention, these can be highly im- tiate harmonised classification dossiers under EU pactful. CLP, currently largely a prerogative of member states. Though easy to miss in the 50+ CSS actions, this is one of the proposals that will likely require a legisla- III. Next steps: Outlook for EU tive reopening of CLP through the Ordinary Legisla- chemicals legislation tive Procedure. Beyond creating CLP proposal rights for itself, it The CSS takes the form of a Communication (i.e. a is currently unclear which changes the Commission policy document and not a legislative proposal) and will introduce to the current regulatory framework as such is itself not subject to amendments by the to implement the OSOA approach. It is notable, how- European Parliament or the Council of the EU. The ever, that ECHA’s governance model is currently de- Parliament had already issued a resolution on the fined in the REACH Regulation, meaning significant CSS in July 2020, with many of its demands subse- changes may require a reopening of key articles. Im- quently incorporated in the Commission’s Commu- portant changes may also be proposed to reform nication. The Council has produced a number of con- REACH restriction and authorisation, which could clusions on chemicals, most recently in June 2019, require a reopening of key REACH titles. and held an orientation debate on CSS at the Envi- In principle, OSOA offers an opportunity for the ronment Council in December 2020. New conclu- EU to implement a more consistent approach to as- sions are expected to be adopted in the first half of sessments across various pieces of legislation. It is 2021 under the Council’s Portuguese Presidency. currently possible, for example, to observe inconsis- The CSS is accompanied by an Action Plan and tencies between assessments conducted for the same five staff working documents (SWD) detailing the chemicals under REACH or CLP and in food contact Commission’s approach and timeline for implement- materials legislation or other product legislation. ing the Strategy, respectively addressing endocrine disruptors, combination effects, PFAS, REACH Arti- cle 138, and summarising feedback received by stake- 11. International Action holders so far on the CSS. Several of the actions in the CSS will require Last but not least, the CSS confirms the Commis- changes to EU legislation. This can happen via comi- sion’s long-standing ambition to lead in internation- tology (delegated acts, implementing acts, or the now al fora on chemicals. This includes stepping up ef- outdated regulatory procedure with scrutiny, which forts to achieve the UN 2030 agenda as regards chem- still applies to REACH) when they cover technical as- icals, adopt objectives and targets for international pects such as the various REACH annexes, but will chemicals policy beyond 2020, introduce new hazard require the Ordinary Legislative Procedure if they in- classes in GHS covering persistency, bioaccumula- clude changes to key articles in EU legislation. Major tion, mobility and endocrine disruptors, and changes such as new SVHC criteria and polymer reg- strengthen protection under international treaties istration under REACH, in addition to new hazard such as the UN Stockholm Convention, where the EU classes and a right for the Commission to initiate CLH already holds the title for most active Party in propos- dossiers under CLP will fall in the latter category. ing new POPs for listing. Under EU Better Regulation rules, the Commis- Changes in this area will largely not be achieved sion is committing to conduct thorough impact as- through EU legislation, but through concerted action sessments and stakeholder consultations in advance by the EU under relevant UN Conventions and of any legislative proposals, which will in turn need groups. An exception is GHS, where the Commission to be jointly adopted by the European Parliament and will attempt to shift the international agenda by first Council, both of which will have the opportunity to 8 ICRL 1|2021

introduce amendments. The importance of gathering are yet to be defined and their applicability remains and submitting data to these processes is paramount. to be worked out. However, the CSS clearly repre- The CSS marks the beginning and not the end of sents the start of a period of major change for the EU a lengthy process of policy change for chemicals. regulatory system, one that can be expected to ex- Many of the political aspirations contained therein tend well into the next five to ten years. ICRL 1|2021 9

The Concept of Essential Use to Regulate Chemicals: Legal Considerations Jean-Philippe Montfort*

The European Commission's chemicals strategy for sustainability contemplates using the concept of "essential use" to regulate the "most harmful chemicals" under REACH and other legislation. This article reviews the possibilities and legal implications of the use of this con- cept within the current REACH Regulation. Essentially, it may be possible to apply the "es- sential use" concept under the current legal framework as a qualifier to the socio-economic assessments which are conducted when considering a potential restriction or authorisation under REACH. However, the essential use concept cannot serve to extend the list of sub- stances of very high concern nor to refuse authorisation to substances the risks of which are adequately controlled. It can also not serve to reverse the burden of proof that is on author- ities to demonstrate under a REACH restriction that a given substance presents an unac- ceptable risk. In essence, it is the principle of proportionality that should guide authorities in introducing the essential use concept under REACH, which entails to ensure that any re- striction is not more restrictive than necessary to serve the legitimate objectives pursued. For many substances of concern, this principle would not allow outright bans of uses only because they are not strictly necessary for safety, security and the functioning of society, as in the Montreal Protocol. This concept could however serve to streamline and speed up au- thorisation or exemptions from restrictions for essential and strategic uses of substances. But societal benefits in a much broader sense, also taking into account the quality of life, and the evolution of societal needs, would need to be considered in order to regulate other less strategic uses of chemicals of concern in a proportionate manner.

I. The Concept of Essential Use in the lished in December 2019.2 The CSS contemplates us- CSS and under Existing EU Regulations ing the concept of "essential uses" to regulate per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and the "most 1. The CSS harmful chemicals", i.e. to allow their use "where proven essential for society". It further specifies that The European Commission's Chemicals Strategy for "(t)he criteria for essential uses of these chemicals Sustainability (CSS)1 was adopted on 14 October will have to be properly defined to ensure coherent 2020 as a follow up to the European "Green Deal" pub- application across EU legislation, and will in partic- ular taken into account the needs for achieving the green and digital transition". As will be discussed lat- er in this paper, this is important since the CSS makes * Jean-Philippe Montfort, Partner at Mayer Brown Europe Brussels a clear link between "essentiality" and these funda- LLP, mental EU policy objectives. 1 Communication from the Commission of 14 October 2020 (COM(2020) 667), Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability Towards When referring to PFAS, the CSS provides addi- a Toxic-Free Environment specifying that "the very large number of uses of 2 Communication from the Commission of 11 December 2019 (COM(2019) 640), The European Green Deal can bring high socio-economic benefits. Such bene- 10 ICRL 1|2021

fits should be compared with the socio-economic – Firstly, (i) that the use is necessary for the health, costs of the environmental contamination and of the safety or is critical for the functioning of society adverse effects on human health. A concept that (encompassing cultural and intellectual aspects), could be useful in this assessment, with the purpose and (ii) that there are no available technically and of reducing emissions, is that of essential uses". Thus economically feasible alternatives or substitutes the CSS envisages to analyse essentiality as part of, that are acceptable from the standpoint of envi- or in connection with, their socio-economic assess- ronment and health88. ment. – Secondly, (i) that all economically feasible steps On 12 November 2020, the European Commission have been taken to minimize the essential use and issued a first document on Essential Uses, a "thought any associated emission of the controlled sub- starter" prepared for and presented to CARACAL (the stance; and (ii) that the controlled substance is not "Caracal Paper 1")3 which contains some initial con- available in sufficient quantity and quality from siderations and questions designed to launch the dis- existing stocks of banked or recycled controlled cussion on the application of this concept under substances, also bearing in mind the developing REACH in CARACAL. That document does not in- countries' need for controlled substances.9 clude any specific proposal. It is striking to note, however, that the CSS does Since the Parties have amended the Protocol to in- not define what those "most harmful chemicals" are clude the essential use exemption, they examine es- that would justify the use of this concept4, nor what sential-use nominations during each Meetings of the criteria should be applied and what process should Parties.10 Those decisions show that a very limited be followed to identify or select them. Similarly, this number of sectors have been considered essential in consideration is absent from the Caracal Paper 1. the framework of that Protocol, i.e. medical uses, fire protection, crop protection, laboratory and analyti- cal uses, process agents and aerospace applications. 2. The Montreal Protocol In its Caracal Paper 1, the Commission was clear- ly inspired by the Montreal Protocol when defining As noted in the Caracal Paper 1, the concept of essen- an essential use as one that is "necessary for health, tial uses was first applied under the Montreal Proto- col on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (the "Montreal Protocol").5 The Montreal Protocol is a 3 European Commission document on "Essential Uses" dated 12 November 2020 (CA/61/2020) presented at the 37th meeting of global agreement agreed in 1987 in order to protect Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) on 17-18 the earth’s stratospheric ozone layer by phasing out November 2020. the chemicals that deplete it. Since the publication 4 On Page 10 of the CSS, it is specified that the Commission will "extend the generic approach to risk management to ensure that of the CSS, the Montreal Protocol is commonly re- consumer products (...) do not contain chemicals that cause cancers, gene mutations, affect the reproductive or the endocrine ferred to as a forerunner in the development of the system, or are persistent and bioaccumulative." It also refers in concept of essential use in the field of chemicals. that context of "further harmful chemicals, including those affect- ing the immune, neurological or respiratory systems and chemi- Initially, the essential use exemption was not part cals toxic to a specific organ", but no link is made between this of the Montreal Protocol. It was integrated to the Pro- listing and the reference to the "most harmful chemicals" as 6 referred to in the same CSS in connection with the essential use tocol in 1992 through Decision IV/4 During their concept. Fourth Meeting, the Parties to the Protocol chose to 5 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer reconsider the absolute nature of the phasing-out and (1987) created an exemption mechanism in article 2 to the 6 Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete Protocol to permit production or consumption of the the Ozone Layer, Copenhagen, 25 November 1992 necessary to satisfy uses agreed by the Parties to be 7 See Articles 2A 4), 2B 2), 2C 3), 2D 2), 2E 3), 2G, 2H 5), 2I, and essential.7 2J 5). For the purpose of implementing article 2, the Par- 8 Decision IV/25 : Essential uses. ties adopted Decision IV/25 on Essential Uses in 9 Ibid. which they elaborated a dual set of exemption crite- 10 Handbook for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. ICRL 1|2021 11

safety or is critical for functioning of society" and for PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic) or vPvB which "there are no available technical and econom- (very persistent and very bio-accumulative) crite- ically feasible alternatives".11 ria1212, thus substances that would otherwise qualify Importantly, the Montreal Protocol addresses a as substances of very high concern ("SVHC") under very limited number of substances with undisputed REACH. and irreversible environmental impacts, not the uni- Under the BPR, an applicant can benefit from an verse of substances like REACH, and therefore one “essential [use]” exemption, if he can show that the would certainly have to be prudent when seeking to active substance is “essential to prevent or control a extrapolate requirements suitable for substances that serious danger to human health, animal health or deplete the ozone layer to other categories of sub- the environment” or if he demonstrates that “not stances. This refers us back to the unanswered ques- approving the active substance would have a tion as to which chemical substances are the "most disproportionate negative impact on society when harmful". Also, as demonstrated below, the essential compared with the risk to human health, animal use concept, as developed in the context of the Mon- health or the environment arising from the use of treal Protocol could not be used as such, as part of the substance”. the socio-economic analysis required under the This approach of essential use focuses on the en- authorisation and restriction processes of REACH, as vironmental or health benefits for society complet- this would be contrary to the provisions of the ed by an alternative balance test13, thus departing REACH Regulation and to the principle of propor- from the broader approach of the Montreal Protocol. tionality. In fact, the current text of article 5.2 (b) and (c) of Regulation 528/2012 is the third attempt at defining essential uses of a biocides, showing that the concept 3. The EU Biocidal Products Regulation as defined in the Montreal Protocol is not universal and that it is a difficult concept to grasp. Its reference In EU law, the test of essentiality for chemicals is not to proportionality is however very relevant as dis- completely new. Under the Biocidal Product Regula- cussed below. tion 528/2012 (the "BPR"), certain active substances To the best of our knowledge, the Commission has cannot be approved under the ordinary procedure if issued five decisions under the legal regime applica- they are classified under the CLP as CMR (carcino- ble before the BPR14 and eight since then15in which gens, mutagens and reproductive toxicants), or hav- it considers this exemption. All of them were grant- ing endocrine-disrupting properties or meeting the ed on the basis of a public health interest.

11 CSS p. 10. II. Key Considerations for the Possible 12 Regulation 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2012 concerning the making available on the Accommodation of the Concept of market and use of biocidal products, Article 5 Essential Use Under Reach and the 13 In order to perform this balance test, the Commission first evalu- ates the impact on society that non approving the active sub- CLP Regulations stance would entail (e.g. social and economic consequences) and then looks at the risks to human health, animal health or the The REACH Regulation is the legal framework that environment that approval would generate. As part of the second branch of the analysis, the Commission takes account of the applies today and probably the main target for the possibilities to mitigate the risks and compares the risks presented introduction of the essential use concept by the Eu- by other active substances that may be used instead. A conclu- sion is then drawn balancing both evaluations (see Commission ropean Commission. It is also the legal framework Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/637 of 23 April 2019 ap- proving cholecalciferol as an active substance for use in biocidal under which a proposed restriction on PFAS is being products of product-type 14). considered for which the CSS refers explicitly to this 14 Commission Decision 2009/395, Commission Decision 2011/48, concept. Commission Decision 2014/85, Commission Decision 2014/395 and Commission Decision As noted in the Caracal Paper 1, some references 2014/459. have already been made to the concept of essential 15 Commission Implementing Regulations 2017/1376, 2017/1377, use in the framework of two proposals for REACH 2017/1378, 2017/1379, 2017/1380, 2017/1381, 2017/1382, 16 2017/1383, 2019/637 restrictions on microplastics and PFHxA 16, respec- 16 See Caracal Paper, page 6 tively, in both cases to justify exemptions from the 12 ICRL 1|2021

proposed restrictions. It is thus necessary to analyse a substance is placed on the market or expected to to what extent the essential use concept can be ac- be used, there is no scope for making a difference in commodated within the REACH Regulation as it classification depending upon the essentiality of its stands. uses. By contrast, the REACH authorisation and In the Caracal Paper 1, the Commission foresees restriction processes could potentially serve as pos- the possibility to apply the concept of essential use sible anchors for the implementation of an essential either as an “interpretative principle for guidance or use concept, as discussed below. as an element to be used in implementing legisla- tion”, or as a “new element for decision making” to be included “in co-decision legislation” (see Caracal 1. The Authorisation Process Under Paper 1, page 15, section 5, §1). The REACH Regula- REACH tion is a very broad regulation that imposes various layers of requirements on most chemical substances The Authorisation Process under REACH is triggered manufactured or imported into the EU. Registration by the identification that a substance is a CMR or a under REACH applies to all substances manufac- PBT/vPvB or that it presents an "equivalent level of tured or imported into the EU at 1 ton or more per concern", such as endocrine disrupting chemicals. year, irrespective of their classification as hazardous. The legislator has thus predetermined that sub- As noted above, the CSS calls for the introduction stances presenting such properties are "substances of the essential use concept for "the most harmful of very high concern" ("SVHC") and deserve a specif- substances" without defining them. "Harmful" does ic treatment, that is that they should be banned un- not mean "hazardous" and thus would seem to refer less authorized, following the REACH authorization to the notion of "risk", as opposed to "hazard". Indeed, process. the concept of "hazard" is distinguished from that of This does not mean, however, that the authorisa- "risk"whichisdefinedasthelikelihoodofharmbased tion process is "hazard based". If some categories of on both hazard and exposure. The classification of SVHCs are identified on the basis of hazard (CMRs hazardous substances is one of the purposes of the and PBTs) others (vPvB) do not have intrinsic haz- CLP Regulation, which is considered to be "hazard ards. Also, authorities have agreed to first conduct a based". Under REACH, however, only the identifica- regulatory management option analysis ("RMOA"), tion of SVHCs is hazard based, as described below. which takes account of the best regulatory option to Other processes address substances of concern, manage the risks which such hazards may entail. And which means that they represent not only a "hazard" that risk management option may be a REACH re- but also a "risk". This is the case in particular of the striction for example. Finally, the authorisation "substance evaluation" and "restrictions" processes. process itself seeks to determine whether the "risks" The authorisation process also takes account of the are adequately controlled or the benefits outweigh risks of the substances submitted to that process, as the "risks". discussed below. One could however consider that SVHCs could be As the substance evaluation process is an interme- candidate for being among the "most harmful sub- diate process leading to requesting additional infor- stances" referred to in the CSS for the introduction mation to clarify a concern before this concern is ei- of the essential use concept. When an economic ac- ther removed or materialises in proposals triggering tor requests authorization for a given SVHC, this au- the authorisation or restriction process or harmo- thorization is "use specific" and applies only to the nized classification and labelling ("CLH") decisions applicant. If the applicant can satisfactorily demon- under the CLP, substance evaluation does not seem strate that the risks resulting from the use of the directly relevant for introduction of the essential use SVHC it applies for are "adequately controlled", Ar- concept in the current framework. ticle 60.2 of REACH requires that such use "shall be We can also rule out the application of the essen- authorized". For uses the risks of which cannot be tial concept in CLH decisions. Indeed, a substance demonstrated to be adequately controlled, which in- will be classified or not on the basis of available da- cludes substances for which no thresholds of expo- ta on its hazardous properties; while the CLP allows sure can be established, such as substances with PBT consideration of the form or physical state in which or vPvB properties, an authorisation may still be ICRL 1|2021 13

granted under Article 60.4 of REACH but only "if it Importantly, however, the essential use concept can be shown that socio-economic benefits outweigh could not serve to revert or change the fundamental the risks to human health or the environment aris- elements of the restriction process, as described ingfrom the use of the substance and if there are no above. Thus, the use of a substance could not be re- suitable alternative substances or technologies". stricted without a clear demonstration that the risks It results from the above, that under the current it presents are "unacceptable", even if the use is authorization process, the concept of "essential use" deemed non-essential, and that the adopted measure could not serve to extend the scope of authorisation is proportionate to such risks, considering its bene- to cover other substances of concern, not meeting the fits to society. criteria of Article 57 of REACH. Also, the concept of "essential use" could not serve to refuse authorisation of uses the risks of which would be demonstrated to 3. Socio-Economic Benefit Analysis be "adequately controlled", which is a mechanistic ex- ercise for threshold substances. These uses indeed The concept of "socio-economic" benefits is referred "shall" be authorized regardless of whether or not to in both the authorisation and the restriction they are "essential" for society. Any deviation from processes, though in different terms. While Article this rule would be illegal. 60.4 allows authorising the use of an SVHC "if it is For uses the risks of which are not adequately con- shown that socio-economic benefits outweigh the trolled, however, there may be scope for the essen- risk", Article 68 requires the EU authorities "to take tial use concept within the socio-economic analysis into account the socio-economic impact of a restric- to be conducted as part of the "socio-economic route" tion". In the first case, demonstrating socio-econom- for authorisation, as discussed below. ic benefits is a condition of authorisation, while in the second case the socio-economic impact must be "taken into account". Importantly, as does the Mon- 2. The Restriction Process Under REACH treal Protocol, both articles 60.4 and 68 of REACH al- so refer to the "availability of alternatives", negative- The Restriction Process under REACH requires ly as a condition to grant an authorisation and posi- demonstration that a given chemical substance tively as an element to take into account in consider- present "a Community-wide unacceptable risk to hu- ing a restriction. This is discussed in the Sections 6 man health and the environment (...) which needs to below. be addressed on a Community-wide basis"17.The bur- Coming back to the nature of the "socio-econom- den of proof that a given substance presents "an un- ic" element of the authorisation and restriction acceptable risk to human health and the environ- processes, Article 60.4 refers to socio-economic "ben- ment" lies on authorities. efits" outweighing the risks, while Article 68 refers One could therefore anticipate that substances to socio-economic "impact", without further explana- proved to present an unacceptable risk to human tion in the preamble or anywhere else. health and the environment would be among the Does this semantic difference matter? In both cas- "most harmful substances" considered for the intro- es, a socio-economic analysis must be conducted and duction of the essential use concept. In that respect, essentially allows measuring the "proportionality" of Article 68 requires authorities to "take account of the the proposed measure. In the authorisation context, socio-economic impact of the restriction, including one must compare (i) the risks (of the continued use the availability of alternatives" when deciding on a "benefits" that such use bring to society. In the con- restriction and therefore the concept of essential use text of a Restriction, the situation is reversed, since could potentially serve in that context, as discussed authorities have to compare the benefits of a restric- in section 3. below, to determine which derogations tion to its socio-economic "impact". for particular uses could be granted if the benefits The socio-economic analysis to be conducted in they bring are "essential" to society. both the Authorisation and Restriction processes is generally similar as evidenced by Annex XVI of REACH which provides a single description of such 17 REACH Article 68 analysis for both of these processes. Indeed, Annex 14 ICRL 1|2021

XVI "outlines the information that may be addressed on employment, employment conditions but also by those submitting a socio-economic analysis (SEA) "quality of life (such as change in availability and with an application for authorisation, as specified in quality of consumer products)".22 Article 62(5)(a), or in connection with a proposed re- Essentiality could therefore fit within such social striction, as specified in Article 69(6)(b)". benefit analysis. However, what is essential remains Also, the ECHA Guidance documents on "the to be determined and there is an obvious gap between preparation of socio-economic analysis as part of an the concept of a used being "critical to the function- application for authorisation"18 and on "socio-eco- ing of society" as found in the Montreal Protocol and nomic analysis-restrictions"19 contain generally sim- that of the "quality of life", as referred to in the ECHA ilar language for the assessment of the economic and Guidance. The Caracal Paper 1 refers the sectors that social impacts of the proposed measure. have consistently been considered "essential" under Thus, while there is a difference on the process to the Montreal protocol, thus medical uses, fire-fight- be followed leading to the conduct of a socio-econom- ing, plant/crop protection, aerospace applications, ic analysis in the Authorisation and Restriction laboratory and analytical uses and process agent us- processes, and on the consequences to be drawn from es.23 that analysis, it appears that the socio-economic This list is of course far away from encompassing analysis itself is generally similar, following the cri- everything that ensures the quality of life, which cer- teria of Annex XVI of REACH. tainly would include e.g. cosmetics, toys, decorative products, etc. These products may be less "essential" to the "functioning" of society, strictly speaking, but 4. Essentiality as Part of a Socio- they meet essential societal needs. In fact the Mon- Economic Benefit Analysis treal Protocol itself also refers to "cultural and intel- lectual aspects" as being criterial for the functioning The next question is whether the concept of essen- of society, which would clearly go beyond the limit- tiality can be accommodated as part of the socio-eco- ed number of sectors mentioned above as being es- nomic analysis under the REACH authorisation or sential. Many industrial products used in other sec- restriction processes. As noted in the Caracal Paper tors are critical to serve EU strategic objectives such 1, "currently, socioeconomic assessment in SEAC as mobility or digital autonomy and should thus be does not necessarily take into account the concept of considered essential. essentiality in the sense of criterion 1a of the Mon- If products such as cosmetics, toys, or decorative treal protocol (thus the fact that a use is necessary products may be less essential that some medicinal for health or safety or is critical for the functioning products, they are certainly not worth sacrificing "in of society). Therefore, socio-economic benefits may bloc", outside of a proper and broad "cost-benefit" outweigh the risk also in cases of non-essential us- analysis that takes account of the specific risks posed es."20 by the continued use of substance of concerns in such This may be true, but that does not mean that such uses and the loss of quality of life that their ban or concept could not find its place as part of a socio-eco- restriction would cause. nomic analysis. The health and safety and the need to ensure uses that are critical to the functioning of society, can be seen as part of the "social" benefits 18 Guidance on the preparation of socio-economic analysis as part that must be assessed, to the extent that they have of an application for authorisation, January 2011 and environmental impacts" and "economic impacts" 19 Guidance on Socio-Economic Analysis – Restrictions, May 2008 "socio-economic analysis" indeed define "social im- 20 Caracal Paper 1, page 11 pacts" as those which may affect workers, consumers 21 Guidance on Socio-Economic Analysis – Restrictions, May 2008, and the general public "other than those analysed un- p. 16; Guidance on the preparation of socio-economic analysis as part of an application for authorisation, January 2011, p.18 der the human health and environmental impacts 22 Guidance on the preparation of socio-economic analysis as part 21 and economic impacts." The ECHA Guidance Doc- of an application for authorisation, January 2011, p.82 uments then specify that these will mainly be impact 23 Caracal Paper 1, page 9 ICRL 1|2021 15

To conclude, taking into account the "socio-eco- form important functions, but where alternatives nomic consequences" of a restriction (or the socio- to the substances have now been developed that economic benefits of an authorisation) could indeed have equivalent functionality and adequate per- include measurable consequences in terms of job cre- formance, which makes those uses of the sub- ation or losses, but also loss of availability of prod- stances no longer essential”; ucts to serve societal needs, including the "quality of (3) Essential uses, defined as “uses considered essen- life", and thus the importance of such needs. In this tial because they are necessary for health or safe- context, a concept that would seek to define in which ty or other highly important purposes and for conditions a use or a product is "essential" versus which alternatives are not yet established”.25 "convenient" - or a "must have" as opposed to a "nice to have" - may find its place. But this can only be con- In doing so Cousins et al. are directly inspired from sidered in comparison of the specific risks that this the Montreal Protocol to arrive at conclusions/pro- particular use or product raises, throughout its life posals that could however not be accommodated as cycle, and after an assessment of the possible alter- such within the current REACH framework. Indeed, natives is made which is as rigorous as that applied it would not be legally possible under REACH today to the potentially restricted substances. nor proportionate to determine at the outset that any use of a substance of concern that is not "necessary for the betterment of society in terms of health, safe- 5. Essentiality in the Cousins Paper ty and functioning"26 should be banned, irrespective of the availability of suitable alternatives or not. Al- Significant efforts have been made by a series of aca- so, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to demic authors, led by Ian Cousins, from the Stock- reach a societal or political agreement as to what "bet- holm University, to express their concern over PFAS, terment for society" concretely means. to review their uses, and even propose risk manage- The author submits that, under REACH, the use ment measures to address these alleged concerns, no- of a substance of concern in a product that serves the tably based on the concepts of grouping and essen- quality of life and has no substitute should not be au- tial use.24 tomatically banned or refused authorisation. If it can As regards the concept of "essential use", Cousins be demonstrated that the benefits of such product et al have proposed to set up three categories of es- outweigh the risks involved, that use should be au- sential uses "to aid phase out of non-essential uses of thorised as per Article 60.4 of REACH. Otherwise, the chemicals of concern, exemplified with PFAS uses". ban would be in breach of the REACH Regulation These categories are: and subject to annulment by the European Courts. (1) Non-essential uses, defined as “uses that are not In a restriction, it is for authorities to demonstrate essential for health and safety, and the function- that the impact of the ban of such product will not ing of society”; be disproportionate considering the benefits that the (2) Substitutable uses, defined as “uses that have ban would entail in terms of the risks to human come to be regarded as essential because they per- health and the environment. Here again an automat- ic ban of products deemed in advance not to be "nec- essaryforthebettermentofsocietyintermsofhealth, safety and functioning" would also be contrary to Ar- 24 Cousins, Ian T. et al., “The concept of essential use for determin- ing when uses of PFASs can be phased out”, Environmental ticle 68 of REACH and thus illegal. Science :Processes & Impacts 21.11 (2019): 1803-1815 tal floss, water-repellent surfer shorts and ski waxes" 25 Cousins, Ian T. et al, p. 1805 as non-essential uses of PFAS that should be 26 Ibid. p. 1804 banned27.Similarly,theCommissionrefersintheCSS 27 Ibid. p. 1805 to the use of PFAS to provide water and oil repellence 28 European Commission Staff Working Document on Poly- and to textiles, for which a high level of worker protection perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) accompanying the Communica- tion from the Commission of 14 October 2020 (COM(2020) 667), maybeconsideredessentialuntilsuitablealternatives Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability Towards a Toxic-Free Envi- are available, while for consumer uses, "oil repellence ronment, p. 9 could be considered convenient but not essential" . 16 ICRL 1|2021

We submit that it would not be legal under REACH In the authorisation context therefore, a qualified al- nor proportionate to ban or refuse authorisation to ternative must be proved to (1) be "technically and groups of PFAS substances used in any potentially economically feasible for the applicant", and (2) re- "non-essential" applications, without a proper socio- duce the overall risks to human health and the envi- economic analysis that takes into account all ele- ronment (compared with the substance subject to au- ments discussed above, including the risks involved thorization). It is important to note that the techni- with the use of PFAS in those specific applications, cal and economic feasibility must be assessed on the the risk management measures taken to control such basis of the conditions applicable "to the applicant" risks, the socio-economic benefits of such uses, in- and thus it must be possible (proportionate) for that cluding their impact on the quality of life, and the applicant, technically and economically, to switch to availability of suitable alternatives. the alternative. This second condition is also funda- It should also be considered whether banning such mental, otherwise this would lead to what is referred uses for the general public may cause companies to to as "regrettable substitutions". no longer be able to produce in economically viable The same conditions should also apply in the con- conditions the equivalent professional products and text of a restriction under REACH in particular if the thus lead to the loss of these products as well, though "socio-economic" impact to be conducted in that deemed essential. This also should be part of the framework is broadened to also take account of a con- analysis of the proportionality of the measure as dis- cept of essentiality. Thus, key to the application of cussed in Section 7 below. the essential use principle will be that a process as rigorous as that used to demonstrated the "concern" of the substances considered for a ban or a restric- 6. Essentiality and the Need to Analyse tion be used to determine whether the potential al- Available Alternatives ternative substances or technologies indeed have a better profile in addition to being technically and eco- The Montreal Protocol allows a use to qualify as "es- nomically feasible. sential" if it is necessary for the health, safety or is critical for the functioning of society and "if there are no available technically and economically feasible al- 7. Essentiality and Proportionality, One ternatives or substitutes that are acceptable from the of The Main Legal Principles of EU standpoint of environment and health"29. Law As regards this second condition, Article 68 of REACH is more laconic as it only refers to the need Any decision by the Commission under Article 64.8 to take into account the socio-economic impact of the of REACH to ban or authorise a substance following restriction, "including the availability of substitutes". the authorisation process or in a restriction adopte- As regards Article 60.4 of REACH it refers to "suit- dunder Article 73 of REACH would be subject to the able alternative substance or technologies", a concept control of the legality of such measure by the Euro- that is further qualified in Article 60.5 of REACH as pean Courts. In their review, the European Courts follows: would not only rule on the legality of decisions tak- "When assessing whether suitable alternative sub- en on the basis of the essential use concept, with the stances or technologies are available, all relevant as- provisions of the REACH Regulation but also with pects shall be taken into account by the Commission, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union including: (TFEU) and the essential principles of EU Law, en- (a) Whether the transfer to alternatives would re- shrined in such Treaty, such as the principles of sult in reduced overall risks to human health and the environment, taking into account the appro- priate ness and effectiveness of risk management mea- 29 Decision IV/25 : Essential uses. ICRL 1|2021 17

proportionality, non-discrimination, legal certainty that such specific use represent, thus requiring a case- and foresee-ability, legitimate expectations, good ad- by-case, use-by-use analysis. For example, it would be ministration, etc. disproportionate to ban a use, even if non-essential, It is beyond the scope of this article to make an ex- of a substance presenting a concern for the environ- tensive review of the possible application of all the ment, if that use would represent virtually no envi- EU principles of law to the possible introduction of ronmental exposure; Indeed, such ban would bring the essential use concept in the application of Arti- no environmental benefits and thus be dispropor- cle 60.4 and 68 of REACH. But we review below how tionate. the principle of proportionality must be taken into Also, to be proportionate, this analysis must take consideration and may invalidate decisions taken on account of the specificity of each chemical substance the basis of the essential use concept if applied with- being considered. There cannot be a one size fits all out due consideration of such principle. restriction that picks up on the characteristics of one The principle of proportionality requires that mea- chemical to extrapolate it to all other chemicals in a sures adopted by EU authorities do not exceed the group without positive demonstration of their harm- limits of what is appropriate and necessary in order ful criteria. Most PFAS for example, are claimed to to attain the objectives legitimately pursued by be persistent or very persistent, and some may be REACH30. In the context of REACH, those objectives bioaccumulative, but not all. REACH includes crite- include, according to Article 1 of REACH, primarily ria for substances that are PBTs or vPvBs showing the protection of human health and of the environ- that it is the addition of persistency and bioaccumu- ment, but also the free circulation of substances on lation and/or toxicity which is of concern. It remains the internal market. to be demonstrated that each and every PFAS meets Article 68 of REACH when referring to the need such criteria of concern or other criteria of concern, to take into account the socio-economic impact of a provided that these are determined and defined in restriction, including the availability of alternative, full transparency and legality. in the restriction process, is clearly underpinned by Otherwise, a ban or restriction will inevitably the principle of proportionality and such principle breach the principle of proportionality, that is the can then be used to guide the Commission in mak- fundamental basis of Articles 60.4 and 68 of REACH, ing its restriction decisions. and is an overarching essential principle of EU Law. As regards Article 60.4 of REACH, it is also in- Importantly also, these essential principles apply not spired from that principle but the REACH text is only to decisions taken by the Commission or ECHA somewhat more specific in that it imposes upon the in matters of their competence, as specified by the authorities to grant an authorisation if the socio-eco- EU legislator in EU legislation such as the REACH nomic benefits of a use outweigh the risks and if Regulation, but these principles also apply to the EU there are no suitable alternatives. As described legislator itself. above, on that basis, the simple translation of the Indeed, though the Court of Justice has recognized Montreal Protocol or of the three categories pro- that a certain discretion must be allowed to the leg- posed by Cousins et al. in the implementation of islature when making political, economic and social these articles would be contrary to both the REACH policy choices that require to carry out complex as- text and the principle of proportionality for most us- sessment31, there is no general exemption with re- es. gards to the respect of the general principles of EU More generally, the principle of proportionality re- law by the legislator. Article 263 TFEU indeed makes quires that each specific use be analysed and the ben- clear that “(t)he Court of Justice of the European efits of its ban or restriction compared with the risks Union shall review the legality of legislative acts” no- tably on the ground of “infringement of the Treaties or any rule of law relating to their application”32. The EU legislator engaged in a revision of REACH would 30 See CJUE, Etimine SA v. Secretary of State, 21 July 2011, §124 thus also be required to take due account of all the 31 See CJCE, 12 November 1996, C-84/94, §58, United Kingdom v. above considerations as regards the proportionality Council of the European Union, See also CJCE, 14 December 2004, Swedish Match v. Secretary of State for Health, §48 of the introduction of the essential use concept in a 32 See CJ Stauder v. City of Ulm, 12 November 1969, C-29/69, §7 revised EU REACH or other EU legislation. 18 ICRL 1|2021

8. Essentiality Under WTO Rules this is done as part of a robust analysis of the propor- tionality of the proposed measure. This section now The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT addresses some issues related to the concrete imple- Agreement) prohibits technical regulations that are mentation of such concept in such socio-economic discriminatory or which create unnecessary obsta- analysis: cles to trade. The TBT Agreement leaves however to WTO Members a certain leeway on which legitimate objective (e.g. the protection of human health) they 1. Developing Criteria of Essentiality want to pursue providing the technical barrier can pass the necessity test, which is essentially a "propor- In the Caracal Paper 1, the European Commission has tionality" test. raised a series of broad questions on existing uses of Under the TBT Agreement, a technical regulation the essential use concept, examples of essential and survives the necessity test when it is not more trade- non-essential uses, whether decisions should be restrictive than necessary to fulfil a legitimate objec- based on pre-defined criteria or case-by-case assess- tive.ThistesthasbeenclarifiedbytheAppellateBody ments, and other substantive and procedural ques- of the WTO through a three prong test which in- tions. The responses received from the EU Member cludes: States and other stakeholders, as summarized in a (a) the degree of contribution made by the measure second document produced by the European Com- to the legitimate objective at issue; mission for the 38th meeting of CARACAL (the "Cara- (b) the trade-restrictiveness of the measure; cal Paper 2")34, show that it will be very difficult to (c) the nature of the risks at issue and the gravity of find a consensus on how to approach this issue. consequences that would arise from nonfulfill- While Member States generally support the intro- ment of the objective(s) pursued by the Member duction of the concept, and the need to define crite- through the measure33. ria, they also seem to agree that some degree of case- by-case review will be needed. However, beyond that, The author submits that essentiality as such should the initial responses diverge significantly, going from not be a "legitimate objective" on its own under the proposing that the concept should be fed at the lev- TBT Agreement, and, therefore, EU measure incor- el of product development so that only products porating the concept of essentiality, including specif- proved to be essential should be marketed35 to more ic bans or restrictions on substances for non-essen- reasonable suggestions to fit some level of essential- tial uses, would need to not be more trade-restrictive ity in the current REACH system36. than necessary in order to fulfil another objective, It is beyond the scope of this paper to elaborate a such as the protection of human health. possible definition or criteria for the introduction of The TBT may thus not easily accommodate a strict the essential use concept under REACH. Neverthe- view on essential use which would consist in ban- ning all non-essential uses of an harmful substance on the basis of its hazard only, without demonstrat- 33 Report of the Appellate Body – United States – Measures con- ing the necessity of such measure to achieve the de- cerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna and Tuna sired objective. Products, WT/DS381/AB/R, 16 May 2012, §322 34 European Commission document on "Essential Uses – A possible concept for REACH (Summary of and response to comments to CA/61/2020)" dated 1 March 2021 (CA/14/2021) presented at the III. Practical Suggestions for the 38th meeting of Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP Introduction of the Concept Under (CARACAL) on 3-4 November 2021. 35 Essential Uses Doc Ca/61/2020, Questions To Caracal, REACH FR Reach competent authority (ministry for the ecological transition) pre- liminary thoughts, page 2. From the above, the author concludes that it should 36 In the Caracal Paper 2 (page 2), the Commission indicates that it be possible to introduce the concept of essential use will "develop a working paper on the concept" of essential use and that it is "considering launching a study to continue, amongst within the socio-economic analysis that is being con- other, the legal analysis, assess possible criteria, the scope of ducted in the framework of the authorisation and re- application and policy options which will determine the decision making process". At the time of finalizing this article, these work- striction processes of REACH while ensuring that ing paper and study were not yet available. ICRL 1|2021 19

less, it is important to stress that the introduction of sumptions, also specifying who has the burden of an essential use concept will need to allow space for proof to do so. science and technology to evolve and new uses to Products subject to such presumptions, while un- emerge. It will also need to take into account that so- dergoing a case-by-case analysis, would nevertheless ciety and the needs of society are in constant evolu- be fast tracked when considering a request for autho- tion, including in terms of quality of life. An essen- risation or a proposal for a restriction, as part of the tial use concept should therefore allow for the dy- socio-economic analysis. This may lead to the autho- namic adaptation of its scope and assessment crite- risation of such uses, to their being excluded from ria as a function of changing societal need and future the scope of the proposed restriction or exempted innovation. from the later. It will therefore be very difficult to arrive at a com- In that framework, essentiality could be assessed prehensive set of criteria that can simply be applied starting with the EU strategic objectives and the de- and case-by-case review will certainly be needed, termination of the product needed to achieve those which may make existing procedures even more com- objectives. Substances of concern necessary for the plex and lengthy, thus far away from the objectives functionality of such strategic products would be of streamlining the authorization and restriction deemed essential and fast tracked for authorization processes. In that respect, indeed, the Commission in- or exemption from proposed restrictions, unless suit- dicates in the Caracal Paper as the first advantage of able alternatives would be demonstrated to exist. the use of the concept that "some authorisations and For example, chemical substances needed to en- restrictions under REACH may be processed faster"37. sure the functioning of batteries for electric vehicles that are key to ensure the EU green mobility, a strate- gic EU objective, would be "deemed essential" and 2. Use of Presumptions to Fast Track thus authorized or exempt from restriction under Essential Uses REACH if such substances would come to be subject to such processes (like some Lithium compounds)39, One possible way to streamline these processes unless and until alternative substances or technolo- would be to use "presumptions" as do the (now old) gies presenting less health or environmental risks “new approach directives.”38 These Directives estab- would be developed that become economically and lish “essential requirements” and allow EU Standards technically feasible. to be elaborated to demonstrate compliance with Essential products so authorized could still be sub- such requirements. Products that comply with EU ject to risk management measures to limit exposure standards are "deemed" in compliance with the es- to the extent possible during production, use and at sential requirements, but compliance can be also the end of their life. The process could for example demonstrated by other means. facilitate authorization for products produced in sites The proposal would therefore be to agree on a set that comply with EU Eco-Management and Audit of rules to define at the outset what products and ap- Scheme (EMAS)40 or that meet the future sustainabil- plications should be “deemed essential” and could be ity by design requirements. fast tracked for rapid decision making. Possibly rules This would be a pragmatic way to ensure that not could also be set up at the outset to define which only the protection of human health and the envi- products are “deemed not to be essential”. In both cas- ronment but also the strategic objectives of the EU, es, rules would also be set up to reverse these pre- including those in the Green Deal, are met and that the processes are streamlined to that effect. By con- trast, in the past years, antagonistic goals, pursued 37 Caracal Paper 1, Page 7. by different parts of the European Commission, have 38 See the Guide to implementation of Community harmonization driven in different directions, with industry having directives based on the new approach and the global approach, October 1994 For other products that are not "strategic", the nor- 39 lithium carbonate; lithium chloride; lithium... - Registry of CLH intentions until outcome - ECHA (europa.eu) mal REACH process would apply with a proportion- 40 EMAS – Environment - European Commission (europa.eu). al analysis of the socio-economic impact of the pro- 20 ICRL 1|2021

posed measure, taking into account societal needs concept via an amendment of such Annex would pro- and leaving the door open for the satisfaction of fu- vide useful additional legal support. ture needs. Finally, for categories of products that could be "deemed not to be essential", the bar would be set IV. Conclusion higher, in accordance with the principle of propor- tionality, for producers and users to demonstrate that The question of "essentiality" is not limited to chem- the use of substances of concern remains beneficial, ical regulation. It is also a concept that is largely re- possibly also following a fast-track system leading to ferred to in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. their ban or restriction unless these stricter condi- And everyone could observe with the different an- tions can be demonstrated to be met. swers given in the different countries to the very It will remain to be determined how far can the same questions, how relative and diverse are the per- European Commission lawfully go in developing cri- ceptions that one has on which human activities are teria that could allow fast tracking the review of es- essential or less essential in that context. sential or non-essential uses under the current The author submits that the concept of essential REACH Regulation processes and whether this could use could be legally applied under REACH but only be done in the form of guidance, or via an im- under the REACH authorization and restriction plementing regulation or whether an amendment to processes for substances of concern that present an the REACH Regulation would be needed. Provided unacceptable risk and are not adequately controlled that the decisions taken in the authorization and re- and that are today subject to a socio-economic analy- strictions processes duly follow the establish process- sis and an analysis of alternatives. es and maintain a case-by-case review that respect Great care should however be taken by authorities the conditions set forth in the legislation and the prin- to avoid products being banned on the basis of sub- ciple of proportionality, a guidance on essential uses jective judgements of what is good or bad for soci- could be elaborated to serve in the socio-economic ety. Indeed, banning the use of substances in prod- assessment that is required under REACH. The cri- ucts on the basis of subjective judgements would lead teria for socio-economic assessment of Annex XVI of to arbitrary, discriminatory and/or disproportionate REACH would seem sufficiently flexible to accom- decisions that breach essential EU legal principles modate this, even if a reference to the essential use and could thus be legally challenged. ICRL 1|2021 Reports 21


REACH Registration of Polymers: Identifying Polymers of Low Concern

Jeffrey Hafer*

I. Introduction requiring registration (PRRs), Wood-PFA proposed a method of classification and grouping. The propos- Polymers are currently excluded from the provisions al included the concept of Polymers of Low Concern on registration in Title II of REACH1 (Registration, (PLCs) and recommended that registration of PLCs Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemi- should not be required. But the report did not explic- cals, (Article 2(9)). The European Commission (the itly identify any systematic method for identifying Commission) has proposed that polymers now be in- PLCs. Recently, the Commission suggested using the cluded within the scope of the regulation. A study2 Canadian criteria to identify PLCs.3 (Wood-PFA) published in 2020 estimated that there In 2005, Canada revised its New Substance Noti- are over 200,000 polymers in commerce in countries fication (NSN) requirements under the Canadian En- under REACH jurisdiction, and that approximately vironmental Protection Act (CEPA) to include a new 33,000 could require registration, representing Reduced Regulatory Requirement (RRR) polymer4 roughly 11,000 ‘unique polymers’. This diminution category recognizing polymers that meet the criteria recognizes the fact that, unlike discrete chemical for low concern. Thus, RRR polymers are subject to names, a polymer name represents a group of sub- fewer data requirements for evaluation and, if war- stances that cannot be defined by a single molecular ranted, are approved for inclusion on the Canada Do- formula or structure. In order to rationalize the uni- mestic Substances List (DSL) as an RRR polymer.5 verse of 200,000 polymers down to 33,000 polymers But Canada’s NSN paradigm was not the first regu- latory system to identify PLCs.

II. PLC Origin * Jeffrey Hafer is a Senior Regulatory Scientist at knoell USA, LLC, responsible for chemical regulatory consulting worldwide with a focus on US TSCA. Before joining knoell USA, he held many positions in the chemical industry most recently as the TSCA In 1973 Japan was the first country to establish an in- manager for the Dow Chemical Company. For correspondence: ventory-based industrial chemical control law as we . know them today. It included the concept of ‘exist- 1 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, ing’ substances (those listed on the established sub- Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), stance inventory) and ‘new’ substances (those not establishing a European Chemicals Agency [2006] OJ L396/1. listed and thus requiring notification to the authori- 2 Wood-PFA, ‘Scientific and technical support for the development of criteria to identify and group polymers for Registration/Evalua- ties prior to commercialization). Although the regu- tion under REACH and their impact assessment’ (Doc Ref. 40867- WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OP-0002_53_P03.5, June 2020) lation did not include an explicit exemption for spe- 3 Background Document for the CASG-polymers meeting 16 cific polymers, the original Existing and New Chem- December 2020, Brussels (08/12/2020). ical Substances (ENCS) inventory had many ‘group’ 4 New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Poly- listings that de facto covered a large number of poly- mers) SOR/2005-247. mers not individually listed by Ministry of Economy, 5 RRR polymers are added to the DSL with a P flag, indicating that 6 in order to take advantage of that DSL listing, a polymer must Trade and Industry (METI) numbers. For instance, meet the RRR criteria. ENCS 6-186 is associated with the group ‘Alkyl acry- 6 METI numbers are used as identifiers on the ENCS list. Some, but late-Alkyl methacrylate-Styrene copolymer’. Theoret- not all, numbers are cross-referenced to Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Numbers (CASRNs). ically, this listing might apply to hundreds of poten- 22 Reports ICRL 1|2021

tial polymer compositions.7 Currently, ENCS 6-186 is ventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Sub- cross-referenced to 32 individual Chemical Abstracts stances (EINECS). For polymers that were not exclud- Service Registry Numbers (CASRNs). These group ed, a 1993 Commission Directive11 delineated the listings introduced the idea that the inherent risk base-set testing requirements. Annex VII D allowed from exposure to certain categories of polymers was for the testing of representatives of families of poly- low enough that notification to and evaluation by mers, rather than all polymers of a given family. It regulatory authorities prior to commercialization also established criteria to identify high-MW poly- was not necessary. mers for which a reduced test package (RTP) would In 1976 the United States (US) Toxic Substances be sufficient. Many of the RTP requirements are sim- Control Act (TSCA) was enacted without specific ilar to the PLC criteria in use in the US, Australia, and guidance for polymers, or even a statutory polymer Canada. definition vis-à-vis inventory listing. The require- After review of over 10,000 more polymer PMN ment to submit premanufacture notices (PMNs) for submissions and an additional 2000 polymer exemp- new chemical substances to the US Environmental tion notices between 1984 and 1995, a revised exemp- Protection Agency (USEPA, the Agency) prior to com- tion was enacted by USEPA.12 It maintained some mercialization became effective on July 1, 1979, 30 components of the 1984 exemption, but it expanded days after the publication of the initial TSCA inven- and refined the criteria for PLCs. In addition, other tory. After review of 4000 PMNs (1200 for new poly- than a one-time communication of the number of mers), a final rule establishing an exemption for cer- new exempt polymers commercialized for the first tain polymers was promulgated in 1984. The Feder- time in the prior year, no notification to the Agency al Register (Fed Reg) notice for the rule8 included a is required and the polymer is not added to the in- polymer definition, as well as the criteria to identify ventory. PLCs eligible for the exemption and the rationale for In 1997 Australia established a PLC category with their adoption. Eligible polymers still required noti- criteria essentially identical to the TSCA exemp- fication to the Agency prior to commercialization, tion,13 but these PLC polymers still required an ap- but with reduced data requirements and an expedit- plication for assessment with reduced data require- ed review (21 days versus 90 for a full PMN). Sub- ments prior to commercialization, and were eventu- stances that successfully passed the review were ally included on the Australian Inventory of Chemi- added to the inventory after receipt of a notice of cal Substances (AICS). commencement of manufacture or import. Howev- The 2005 Canada RRR criteria are closely aligned er, unlike discreet chemical PMN substances that with the PLC requirements in the US and Australia. were generally added to the inventory without spe- In 2014, the Canadian government published a sys- cific physical property restrictions, exempt polymer tem for identifying polymers requiring different lev- inventory listings were limited to polymers that met els of assessment under their Chemicals Manage- the applicable exemption conditions including the weight percent of the residual reactants and low mol- ecular weight (MW) species reported in the notice or, 7 ENCS 6-186 includes the stipulation that the listing is limited to in the case of an exempt polyester, use of allowed re- polymers insoluble in water, acid and alkali, and to those where 9 the content of oligomers having a molecular weight (MW) less actants. If anyone other than the original PMN sub- than 1000 Da is 1% or less. mitter wants to use an exempt polymer listing to 8 Premanufacture notification exemptions; exemption for polymers, demonstrate compliance with TSCA inventory re- 49 Fed Reg 46,066 (Nov 21, 1984). quirements, they have to contact the Agency to de- 9 Indicated by a Y1 or Y2 flag on the inventory listing. 10 Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approxima- termine whether their polymer meets the conditions tion of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to of the original submission. the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous sub- Under Article 13(2) of the seventh amendment of stances [1967] OJ L196/1. 10 11 Commission Directive 93/105/EC of 25 November 1993 laying the Dangerous Substances Directive (DSD) that pre- down Annex VII D, containing information required for the ceded REACH, polymers were considered as notified technical dossier referred to in Article 12 of the seventh amend- ment of Council Directive 67/548/EEC [1993] OJ L294/31. (i.e., were excluded from the need to be notified) un- 12 60 Fed Reg 16,316 (Mar 29, 1995). less their composition included 2% or more of any 13 Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 substances that were not listed on the European In- (July 1990 as amended in 1997). ICRL 1|2021 Reports 23

ment Plan.14 In 2018, it published a ‘second phase of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) polymer rapid screening’ document which 1) provid- Task Force on New Chemicals Notification and As- ed explicit criteria for identifying PLCs and 2) used sessment conducted an Expert Group Meeting on identification as a PLC to eliminate the need for fur- polymers and recommended that a scientific exami- ther evaluation in the screening process.15 nation of the PLC concept be performed by analysis Based on the recommendation of the Commission, of polymer data submitted to OECD regulatory au- the first step to determine if a polymer might require thorities. Data for 205 polymers classified under two registration under REACH would be to determine if categories (PLCs and non-PLCs) using US criteria it meets the RRR criteria. were reviewed with the aim of identifying correla- tions between polymer characteristics and potential health or ecotoxicological concerns.17 Despite the use III. PLC Criteria of some conservative assumptions, 87.8% of poly- mers classified as PLCs showed low health and/or At the most basic level, the PLC criteria for Canada, low ecotoxicological concern.18 Overall, the analysis Australia, and the US incorporate the following com- supported the notion that using PLC criteria to ex- ponents: clude polymers from the need for regulatory review – A polymer definition is sound. – Compositional limitations (elements, metals) – Stability (polymer must not readily degrade or de- compose) IV. PLC Evolution – Exclusion of certain polymer categories (e.g., cationic16) While the OECD study validated the PLC criteria ex- – Number Average Molecular Weight (Mn) thresh- tant in 2009, these criteria are not static. The 1995 olds and corresponding limits on oligomer con- TSCA exemption revised, added, and eliminated19 tent with MWs < 1000 and < 500 daltons (Da) components of the 1984 exemption. For example, the – Reactive Functional Group (RFG) limitations de- exemption now excluded water-absorbing poly- pendent on MW mers20 with a Mn greater than 10,000. This restric- tion is based on an assumed mechanism for lung These criteria rely heavily on physical-chemical prop- damage by high-MW water-absorbing polymers, erties that affect bioavailability. The Organisation for which involves a failure of the lungs to clear parti- cles of these materials. The Agency concluded that exposure to respirable fractions of these polymers 14 Environment Canada and Health Canada, Approach under the might present an unreasonable risk to human health. Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 to Address Poly- mers on the Domestic Substances List that were identified as In 2010 USEPA revised the 1995 polymer exemption priorities during categorization (December 2014). to specifically exclude certain fluoropolymers.21 15 Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada, Second Phase of Polymer Rapid Screening: Results of the Screen- In 2020 Australia adopted a new Australian Indus- ing Assessment (April 2018). trial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS).22 The 16 Not excluded if solid, neither water soluble nor dispersible, or scheme includes six categories of new substance in- only used in the solid phase. troduction with different regulatory requirements 17 OECD, ‘Data analysis of the identification of correlations between polymer characteristics and potential for health or ecotoxicologi- proportionate to the likely level of risk. PLCs are eli- cal concern’, ENV/JM/MONO(2009)1. gible for self-assessment (no notification to the regu- 18 In the report, the term ‘concern’ is based on the intrinsic proper- ties of the polymers not considering exposure or risk. latory authorities required) and will not be added to 19 Exclusion of 1) polymers containing less than 32% carbon, 2) the inventory. The ‘Exempted Introductions’ catego- polymers manufactured from reactants containing halogen atoms ry for polymers largely incorporates the prior PLC cri- or cyano groups, and 3) biopolymers. teria with some notable revisions. For example, based 20 A polymer capable of absorbing its own weight of water. Water- soluble and water-dispersible (that is, self-dispersing or already on human health and ecotoxicological concerns, sub- dispersed) polymers are not considered to be water-absorbing stances (polymer and non-polymer) that have certain substances. Only water-insoluble, non-dispersible water-absorb- ing polymers are excluded. ranges of fully fluorinated carbon atoms are not eli- 21 75 Fed Reg 4295 (Jan 27, 2010). gible for an exempted introduction. It is also note- 22 Industrial Chemicals Act 2019. worthy that, based on human health concerns, a poly- 24 Reports ICRL 1|2021

mer with a Mn greater than 70,000 Da is not eligible as long as the company did not and does not manu- if it is 1) insoluble in water and 2) intended for use in facture or import those substances. aerosol cosmetics. Thus, like the 1995 TSCA exemp- tion, this exclusion incorporates physical-chemical property criteria and a specific route of exposure. VI. Conclusion For Canada’s polymer rapid screening assessment, the RRR criteria were utilized to broadly screen the Revoking the exclusion for polymers under REACH 334 polymers to be evaluated. Meeting the RRR re- presents a monumental challenge in implementa- quirements was considered sufficient to conclude tion. As mentioned, it is estimated that approximate- that a polymer does not meet the criteria in section ly 33,000 polymers could require registration, repre- 64 of CEPA,23 and the polymers that qualified were senting roughly 11,000 unique polymers. Certainly excluded from further assessment. Polymers not any approach needs to have as its goal the protection meeting the RRR criteria were subject to a second of human health and the environment, but it must phase of evaluation that included additional hazard also be pragmatic. Adoption of the Canadian PLC cri- and exposure criteria. teria (essentially the same as those used in Australia As an example, the ecotoxicological component of and the US) as an initial screen to identify polymers the second phase included a threshold for annual vol- that should not require registration seems a logical ume (1000 kg/year) and water extractability (greater choice based on the following: than 2% by weight). The final step of the screening – The 2009 OECD study demonstrated that the vast for ecotoxicological considerations involved use of majority of polymers classified as PLCs under the release scenarios to estimate environmental expo- US criteria showed low health and/or low ecotox- sure. For human health, the exposure bands in Table icological concern. 124 were developed to prioritize the need for further – The PLC criteria have been in use in the US since evaluation based on exposure potential. 1995, Australia since 1997, and Canada since 2005 If a polymer was used in multiple applications and without observations of negative effects to human could fall into more than one exposure band, the health or the environment. higher band was used to determine the need for fur- – While Canada continues to review RRR polymers ther evaluation and/or support its classification as prior to commercialization, the TSCA exemption toxic according to CEPA. and the Australia exempted introduction for poly- mers do not require any notice to or evaluation by the regulatory authorities (they are ‘self-actuated’). V. Economic Impact This approach to prioritization for registration is REACH excluded polymers from registration obliga- promising, but it is not without challenges. tions, but required polymer manufacturers and im- – It is unlikely that all polymer manufacturers and porters to register monomers and relevant reactants importers have the data necessary to establish PLC used in the manufacture of the polymer at greater status, and in some cases it may not be possible to than 2% when the volume based on polymer weight generate it. exceeded 1000 kg/year. Assuming PLC criteria are – Agreement on substance identity has been diffi- used as the initial screen to determine whether dero- cult for many discrete chemicals. Agreement on gation from registration is warranted, these compa- substance identity for polymeric substances will nies would then need to expend funds to generate likely present a new set of issues. the required data if it does not currently exist. If a polymer does not meet PLC criteria and requires reg- istration, these companies are likely to be liable for 23 Section 64 of CEPA defines a substance as ‘toxic’ if it is entering significant expenses related to additional data gener- or may enter the environment in a quantity or concentration or under conditions that 1) have or may have an immediate or long- ation and registration. In that case, since they have term harmful effect on the environment or its biological diversity, already incurred the cost to register the constituent 2) constitute or may constitute a danger to the environment on which life depends, or 3) constitute or may constitute a danger in monomers and other relevant reactants, it would Canada to human life or health. seem equitable to devise a mechanism for restitution 24 Second Phase of Polymer Rapid Screening, page 19. ICRL 1|2021 Reports 25

Human Health Exposure Band Classification

Band Criteria

3 A polymer in products available to consumers that are intended to be consumed (e.g., foods, drugs, and natural health products) or intentionally applied directly to the body (e.g., cosmetics)

2 A polymer with consumer use in household products that are not intended to be applied directly to the body or consumed (e.g., cleaning products, house paint, and motor oil); or A polymer with industrial use and a reported single-company import, manufacture or use quantity > 1,000,000 kg with a water extractability ≤ 2% by weight % or > 100,000 kg with water extractability > 2% by weight

1 A polymer used in manufactured articles where it is reacted into or contained within the finished product (e.g., disposable cutlery); or A polymer with industrial use and a reported single-company import, manufacture or use quantity ≤ 1 000 000 kg with a water extractability ≤ 2% by weight or ≤ 100 000 kg with a water extractability > 2% by weight

– Obtaining confidential information from suppli- Acknowledging the challenges, use of the Canada ers in order to make a PLC evaluation is certain to RRR criteria as an initial screen to exclude PLCs from be a barrier for some non-manufacturing im- registration requirements provides a practical tool to porters. 1) eliminate substances of low concern and 2) allow – As new evidence becomes available, PLC criteria the regulatory process to focus on registration of can change over time, introducing complexity and polymeric substances that might potentially pose uncertainty into the process. risk to humans or the environment. 26 Reports ICRL 1|2021

REACH Restriction and Authorisation are Driving Replacement of Harmful Chemicals Know Your Substances Before It Is Too Late

Jaime Sales and Dieter Drohmann*

I. Introduction stances of Very High Concern (SVHC). These are sub- stances that meet certain criteria related to their haz- The REACH Regulation1 has introduced significant ardous properties, mainly (but not only) in relation challenges for the European chemical industry. Some to their classification and labelling as per the EU CLP of those challenges relate to technical and adminis- Regulation2. However, before a substance is included trative obligations, mainly focused on the registra- in the SVHC list (also known as the Candidate List tion process, such as filling data gaps, performing for authorisation3), certain steps are taken by the EU physico-chemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological regulators to verify such condition. Since the imple- studies, development of (and compliance with) expo- mentation of REACH close to 15 years ago, the process sure scenarios, or payment of fees to the European to regulate such chemicals has been progressively re- Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and data owners. Howev- fined, reaching a somewhat standardized system that er, other regulatory procedures triggered by REACH helps to provide some predictability. Furthermore, it may have a stronger impact in the business of chem- should also be recognized that issues identified un- ical companies, because they may require even more der EU REACH will likely travel globally, resulting in burdensome actions to ensure the continued use of scrutiny of chemicals and potential restriction under certain chemical substances in the EU, which may other regulatory jurisdictions. Some examples can be come with stringent conditions in terms of risk man- foundunderKorea-REACH4 andtheTurkishKKDIK5. agement measures or operating conditions to be im- plemented. Ultimately, in certain cases the use of some substances could be simply banned or severe- II. Integrated Regulatory Strategy ly restricted. Furthermore, following the implemen- tation and development of REACH in the past years, The Integrated Regulatory Strategy (IRS)6 was devel- the EU has taken the lead in triggering complex reg- oped by ECHA based on the experience gained ulatory processes for industrial chemicals. Therefore, through the early years of implementation of REACH it is to be expected that such processes may be taken up in other jurisdictions, because many countries are following closely what happens in Europe in terms * Jaime Sales, Managing Director at Chemservice Iberia . Dieter Drohmann, CEO of of regulating chemicals. So, it may be the case that the Chemservice Group: . wide, hence impacting companies on a global scale. 1 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and The scope of the REACH Regulation is to improve Restriction of Chemicals. the protection of human health and the environment 2 Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and from the risks that can be posed by chemicals, while packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chemicals Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regula- industry; in the long run, it is expected that the most tion (EC) No 1907/2006. hazardous substances should be substituted with less 3 See, 4 See, threat for companies that market or operate with 5 See, der REACH, the substances that will be subject to 6 See, ICRL 1|2021 Reports 27

and CLP. The IRS was implemented in 2016, contin- ly the main source of information, however other da- uing previous initiatives from ECHA (e.g., the SVHC ta sets (e.g., notifications to the classification and la- Roadmap). It brings together the various regulatory belling inventory) may also be used. It is to be not- processes in order to provide a clear and coherent ba- ed that certain substances that are exempted from sis for achieving the aims of the Regulation. The main registration may be impacted by other regulatory objectives of the IRS are: processes in REACH. In such cases, obtaining reli- – To efficiently select substances, or groups of sub- able data may pose a challenge. The next step is to stances, that raise potential concern. perform a Regulatory Management Option Analysis – To identify the most suitable regulatory risk man- (RMOA)7 based on the information available. An agement measures by generating additional infor- RMOA intends to help authorities to clarify whether mation. regulatory action is needed for a substance, and to – To ensure appropriate and timely intervention by identify the most appropriate measure to address a all actors; ECHA, Member States, the European concern. While the RMOA is not present in the Commission and industry. REACH legal text and their conclusions are not – To ensure that registrants meet REACH informa- mandatory, RMOAs have proven to be a valuable tool tion requirements promoting communication on to decide the regulatory path for substances of con- safe uses in the supply chain. cern. The outcome of an RMOA will identify the most – To promote collaboration between authorities to appropriate option for the substance, which could ensure effective implementation of REACH and include the need to generate further information or CLP processes. assessment (via the Evaluation process under – To ensure transparency and predictability of reg- REACH). If the data available is deemed sufficient to ulatory activities. establish a conclusion, there are different possibili- ties that can be laid out for the chemical under scruti- Thefollowingdiagramshowsthemainprocessesand ny. This could be the need for further regulatory risk relations established between them in the IRS. It is management under REACH (e.g., restriction, SVHC to be noted that the diagram should be used for ori- listing followed by authorisation) or CLP (Har- entation purposes, as a substance may enter any reg- monised Classification and Labelling), or under dif- ulatory process at any given time, without necessar- ferent regulatory schemes, such as the Chemical ily following the flow described in it (ECHA, 2020). Agents Directive8, Water Framework Directive9, In- dustrial Emissions Directive10, Waste Framework Di- rective11, or others. Obviously, another possible con- III. Regulatory Management Option clusion is that nofurther regulatory action is required Analysis on the substance. In the present paper we will focus on the REACH When evaluating chemicals, the starting point for regulatory management options that are deemed regulators is the registration dossier, which is usual- more demanding for chemical companies marketing substances in the EU – authorisation (via prior inclu- sion in the Candidate List) and restriction.

7 See, 8 Council Directive 98/24/EC of 7 April 1998 on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical IV. SVHC - Authorisation agents at work. 9 Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Com- The Roadmap for SVHC Identification and Imple- munity action in the field of water policy. mentation of REACH Risk Management Measures12 10 Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the established a goal for the EU to have all relevant Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control). known SVHC substances included in the Candidate 11 Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the List by 2020. A Member State of the European Union, Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain or ECHA at request of the European Commission, Directives may propose a substance to be identified as a Sub- 12 See, . stance of Very High Concern (SVHC). According to 28 Reports ICRL 1|2021

Picture 1: Figure 1: Diagram of Integrated Regulatory Strategy

REACH, substances that fall under the following cat- volume of manufacture or import is above 1 tonne egories may be appointed as SVHCs: per year. – Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or toxic for reproduction Category 1A or 1B (CMR) according to CLP. However, at present time there is no mechanism in – Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic (PBT) or REACH to ensure that a substance will remain in the very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative (vPvB) Candidate List without further regulatory action, nor according to REACH Annex XIII. there is any official system established to remove a – Substances that provide an equivalent level of con- substance from such list if, for example, new scien- cern, such as endocrine disrupters, or skin and res- tific evidence would demonstrate that the classifica- piratory sensitisers. tion that led to its consideration as SVHC is not ful- lywarranted.Inadditiontonewscientificdata,delist- The inclusion of a substance in the Candidate List ing would likely require a Member State CLH Pro- can be regarded in itself as an RMO. Indeed, there posal13, endorsement by RAC and removal by the are certain obligations for suppliers of SVHC sub- Commission. Therefore, there is always the possibil- stances, essentially related to: ity for an SVHC substance to be eventually moved – Reporting the presence of the SVHC substance to Annex XIV of REACH – the Authorisation List. above 0.1% (w/w) in extended Safety Data Sheets The main objective of authorisation under REACH provided to customers. is to ensure that SVHC substances are progressively – Communication in the supply chain (e.g., indica- tions on safe use in reply to customer requests). – Notifications to ECHA if the SVHC substance is 13 See, ICRL 1|2021 Reports 29

replaced by less dangerous substances or technolo- tain that a thorough risk assessment has been per- gies, where technically and economically feasible al- formed. ternatives are available. Under authorisation, the ul- – Socio-Economic Analysis (SEA), demonstrating timate goal for EU authorities is to phase out the use that the socio-economic benefit of use outweighs of SVHCs in Europe; if this is not possible, the risk the residual risk. For substances that have a safe- of the continued use must be adequately controlled. ty threshold, the SEA is optional (but highly rec- Where this is not fully possible (e.g., in the case of ommendable). The global impact of the substance substances for which a safety threshold cannot be es- in the EU has to be evaluated, comparing the cas- tablished), it must be demonstrated that the socio- es in which the use is continued against a non-use economic benefits of the continued use of the sub- scenario. This needs to include all potential cost stance for the European society outweighs the re- aspects (e.g., potential cancer treatment of identi- maining risks, which in any case must be minimised. fied number of potential cases, if the SVHC is a It is to be noted that between the inclusion of a sub- carcinogen), and benefits from developing possi- stance in the Candidate List as an SVHC, and the se- ble alternatives, in addition to direct economic im- lection of the substance for authorisation, there is an pact for the applicant or EU industry. additional step known as prioritisation, by which – Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), describing if there ECHA periodically recommends a selection of SVHC are suitable alternatives to the SVHC for each one substances to be included in REACH Annex XIV. It of its uses. The term suitable alternative needs to is eventually the European Commission that takes be evaluated carefully. An increasing concern by the final decision, based on the opinion from the regulators comes from regrettable substitution (re- Member States Committee. placing a chemical by another one which in the Whereas the obligation to register chemical sub- end will exhibit the same hazard properties as the stances under REACH lies with the manufacturers one it is intended to replace). The key characteris- or importers, the requirements of the authorisation tics to consider an alternative as viable are: process impact all users of a substance. So, down- – It delivers similar technical performance; this may stream users under REACH who may have had a lim- not always be easy to proof – or challenge. ited involvement with the regulation will be fully im- – It is available in sufficient quantity, at reasonable pacted if they use a substance that is placed in the cost and in time (it may not be available today, but Authorisation List. Certain uses are exempted from it could be reasonably expected that it will be in a authorisation, for example substances that can be de- few years). It has to be noted that an alternative fined as intermediate substances under the defini- may be regarded as viable by authorities if it is tion of REACH; still, companies relying on an autho- considered to be a Suitable Alternative Generally risation exemption need to be careful, since there is Available (SAGA) even if a particular user may not currently an intense debate on-going in the EU relat- be fully prepared to implement it, for whatever ed to the specific conditions under which a substance reason. can be considered to be used as an intermediate. – It results in reduced overall risk compared to the Companies that wish to obtain an authorisation SVHC. from the European Commission to continue with their use need to be covered by an Application for In terms of timing, two dates are relevant when a Authorisation (AfA)14. This AfA will include the fol- substance is included in the Authorisation List: lowing elements: – Latest Application Date (LAD): it is the last date to – Chemical Safety Report (CSR), providing proof submit an AfA after inclusion the substance in An- that the risk derived from the use of the substance nex XIV (typically between 18 and 30 months). is adequately controlled. Applicants need to – Sunsetdate:thisisthedatefromwhichasubstance demonstrate that each use is adequately de- in Annex XIV cannot be used without an authori- scribed, while providing sufficient detail to ascer- sation granted by the European Commission for that use (generally this is 18 months after the LAD).

Combined with the relatively tight deadlines de- 14 See, scribed above, the particularities of the authorisation 30 Reports ICRL 1|2021

process with regards to supply chain organization tions that perhaps the applicant was not expecting. may give rise to significant complexities for indus- In addition, there are fees to be paid to ECHA, per try to coordinate, build and manage an AfA. Unlike substance, use and legal entity. All of these features registration, under authorisation companies in- render authorisation under REACH a significant volved in the same uses of a substance may decide challenge to industry; companies dealing with to pursue authorisation on an individual basis, al- SVHCs, or substances that meet the criteria to be though joint submission is possible. Furthermore, identified as SVHCs at one point in time, will need manufacturers and importers may apply on behalf to plan ahead of time what their strategy will be, as of their downstream users, or the users may apply there could be significant business impacts for a sub- directly for their own uses. Users need to remind that stance placed in the Authorisation List. if they rely on a supplier applying on their behalf, they become tied to that supplier (i.e., they can only source the substance from the supplier(s) that have V. Restriction covered them in their AfA). Therefore, there are a number of key strategic factors for companies to eval- The aim of the restriction process under REACH is uate, when deciding their strategy on how to face to limit or ban the manufacture, placing on the mar- their obligations under authorisation – with limited ket and/or use of certain substances, when it has been time to take such decisions and implementing the established that they pose an unacceptable risk to hu- agreed strategy. man health and/or the environment at Community Following opinions from the RAC15 and SEAC16 level. Restricted substances are listed in REACH An- committees of ECHA, the European Commission nex XVII. Unlike authorisation, the responsibility to maydecidetorejectortograntanauthorisation.Even put together a restriction dossier lies on authorities if granted, this is not forever. An authorisation will (Member States or ECHA). Ultimately, it is expected be granted under a certain review period, which is that safe uses of substances would be allowed to con- the time until the company will need to reapply again tinue, while those posing an excessive risk will be for the same use. Standard review period is 7 years, banned. although periods of 4 or 12 years are also possible (in A restriction may include derogations on specific cases where users have identified alternatives but cases or conditions under which a use may be con- those cannot yet be implemented, applicants may re- tinued, as well as timelines until the restriction be- quest a specific review period covering the time in comes mandatory for all or a selection of uses. It may which they consider that implementation will be pos- cover issues related to imported articles that contain sible). The review period will essentially depend on SVHCs (a case which is not covered by the authori- the opinion of the committees which will be based sation process), and it also involves the opinions from on the quality of the AfA. The key quality parameter RAC and SEAC, which have fixed deadlines to pro- to consider is uncertainty; the higher the uncertain- vide such opinions from the date that the restriction ty, the lower the review period. In general, very broad proposal is put forward. Public consultations allow- AfAs intended to cover a large number of different ing for stakeholders (industry, other authorities or uses or situations are in larger risk to present higher NGOs) will be launched during the process. uncertainty, resulting in more chances of getting a Although typically restriction is regarded as a reduced review period. Longer review periods than more flexible tool compared to authorisation by in- 12 years may be possible for specific cases of uses dustry, companies need to be aware of how the re- deemed to be critical in which no substitution is pos- striction proposal is put forward, as it may also in- sible. This is why ensuring that the use is adequate- troduce unexpected conditions, which could result ly described and providing high quality information in challenges for companies to continue their use. AfA is crucial. At the end of the review period, a new AfA needs to be submitted, which should be focused on the efforts performed during the review period to find a viable alternative to the SVHC. 15 See, Even if an authorisation is granted, the European 16 See, ICRL 1|2021 Reports 31

While the fact that it is the responsibility of author- market restrictions due to regulatory develop- ities to put forward restriction dossiers may remove ments? some burden from industry, there is also a negative – Is your use critical for your supplier of the sub- factor in that industry loses control of the content of stance? If so, you should ensure that you would the dossier, or of how this is presented. It is to be not- get support in e.g., AfA (this does not necessarily ed that a restriction dossier needs to include risk as- mean that your supplier would apply for authori- sessments and socio-economic evaluations, as in the sation on your behalf, but that they will support case of an AfA. you to ensure that your use will be adequately cov- Although conceptually different, authorisation ered in an AfA, which may be submitted by your and restriction aim for the same objective, which is company). the replacement of substances or applications that – Are there suitable alternatives available, that generate a situation of concern in relation to human would allow you to replace the substance that you health or the environment with safer alternatives. In use, or that would allow your customer to substi- fact, a recent document published by ECHA it was tute the substance that you supply for their use? concluded that to this date, restriction is perceived – Is it expected that alternatives will become avail- as a stronger incentive for substitution by the chem- able in the future? Companies need to be aware ical industry. of R&D initiatives, not only internal ones, but al- so from other stakeholders. This may of course not always be easy, but it needs to be considered that VI. Impact on suppliers and users of in the authorisation process, AoAs will be made chemicals public, offering stakeholders (e.g., companies fo- cused on developing alternatives to SVHCs) the The previous sections have described, in a highly opportunity to comment and eventually challenge summarized way, the key features of the more strin- conclusions stating that no alternatives are avail- gent regulatory procedures under REACH, and how able. some of them may be interconnected. Those proce- – Are you using or supplying a substance that is dures may result in significant challenges for indus- chemically similar to an SVHC, but not yet includ- try, which could face severe impacts in terms of busi- ed in the Candidate List, or classified with the same ness performance and strategy, particularly related hazard properties? to forecasting market access and market trends in Eu- – Ultimately, remember to ensure that the registra- rope for the long term. While the pressure to replace tion dataset and strategy (e.g., read-across) is sol- substances of concern by viable alternatives, compa- id, or review it if regulatory challenges can be an- nies will need to place effort to avoid regrettable sub- ticipated; follow-up on external initiatives, e.g., di- stitution. It is therefore important that companies vergent classifications via the C&L inventory. plan the different options that they may take ahead of time, when facing such challenges. The following reflections aim at offering a starting point with ques- 2. Be Alert on Regulatory Initiatives tions that may help in the process of making man- agerial decisions, in relation with different regulato- – Despite efforts by ECHA (e.g., with the IRS), it is ry processes. still uncertain to anticipate when regulators may initiate action on a given chemical. Be prepared and plan possible future impacts with sufficient 1. Know your Substance time. – Authorities are not always clear in terms of why – Do you supply or use substances included in the one substance is picked and not the other, or when Candidate List, or that meet the criteria to make actions may be started, however this is improving them eligible to be identified as SVHC in the fu- via the standardisation of the RMOA procedure or ture? the focus on groups of chemicals. – Is the substance critical for your business? How – Timing of regulatory processes is always a chal- would your company react in front of potential lenge, especially when discussions are required 32 Reports ICRL 1|2021

within the supply chain. Organisation of AfAs in- broader picture of the importance of the contin- volving various actors in the supply chain may be ued use of a substance for the European society. a significant effort, therefore communications – Evaluate global impacts of a potential ban on a giv- need to be efficient. For this reason, potential road- en substance, taking into consideration how key blocks (e.g., sharing of Confidential Business In- EU strategies like the Green Deal, Chemical Strat- formation) need to be identified and managed. egy for Sustainability, Climate objectives (e.g., de- – Beware of regrettable substitution. The trend from carbonization) could be impacted. regulators is to look more at groups of similar – An SEA must evaluate not only damage to indus- chemicals, or chemicals that have a similar func- try (or one company), but overall impacts for the tion. So, companies need to be aware of develop- EU, for example, the benefits in terms of savings ments for “similar” chemicals to the ones they han- due to reduced health or environmental impacts dle. coming from the ban of a substance, or opportu- – Replacing a chemical with a “less regulated alter- nities for business development if alternatives can native” instead of a “lower risk alternative” may be implemented. generate future problems (e.g., investing in a sub- – While it is essential to provide accurate estima- stitute which may proof to be unacceptable in the tions of potential economic and labour impact, mid-term). consequences of potential loss of employment should not be overestimated; workers may find other jobs (differences on employment evolution 3. Build up your Case within different countries in the EU should be con- sidered), and alternative technologies may emerge – Authorisation may reshape business strategies for that could absorb lost labour force for one banned the whole supply chain, e.g., applicants may focus chemical. on uses that are critical for their business, due to high costs of AfAs; be ready to defend your case, highlighting the reasons why you believe that your VII. Conclusions use is critical for the wellbeing of the European so- ciety. Chemical companies that are (or that may be in the – Be proactive and engage with your supply chains future) impacted by REACH beyond the registration (suppliers, customers, industry associations) to co- process should take actions in order to ensure that ordinate actions if a chemical of interest is under their regulatory affairs departments are closely scrutinye.g.,providinginputintoRMOAsorSEAs. linked with the company’s business strategy and key Do this in the earliest stages of the regulatory departments (commercial, operations, R&D), be- processes, or even before they are started. cause the regulatory developments may have signif- – Solid scientific arguments are necessary, but ade- icant influence in defining where and how a compa- quate advocacy actions to defend proportionate ny can operate or sell. regulatory management options will likely be es- Being aware of potential regulatory risks derived sential as well. from the chemicals that a company handles, by fol- – Consider that there may be a need to “sacrifice” lowing initiatives from regulators, and engaging with something, e.g., a use with higher exposure, or a the supply chain in order to be informed on their more toxic substance within a group of chemicals. plans in case a substance is placed on the regulatory – Collect accurate exposure data and make sure that radar should be continued actions that every compa- demonstration of controlled/minimum risk is pos- ny handling substances of potential concern should sible. As a general principle, data coming from re- undertake on a regular basis. Also, ensuring that reli- al measured exposure (workplace monitoring, able data is available in order to define the continued emissions to the environment) are preferred use of that substance (in terms of exposure, socio-eco- against modelled data, which can be used but with nomic importance or alternatives) should be a top pri- verification of reliability. ority. Special attention should be placed in avoiding – Feedback from users is generally more valuable overconfidence derived from the use of chemicals than that from manufacturers, as it can provide a that may be regarded as ‘safe’, when similar sub- ICRL 1|2021 Reports 33

stances are pushed into the regulatory processes. This so result in significant economic damage due to sub- could lead to a situation of regrettable substitution, stitution efforts being placed on adapting the process which may damage the company’s reputation but al- to a solution that is not sustainable in the future. 34 Reports ICRL 1|2021

Chemical Legislation in Serbia: An Overview

Alja Livio Torkhani*

I. Introduction Another important act in Serbia concerning chem- ical control is the Law on biocidal products At the proposal of the Ministry of European Integra- tion, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopt- (Zakon o biocidnim proizvodima).3 The public de- ed the 3rd revised version of the National Program for bate on the draft legislation was held in the period the Adoption of the (NPAA, from 25th October until 23rd November 2018 and Nacionalni program za usvajanje pravnih tekovina wasconductedbytheMinistryofEnvironmentalPro- Europske unije) at its session on 1st March 2018. tection according to the Public Hearing Program.4 The NPAA is the most important and comprehen- The draft text was posted on the Ministry's website5, sive document in the process of the European inte- and remarks, proposals and suggestions were sub- gration of Serbia, considering that in addition to har- mitted to the Ministry. monizing the entire domestic legislation with EU law, Bylaws based on both above mentioned regula- it also envisages the obligation to strengthen admin- tions can be found in the List of regulations issued istrative capacities during accession negotiations by the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and Environ- with the EU, as well as long-term financial planning mental Protection and its Department of Chemicals.6 and responsible budget planning. Important part of Serbian legislative framework According to the NPAA, it is planned to fully har- concerning chemicals is also the Law on General Use monize the legislation with EU law by the end of Items (Zakon o predmetima opšte upotrebe).7 2021, followed by a period of monitoring the imple- mentation of regulations until accession.1 One of the chapters related to current Serbian negotiations with the European Union is Part 27, which is focused on * Alja Livio Torkhani is a freelance advisor in the field of regulatory adopting EU Legislation in the field of environmen- affairs for chemicals and is also working voluntary for the Institute tal protection, including management of chemicals. for the Development of Toys. 1 Ministry of European Integration, Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministarstvo za evropske integracije Republike Srbije, see < mei.gov.rs/srl/vesti/1295/189/335/detaljnije/usvojena-treca-rev- idirana-verzija-nacionalnih-programa-za-usvajanje-pravnih-tekov- II. Legal Background ina-eu/9 >accessed 25th November 2020; 2 Law on chemicals, Official Gazette 36/2009, 88/2010, 92/2011, 93/2012, Zakon o hemikalijama, Službeni glasnik 36/2009, In Serbia the competent authority for safe manage- 88/2010, 92/2011, 93/2012, see < pravno-informacioni-sis- ment of chemicals is the Serbian Ministry of Agricul- tem.rs/SlGlasnikPortal/eli/rep/sgrs/skupstina/zakon/2009/36/5/reg ture and Environmental Protection with its Depart- >, accessed 25th November 2020; 3 Law on biocidal products, Official Gazette of the Republic of ment of Chemicals as the central administration. The Serbia, 36/2009, 88/2010, 92/2011, and 25/2015, Zakon o Republic of Serbia passed in 2009 the Law on Chem- biocidnim proizvodima, Službeni glasnik 36/2009, 88/2010, 2 92/2011, i 25/2015, see < pravno-informacioni-sistem.rs/SlGlas- icals (Zakon o hemikalijama). This law regulates in- nikPortal/eli/rep/sgrs/skupstina/zakon/2009/36/6/reg > accessed tegrated management of chemicals, classification, 23rd November 2020 packaging and labeling of chemicals, integrated reg- 4 Izveštaj sa javne rasprave o Nacrtu zakona o biocidnim proizvodima, 2018, see < ekologija.gov.rs/izvestaj- sa-javne- ister of chemicals and register of chemicals placed rasprave-o-nacrtu-zakona-o-biocidnim-proizvodima > accessed on the market, restrictions and prohibitions on pro- 11th November 2020; 5 Izveštaj sa javne rasprave o Nacrtu zakona o biocidnim duction, placing on the market and use of chemicals, proizvodima (Note 5); import and export of certain hazardous chemicals, li- 6 List of regulations in the field of environmental protection in the censes, marketing authorizations for the use of par- Republic of Serbia, 2017, page 13 and 14, see < ekologi- ja.gov.rs/wp-content/uploads/inspekcija/List_of_regulations.pdf > ticularly hazardous chemicals, placing on the market accessed 19th November 2020; of detergents, systematic monitoring of chemicals, 7 Law on General Use Items, Official Gazette 25/2019, Zakon o availability of data, supervision and other issues of predmetima opšte upotrebe, Službeni glasnik, 25/2019, see < paragraf.rs/propisi/zakon-o-predmetima opste-upotrebe.html > , importance for the management of chemicals. accessed 25th November 2020; ICRL 1|2021 Reports 35

1. Serbian Law on Chemicals The scientific experimentation, analysis or re- search of chemicals carried out under controlled con- Serbian Law on Chemicals is composed of 15 chap- ditions. ters. The following subjects are dealt with in this reg- – Article: ulation: An object which during production has been giv- – Chemical Inventory, en a certain shape or design which determines its – Classification, Packaging and Labeling of Chemi- function more than its chemical composition. cals, – Manufacturing: – Restrictions and Prohibitions on the Production, Production or extraction of substances in their nat- Placing on the Market and Use of Chemicals; ural form. – Import and Export of Certain Dangerous Chemi- – Manufacturer: cals; A legal entity or an entrepreneur who manufac- – Permits for Performing Trade Activities and Per- tures a substance. mits for the Use of Certain Dangerous Chemicals; – Placing on the Market: – Integrated Chemical Management; The supply or making available of chemicals to – Placing on the Market of Detergents; third parties in the territory of the Republic of Ser- – Obligations of Chemical Advisors; bia, either with or without compensation, whereby – Systematic Monitoring of Chemicals; import is also considered to be placing on the mar- – Availability of Data; ket. – Supervision and other Issues of Importance for – Substance: the Management of Chemicals. A chemical element and its compounds in the nat- ural state or obtained in the manufacturing process a. Definitions of terms with respect to the Serbian including additives necessary to maintain its stabili- Law on Chemicals ty and impurities arising from the applied process, excluding solvent which can be separated so as not According to Article 3 the below mentioned terms to affect the stability of the substance or change its are defined. Below only those are referenced, which composition. are used as well under EU REACH (Regulation (EC) – Preparation: No 1907/2006).8 A mixture or solution of two or more substances. – Downstream User: – Exposure Scenario: A legal entity or entrepreneur based in the terri- Set of risk-management conditions and measures, tory of the Republic of Serbia, which is not a manu- including workplace conditions, which describe how facturer or an importer of the substance, and who us- a substance is produced or used during its life cycle, es the substance or substance contained in the mix- how the manufacturer or importer can control it, and ture for industrial or professional purposes, includ- which recommend to the downstream user how to ing the person producing the mixture. The distribu- to control the substance when people and the envi- tor and consumer are not considered downstream ronment are exposed to it, provided that the recom- users. mendation may relate to one specific process or – Distributor: method of use or several processes or methods of use A legal entity or entrepreneur based in the territo- of the substance. ry of the Republic of Serbia, which stores and places – Supplier of a substance or a preparation: chemicals on the market. A legal entity or entrepreneur who is a manufac- – Scientific Research and Development: turer, importer, distributor or downstream user, who places chemicals on the market.

The Serbian law on chemicals defines some terms that are not mentioned in REACH: 8 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals-REACH, – Detergent is defined as a substance or mixture 2006, see < eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-con- that contains soaps or other surfactants and is used tent/EN/PDF/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32006R1907&from=EN > accessed 19th November, 2020; for washing and cleaning. Detergents also include 36 Reports ICRL 1|2021

auxiliary washing mixtures (pre-washing, rinsing – Cleaning is the definition of this term from the or bleaching of clothes), fabric softeners, mixtures standard SRPS ISO 862.12 This differs from the for other cleaning and the like. European authori- EU regulation. Reference to the ISO 862 definition ties have on the other hand clarified in Questions was removed from the Regulation 648/2004/EC and agreed answers concerning the correct imple- on Detergents by amendment by (EU)259/2012.13, 14 mentation of Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 on de- tergents that cleaning products without soaps and b. Application of the Serbian Law on chemicals surfactants can also be subjected to regulations on The legislation does not apply to: detergents.9 – radioactive chemicals, – Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is laboratory – chemicals in transit, practice that is carried out in accordance with the – transport of dangerous chemicals, principles (guidelines) prescribed by the law gov- – chemicals which are considered waste in terms of erning drugs and medical devices.10 the provisions of the law governing waste man- – Revocation is any activity or measure that enables agement;15 the return of a chemical or product which the man- – chemicals which are under customs control in a ufacturer or distributor has already delivered or customs warehouse or free zone for re-export or madeavailabletoconsumersordownstreamusers. transit if the chemicals are not processed or – Withdrawal is any activity or measure that pre- processed there. vents further supply and making available of The provisions of the Law on chemicals relating chemicals or products placed on the market. to the entry of chemicals in the Register (Inventory) – Complete aerobic biodegradability is such a lev- of Chemicals and to the entry of substances of con- el of biodegradability that the surfactant is com- cern in the Register of Chemicals shall not apply to pletely decomposed into carbon dioxide, water chemicals that are placed on the market in final form and mineral salts with the help of microorganisms as: in the presence of oxygen (mineralization). – Biocidal Products, – Washing is the cleaning of laundry, dishes and – Plant Protection Products, hard surfaces. – Medicines and Medical Devices used in human – Primary biodegradability is a structural change and veterinary medicine, (transformation) of a surfactant under the action – Cosmetic products, of microorganisms, which loses its surface active – Food, Food Additives and Flavors, ability due to the degradation of its structure. – Animal Feed and Food Additives. – Handling is the production, processing, packag- ing, storage, trade, transport and use of chemicals or any other activity related to chemicals. 9 Questions and agreed answers concerning the correct implemen- tation of Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 on detergents, see < – Surfactant is any organic substance or mixture file:///C:/Users/windows/Downloads/2018-12-19_Deter- having surface active properties and containing gents%20FAQ_clean.pdf >, accessed 5th February 2021 one or more hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups 10 Law on Drugs and Medical Devices, Official Gazette 30/2010, 107/2012, 113/2017 and 105/2017, Zakon o lekovima i medicin- capable of reducing the surface tension of water skim sredstvima, Službeni glasnik 30/2010, 107/2012, 113/2017 i by forming a spread or adsorbing monolayer at 105/2017; the water-air contact and forming an emulsion or 11 Law on General Use Items (Note 8); microemulsion or micelles, as and to be adsorbed 12 Serbian Institute for Standardisation, Institut za standardizaciju Srbije, Surfactants SRPS ISO 862:1994; on the water-solid surface contact. 13 Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 of the European Parliament and of – Chemical name according to the IUPAC nomen- the Council of 31 March 2004 on detergents clature is the name of the chemical identified in 14 REGULATION (EU) No 259/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIA- MENT AND OF THE COUNCIL the nomenclature of the International Union of of 14 March 2012 amending Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 as Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). regards the use of phosphates and other phosphorus compounds in consumer laundry detergents and consumer automatic dish- – A chemical is a substance and a mixture. washer detergents – Chemical and product intended for general use 15 Law on Waste Management, Official Gazette of the Republic of is a subject of general use in terms of the law gov- Serbia 36/2009, 88/2010, 14/2016, 95/2018, Zakon o upravljan- ju otpadom, Službeni glasnik 36/2009, 88/2010, 14/2016, 11 erning the safety of general use objects. 95/2018; ICRL 1|2021 Reports 37

The provisions of this law relating to the classifica- stream user who places chemicals and certain prod- tion, packaging and labeling of chemicals do not ap- ucts on the market is obliged to classify them, and ply to the following categories of chemicals: the supplier of chemicals to label and package them – which are used for scientific research and devel- in accordance with this law and regulations adopted opment and which are not placed on the market, on the basis thereof. The exporter is obliged to pack- but are used under controlled conditions where age and label the exported chemical in accordance exposure is reduced; with this law and regulations adopted on the basis – which are placed on the market in the final form thereof, unless it is necessary to package and label as: the chemical in a different way, in accordance with – Medicines and Medical Devices used in human international standards, required by the country to and veterinary medicine, which the chemical is exported. – Cosmetic Products, A dangerous chemical is defined as a chemical that – Food, Food Additives and Flavorings, can be classified into at least one of the hazard class- – Animal Feed and Food Additives. es. Within hazard classes, chemicals can be further classified based on the route of human or environ- The provisions of this Law from Chapter VIII relat- mental exposure to the chemical or on the nature of ing to the import and export of certain hazardous the effects. chemicals shall not apply to: A substance is classified in accordance with the – Chemical Weapons and Precursors for Chemical classification of a substance with the same chemical Weapons; composition from the List of Classified Sub- – Precursors of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic stances.18 Substances; If a substance is not on the List of Classified Sub- – Food and Food Additives; stances or listed in the respective hazard classes, the – Animal Feed and Food Additives; classification of that substance is based on existing – Medicines used in human and veterinary medi- data on the properties of that substance. cine; The classification of a mixture is performed by as- sessing the hazard of the mixture on the basis of da- - Chemicals used for Scientific Research and Devel- ta on the properties of the substances contained in opment in an amount that does not affect human the mixture or by direct experimental tests of prop- health and the environment, and does not exceed 10 erties of the mixture. kg for each chemical at each import.16 When classifying a chemical, data from epidemi- ological studies, statistical data on occupational dis- c. Classification, packaging and labeling of eases, as well as data obtained by other internation- chemicals ally accepted methods for determining the proper- ties of chemicals can be used. Chapter IV regulates classification, packaging and la- Evidence of chemical hazards obtained from ani- belingofchemicals.FurtherdetailsaresetintheRule- mal studies shall be used for classification, regard- book on classification, packaging, labeling and adver- less of the shortcomings of the findings related to ef- tising of chemicals and certain products.17 Article 9 fects on humans. states that the manufacturer, importer or down- The properties of a chemical for the purpose of its classification are determined on the basis of the form or physical condition in which the chemical is placed

16 Law on Chemicals (Note 3); on the market, and in special cases on the basis of 17 Rulebook on classification, packaging, labeling and advertising of the form or physical condition in which the chemi- chemicals and certain products, Official Gazette 105/2013, cal is used. 52/2017, 21/2019, Pravilnik o klasifikaciji, pakovanju, obeleža- vanju i oglašavanju hemikalije i određenog proizvoda; In addition the Environmental Ministry shall is- 18 Rulebook regarding list of classified substances, Official Gazette sue legislation, which is regulating the procedures of 22/2020, Pravilnik o spisku klasifikovanih substanci, Službeni classification, packaging, labeling and advertising of glasnik 22/2020; chemicals and certain products in accordance with 19 Globally Harmonised UN Classification and Labeling System, 19 2019; the Globally Harmonized System (UN GHS). 38 Reports ICRL 1|2021

d. Chemical Advisor istration procedure on the basis of the law governing PPPs. Part V describes the role of the adviser for chemicals. The body responsible for plant protection shall It requires that suppliers of hazardous chemicals are submit to the Environmental Ministry the required obliged to appoint a person who takes care of the data once a year, but no later than 31st March of the proper management of these chemicals (hereinafter: current year for PPPs placed on the market in the pre- chemical advisor). However, certain suppliers are not vious year. obliged to appoint The Environmental Ministry also maintains the a chemical advisor. Environmental Ministry still Integrated Register of Chemicals as an electronic needs to define in detail which sectors shall nomi- database for the purpose of data exchange and inte- nate the advisor. grated management of chemicals. Chemicals that are The chemical advisor must have appropriate qual- produced or imported to the Serbian market are en- ifications and have passed the Chemical Advisor Ex- tered in the Register. Chemicals that have certain am. The knowledge of chemical advisors is checked properties or are used for certain purposes are not every six years. The Ministry defines the education, entered in the Register, and they are placed on the training program and the testing of knowledge of market in quantities that are below the defined low- chemical advisors. er limit on an annual level. The Ministry does define Training and testing of knowledge of chemical ad- certain chemicals that are not entered in the Regis- visors according to the defined programs is per- ter, as well as the lower volume limits of a chemical formed by a legal entity or an entrepreneur who of certain properties and manner of use, below which meetstherequirementsintermsofprofessionalstaff, that chemical is not entered in the Register. premises and technical equipment for conducting Artlicle 40 requires that the manufacturer, im- the training. The Ministry shall issue an approval to porter or downstream user (the person who registers a legal entity or entrepreneur who has met the con- chemicals) is obliged to submit an application for en- ditions for appropriate training. try of chemicals in the Register to the Environmen- In order to manage hazardous chemicals in a way tal Ministry by March 31st of the current year for that reduces the risk and minimizes the harmful ef- chemicals produced or imported in the previous year. fects of these chemicals on human health and the en- Confidential data required for the entry in the Reg- vironment and ensures the application of preventive ister may be submitted by the foreign manufacturer measures, the chemical advisor shall ensure that the directly or through an eligible representative. Law on chemicals and regulations adopted on its ba- The application shall contain: name and address, sis are properly applied. tax identification number, type of activity and name of the responsible person in the company (chemical e. Integrated register of chemicals advisor) who is obliged to present document that he/she is qualified in this field. The Republic of Serbia introduced an integrated reg- Along with the application a dossier on each chem- ister of chemicals (Inventory), which is outlined in ical and for some chemicals also Safety Data Sheet Part VI. Detailed information regarding the integrat- shall be submitted. The chemical dossier shall con- ed register of chemicals is described in the Rulebook tain in particular: on the Register of Chemicals.20 – Trade name of the chemical and other identifica- Article 38 provides information on what kinds of tion of the chemical, chemicals are included in the Register. The Integrat- – Data on the quantity of the chemical placed on the ed Register consists of the Register of Chemicals and market, the Register of Biocidal Products as well as data on – Data on each manner of use of the chemical, Plant Protection Products (PPPs). – Data on chemical composition. Data on PPPs are general data on the trade names, names and properties of active substances, permit- ted uses, the person who places them on the market 20 Rulebook on the Register of Chemicals, Official Gazette 16/2016, and the quantities placed on the market that the body 06/2017, 117/2017, 44/2018, 7/2019 and 93/2019, Pravilnik o registru hemikalija, Službeni glasnik 16/2016, 06/2017, responsible for plant protection received during reg- 117/2017, 44/2018, 7/2019 i 93/2019; ICRL 1|2021 Reports 39

The Ministry shall define in detail the content of the Packaging of a dangerous chemical, a certain prod- chemical dossier. The electronic portal for integral uct and a certain mixture that is not dangerous, but register of chemicals, e-IRH portal, operates since 1st contains at least one substance classified as danger- January 2019, when the legal obligation to report ous, must be disclosed so that it contains the trade chemicals in the Register was put in place. name of the chemical, names of certain dangerous substances contained in the mixture, name and ad- f. Other Parts dress of the chemical supplier, the amount of chem- ical in the packaging as well as graphic elements, la- Other parts of the regulation include the following bels and text indicating the hazardous properties of subjects: the chemical. – Restrictions and Prohibitions on the Production, The packaging of a chemical and a certain prod- Placing on the Market and Use of Chemicals (part uct must be referenced in the Serbian language. VII), The method of labeling and packaging of a haz- – Import and Export of Certain Hazardous Chemi- ardous chemical depends on whether the chemical cals (part VIII), is packaged in both inner and outer packaging. – Licenses for performing Traffic Activities and Li- The Environmental Ministry has yet to further censes for the Use of Especially, Hazardous Chem- clarify in more detail the procedures and types of icals (part IX), packaging and labeling of a chemical and a certain – Detergents (part X), product. – Systematic Monitoring of Chemicals (part XI), The supplier of a dangerous chemical and a cer- – Data Availability (part XII), tain mixture that is not dangerous, but contains at – Control (part XIII), least one substance that is classified as dangerous, is – Penalties (part XIV) and obliged to emphasize its dangerous properties in the – Transitional and final provisions (part XV). advertisement and to advertise it in such a way that its users are not misled about the dangerous proper- ties of the chemical. 2. Classification of chemicals according A substance may be classified differently from a to the Rulebook on Classification, classificationofasubstanceofthesamechemicalcom- Packaging, Labeling and Advertising of position, which is included in the EU Classification 21 Chemicals and Specific Products and and Labeling Inventory. In that case, when entering its Interconnection with the Law on the substance in the Register of Chemicals, together with the dossier on the chemical, an explanation for Chemicals such differing classification shall be submitted. In general, a substance shall be classified in accor- Basic provisions regarding packaging, labeling and dance with the classification of a substance of the advertising of chemicals are set in the Articles 16 to same chemical composition which is included in the 19 of the Law on Chemicals. An additional relevant EU Inventory of Classification and Labeling if the document concernig classification, labeling and classification is the same and if it is included in the packaging of chemicals is the Rulebook on Classifi- List of Classified Substances. cation,Packaging,LabelingandAdvertisingofChem- Article 19 also states that the supplier is obliged to icals and Certain Products. keep records on chemicals, which in particular con- The packaging of a dangerous chemical and a spe- tain data on the identity of the chemical, distributors cific product must correspond to the properties, pur- or downstream users and the quantities of chemicals pose and manner of use of the chemical or product delivered to them, as well as on the total quantities and must be marked in the described manner. of chemicals sold to consumers in a calendar year. The supplier is obliged to collect all data on chemi- cals related to classification and labeling as well as other data necessary for the implementation of this 21 EU Classification and Labeling Inventory, see < echa.eu- law. The supplier is obliged to keep the records re- ropa.eu/information-on-chemicals/cl-inventory-database >, ac- cessed 16.1.2021; ferred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and the data 40 Reports ICRL 1|2021

for at least 10 years after the last production, placing A Safety Data Sheet must contain the issuing date. on the market and use of the chemical and to submit The content is divided into 16 Chapters according to them to the Environmental Ministry upon request. the REACH format. If the supplier has ceased his business or divested 1) Identification of the chemical and data on the per- part of his business to a third party, the obligation to son who places the chemical on the market (sup- keep and retain data and information passes to that plier); person, and if the responsible person of the supplier 2) Hazard Identification, has stopped working, he is obliged to submit the da- 3) Data on the Ingredients in the Mixture, ta to the Ministry immediately after termination. 4) First Aid Measures, 5) Fire Protection Measures, 6) Measures in Case of a Chemical Accident, III. Safety Data Sheet Content in the 7) Handling and Storage, Republic of Serbia and Labels for 8) Exposure Controls and Personal Protection, Serbian Market 9) Physical and Chemical Properties, 10) Stability and Reactivity, 1. Safety Data Sheets 11) Toxicological Data, 12) Ecotoxicological Data, The Safety Data Sheet content is set in the Rulebook 13) Waste Treatment and Disposal, Concerning the Content of the Safety Data Sheet.22 14) Transport Data, The supplier is obliged to submit a Safety Data 15) Regulatory Data, Sheet when placing on the market a dangerous chem- 16) Other information. ical, a chemical containing substances identified as The chapter on identification of chemical and da- persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) or very ta concerning supplier who places the chemical on persistent, very bioaccumulative. (vPvB) and other the market is described in the Article 3 of the Rule- chemicals that have very high concerning properties book Concerning the Content of the Safety Data to any other distributor or downstream user in the Sheet and must contain following information: supply chain free of charge, in printed or electronic 1) the name of the chemical which must be identical form and in Serbian language. to the name on the label of the individual package The Serbian exporter of a chemical is obliged to and in accordance with the regulations governing submit the Safety Data Sheet to the non-Serbian im- the classification, packaging and labeling of chem- porter, and if possible the Safety Data Sheet should icals; be in the language of the country to which it is ex- 2) data on all known ways of using the chemical, and ported. when the chemical can be used in more ways, on- The supplier is obliged to deliver the Safety Data ly the most important or common uses are given, Sheet to any other distributor or downstream user in as well as a brief description of the chemical's ac- the supply chain at their request, when they procure tion (e.g. antioxidant, antifreeze, etc.); a mixture that is not classified as hazardous and con- 3) data on the legal or natural person who places the tains: chemical on the market, as follows: – atleastonedangeroussubstance,basedonthedan- a) the name of the legal or natural person who places ger that the substance poses to human health and the chemical on the market; the environment, in the amount of at least 1% by b) whether that person is a manufacturer, importer weight of the non-gaseous mixture, or at least 0.2% or distributor; of the volume of the gaseous mixture; c) address and telephone number; – at least one substance, in the amount of at least d) e-mail address of the person in charge of prepar- 0.1% by weight of a mixture that meets the crite- ing the Safety Data Sheet, and if that person is not ria for identification as PBT or vPvB or other sub- located in the Republic of Serbia, the contact de- stances that have the properties referred to in Ar- ticle 43, paragraph 3 of the Law on chemicals; – a substance for which occupational exposure lim- 22 Rulebook concerning the content of the Safety Data Sheet, Official Gazette 100/2011, Pravilnik o sadržaju bezbednosnog its (OEL) exist. lista, Službeni glasnik 100/2011; ICRL 1|2021 Reports 41

tails of the person in charge of submitting the safe- – Name, address and telephone number of the sup- ty data sheet with residence in the Republic of Ser- plier, bia (telephone number and full address); – The nominal quantity of the substance or mixture e) emergency telephone number of the legal or nat- in the package intended for general use, unless ural person who places the chemical on the mar- this quantity is indicated elsewhere on the pack- ket, that is, the telephone number of the Poison aging, Control Center, with an indication – Product identifier referred to in Article 19 of the f) time at which the telephone number is available Rulebook on classification, packaging, labeling (eg twenty-four hours or only during working and advertising of chemicals and specific prod- hours, etc.). ucts, Sections of the Safety Data Sheet are subdivided. – Pictogram of danger from Article 20 of the Rule- Detailed descripition regarding compulsory data for book mentioned in point 3, if it can be applied; each subsection can be found in articles 7 to 25 of – The word of warning referred to in Article 21 of the Rulebook Concerning the Content of the Safety the Rulebook mentioned in point 3, if it can be ap- Data Sheet. If one Safety Data Sheet in all chapters plied; contains information that is relevant for two or more – Notifications on danger referred to in Article 22 chemicals, one Safety Data Sheet may be provided of this Rulebook, if applicable; for those chemicals, provided that Chapter 1 provides – Notifications on precautionary measures referred identification for all chemicals. to in Article 23 of the Rulebook from point 3, if The issuing date must be indicated on the first applicable; page of the Safety Data Sheet. – Part for additional infor 3mation from Article 26 If the safety data sheet has been amended or sup- of the Rulebook from point, if it can be applied. plemented the following must be stated on the first The information on the labels must be in Serbian page: issuing date of the revised document, revision language. The label may be written in several lan- number and the date of the previous version. guages, provided that the information given in all the All pages, including annexes, must be numbered languages used is the same. and have an indication of the total number of pages Label placement and appearance is described in (for example page 1 of 3) or an indication that the article 32 of the Rulebook on Packaging, Classifica- next page exists or that this page is the last (example tion and Labeling. Details are explained in Appendix end of Safety Data Sheet). It must not contain blank 1, chapter 1.2. subsections. Hazard pictograms are square in shape, placed di- The emergency telephone number from subsection agonally, horizontally or vertically in relation to the 1.4 shall indicate the information on the services pro- pages of the label. viding emergency information and the telephone The hazard pictograms given in Appendix 3 of the number of the Serbian Poison Control Center (The Mil- Rulebook on Classification, Packaging and Labeling itary Medical Academy, Vojnomedicinska akademija), shall have a black pictorial symbol on a white back- indicating the time at which the service is available ground with a red frame of sufficient width to be (example only during working hours) or the type of clearly visible. informationprovidedbytheservice.TheMilitaryMed- Each hazard pictogram shall occupy at least one- ical Academy provides 24 hour medical assistance.23 fifteenth of the surface of the label containing the in- formation referred to in Article 18 of the rulebook mentioned in the last paragraph. The minimum area 2. Labels of each hazard pictogram is 1 cm2. The below Table 1 provides information on mini- The packaging of a substance or mixture classified as mum dimensions of hazard labels and pictograms. dangerous contains a label with following elements: When the packaging of a substance or mixture is of such a shape or is so small that it is impossible to satisfy the general rules for the application of the la- 23 The Military Medical Academy, see , accessed 5th February 2021; one of following ways: 42 Reports ICRL 1|2021

Table 1: Minimum dimensions of labels and pictograms.

Packaging capacity Label dimensions (in mm) Pictogram dimensions (in mm)

Does not exceed 3 liters if possible at least 52 x 74 at least 10 x 10 if it's possible 16 x 16

Between 3 and 50 liters at least 74 x 105 at least 23 x 23

Between 50 and 500 liters at least 105 x 148 at least 32 x 32

More than 500 liters at least 148 x 210 at least 46 x 46

– On folded labels or, for Chemicals and the Austrian Agency for Environ- – On an attached plate or label or ment in order to support the transition of EU Chem- – On the outer packaging. ical Legislation into Serbian Chemical Laws. Since The label on the inner packaging shall contain the Serbia is in the process of becoming a member of the pictogram of the hazard, the product identifier and European Union it has to integrate European legisla- the name and telephone number of the supplier of tion into national regulations. Domestic legislation the substance or mixture. is in line with the EU since the seventh ATP (Adap- Article 18 further outlines some exceptions to the tation to Technical Progress) of CLP.24 application of the labeling elements. When substances or mixtures, on the basis of clas- sification, correspond to more than one hazard pic- V. Trade with certain chemicals and togram, the principles of precedence shall apply in international concessions order to reduce the number of hazard pictograms on the label. Chemicals are imported or exported in accordance Where a substance or mixture, according to the with the Ratification of the Rotterdam Convention classification, corresponds to more than one hazard on the Procedure for Giving Consent on the Basis of pictogram for the same hazard class, the label shall Prior Notification for Certain Dangerous Chemicals indicate the hazard pictogram corresponding to the and Pesticides in International Trade (hereinafter the most severe hazard category for each relevant haz- Rotterdam Convention)25, as amended. ard class. In order to improve the division of responsibili- The label of substances that are included in the list ties and cooperation in international trade with haz- of classified substances and classified in accordance ardous chemicals in accordance with the Rotterdam with the Rulebook on Classification, Labeling and ConventionfortheImportandExportofCertainSub- Packaging of Chemicals in hazard classes that are not stances,Restrictions and Prohibition of Production, given in that list, shall indicate the hazard pictogram Placing on the Market and Use, as well as certain mix- corresponding to the most severe hazard category for tures and products containing these substances, the each relevant hazard clases. procedure of prior notification (PIC procedure) has

IV. Implementation of GHS in the 24 Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1221 amending Regulation Republic of Serbia (EC) 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, for the purposes of its adaptation to technical and scientific progress; In 2015 Serbia started a Partnership Project spon- 25 The Law on Ratification of the Rotterdam Convention on the sored by the Eupean and Serbia. The Project was con- Procedure for Giving Consent on the Basis of Prior Notification for Certain Dangerous Chemicals and Pesticides in International cluded in 2018 with the help of the Slovenian Bureau Trade, 1998 ICRL 1|2021 Reports 43

to be followed in Serbia. The responsible competent – Skin corrosion /irritation 1, 1A, 1B, 1C, 2, authority is the Environmental Ministry. – Serious eye damage/irritation, eye damage 1, eye irritation 2, – Respiratory sensitization / skin sensitization, res- VI. Implementation of GHS and CLP in piratory sensitisation 1, 1A, 1B, skin sensitisation the Republic of Serbia 1, 1A, 1B, – Germ Cell Mutagenicity 1A, 1B and 2, National legislation implementing the GHS was – Carcinogenicity 1A, 1B and 2, adopted on 29th June 2010. It was published in the – Reproductive toxicity 1A, 1B, 2, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia on 10th – Reproductive toxicity lactation, September 2010. Serbia implemented a transitional – Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure cat- period for re-classification and re-labeling according egory 1, 2 and 3, to GHS for substances until 2011 and for mixtures – Specific target organ toxicity, repeated exposure until 2015. If mixtures were placed on the market be- category 1 and 2, fore June 1st 2015, the supplier has to re-label them – Aspiration hazard category 1, from June 1st 2017 onwards. – Acute hazard to aquatic environment category 1 Following building blocks are implemented into acute toxity, category 1, 2, 3 and 4 long-term toxi- Serbian Rulebook on classification of substances: city, – Unstable explosives, explosives division 1.1, 1.2, – Hazard to the ozone layer category 1. 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, From 1st June 2015, the relevant chapters of the – Flammable gases category 1 and 2, and chemical Safety Data Sheet concerning hazard classification unstable gases category A and B, must provide information on classification of the – Aerosol category 1, 2 and 3, substance or mixture according to the Rulebook.26 – Oxidizing gases category 1, The last update of the Rulebook regarding the list – Gases under pressure: compressed gas, liquidfied of classified substances was in 2020.27 gas, refrigerated liquid gas, dissolved gas, The following building blocks have been imple- – Flammable liquids category 1, 2 and 3, mented: – Flammable solid substances and mixtures catego- – Unstable explosives, explosives division 1.1, 1.2, ry 1 and 2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, – Selfreactive substances and mixtures type A, B, C, – Flammable gases category 1 and 2, and chemical D, E, F and G, unstable gases category A and B, – Pyrophoric liquids category 1, – Aerosol category 1, 2 and 3, – Pyrophoric solid substances and mixtures catego- – Oxidizing gases category 1, ry 1, – Gases under pressure category 1, – Self-heating substances and mixtures category 1 – Flammable liquids category 1, 2 and 3, and 2, – Flammable solid substances and mixtures catego- – Substances and mixtures, which in contact with ry 1 and 2, water, emit flammable gases category 1, 2 and 3, – Selfreactive substances and mixtures type A, B, C, – Oxidizing liquids category 1, 2 and 3, D, E, F and G, – Oxidizing solid substances and mixtures category – Pyrophoric liquids category 1, 1, 2 and 3, – Pyrophoric solid substances and mixtures catego- – Organic peroxides type A, B, C, D, E, F and G, ry 1, – Substances and mixtures corrosive to metals cat- – Self-heating substances and mixtures category 1 egory 1, and 2, – Acute toxicity category 1, 2, 3 and 4, – Substances and mixtures, which in contact with water, emit flammable gases category 1, 2 and 3, – Oxidizing liquids category 1, 2 and 3, – Oxidizing solid substances and mixtures category 26 Rulebook on classification, packaging, labeling and advertising of chemicals and certain products (note 13); 1, 2 and 3, 27 Rulebook regarding list of classified substances (note 19); – Organic peroxides type A, B, C, D, E, F and G, 44 Reports ICRL 1|2021

– Substances and mixtures corrosive to metals cat- Serbia has already a high level of alignment with egory 1, the EU chemical legislation. In 2019, Serbia opened – Acute toxicity category 1, 2, 3 and 4, an online platform for registering biocidal products. – Skin corrosion /irritation 1, 1A, 1B, 1C, 2, The goal of the Government is for Serbia to be tech- – Serious eye damage/irritation, eye damage 1, eye nically fully ready for EU membership by the end of irritation 2, 2021, regardless of the date of the formal closing of – Respiratory sensitization / skin sensitization, res- the accession negotiations and the acquisition of full piratory sensitisation 1, 1A, 1B, skin sensitisation membership. 1, 1A, 1B, In 2019, Serbia started new projects related to – Germ Cell Mutagenicity 1A, 1B and 2, ˝Further Development of the Framework for Harmo- – Carcinogenicity 1A, 1B and 2, nization with EU legislation in the Field of Air, Chem- – Reproductive toxicity 1A, 1B, 2, icals and Horizontal Legislation" (EAS 3 project).29 – Reproductive toxicity lactation, Furthermore, Serbia needs to boost its administra- – Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure cat- tive capacity to implement legislation in these areas, egory 1, 2 and 3, and to ensure proper monitoring of persistent organ- – Specific target organ toxicity, repeated exposure ic pollutants (POPs).30 category 1 and 2, Further alignment is needed as EU regulations are – Aspiration hazard category 1, further updated. As of 1st September 2019 the new – Acute hazard to aquatic environment category 1 Rules on Product Classification, Packaging and La- acute toxity, category 1, 2, 3 and 4 long-term toxi- bellingaccordingtoCLP/GHS,enteredintoforce. The city, change harmonised the requirements with EU legis- – Hazard to the ozone layer category 1. lation and comprises several amendments of the Reg- A lot of GHS capacity building activities were un- ulation (EC)1272/2008(CLP).31 dertaken through activities within the project “Chem- Legislation concerning classification, packaging, icals Risk Management in Serbia” with the Swedish labeling and advertising of chemicals of the Law on Chemicals Agency (KEMI) and the project ˝Assis- Chemicals,shallbeissuedbytheEnvironmentalMin- tance in Implementation of Chemical Management istry in accordance with EU Regulations. System in Serbia˝ in order to establish effective im- plementation and enforcement of the new legisla- 28 tion. 28 Projects Chemical Risk Management in Serbia and Assistance in Implementation of Chemical Management System in Serbia, 2010, see < unece.org/trans/danger/publi/ghs/implementa- tion_e.htm#c25868 > accessed 25th November, 2020; VI. Conclusions and Outlook 29 EAS 3 Project, 2016, see < eas.europa.rs > accessed 16th January 2021; 30 EU Report concerning Chapter 27 Negotiations EU Serbia, This paper tries to give an overall summary of the Pregovaračka grupa 27, 2019, see < pregovaračkagrupa27. status of chemical legislation in Serbia and the situ- gov.rs/?wpfb_dl=163&lang=lat >, accessed 10th November 2020 ation on implementation of EU chemical legislation 31 Regulation (EC) No 1227/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP Regulation) (Note into Serbian law. 22); ICRL 1|2021 Case Note 45

Case Note

The Case Notes section will identify and analyse important judgements of courts around the world that shape the interpretation and application of chemical law and regulation.

The End of the “SONC” Saga: Judgment of the Court of Justice of 21 January 2021 in Case C-471/18 P, Federal Republic of Germany v ECHA

Eléonore Mullier and Andrea Bonavita*

I. Introduction compliancecheckdecisionontheregistrationdossier submitted by company Esso Raffinage (“the Regis- On 21 January 2021, the Court of Justice of the Euro- trant”). pean Union dismissed the appeal brought by Ger- The compliance check decision was issued by many, supported by France and the Netherlands, ECHA in light of the prerogatives granted to ECHA against the General Court’s judgment in Case by the legislature through the provision of REACH, T-283/15, Esso Raffinage v ECHA (“the First Instance which include under its Title VI the power to con- Judgment”). This marks the end of a long judicial duct compliance checks of registration dossiers to saga concerning ECHA’s and Member States’ respec- verify that they contain the information required un- tive powers when following up on a compliance der REACH. If this assessment reveals that informa- check decision adopted under REACH1 through so- tion required by REACH is missing, ECHA may pre- called Statements of Non-Compliance (“SONCs”). pare a draft decision requiring the concerned regis- The facts can be traced back to November 2012, when trant to submit additional information to bring the the European Chemicals Agency (“ECHA”) issued a dossier in compliance.2 The adoption process for this type of decisions involves both (i) the opportunity for the registrant targeted by the decision to be heard in the course of the procedure by submitting com- * Eléonore Mullier is a Member of the Brussels Bar and Partner at 3 Steptoe & Johnson LLP and is specialized in EU regulatory law ments, and (ii) consultation of Member States. If the and litigation. She advises clients on regulatory compliance, Member States Committee reaches unanimous litigation strategies and product defense in the field of chemical law and product regulations, as well as related support on con- agreement, the final decision may be adopted by tracts and negotiations. For correspondence: emullier@step- toe.com. Andrea Bonavita is an Italian qualified lawyer working ECHA. If no agreement is reached, the Commission as Senior Legal Counsel at Solvay SA and advising on regulatory may prepare a decision to be adopted by comitology4. and product safety matters and more broadly on sustainability issues worldwide. He is a member of the Belgian Institute of In 2012, ECHA adopted a final compliance check Company Lawyers and company representative within the rele- decision on the Registrant’s registration dossier. The vant European industry associations. The views set forth in this article are the personal views of the author and do not necessarily decision concluded that additional information had reflect those of Steptoe & Johnson LLP or any of its clients or to be submitted by a certain deadline, including a those of Solvay. Nothing herein is intended to constitute legal advice. prenatal developmental toxicity study in rabbits by 1 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the oral route. The Registrant updated its registration the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), dossier with additional information. When it comes establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive to the prenatal developmental toxicity study in rab- 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council bits, the Registrant did not submit that study but sub- Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, mitted alternative information which did not involve 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC, OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1–849, as amended. the sacrifice of vertebrate animals. 2 Article 41 of REACH. In 2015, ECHA assessed the additional informa- 3 Article 51 of REACH. tion submitted by the Registrant and issued a SONC. 4 Recital (67) and Article 51 paragraph 7 REACH. That letter, addressed to the enforcement authority 46 Case Note ICRL 1|2021

of the Registrant (in this case, France), stated that – The Board of Appeal in its Solutia decision8 ruled ECHA had “examined the information” submitted by that the legal basis for the adoption of SONCs the Registrant and concluded that: should have been Article 42(1) of the REACH Reg- 1. The updated registration dossier did not contain ulation following the procedure laid down in Ar- “all of the information requested” in ECHA’s com- ticles 50 and 51, for which the Board of Appeal is pliance check decision and therefore the Regis- competent. Despite ECHA not having applied this trant “has not met the obligations following from legal basis, the Board of Appeal found that it was the compliance check decision issued by ECHA”5; competent to rule against SONCs as acts which 2. The registration dossier is not in compliance with should be adopted pursuant to Article 42(1) and Article 5 REACH; and the procedure laid down in Articles 50 and 51;9 3. The Registrant was in breach of Article 41 para- – The General Court in the First Instance Judgment graph 4 REACH. alsofoundthattheSONCsshouldhavebeenadopt- ECHA attached an analysis of the reasons for this ed following the procedure laid down in Article 51 conclusion and asked the French enforcement au- of the REACH Regulation, which would have thority to “address the non-compliance” by means of opened a route to the Board of Appeal. However, enforcement.6 since ECHA had not applied this legal basis, the The Registrant brought an action for annulment General Court found that the SONC was not cov- against this SONC. By judgment of 8 May 2018, the ered by Article 91(1) listing the acts open to chal- General Court annulled the SONC (“the First Instance lenge before the Board of Appeal and declared it- Judgment”). It is that judgment which Germany ap- self competent to rule on the action for annulment pealed before the Court of Justice, leading to the Judg- in accordance with Article 94(1).10 ment of 21 January 2021. Going forward, it is now clear that ECHA must ap- Over the course of these successive steps and chal- ply the procedure laid down in Article 51 when adopt- lenges, a number of important issues have been ar- ing follow-up decisions to compliance checks under gued and discussed. We highlight and discuss some Article 42(1) and that, as a result, appeals may be of those issues below. brought before the Board of Appeal. It remains note- worthy that both fora declared themselves compe- tent. This prevented challenges being ruled inadmis- II. Which forum is competent in the sible at a time when it was no longer possible to bring case of a challenge against a SONC? a challenge before the other forum and is to be wel- comed, in the authors’ view, considering the uncer- SONCs are not regulatory acts which are foreseen or tainty created at the time by these acts which were even mentioned in the REACH Regulation. When the not foreseen by the REACH Regulation. first legal challenges arose against these acts, it was unclear whether they could be challenged before the ECHA Board of Appeal or before the General Court. III. Is an action for annulment against a The rule under the REACH Regulation is that the SONC admissible? Board of Appeal is competent to rule on appeals against acts exhaustively listed in Article 91 of the A large part of the grounds of appeal put forward by REACH Regulation, and the General Court is compe- Germany against the First Instance Judgment fo- tent to rule on actions for annulment against those acts adopted under the REACH Regulation but not falling within those listed under Article 91 above.7 Determining which fora was competent thus in- volved a determination of the legal basis for the adop- 5 As quoted at paragraph 30 of the Judgment. 6 Ibidem. tion of SONCs by ECHA. 7 Article 94(1) of the REACH Regulation. Challenges were introduced before both the Board 8 Decision of the ECHA Board of Appeal dated 29 July 2015 in of Appeal and the General Court. In a unique turn of Case A-019-2013 Solutia Europe sprl/bvba. events, both fora declared that they were competent 9 Paragraph 97 of the Solutia decision. due to the legal basis for SONCs: 10 Paragraphs 36 and 37 of the First Instance Judgment. ICRL 1|2021 Case Note 47

cused on the admissibility of the action for annul- IV. What are ECHA’s powers and ment against the SONC. Germany argued, in essence, limitations in a follow-up to a that a SONC is not a legally binding decision but a compliance check? mere “opinion” of ECHA based on the so-called advi- sory tasks set forth under Article 77 REACH, with- The Judgment confirms that ECHA (or the Commis- out any legal effects separate from those of the ini- sion, as the case may be) has the exclusive compe- tial compliance check decision. According to Ger- tence and even the obligation13 to review informa- many, it is for national competent authorities alone tion submitted in response to an initial compliance to decide on the consequences of a registrant’s fail- check decision, including adaptations to the request- ure to submit the information requested in a compli- ed standard study. This review involves a new assess- ance check decision. ment and is therefore not limited to a confirmation These arguments were dismissed by the Court of of the prior compliance check decision.14 Justice. The Judgment confirms that SONCs are acts There are, however, limits to this competence. In intended to produce legal effects not only as regards a follow-up to a compliance check, ECHA is required registrants, but also binding “automatically”11 on na- to follow the procedure provided by Articles 50 and tional competent authorities who are invited to con- 51 of REACH, as already ruled by both the First In- sider enforcement action. ECHA is confirmed as ex- stance Judgment15 and ECHA’s Board of Appeal.16 clusively competent under the REACH Regulation After all, Article 42(1) does require explicitly ECHA for the evaluation of the compliance of registration to draft any appropriate follow-up decisions in ac- dossiers. The Judgment upholds the General Court’s cordance with Articles 40 or 41, which in turn refer finding that the REACH provisions “do not confer on to Articles 50 and 51 of REACH as regards the deci- the Member States any competence to assess the com- sion-making procedure. It has now also been con- pliance of registration dossiers, and that the Member firmed by the Court of Justice that ECHA must fol- States are empowered, under Articles 125 and 126 of low this procedure, including the right for registrants the REACH Regulation, only to carry out checks and to make their views known on the draft measure, impose penalties in order to ensure compliance with meaning that cannot simply issue letters or state- declarations of non-compliance and findings that pro- ments without following any process provided by visions of that regulation have been infringed previ- REACH.17 ously made by ECHA”.12 It remains that Article 42(1) of REACH only re- Member States, despite their involvement in the quires ECHA to adopt a decision “if necessary”. In decision-making process through the Member State the First Instance Judgment, the General Court inter- Committee, are not competent to declare that infor- preted these terms as meaning that a new decision mation submitted in relation to a compliance check adopted following the procedure in Articles 50 and is not compliant with either the compliance check 51 of REACH is not necessary where the information decision or the REACH Regulation. They may only submitted in response to a compliance check is “man- exercise their enforcement powers following a deci- ifestly unreasonable […] constituting therefore an sion by ECHA and consequent notification that pro- abuse of process are equivalent to the complete fail- visions of REACH have been infringed. ure to respond to the first decision”.18 In such scenar- ios, the General Court found that ECHA may find that the dossier is not compliant “by means of a sim- ple information to the Member State concerned and 11 Paragraph 111 of the Judgment. the interested party”.19 As this entails less procedur- 12 Paragraph 73 of the Judgment. al guarantees for the registrants than a new decision 13 Paragraph 78 of the Judgment. adopted following the procedure set out in Articles 14 Paragraphs 97 to 100 of the Judgment. 50 and 51 of REACH, companies responding to a 15 Paragraph 109 of the First Instance Judgment. compliance check decisions by means other than the 16 Paragraph 91 of the Board of Appeal’s decision in Case A-019-2013 Solutia Europe sprl/bvba. standard information requirement would be well ad- 17 Paragraph 137 of the Judgment. vised to ensure that appropriate justification is pro- 18 Paragraph 112 of the First Instance Judgment. vided to avoid being considered as an abuse of 19 Ibidem. process. 48 Case Note ICRL 1|2021

An important and not yet fully answered question adopted by ECHA or the Commission. The Court of concerns the mandatory content of an ECHA de- Justice confirmed that ECHA is solely competent to cision adopted pursuant to Article 42(1) of REACH. assess such compliance and that any enforcement The Judgment states that ECHA is (exclusively) measures by Member States may only come after, competent, when applying Article 42(1) of and in accordance with, a finding of non-compliance REACH, to find that the information provided in adopted by ECHA or the Commission in accordance response to the initial compliance check does not with Article 42 of REACH. comply with the applicable requirements and to It is not the first time that Germany seeks a legal decide that the registrant has thereby infringed interpretation granting Member States more power certain of its obligations.20 This focus on compe- under REACH. In Case T‑755/17, Germany had chal- tence rather than mandatory content is the conse- lenged an ECHA Board of Appeal decision partially quence of the grounds of appeal as formulated by annulling a substance evaluation decision.23 Ger- Germany in this case, which focused on the repar- many alleged, inter alia, that ECHA’s Board of Ap- tition of competences between ECHA and Mem- peal was not competent to review that legality of the ber States. The Court of Justice was not called up- substantive assessments in a substance evaluation on to assess the content of an ECHA follow-up de- decision due to the important role of Member States cision adopted in accordance with Article 42(1) in the steps leading to the adoption of a substance (which was not the case of the SONC subject to, evaluation decision. As in the Judgment, these argu- and annulled by, this litigation). ments supporting a wide reading of Member States’ In particular, when discussing what the terms “any competence under REACH were rejected by the Gen- appropriate decisions” mean under Article 42(1) of eral Court. REACH, the Court of Justice did not go into the word- The Judgment relates to facts dating back almost ing of Article 41(3) of REACH –applicable as con- ten years. In the meantime, ECHA has further firmed by the General Court21 – which requires any changed its practice regarding follow-ups to compli- decision drafted by ECHA under Article 41 to set a ance check decisions, at least when it comes to the deadline for the submission of the information re- procedure followed. SONCs, which did not follow quested. any procedure provided by REACH, have been re- This can be seen as a missed opportunity as, sep- placed since the first quarter of 2019 by “failure to re- arately from any possible enforcement measures, spond” notifications to registrants or, in typical registrants would benefit from a clear indication of REACH acronym fashion, “FTRs”. Nevertheless, the how and by when to update their registration dossier case-law on SONCs is relevant as it is rich with im- after an adaptation to the standard information re- portant teachings as set out in this case review. quested in a compliance check decision is rejected Among those, this case-law confirms that acts adopt- by ECHA. This is all the more important consider- ed by ECHA pursuant to Article 42(1) of REACH are ing that, as confirmed by the Court of Justice, reply- intended to produce binding legal effects and are ing to a compliance check decision by way of an adap- tation in accordance with Annex XI of REACH and/or the specific rules for adaptation in the Annex- 20 See paragraphs 86 and 141 of the Judgment. es of REACH is lawful and even mandatory in cer- 21 See paragraph 108 of the First Instance Judgment. The General tain cases where vertebrate animal testing is in- Court did not exclude the application of the first sentence of Article 41(3) of REACH when applying Article 42(1), as recently 22 volved. argued by ECHA’s Board of Appeal. 22 Paragraphs 127 and following of the Judgment. In particular, having regard to the wording and the context of REACH, para- graph 132 of the Judgment clearly states that “It follows from V. Conclusion those general provisions, which are to be construed in the light of recital 47 of the REACH Regulation, according to which ‘it is necessary to replace, reduce or refine testing on vertebrate With the Judgment, the Court of Justice has clarified animals’, that a registrant has, generally and therefore especially where ECHA issues it with a decision asking it to complete its the repartition of competences between ECHA and registration dossier with a study involving animal testing, not Member States when it comes to verifying the com- simply the possibility but the obligation to generate information obtained by means other than animal testing ‘whenever possible’ pliance of registration dossiers with the REACH Reg- and to undertake such testing ‘only as a last resort’.”. ulation and with prior compliance check decisions 23 Case T‑755/17 Germany v ECHA, ECLI:EU:T:2019:647. ICRL 1|2021 Case Note 49

opentochallenge.Thisisparticularlyrelevantinlight gard to the interpretation of the requirements for of the recent cases of the Board of Appeal with re- long term toxicity testing under Annex IX.24 As such, the Judgment may mark the end of the SONC saga but not, it is expected, the end of litigation cases con- cerning follow-ups to compliance checks under 24 By way of reference and example, see cases A-009-2018, A-010-2018 and A-011-2018. REACH.


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Although it has been 10 years since the ground breaking REACH regulation came into force and fundamentally changed the way chemical substances are regulated, evaluated and authorised, this dynamic and ever changing policy area merits continuous scrutiny and analysis, including in Europe, Asia and North America. The International Chemical Regulatory and Law Review (ICRL) provides a forum to identify and analyse important legal and regulatory developments in this field on the national, EU and international level. The journal allows experts to report on and discuss important processes that shape the interpretation and application of chemical regulation, in particular those related to biocide law, chemical registration and licenses and the protection of human health and the environment. ISSN: 2566–834X