' ' . THE.· ISRAELITE PRESS ~. 2, ,SESSIONS 1 r. .., ______... ''CLOSED' AT · .. ·.,; ~ '

B•.: B~ ... CAMP. -- CAP&TO~add>' IAn~•: starts ·llt 11.30, 1.55, 4.20, 6.50, 9.20. : and British Electi~11:• · camp B'mi .B'rith at Town ·; . .- . . . . ~ •,·- . - ' . . '' .. We could not have ~-ted lhe ~ of the ~•of·llnel.. ·. . Islad. · neu Kenara bu . dOlled . ieglatrations for the first two. _. G~RRICK-)lan Witliout A Star; starts at {2.,00, 2.oo, 4.00. ~-~ , to become a dtnlfk:ant im>.l In the ge!lenl .electlon just beld bl '.. 8.00, 10.CO. , .. . , . Britain. The Bntuh Toter.I .lu!d llWl7 other mon, ~ CIIIICel'DI •.. . siou" of . this summer's amping Ihm the relatlonship betlrffn their eowitry and &rad. · i -~ cbairm.m Dr. Norinan L • · But ln'ael did come up ~ the electJm,, CM1paign; At leut aae · '. Conli'announced this week:. . . . GRA.Ni,.;..:enite Foree; 'the Gal Who Took the West. , ·· a,dl hutaDcl2 is known to us, and thti candidate who rahed the qua- . Stmiopen with.a . tlon (and who. inddentally, wu elected) ls 01le of the most prom.m;, ~ew.~·. des" 1s ·the sumnier .camp'• third LYCEUlft-Sliot Gun; starts at 1.20; 4.15, 7 o:i 9.55.. Big Tip-Off· .lent leaders of the Labor Party, the former Defense .llin15ter,·Eman- .· starts at 12.00, 2.55, 5.40, 8.35.. ·' · ' · ' . ad ShwweJL . · . • , ...... numing from ·Aug.'' 6 ,to . While Mr. Shlnwell happens to be of Jewish origin, he .did ·not . 2%: The cainp will open thd 1955 bave to be concerned about catuinl to UJ. "'1ewisll vota". ID his .• ~ Clll ~u)y.t. ,.10: ·• ·· ..••'. .• • •. <, ODEON-East of Eden; starts at 1.05, 3.15, 7,35, 9.45. comUtueucy. He wu a~'ld.ldate in a ·workfng-daq distriefwhei'e '.' 'ffie "tremendOllS"' respome. 10 there were Vff1 few Jewiah voten.. U he d1d touch on the question. ' far "'.compelled us to close reg:is­ this was a Jign that the British vo~ were lnterested ID ft. and what . . BEACON-Fi~ Professionaf Vaudeville Acts: On our s~n- . . he aid probably reflectl the oplnioD of his eleeton. · . tniioil for the .fmt:c two sesiiom. ·· . ,Personal.Affair, with Gene Tierney and Leo Glenn; added' .'l'lly,upon·~e:nlting lfstajo ·.·.· '·•··. · HARRY··;AAION · · feature: Unknown Island, technicolor. Adult. ' lo one of his ~ speeches, Mr. Sbluwell aid that, "Il the Labor Party c:ames to l)OWer,ttiili conclude a treaty with Jsrie1 ·: ·and will guarantee her bor'1ers. Juit as Britain guarantees the bor- · COLLEGE~Rob Roy,· ~or, dr~' Tori>e!io' Alley•. '.~~; .. den of Arab countries under exisfing agreements" He added also.that ·. ·~i!~r!u~i! .·aa~-:-·M~.i,to&a • ,_'-.~~~ > • • •• ·,. • .'\~.-; ••• •• ~.' ·_:.:-·· __ •• .!' •··:·:· ;:·· -r; a Labor Govmuneat would possibly even propc11e tm,t llrael be ad-< · to attend ~ summer's expanded ·· . ' . . ' . . '.' '.' .;, . . ,, ,_., . mlff"d to the Atlantic Pact. Just as Turkey wu. --rlie· Labor Party,•.·.•· '.. .. . be aald, according to the i'ftJOlt. · •appreciates · the · concern wldda . P~~e:.is~~~ O'Kcef~, col_oi:, _drama; Reunion in :~f prenlll in Israel atiout the cllst)ll'ba.oca OD her froDtfera." · ' . . . ··.. · •· Lo.dg·····•···e···· .. ·E·1Jtti·::· ...... ,7 . . Ei:E:::~=~ .. . THI! LABOR PARTY DID NOT COME TO POWSR. IP• IT .HAD i; ;~l,.;g: ' added C faclllties. and .·.. . . .· : . .··. . >.· ... ·. . ROXY...-'Calamity Jene, color, musieal; Fighter Attack,' coi~. won, we would in no way have been c:ertain that a Labor• Government dramL General. · ·· · · · ··• ·· . (,' .would han Implemented tt.,'!se cam~gn promises of one . of its =p~t~::p7':ii:: Jeaden,.J,ve . know already !tum bitter e.,perlence that ·campalp . '·Harry·.· :Aaron· .. for the young eampers. Dr. Come , . . . . . · ·.· •. · ·· ·. •. · · prom.bu, i:ven in Britain, where politics are on a higher level, are . aled. ' . . . . ··... . .· . . . · TOWER~Money ~om Home, eolor, comedy; Wagons West, ·ciil~ .. not neceuarily sometbfnl ...-hfch a ¥1dorious party finds. •t necaar, .rw,. . . , ...·...... ,- • . . · · Harry Aaron wu elected. preai• · · drama., . Gl!DeraL. · · ' ·. · · · , ' to fullll . · ·' . .· · • ·... ··. , . - Nurse at this year's camp will dent; of B'nal ,B;,.ith ~toba .. But the fact Itself that an inlpcntant leader of a gut party, be Margery •llecter, R.N,. Lodge 1616 at the•anoualWbld-up '.l'lt;\Es.;..'l'he. Kidµapp~ drama; Jamaica Run, ~olor, drama, · whlcll pc>teDUallf. could have attained power,: found it .J'l'Cffll •ry.: to. General; , . . · · , . . " . toucJfon the questi1m of Israel, is a aim that.the Brltbh voters ai'e . . : . Dinner ID.Glendale Cowitr, ·aub . . " . , . . . . interested in that questi11n. .· And further, that In that. ampalgn . ·1utw~.··.. ;., .... ·. · . sllffcll. he outlined a ~ei,'Ui of close frlendablp with ~ show• : , VALO\,IR-Not Wanted; starts at 6.50, 9.50. The Ghost Goes West· : that be feels that the Britl .voten have feelln,p of frlendahlp toward· .. · Others .elected. to,.offlce. ,are: .shirts at 7.25. ... · . . . . · · •·: . •· · · · ' Y'• W to·.' fete .-,-_.; ., . , .... the State of IsraeL . · • ·· · · .· , · - · · · . ·fksi· ~c~dent; Jc,e Yromldn; .DE,~uxi-TbllSe Redheads From Seattle, 01us·1ca1; Blowing Wild. . AND INCIDENTALLY THIRI ~VI illN: MANY SIGNS·. seco11d . vice • :prt!Sid!lnt., , Samuel . General. • . - . . . . ·... • • · · ...... ncentl,Y that this friend!..,.. feelloa toward llnel ID Great Britain ls : Kaplan;. third vice-president, Dave · •• .l ,. ~, ·. 4 ,,., • • · not llmlted to any' one drcle in Brlllsb ·palltica. Jlueh an attiiUde ·.. ·.Golden·: Agers Korn; · financial, aeeretary, . Major . T ,, • . exists also among .the top drcles of the victorious Conservative Party. · · :)fembers of 's' Golden Migie; :recording. ,,eeretary, Lou · On the other hand, l'l Israel they are also 1,,iglalilA8 to forget .: the bitterness wblch was t1rovoked by the brutal,. antl.Jtrih :8evhl ·· Ate Club ·will be guests of honor Billinskoff ; .·tre 8511"1', · · J a.,.•'- ...... u•- tbb eo-1"" Wednesday. (June 15) · _,._ ard · ,_.,ck · Hoch· ..,,a~ IN FARGO ITS · regime ID the Britub Fotejp Olllce. A strong feelin8 ii ,rowing ...._ · u""', w ea,·.... ey · , .. 6 -- . also in Isratil for friendly relaUOtll with Great Britiln and ·~ble • at •the · annual .· deseert-luncheon dian, Max Dudeck; cbapliin, Heney co-operation with her. Such feellop were·expre.ued there, for ex~ tendered by YWHA. A. Katz. J.Rfl CD..·'llllllD... . ·. . • .. 'Jt- ·M~N~s. i'' .. ._~~:rat the recent ceremonies de~tlng the Queen ~beth • ' · The event, ·w be held at 1 p.m. Trustes elected are: Sid .,Oreek, (;J WEAR ,,.,," i Great Britain b a tradltlonal friend of the Jewfah people. The THE MA'GNIFICENT 's°URROUNDINGS of c~~p sinal .. B'rlth, on in Hebrew Sick Benefit Hall, will Max Splgelinan, , Jack :shenback, . : •. ·• ' • , •' '. ... .;, .• ;_. ' ,., '- <' • :· ,'. . confusion of the tinles after the First ·Wtmd War, which. caused · Town l1land . near Kenore, wlU again be the IC9ne ,this Set,tttmber mark the. club's .sixth• anniversary.. Slim Kr egar,-Dr.· c• Malltln.. , H aro· 1d FEATURING, THE• SMARTEST AND FiNEST. · . ; . ·. : for the .HIiiel Regional Summer Institute, with .en expected attend• A musical· program featuring an King, Bob Berkoff, comel Gross, lN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS ' ·, .. •': ' - =~nlus~:ru':J'~~e= \fri=d~ll~ fe~f:,,?:~fgt i:boi:! : ance of some 50 t!) 60 collegHge youth ·for 10 days of· dlscussto:ns, . orchestra an(!, :vocal artists will-be Phil Richman, Morris Kopelow, '. '\"'.. '·. ' . . Intellectual stimulation end nlaxatlon. Registration for the· institute unfortunate Bevin regime against wblch the J~lsh. Yiahuv ID. Pal; presented. Presiding will be club D G "·'- Stan Tisbl B .219 BROADWAY sr~ ' .·.·· Ff'~Go,.,N.D. eatlne revolted. · · .· . . . . • ~pen to 111 high school graduate-is now open •t · Hillel HouH, pre• siden. t Handel. Li.. ·tvaek. anny u_,. ' : . . . er, - . · There are good prospects today that those wounds are bellinnlng Shown above ,,. 1cene1 from last yNr's first Institute:· top .left: en Kushner, L Peltz;· S,:Steini J, Gure- to heal, and the tradlUonal friendship and mutual a.dmlration be­ Informal dlKuulon group; top rl11ht: • ,(elaxing swim seislon; .1.o charge. of arrangements for vicb, Sam Plapman and Harry Dit­ twecn·both peoples Is about to be revived. We, the of the Brit­ center: • sarvlce In the open; bottom: another group. en-• tbe affair are· the following offi· love; representatives to the BB ish Commonwealth, are especially pleased with tbb new trend, and · gaged hi Informal exchange of views on the camp's volleyball court. cers of the YWHA: (all Mesdames) ,Central .Canadian Council: Harry Make Reservations. at· Birchwood· Cabin Court· we shall eagerly do all WI> ean to fortify tbis·trend. (See story below). · · · M. Neaman, president; H. . Waln• Aaron, Joe Fromkln, Samuel Kap­ . DETROIT LAKES, MINN. . . . ; . . . . be_i:g, H. . Bogdonov, telephone Ian, Dave Korn, Jack• Gutkin, chairmllJ?; ~- .Olenick, S. Zeavin, ·Major Migie .and Bqb BerkpU. 1 commumty service chairmen: ~- . Annual p~ldential . report was M~~~ 1r::~~=g~~ c~!1lo1!~ $:~if:;~liiw!~~~~: iJ~i~l · .. Bar llan University: · Hillel Institute. . ·Slates Large dock, good swimming. Ov~rnlght acco,1nn1od11tlo1!$, 'i: ":·· Corr~, C. Rosner, .sO!!ii!I. chair- delivered . by . outgoing president : Reasonable rates·, , , •;:.-.,. •• , ,, . •· ·. : , The Bar Dan ·University in Ramat Gan near Tel Aviv, the new DMln,, B. G.old, pr?gram,ebalrman. Heory A. Katz.and reports of eom• fn.stitution of higher learning in Israel, will be dedicated on August . · '.J'be Golde~ Age Club. is spon• mittee chairmen included: conser­ For Re11rvatlcm1 Write DI;~}> ;::, \ 7. Meanwblle, In as in the Urilted States organizations of ~r ·~~n "Friends of the Bar Dao Univenity'' ore being established to support Unique ·'Camp' in Sept. so~ed by Nat1onal Council of. Je:,v• vation, Max ·Spigelman: . mllel, MR. AND MRS. '!fl• RUGtiRUD . ,• •. PH9!'!1,,';t2~ i;. , the wtltution; . the first public appearance of the or,anizatlon, in ish•Women. Sam· stein;· Variety Review, Sam•. Winnipeg will take place at a dinner tbb coming Monday,. J1111e '13, Western Canada's unique Hillel Regional Su~er Jnsil.· uel Kaplan; treasllrer's report, Dr. . with Rabbi S. 14, Zambrowsky, executive president of the Mizracbi .: ON YO.U~ YIAY TO,.WINt,HPEG BEACl-t ., .·· ·. :/ Organization of Canada, as guest speaker. . . · tute will bring together S!)tne 50· to 60 college-age youth at •• Slmcha Pratt Promoted ·~B~l~~Ta:o':i !~riJ=:n= · ·· · · · · · ,·· : s16~ <>F F1~ ,·: . ·· .·. The Bar Dan University, founded by•thll Mlzracbi O,rganizaUon, • C_amp'B'nai B'rlth on To~n ~land, near Ke?ora,_in early SeJ)-. • .·.CHICAGO (JTA)-Consulate ·of stein; membership, Harvey Kay; : · will naturally be operated on rellgioUB.lines. B,ut aslde•,from rellgi• tember, for 10 days of.· spiritually-i;-efreshing, mtellectuaUy-. rsrael • in Chicago, Sunday · , athletics, ~ckey .Lachter. , , SELKIRK 1 oUB subjects and research, it will be a unJverslty Jike all Wilverslties, 80 . AND:VISIT., i where atudents will study moderb scienee, and thUB it will be. an inl• .... stifflulatin1CJe~~hlivingaµdj.ili1>\lncedtbat-itie Governmelit·of ; . ( , ·!•c>'· .,,!,/ ,, .. ,> portant addition to the study of science in Israel. · . · ·· . ~m dls~iissions. I ·. . • - 'I" ' Israel •bas decided ·to elevate '.the Haem Steinberg Br.iineh .of; The university moreover •also have a special aigniJlcance to will, . · · . · · consulate , to status of Consulate · · · ...111 ,!t,scittis"· , · the Jews of Norib America. · Eslabllshed l>Y American (including · Th~ lostitute-:-orur oae of Its General,· At the same time, Sim- Young Women's.· Mlli'ach.t . .,.,.. ._ '·, . '' '., ;. -•, ·-' -~- / • Canadian) Mlzrachl, it bas ·been planned in accord with tl/,e atandards kind m all Canada &nd almost as cha Pratt, Consul of Israel in Chi- hold a social at. the hoJI!e · of Mrs. [ · ot similar instituUons of higher learning on ~our corit.lilmt,',it )'lill•. · For Hot "DOCjl unique right across this continent eago, was promoted to the rank M. Roberts, ·1113,.waverley Sl, at ·Nips and Chip~ m,~~iita:'.rican personnel. and most of 'its ~ ( t! ;P~~essors -will focus on the.theme,:"World of Consul .GeneraL 8.30 Monday evl!ning, June 13. .'". ;, .. :~· ~-", •. .:· " ,.,.... ;:_. ',u . ,,. , . The curriculum will be similar to those of American unlvenlties, . Jewry at the crossroads," elaborat­ .... ,;.-,,_ ,, ,. I and students .who take some of their courses at ·Bar llan .. wlll receive • ing it in lectures, discussions, ·,;-.,1,-a,LeA$l:$:.u$,to PLEAsE·vou;,'.· · credits wblcb will be reeognized at American (or Canadian) colleges, I --· .. , .- , ; ·. ·... :·:,...... ' ' . I making it possible for them to complete ·their 11tudles thUB-Or vice · workshops, evening and Shabbat I CLOSING EXERCISES versa. This will enable Canadian and American parents to send their eblldr!!!l for at least a couple of years to Israel to atudy at .Bar Dan, programs. without loss of time, ana thus ,this institution of blgber learning t:an .A highlight of this year's In­ become an Important spiritual llok to bring together culturally Am• stitute will be the ·attendance of MAIMONIDES·. . ' . . . erican Jewry and the Stat.; of IsraeL ·· · · With the building of the Bar Dan University, Canadian and Am­ the noted publii:lst, c:orrespond• erican Jews have recorded an Important achievement, but at the ent end lecturer, Dr. Judd L COLLEGE · same time they have thereby assumed a great responalbllity. It is Teller, political adviser to the · elear that at least for a few y~rs they will have to see .that the tµt!• Jewish Agency, for three days Sunday, June 12, 1955 versity rests on a secure economic basis, that It shall be on a high MOTOR ENTR,\NCE · • · FREE PARKING' . . . level academically and that it shall be able to fullll its Important of lectures and discussions on at 2.30 p;~ . :: . ,:_ .. _.:,••': :,, .. :,, ··,_: •. ·, ., __ ~ •. , ·.-,'.-•:;.;, )' .• . tasks in the best possible way. "Polltlcal Problems of Israel and ·coCKTAll, LOUNGE • FINE FOODS • 125 ROOMS FlltEPROOF .. the World Jewish Community.'' , .. For its second year of opera• F,AMILY, RATES • ·· CHILDREN "FREE' · 11 tions, the Institute will again be at the Talmud Torah ...... ,,. \. A · CANADA PERMANENT" EDDIE YUDITSKY sponsored by Central Canadian Progrem ·Director· Council of B'nai B'ritb Lodges, Also Operating .' . -.)f:~~·.T~Jf;_ 0 GUEST SPEAKER . - . . ,,,_:~.. 1·~~;:'i· ..:,.·,.·c Savings Account Earns 2½ /o Zionist Organization of Canada, DIPOIITI IUIIJICT TO WITHDRAWAL BY CHIQUI Canadian Jewish" Congress and EDGEWATER BEACH'i\/: .· .. ••-: • > • ' • ' • ·;. ~-.-,',,,. _;·.,1_-j, ·:'_~-;,._.·,: :-:'-. · DIPOIITI MAY a• MADI IY MAIL Massad· Fills North-West Coun~il of. BB Lodges. Mr. Justice SAMUEL. FREEDMAN RESORT HOTEL and COTTAGES:: ·.,''.','.'. '. ·:.:,<· '.i OPIN YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY and SAVI REGULARLY Top Staff Due Recently Retunied.~m Israel . -· ~- :·:>~tr!/},·:~~'.P,\~--·,.: 1i Located In the City Llml~ OD Beautiful Detr()it;Lpe\.e'J.:' :~ CANADA PERMANENT. MORTGAGE" CORPORATION Heading the Institute staff again • Student Talks In Hebrew and ~ngllah~ . -.: : _ _ ,-.!·;.- ... ,·-,,.i,r.>f_ ,.l, ·,-~;;• N Two-thirds of as director will be Rabbi Judah L. MINNESOTA'S FINEST RESORT>;; :i.. ·.ff;/ . .. l1t1bllslled 1151 Stampfer, director of BB Hillel e Award of Bronfman Scholarship, .Wol­ Alllltl IIICHd sno.ooo.oao Foundation at University of Mani• insky Prizes, Situl 'SIiverman Ps:izes, European and Aml,lrlcan Plan ' .• ?.I;' if;.)i;. -:; ' ..· 298 GARRY STREET Manager ·Camp Quota toba. Mendel Lyons Scholarship and Etta OPEN ~y 27th THRU SEPTEMBER 18tn, WINNIPEG, C. F. HONEYMAN Among staff personnel this year Lo,:kshln Scholarships. . Two-thirds of the regisb'ation will be former Winnipegger Arieh For Reservations,· Phone, Wire or· Write ·j_ p; WRIGHT .. · -;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ji quota for this year's , Cooperstock, now a well-known. e· Participation of Sehool Choir. Ii' the popular Hebrew-speaking camp' profeS!llonal dancer in New York, On .Saturder,. J.une 11, 1tuden9a of Maimonides DETROIT LAKES (412 L~k .. Within 25 MIies)' - MINN.ESOTA nl!ar Winnipeg Beach, bas been wbo• will1·be in charge of dance· .filled already and it is expected instruction together with Florence College will . conduct the Sabbath ServlcH .at that all "places" will be filled Peters of ~W. York; Epbry Spec­ the Talmud Torah et 9.30 e.m....all .,. welcome, sbortly, officials. announced ·this tre, who bal been music director week. at:8amah Camp in Wisconsin ·and Sunday's Ceremonies Commence at 2.30 p.m. It was also announced that pro- Camp Yavneh in New Hampshire, gram director for tbis year's -ex• and is a student at Jewish Tbeo- panded cainp will be Eddie Yudit- logical Seminary in New·York, as sky, i'ormer Winnipegger now music instructor; and two or .three teaching at . Hebrew Hillel directors from th1f United ,, PARENTS AND SUPPORTERS OF ALL OUR KOSHER MEAT School, who was Camp Massad States and Canada...... , direetor two summers ago and This year's anticipated regfstra.: Has Been Cut, Salted., director of Camp Tehiah in Al- lion of 50 to 60 represen~ aliri~st: r berta last year. double. last year's attendaiu:e•of Rabbi Judah L Stampfer, Massad 30 at the first Institute.· it ·ls· ex. l:lerzlia. Aca.demy ·- Soaked, Packaged and camp committee chairman, noted pected that "students" will come · that "the 11resent trend of heavy from· the U.S. as well as Cariacia; Plan Now To Attend the .. Sealed · by a registration indicates strongly that and that• there will be a much Strictly -parents who wish their youngst!',rs larger 'participation from Western to attend this summer's camp C.anadian points. KOSHER BUTCHER should register immediately, in or- The Institute is open to all bigh Herzlia Academy der to avoid disappointment later." sebool graduates. Who Is Working Under Tlte eamp, which is open to all. Opening Sept. 2' · ;jl. devoted,to 1~ ' lures . and discussions, afteruooris MARLBOROUGH' . . ' . .. HOTEL.. Free. rclresbments, rides and to workshops in the arts imd to i, games tlirougb. courtesy of North sports and swimming; evenings. to . e -C~mmittee Reports • Election of· Offic:e!'S POLAR FOOD PLAN Main Drive-In will feature this special programs.. Tbere:will .. be. -'' - - . '. . '. Sunday's (June 12) first Fathers Sbabbat programs also, .as well as LTD. and Children's field day, plan,ned regular wor:ibip services. On the ADPRESS by Congregation Rosh Pina. concluding weekend there will be Baseball games will pit fathers a special presentation by the work­ 207 CATHEDRAL AVENUE; agaiJ!st youngsters in a contest of shops, with guests invited I the "generations," and full enter­ Fee for the Institute is $3S, plus Rabbi S. M. Zambr~wsky PhoH 929491 1 tainment facilitiet of the dri,·e­ $5 to cover transportation from m MdJetllOl AYI., f. · WINNIPEC . i Phone 59-6343 ."' 59-6344 ln's amusement section will be at and back to Winnil)1!g. Registra. Ex~~tive Presi"ent, Mizrachi Organization of C1niada West~,n

. ------4