What Is Peer-To-Peer File Transfer? Bandwidth It Can Use
sharing, with no cap on the amount of commonly used to trade copyrighted music What is Peer-to-Peer file transfer? bandwidth it can use. Thus, a single NSF PC and software. connected to NSF’s LAN with a standard The Recording Industry Association of A peer-to-peer, or “P2P,” file transfer 100Mbps network card could, with KaZaA’s America tracks users of this software and has service allows the user to share computer files default settings, conceivably saturate NSF’s begun initiating lawsuits against individuals through the Internet. Examples of P2P T3 (45Mbps) internet connection. who use P2P systems to steal copyrighted services include KaZaA, Grokster, Gnutella, The KaZaA software assesses the quality of material or to provide copyrighted software to Morpheus, and BearShare. the PC’s internet connection and designates others to download freely. These services are set up to allow users to computers with high-speed connections as search for and download files to their “Supernodes,” meaning that they provide a How does use of these services computers, and to enable users to make files hub between various users, a source of available for others to download from their information about files available on other create security issues at NSF? computers. users’ PCs. This uses much more of the When configuring these services, it is computer’s resources, including bandwidth possible to designate as “shared” not only the and processing capability. How do these services function? one folder KaZaA sets up by default, but also The free version of KaZaA is supported by the entire contents of the user’s computer as Peer to peer file transfer services are highly advertising, which appears on the user well as any NSF network drives to which the decentralized, creating a network of linked interface of the program and also causes pop- user has access, to be searchable and users.
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