Please find document status at the bottom of this document Please note, that this document is not only a review, but some concepts regarding Blockchain For Science have been shared here for the first time, so it is Original Work. Please give appropriate reference, it has some weaknesses, but is the most compelling document on what blockchain has to offer for Science and Knowledge Creation for the time being. The maintainer will restructure asap. Blockchain space moves fast... Older versions here (earliest thoughts:)), here and here. Blockchain for Science and Knowledge Creation PD Dr. med. Sönke Bartling (corresponding author, initiator and maintainer, @soenkeba,
[email protected]) Founder of Blockchain For Science & Associate researcher at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society Many more contributors - please see document history. Isn´t “really good science not always a break with orthodoxy – and how could the orthodox then fairly assess it?” (Michael Polanyi - potentially wrongly attributed or cited by the maintainer) 0 Abstract: Blockchain is a computer protocol involving cryptography, a new way to look at databases and a socio-cultural-legal-political-economic (r)evolution and knowledge creation will be affected by it. Blockchain has the capacity to make digital goods immutable, transparent, externally provable, decentralized, valuable, and distributed (and potentially permanent). Besides the initial experiment and data acquisition, all remaining parts of the research cycle could take place within a blockchain system. Attribution, data, subject anonymity, data post processing (e.g. via smart contracts) & archiving, publication, research evaluation, incentivisation, and research fund distribution would thereby become time-stamped, comprehensible, open (at will) and provable to the external world.