State Library Sacramento 9, Califcrnia SJS Unshackled From Presidents' (Ode WeeMerman Sees Sun Fair is the weatherman's pre- diction for the Santa Clara Valley Athletic Program today. The forecaster anticipates little change in temperature, with the high a ranging between 60 cittan and 65 degrees, and gentle winds. - DECEMBER, 10, 1957 TUESDAY, Wahlquist VOL Up To 45 41110B SAN JpSE, CALIFORNIA, NO. 49 in By BILL GODFREY ing athletics, mainly football, was leiges should abide by rules of the II- Seniors Plan MUSICAL CHEERS SACRAMENTO San Jose reached at a meeting in his office conference of which they are a State received its unconditional early yesterday. Present at the member. Since San Jose State Ct Centennial Dance After release yesterday from operating meeting were Dr. Simpson, Pres. Coliege is not a member of any under the rules of the Council of John T. Wahlquist Dr. J. Burton conference, will re - ed this decision State College Presidents athletic Vasche, State College Division team, them from operating under in Flag Found Mitt Tourney code. head, and S. Glenn Hartranff, SJS two sets of rules and regulations, Dr. Roy E. Simpson, state su- , Men's Physical Education Depart- namely the 1932 State College gs. The Senior Class made final In H. E. Hall perintendent of public instruction, ment head. Athletic Agreement and Pacific plans at its meeting yesterday for told The Spartan Daily that the In a prepared statement, Dr. Coast Conference rules." Lady Fortune smiled. And a shot the dance it will sponsor after the decision to unshackle San Jose Simpson said: in the dark paid off yesterday .. . m . , . . ._ l'RESIDENT TO DECIDE Novice Tournament Satur- state coi State from restricti.e rules govern- "it is y opinion that I/r. Simpson said that hereafter day night. when the SJS Centennial Flag was found in the Home the decision as to what set of ath- Wayne Lindsley, chairman, stat- Economics Building. ietic rules and regulations the col- ed that there is a "strong possibil- FORTUNE SMILES The banner was found lege will follow rests with the pre- ity" of a combo for the dance. The by Mrs. Fern Wendt, assistant sident of the college, dance will start immediately after professor of home economics, xtuck in a Members of alumni groups and the Tournament and last until 1 Corner near Room F, cafeteria storeroom, citizens booster committees who a.m. It will be held in the Worn. The "flag have been pushing for just such an en's Gym. returner" is not known, athletic code release were elated Carroll Perkins, chairman of FLAG DISCOVERP3) when told the news. the February Banquet, announced Mrs. Wendt said the flag was Dick Boyd, Alumni Assn. sad that Dick Tash will play for the not there at 12:20 p.m. when she Spar-Ten Club field director, February dinner-dance. passed the corner on her way to said: "I don't know what to say. SOPHOMORE CLASS lunch. She made the discovery It certainly comes as a surprise. The Sophomore Class is collect- when returning from lunch at 1:20. especially at this time. I had ing canned goods and money for "I first thought it was one of just mailed a letter today to Dr. turkey or ham and potatoes to fill the cafeteria uniforms." she ex- Simpson requesting that he ex- a Christmas box of food for a claimed. Her curiosity was arous- pedlte the meeting that had needy family in the San Jose area. ec!, however, and a few minutes been agreed upon two weeks Candidate speeches were given later she went back to investi- ago. But naturally I am pleased at yesterdays meeting, and a dis- gate. She was surprised when an with the outcome." cussion was held concerning the 8x12 foot white, nylon flag was Emerson (Doc) Arends. Camp- selling of Frosh-Soph Mixer tick- unfurled before her. bell businessman and chairman of ets after Christmas vacation. Commenting on the flag's re- Citizens Committee for a PTO- turn, Joe H. West, Centennial the San Jose State College, JUNIOR CLASS Committee chairman and dean of gressise "Now that the power to Cupcakes will be on sale tomor- education services and the sum- said: row from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Leading the yells during 11958 will be the guide San Jose State's athletic seven neysly elected leaders mer sessions, paid tribute to the in the Library Quad, Paula Kesse- pictured above. Left to right are: future is in the hands of the pres- Dick Goss, John Agates', Bob Richards, John King. Bill Hardy, "flag returners" and The Spartan only hope that he is will- meier. 'chairman, announced yes- head yell yeader, Barry Swenson and Dine Ton by Ma- Daily. Went, I ahead with the program terday. son Brown. "I will be most pleased to buy ing to go started." Committee members will meet that pie and coffee any time the that we to plan Junior Prom publicity this PROGRESS MADE Ad 'flag returner' cares to collect." afternoon at 3:30 in the Student vertising Club, 'UC Prof Predicts he said, pointing out that the Cen- Gene Arnold. local businessman Union, according to Carol Nanney, tennial Committee is "most appre- and Citizens Committee member, chairman. said: "I feel that progress has ciative." At the scene of the discovery Religious The seven month "flag hunt" ends. made toward a better state FRESHMAN CLASS Council Withdrawal of Cal, SEVEN-MONTH SEARCH In the Home Economics Building, Mrs. Fern Wendt, assistant pro- been A Joe College-Betty Coed con- "A special note of thanks also fessor of home economies, points at the 5.15 Centennial flag, as college." test will be sponsored by the is merited by The Spartan Daily John Amos Heft ), superintendent of buildings and grounds, and Pres. Wahlquist was not avail- Face Court Today UCLA From PCC the Freshman Class. This was an- for calling campus attention to the Byron Bollinger, supemboir of construction and repair, unfurl able for comment. His office re- banner. The comment of Joe II. West. Centennial Committee nounced at a regular meeting yes- Two student organizations go , OAKLANDA resolution ask- 'flag's value," he said, noting that chairman and dean of education services and summer session: ported that he will not return terday afternoon in Morris Dailey on trig beforeflhe Student Court ling withdrawal from the Pacific an unpublicizeifsearch for the $150 "Many thanks."photo by Paul Girard. from Sarramento 01011 3 o'clock today, charged w,th failing to sub- Auditorium. Sororities, fraternities Coast Conference for UC and UC- flag had been held for seven today. and independent 'houses will be mit revised lista. of Biters and months with "no results." The sto- The release from the Counell LA will be presented for adoption asked to take part. Photos must advisers, required under the ASB ry was released to The Spartan of State College Presidents' code be in by Dec. 18., constitution. at a meeting of faculty members Daily Friday with hope of "better Medics To Examine Ike will, In effect, permit 545 to They are Alpha Delta Sigma, ad- at the UC Berkeley campus today. luck." f , adopt athletic rules similar to Plans for the utilization of the those of the PCC. These rules vertising fraternity, and College Dr. Edward Strong, professor of Religious banner will' be discussed by the Today; Prospects 'Goo i allow colleges to ProsIde train- Council. philosophy and head of the Ber- Centennial Committee. It is sche- Inc tables for football players, The two groups were among 41 keley division of the University of GETTYSBURG, Pa. i I I ' . -- As for the President's expected Main Building as a memento of tuition, hooks and an on-campus subpoenaed by the court three California Academic Senate was duled to serve President Eisenhower will under- attendance at the NATO meeting the SJS Centennial, most likely to think Job. weeks ago. Representatives for the quoted as saying that the faculty go a full-scale medical examin- in Paris, Hagerty said. "I be placed in the San Jose collec- tomorroa Reliable sources said that the two organizations pleaded not members could be expected to ation at the White House this there will be a decision Is Now Tower opinion poll held on cam- guilty at preliminary hearings, as tion room in the Library. afternoon to determine whether he afternoon." Under questioning, student adopt the resolution. favor- San Jose State's old and im- did spokesmen for Student Affili- should go to t h e Paris NATO Hagerty said the President's ac- pus two weeks ago had a Department pressive tower has given its name ates of the American Chemistry Strong was critical of recent tie- Council meeting. trifles still were under control of able effect on State Without to the former Main Building. Society, Hillel, Conservation Club, eision.s reached by the Pa- which The President has been resting his physicians. of Education officials. No Decision Yet prob- Executive Dean C. Grant Bur- Gamma Alpha Chi, women's adver- ignored the new athletic policies here since last Thursday night. He The President's doctors have student support, the college ton said yesterday that, because tising sorority, and Hawaiian Club. of the UC Board of Regents. n A- Reactor was scheduled to motor back to been highly optimistic about his ably would not have received the of confusion of titles, the struc- Washington yesterday afternoon. recovery from the mild stroke he code release, the source hinted. The latter five organizations will He said that there now is a SACRAMENTO John M. ture formerly know as Main Build- Peirce, state director of finance, leaving his farm at about 1.95 suffered Nov. 25. NUCLEAR RF.ACTOR be tried at a later date. grave danger that proper academic ing has been officially renamed Seven of the original 41 groups told The Spartan Daily yester- p.m., (EST). Hagerty continued to shrug off In another matter that is caus- standards will not be maintained. might Tower Building. summoned are expected to appear day that requests from San Jose White House Press Secretary reports that the President ing considerable concern among The renaming of the building before the court for preliminary The University of California State and San Diego State Col-. James C. Hagerty said yesterday resign. state collegesrequests for nuc- specifically yes- indicates that it will not be torn hearing today. ASH attorney Bill is hot in the football business, he leges for an atomic reactor are he expects the White House will Ile was asked lear power reactors for some of down as many students had feared, McLean said. continued, and does not want to "still under consideration. and no make public their findings shortly terday about a statement by Gard- the colleges' engineering depart- Dean's after the examination. A group of ner Cowles. president of the Des ments Dr. Simpson said that the according to the Executive Six other groups. -Channing professionalize_ students by subsi- decision has been reached at this physicians, Including neurologists, ; Moines Howe) Register and Tri- were still being deliber- Office. Club, Engineering Society, Psi dizing them Just because they are time." requests con- will begin, following the examin- bune Co., that Eisenhower might by finance officials. Dean Burton explained the Gamma, Sigma Rho, Spartan athletes. Peirce arldcd that other bud- ated upon whet Hagerty described as retire and that the chief eXeell- Is still uncertain," fusion was in reference to which Spinners and Sparvets are re- get items, such as nest building% ation. -The outcome buildings, the "I feel the University should a "consultation" at '2:30 pm to- live is not as well as published he said "You may be sure, howev- of the two existing ported no longer active. Summons for S.'S, also are being consider- Building or not abandon the stand it has taken clay roniirt.: 'mileage continued, "that the nu- new Administration for a seventh group, Forensics ed and will be diacussed with Gov. er.- he the to achieve the regents' new ath- - requests have not Main Building, actually housed club, was dismissed. since it is a Goodwin .1. Knight "In the next clear reactor letic policy," Dr..Strong said. heel' rut from the budget as yet." executive offices. function of the Speech and Drama few days." Hams To Send department. "If to maintain this stand forces The state official intimated Radio Aecording to Preis. Wahlquist, Five organizations have already us to withdraw from the confer- that nothing has been slashed the State Department of F,duca- pleaded guilty and have been fined ence, we should withdraw. Now yet from the proposed budget for Free Holiday Greetings lion and regents of the Univer- Student 'Search' weare being San Jaw- State. sity of California have entered forced to withdraw." Christmas messages to the building directory. Peirce said the budget must First Int.. an agreement that markt' in the United Blank fm-ms are available at the in he submitted to the state legis- friends and relatives slate colleges irons offering gra- To End 1960, EXAMINE PAPER States and to servicemen overseas ; three locations as vieli ay, instruc- '1'h.. new libi eheck-out sys- WORK lature Feb. 3. duate studies in engineering and will he iient today and continue tions for a Ming the message. tem will be abandoned in 1960, engaging in research work, this, until noon Dec. 20 - courtesy of IllewbP said the club II asking when the planned addition to the he says, prevents the depart- the San Jose State Ham Radio sender.; to limit messages to 20 library is completed, Recording to ment from seeking vcro (En- Club. words. He stressed that writers Miss Joyce Backus, librarian. Air Force Officers gineering ("moult on Professional Inin Beebe, president of the must follow the sample letter The present method was insti- Development) accreditation. club, said that not only students form or the club cannot send tuted a year ago when the new Assemblyman Bruce Allen (R - To Finish Inspection but faculty and college employees the message. library addition was completed. Two officers from Mas,k .11 Air Los Gatosl hat charged that the are Invited to use the service. 'rho- message sb old n/ ',alp the The system of inspection upon Force Base, Ala.. today pact is out-dated and is making will com- Beebe said he wanted to stress and phone tiomber of the leaving the library has received plete the annual two-day inspec- SJS a "second class institution." the fact the messages firc free person being contacted. if possible, too many complaints from stu- tion of the San Jose State College "We can send messages ant - and the sender's name .ildfireag and dents, she said. People apparently Air Force ROTC detachment. where In the United States and phone number. Beets said. "Othi.r 55 5 1111 5 do not like being searched. The inspecting officers 'are Lt. to armed forces personnel over- wise, we may encounter Lome tilt* be made in favor Col. Guymon Penis and Lt. The change will Col. G. seas, erept some APO numbers ficulty and have In obtain ;J.! old system of "closed E. Mineur Jr. The pair arrived on Men . . of the which me cannot contact 11Wralliwi tional information.' stacks." This arrangement was the campus yesterday, following an in- of security risks." Beebe said. is Do you get used before the present plan. spection of the Air Force ROTC one Boxes to collect messages a il. k A embarrassed Only student body card holders unit at . be placed next to the Student U.. I'll issile Expert II while buying and faculty will be permitted to While at SJS, the officers will ion bulletin hoard, by the Spartan gifts for girls? enter the book stacks. At present, inspect the administration of the Speak Today ,,,, Shop pencil sharpener and in the 'To IIIII So do I. but the library is open to anyone. detachment, classroom instruction. 1.1 Is i! - i:,,,:iii..7 -il I!, the worio Engineering Building foyer .ne - then it's worse Miss Backus stated that with cadet corps activities. ...ickets. missiles and miellites- i to change girls the present method a large num- The inspectors will attend a man who knows the answers `Sill 111 just 'cause it's ber of high school and junior col- briefing of the cadet commander Daily To Run Platforms tell an expeeted capacity audience ' mil II Christmas! Let's lege students have been using the and his staff this morning. Senior Candidate., for class offices In in Morris Dailey Auditorium at , sneak into Roos, library. Although they cannot take Lawrence C. Curtis is cadet com- this ss,-ek's school -aide eleetion 10:30 am, today. - They don't mind books out of the building, they mander. are asked to submit campaign Dr W C. Griffith. manager guys. monopolize some that are neces- Lt. Col, Emery A. Cook is pro- Ostrom% to The Spartan Dall,, the flight sciences division a blushing sary for SJS students. They most fessor of air science of the SJS 4107, by 4 p.m. today. Platform Lockheed Aircraft Corp. Air Force It. Coln. tar mon Pcnis (left) likely will not use the SJS library and t. F. Nfinetir Jr. detachment. white Major Forest G. statiments wili be published in speak on the meat talked its (right), Inspectors from Maxwell APR. Ala.. eamine paper work as much if they cannot use the is edition. topic the current aim - rock':' 1011;4" E; %Mown by Lt. (of. Emery A. Cook tsratedi. Y.Jsi professor-0f istr- Seiverson commandant of ea- Thuriday's 1 or stacks. at:leiter, At ROTC detachment. photo by Dauncnbrink. dets. missiles and satellites. .447, 4**********************************strartrilntr*** LITTLE MittioNCAMPUS Mta * k-4ctartime Cruel Punishment Dear Thrust and Parr): HOLLYWOOD (UPIEd Sulli- oven though the script doesn't call i How 'about some bells in the 10, 1957 van and Ste%e Allen have called! for laughs." new Classroom Building? I can off their rating feud to battle a "Just check the ratings," Kelly stand 50 militates of a dry lecture, common enemy, a pair of Maver- said. "The show didn't beat Allen but this is about my. limit. named Bret and Bart. until I joined up." that icks A number of instructors In "Don't think I'm jealous or any- insuffi- Iiig surprise of the 1957-58 TV building, either through thing." Garner grinned, -I'm try- Tice has funds or inability to tell season is the way "Maverick" cient ing to help Jack along. He doesn't carry timepieces or stolen the thunder land audiencei time, do not even know how to ride a horse." telling from the IWO big ariety wheels. other accurate devices for The boys fell to eating lunch, Conse- On the air only II weeks, the Ciradar 91/e time on their ,persons. muttering vile things about one hour-long horse opera passed quently, they do not know when another. ends. Allen in the Trends-% rating the the period Asked who played the younger By LEIGH WEIMERS contrary, lulled Onto a second week out of the barn. It On_the brother, they answered in chorus, Spartan Daily Editor somnambulistic state by the so- took alit weeks to catch Sullhan. "Me!" This led to another explo- porific tone of their 'own voices, Now that it's out front, "Maver- sive hassle. I saw a girl on campus yester- could never afford to bring one they drone on and on. ick" Is pulling away fast. Last Warner Brothers studio, which day. This is not considered to he myself. Rude but pragmatic attempts to Sunday it trounced Allen by the ABC-TV show, says newsworthy, but you must admit it Now don't get me wrong. I'm wake up the instructor, such as eight points and Sullivan by five. films Kelly is 30, Garner 29. Both stand Is an interesting way to start a not sa i iv that I never saw stu- Ishuffling feet, slamming books and The show scared Jack Benny by over six feet tall. Garner might get column.) dents bring their instructors gifts. glancing at watches are completely coming within seven digits of his the best of it in a free-for-all. He Anyway, there was this girl and There was one rich kid who came ignored, if noticed at all. show. outweighs his TV brother by 20 she SAS carrying a big red apple through with a Cadillac each year. : Finally. only after the incoming is Success of the new entry pounds. well-polished and tempting. I The but he got such good grades, 1 class begins pounding on the door credited to its rough and tumble If Warners decides to write more apple, not the girl.) haven't seen him for quite a while. ; and strange students start pouring stars, Jim Garner iBret) and Jack brothers into the script the studio So, being a naturally curious And then there was the class- in does the instructor come to life Kelly Bart), who are as rougishly might well consider Sullivan and Sort, I asked her, "Hey you. mate who injected rat poison into and murtner, "Oh, is it time al- hell-for-leather off screen as they Allen. They still have fairly large whatchoo gon' do with that apple.. cherry bonbons and passed them 1 "--....ALIn I NEvEK LowEjt my.JELF v Agawam! Writ A .?fuvENT ready?" are on the program. give it to your teacher?" i around to the faculty. Haven't I By that time the class has one followings. --- I FLUNK 41M.'And Both are delighted their show she replied. -Don't be so !seen him for a while, either. minute to battle its way through * I I. whipping the opposition, hut curious. sort. I intend to eat this But let's get back to the point. , W the hall, down the stairs and across hlike 'Wallace hopes to un- they refuse to needle the .aimang myself." I suspect this apple business was the campus to buildings a half-mile package a test program In his emcees. But she did not halt the curious started by instructors during the orld Faces Problem away. projected series, "'Fhe Ii reat workings of my curious mind. I depression, when one got apples The Constitution forbids "cruel During lunch the big guys spent Men," on his regular Aft(' -T' , . their time ribbing one another *how would thought over what I had asked any way one could. A:-1, when the or unusual punishment." What Dee 28. The trial run And then I asked myself a goes. - depression was over, the teactiers would you call this? about Kelly joining the show six feature Wallace in an interview HOW "Who started this business decided this was an easy way ver-Population Ann Purpus weeks after it went on the air. with Socrates. 1' h e go-ahead to "Turning out an hour show on abOUt students bringing apples to I get free tidbits so they kept the By LOUIS CASSELS ing has alarmed many population ASH A 2950 hangs on the okay of Pant Muni teachers?" thing going. film was too much for one actor," who's heen asked to play the WASHINGTON i UP I - In experts. Robert C. Cook, director the Garner explained. "I was working In my long scholastic career This is why I'm still in school. I five minutes you spend reading i of the Population Reference Bu- Greek philosopher. 14 hours a day, and we were fall- somewhat longer than I had origi- couldn't make my extortion pay- this dispatch, the population of reau, calls it "One of the most Lynn Dollar, who stepped out as ing behind schedule. So we de- nally intended I have never seen ments. the world will grow by about 450 ominous developments of our time. Spartang)a on "The $64,000 Ques- , cided to write a brother into the girl guide a fellow student bring a teacher I demand a Congressional in- persons. Dr. J. 0. Hertzler, professor of Entered is second class metier April tion" to await the arrival, of her an apple And, being too poor, I vestication! sociology at the University of Ne- script." It has increased by 120,000 since 24, 1934, at San Jose, Calif., under the "That's his story," Kelly put first baby, will have it delivered braska. asserts in his new book, Califor- you read yesterday's newspaper. set of March 3, 1879, Mmber In brashly. "The rating. were Campus Canvass "The Crisis in World Population." nia Newspaper Publishers' Association. by Dr. Francis Salvatore, the ob- By this time next year, there lousy anti they that "horrendous" problems It Publishd daily by th Associatd Stu- needed some real stretrician who won $32,000 on the will be 43,000,000 more human dents of San Jos. State Colleg, except talent to pull It out of the hole." ahead "unless fairly direct and ex- cooking cate- beings on earth than there are Saturday and Sunday, during the colleg "i show in the food and Moroccan King Fails To Appear peditious action is taken soon. le's QOM." Garner fired back. right now. year with one issue during each final -We needed comedy relief, and be- gory. Dr. Salvatore also ushered in By the end of the present cen- The Nebraska professor says inamination period. There are some mighty disap- A ri-porter on the UC Daily Cali- Press of th Globe Printing Co. lieve me. Jack's funny in this role. Mrs. Hal March's baby this year. tury, at the present rate of In- science may be able to increase pointed people down Los Angeles fornian made this Interesting Ob- 1445 South First St., San Jose, Calif. crease, the population of the the world's food supply "greatly" DINNER SPECIAL way. According to the USC Daily servation "In the lobby of Dwi- Subscriptions accepted only on re opr- Trojan, members of the fine arts ndle hall hangs a picture of John world will be 5.400.000,000 In the future by increasing the rnsinderof-school year basis. In fall sie-1 BREADED VEAL CUTLETS or HAMBURGER STEAK with BROWN GRAVY department. the Arab Student As- W. Dwindle. about to present an double the present figure. yield of farm lands, by develop- mister, $4; in spring semester, $2. ing artificial foods, through "hy- Editor LEIGH WEIMERS SOUP POTATOES sociation. enthused SC students historic bill to the state legisla- Authority for these statements VEGETABLE BREAD & BUTTER droponic" techniques in which Business Mg.. LARRY KAUFMAN a n d alumni, reporters, photog- ture granting a charter to the is the United States Demographic Editor BARBARA Large Bottle of MA .15 Day GREUNER raphers. KUSC interviewers, and Regents of the University, creat- 1 Yearbook, an annual compilation edible foods are grown In solu- Newsw Editor JIM DRENNAN some 100 assorted spectators re- ing a state-supported school. . . . of population statistics from all tions of chemicals and water, by Teilephon: Cypress 4-6414 Editorial, using food resources from the hr. 210. Advertising, Ext. 211, 85c cently spent one day awaiting the In the picture. Dwinelle holds in parts of the world. sea. But he warns that -much Wire Editor Don Stevens arrival of the Moroccan monarch. his hand a copy of the document. The new edition discloses that Fine Arts Editor ______. Max Shapiro of this Is still a hope and King Mohammed V, who was On it the word California is mis- the postwar population explosion not a Exchange Editor Marlene Shattuck ARCHIE'S promise." scheduled to appear on the campus. spelled." is still in full swing, particularly Feature Editor .... __ Bob Craft Sports Editor Rendie Poe And where was his royal high- The "Dorothy Dix" type column in underdeveloped countries. The "Though there may be phenome- Copy Desk Chief --_-. Will Watkins STEAK HOUSE introduction of modern health ness? In Disneyland. seems to be a popular feature of nal increase of food for a while. Society Editor .....Cathy Ferguson 545 S. 2nd St.Hours 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. "What do you think could be many college newspapers. Pam measures in these countries has this supply cannot be increased at Photo Editor . .1,1 Beach done to improve school spirit?" a Slanders is a writir whose column caused death rates to drop the same rate arid with the same student at San Bernardino Valley appears in the Loa Angeles State sharply, but birth rates generally ease forever. The earth is finite College was asked by a reporter College Times. A student recently remain at traditional high levels. and none of its resources are in- on the Warwhoop. The student re- wrote in to ask Pam for help. He The result is that world population definitely extendable in use with- A Campus -to -Career Case History plied. "New students and a new stated that he had been rejected is growing at the fastest rate in out eventually greater difficulty football team." from the armed forces when he history. approximately 1.7 per cent and expense." Here today, gone tomorrow, as told them his pa r en t s were a year. The rate was 1.2 per cent Hertzler warns that nature only four years ago. Prior to World the old saying goes. "A few hours married. will intervene "In a character- War II, it neter exceeded 1 per after he was initiated into Phi Pam's advice? "Many young istically ruthless manner" to Delta Theta. Ed Filiatrault lost his cent. halt population growth through men attempt to enlist under false most pin." reported the Dakota Student The rapid increases are famine, disease or other rotas- pretenses. You should tell them The society editor went on to say, taking place in underlies eloped trophies unless human beings a reas ss h ids are least able to "It can now be seen next to the: the truth. They won't hold it act soon to "bring about some additional Delta Zeta pin of Penny Smeby." I against you." teed months. Latin limitation" of their own fertility. America leads the world with an annual population growth of 4.4 To those who hold that contra- per cent. Africa and Southwe4 ception is immoral, Hertzler re- Asia are Cillse behind with 4 plies that over populated countries, per rent, according to the threatened with starvation, always Don't throw survey. resort to some form Of birth con- Both the United States and BIS- trol. If it isn't contraception, he your money sis are growing at a rate of 1.7 says, it will be such "frightful per cent- the world average. acts of desperation" as abortion. The unprecedented speed with sterilization and deliberate killing away when which the human race is multiply- of neo, born babies. you rent a Student typewriter! Charges Intited The coupon below will enable you "I looked at all the angles" 74 SOUTH FIRST to STREET The HOUSE of UNUSt'AL, Howard R. Winter, B.B.A., Texas Southwestern Bell's Commercial De- Choose your A. & M., '51, is now a Commercial partment. "It was natural for me," he favorite brand ''II. ir iis Manager with Southwestern Bell Tele- says,"! have a business background, phone Company in Houston, Texas. I like to sell and make contacts. \ He's in charge of 30,000 telephone "My training gave me a really solid accounts and a staff of 36 people. foundation in the business. Two years Howard's interest in a telephone in the Army interrupted it, by the way, career elates from his first interview but the two years were credited to my with a telephone company representa- telephone company records and count tive. "I looked at all the angles," he 1:litek Suede toward an benefits. After Fel returned OWN ANY TYPEWRITER says. "We discussed pay and chances and finished my training, I was made or for advancement, which looked excel- a business office supervisor. And since ,,barro Pig lent because of the rapid growth of February, 1956, I've been a Com- BUY ON TIME . . . the Bell System. We talked about mercial Manager in Houston. Each many different kinds of work, and FREE OF INTEREST assignment I've had has been a real about what would be expected of me." challenge and has presented a tre- 10 TIMES THE FREE SERVICE After receiving his degree in busi- mendous opportunity to contribute to Black, Tan TIME ness administration, Howard joined and advance in the business." tor Oyster .stiede PAY FOR IT ONLY ONCE Be sure to investigate the career opportunities for you EVERY 3 MONTHS in the IT Bell Tetejil panics serving all 48 states. COME IN TODAY TO OBTAIN THE DETAILS ON THE On 'mil. campus the loyal c pony represents the others. ONLY OFFER OF ITS KIND IN CALIFORNIA l'or i informali .... aI I these career opportainitien, read the Dell Telephone I klet oas tile in your I'llice- 7:95 ?Omit Oilier, or %rite for "Challenge anti Opportunity- to: SELL Shoe r for anytijne. any place . . MODERN OFFICE MACHINES CO. College Employment Supervisor, American Telepl TELEPHONE That s the time and place for them, 124 E. SAN FERNANDO (Next door fo Calif. Book Store) flattering, fascinating companions ... and Telegraph Co.. 193 Broadway, New York 7, New York, COMPANIES GYpress 3-5283 on the campus or on the town. -a - /11 MPS....',IN':

_ LULLABY AND GOOD NIGHT W e: igh-ins Tomorrow 1 cpaPtatt crigto - ---4Boxers Tuesday. December 10, 1957 SP Drill ItT sN for Meet San Jose State novice boxers tram entered In the tourney. have begun to taper off In drills (' petition will be held la 11 for the Tint annual Nosier Roving weight di%Ilons. Gold and silver Warn 'int scheduled Thursday. Friday and Saturday nights in medals will be presented to the Uppercuts I Spartan Gym. first and second place finisher, Highlight of the college's respectisely, in each weight di - By RANDIE E. POE ... Sports Editor intra- mural athletic program, the mitt- Weigh -ins for the meet will he feat is under the supervision of For sheer hysteria, VJ Day was a ladies' cupcake party compared held tomorrow froin 9 a.m. to 5 to the 49ers' breathtaking victory over Baltimore Sunday. Spartan boxing coach Julie Men- p.m. in the training room of the Our rocket-moon failures and other world catastrophes were mo- endez. Men's Gymnasium. Coach Menen- mentarily forgotten. San Francisco's NFL gridders had again accom- The tournament is open only to dez yesterday reminded nos ice plished the "impossible." Who could ask for anything more? beginners. Those who have com- boxers to have physical examina- Heart insurence has prerequisite for entrance tions completed by weigh-in time. become almost a peted in any intercollegiate fuming through Kezar's portals. fans now feel their team "Boxers who have not had phy- match are ineligible to participate. is the finest disco,,ery since Jim Beam. sical examinations should make ar- If it was Y. A. (Old Folks) Tittle who brought out the dynamite, Members of the varsity boxing rangetnents with the college health it was young (22) John Brodie who put the match to it. When Brodie tram is Ill be managers of the office," Menendez said. airmailed his perfect I4 -yard pitch to tricky Hugh McElhenny, tension snapped in the jam-packed stadium. Starting toward canvas. Joey Lopes (top left) is ftrnm ii UntiStial double exposure shows Lopes SOMETHING BIG HAD HAPPENED smashed into lullaby-land in the 11th round of his (foreground) flat on his back a se.eond later. The crowd jerked shrieked. Loud recent Chicago fight with lightweight champ Joe Brown won via by International. and whopped, twanged and howling blended with the metallic whining and it was absurdly evi- tith dent that something big, monstrous and important had happened. Miaghtiman Talk about your toast of the cdast! On In the Kezar Mb across from the stadium, empty glasses trig the Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys! "and made 49er music as they sailed through the air. "Tittle for Presi- "Barefoot Boy kith Cheek.") Hoopsters Tackle Rifle Team dent." grunted one fan. "Brodio for Vice-Preaident." "Make that Brodie for President," barked another. Week by week this team has 'Unblushingly snatched victory in DECK THE HALLS Seeks Third the game's dying moments. Many 49er fans are wondering: Is there north wind no end to this formula? The days grow short, the nights grow long, the Oregon Tonight dot h blow, and a light frost appears on the knees of coeds. ELEVEN FROZEN LAMB CHOPS Christmas is ieumen in, and once more our keen young When McElhenny SJS Coach Welt McPherson is still searching. League Win hooked Brodie's pass, the Baltimore defense minds turn to the vexing problem of Christmas gifts. stood amazed, like eleven frozen lamb chops. He's looking for that all-important winning combination. Conse- Let us examine first the most vexing of all gift problems: Although the pass was perfect. Mae the Knife showed the hip What dO you buy for the person who has everything? Well quently, tonight's Spartan line-up at Eugene against Oregon U. will San Jose State rifle team, unde- movements of a new divorcee. He faked Colt buck Milt Davis into sir, when you encounter this dilemma, the hest thing to display an altered look as the local rested in two Santa Clara Valley the center, where a previous flip had failed, then recoiled and skipper attempts to improve upon it by the horns. Ask yourself this question: Does , Rifle League matches, faces Santa cut to the outside. Brodie's pass was on Mac's fingertips when do is seize SJS' current I-1 record. Does he, for example, have a 1 Clara Universit tonight at 7 :90 the latter turned and it's now a three way tie (S.F., Baltimore, he truly have everything? SJS' traveling list includes Gil Egeland, Mery Branstrom, 'y Eddie ' at the Spartan Stadium range. Detroit) for the Western Division title. birthmark? A Mach number? A net? An I-beam? Dies, Don Rye, Arney Lundquist, Ned Fitzgerald, George Wagner, Brodie, who flunked a An S-hook? A 17-bolt? A T-square? A Primus stove? Bob Larson and Jim Embree. The Spartan squad will be seek- course in movie appreciation last semester ing its second consecutive win over at Stanford, was a straight A success Sunday, although he played less (There is, incidentally, quite an interesting little story than 10 minutes in 10 previous games. Primus came to invent t best ove. Before Primus's Larson, who performed well ttuhre Santa Clara team, having about how 'Augustine,Campbell, ned back the Broncos i n an invention, cooking was rather a hazardous occupation. against Cal Friday night, prob- BRODIE CAME IN FROSTY ' earlier meeting. The SJS squad People just built fires any old placethe floor, the closet, ably will move into a starting spot; Coming off the bench frosty, with the pressure throat-deep, John also holds a league win over the the esetitoireand often as not the whole house would go opposi 1,e Egeland at forward. Capture earned his seasonal salary Sunday with 48 seconds remaining on Firsts; San Jose Padres. with the dinner. Primus, a goose Branstrom will handle center, with the clock. up in flames along A victory tonight would enable plucker of Frankfurt-am-Main, kept thinking there must Diaz and Fitzgerald at the out- I The play culminated a 63-yard push which Flaw Tittle shoat a side posts. orton Takes Third the local team to retain first place bullet pass to Mac for 43 yards for the big gainer. Then, a swing be a more efficient way to cook. Finally, in a flash of in- Oregon has a potent bucket- Copping the first three trophies, in league standings. Leading the flip to Joe Perry got a yard, but Tittle heaved one out of the spiration, it came to him: Why not build a device to contain bagger in Charlie Franklin. Coach Yosh Uehida's Spartan Judo San Jose State shooters are Al end zone on the next play when he could not spot ex-SJSer Billy the fire and keep it from spreading? Even though the defense was squad dominated action at Castle Truslow, Tom Robinson, Jess Ken- Wilson. well set for him, Franklin frisked Air Force Base Sunday as it com- nedy, Rudy Cordova and Jerry Old Folks pulled a leg muscle on the following play and the crowd away for his drive-ins and jump peted against teams from North- Russell. moaned when he waddled slowly off the field, seemingly taking 49er shots and posted a 16.6 points-per- ern and Central california. Other members of the team hopes with him. game average for last year's weak Third-degree black belts Mel are Lit:Inc Vidak, C. K. John- Spurting in from the sidelines came Brodie . . . and the rest is Duck team. Augustine and Ben Campbell tied son, Warren Lennerta and Gary now property of the record books. He tallied a record 36 -points for the first place honors, but Connor. Team coach M. Sgt. TITLE NOT GIFT-WRAPPED against Washington State and de- drew straws for the trophies with Lawrence Cunningham of the The 49ers realize the title Is not yet gift-wrapped and ready for spite his 6-3 stature, took down Augustine taking, the first place college ROTC detachment ret mailing. Green Bay might he painfully surprising this Sunday. 14 rebounds. cup. First degree black belt Jack ports that there are still vacant In Babe Parini and Hart Starr, the Packers have two compe- FROSH ACES HELP Norton took the third place tro- positions on the team and inter- tent passers. Howie Ferguson and Max McGhee provide Helping Coach Steve Belko im- phy. ested persons should contact him. steady running punch. prove upon last season's 4-21 rec- Jim Baker, second degree brown After tonight's meeting, the rifle misliekk. irlia6 oe fi9lief:. A Packer upset would not be outside ord is a fancy array of shooters belt, took a third place in the team returns to action Thursday the realm of possibility. McElhenny grabbed off eight passes tip from the tinlIgaten 1956-57 Ore- brown belt division for SJS's only afternoon, facing the University of for 165 yards and Wilson fingered six for 77. Their ability to (Well sir, he built precisely such a device end named it gon f rosh club. placing in this group. San Francisco at the National maneuver into the open was one of the big building blocks in Sunday's after his beloved wife Stove. Primus's first Stove, it must Rebounding demon Eli Morgan Next on tap for the Spartan Guard Range on West Rosa St. triumph. Also, the 49er defensive be confessed, was less than a triumph; his mistake was in (6-6) probably will start at one judoists will be the SJS spon- wall was intriguingly effective. Alan (the Horse I Ameche got just 18 rushing yards in eight building it out of paper. The next Stove, built of wood, forward with Franklin, with 6-6 sored AAU Novice Tournament carries. Ed Henke. PATRONIZE YOUR Leo Nomellini, Bill Herchman, Mary he made one out of metal Hal 'Duffy at center. Guard on Jan. II in the Spartan Gym. Matuszak and Matt Hazeltine fared hardly better. Not until ADVERTISERS rode him into the dirt on almost each attempt. could the Stove really be called a sueeeRs, posits will he handled hr 3-10 Following this. Coach Uehitla's So, it's the Packers this week ... and fate only knows what's next. Wimp Hastings and 0-I Chuck team will journey to Oakland to (But even then the Stove was not entirely satisfactory. Rack. compete in the PAVE* Junior The trouble was that the Stove filled up with ashes and The Spartans started well Tournament on Jan. 26, became useless after a few weeks. It remained for Primus's against eal but a stick-tight press In SJS' judo circles, the highest SANTA'S ARRIVED AT son Frederick to conquer that problem. He invented a demoralized SJS in the game's possible ranking is third-degree mechanism to remove ashes front the bottom of the Stove middle stages. McPherson hopes black hell, followed by second and and was thenceforth known to posterity as Frederick the his lads have irmied out the rough first degree. Next follows the Grate.) spots and now will be ready for a brown belt division; first, second mosher s But I digress. We were discussing Christma.s gifts. This flawless effort against the favor- and third, followed by the white OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS every year, a popular gift is the smoking jacket. ed Ducks. belt (novice). year, as LAY-AWAYS INVITED And what do the smoking jackets smoke? Why, Marlboro, of courseevery man jacket of them. And why wouldn't BROWSING ENCOURAGED they smoke Marlboros? Why wouldn't anybody with a MAPLES COFFEE SHOP A few of the many gift selections: taste bud in his head? You get such a lot to like in a Marl- 17 E. SANTA CLARA STREET borofilter ... flavor ...flip-top box. Here is no filter to hollow the cheeks and bug the eye- Car Coats from 19.95 Club Breakfast from 30c balls; here is a filter that draws nice and easy. Here is no Ski Sweaters from 12.95 flavor to pale and pall; here is a flavor ever fresh, ever Complete Luncheon 75c Stretch belts 2.50 zestful. Here is no flimsy pack to crumble and shred its Dinners 95c and up Cotton Sox 1.00-1.25 precious cargo; here is a sturdy box that keeps each ciga- Cashrnerized cotton ret te plump and pristine. Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week Dark, subtle colors from 4.95 Speaking of smoking, the year's most unusual gift item Sport Shirts from 4.95 lighter that never needs refilling. BANQUET ROOM AVAILABLE long and short 'leaves is a brand-new cigarette You are saying you have heard such claims Dress Shirts 5.00-5.95 You are scoffing. Button-down Englitly tab before. But it's true, I promise you. This new lighter never, never needs refilling! The fuel supply la.sts forever. All Your Ivy-League Gifts From Of mune, there are certain disadvantages. For one Your Campus Store thing, the lighter is rather bulky-170 feet long and three §e'sfloo stoirr stories high. But look on the bright side: As the fuel runs out, you can rent rooms in it. e Maa STUDIO MAYFAIR moler's for men GOOd to Ore. groat to receive, ef Christmas or any other time 2 BIG ONES! la a carton of litter -tip Ifarthoroa, Whose makers take pleasure "PAL JOEY." 121 SOUTH FOURTH STREET (Down the Alley) in bringino you this column throughout the school year. plus "Joker Is Wild" "TORERO" Starring Frank Sinalra Awsrd winner of Venice Film Festival. "Operation Madball" MONEY ON YOUR HOLIDAY TRIPS Also Bullfighting &terms SAVE TIME AND STOCKTON 335 Round Trip College man's MOD6STO 78 Round Trip MONTEREY 3 47 Round Trip 111Rth,_ 4.41 Round Trip ZAIG2ATOE- SPARTAN best friend /BO SANTA ROSA . ,..111111.01811.61.6. till."..- UNION T-Irt tc 41111101111111111.1111110. All proc pt.. tax "Operation Modball" ..ewrareami, "Reach For The Sky" Jack Lernn.on (other, Grant GREYHOUND' Knnetti Moore THERE'S A GREYHOUND AGENT NEAR YOU( TI,. Story of Douglas Bader "Restless Broted" Scott Brady Anne Bancroft "Sweet Smell of Success" Burt Lan castor Tony Curtis v©wIk'IIr EL RANCHO "OMAR KHAYYAM" v. - JO e. 0 ..Co.r.rts1 Wilde Debra Paglit "RIVIERA" "3 FACES OF EVE" David Wayn Joanne Woodward "MADAM GOBETTE" "JAMES DEAN STORY" It's such a comfort to take the bus...and leave the driving to us! 11-ElFARTAN DAILY l'oesday. December 10 1o!s7 Technologists Space Pilot Float Trophies Music Students To Present Med. ROCKET PILOT To Lecture May Be Collected To View Pictures All float winners, oho lime Vocal, Instrumental Recital not )et receked their trophies. Department will Plants in Park should contact Karen Brooks. The Music pre- both vocal and instrumental selec- Of recital by advanced Wednesday Homecoming float trophy chair- sent a stu- tions. Dr. J. Gordon Lulu .i.sociate dents tonight at 8:15 in the Con- Students performing will 1st: Holder of the world altitude man. Mhos Brooks has stated professor of entom)log. will show cert Hall. James Cur II s, piano; Leonard record, Capt. men C. Kincheloe. that the trophies may he picked Glacier Na- Duarte, trombone; Gerald Manes, color slicks taken in USAF, will lecture on -High Speed up between 12:30 p.m. and I p.m. A distinguished Program of rep- baritone: Sandra Campbell. piano: tional Park to members of Sigma and Altitude Flight Problems" in at the Gamma Phi Beta sororit) resentative music by baroque, Edwin Kindred. baritone; Patrick Tau, society of medical tech- Concert Hall of the Music Build- house. ' classical, romantic and contem- Mu McFarland, oboe. Room ing at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 0- porary composers will include nologists. tonight ut 7 in Mary Anne Hunter. soprano; I I. S307. Geraldine Stasko, clarinet: John The Air Force h a s assigned Gomez, tenor; Carol Cox, violin; coer thy ecology, Capt. Kincheloe to pilot the North The slides will Louise soprano: Gary American X-15. a "space -vehicle" Haydock, of the region. Beswick. v loll n; and William expected to reach the orbit altitude Ghent, tenor. A short business meeting, a dis- of Sputnik I this spring, accord- Helga Hinman, a n d Raehael cussion of the program for next ing to Art Moss. program eetings chair- Perez will provide piano accomp- and refreshments also man of the Institute of Aeronau- Amateur Radio Club. Thursday. Model Airplane Club, formation semester animent for the singers. on the agenda for the evellIftg. tical Sciences and Alpha Eta Rho, 2 p.m.. Student Union. of new club, tomorrow, 12:30 p.m., are co-sponsors of the lecture. AWS, cabinet meeting, today, 4 Aeronautics Lab. All interested in The X-15 will be rocket powered, p.m., Room 4, Women's Gym. building model aircraft are in. SAHARA Moss stated, noting that it should AWS, meeting, tomorrow, 4:30 sited to attend. 0.1. Club To Hear reach an altitude of approximately p.m., Engineering Lecture Hall. Newman Club, Christmas Party, OIL CO. 100 miles. while traveling at 5000 Bible Study, Book of Ephesians. tomorrow, 8 p.m., Newman Hall. Regular 30.9 mph, which is 2'2 times faster today, 12:30 p.m., Student Chris- Admission price, 50 cents; will be School Therapists Ethel 33.9 than a n y piloted airplane has tian Center. refunded to members. Mrs. Pat Butler, O.T.R., an (1 SECOND & WILLIAMS traveled. The X-15 is scheduled to Christina &low* Organization. Occupational Therapy Club, Miss Bonnie Hearn, R.P.T.. from be air-launched from a B-52, jet lecture, John D. Pickett, CS of speakers from Chandler Tripp the Chandler Trip School for Cere- Coffee Date? bodther, at approximately 50,000 Chicago, tonight, 8, College Chapel. School for Cerebral Palsy will bral Palsy, will be guest speakers apt. ken t . Kincheloe. usAr, has !wen assigned to pilot the feet. All welcome. speak on the relation between oc- at tomorrow's meeting of the Oc- oorld altitude record. 5-13. rocket research aircraft. DIERKS DONUTS holder of Also a double-jet -ace, Capt. Engineering Open House, elec- cupational therapy and physical cupational Theapy Club in the He Will lecture on campus at Student Union, deseribieg the 14.- 7:13 p.m. Wednesday. Dee. II Kincheloe set the world altitude tronics option, Thursday, 12:3(1 therapy, tomorrow. 7:30 p.m. 6 A M In II PM in Concert Hall of the Music record of 126,000 feet in the Bell p.m. Room 103. Phi Upsilon lationship between occupational TOWING SERVICE Omicron, work on 1 24 HOUR Building. X-2, a research rocket airplane. Industrial therapy and physical therapy. 370 AUZERAIS STREET COMPLETE AUTO PAINTING Arts Club, business Christmas project. tonight, 7:30, The X-2 was launched from a B-50 meeting, 7 p.m., film, 7:30 p.m.. 1114. Members present also will work Jerry's Body Shop Meeting To Be Held bomber at about 30,000 feet. tomorrow, Room 55. "Auto- Senior Panhellenic, meeting ,to- on the Clearwater Ranch preiject. CYpress 7-7297 Currently working as an ex- mation," Dr. Edward P. Shaw. morrow, 7 p.m., HE44. All physical and occupational PIZZA GARDENS 1617 POMONA AVENUE By Radio-TV Group perimental test pilot at Edwards Industrial Relations Club, team Sigma Mu Tau, Gordon Edwards therapy majors are invited, ac- We Cater to Parties The Radio-TV Guild will hold an Air Force, Capt. Kincheloe has of negotiators fron) Northern Cali- will show slides on the ecology of cording to Lee Sievert, publicity Finest Pin a in the World portant meeting tomorrow at completed 101 combat missions fornia Assn. of Employers will Glacier National Park, tonight, 7. chairman. 1347 HOME ROAD .10 p.m. in SD 117. and was America's 10th jet ace discuss ways to avoid labor prob- Room 307, 9753 Spartan Interests Copies of the revised constitu- CY 2 in Korea. His medals and ribbons lems, tonight, 7, Pee-Wee's Bar- Spartan Shields, meeting, to- Are Our .n and newly established KOED include the Silver Star. Disting- beque. 1281 Grant St.. Santa Clara. night. 7. Room 216. Rev. Arthur To Speak .iicy book will be distributed. Interests uished Flying Cross with two Oak International Relations, speak- Spartan Spear s, meeting, to- alio and television activities for On 'Modern Women' HUSTON HOBBY SHOP Leaf Clusters and four Air Medals. er. Mrs. Winters, on History of night, 7, B23. coming semester will be dis- Women Displaced Persons 293 S FIRST ST. Capt. Kincheloe's lecture was Cuba, tonight, 7:30, CBI64. Student Christian Center, cof- "Are and acting committees set .in Modern Society?" arranged by Alpha Eta Rho, cam- Kappa Phi, Christmas fee-coke Bull Session, today, 3:30 program. This question will be discussed pus flying fraternity, and the In- tonight, 7, Social p.m.. Student Christian Center. Hall, First at today's coffee-coke bull session stitute of Aeronautical Sciences, Methodist Church. Discussion, "Are Women Dis- CAR WASH in behalf in the Student Christian Center Meditation Services of the Aeronautics De- Kappa Phi, required pledge placed Persons in Modern So- $1.00 WITH COUPON at 3:30 p.m., according to the Rev. partment. Moss pointed out, how- meeting, tonight, 7. Wesley Hall, ciety?" Regular Price 11.25 Scheduled Tomorrow John Arthur, campus pastor. ever, that the lecture will be open First Methodist Church. The Huddle, meeting tonight, 7. 2 MINUTE CAR WASH Sc ;Cc, Will The discussion 1i./111.14; meditation to the public. 22 S. 11th St. on the woman's 225 N. MARKET ST. Major Club, meeting, today, 3:30 place in society will held tomorrow at the Student Tr! Sigma, Mrs. Ruth Kaiser. be led by p.m., W.A.A. Lounge. Dr. Harold Hodges, assistant _ Christian Center at 8 a.m., ac- executive secretary of the Cali- pro- IAC Meet To Feature Men's PE Dept. films of out-of- fessor of sociology. cording to the Rev. V. Donald Em- fornia Conference of Social Work- Janko's !mei director of the center, , Film on Automation . town football games, today, 12:30 to 1.30 p.m., Room 118. Engineer- ers, will speak on functions and 1 The services will consist of An award winning film, "Report objectives of the conference, to- music, prayer and scripture and ing Building. Faculty and staff Head Chef Owners * Ti)ofTgrati from American -Automation," will members only. morrow, 7 p.m.. CB160. Lou Len & Pee Wes SANDWICHES will be conducted by the Rev. be shown at the Industrial Arts WAA, , today, 3:30 to Longest in Town Emmel. They are scheduled to Club meeting, Wednesday at 7:30 5 p.m., Women's Gym. Pee Wee's Pizza minutes and are open HAM BEEF TURKEY last for 15 in Room 55 of the Education Build- 4 Gain Membership WAA, , today. 3:30 As in the past our Studio to all students. k 945 THE ALAMEDA CORNED BEEF ing. In 'Key' Fraternity p.m., Women's Gym. Christmas Cards are be- 50o Dr. Edward Shaw, professor of VARIETY OF PIZZAS yond this world?? Tom Burns, Cold Crisp Salads Tri Sigma Meeting business, will speak. following the Bill Douglas, Bob TABLE SERVICE Don't wait too long and Foy and Tedd Wallace were initi- ADS Plans Wednesday ' Imitated but never Duplicated" Mrs. Ruth Kaiser, executive film. on "Implications of Auto- be sorry. "Backroom" Available ated into OPEN: S p.m. to 2- Fr;. & Sat. secretary of the California Con- mation for Labor." Blue Key. national honor- biscussion of 'X-101 For Private Parties ary fraternity, at 6 p.m. to 12 -Son. The Bela Kappa ference of Social Workers, will A business meeting will begin a breakfast An important business meeting 19 N. Market St.. CY 3-1695 meeting Sunday morning. 5 par. t :30 - M, The Store with :peak on the functions and ob- at 7 p.m of Alpha Delta Sigma, national a College Education.' The group plans to assist the . ctives of the Conference at this professional advertising fraternity. CY 7-5900 277 E. San Fernando .,,iek's meeting of Tri Sigma administration with high school will discuss its Project X-10 Wed- Home Economics Club visitations. The program - wird organization. The meeting centered nesday, according to Jerry Hum - around material discussed at the - scheduled to begin at 7 o'clock Slates rule Program pal, publicity chairman. recent Blue Key Regional Con- Humpal urges all members to --dnesday evening in CB160, ac- Three special Christmas features vention in Fresno. Six members of attend the meeting, BURGER HOUSE ,rding to Ron Outland, club presi- will be on the program of Eta Ep- scheduled for the SJS 'chapter flew to the con- J101 at 3:30 p.m. He also invites UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT silon, home economics social club, vention in the Flying 20's newly everyone interested Open 6 AM. to 7.30 P.M. tomorrow evening at 7:30 in 1-114. in helping acquired airplane. ADS with its fund-raisin,: plan Alida van Groningen will speak We specialize in HAMBURGERS and HOMEMADE PIES PICK !about Christmas in Holland, her 'tome country, and Monica Ein- UP Remember . . . All orders over $1.50 delivered free offer 5:30 p.m. -lein will tell t he group about - f KERRED98us1nEssDENIMS 96F win imicinoo (4.2.750 and Jewish festivals. LARK'S Ninth and Santa Clara Mrs. Paul Griegs will follow Where thr Hot Dog is King RENT A TYPEWRITER with a demonstration on candle SPECIAL STUbENT CYpress 7-9787 181 E. SANTA CLARA making. 1 RATE, 3 MONTHS V L. 1

1.9 Sur> plc opi3cTIOrig PREMIRTS

CY 3-8668

Guys end 1.),..;4 'see a suit or dress cleaned er MY SHIP SAILS nomad for a special date? To.., ADAPTED FROM THE AT DAWN I ,fieruily staff will help you out w cur cleaning and laundry days. BEST-SELLING NOVEL ,iothes are our business. MONEY SHORT 15% Discount on Cash seJ C.. "THE MAN IN THE GRAY TROY FLANNEL BURNOOSE Laundry & Cleaners - 722 Almaden, San Jose CLASSIFIEDS

'32 Mercury. Monterey 4 -door, FOR RENT Ill-I, W. W. Must sell, $695, best offer. 126 S. 9th. ('Y 4-9633. Ghia - Km. & Board - %swing AH, RAE! AIERCI ! AND Sem. Merton Manor 43 S :,th '51 Ches.. Convert. Like new, HERE COMES INSPECTEUR St. CY 7-9963 2243 Hicks, AN 9-5241. HERE'S YOUR - - - - LES DEUX -TETES NOW., Students! Brand new deluxe fur- W I NTED PASSPORT.PARBLEU nished apartment with kitchen WINSTON - WINSTON AMERICA'S now rent ng. 93 West Reed. Call , Wanted -Typing of all kindk BEST-5E11W', CY 2-5449. reasonable rates. 487 N. :id CV TASTES GOOW BEST-TASTING 12-0772. FOR SALE FILTER CIGARETTE - - - ! 47 Z! -foot house trailer. Excellent WANTED: LOWELL TOT’S cord Call CY 2-20.29. I FOR .11:NIOR CLASS PRES. I Man to share 2-hedrm. opt. 483 So. 20th. $25. CY 3-0141. I ORGANIZATIONS OR, - CALM INTERESTED IN MVO- 3-bedroom apt- near I' 'e ('Al. ENTERTAINMENT. ('ALL, available Dec. 20. Men only. CY et. 7.78.14. 4-7803. I Garage space wanted for next For Kale by Owner: Boarding semester in vicinity of Sigma House space for ten occupants up- Kappa on 11th St. CY 7-9980. stairs, ample parking Large lot. - - - - Close to college. CV ',01616 after 'Rodent needs text, LIndgren's Ed. 5 P.M. and weekends. in Clam. CY 2-2346. _ Psych. - - -- a. J. IMINOLDI rol.CCII co (Male) For Sale: Roby Dowlits Sailplane. Wanted: Kr, Acct. Major MIPIST0/1SALIN.N.C. trailer, Parachute, tow win' and to tutor 1 hr. 4 days. a vieek. CY 2. REMEMBER-WINSTON COMES / B0771 PA Or A NO CRUSH-PROOF MAI IMP+ instruments. $500. 370 S. 6th St. 7773 after 6 P.M. or between 7 Apt. 7. & 8 A M.